This Is Why a Psychopath Is a Stellar Detective

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hey there it's Josh welcome back to Let's game it out we're playing a game called Shadows of Doubt today a randomly generated immersive detective simulator sounds like a mouthful but it's a whole lot of fun because the game gives you an entire world to play around in and goodness knows I love a game that gives me options just like our sponsor macabellum macabellum is what we call an auto battler which means you set up a bunch of units in this case a whole bunch of different kinds of mechs and then you set them loose against another person who's doing the same and then you sit back and watch the destruction unfold and maybe even win the battle and then you do another round where you add more stuff and enjoy the destruction all over again and you just keep doing this until you win enough rounds and it takes down all of their points and then you can claim victory I played this over on my twitch Channel and no joke I can't believe how much fun I had with it I mean I sucked it first but I got to try all kinds of interesting builds as I learned like using these little crawler mechs that were both sometimes effective but more than that there were so many of them on screen that they destroyed the frame rate Sensational the games in early access so this will probably change but for now I'm drinking in all these lack of frames yes and did I mention that this game has precious beautiful nukes because it does there was one round where I was nearly about to win against the other team and then they put a stop to that by destroying my units with the rare and amazing double nuke you don't see that very often needless to say I lost here but I had a great time doing it so if this looks fun to you you can check the game out right now using my linky in the description or check the pinned comment and thanks again to macabellum for sponsoring but enough talk new game we're gonna start by generating our own City and while I appreciate the game trying to give me something normal like Buffalo I think we're gonna go with something more befitting of us like how about tormentville yeah and as for our character name I don't want something normal sounding let's get that out of here we're gonna go with sir solves a lot yeah he's gonna be on the case nothing can possibly go wrong uh here we are first things first let's check out our amazing apartment starting with this oh boy this is a lot to unpack already now as mentioned we're a detective and we're supposed to like catch murderers and stuff I don't think we need to do any of that I think we found the murderer I think it's us but until we get caught by ourselves I'm sure we can have a very lucrative Pi career and just like the Memento guy let's look around and see if we can find clues about ourselves since at the moment we're kind of a blank slate but oh boy do we have a fun apartment I mean this alone just shows how much class we have and as mentioned all of this stuff is randomly generated so you really never know what you're gonna find you know like a whole lot of nothing and look at that that's the world outside very neo-noir anyway besides learning about ourselves and what our apartment looks like oh nice subway tile and ooh nice snack jar yeah I'd like to pick it up let's see how do we get into this thing so that I can have some candy oh oh oh no I guess I won't be having some candy after all that's a cam show there's something else in here we can have ooh who doesn't love some tinned food that's enough of that for now sir solves a lot as full I do love knowing that we can pick up random objects all over the place and I do love every time the throw option appears hey wall think fast Oh no I got water everywhere you can see it showing up on the wall I'm so glad the game lets me do this I'm at my happiest when I'm running around making a mess hey window over there well game of the year as far as I'm concerned unless somebody out there took my Kettle oh oh oh I guess we're outside now and what a world it is full of citizens just going about their lives and I mean don't mind me I only fell out of my apartment and I don't even know what floor I live on but more importantly I've got some good news my Kettle is gonna be okay can you believe my luck ma'am oh oh oh never mind you can have it I've got some errands to run okay I think I lost them don't you tell anybody anything in fact I'm gonna make sure of it excuse me I need to borrow this now as I was saying don't tell anyone oh oh I've only taken a couple of bullets oh my God is everyone carrying weapons in this game help the Karen's are after me hey lady lady help me there's a bunch of people attacking me I swear to God I didn't do anything oh good I think they've been pacified which is good because I'm uh I'm doing a little bleeding of my own early access to the rescue and then they all just kind of gave up some more than others I'm glad that you can interact with so many objects I mean the kinds that I want to because then I can take them and just make a mess anywhere look at that the trash just falls out of it yep just walking down the street slamming this trash bag into the ground and leaving a beautiful slug trail of garbage behind me and that's not the only thing you can do with these why would I hate to be one of these ground floor Apartments oh dear the owner is home right now well whatever no time like the present oh hello there hey Waldo just letting you know I found you oh you know what I was overthinking this I've got fists we can use can you imagine being this woman seeing this guy on the other side and then a little bit of this oh my word this is so much fun oh my God I can't stop screwing around in this game hey buddy are you here for lunch how about a trash can sandwich and even though I'm being shot by people I can still go ahead and search this person oh look at this we got money and a key to their apartment ends which now we have the address for 802 Barrow Heights why yes I would like to plot a route to their location okay let's see all we need to do is Follow the arrow okay this appears to be the place somebody dumb nothing weird happening here just taking the elevator to an apartment it's 802 I'm gonna assume it's on the eighth floor and here we are don't mind me let's look all casual as we walk up to an apartment that's totally not ours this must be the place now that little icon there indicates that we have a key already well might as well let ourselves in then hello oh um what do we do okay well I'm just gonna help myself in if that's okay and now I'll duck as if it matters oh my God why is your house so weird what the hell happened here what a trash Heap hold your horses how did you see me where are you going okay I think we're okay no no no no no no no no no no stay in here oh now they're upset well don't hit me stop that nice shirt by the way damn it I hadn't anticipated this okay you asked for it okay don't worry they're only knocked out okay where was I this isn't suspicious at all I thought this was gonna be a nice safe quiet robbery but it turns out instead that we just scared each other this is not how I like to do my robberies okay we gotta be quick otherwise we might get caught so we need to make sure to be quiet no oh you're awake what the hell how come you're dressed different are you in a disguise now oh my God leave me alone how are you so menacing you know what I'm just gonna keep searching your place even though you're in here I'm here for goods I'm gonna find Goods can you just hold on please well thank you now I'm bleeding where's your bathroom all right wait wait wait come no come on you know the longer we do this the longer I'm going to be bleeding onto your toilet all right hold still all right you know what I have a better idea let's see can I drag you into the shower I think you're moving you know you wouldn't know this by looking at them but this guy is actually gonna be okay despite what I've done to this bathroom and I'm still doing to this bathroom okay let's be quick in this place we don't want to wear out our welcome especially when there's cameras in here let's see what do we got remember your passcode this time count up from five oh yeah sure I'm glad I'm not leaving evidence all over the place and all over his laundry anyway what do we think this count up from five is going to oh probably that's safe huh you know how you live with a giant safe in your bedroom count up from five you got it five six seven eight we did it I don't know what that is but it's someone else's which means I want it well time for me to make my Speedy exit quickly let's get out of here I'm sure I can survive this right what do you mean I hurt myself oh don't worry we're still here just in the hospital and I'm now presented with two options pay the medical fees and completely recover or attempt to escape without paying medical fees what do you think game of course I'm gonna select Escape all right well let's get out of here and so uh okay let's wait for this guy to leave first oh my god when is this guy Gonna Leave hey buddy go away oh my God you don't need to shoot at me I'm still in a hospital bed also your aim is terrible okay well I've passed out in the hospital oh I'm in a different hospital now well time to escape again but you know we're clearly a little under the weather still so maybe we should sleep this off first while we have a comfortable bed okay let's see oh my God there's so many options time forward that's what we want yep that's the magic so it looks like we can increment how long we sleep by an hour at a time and I believe when we started it was January 2nd okay so we're still going it's set to wake me up on January 16th a full two weeks from when we started but if it can let me set that why stop there so let's see how high up on this thing can we go only one way to find out okay so I've been sitting here cranking this watch farther and farther and I've set this thing to land back on January 1st which is about one year from when we started okay set alarm and go to sleep well I guess I'm asleep now as you can see the Personnel coming in and out at light speed it's also hard to see but there is a clock on the wall going a little faster than time normally would but oh my God not that fast inexplicably I can actually bring up my watch and even though there's a little fast forward thing in the way you can see how fast time is going which is to say not very fast at all I've also made a very terrible Discovery I can't stop my guy from sleeping I've tried every button I've tried to grab every object around me I'm essentially trapped in my own body until this year is up so I guess I'll see you in however long this is gonna take [Music] and here we rested day after day month after month until the unthinkable happened the game crashed or as I like to call it when I loaded up my save we had awoken early from our coma but we can't have that let's get back to sleep oh reported murder 601 Novak Heights now the game says explore the reported crime scene but that's just gonna have to wait we've got a coma to resume see you next year [Music] okay here we are January 1st time to get up and resume our day and it also turns out we're not wanted by the law anymore just the way I want to be leaving a hospital or apparently I'm in City Hall I guess I don't really know or care also why is there just trash on the ground and by trash I mean this perfectly good synth milk that I can just drink right off the floor tastes like City Hall tastes like justice oh and I'm nauseous and my guy says oh my God but that doesn't stop him from drinking loudly and obnoxiously here you have this it's oh well I'm glad you didn't seem to care here we are back in the city looking every bit as good as I remember now the game's letting us know there's a number of questions that we need answers to like what is the full name of the killer are we gonna arrest them let's not worry about all that right now the first thing you need to do is find the crime scene so the one piece of information we do have is where the crime took place or rather where it took place on August 6th I know that was like five months ago but I'm gonna assume the police haven't done anything now if I recall it was at Novak Heights which I believe is this building right here oh my goodness I'm so excited to solve some crimes and in a place with such if wallpaper okay play it cool we don't live here so don't do anything weird while you're here okay oh my god there really is just so much random trash everywhere wait a minute did someone throw away some perfectly good coffee the nerve of some people if you're gonna litter just finish your coffee first see I'm nice and hydrated and focused now okay here we are and I can't really remember what apartment it was supposed to be so I guess we'll just start on the right and work our way down so we have a couple different methods we can use to get in here before obviously we had a key which we don't now or do we let's check the doormat and see nope no key that's okay we have a couple other methods but for anything we're gonna do we should probably turn off the security camera so first things first let's disable this thing I don't want anybody triggering this while we're screwing around so let's sabotage it first and now next let's go ahead and deal with this camera it's a little high up for me to hack so we're gonna find the breakout box and take care of the whole system there it is now we just open this thing up and let's see let's turn off the lights and wait what the hell is the security door breaker oh yeah sure okay less lookie-loos and finally this last one security system breaker there we go much better cameras are all off now okay let's get started on apartment 603 so as before I could knock or I could pick the doorknob or I could possibly climb up this going through the duct system and I'm gonna go with my old favorite you see if you run at the door the option quickly changes to barge here let me demonstrate ow my shoulder that's okay let me try again huzzah oh uh hello you're not a murder scene my apologies okay let's try 602. we'll try knocking this time hello okay good you're alive that's all I was checking now hey buddy can I try something on you I've always wanted to see if this would work I hope you're still there ha that definitely worked well since he's already knocked out I might as well at least look around right and by that I mean let's go ahead and raise these take his nice little coffee pot and out it goes oh and my favorite these jars hey where is that guy are you still knocked out well even more so now and now like a banshee into the night Let's Escape into the Ducks I am the most confusing burglar of all time oh my God this is so bright and weird I don't even know where I am but it looks like we're popping into someone else's apartment hello hello looks like someone's just getting ready for bed I don't think they see me though okay now it's our time to go to work because in a matter of minutes I forgot that I'm a pi and now I'm just a common Thief a burglar with a very specific agenda okay I think I know how we're gonna do this first we're gonna take this thing actually you know what it's so dark in here there that's much better okay and there's somebody sleeping in there here I have a plan are you ready come here snack jar we're going on an adventure easy easy easy oh that did not work as intended oh no oh no it's all happening again I'm bleeding and everything ma'am I was looking for a homicide but clearly this is not it can you please stop are you throwing crumpled paper at me because I couldn't help but notice that this junk pile here just keeps getting bigger and bigger are you a sorceress I'll take that as a no okay look I know we just did the game of we have to know but I really am curious about this ever growing pile of trash right here so let's just sit here and see how long she's gonna do this and if it keeps growing this pile of trash well so far so good she's still spawning a pile of stuff that looks like a lot of beer bottles and beer cans but I think this is kind of as big as the pile gets hey but thanks for this ow ow you broke my leg thank God I got that free floor beer here catch ah my face and now for some floor bourbon wow so this is what it does to the view huh okay I think my work here is done she's still smacking me can't imagine why look lady I'm trying to get to my Escape bench just calm down God why is my god oh there he goes okay never mind we passed out ah back in the safety of the hospital okay Let's Escape From the law shall we there's no way this camera's gonna catch us now when we just walk out the front door and out the stairs I kind of love that there's all these cameras you can just see an outline of how many there are but it doesn't matter when you can just make a run for it pardon me please bye no I'm not paying my hospital bill bye okay let's see back to the scene of the crime let's go definitely taking the elevator this time walking is for Chumps okay where were we so we know it wasn't 603 and we know it wasn't this guy you know how we know this because he's alive and just knocked out hope you have a nice nap okay so let's go ahead and try what is this 604 hello hello are you in there oh nice abs we'll just leave them be I guess all right final apartment wish us luck oh it's open that bodes well for us hello hmm nothing everything in here looks clean a little too clean but I can definitely tell you that there's no body in here well that's kind of odd I'm almost positive this is the right address interesting that's okay though I have an idea first things first let's head back to the hospital and by that I mean City Hall I have a hunch that because we slept so long the cops actually solved this one themselves but in order to know for sure we're gonna have to roll back the clock all the way back to when we first woke up and got that case okay here we are back on August 6. and now let's go back over to the crime scene and see how it looks okay fingers crossed well there's a police officer so that bodes well okay let's see yep that looks like something all right I guess now we know this was the crime scene you're not gonna mind if I just go inside right I'm sure it's fine let's go oh no it's not okay and they're not okay quickly hide under the bed they'll never know where we are they'll never be able to figure it out hey hey buddy are you okay and just like that they give up all right it's time to do some detective work first off let's go back over to the front door and close this so we don't have any more problems much better all right let's go ahead and take a gander at the cadaver now first things first we're gonna take a print just like that now that we've done that let's go ahead and inspect the body okay we're starting to build a profile and here's where some real fun comes in see this little pin right here now we can pin it just like that this is the crime we need solved who murdered this unknown citizen let's go ahead and search them to see if we can find some ID okay well this is an ID but we have some information on the entry wound a bullet wound from a high caliber ammunition and now we know that this information links to this and also we found out that from examining the body it looks like they were shot from a rifle we can also narrow down the time of death but we'll worry about that later for now we're just gonna pin that too and here's my favorite part of the whole process the string because now just like any good conspiracy theory we can attach string to everything next step is we need to find a name for this person and they didn't have ID on oh god what happened to your leg I didn't realize I was searching the cadaver so roughly I'm gonna assume they were already like that okay let's look around for some ID let's see if I were ID where would I be are you ID work schedule so this person might be Nicola but we can't know for sure until we find their ID to confirm let's see i d i d ooh a purse let's take a gander well it looks like the victim is indeed Nicola I'm pretty sure she's not gonna need this cash and I'll just take this because I have a problem not stealing and obviously we're gonna pin this one too and now that we know that this is her work schedule yet another string connected oh and look at this actually I guess first I should say look at this Envy paid but more importantly here's another purse Agatha Pellegrino oh my God I wonder if this is Nicola's roommate a roommate who decided that their fashion style was make me look AI generated okay now we're really doing some good here oh and look over here Nicola's work ID I'm less excited about facts and more that I can can put more crap on this board oh my God we're doing it we're real pis this is all too much I need to make a mess before I start taking this too seriously and wants this an antique vase looks more like someone's ashes quickly contaminate the crime scene and now back to the detecting but with a different tool ta-da this is our little scanner gun it'll help us scan for fingerprints to find out if there's some that shouldn't be here so let's just scan around the crime scene and oh there we go look some fingerprints okay those are Nicolas what about these ones also Nicholas interesting we found another fingerprint that the game is calling type B and the game does that when it gets a fingerprint that's not in its database so it could be the roommate or it could be someone else oh you know what I forgot to do raid the fridge there's some perfectly good synth beef here nauseous and now to wash it down with some delicious synth milk okay quick we need to dispose of the evidence be gone with thee oh right there's a window there not for long there isn't ah much better goodbye evidence okay where was I ooh more drinks oh it's all alcohol no thank you oh good news we can vomit in a trash can there we go my vision is stabilized uh oh but now I smell a dead lady you're not gonna mind if I use your shower right of course not why would you ah and that'll further contaminate the crime scene by drying off with their towel oh that's weird I'm still bleeding probably from when I punch that glass out well whatever okay well I think I've got all I can for now wait a minute they already boarded up this window I was here like two minutes ago I didn't know the game does this now I even have more incentive to make a mess I'm so excited oh look at this window trying to hide from me now when I've got a license to use these guns but it looks like we have another fingerprint also on this crumpled piece of paper for type f also no idea what this piece of paper means I'm sure we'll find out though I mean had I not taken that piece of paper it ejected it out the window I'm sure we didn't need it okay so first things first let's head on down to the gigantic Grill which is where Nicola works and let's see if we can't get any of these people to talk ah hello there I wanted to speak to you too unknown citizens sins just tell me do you know this person I work with them that's Nicola suffers from alcoholism why is this the first fact you tell a stranger why are you so judgy can I have your fingerprints please not a chance well I wasn't asking I was just you know never mind I think if you're the killer I think you've eluded me okay well here's what we're gonna do instead let's crawl into her place of business and this right here looks very promising it looks like an employee board and that is exactly what it is and based on this board here is our new list of potential suspects and we can't forget to connect it all by the gigantic Grill where they all work which of course connects to our victim's photo which connects to the victim which connects to this entire Web of Lies and let's see if any of you are the mysterious type fingerprints let's go into the back office and see if we can find some fun information come here security door 2660. hello hello all right let's see what they got in the way of employee details oh thank God I wasn't looking for Arna Gill in particular but at least I know now that these employee records have thumb prints and I went through every single one and now we decisively say that none of the co-workers are that thumb print okay I think I know where we're gonna head next excuse me judgy eyes I didn't come into your establishment to be judged and also to make a daring escape and punch all of the rest of the windows on the way out okay next step is we need to find that person that they live with which is to say we need to find Agatha Pellegrino who is part of the Tau enforcer division that's located in City Hall and rather than get to the old-fashioned way by walking I'm just gonna vandalize every storefront till I bleed out hey stop shooting me I'll get you if I can get close enough Jesus where did you get that gun well that works too okay and here we are back in the hospital now to leave without paying per usual and then head on over to what I believe is yep the town forcer division hello is anybody home well if we look over the employee board we see Agatha's name so at least we know we're in the right place and what might this be to all employees the door code to my office has been reset to 766. regards somebody who never learned how to write correctly all right let's take a gander around shall we actually this is a police computer right maybe I can just get some useful information from this 7666 yay ooh government database now we're talking oh uh what kind information can this give me a a so if we just select one random person and we print it out oh cool it gives me all the information I need on this person specifically their fingerprint well I really want to find out whose fingerprint matches all mysterious type f but if I can do it while sitting down as I just arbitrarily start looking up citizens why the hell not I'm sure eventually we'll find them right so hold please there we go we found him the person with this fingerprint I only had to print out like 200 of these things to find it and they live at 704 Novak Heights let's go pay them a visit and what a shocker we're back here in Novak Heights where the original crime happened except this time we're heading to the seventh floor instead of the sixth okay here we are hello Mr suspect are you home hey there Shuffle McGee why are you dressed like Marty McFly can I come in and look around why the hell would I let you in okay no problem I understand here let me give you my card okay where we're oh oh wait I think it was you I was looking for I didn't think that other guy looked like the right one hang on stop okay well that's definitely John Cole with the fingerprints we're looking for and let's search this guy and he's got a hammer on him as well as interesting some rifle rounds you guys aren't gonna mind if I take a look around right I need to figure out what weird games you were up to like this one hey now it's time to do some fingerprinting obviously it's Mr Cole's fingerprints and taking a look at this thing it uses High Caliber 309 ammunition and that matches with our entry wound which tells us that a wound caused by a sharp object or blade well that's funny that's not at all what I remembered saying last time here look a bullet wound from a high caliber ammunition what are you trying to do to me game well I don't think I'm going nuts but I guess I'll continue with this investigation anyway wait I can't use this can I no I can just put my fingerprints all over it and also hit people with it I'm gonna feel all sorts of silly if this is the murder weapon because now I'm using it for ill-gotten means okay you know what I got a better idea these guys are so sassy we're gonna buy something from this Locker here specifically some of these handcuffs it's time for a citizen's arrest oh hey fancy running into you here now hold still while I cuff you are you gonna talk to me now hey do you recognize this you recognize this gun I think it's what you used to kill somebody what do you think of that huh yeah that's the spirit hey who let you out of your cuffs oh never mind I'm glad other people walk through here even though there's a guy in cuffs and a rifle on the ground and they're just like meh none of my business anyway you wait right here and I'm gonna go see about turning this case in because as far as I can tell the game is lying to me anyway what is the full name of the killer John Cole arrest the killer I sure did well maybe that doesn't mean what I think it means because I can't click on it you have evidence that places the killer at a crime scene I sure do it's called this crumpled paper with his fingerprints on it oh God I forgot I threw that out the window hopefully I can still find what I'm looking for so let's see if I threw it out there that means it's probably right down there maybe from up in the building I threw it even farther away hello oh there it is found it well that would have been embarrassing where does the killer live well that's easy thanks to my handy dandy board here have you located the murder weapon I mean I think okay moment of truth let's turn the case in case processing got the name right we arrested them oh my God we got everything right except for what the murder weapon is we did it we solved did except I'm really confused why that wasn't the murder weapon now I'm gonna cut this game a little bit of slack because it is pretty early access and even with the game trying to misdirect me it's still been a whole hell of a lot of fun and hey even if this wasn't the murder weapon there's still time for that at the very least I can use it to murder all these windows ooh especially these ones I want to thank Mika Bellum again for sponsoring this video check out the link in the description to find out more about it so I hope you had fun I know I did and I'll see you next time
Channel: Let's Game It Out
Views: 3,785,744
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: let's game it out, lets game it out, let game it out, let'sgameitout, letsgameitout, letgameitout, game it out, gameitout, lgio, josh let's game it out, let's game it out josh, lgio josh, josh lgio, let's game it out simulator, josh simulator, funny moments, shadows of doubt, shadows of doubt game, shadows of doubt gameplay, let's game it out shadows of doubt, detective game, shadow of doubt game, shadow of doubt gameplay, why a psychopath is a stellar detective
Id: ckmPfn-KCGg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 17sec (1577 seconds)
Published: Mon May 15 2023
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