This Is What Happens When You Elect a Psychopath as City Mayor - Cities: Skylines II | Ad

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hey there it's Josh welcome back to Let's game it out we're playing City skylines 2 today compliments of our good buddies over at Paradox for sponsoring this one oh and also the version of the game I have is an early build so there might be some Oddities which is you know really excites me but keep that in mind for some of the weird stuff we may find first things first we gotta pick a starting map and I know that when we're considering these things we should be taking all kinds of stuff into consideration like what's the theme what's the climate what are the outside connections what are all the natural resources or we could go ahead and pick River delta because I've decided right in this moment that would be my spy name and that's good enough for me and now we're gonna go ahead and name our city sadula the magical River Town where you can cry anywhere you want at home in the streets in your shower we mean it cry anywhere and now I have to wonder how much texts we're allowed to put in this box oh wow it's really just gonna let me keep going and and obviously this town is North American and I think we're ready to begin okay here we are in the beautiful starting lands of sadula population zero and it's already raining first thing we need to check is did our name actually take oh yeah it sure did didn't it well that's something I definitely like to see surely this isn't gonna have a single ill side effect and on that note let's go ahead and save our game first thing you never know what's gonna happen in a beta build ah see that's what I'm talking about look at it trying to display our entire city name too bad it runs out of space no problem can I just save it anyway uh I don't think it tooks let's go ahead and delete the whole thing and we'll just call it sagula one okay that didn't do it either luckily we can just go down to the city name and just rename it right here so if we just rename it to sagula and then try to save again ah so that's how it's supposed to look look at that it's supposed to show you your city and have a save button that's what I was missing fair enough we're just gonna call it sagula wait a minute what the forest is already on fire but it's raining how did I get so lucky oh I think I found it it's all the way over here I don't know if I'm gonna care at all about this okay here we are a nice cozy fire that's even more cozy the closer we get well now I'm torn because we have a city to make but we have the fortune of this perfectly good forest fire so let's just see how this goes first I mean so far it's not that big and also our actual city is like way over there somewhere which is to say this is all for pleasure okay come on let's speed this up we don't have all day let's go from this to this to this there we go that's much better fire do your thing Owen what's this more friends in the distance yep that's a fire all right oh no and they're gonna take out these castle ruins wins how unfortunate that would be oh my God and while this one is going and that one is going there's also that one over there and another one it's like this game knows my needs before I do oh and don't look now there's been a traffic accident how is this possible we don't even have a city yet wait this is it this is our accident uh shouldn't be a problem there's a police car arriving soon oh here we go someone's here to help hey citizen kill me whoa whoa don't just cut that guy off and the circle of life continues also All Things Considered I think this fire situation is gonna be okay like yeah there's a lot of indicators and stuff but it seems like for every tree that gets burned down a bunch of them are still surviving unfortunately so we'll just let that burn for now after all we have a town to build you see this border around the whole thing that's technically the limits of our town right now at the moment the most we have is this cute little road coming right into our town and going to nowhere and then meanwhile we have this other cute little road over here coming off of the main Highway and then unloading people over here to more nothing so I guess this is the most logical place to start our city which means we're gonna start right over here okay so first things first we gotta start with some roads after all they are the main city infrastructure so it seems like it makes the most sense that it connects to that thing over there but can we connect it to anything as long as it's in city limits like can we connect it to this thing over here hang on let's find out okay so far it looks like we can put it like right here oh yep that's a big yes because who doesn't want to go from a normal 65 miles an hour on this bridge and then has to suddenly change without warning to a 30 mile an hour Zone yeah you do it the right way USA well actually you know what why only give them one chance let's give them two just one right after the other oh and we can't forget the other side too and by that I mean one of these the most perfect way to not get into an accident thank God there's crosswalks don't forget to yield oh what the hey let's add a couple of more you can never have too many ways to get into a city can you sometimes you have the street you prefer and you just want to take it because after all at the end of the day all of these roads are actually just going to lead to the same one road oh my God just look at this my chest hurts just trying to navigate this at all okay you know what though let's be honest why stop here when we can do something a little more like this okay yeah there we go I mean God help us all if anybody actually wants to Traverse this and who wouldn't look at these beautiful features who hasn't dreamed about their daily commute having all kinds of like stunt person stuff and I have no idea who has the right of way for any of this I guess it doesn't really matter it's all going to lead to the same place which is this little Peak right here there might be a lot of ways to get to this point but only one road is going to take you to the actual City and it's gonna be a one lane one-way Road first we'll put it over here a little bit over here and then maybe a little bit over here I mean yeah we knew this was how it's gonna turn out and now to finally get it to our first Island by connecting it all the way over here good perfect now you probably noticed all these squares and crap basically the game is letting us know that this is where we can place like residential areas or commercial buildings or whatever because you know in stuff like a normal City you would have your roads and your logically placed buildings and all of that stuff or it can turn into a colossal mess just like we like it especially in the case with this which I don't even know if we can put stuff in the water so let's go ahead and go down to our zones here and try if you're new to the city building stuff green is residential blue is commercial yellow is industrial pink is office zones and then we've got stuff for like specialized industry know like livestock for now we're gonna stick with residential zones in this case we're gonna go with nice low density housing which is like single family homes and stuff like that let's see I believe we can just highlight the area we want and select it okay there we go it's not underwater unfortunately but I guess that'll do and before we go too crazy let's take our roads and run it all the way this direction so we have a nice plot of land that it's gonna build on and then we'll just run this right over here which oh dear it doesn't seem to like this very much you can tell by all the red highlighting but I think I have a solution it's called elevating the road a little bit oh slope too Steve okay fine we'll do a reasonable amount so that cars aren't going to start rolling backwards on the incline and it gives us more space to put more residential down look at that there's already houses coming in what lovely beachfront property this is beautiful one-story house for sale complete with Greenhouse satellite dish matching trash cans and the constant threat of fire spreading in the distance anyway while all that's being developed let's head back over here and finish this road if you made it this far into the city you already know what to expect by now and if you didn't well here in the town of sagula our motto is yeah you'll probably get used to it and connect it back to this Main Road there everything's connected don't say I didn't do anything nice for you just to swing the deal we're gonna try to listen to everybody's demands as you can see there's a whole list of different things they could want low medium and high density residential blah blah blah blah and their corresponding colors we already made all these low density houses which as you can see from the bar graph nobody wants but they really want medium and high density housing so we'll sprinkle some of that around as well oh yes progress that's what I like to see and goodness knows once you've got your nice single family home this is what you want to live next door to this level of construction hey what the heck is this icon here water damage this structure has been flooded and is being damaged what are you crying about you're on solid land down there whatever I'm sure it's fine you know it's the darndest thing I make this nice place for people to live and yet nobody wants to move in they just drive right by are they not impressed with our gigantic apartment skyscrapers that's fine I think how to solve this problem let's take a look at our city economy specifically let's take a look at taxation well now here's your problem people don't want to pay taxes and sure we could get pretty granular with this and really assign different taxes to different things but I'm just gonna go for a nice tried and true method it's called lowering taxes not just to zero percent but to negative 10 I assume that means we're paying them to move in there what do we think of this place now oh my God it's finally happening we finally have someone who's willing to Brave this new frontier have fun on those curves oh yeah look at that people are finally moving in and they're so orderly too look at this they wait their turn and never mind they don't need to do anything of the sort you know how it is when you're tired of all this driving on the road stuff and you just need something a little more exciting of course you do who doesn't want a flying minivan truly this neighborhood is too City Too Furious anyway welcome to your brand new home I can't wait to see where they call home oh it must be right here what these buildings under construction oh is it that place over there why'd you park so far away what are you afraid it's haunted oh just a quick reminder this is an early build I've been told this foliage is gonna look a lot better soon on the other hand don't you dare touch this guy's mustache I know a National Treasure when I see one anyway welcome to your new home what do you think and I guess that was enough for him back to the car we go nope I was wrong he just wants to go on a nice leisurely walk wait I was wrong again he's going into that construction site probably to take a dump so while they're doing that let's check out the rest of the neighborhood we've got all kinds of people showing off their parallel parking skills for no reason in their matching smart cars yes we're all very impressed oh and that's not the only place with a bunch of activity as you can see this city is growing larger all the time oh and I've got even better news you hear that noise well don't look now but it looks like the fire has found us yes that's what I like to see I hope you like living next to Nature anyway now that our town is coming together wait a minute are people complaining about my town on social media we could really use better water delivery in this city the sewers in this city could really use an upgrade water and sewers what oh I guess that explains all these icons I forgot that we have to do stuff like sewer and electricity and water sources at all what are you complaining about there's a river right there it doesn't feel safe going out at night with all the hashtag crime outside yeah don't look now this place totally looks super unsafe I would never trust a neighborhood with this many smart cars here's how I feel about you and your crying we're gonna change the name of this street we're gonna change it from Willow Street to cry baby alley yeah now we've done it and now all of the addresses here have changed too how would you like to live at 750 crybaby Ally so I guess the first thing we're gonna start with is electricity we could go with something like wind or we could go with this coal power plant more electricity production in addition to medium ground air and noise pollution low cost but generates lots of pollution that's certainly what I like to hear we're gonna put it right on top of this area here because as we can see it's kind of glowing blue which means there's groundwater deposits there I hope they like being polluted thank you electricity department for tweeting the we have hashtag power I mean in theory nobody has power yet because nothing's hooked up okay first things first this little road icon means that we need a road to this or else people can't go to work so we're going to provide people with the best way I know how to get there a gravel road a narrow and slow speed unpaved Road for vehicles perfect in fact while we're at it let's use the replace option make it just a little harder for this ambulance to navigate oh nice correction and then right into a power slide wait I can't replace this bridge too can I well that's not a gravel road but it was still fun to see what happens wait can I just put an intersection right here on the bridge and just aim it to where it needs to be the answer appears to be yes oh I'm sorry am I not close enough fine here have a little offshoot there we go it's perfect it even has its own street name and lastly it's time to connect some power okay so we'll just go ahead and run this like that and I guess I could do something easy like connect it right here which will send power straight through the street and then I believe in theory means it'll power all these houses so why do that when I can just run these things all over the place like as long as people are getting power does anybody really mind okay that's probably pretty good right just a nice spattering of power cables all over our Fair City now let's move on to water and sewage look at this we have two kinds of pipes we got water pipes and we got sewage pipes we could do them together but that sounds way too convenient so for all these water pipes to actually get water we got to use something like a water pumping station extracts water from a lake or river and that's exciting because that means we're gonna pull all of our water from this River and as you can see by all of these arrows here that's the direction the water is Flowing which doesn't seem like it matters now but it will so we're gonna put one right here right next to the thing that's polluting the groundwater and all we need to do is connect this pipe and drag it all the way over here to an existing pipe and we'll break this Gravel Road off to another gravel road so people can get there too bless you for all having separate names and there we go all that water is Flowing freely now and lastly we're gonna deal with sewage which is going to be handled by this sewage Outlet pumps waste water out into the environment by that I mean we take one of these things and put it along the shoreline it's literally just a pipe it's gonna spew water right into the river so my hope is that when that thing starts spewing sewage it's gonna go Downstream into this thing and send that as drinking water to all those unsuspecting citizens let's see if it works yep and that's how we know we hooked it up right well why stop with one let's go ahead and add as many of these as we can oh yeah there we go that's the magic and some of these aren't spewing garbage yet but that's probably because we don't have that many citizens so we're gonna have to really get our population up from 22 whole people because we need more people to crap more to pollute these Rivers as you can see though it's already starting to have kind of an effect like that I mean that brown spot in the otherwise clear river water so for starters we're gonna build all kinds of random stuff after all what's the point of having a giant complex like this if there's nobody living there so we're gonna try and listen to all the demands they have wow who would have thought that there'd be high demand for commercial industrial and offices it's almost as if people want somewhere to work and not to just Blair Witch staring at their air conditioner all day long also oh my God look at this hulking child don't mess with this kid they'll mess you up oh but where should we put everything I don't know about you but this seems like ideal Farmland I mean it's probably not but that's what we're gonna use it for okay now we just want to establish what is viable Farmland which we're gonna drag to all the corners that we can I don't care how much this extends into the ocean make all this Farmland work for you wonderful one more perfect landmark in our city it's like Godzilla's got a claw that's coming out it became a field see now this is the spirit of farming I like to call this making the most of it I mean they don't seem to be bothered by the swells of the river so why should we and we're gonna use all this amazing space near our entrance to put all of our stuff like supermarkets malls hotels movie theaters we're just gonna shove them in here in the most inconvenient way possible I get the sense that this is going to be where most people from the town will be working and because all these roads are a one-way Street I think that means to get to work people are gonna have to drive all the way through the entire town all the way back over to this space all the way back to the highway and then drive back through all of this crap just to get to their work oh yeah this is really coming together look at this beautiful little city center we've made for ourselves we've even got foot traffic and you know this guy must be pretty die hard because there was no easy way to walk over here from the city or town whatever we're calling this mess and we can't forget about all this usable space over here and we could just put offices or whatever in these spaces but it just feels too clean so I have an idea first let's bulldoze all of these existing roads and before we add any roads of our own let's mess around with this the Landscaping tool specifically this section right here terraforming tools to shape the land okay let's see how does this work oh there you go okay so hold on I've got kind of a plan here and it's not necessarily to make mountains or anything after all we do want to use this space for something and I just take the gravel road and can I just like run this right through the oh it looks like you can because it's all blue oh great it made a tunnel I didn't even know that was an option and now we're going to continue our nice Gravel Road and just kind of circle it around like this and then Circle it around some more looking great okay okay [Music] okay I might have gone a little overboard but if you give me windy roads I'm going to want to do stuff I honestly don't even know how this is gonna work like there's so many places where the roads just kind of intersect there's also surprisingly little signage at these big intersections I mean thank God for letting us know there's no u-turns and I even raised a little more terrain to add some more stuff and while a lot of it is off the ground there are a lot of roads that are actually still gravel like this part right here which means it's all space we can use for putting down different zones of stuff even this right here I hope someone uses this to build their dream house so we'll just go ahead and use this space for filling in random Office Buildings and then we'll mix some housing in there maybe some industrial I mean I'm pretty sure it's not advised to just mix all this stuff together but obviously we don't care I just want to give our town a nice spattering of color okay that should about do it maybe and now we just wait and see how construction does oh and also look we have somebody on the road now we can finally see how this gets handled okay so it looks like you can turn on these which makes this a lot more versatile to you news which I guess is probably a good thing because it means that people can actually get to the freeway faster and then flee from this situation forever or apparently this guy is gonna stop almost get hit by a car and then go right back into town again I get it he just couldn't leave it behind well so far so good I'm genuinely shocked that stuff is getting built here thank God there's a gas station being built right next to this pharmaceutical company all on a gravel road oh yeah and that's the spirit look at this place absolutely horrific death-defying parking spots and also this nightmare of trying to visit any of these storefronts like this amazing bench hey you want to go to this ATM you better really want to slipping and falling might be a problem and some of these places do look surprisingly normal I mean until you zoom out and realize that it's on a Cliffside and if you're an employee remember to always use this door because this one over here might be a problem but thank God there's a security camera that can catch you falling to your death I'm trying to decide if this seems like a fancy desirable neighborhood or not like on one hand it seems nice and sleepy and safe and you do have these luscious backyards but then again your view is also of this Smoke Stack I don't know I guess it's kind of a mixed bag oh this is definitely the smartest household though because they actually built a fence everybody else is just free to fall to their death and this place has Amazing Outdoor Furniture oh you know what there's something else we still need to add and that's a fire department and a police department and I think I know just where to put them all the way over here so take a look at this over here is our Eighth Wonder of the world as you can tell by the borders that's how much land we actually own and can build on but if we leave all that behind and wander all the way out here into these little Islands you can see this other line appears this is the actual border of how far out we can buy land and build on it so if I click on this little icon here it shows us all the available land that we can buy as you can see there's a lot of room to grow and I want to be able to build on this whole quadrant so I'm just gonna buy all this space I'm really glad it gives me all these stats I mean I'm not going to use them but I'm glad they're there okay great time to do some more building oh and look at this we even have the option of having a firefighting helicopter copter Depot houses five helicopters ready to take off at a moment's notice no thanks we're just gonna go with this Firehouse a small station that houses a few fire engines yes that definitely sounds about more my speed and oh my God look at the police options we've got a police station police headquarters a prison and the Central Intelligence Bureau you're getting one normal police station and you're gonna like it yes and of course they're gonna need roads all one-way streets of course which is gonna allow us to turn this into this now I know what you're thinking we've already done a whole lot of Road stuff already but this pile is a little bit different as a reminder over here with this thing all these roads actually intersect so people can make decisions to turn if they want to but all this stuff over here not a single one of these roads intersects with another road that means that to Traverse these one-way streets these fire engines have to drive this entire route and oh boy is it gonna take him a while but hey you know what we're supposed to have fire services and now we have them don't worry they'll be there soon to help your great grandkids Maybe because you're going to be long gone this boat going by underneath is probably like what the hell is this this crap wasn't on any of the charts oh yeah that's what we like to see all the poop coming out of all the shoots slowly but surely it's gonna change the color of that water and I mean some of the citizens are complaining about apparently dirty water coming into their homes but what do you expect from people on crybaby alley you know now I wonder something we've got all these big beautiful Rivers right and we've also got this big beautiful terrain tool and I use this thing to just kind of separate the water from the rest so now we've effectively made our own little Lake and then if we just take these things and relocate them over here will this work here as well oh yeah there it goes okay and now that most of these things are doing their thing now can we take this little pool of water here slim this down even further and will this help it turn another shade of brown actually while I'm staring at this I think I have another question that needs answering I couldn't help but notice that the water line here is a lot lower than the water line over here which I guess makes sense this is all coming from a river that's oh you know I kind of forgot that this would happen but it makes sense now that I see it I'm glad that these cars absolutely don't care either and nor does this person just hanging out in their yard nothing's gonna stop them from enjoying their music well this is kind of exciting isn't it especially the part where we now know that these Vans can become amphibious vehicles I mean if you've got places to be you've got places to be right the Lost secrets of Atlantis wait for nobody you know I think I was going about this all wrong I was trying to bring the crap water to the people but I'm pretty sure I had that backwards and by that I mean surely this counts as Shoreline now right like can I just raise some terrain right behind these people's houses and then just bring the crap to them looks like that's a yes oh sorry about your backyard we had to do a little remodeling here have some free fertilizer nah don't worry it's no problem to us it's just one of our many ways of giving back here in sagula population your poop property well I certainly like the sound of this plan just when you thought your neighborhood couldn't get any classier the city introduces new features to surprise and Delight I love it it's like the blob is taking over this house well I guess all that's left to do now is go neighborhood by neighborhood see if we can't enhance their experience with a little bit of um Personal Touch I want to thank Paradox again for giving me access to an early version of the game so I can make this video as well as for sponsoring the whole thing so if this game sounds exciting to you and you want to know more go check out the link in the description and then you too can be ready for when City skylines 2 comes out on October 24th 2023. so I hope you had fun I know I did let me know in the comments if you want to see more of this one and I'll see you next time
Channel: Let's Game It Out
Views: 7,265,241
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: let's game it out, lets game it out, let game it out, let'sgameitout, letsgameitout, letgameitout, game it out, gameitout, lgio, josh let's game it out, let's game it out josh, lgio josh, josh lgio, let's game it out simulator, josh simulator, funny moments, cities skylines, cities skylines 2, cities skylines ii, cities 2, let's game it out city building, city builder, cities skylines gameplay, cities skylines ii gameplay, cities skylines 2 gameplay, cities skylines 2 game
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 46sec (1366 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 08 2023
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