10 Australians vs Las Vegas

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ah I love this dirt I sure hope I don't get shot five times with a 50 oh no hello again welcome to [Music] Vegas a few months ago nine of my friends and I went to America 5 days in Los Angeles five more days in the American wilderness and 9 days here in Las Vegas from Nascar nightclubs driving Ferraris seeing the curious of twitchcon shooting lots of guns at the frog plush again and the sphere I can now definitively conclude Vegas goes hard so let us [Music] continue all right fuckos wake up wake up wake up wake up wake up wake up wake up gentlemen it's Vegas time and for our first day in Vegas we'd planned something special the South Point 400 Nascar race so excited to see what was sure to be 3 hours of highspeed intense racism I mean racing we started the cars and drove to Vegas but who is we well Martin that's me Tristan Sydney Kai Nathan Al Sheamus Harrison Tim and Simon 10 Aussie BLS two cars the quick 4-Hour drive that included nothing silly at all like Sydney was taking this car for our car and pointing the BB gun of them that's not and we had arrived at the Las Vegas mot Speedway yeah yeah so we set ourselves down in the baking sun and the race began 3 hours of thugging it out later the blue number five car one driven by Kyle lson fun fact about Kyle Lawson his middle name is Miata okay bedtime [Music] day 12 waking up we thought to ourselves ncco was pretty cool so why don't we go there again and drive on the internal track in supercars but first we had to drive them hey shut the [ __ ] up [ __ ] get the [ __ ] out of here get out the [ __ ] road get off the road youu I think two cars was the best decision ever I think I think it [ __ ] you [ __ ] you arriving at the Las Vegas Motor Speedway we went through this cool tunnel look at that cars lots of cars Lamborghini Ferrari Maserati alred better out of think of a cool car that isn't over a million dollars and this place probably had it and best of all I was about to drive them into a on the track I was going to drive them on the track so we had our safety briefing today you will drive a beautiful suit and got a demo drive around the track by an instructor finally we could drive and first up the Toyota Supra go [Music] next the Porsche 992 [Music] turbo [ __ ] and finally the Ferrari f8 [Music] go well that was good but you know what drift that was fun while we were getting our footage and a general debriefing I heard a loud noise outside so I went to investigate it was an F35 taking off from Nellis Air Force Base and then an F-15 an F16 every time I heard another jet I ran outside away from the guy talking directly at me to go film them like a complete dooris all right let's go home where's the Glock get off the [ __ ] day 133 I saw this Lamborghini and Kai beat up the frog that we were going to shoot yeah that's about it day 14 Tim's birthday hip hip hooray for this special occasion we'd come up with a brilliant groundbreaking idea nightclub small problem it was still daytime so to kill some time we hit up Chipotle for breakfast K where are we right and spent the rest of the day at the atomic Museum a nice little spot with scale models of missiles and Gea counters and nuclear weapons like this N9 Megaton bomb that if exploded would destroy all of Vegas and radiate most of Utah random ship from the Los Alamos National Lab and these real Patches from real units working in Area 51 and other secret organizations now I won't lie these patches sent me down a [ __ ] gigantic Rabbit Hole I mean just look at them Illuminati stuff alien heads totally not ominous imagery of dragons and snakes encircling the Earth sensor Hunter no country too Sovereign the [ __ ] so uh what do you do um don't ask um none of your [ __ ] business actually I engineered the American inner city crack epidemic of the 1980s these are 100% real Insignia from so-called black units in the US Military and it got me thinking what's the deal with Area 51 oh my God look it's Lally like an alien well quick history lesson Groom Lake AKA Dreamland prior to 1955 this unremarkable dry lake build 100 m north of Vegas hadn't ever done anything noteworthy and it felt bad then the CIA came along and went oh this place looks ideal for testing my Uber super duper ultr Mega secret You2 spy flance pictured right here I a picture of it right here it's secret right there so they went to the president I the Eisenhower and said please please Mr President can we build a base there please I and the base was built the CIA and locky then got their hands dirty testing out their super secret Ultra Mega secret highth to YouTu spy flame pictured right here and smugly thought to themselves Yep this baby is the highest flying plane ever built it will never get shot down the Soviet a Area 51 is America's largest secret military testing ground its whole purpose is to test out the latest and greatest in [ __ ] Aerospace Tech things like the a12 oxcart the f36 this ugly thing called tacit blue the YF 23 this thing called the bird of prey the [ __ ] the f117 stealth bomber the B2 Spirit stealth bomber a Soviet mig21 that the CIA got their gr little misss on in the 60s that resulted in the creation of the US Navy fighter weapons school AKA Top Gun if it's military Aerospace and secret you can bet it was probably tested at Area 51 so given all this secrecy [ __ ] military technology and whatever this thing is more and more people started reporting unidentified flying objects near Area 51 and quite often their reports would go something like this uh Mr Department of Defense mhm I've been seeing some weird things in the sky lately M well I was around Area 51 and I saw this thing you're around what are Area 51 what the [ __ ] are you talking about are you [ __ ] insane are you losing your goddamn mind there is literally no such thing as Area 51 you are seeing things like swamp gas and weather balloons and hallucinations and such you [ __ ] idiot given the government's Curt responses naturally wild speculation rumors and many many questionable ideas started cropping up these sophisticated flight patterns seem to suggest that they are piloted by intelligent beings none of which were as powerful as this guy Bob Lazar in 1989 he went on national TV and claimed they are alien spacecraft in Area 51 and he studied them according to Lazar these crafts can manipulate gravity fly at physics defying speeds they're powered by antimatter reactors and one time he saw a couple of scientists standing over a little gray guy inspecting so his bubble laar full of [ __ ] well it doesn't really add up I mean think about it he just exposed the biggest secret in the history of Secrets [ __ ] aliens not only exist but are here on Earth in cahoots with the US government and for the last 35 years the man who supposedly exposed all of this has just been chilling why let him do more interviews why allow him to parade around the most secret knowledge in the entire world do you think that if it was actually real they' have put him in the ball sack explosion chamber by [Music] now and yes he says he's telling a story in order to protect himself but why how the [ __ ] publicly exposing the World's Greatest Secret protect him it simply does not make any sense still the myth of Area 51 lives on anyway back to the atomic Museum we were done so we went home and prepared ourselves for Tim's birthday a night out in Vegas so we hyped on up and set off [Music] get to me [Music] [Music] day 15 we woke up at 1:00 p.m. checking my phone I saw this scrob one reporting in uh guys where the [ __ ] is Simon upon further investigation I remembered a crucial piece of last night we met a few interesting people one of whom was Daryl we got on pretty well with Daryl and after the club Simon and him spent the night on the blackj table then instead of going all the way back to our bumbass room in the Sahara Simon just stayed the night at Daryl's I am at his crib it's bougie AF see you tomorrow don't get molested Simon's about I become a statistic Simon's about to become a statistic the Molester once we'd recollected Simon [Music] it was time for more attractions Omega m a totally ordinary Supermarket that sells totally ordinary products like gender fluid Mammoth chunks impact corn antima tattoo chicken omnipotence 96-hour energy high frequency neuro awakener simply does not contain spiders root beer flavored Vape juice flavored root beer emergency clams who told you this was butter do not eat plausible deniability and nut-free salted peanuts 100% salt well his store's pretty interesting why don't we go out the back and see the rest of their [Music] store I thought we were just going shopping yeah yep just just a a normal store with the uh head room and uh this room [Music] out yep all right anyway it was time for tonight's activities you see twitchcon was starting tomorrow which meant the partner party was starting tonight and before the partner party began my agent managed to get me into this Xbox event thing in the ferris wheel it wasn't hugely exciting but it had free drinks and my friend ER greetings and uh George not found [Music] once that was done it was partner party time where I met a bunch of fellow high-speed Gamers oh yeah drank some drinks and generally had a good time okay home time you got a piz cutter day 16 twitch G we woke up at 12:00 p.m. Tai gave the soon Tobe shot frog a good kick and we made our way over to twitchcon Via the monal getting there was interesting instead of walking from the monil stop to the convention entrance like a peasant we took this thing the lvcc loop a series of tunnels with Teslas inside them yep definitely an efficient means of travel uh-huh yep definitely there are no better options for vehicles in tunnels than tessels yep Metro System underground car real [ __ ] bro this shit's on the North Korean Metro what the heck anyway twitch gone once we got inside the demographic shift was violent and abrupt the middle-aged Vegas Americans had been replaced with fat nerds and their extremely attractive eirl wives we hit the unfiltered kindness board with a solid scrunch K and Nathan hit up the chess.com booth and I nobly abandoned all my friends to go to the partner Lounge at the partner Lounge I met fellow Australian YouTube band Remy and low tier God Martin for my next bonus I would like to uh ask if I could get this vehicle and if you don't I will kill myself in the office Tim spent several hours on one of the racing Sims and at the end of the day I took this photo do you see anything interesting in this photo no enhance enhance enhance holy [ __ ] meanwhile Tristan Arlo and Sydney who weren't really into the whole twitch thing took a trip to the circus circus casino and watched some acrobatics and a clown guy swallow a sword then dab oh my God dab he just dabbed so for tonight's activities I got invited to this razor do Gano event thing which was okay and I saw this guy in this [ __ ] ass hat in the distance honestly this bodyy was just kind of boring Vas so my agent and I decided then and there we would try somewhere else that's somewhere else of course being omnium possibly the most ridiculous nightclub in the entire world [Music] e heyo is that a nuke in the club holy [ __ ] that was good uh what where am I uh wait a minute I recognize that [ __ ] off hat that's that's that's [ __ ] oh my God it's dream finally I have done it I have completed the Holy Trinity the Father the Son and the Holy Spirit take me God I have succeeded in my quest on this Mortal plane goodbye wait is that is that Groom Lake no no no no no no no I don't want to be a groomer [ __ ] go back help no no no no that was a mistake no no no I just like Minecraft please no day 17 another guttural wake up at 1:00 p.m. well some of us woke up at 1: p.m. the others who were clearly sick of twitchcon had woken up significantly early and gone to [Music] Utah [Music] stand uh okay anyway the rest of us jump straight on the monil into the Tesla tunnel thing that is incredibly smart and a great solution to traffic that we should scale up what a genius idea yes and it's a twitch gun we did this C PR simulator thing excuse me sir wake up wake got photos with Ty one who was just walking by found this thing and I found a Super Ultra Mega secret entrance to the partner Lounge that was completely unguarded so I snuck the boys in through there well yep after chilling in the partner Lounge for a bit it was getting late and we hadn't seen any streamers for a while so my friends decided to head on back to the hotel while I stayed a bit longer to see if I missed anyone and of course I saw none other than [ __ ] German 985 of course the one streamer that literally all my friends wanted to see and none of them were there to see him so I got a photo with him he asked what I was doing here and I said oh yeah I'm right here with my agent who was right next to me and the most German 985 voice ever he looks at me and goes oh wheeling and deing yeah and that was that 5:00 p.m. had rolled around and twitchcon was done for the day I took this one lost photo and wait a minute enhance enhance enhance holy [Music] [ __ ] day 18 the final day of twitchcon and our final day in Vegas you see there was still one thing we hadn't quite done yet so I sced together a bunch of content creator friends hopped into the siennas and took a trip to Battlefield Vegas the gun rage and who could forget our custom Target the frog plush [Music] hello this is M Remy oh well yes of course I would like to go shoot guns with you right now all right I can do that [Music] holy [ __ ] and with the Frog shot even more that was that twitchcon was over and it was time for bed day 19 well that was that our 9 days in Vegas had come and gone and finally after nearly 3 weeks in the US it was time to go home side of the guy and so we set off early in the morning back to [Music] LAX help [Music] me oh [Applause] oh we hit up talker bill and the California Science Center which was pretty cool damn e and of course who could forget about dumping the BB guns we found ourselves a good sturdy looking bin dumped them in took a photo and posted the coordinates on Twitter and within 3 hours someone found them then into LAX onto the plane and 13 hours later we' finally arrived back home
Channel: martincitopants
Views: 353,694
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: martincitopants, martin, from the depths, factorio, KSP, kerbal, arma, arma 3, Battlefield 4, Tier list, Battlefield 6, just cause, minecraft, elon musk, gaming, dream
Id: rSu0poSCDpo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 14sec (1394 seconds)
Published: Fri May 31 2024
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