I Broke This Game So Hard, Its Whole Universe Gave Up - Outpath

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hey there it's Josh welcome back to Let's game it out we're checking out out path today developers thank you for a key this looks to be a game about clicking collecting and it's all very chill it's nice to do something relaxing for a change hey speaking of change you ever think about changing browsers perhaps to Opera GX the browser for gamers and the sponsor of this video let's talk about some neat things Opera GX can do for you all of your Chrome extensions work you can literally just go to the Chrome Web Store and install them like normal so you'll never be without your most necessary extensions and and also it's easy to import settings from other browsers just by going over to this thingy down to this thing clicky click the things you want click import and everything's done and of course there's the mods where you can choose from a huge range of things that will switch up your browser's colors not to mention add live wallpapers as well as sounds while you're typing sounds when you're opening tabs sounds when you're closing tabs all kinds of stuff and you can mix and match anything you want there's even a let's game it out mod and who doesn't want this hey there it's Josh yeah and of course my favorite thing in Opera GX which is the GX Corner which is a great way to keep track of all kinds of gaming news like release dates what's on sale games that are free right now and all kinds of other gaming tidbits that you can customize to view just the way you want to and if you download through my link in the description you'll also get this section that will update every time I put out a new video oh and the browser is free on both PC and mobile so if this sounds good to you head on to down to the linky and get a little Opera GX in your life and thanks again to them for sponsoring but enough talk new game oh the game is hitting me with the hard questions immediately if you don't like clicking things a lot you can enable hold click mode now no thank you I'm ready to click so here we are in the game don't rush me so here we are in the wild world of outpath a game with beautiful bright colors and chunky pixels it's like I'm in a Minecraft YouTuber's thumbnail oh and look at this my favorite word on the screen already break well the game wants us to gather wood and fiber the Cornerstone of every healthy diet so I believe all we have to do is walk up to these trees and hit break there we go and we do a little tree smacking one click one smack wow they weren't kidding that's a lot of clicking or we can go into the options and change click to automatic and now when we walk up to stuff it automatically punches it oh boy what a deal I love having to do even less although I did notice something which is if we compare the speed to how fast automatic goes it looks like if I click fast enough I can do it fast than the automatic one so if I wanted to be a total tryhard I could absolutely take that tree down faster manually and then I got another bright idea why not just use an auto clicker so we're going to set up a script here where it's going to click the mouse every 1 millisecond in theory that means it's trying to click a thousand times every second doesn't mean the game is going to allow that but doesn't mean we can't try Okay so let's see how fast this goes now okay good that worked great look how much faster that is compared to the other two methods and the best part is it's running all the time so as long as looking at stuff that it can punch it's just going to hit stuff at maximum punch ability no manual clicking required which is good cuz it lets us focus on other things like what the heck is this number it appears to correspond with this one in the upper left corner and I don't really know what that number is supposed to mean but it's basically like your currency and it appears you get that from punching pretty much everything so as I run around my little island here we're just amassing more and more points for all the things we're punching actually come to think of it where is here anyway so far it looks like a tiny little island surrounded on all sides by ocean let's get a better look can I jump in the water oh thank goodness I wasn't actually sure so I'm glad that gamble paid off so as we swim farther away it is indeed one little blocky Island wait can we just keep going farther and farther away yes we're about to find out the game does have some survival meters by the way which is to say tiredness and hunger our gu is naturally already starving for some reason which is indicated by our screen getting a little darker and these lovely stomach sounds so hungy too bad we're getting farther away I mean I don't know if anything bad happens when you get that hungry not like we care that island is turning quickly into a distant memory uh-oh what's happening looks like we're falling and falling and it looks like there's other Islands hiding from us down there is this what it's like to be born so be it I'm ready for my next adventure huh oh it put us back at our Island well I guess that'll teach me to try and Escape let's see how do I get back up here now I can't just scale the walls like Spider-Man can I wow we're really athletic let's celebrate by punching more stuff and in fact before we do anything else I'm just going to keep punching stuff until both of our meters have run all the way out just so we can see what it does okay so after doing this for a little while here's my conclusion not a lot happens your guys tummy keeps groaning and you remain all sorts of tired but the meter never goes entirely down it does look like you're basically fatigued though because I notice as I Mill around I'm walking a little bit slower and it's possible I'm hitting things slower but how am I supposed to tell and now we have all kinds of stuff 288 wood a whole bunch of flowers whole lot of this whole bunch of stone you get the idea and we also have our food stuff right over here and here we can eat our delicious oranges that up my food and my tiredness and give me 10% critical chance you mean like a critical hit on these trees works for me and we also have Sumptuous berries or we have this fibers gives you nothing but fills you up I'm sure you can guess which one we're about to eat M so good or if you want to play the game in a much more relaxed setting you can just turn hunger and sleep off entirely don't worry though we can still eat those fibers it's just all for pleasure now anyway let's go check out whatever this thing is now I don't know how I feel about the part where it turns to stare at you but at least we can get a basic understanding of what this means right now this thing is at 0 out of 350 of these things which happen to be these things that I have and after all the resource slapping I've done I have 6032 of them and looking over at this main thing we have the option to expand the biome Don't Mind If I Do Yeehaw okay let's see where is this oh hello new biome let's have some celebratory fibers M okay let's go over here and see what we got so far it looks like we have have a lot of sand wait I stand corrected oh my God is that a turtle oh my goodness it's so adorable don't worry little guy I won't let anything happen to you unless I can click on you can I click on you well hey 52 points is 52 points and some free meat thank you I guess it's all free after they're dead oh my God even worse than that not only can we attack them but we can steal their turtle shell I'll be taking that thank you oh no he's naked now oh he got away consider yourself lucky anyway so here we are on a new island new things to punch like mounds of sand not to mention these fancy floating books tell me more oh you're really going to tell me more I'm glad it's called informative especially since I'm not going to read it and because this game is consistent the way you take in this knowledge is of course you keep smacking the book until the information is now inside you well thank God I'm hungry for knowledge now cuz there's another book what do you got for me wallup reduces objects Health by 8% what do we mean by objects like these things sure sounds good to me also my God why is it nighttime so much in this game I guess I should examine the build menu at this point we've got all kinds of stuff like utilities and production wheat thingamabob a sweaty book Machinery or as I like to call it the settings icon and finally base where we have my favorite new item decorations like a bed which as you can see I haven't unlocked yet but we'll get there soon I'm sure for now we're going to start over here in production where we can make the ever important workbench okay let's see where do we want to put this hey hey you I see you right there ah much better anyway where was I oh right workbench ooh tools now we don't have to use our Fist of Fury anymore now that we can chop things and hack at things and slay things and dig things couldn't be more simple I got to wait 10 seconds I don't know what I'm supposed to do with myself in the meantime and there's no hyper aggressive Turtles for me to defend myself against oh it's done and we'll just craft that and wait the excruciating 10 seconds and rinse and repeat and now we have all kinds of new fun toys let's test out the Flint sword hello cow friends yep works as intended works on trees too I'm assuming the idea is that if you use the proper tool for the proper job for example the axe on this tree it'll chop even faster and yeah that's definitely the case but I'm too lazy to switch back and forth every time I want to chop or dig or whatever until we come up with something better I'll just default to the sword for everything so we can feel big and strong anyway it's time to work on the next thing we're going to build specifically This research table I bet that's where all the fun unlocks are ah yes there we go the whole one thing we can research right now the furnace allows you to smelt ores and Forge other types of objects and then the table bounces with excitement until it explodes forth with knowledge ah here we go it's opened up to more stuff look at that all kinds of Essentials like a sleeping bag and a spinning wheel and an anvil and a mailbox it allows you to read really important letters well we'll see about that in a millennia when you're done researching okay I can't wait that long we're making more tables Ah that's much better it's like crappy Fantasia in here and there we go all the tables have shot me full of knowledge we're going to start with building a sleeping bag because God am I tired of seeing night time I can't put this on the water okay second best then we're going to sleep up here with all the Rocks nighty night oh and it turns out if you don't do anything you just keep sleeping forever oh so peacefully all right I got to hit the giant button that says wake up okay great just me and these cows staring at me okay now I really want to find out about this letter box which means first we need to make a furnace which I'm going to put all crappy just like that okay and what we want is a copper Ingot let's make five of them I guess God it takes 15 seconds for each [Music] one and with our copper ingots finally done it's time at last for the mailbox which I still don't really understand how this is going to work but I'm excited to learn I'm sure it's going to come in real Handy you know on this island in the middle of nowhere I guess we'll just sit here and wait until we get mail even if it takes all night okay there we go in the early Dawn hours we got some mail discreetly delivered by a ghost oh boy I can't wait to read this letter you were an accident wow game why would you say such things to me I'm just kidding that's not what it said it actually said your new life begins here try not to overthink it and everything will go smoother sagely advice I can imagine Gandalf saying either of these and that was all the mail we had really glad we did that well and with that out of the way let's go ahead and do some more building and by that I mean let's build all the stuff we don't already have and everything here is going to take some brick which we can do over here in the furnace which is just Coal Stone and sand thank goodness we have a lot of those and while we wait for this excruciating 20 seconds of brick we'll just collect more resources and whale on the local population oh good I think it's finally done thank you for my 15 bricks time to go build Crazy an anvil there a spinning wheel here an advanced workbench right there out of the way Rock we need to put a magic thingy right there I got to be honest under the Machinery option I'm really curious what this thing is because it says DeForest and then it has two ominous Silhouettes wait figured out what it is it's these two things I haven't researched yet it looks like we've got this red one the Slayer of all things slays nearby creatures and catches bugs of course we're going to research this and the other thingy this yellow one is the breaker breaks nearby resources things are getting good cuz we're seeing a little bit of automation oh and while we're here we'll research this other last thing the cave entrance the entrance to your personal cave where rare minerals and ores appear more frequently oh how excited I am to show the entire world my personal cave and with these things ready to go let's try them out as soon as we make some glass it's always something isn't it it's always 20 seconds isn't it stop right there I found the answer to our problems here in the Anvil we have access to Better Faster tools but more importantly this ring allows you to reduce crafting Time by clicking structures by -5% give me this ring and give me it now I've never been so excited in all my life okay it's done let's try it out hello you I would like to now accelerate crafting by clicking as fast as I can now we're talking Christmas has come early you mean to tell me now anytime I want to build anything like let's say I want 20 copper ingots instead of waiting the whole 15 seconds I can just click to Perfection I can deal with this oh my god it works here too it's so easy to get anything done now and now that we've got these fancy new copper tools we can be bashing and grabbing even faster but I think we have enough so now it's time to slay and break okay so it looks like these things have a radius so we'll just go ahead and put one right over here oh yeah we can already see it doing its thing so efficient and we'll put one here as well as up here not to mention one right next to my bed right next to my face and one here and here and we'll do the same thing for the red ones so that it can dispatch everything that lives yes there we go that's much better what a technological Marvel it's just me and my killing machines now hey you butterfly this is a no fly zone and we'll just let this run all night and then you go around you pick up all your goods and it's like a mystery box of exciting stuff you never know what you're going to pick up and also because you gain points every time you destroy something that keeps happening automatically feels good it's not a perfect system though you still have to pick everything up by hand and I think it despawns over time and also these things won't run forever as you can see they have a limited charge and you have to manually go up and charge them I mean it's not the end of the world it's pretty easy to do not to mention if we go back over here to our inscription table there's a couple of fun things we can craft here mainly this glass orb generates 15 credits every 5 seconds and it just so happens I have all the materials for that now well sign up of course we want more ways to make this go faster there's even a version of this for when you're not playing earn five credits per second while you're offline don't mind if I do okay well now we have to know if I exit out of the game set my PC's clock to 12 hours later than it is and then fire the game back up ah I see we've gained 14,400 credits wonderful probably time to come back to this thing and do some upgrading you only need 800 I feel like I can probably afford that so here you go and it looks like that buys us even more Islands more minerals new skill books and of course I could do all these by hand but I think you know what's going to happen that's right this beautiful Serene Island turns into our technological Paradise yeah do everything for me and let's go over here and unlock another tier and that leads to a New Island where is it oh oh There It Is by this point I'm sure you know the drill find a new book assimilate it into your face find the next book be excited by its Secrets switches to the correct tool automatically I got to see this in action well it's every bit of as exciting as you hope it would be running around hitting different stuff and watching your tool set just automatically switch on its own I mean I'm sure it would be exciting if we still collected things the oldfashioned way nothing makes the nighttime more festive than colors of ketchup and mustard and I guess this is our life now we just come back to this thing feed it in more beautiful resources excitedly go check out the new island smash my face into all this knowledge shover it in these things and collecting oh so many resources before coming back over here and no more upgrades huh well I didn't see that coming luckily we can still upgrade these little guys like this one wants three leather which amazingly we don't have this sounds like a job for the spinning wheel oh yeah there we go feels good to do some manual smacking once in a while okay and now we can give it three leather and it looks like that gives us more credits but more importantly as we fulfill all of these little needs here of which we very easily have all the rest of the supplies except wait do I have 150 wood do I ever here you go have this the column entirely disappears and that's when a new island appears a considerable distance away too well let's swim our way over there we got skill books to collect oh and there's the column thingy now demanding more credits in addition to this it looks like we have all new items like this beetroot not to mention this wheat as well as this exotic Rock how exciting oh and also good news we have more mail let's see what it says Dr Pepper is a d tier soda Gandalf yeah you tell them Gandalf it's such a pain going back and forth such a trial to go from Island to Island but luckily I found a solution for this see over here in the key bindings I noticed one thing in particular that I found interesting and that's unstuck player that's bound currently to the F2 key and here's basically what it does if you hit that button you get shifted forward a little bit now obviously this is supposed to be so if you get stuck the game can force you forward a little bit and help get you out of whatever you're stuck on or we could take that command attach it to another script so that it tries to push F2 every millisecond and here's the results of that oh yeah that was great if we get up somewhere nice and high get a running jump and then turn it on look at that we can just jettison our way over there and look I know that this isn't supposed to be like an actual feature but why not use it when we need it it's so convenient oh actually you know what now I'm super curious to something you remember how when we first started we tried to go out to the edge of the world and then we fell off let's head back out there again cuz I have an idea okay so I think we're kind of a ways out now everything's looking pretty small and as you can see when we fall off the level there's all these other structures that I'm assuming are the things that we can summon later but obviously we can't reach those before we get spawned back into the level but what about if we walk all the way out to the edge wait until we fall off and then hypers speed our way back over to the structures can we make it there's only one way to know for sure oh yep that's an absolute yes yes we can and here we are in our version of The Upside Down sure is noisy down here this is obviously the land that we'll eventually get as soon as we pay for it it's going to fly up into the sky and join that little piece right there and it doesn't really look like there's much we can do down here there's no resources to speak of but did notice something else which is that we can indeed Place stuff down here and so now I'm super curious when we summon this piece of land by paying for it and it flies up there is this going to stay here or go with it well I guess there's only one way to find out isn't there and we'll also check out this thing soon as soon as we test this out first okay here goes nothing well now we know anyway let's head back down here and see what that other structure is it looks like a hashtag or maybe a huh if you're reading this you should know that there is a a prize one that many people have asked me for I don't know why prizes I love prizes but I'm also far more concerned about what this thing is at all it appears to be walls on all sides although there is a little thing we can stand on right here and now we're going to force ourselves through the wall with our hypers speed oh uh where are we exit cave oh you know what I bet this is our personal cave you know the one we never built an entrance for wait what happens if we exit and there's no entrance only one way to find out oh it just places us here in the water in familiar territ and let's see if that really was our personal cave down we go oh yep here we are down here again something I did notice while we're down here is our option to build by pushing Q is actually not allowed if I try to do it it just makes this noise so now I've got a question if we go back to the Overworld speed our way over to the edge head back down to the cavy oldfashioned way forcefully shove yourself through the side well the option is lit up can we build now oh happy day well we got to see what happens now right if we build a cave entrance inside of our personal cave I know I want to know fingers crossed down we go well it just brings you back down and you can just keep doing this over and over and over again I'm glad we've made this for ourselves well I'm just going to leave that right there and we're going back up huh what where am I I'm back in the air quote other cave the one with a lot of water noise and the one where I can build again and it looks like trying to climb out is infinite you just keep appearing in the same cave wait what happens when I build another entrance so that now there's two entrances when I head up this where does it take me somewhere in between got it well I'm glad we've created this weird Paradox and unfortunately the resources are the same like if I broke that copper deposit and then I head back down to the other cave the copper deposit is also gone from here but the good news is up in our buildy cave is we can put our lovely buttons down so that it continues to do all the work for us and that's all we could really ask for right that we were able to build stuff where we're not supposed to and if we ever need to get out of here well we can always take the front door also known as one of these walls and then just fall until we end up back in the real world ah couldn't be more simple and if we ever need to go back down to the Forbidden realm we just climb down one and then climb down again and then climb back up one and here we are again back in Water World where building is always allowed you can actually break the world the opposite direction too if you go back down into the quiet cave and then break out of the level and teleport back to the surface everything's a little bit weird all the sound effects now have an echo like you're still in the cave and all the colors are all sorts of off it's kind of like you're in a Stephen King novel but as far as I can tell everything else is still functional it just looks very very strange and the fun doesn't stop there either if we head back down into the cave we can turn this cave into even more alternate Dimensions here let me show you what I mean so out here on the surface this is the beginning biome and over here on our left is the other biome we're slowly unlocking and they all have different names in everything like this one is called Amber path and if we head back over to the original one it's called grasslands now if we're standing over here in grasslands and then and we hop down into our cave everything is exactly as we left it mailbox and yellow things but if instead of entering the cave here we hop on back over to Amber path find a nice little spot to put down another one of these trap doors and then we head down from here well isn't that something the mailbox is gone the yellow things are gone even the trap doors are gone so what happened you may Wonder well as far as I can tell it's because when you're on one biome everything of course spawns here but it also means that everything else on the other Island stops spawning it just looks Barren like this and likewise if we hop back over to the other biome everything pops back in and this island is empty so I think the game just compartmentalizes what can spawn in when but what that also means is if I head back over here to Amber path and then speed off to the edge of the world and head back down to our personal cave this way it means that I can build other stuff here and have two cave setups which is good cuz there's some new research options that can help us unlock some fun new stuff specifically this quadrant right over here like the mill that allows you to turn some plants into ingredients and that'll go hand in hand with another thing a small crop plot lets you grow plants you can probably see where this is going right let's get these Troublesome minerals out of the way we want this space to be nice and clear for us so that we can lay out our crop plots obviously this is the most premium place to grow plants there we go we did it it looks so even and amazing and to get some seeds we're going to have to make this thing the mill which we've kind of run out of space but hopefully we can put it right yeah that seems good and inside the mill we can make stuff like flour and sugar but of course we're not going to do that we're just going to make seeds Okay and we'll just plant some here and there and here and there we go a nice exciting bunch of seedlings and now for the big question will this actually work you know with this ample supply of sunlight I guess we'll see well I guess there's our answer and wow does it ever grow quickly I've been standing here all of 5 minutes and everything is full bloom now oh and in case you were wondering if we do approach it from the other biome yes indeed none of these plants are here but they are definitely there if we enter from this one my God are they ever here so I guess this is our garden cave oh and you know what else is available to unlock now this thing that's very valuable to us the design investigation table allows you to unlock new decorations and parts of builds I like the sound of that finally the thing we've always been waiting for stuff like floors and walls okay let's see how these work yep just like you think they would you build yourself a foundation and then you can go ahead and build other stuff on top of it on the other hand I noticed that it doesn't like to build foundations unless it's firmly on the ground like this can just put them right on the water though and I'm sure the entire idea is that we can go all the way to the edge of the map with these twoo right I mean I don't know if that's what we're supposed to do but it's definitely what we're going to do after all what's really going to happen oh looks like we found the end cuz it won't let me build any farther yep seems about right and super easy to test if we just step off see confirmed but never fear it turns out there's a way we can get past this limit so as before we can't build out any further than this but if you position things just right you can build the foundations on the foundations like this so now there's a foundation on top of that foundation and if I use my auto clicker and I position myself just right we can start building farther than we're supposed to see look here's where we started and here's the mess I've made so far but luckily I'm getting the hang of this better okay give me a second I'm going to build this out for a bit and we'll see how it goes okay so I've been doing this for quite a while several hours in fact and I think this is probably about as far as we need to go allow me to demonstrate all the way back at the beginning you want to see just how far this goes well I'll show you so after this initial hitch I figured out how to make him a little more streamlined so now it's just like going up steps forever and say goodbye to the island because we're not going to be seeing it for a while here let's turn on hypers speed and save us some time so anyway this keeps going and going and going you can also see the water line getting a little closer to us see look at that the water line seems to be stopping at a point if I stop it for just a second we can see that the water line actually just kind of stops but that's not going to stop us until we finally reached as far as we've built and as I look off at the side and see the moon setting with no Planet underneath us I think we can conclude that there's no limit to this also being out this far has some fun side effects when I move around the UI elements are a little bit um let's say nervous like the further out I was getting the more jittery they were getting like they just don't like being out this far I don't know I kind of like it having everything feel like it's melting but hey while we're up here let's put a nice little viewing space that way we can really enjoy the view you know all the way here at the end of time that said I have another idea for how we can launch ourselves even farther and in less time time too here I'll demonstrate down here what I'm talking about so if you lay down here in bed you only have so many options mostly just watching as time passes You by or you can click the big button that says wake up and when you do that of course your guy stands up but I've learned that while you're sleeping you can activate the player unstuck button and try as you might the game doesn't let you leave the bed and if I turn off my little script here you get rubber banded back but while it's doing this it's actually building up each one of these commands and it's going to execute all these player unstuck commands all at once the moment I hit wake up here let me show you see how that launched me like so far away I can't see anything around me anymore before it brings me back to home base and that was just like 20 seconds of doing that imagine what this would look like if you charge it up for several minutes well I just did that so let's see oh and look since we're launched out so far we're seeing some of that jittery UI stuff again and then it sets us back down so let's see how much speed we can build up if we charge it for a lot longer okay I've let the game sit here constantly trying to shove forward for an hour now I can't even begin to tell you but kind of charge this has now but let's give it a shot and see how far out we go oh my well that sure is something isn't it I think we're out on the farthest edges of time and space call it a hunch but I think things aren't quite normal over here I love watching the UI try to make sense of all of this not to mention the version number in the bottom right corner and as we hear the noises of rain I think we're eventually going to end up right back where we started ah here we are safe and sound well that sure was something I don't know about you but I want to be chasing that high the rest of this game now and yeah we could be doing stuff back at the islands but what the hey we're going to be getting passive income anyway so we can come back to that anytime I want to thank Opera GX again for sponsoring this video check out my linky in the description to download it for yourself so I hope you had fun I know I did and I'll see you next time
Channel: Let's Game It Out
Views: 3,618,732
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: let's game it out, lets game it out, let game it out, let'sgameitout, letsgameitout, letgameitout, game it out, gameitout, lgio, josh let's game it out, let's game it out josh, lgio josh, josh lgio, let's game it out simulator, josh simulator, funny moments, outpath, outpath game, outpath gameplay, i broke this game, satisfactory game, clicker games, forager like
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 14sec (1634 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 03 2023
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