I Became a Multimillionaire and Turned an Entire City Into a Total Wasteland - Big Ambitions

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hey there it's Josh welcome back to Let's game it out we're checking out big Ambitions today developers thank you for a key speaking of these developers I've played one of their games before this one right here startup company also this video is sponsored by dislite until then it's time for new game first things first it's character creator time and for our name we're going with an old favorite Chad can't wait to hit the slopes oh we have limited characters this time fair enough we'll slim it down how about we'll still make his name Chad Broski but we'll still give him a nickname of just bro bro bro bro bro and of course he's got lots of blonde hair oh the choices are too many we're gonna go with this one because he has a larger forehead and obviously that means he's got more brains I like how he looks down like that's that's not at all true now let's move on to clothing what are you trying to do with this normal looking attire what do you want to look presentable in daily life or attractive or business ready I think you've left us no choice but to go with muscle tea with a really thick turtleneck yeah and thank thank God we can have that in Black what a stud and now we need to get rid of those pesky pants business gurus don't wear jeans they wear cargo shorts and not just any cargo shorts camouflage pattern ones and now for the shoes dress shoes obviously and we'll go Brown so they Clash wow look at that Ensemble are you here for every CEO job ever because you look ready for it strap on your Bros cause you're blowing in oh good this is what I wanted in my business game some tragic backstory it's been three months since grandma died I know that I'm an adult now that I'm 18 years old but blah blah blah continue okay so here we are in hey kid I hope you're feeling better anyway I talked with not now story I want to check out the game okay so here we are in big Ambitions you know I don't know why but this is not what I was expecting I didn't realize you'd be able to run in front of cars and upset people and you know I couldn't help but notice a couple of things here one we're a stud and two we have a couple of meters here we have energy not to mention hunger and thirsts and happiness and we have fifteen thousand dollars in our kit as we stand and block traffic at midnight and also the game really wants me to go to 45 Third Street which if we look at our objectives here we have some tasks from Uncle Fred which must have been this guy that we shut up instantly you know what let's worry about all that later I want to see what happens when our energy runs out right here so here goes nothing well looks like we have a free moment so let's pull out our mobile and take a gander at our sponsor and that's dislike which is free to play on Android and iOS and is full of fat beats if you haven't heard me talk about dislike before it's a turn-based role-playing game set in a futuristic world with an emphasis on being an audio visual experience it also focuses on showing off classic mythological figures in a whole new light and calling them espers like this is Thor how Dapper and right now this light has just launched two new espers twin sisters named Athena and Nyx Athena or Leora is serious and meticulous whereas NYX or Elaine is well none of those things but in a good way see look at those sick moves moves and you'll want them in your party of mythological Misfits which means taking part in a limited time event where players can control Athena through a labyrinth-like world to uncover the mysterious story around these two brand new characters and from doing this you'll get Nicks for free during the event that's a five-star hero so if this sounds good to you or if the fat beats sound good to you or if you sound good to you there's a linkie in the description and also QR code you can scan to download the game for yourself for free and use promo code Dusk and Dawn to get massive rewards as well and thanks again to dislite for sponsoring okay all of our energy is gone but we're not starving yet but Chad Broski isn't afraid of such things especially when Chad Broski's been holding up traffic for hours am I giving them a little Temptation that things are getting better but don't worry it's just Chad having a little fun oh there we go it's nap time oh boy we're being taken to the hospital you had no more energy and passed out the local authorities transported you here to the hospital to recover all the way here to the hospital waiting room well lucky me I guess while we're here we should probably check out our surroundings you don't care do you you look pretty busy on that computer doing nothing yeah something tells me you're not gonna mind okay so let's see we've got the salad bar which when I clicked he's automatically running all the way around he must know something we don't never mind he just wanted to be over here I guess the salad bar remains out of our reach you think this doctor cares that I'm just in his office hey you know while I'm here could you explain for me why I passed out for no reason oh sorry I didn't realize you were busy too and then when I click on his desk oh good we have a seat and even though the game says we're not able to offer you any of our special treatments I couldn't help but notice that time is still passing do you think he ever goes home only one way to find out also what the hell is this oh wow someone's in for a crazy night huh is this pizza cereal I mean whatever I would try it well here it is 10 a.m the next day doc how are you feeling because I don't know if anyone's ever told you this but you have amazing posture oh I think Chad's getting tired oh how nice of you to get up just to pass out again you're being taken to the hospital well I would certainly hope so what an expensive hotel this basically is oh hey you know what I just noticed I'm down to eleven thousand dollars oh well Good Golly Miss Molly it turns out it costs us two thousand dollars every time we do this anyway with four thousand dollars left and we started let's go take a gander outside uh the game really wants us to go to this objective and you can see more about that if we open up our Biz phone 1.0 and now let's go to Google Maps oh my goodness here we are I believe this is actually New York by the way or I mean some of it there appears to be limits to how far we can go over here Road closed but there's probably viable businesses over there look at this lady sitting here waiting to cross the street hey dummy there's no cross traffic okay you win this round I guess this side of the city is just quarantined also I'm using a free cam that's not supposed to allow you to get this close as you can tell by my stunning appearance well whatever there's more fun to be had uh excuse me share the road code please take that you have to stop for the lights and I don't hold on I'm Lane changing ow hey hey you're lucky I don't Sue instead look at my shorts don't you realize you're talking to an 18 year old future CEO oh yeah see there you go get a good look don't worry I'll wait as well all these other cars oh now we've done it oh yeah good give the grill a little kiss before you pass out wow here we are again okay let's try this again oh my goodness and what's this it looks like a coffee shop of sorts and we can actually go into any of these buildings and look at that there's a whole establishment in here I know this sounds obvious but we've got tables and chairs and croissants and soda cans and busy employees all the things you need to have a functioning business accept a little light on the decor I see hey can I come over here and serve myself you guys don't mind that I'm back here right you need to interact with the cashier to purchase an item but they only taste good if I steal them but the whole point about this is this is a running business in the world with oh my God look at all this business what a freaking nightmare imagine waiting in line for this imagine being one of these people merging with other people's bodies just for that sweet sweet cup of coffee but also imagine if we wanted to run this business and that's pretty much what this game is all about I mean not specifically this place I don't actually work here I'm just painfully painfully in the way but the point is we could buy this place like check this out click on the old Biz man down here and you get all kinds of fun stats that I don't really care about except for the word send business takeover but we can't do that yet because this place has a valuation of two million seven hundred thousand dollars but beyond that there's a bunch of good information like the market value and the customer capacity which I don't believe for a second hey wait where's everybody going oh is it closing time well aren't you all so polite well okay fine I guess we should leave too no wait I forgot to order my coffee let me back in this business is currently closed tip you can sleep on benches oh my God it's like this game knows what I want and need I mean it is 11 o'clock at night and we're looking a little tuckered out so quickly let's go find a park bench to sleep on let's see if I were a park bench where would I be my God this is some ah my God this is surprisingly hard to find a bench to sleep on ah here we go a park bench all for me while this guy watches me sleep I guess it's a good thing I don't care nighty night oh we're back hello thank you kind citizen for protecting me in my sleep and I hope you're well situated because we're going for round two I need my park bench beauty sleep and I need it now well good news it looks like when you sleep like this over and over again turns out you don't need food Just Energy I mean look how young and spry we are out of my way ambulance I'm feeling too good to stop oh my God this makes me so happy this fancy car wants to pass so badly and every time he thinks it has a chance it doesn't in fact where does it think it's going no no no anyway the whole town is in coffee shops if we take a quick Gander there's actually all kinds of stuff like if we toggle on all of the active businesses that sure is a lot of activity for example let's go take a look at actually hold on are you uh are you gonna use all that bench because I mean if you're not I wouldn't mind taking a quick little nap oh you know never mind I'll just take a nap right here thanks for the two thousand dollar ride back to the hospital actually this makes me wonder something if they're gonna take two thousand of my dollars every single time I pass out well they still charge me if I don't have any money I mean we know the answer is probably going to be yes but there's only one way to find out isn't that right disgruntled doctor with a torn shirt okay good night if you could put me on the other side of the thing that'd be nice hey look personal goal achieved become hospitalized five times we're doing such good things for ourselves ah yeah you don't know me yet but you will I'm the guy that's gonna pass that in your waiting room this actually takes a while to do by the way I'm trying to get my laps in to see if he'll just pass out a little faster doc you gotta help me I think I need to pass out right here on the floor behind you hey thank you I really appreciate it thank God there's so many places to pass out in a hospital okay here we are Moment of Truth we're down to our last one thousands which means one more and will be in the negatives Yeehaw and for this last one let's go get some fresh air haven't passed out in the middle of an intersection in a while and I feel like now is the time oh and how convenient an ambulance to catch me when I fall and here we are on day 18. total profit zero oh we're just in debt now I don't know why I didn't see that coming okay hang on a second now that I'm in the negative money range can I still run around and buy goods and services like if I go into this place the green salad hello sir yes I would like to buy a soda and a salad and a burger and a hot dog and some french fries I don't have this 23.90 but surely you'll understand I have to get in line well of course I do hello me I have all my things please I love how the employee actually has to walk and pick up each individual thing thank you I'll take it okay I don't have enough money but I couldn't help but notice I'm still in the queue oh wait a minute does everybody just have to wait on me now are you serious am I just tying up this whole register are we forever locked in a game of chicken to see who blinks first I bet you people behind me are really happy you picked this line but yeah it looks like we're gonna be here for all of eternity forever locked into a stalemate while this other employee back here does all the work I mean I could end this suffering by just leaving the queue but why would I do that because now I think we need to know how long we can hold these people up in line hopefully forever oh yes it's closing time I mean for these people not for us wait a minute what is the cashier doing now it looks like they're collecting all my items again and then it's like you don't have enough money and then they try to do it all over again oh my God this is amazing it never stops the transaction fails and then they try again even after their clothes well I guess now we have to see how long this is gonna go and see if this person just keeps trying to do this forever well we're still here these employees never went home by the way but they're working again I can tell you that much and I can't imagine why but these idiots queued up behind me again also for some weird reason our guy looks a little tired of standing but more wild than that is our energy is all the way gone as far as I can tell we should be passing out by now but we're not you know what that means right how long can we stand in line and how long will this employee put up with this well as you can see we're still here it's now day 27. we haven't passed out yet I guess we should see what happens if we actually leave the queue something tells me I know what's gonna happen [Music] oh good I'm glad to see it's business as usual well I guess that kind of makes sense okay well I think we know where this is going right are we in agreement that we need to find out something like that if we go into one of these establishments and we hit up the worker here I'll have one soda please why do I have to wait in line what kind of honor System is this I was there first anyway we need to see if there's a limit to how long we can hold up this line whether it's days months or years I think we need to know so hold please [Music] okay so here we are it's day 2379. you might notice that we look a little older than we did before and also that we're not in the same restaurant anymore that's because the game crashed at some point after I left it on for days at a time and by that point the restaurant had gone out of business so when I load back in it was gone and I had to find another one as you can see now we're 57 years old and because so many days have passed you would assume if you take this number and divide it by 365 days in a year that it means he would have aged six and a half years but it turns out that's not the case he was 18 when we started he aged 39 years which I think means each year is about 60 days what a trooper here why don't you take a load off there you go back to the hospital we go oh hey look who's still alive he has a cheap apartment that uh you could probably afford hey Uncle Fred I got some bad news I'm pretty sure my negative nine thousand dollars can't afford that and also definitely not a kid anymore oh god well whatever let's head on over to Third Street and see what the game does when we can't afford it whoa there Cowboy how dare you try to hit a geriatric okay here we finally are here on Third Street and this must be the place uh yes I see it's available for rent for forty four dollars a day and as predicted we don't have enough money well I guess we're not finishing the tutorial let's see if we can find a way to shore up our own money so my first thought is obviously let's head over to a bank oh thank goodness there's one in the area and everything okay I think this is the place Jensen Capital Yep this must be the right place need a loan we can help Don't Mind If I Do business is closed Chad is incensed but not that incense I'll just wait on this bench I'm sure this guy won't mind see you in four hours followed by four more hours and four more and four more okay geez are you finally open thank you well this sure is an unassuming Place hello I'm here for my interrogation please this definitely feels legitimate and not like a mafia front at all well whatever Chad needs money and you've got it isn't that right Larry Larry the desk hi there how can we help you today new loan amounts alone how much you got Larry unfortunately we're not able to handle a combined loan amount of more than forty thousand per client Larry I'm very unhappy about this 40 000 it is then I'm afraid that's more that we can offer you can't lend you more than 15 grand Larry you're lucky I'm broke and old fine fifteen thousand we can definitely help you with that yes thank you Larry thank you for helping me pay off my nine thousand dollar hospital bill wait can I just apply for another loan I'm sorry we can't give you a loan when of your current economy fine if I didn't have places to be right now I would use your bathroom and I wouldn't hold back actually now that we have that money can we just invest it let's see investment fund huh and some of the risk is low but one of them is medium what is the worst that could happen there have all of my money and now if you'll excuse me Larry I'm just gonna stand awkwardly behind you while I check my stocks no I don't care that you're technically closed okay so far in the last two minutes no change but that's okay I'll wait okay that's not the line I want to see I don't want to see the price go from 6 000 down to a disturbingly low 5998. how dare you lose two dollars I think I know how we can speed up time so that our investments can mature faster time to sleep over and over and over again look at that it's already paying off over the last four days our investments have lost six whole dollars meanwhile every day we have to pay back nine dollars in loan interest what I'm trying to say is this is really working out for us oh my God it's finally happening 13 days in the line graph is changing we're almost back to the original six thousand okay so I've continued to sleep on this park bench it is now day 2523. we've been bleeding out nine dollars every day but I've got some good news oh my God look it's happening our initial 6 000 is now 6101 and also we're now 60 years old but I don't feel a day over 16. anyway back to sleeping [Music] okay so we got good news and we got bad news first some good news there was a cigarette shop here and now it's gone now it's a coffee shop and now for some bad news it is now day 4036. Mr Broski is now 85 years old oh you tired old man speaking of tired this is how he walks now like it doesn't even matter how much sleep he gets he's just constantly hunched over anyway back into Jensen Capital oh my goodness Larry you're still here how come you're still so young anyway if you can see from our income we're almost at negative fifteen thousand this is from that loan taking away nine dollars a day for the last 1 655 days but enough about that how did our investments do well this doesn't look very good but overall the value went from six thousand to eleven point one thousand wow what a deal you mean I can't just roll the dice on one investment and expect it to work out excuse me sonny can I have another loan please and no I won't look you in the eyes Chad Broski's focusing on not dying from all old age all right fine Larry if you're gonna be this way see if I care I'll just keep aging up until my investments overtake the loan okay so the craziest thing just happened here I was just standing here awkwardly when all of a sudden disaster struck because you see it's day four thousand three hundred and twenty and in a very short time we're gonna go from 89 years old to 90. and it turns out that when you turn 90 something wild happens yep here we are now I couldn't tell you why everyone's hair is pink but you know I'm not all that concerned I'm just shocked that anybody knew who I was also am I just being buried in a park somewhere how come there's no other tombstones around here so I guess now we know you die at 90 and the game is kind enough to turn back time to 70. thank you I will ah here we are again so youthful and look the tobacco shop is back and thankfully this time we know what we need to do when it comes to our investments and we're gonna pull out this 8 000 something dollars okay now we have at least a little cash on us and we're gonna need that because we're on borrowed time and let me show you something I actually learned about before I died so here we are back in the hospital you remember this guy well I learned something interesting about him which is that he offers an extended warranty tell me more I'll cut right to the chase what we're gonna do is inject you with something called blah blah blah blah few minutes after the injection your body will start to revert your aging typically we see a client's body age decrease by 10 years and obviously we're gonna need this but it costs 700 million dollars so we've got 20 years to make it happen and I know just where to start if you take a look on our map here all the way down at the dock is an interesting looking little building now this may look very unassuming at first but it does hold a little secret as a ticket house what does that even mean turns out something's coming our way that can be of use to us and that's a casino because God do I like Conjuring money from nothing I like that it's also this random Casino boat and I'm the only one here a gambling ship all for me you shouldn't have but in order to get on board we have to go over to the ticket house and buy a casino boat ticket for five thousand dollars no problem we barely have that thanks for picking up me and just me on this pleasure Cruise well welcome to international waters good luck okay so let's see we've got slot machines and we've got Blackjack and we've also got Roulette welcome to roulette how much would you like to bet all of it red only best of luck everyone congratulations you won oh my God I'm so excited for this hold please well not a bad haul for one night we return in the morning with 35 million dollars in our pocket thanks for having me aboard the main thing that's limiting us is on the roulette tables the maximum bet you can have is 10 million or excuse me nine million 999 999 so for us to get to our 700 million it's possible but that's gonna be a lot of gambling and why would we do that when there's a big city out there just waiting for us okay after the snap okay you spry 70 year old it's time to go start a business oh and you know what here's the first thing we're gonna do we're gonna head to 45 Third Street which is an objective that Uncle Fred has had for us for the last 70 years so we might as well finally get that out of the way okay here we are 45 3rd Street so we could rent it for nine dollars a day or we can send a building purchase offer even though the building isn't for sale and if the market value is 1.4 million what if we offer 2 million send offer the building owner accepted your offer you're now the owner of 43 3rd Street 43. whoops I bought 43 Third Street not 45. oh God this is awkward okay don't panic on how to fix this we can make it look like we did that on purpose by just buying out the whole block and if we ever get to the point where there's something that costs more than we have well then I think we know what happens next why yes I would like to come aboard okay now we've done it we own every building on the left and right side of this street we look at this we got kebabs kebabs we've also got a discount Market not to mention a quick one stop you know this feels like a conflict of interest but I don't think that's my problem and there's so much more we've got it all on this one street oh geez I hate choosing do I want to go to Joe's hot dogs or this Joe's hot dogs uh excuse me cars I own this street now you can't just drive anywhere you feel like it just like you citizen you stop right what is this braces office flowers what the hell well that's exactly what you think it is it's a flower shop owned by Grace well listen you wouldn't know this guy behind the counter but now I've got to make this entire Chain's life miserable all because of your boss whose name is Grace so let's head back outside and we're gonna open up a competing business as close by as we can and I don't think it can be right next door because that's a residential area but ooh look at this Buckle Up 365 tobacco because I'm gonna rent this building to myself instead and also the moment I close this screen the existing employee just evaporated look at this storefront is already gone oh wow and the place is already vacant I'm not sure how you did it but thanks I guess either way it's time let's start a new business for now we're gonna focus on being a florist just so we can Crush Grace enter name of your business don't shop there oh yes how professional looking yes it definitely doesn't look like this place has beef with this other place you know we might as well include Joe's hot dogs they didn't do anything wrong but whatever let's change this to that oh yes thanks game that's definitely what I meant ah whatever it gets the point across so the game is kind enough to let us know that there's a couple of things we need to do such as we need at least one product we need a cash register and shopping baskets he's still my heart this is all too exciting let's start with a cash register which you might be wondering where does one go for that well that's easy the furniture store let's go take a look in fake Ikea I'm so excited to go shopping me and all these other people oh are we going in as a group is that what's happening I love watching these customers do their thing just ransacking everything I don't think I I would have it any other way now I'm civilized and that's why I'm getting a cart out of the way everybody serious Chopper coming through don't forget this is for your business so let's get one of these forever alone beds ooh and also maybe a plant my God this really does feel like real Ikea doesn't it well I definitely don't remember doing this when I was shopping at Ikea just cruising down the street Pardon Me Day drinkers I have a bed for one I need to put together and here we are and now that we have our supplies here we get to do something even more fun individually unpack the boxes and let's place that oh I don't know there we go perfect and we'll put the plant right here so people have to walk the other direction oh yeah looking great and wouldn't you know it's bedtime oh my god look how he sleeps now that is the sleep of Kings okay now that we're up again we got a big day ahead of us we actually bought none of the things we need turns out I went to the wrong store we didn't need the furniture store we needed the office supply store let's go on an adventure oh I think this is the place yes this place right here you wouldn't know it of course because their sign is all the way up here although I'm not seeing the cash register machines which is what I thought I needed hello I would like some assistance please well looks like we're at the wrong store again where the hell are we supposed to be oh I bet it's the appliance store isn't it oh silly me I went to the wrong place again okay here we are square appliances your local supplier of quality products God I certainly hope so finally there they are I would like to buy things hold on I don't have good control of my shopping cart hey you want to be twitch streamer ring up all my crap let's see where should we put the shopping carts can we put them in here in the break room as a matter of fact we can so that people have to awkwardly go all the way over here to get one and then we'll put our cash register right back over here yes good and finally our shelving units okay good what a weird gross looking storefront complete with the owner just Blair witching in the corner but we still need a product God so needy I'm gonna assume that's the wholesale store oh hey and you know what it turns out you can use taxis to get places well don't mind if I do wow only 25 dollars you bring the car with me and the answer is yes what a deal oh wow it's a warehouse all right and play with all the little things we might need oh here's what we're looking for expensive and cheap flowers but I think it's time we did some shopping and style with a different piece of equipment you know I don't know what it is but this feels like it's gonna be a bad idea oh well not a me problem anyway let's just go pick up some flowers Yep this seems like enough of them right either I would like to buy these things please no I don't want to look you in the eyes you can only buy boxes which are in your hands on a hand truck or in your car's trunk my car's trunk wait right here I'll be right back I didn't know we could buy our own car well shiver me timbers a car dealership Okay so we've got General U.S trucks but further down the street it looks like we've got City cars and the car options are kind of what you think they would be which is nice but I sure would love to know what the other people down the street have to offer oh yeah now we're talking yeah pretty sure the option is clear and obviously Pepto-Bismol pink [Music] well I like this already okay bye okay now it says driving so let's do it gotta admit I wasn't expecting this but I guess it makes the forklift make more sense you seem remarkably calm considering what just happened behind you okay wait hang on before we proceed any further I have to know something else you know how when we first entered there was a bunch of physics magic well now I have to know something which is what happens when we buy and drive in multiple trucks okay I think I'm doing really well on the truck front we've got not just one amazing truck here but we've also got a second one and a third one and fourth and fifth sixth seventh eighth ninth tenth and 11th actually I miscounted I think there's 12. anyway let's work on getting these trucks inside okay so here's one already stuck awesome and two and three oh yeah this is what we like to see oh yeah here we go oh oh oh Yep this is going about as well as I could have hoped truck goes in mess comes out there we go turns out you can fit a lot of trucks in this place and that's really great that they don't seem very threatened by it but maybe people do this all the time I don't know I'm new to the shipping business okay well time to get out and uh-oh no available position found for the character please move the vehicle to another location um I don't know if I can do that why can't I just crawl down from here well I guess we have no choice but to just wait and pass out in the truck Well turns out I was wrong we're still here no energy in sight and still no way to get out of the vehicle never mind I passed out oh those EMTs they just knew I wouldn't be able to par with my semi unfortunately we can't drive this thing around because it's totally broken but at least I get free parking and more than that we need to see if we can do this with more Vehicles all right let's try this again surely we can get at least one more truck stuck right only one way to find out easy easy you're doing so good oh and there we go the Blessed message I don't think you're supposed to be able to pass out in your truck but because our character can't leave the vehicle when you try you're out of the vehicle for like one frame before being forced back in and that's the magic oh no why would this guy choose this seat what kind of Death Wish do you have oh God I don't even know if I can get out of here why is there only one exit in a hospital oh oh wait wait I think I just lodged it well this doesn't seem physically possible with the truck sticking out past the boundaries of the level and also oh oh I'm so sorry but more importantly look there's the exit now we can continue being a menace you know this is probably good enough for now I think we've hit maximum truck occupancy for this Hospital you know what I think my guy is too old and too rich to care about running an active business you want to know what I somehow forgot about I own this building let's just kick him out well that was easy now let's check out our old map here and locate all the florist shops in the city and let's do it any aspiring billionaire does unfairly buys out the competition hello there other gray store and now I could pay over a million dollars to send them a business overtake offer but I would rather just buy the entire building for 10 times that just so I can kick him out instead sorry Grace looks like you're gonna have to go somewhere else oh and look there's another one maybe I should leave this one alone just kidding okay I think this is Grace's last flower shop and we're gonna do something a little special this time which is we're gonna send a business takeover offer congratulations you're the new owner and now we're gonna change the name I'm Grace and I suck yeah we did it everybody we exacted Petty revenge on someone we've never seen and doesn't deserve it it feels good to be rich and you know what else I don't think we need that miracle cure I think we can just die happy I want to thank dislite again for sponsoring this video you want to check them out there's a link in the description or a QR code covering this casket so I hope you had fun I know I did and I'll see you next time
Channel: Let's Game It Out
Views: 5,586,981
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: let's game it out, lets game it out, let game it out, let'sgameitout, letsgameitout, letgameitout, game it out, gameitout, lgio, josh let's game it out, let's game it out josh, lgio josh, josh lgio, let's game it out simulator, josh simulator, funny moments, big ambitions, big ambitions game, let's game it out startup company, startup company game, hovgaard games, big ambitions gameplay, big ambitions full game, big ambitions funny, funny games
Id: 77zyN0WUuE0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 27sec (1827 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 16 2023
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