People Order a Dream Home, I Build Their Nightmare - Hometopia

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hey there it's Josh welcome back to Let's game it out we're checking out home Topia today which combines two of my favorite things people hiring me to do a task and me ignoring everything that they wanted and yet somehow still accomplishing things and here we are in the wild world of hopia we've got all the greats Midtown Heights Courtyard mobile whatever that says these things and all these people in the back that are so insignificant to us the game has blurred them out for now the game wants us to start small so let's see which one of these three jobs we should take well we've got this one small renovation job one room to renovate with a nice base pay of $1,147 or we could do this one two rooms to renovate $1900 or we could do this one two rooms and $2,100 hey wait what just happened oh God it's been replaced if we don't act fast these jobs literally disappear in front of our very eyes okay fine we'll just take this one Angie buckle up we're coming in to renovate thank you for being prompt I need your design expertise wow you're going to wish you hadn't said that I tried it myself but didn't get very far I will not be happy with subpar Furnishings don't worry I got this I wasn't listening anyway so here we are in this neighborhood that's name I already forgot you can tell which house we're supposed to be working on on account of the fancy white border I mean that and some of these other houses look entirely neglected anyway like look at this one over here does somebody actually live here you don't even get a sidewalk huh wait can we do that to Angie's place I mean I know we're here to fix up a small living room but we're also going to help Angie fit in and by that I mean we're going to help her house blend in a little bit nice brick pathway how about we sell you oh wow that totally works I like it see look at that we're already helping out okay looking much better something I really enjoy about this game by the way is you have two perspectives to deal with you can do walking around mode where you can roam around the property in first person or you can go into fly mode ta-a just like that where you can do all your fun Renovations from like a God view see look how great that was already for now though let's go ahead and check out the house see what we're dealing with oh I see wow this sure looks like it went off the rails fast this was you trying ahead of time are you sure you didn't just go into like a drug induced stuper otherwise how do you explain the pizza boxes and the historical maps and what hard cover books I'm sorry did all this renovation interrupt your tomb rating and how have you been living with this disaster right next to like a normal house like that crappy living room was right off from this brand new beautiful kitchen I mean comparatively this kitchen's kind of hideous let's make a couple of changes first of all let's take this window and put it right there good great and also let's take those dishes as much as I like them sitting on one of the burners and let's take those where they belong outside for someone else to deal with yep that's the spirit and for this fridge we're just going to take it and put it in the corner like so there we go facing the corner it's in a Timeout right now in fact what's to stop me from just grabbing all of this stuff and just moving it outside the house even this rug that we can't see from the outside actually you know what let's go ahead and place this right in front of the door here there we go home sweet home and I don't like that the front door opens right into this crack back in so let's go ahead and just take that door and let's move it to somewhere that feels a little more exciting there we go see good thing we moved that fridge because now the front door is here anyway back to this room I guess as you can see it tells us all the things we need to do everything from floor and wall coverings etc etc so first we're going to start by cleaning up all the crap hope you had copies of all these ancient documents cuz they're going away wait how am I supposed to deal with graffiti oh well there you go can I do the same thing with this wow I fixed all that with a dust pan I didn't realize we were going to be Sorcerers well whatever the room is clean now next step let's work on flooring wow look at all the different things we can install like yeah we've got all the stuff you'd expect like flooring and walls and doors and windows and stuff but then we have a separate category for just fireplaces railing structures like pillars and balconies oh my goodness oh it's not unlocked yet I guess for right now we're going to have to stick with just the stuff we're supposed to do so if I recall she hates wood so we're going to use wood not just wood by the way beautiful laminate wood flooring at least some of it we want to make sure there's some Variety in here which is why we're going to mix it up to this vintage worn hardwood okay looking good and not at all like the picture and we'll finish it off with a little bit of this okay there we go it's looking great let's move on to wall coverings oh but look at this we have interior walls exterior walls and then a nice primer which we're definitely not going to do let's see what do we think will look the worst siding brick or stucco I think this living room demands a nice siding okay so we'll just Gussy up the space so it looks like the outside of a shed and while we have the tool out why don't we just go ahead and add a couple here too there we go it's great really ties the two rooms together wait can I take this window and just put it right here oh that's good too actually you always want to be able to see what's happening in the kitchen right okay time for seating seating of one apparently what do we think does a toilet count I mean with the lid down it's kind of a seat right and in fact let's go ahead and place that right there so you can take a crap while staring into the kitchen and the answer is no the game does not count that as seating okay fine we'll look at actual seating do we want to go with this wooden stool or whatever this thing is and why is the picture for this one on its side whatever we're going to go with the wooden stool let's see can I just place it like right on top of the toilet oh yeah there we go truly it is art for the Modern Age and as for lighting can I just go into like another room and take their stuff and install it here Fiddlesticks this game is too smart for me okay well in that case let's find something that goes with the room ah classic porch light also on its side I think we have a winner I don't know I kind of like how this is turning out oh you know what's actually going to really help with the charm customizing some of this stuff I'm not really sure what I'm looking at here are you trying to tell me that these are all the designs I have at my disposal for customizing so wait if I take like this colorful diamond towel fabric can I just apply it to the toilet oh yes yes you can unfortunately it doesn't look like it magically works on everything like yeah you can try to customize this lamp but try as I may it doesn't get that much more exciting other stuff though definitely does I don't know about you but I love my window frames so look like I wrapped them like a present anyway back to living room furniture I was afraid to choose some something like this vintage wide sideboard because look how stupid and normal this looks but since we can paint it like using this cute picture of this cat and now we can make it look appropriately hideous I like that we can't even see the cat anymore oh wait I was wrong there's one and 1/3 of its eyes crying out for help sorry cat your soul is part of the dresser now oh my God you want to know what else I learned some items will stack on other items Oh Happy Day up to and including the toilet well I think I know where all this stuff is going as long as we check off all the boxes I'm sure is going to be fine okay there we go just the way we all like to watch TV oh my God we're almost done I can almost taste all the money I've clearly earned I guess this is all the decor we can choose from and we do have a lot of options but I think my eyes are drawn to these window treatments like normally you would take window treatments and put them like right here right like in front of a window can I just put them anywhere as actual Decor oh good yes use it to frame the toilet and we'll put another one right here and let's also put one here to commemorate where there used to be a door hey you know speaking of what is even in this this room hello hello oh a bedroom so I guess this is what the bathroom it's so nice in here actually hang on I'm going to borrow this this would be great Decor in the living room well it didn't count but I'm leaving it anyway but just to make it extra creepy our fourth piece of Decor is going to be some child's toy but like a smart child that sits around and loves to play with their Abacus Tada we did it hang on before we go I want to do one last thing which is move this door right here so that while you sleep you have a clear view of the neighbors and you can no longer access the bathroom job completed Angie writes one star I'm moving out good thanks for the $500 and we gained a little experience for our troubles so in case you're wondering why we only made $588 it turns out Angie had some deductions she disliked 21 items didn't like the mismatched floor or the non- kids rooms with kid items in them and most bafflingly didn't like the toilet outside the bathroom so picky well that was a complete success and right now we've only got little renovation projects like that thankfully as you can see they're not that hard to do and we're going to have to do a couple of more so that we can level up from rank two and there we go outdoor construction jobs available God help us all oh boy are you as excited as I am for this small outdoor construction job okay so Jane Nixon here wants a Backyard Bar seems easy enough especially cuz there's no fence back here so I kind of feel like this can be the backyard or this can be the backyard or maybe even this can be the backyard so here's how this would normally work first we need to build a new room and assign it and when they say build a new room what they mean is one of these foundations and so what the game wants us to do is plop down some foundations and then go up here to the room planner and then we look over the thing we just made which currently is set to unassigned and we could do something like assign a Backyard Bar and just like that that's what it's designated to be so I don't know about you but I immediately had a thought which is at this point what's stopping us from just doing stuff inside the house and that's when I saw that everything is locked which means the game doesn't want to let us switch to unassigned and try to unassign this kitchen I mean with good reason too we're supposed to be building a backyard bar or whatever but that's when I figured out something else if we were to take our little square of Backyard Bar here and then decide that we want to build some walls for it if we build a wall straight across like this it reassigns stuff look at that now it says it's too small and only 65 squ ft and then we have a second Backyard Bar also too small and it even shows me two backyard bars in the tasks here so then I started to wonder would that work on a locked space too well let's find out first things first let's move some of this stuff out of the way way because we're going to draw a wall right between these two sections it'll make sense in a second okay so let's just take a wall draw it right across like this oh my looks like the locked kitchen got even smaller but now there's a second kitchen can I switch this to unassigned oh good so wait a minute does that mean I can make the locked kitchen completely disappear like if I just draw through it again okay it haveed the kitchen again and then once again we can unassign one side well what about if I just use separate little things to make all little quadrants ah I see three of them become customizable kitchens and then we have one tile that is our locked kitchen so we'll just unassign these get rid of all these walls and now this room that previously was the kitchen is technically only the kitchen on that one tile which I think means we can establish all the rest of this as the Backyard Bar yep we sure can well hey at this point why stop at a medium Backyard Bar now what we have all this available real estate to work with Okay so hang on let's go over here move all of this crap out of the way do that thing where we chop up the room into as many little small pieces as we can where the game now thinks there's countless small bedrooms which gives us all kinds of fun information actually room is too small client did not request this and it wants us to add all of that stuff in every single room good thing we don't actually have to do all that right once we unassign everything all of our problems just go away and shockingly that one little square that's still the bedroom the game doesn't even ask for all that stuff anymore it's like n you just need to paint the walls put a light in and some Decor but I notic that once you start deleting walls even that goes away the game is happy now well time to do that with the rest of the house just grab everything that's going to be in the way for my wall paradise and then it's time to add walls everywhere okay that's One Direction down now to finish off the grid and then go over this whole thing and unassign everything we can get all the walls back out of the way I also tried to put the furniture back where it was but I mean that's probably good enough right I don't really remember where it was I'm sure this is about right though especially that right there the perfect accessory for anybody crying themselves to sleep anyway all the lock spaces have been sh we say optimize technically that's the whole bathroom that's the living room that's the hallway and there's our kitchen bedroom and bathroom which leaves all the rest of this to become Backyard Bar oh dear that's not what I meant to have happen I didn't mean to make seven backyard bars oh yeah somehow I already forgot what the walls are going to do which is to separate it out by separate little rooms so let me unassign all that and I think there's really only truly one solution to this we've just got to demolish all these walls here goes nothing oh yeah it's perfect what do we think do we think this will be good enough sure has that Backyard Bar feel doesn't it okay and now we can assign this whole thing as one big bar and look at all the money we can save on this we don't even need to put down our own foundations I did notice we have an added task for exteriors which looks like it's happy with our roof coverings and the surfaces on our zero out of zero exterior walls but it wants five windows I mean fair enough I get it to make that happen I'm going to install one piece of wall right here slap some plaster on it and hopefully be able to of five whole windows in this one space yes there we go we've done it and now to focus on the Backyard Bar we don't even have to put floor coverings the house itself already did that for us the rest is just painting this one wall slapping down some kind of entertainment like this crappy little radio you know to really get this party started oh crap that didn't count I forgot that's not technically in the Backyard Bar it's in the kitchen well I can solve that right now TDA okay cool that did it and we know the drill just put crap everywhere to fulfill the requirements and that's how you make a backyard bar where the entire roof is held up by just this one wall and sort of this pile of furniture thanks for your business oh yeah there you go Jane Nixon writes I need to find a remote job because I don't ever want to leave this house oh good a new neighborhood unlocked now we can do stuff at Plaza lakes and also a new job type home expansion jobs available well what are we waiting for we're no longer limited to just these renovation jobs or even these small outdoor construction jobs it's time to land the big thing of the large home expansion job and look at all those skills we'll have to use planning building interior designing well this seems easy enough they want us to fully construct an office a dining room a living room and a baby's bedroom I'm sorry what is in your house now did you have none of these things let's take a quick tour first see what we're working with oh okay I see what's going on here they have a small living room when what they want is a living living room makes sense to me okay so I guess for this one we might actually do some real building same situation as before the game is locked all the existing rooms not like that's going to stop us especially when we have all this extra yard space to work with but you know first things first we got to do something about the outside Decor of this house talk about hideous like what do you think all the neighbors are saying when they see this monstrosity so first things first let's convert all these walls into glass walls oh yeah this is already starting to look better in that creepy jail cell kind of way and we can't stop there we should probably do all sides of the house I don't care how much of our income it takes up the Heart Wants What It Wants oh I kind of hate to say it but this doesn't look the worst I mean creepy sure but not the worst unless you're these neighbors I guess maybe that's why all their blinds are closed so they don't have to look over at the creepy house where you can watch them while they're watching you while they're taking a crap we are going to get rid of all these walls inside the house though it's kind of our signature move oh yeah that's much better it's like a stage play here now you just have to pretend you can see the walls well okay we should probably still have something making the bathroom a little more private otherwise that's just awkward we do need a door for it though you know what would work better than a garage door oh yeah here we go wait is this the kind that goes out or up oh I see how convenient I like how aggressively glossy it is too and then I guess you need to wedge yourself directly into the corner so you don't hurt yourself closing it wait so is it going to smack me in the face when I open it it can open both directions this is better than a real garage door and what a unique Ambiance this provides to our view of the crapper anyway moving on from this right now the clients have is a beautiful twostory thing and while it's clearly already the most exciting house on the Block I think we can do better but that depends if the game's going to let us build a third story oh yeah it looks like it can right wait can I just start my third floor without even removing the roof that would certainly save money on labor wouldn't it let's see it won't let me Place one right here but I don't care can I just place it right here okay good whatever fine what a magnificent house this is and we'll kind of slim it up to just be this size unfortunately over here in the room planner it doesn't look like it's going to let me assign rooms to this space what if I start pulling up like individual pieces will this do the trick oh yeah there we go well that's just swell I think we found the baby's bedroom seems like the perfect spot for it what room is too small okay so be it we'll open it up a little bit and by that I mean we're going to trace out all the space we're going to empty out and we're going to turn this floor into you guessed it a maze oh whoops looks like I deleted too many things and not just this hole in the ceiling but also this thing right here on the side which is fine we can use this and by that I mean glorious glorious stairs okay let's see how does this work where does it consider to be okay to put stairs now I know if it's indoors like this it'll work but I don't want to put it indoors I want to put it out here like this so first we'll delete some of these things okay and let's see will this do the trick excellent the changes that someone else paid us to make are slowly being realized and it doesn't look like I can stack stairs on top of more stairs wait I have an idea what if we use ceiling tiles and we just put them underneath the stairs good great and then we add some walls just like this this not even all the Walls by the way just enough to add these two little pieces actually wait can I delete this now oh good perfect that's what we like to see shading the system my God can I just draw this stuff anywhere you sure can new idea we're going to put some construction all the way over here because I just really want to show off for the neighbors our complete lack of respect for physics I can't draw these to the neighbors can I okay no we can build right up to the edge of our property and no farther we'll just go ahead and keep perfecting our system here and it does allow us to exercise our creative brain to create something for the client that'll surprise and Delight I'm actually also super curious here how many floors up can we actually go well I guess we're about to find out pretty decently high as it turns out at around 10 floors up it stops letting me build but overall I think I'm okay with this the main thing that matters to me is that we can go all the way up here and look down on all this inferior housing also I didn't do this the game just understands my wants apparently anyway goes without saying but this is definitely where one of our rooms are going to be and I think we all know which one right that's right new location for the baby bedroom okay so first let's get some carpet going something nice and corporate's probably going to be nice next let's Place some kids furniture like this rocking chair which of course we're going to put precariously right here on the edge oh and good news this stuff can stack on each other so it can really go over the edge wait wait this is making me ask more questions does that mean I can just keep stacking stuff on top of this like even higher than this so at first I thought the answer was no but then I realized a couple of things for one it's probably because we're right up against that property line which which had me wondering if I pull this thing back and maybe not use these things cuz it looks like I can't stack them anyway and instead we're going to try stacking with this kids table cuz it's a little cheaper and you can place it a little bit farther out can I just keep doing this over and over and over again can I then take this thing and then just move it all the way to the edge oh good we found a way to make it go past the boundaries okay if we're going to keep building outwards we're going to need a little extra space so we're going to sit here in the very corner of the map and start building up from here so hold please okay I think this is about as far as the game is going to let me take it which I for one am proud of the art we've made okay you come with me and let's see if we can take this thing all the way up the house and over to this platform oh my God I think it's going to let me well the answer is yes yes it will I can almost not even see how high it goes like the view almost won't let us see it but it's definitely a worthy addition to our baby's bedroom oh actually hang on a second there's one more addition I want to make I got to bring it all the way back down here just so I can edit stuff on the top and up here at the top is where we're going to put the baby crib yes good perfect and here there we go the ultimate baby's bedroom and if you need to take care of the baby oh wait you can't I myself am not allowed to go past that little boundary yes that's right we're stuck on this line here but baby gets to go anywhere they want and we need to handle lighting and I've got some ideas for that here we go some nice standing candles yes what could possibly go wrong with this actually you know what this has me thinking and by thinking I mean I've come up with another idea on how to utilize something as glorious as this so I was thinking about our neighbors over here with their big beautiful nice house and I thought there's no reason they need to close all those windows it's not like we're intimidating or anything I think they just need a chance to get to know us so in order to do that let's demonstrate for them some of our skills first let's go back over here to the very corner of our house temporarily we're going to build a couple of Foundations out here only so that we can build on this and I was taking a look at some of the random Decor options that we have and I discovered an item in particular that really caught my eye the checker board first off look at the size of this thing I'm just happy it's large and flat for comparison by the way here's a whole weight bench I almost feel like this checker board is here solely for Mischief anyway so we're going to take another board find the very edge and place it there and then Place Another and another I'm sure you can see where this is going and now that we've extended to the very edge let's go ahead and keep expanding okay and at the end of this we're just going to take this like that okay Moment of Truth we're going to try something now so we should be able to grab this checkerboard right here and click and drag the whole thing and then we should be able to take it and drag it somewhere else and let's see if we can't drag it into our house like I don't know right about right there and then this whole thing breaks through the walls all the way over to the neighbor's house and not just over to the neighbor's house but inside ah yes good the addition they've probably always wanted an extra toilet right above the entryway oh my goodness I didn't realize it was so Barren in here well don't you worry we're a good neighbor we'll help you out okay I've prepared a couple of care packages for the neighbors just Checker boards all over the place and now it's time to deliver okay here comes one and putting down another and one last one right there all kinds of stuff that's designed to help them feel nice and appreciated now obviously just like before we have the toilet but now we also have a nice little entertainment area for them to use complete with sofa coffee tables and a television and then once you're done watching that go ahead and hop over to those other chest boards which will take you to your nice dining room table complete with a place mat silverware and fresh baked lasagna M there's even room for two oh no but what if it's past your bedtime and it's time time to go Betty byy oh no problem there's a bed in here too I even put custom sheets on it and as you can see the image translates perfectly and doesn't look like a total nightmare oh wait I almost forgot I have one last surprise for you hold please while I slide right into your house DMS here I made this just for you just to let you know if you need anything I'm here for you even though I don't live here and this isn't my house but the people that contracted me to work on this I'm sure will really appreciate it isn't that right oh yeah that's what I like to see five stars overall this is lovely and I love what you did with the living room you mean the neighbors I also love what we did with it well that was fun I'm looking forward to seeing how this game develops as it makes its way through Early Access let me know in the comments if you want to see more of this I hope you had fun I know I did and I'll see you next time
Channel: Let's Game It Out
Views: 4,157,217
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: let's game it out, lets game it out, let game it out, let'sgameitout, letsgameitout, letgameitout, game it out, gameitout, lgio, josh let's game it out, let's game it out josh, lgio josh, josh lgio, let's game it out simulator, josh simulator, funny moments, hometopia, hometopia gameplay, people order a dream home, dream home builder, house builder, house flipper, home builder, home building, building game, home designer, home design, design simulator
Id: OzYxBrgtUSo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 44sec (1364 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 06 2023
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