I Turned This Entire Game Into a Glitchy Pain Paradise - The Coin Game

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hey there it's Josh welcome back to Let's game it out we're checking out the coin game today a game that's all about recreating that nostalgic feel from the 80s and 90s where you could go to your local mall and go to the arcade have some fun win some tickets get some prizes yeah get in there oh and also this video is sponsored by Watcher of Realms but I'll talk about that in a little bit I like by the way that we have three different modes here we've got birthday mode which features unlimited play at this arcade no health no curfews no parents to worry about and we've also got quick play which pretty much just gives you access to the individual arcade games if that's all you want to play and then it just drops you in this Holodeck like hellscape where we can play to our hearts content Yeehaw oh I don't understand how I missed that one but of course the thing we're interested in is survival you know in our relaxing game about just playing arcades casually it wouldn't be the same if we didn't have to worry about health and energy working odd jobs haunting your prizes shoveling junk food a nightly curfew how many days can you last sounds relaxing count me in on here we are waking from our drunken stupor is this my room my God this is really nice I mean look at this under the bed storage a seating area for reading or crying and we have our own claw machine oh I get it we're not just into arcades we're really really into arcades okay well great how do I play this oh it looks like that's it the thing that says insert card you mean this card the one I'm just holding in my hands looks like we've got one thing on the agenda for our lives and it's playing arcades okay let's give this thing a shot in you go and here in our bedroom we have the finest prizes like this empty can ready to be recycled oh you little bastard wait why am I wasting my time doing this this is our unit at home which means we can just open the door right here much better now I can just pick these things up and take them out myself no need for you claw well I might as well not let this go to waste let's at least put it in our inventory same for all this stuff I'm gonna siphon you into my inventory I don't know what I'm gonna do with a bunch of garbage but it's never stopped us before anyway let's head downstairs and uh hello can I help you okay well this is already looking promising all right let's follow it and oh what's that is that my watch is that your watch no it's Watcher of Realms let me ask you something do you like fantasy what about high stakes battles with razor sharp Graphics what about a bunch of rich and diverse strategy gameplay including one of my personal favorites Tower Defense well then buckle up because Watcher of Realms is coming in hot free to play for Android and iOS this is a game where you're gonna spend a lot of time delving into deeply strategic gameplay that's easy to pick up but will take a little longer to master and that's okay because you're looking at tons of fun along the way as you amass an army of unique Heroes as you roam all over the world seeking new challenges new stages new commanders new rewards new everything and you get to do all this surrounded by Lush graphics and beautiful set pieces and I don't know about you but I have a multi-decade love for Tower Defense stuff and there's plenty of that here to go around not just Tower Defense by the way there's also tons of real-time battling too you and you're gonna need that when you're plowing through tons of bad guys as well as bulking up your Heroes and collecting the best gear oh and here's the big news the game is Just launching like right now and to celebrate this huge launch Watcher of Realms is featuring two top influencers to go head to head and you can choose a team to support and participate in the competition for a chance to win incredible real life stuff like iPhones and switches so if this sounds good to you and you're ready to watch some realms for yourself check out the link in the description or scan this QR code and get playing for free today and thanks again to Watcher of realms for sponsoring okay let's head on downstairs and get the day started surely Nothing's Gonna Be weirder than that duck right well the plot thickens is this my mom mom Droid am I in hell was I abducted by aliens what the hell is happening here wait am I a robot too no I'm a good old-fashioned human it looks like well either way I see left click for grab and what can we do with that oh good we can just drag this nesting doll on Wheels around well they don't seem too upset by it this does make me ask some many questions though why do we have chairs how do you reach that pot up there what do you do all day did you used to have arms oh God I can't take it I gotta calm down with some stuff in the fridge ah good old-fashioned soda show that having a couple of these will calm the nerves or give me energy and hurt me I better drink the entire six pack right now okay let me make sure I understand this clearly we're now at about 50 Health but our energy is looking pretty good and also what is this thing with a gun oh is this do I I have a gun hey Grandma look out oh it's a rubber band gun well now I don't feel bad at all well whatever let's finish ransacking our place let's see if we can warm up one of these TV dinners into the microwave you oh right I forgot to open the door and you go let's see if we can use this to get our health back up so my understanding is we have a couple of goals here one play Arcade games and make enough money to keep playing arcade games two don't run out of hell three don't run out of energy four don't be late for your curfew I believe if we don't make curfew this incredibly able-bodied robot punishes us although I'm not sure how because I can just grab them and drag them around so I guess we just have like a gentleman's agreement about it anyway time to eat this delicious looking meal delicious tray and everything whatever let's get out of here behold the wild world of smoggy Suburbia ah what a lovely place again I just want to point out how into arcades we are well with this custom plaque we have not to mention one of these drink dispensers as well as these that are clearly just for show you'd have to go outside for this oh no thank you and this looks to be a map of the entire town let's see that's us and there's one of the arcades and before we get into the mix of this stuff I'm just kind of curious what happens when we try to leave so let's just grab our trusty bike here and off we go all right now we're cruising let's see what's coming up I'm assuming the game isn't gonna let us leave wait for it let's see what we have oh just as we thought ow oh yes I see more honest to God human beings letting me know that I shouldn't go over here because there's some kind of tanker accident that involves the National Guard or is there or from over here can I just go anyway damn you guys and your magical powers and invisible walls you leave me no choice but to try to swim our way down ow okay and you know I'm starting to doubt whether we're human or not because it turns out not only can we not swim we just hang out at the bottom of the ocean as you do oh and also the invisible wall was still down here whatever this is a good death whoops I guess that was a bad move anyway let's go check out the local Town it kind of looks like we live in like a nature preserve and I'm just oh so confused that we have like cars and stuff but I'm pretty sure all the people are these things and I also couldn't help but notice that it's incredibly sunny outside for being 12 42 a.m now Josh don't forget to look both ways before you cross the street you wouldn't want to cross until there's a car directly coming so that we can test if there's damage or not oh there is oh oh and oh well thanks for the ride oh God why am I so injured now and why are you all such a nightmare excuse me what did you just say to me I will not sit here and be treated this way looks like you need to learn some manners we're gonna drag you right in front of this car excuse me how dare you bounce away unscathed so I guess you're just gonna keep coming with me and now I'm jumping because I realize that you can jump a lot faster than walk oh my God speaking of jumping I just realized something if we take this guy and we jump on top of them and then we just keep jumping because we're holding on to them we keep pulling them closer to us and we can just keep jumping higher and higher it's a little finicky of course but once you get the hang of it you can just surf this guy anywhere you want and now I have to know how high the game is gonna let us go well our friend disappeared but that doesn't seem to have stopped me from just walking on air and I see that structure over there so I guess we should go take a look and see what it is oh oh where am I oh the game's trying to protect me from myself that's okay there's more where that came from come on Viking friend let's go on a journey losing our footing oh we're okay thank goodness that's okay we can just get going again oh no and this is all your fault if it weren't for you we'd be up on the sky right now with oh is that the previous person I was riding around this could be your fate to you hey get back here hold still we're going for a ride straight up this time okay now we need to confirm if we take these guys too high up and then the game snaps me back to the ground do these guys just end up staying up here oh well they're gone and I appear to be jumping on nothing what happens if I stop jumping I break my legs that's what well I suppose if nothing else it's still a really convenient way to get around oh uh where are we well looks like we've been teleported into one of the building Interiors excellent but it's not completely abandoned for some reason there's a pile of perfectly good snacks here and boy am I famished Down the Hatch you all go okay so let me guess where we are right now based on how everything looks around here I'm gonna say that this is one of the arcades and my reason for saying that of course is I believe this creepy Shadow Heroes where the arcade machines are supposed to be but seeing as how there's nothing else we can really do in here I guess there's no harm in trying the front door right well here I am although I'm not exactly sure where here is I mean we're definitely still standing outside of the arcade although I have the sneaking suspicion we're not supposed to be out here and neither are you weird forklift guy okay so here's what I think is happening I think we're standing on the outside of what is supposed to be just the interior of this arcade but I was on the outside part of the map before then I went through the door and now I'm on the inside but we're on the outside now thus we see this really weird world oh and what do we have here what's with the bat sir are we supposed to do battle because I have other ideas come here how about I use you to just get up on the roof come on come on okay and you can come with me if you want just uh just calm down or disappear entirely it's all the same to me now we have a much better vantage point of what's Happening Here I'm willing to bet all these other random things are the Interiors of all these buildings so the question is what can we do while we're out here besides find these random roof sodas and give them a quick Swig let's see what happens if I just jump off oh it just takes me back here okay also what the heck is this thing wait a minute Lotto scratchers well Count Me In we'll just do this one and then this one oh my God I'm so excited all we have to do is match three and we have oh my God we won forty dollars because we're children that makes us rich and this door doesn't even work anymore so we're gonna have to find another way out it looks like let's see easy go along the side of the building there's another door let's try it out oh thank goodness here we are back in reality at Larry's arcade well I guess since we're here we should check out the machines you know to see if we can make some money off these so this looks like one where we just need to hook onto the thing to hook that thing onto those to get those tickets but for five dollars it seems like a lot well I guess let's play it and see how many tickets it gives us okay so I guess we just move the thing and then we hold down the button and then we select the one we want and this looks like the best price we're gonna go for this one [Music] okay take two give me some tickets please yay we did it and come here you okay that gave us 1 000 tickets which I am now holding oh so proudly okay let's go over to the counter here nice googly eyes oh not enough tickets uncounted tickets must be counted in the ticket eater okay fine okay let's see if I were a ticket eater that's where I would be hello oh yeah there we go right out of my crotch into the machine it's like I'm peeing tickets oh boy we can buy one whole glow stick one stuffed coin a paddle ball and then a bunch of other stuff I can't possibly afford okay so at least we have some kind of ideas what this will get us oh and look another claw machine ball Edition and if that doesn't strike your fancy we've got claw machine Larry's Edition that gives us creepy letters with I think ticket values oh yeah that's exactly what it is so in theory this is a better deal because it's one dollar and if you can get one of these s's it's worth 500. I have an idea I want to try something first off let's use the claw machine to hopefully secure us I don't know just any letter it doesn't really matter to me yeah just get in there dig in deep and grab me something well that's a lot of something all right it didn't all necessarily make it but in the end it worked out okay so now I detach from the machine but the time is still going I have a thought can I take one of these letters and instead of pulling it out can I just bring it yep I can bring it back up into the machine damn it the game's ahead of me on that one we can't interact with anything else besides that one actually wait I have another idea let's bring all of my other pieces in here too so I won four pieces and I'm just dropping them back into the machine when I start up another game oh did you see that everything kind of bounces around well now I'm curious of something now first of all get in there and grab some more yes that seems like a nice batch that I cannot believe is actually being carried over color me completely surprised and look at that more pieces get dropped in now if I take these pieces and put them back in the machine that's right each and every one of these what are you looking at don't watch me play this this is for my eyes only anyway where was I that's right doing another game and watching everything Shake around basically what I'm trying to do is win so many of these little letters that all of my own actual pieces are just everywhere but it's gonna require me to accumulate a lot more of these things so give me a second while I keep playing in this game okay we've got a couple of letters set aside here you might also notice that it says pause at the bottom of the screen and yet here I am playing the game that's because while I was messing around with this I discovered a really nice bug so if you head on over to the local gas station here you can buy a bunch of those Lotto scratchers like the ones we found and I just covered after you're done scratching the thing doesn't matter if you win or lose if you hit Escape after it brings up the menu but then the game automatically brings the scratcher down so you can continue playing the game but the game remains paused and it's really handy because now time has stopped and that also means my health and energy don't go down and we never get closer to curfew ah it feels good to be sort of immortal anyway back to this claw machine as mentioned all of these items don't have physics until you put your card in the slot and I've been winning over all these letters just so I can shove them back into the machine and I do that with enough of them here's what happens when I start the game up ah wasn't that exciting it kind of stirs everything back up now obviously that in and of itself isn't really that useful but I have this feeling that if we shove enough of these in there something magical can happen so let's get to work on shoving all of these back into the machine so now that these are all in here let's give this a shot and see what happens oh yeah that was pretty good and then I think if we kind of just grab our pieces and stir everything around again and then do it again oh yeah oh wow everything kind of moved to the front for some reason the claw machine can't even get on top of them and this is kind of my hope that we get it so full that the pieces have no choice but to just fall out of the hatch yeah kind of like that but we're not done yet we're only halfway full there's still much more time to do more so hold please okay I can't be sure but I feel like we're hitting maximum occupancy and even if I move the little claw thing around I mean it definitely can't do anything here watch let's give it a chance let's push it down again wow game working as intended no question I mean I feel pretty good about this that's all I know wait does this work on everything can I do it on this one too well what are we waiting for or let's find out and it turns out the answer is yes yes you can but it can do something even better than fill this thing to capacity you might notice all the crap on the ground and that's because to clear space I've been taking these little plastic balls and just rolling them out onto the ground otherwise the thing gets too full and if these things can't drop all the way down the Chute it doesn't spawn more of these so I've just been rolling and rolling and so much rolling and now these things are just everywhere and I honestly don't even know how these things got everywhere I certainly didn't push them around they just found their way here naturally and I really don't think there's a limit to how many of these things you can make and really the only thing that's stopping us from testing if there is a limit is that I just don't have the money to keep spawning them but don't worry there's still a lot we can do for example did you know that most of these machines are not actually airtight here let me give you an example this machine has a jackpot of 3 607 tickets and the way we would get that is by landing on that little jackpot spot right there so we could sit here play the game like normal and wait for a chance for one of these balls to Bounce Down and hopefully land on the mega jackpot but more than likely they're not going to they're going to land on one of these outer ones oh boy lucky me 18 tickets so let's see if we can hedge our bets a little bit first we're just gonna take one of these things hold it up in the air and then mash it against the side until it finds a way to get inside of it anime can just force the ball to sit inside each and every one of these holes and so now all we need to do is that a whole bunch more times oh yeah there we go that's more like it everything's all covered up now except for maybe the jackpot spot or it's supposed to be get out of the way that's for the real ball to go okay let's give this a shot and see what happens uh wow that was just a slam dunk right into the pile wasn't it okay here we go trying it again you know I didn't think to take into account that the ball was gonna fly in at Rocket speeds and then promptly gets stuck unable to go anywhere honestly in my mind that's still a win because now nobody can play it and it works on all kinds of stuff too like how many times have you wanted to go up to a Skee-Ball machine and just mess around like this like it's not even making us better at the game or increasing our odds of success it is however making it worse for everybody and that's what I like the most isn't that right yeah get out of here but look over to the side there's usually at least one person watching and then they get terrified when they see me looking at them and they just run off presumably so they can go write an article about the Local Hero that liberated the arcade alright things are sufficiently clogged and that means it's time to play huh success this works with piles of tickets too like I can take these tickets over to the ticket redemption center put it off to the side and then a quick flick and now they're inside this is probably sending a confusing message but whatever not my arcade and it's also not going to stop us from grabbing a bunch of these things and redeeming some tickets how many tickets are all around here by the way who knows who cares I only need some of them to do the thing I want to show you if we were to look at the prizes here there's all kinds of fun random stuff we could get but I'm gonna focus on getting the Salt Rock lamp because there's another thing I want to show you I figured out okay so there it is nobody touched my lamp please and now we're gonna take this thing and we're gonna take it all the way to what the hell is with the weather out here isn't it supposed to be 10 in the morning oh God stopping time has started to unravel the universe good let us continue anyway here's how I get around now I don't take one of these things and use them as a hoverboard like I could because it turns out while you're holding on to one of these guys you're also impervious to damage so why use my stupid legs when I could just have these vehicles push me for me Yeehaw oh wait that's where I want to go hey thanks for the help anyway here we are Barry's Pawn Shop the place that's gonna solve all of our pawn shop needs so let's go inside and check this out ah here we are in the pawn shop that looks surprisingly not like a pawn shop and more like a rundown abandoned post office that's okay the only thing we need to worry about is this the shoot that we throw stuff into to pawn it here let me show you an example if I take these gumballs here pick them up and shove them into the machine it lets us know that we will get 50 cents and when I push this gigantic button we can watch the window come down and all that stuff gets shredded up and then we get our giant coin representing 50 cents what a bargain and now I can't make money just doing it with these things because buying these cost a dollar but we are going to use these things to help us accomplish something even more exciting remember our glorious friend the salt lamp well it turns out this thing gets us twenty dollars and I could just Pawn this one and then head back get more tickets and keep buying more and more of these but that's a lot of work so we have a much better idea instead if we just push the button and shove the lamp in really quick before the door closes and then once it's in there oh my goodness look we got paid out for the twenty dollars plus the 50 cents and yet I'm still holding the lamp what a deal giant probably chocolate coin and sweet sweet Monopoly money and all we have to do is do that over and over such easy cash isn't that right salt lamp it sure is Josh oh my God we can have infinite money together you're right salt lamp we can wait wait wait wait wait wait wait oh welp I didn't hold on tight enough and there goes the lamp the good news is I think we made enough money and then some um money from nothing I love it oh hey and look it's daytime outside again and everything is looking clearly as it should be anyway now that we've got our ill-gotten gains let us go to the next arcade the local shopping mall oh boy I'm so excited thanks random citizen for helping keep my legs from shattering okay in we go oh it's just like the big mall near my house virtually abandoned I do love the little details though like the fact that the jewelry shop is right here on the corner like every Mall I've ever been in not to mention the gigantic Vats of candy oh there it is arcade Castle let's go take a gander well it's a pretty big exciting place all kinds of fun Classics like whatever this thing is not to mention air hockey and this basketball thing but this is the one that's caught my eye because it looks like you can win some prizes and I love anything where it drops out of the shoot and I can probably shove it back in so let's see what we can do first let's try to grab this thing the normal way which is kind of a pain but it doesn't mean I'm not gonna keep trying and one day I might get it finally yes grab it by the neck just like you're supposed to Okay and like everything else another one pops into its place okay now here comes the fun let's bring this one back up here oh my God this newly spawned one has Collision can I just shove it into the shoe come on get in there okay what happens next oh my God oh my God they just keep respawning on their own wait and I can go between both of these machines oh good I don't even need to play the game anymore I can just keep shoving cows down here and new ones spawn in well shiver me timbers aren't I excited wait if I take one of these things and then shove it into this other machine will that work here too oh no and by that I mean oh yes all of these piles of tickets can be for us and these cows are especially great because they're big bulky and you can shove them in other arcades please do not put items into the machines the owner said that's your last warning fat chance just try me you were warned enough times next time you lose your item well thankfully there's more where that came from well I think I know what I'm gonna spend the rest of my time in this mall doing enhancing every arcade experience with a little bit of cow I want to thank Watcher of Realms again for sponsoring this video it just came out and if you want to check it out for yourself there's a linky down in the description so I hope you had fun I know I did and I'll see you next time
Channel: Let's Game It Out
Views: 4,334,065
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: let's game it out, lets game it out, let game it out, let'sgameitout, letsgameitout, letgameitout, game it out, gameitout, lgio, josh let's game it out, let's game it out josh, lgio josh, josh lgio, let's game it out simulator, josh simulator, funny moments, the coin game, coin game, let's game it out arcade, arcade game, arcade simulator, coin game simulator
Id: 6NxW3xSAqUg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 0sec (1320 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 15 2023
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