I Built Cities Skyline 2’s LARGEST City… then i destroyed it

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hello sir hey hello again welcome to poop [Music] a few weeks ago the wonderful people over at Paradox interactive gave me access to an early build of City skylines 2. and then they put me on a crane we'll talk about that later City skylines 2 you build cities construct townships move people around with mass transit networks and try your absolute hardest to not murder hundreds of thousands of people with a tsunami of who since this is an early pre-release of the game only a select few people can actually play it which gave me a devilish idea without too much effort I can probably make the larger City the game has ever seen and then I can commit unspeakable atrocities upon my glorious creation so let us begin [Music] wanting to start things off properly I began the game with tutorials move with these Keys tilt the camera with these Keys build roads like this zoning and before I knew it I had built the beginning of a small town burgeoning with life ready to take on the future inhabited by the brightest of a new generation a town of Buffalo beautiful [Music] yep that's uh uh yeah unlike the first game I had no limit on the amount of terraforming I could do which meant I could do things like this for the city's Road Network I had conceived an incredible solution to traffic triangles this amazing technology makes every single intersection in the city six waves you might think this is very stupid and it is but what's even stupider is this type of intersection actually exists in real life and where else would it exist then beautiful sunny Los Angeles the real intersection is even worse than these ones though because it doesn't have any traffic lights just six stop signs [ __ ] with traffic 100 solved forever I could move on to more important things like schools police stations water infrastructure fire stations and most importantly somewhere to put all the poop how about uh here once the Poo had been successfully routed into the pukano it was only a matter of time until it filled well a matter of very long time I spent about another hour on the city and by then it had filled to about yeah not very high and that meant it was um time to drink placing a water pump inside the pecano resulted in fresh poo being delivered directly to people's Taps which caused the entire city to either pack up and leave or die well Whoville was no more [Music] and with that we move on to attempt Two Gentlemen welcome to peniston the city went a little better than poop a little this time I spent a bit longer learning the basic principles of the game and examined things that had been changed from City skylines 1. things like much larger really nice looking service buildings like this coal plant or this landfill hmm I checked out the new zoning pedestrian on these streets the grid tool and of course radio announcements telling you what's going on in the city the commercial district is booming more radio announcements so a housing shortage is bad for the people trying to move here ride and my personal favorite there's a widespread concern over fears that an Insidious underground criminal organization has seized control of the area recent crime stats confirm that the crime wave has certainly gripped our region and it's showing no signs of letting up I don't like the sound of that Glenda we'll be back after this all of this was great so I uh flattened a bit of land and got to work on the next area I did a bit of bus stuff zoned a bunch of housing built these terrible awful Roads connecting everything and then people started drinking poo again foreign attempt three before attempt three began I had a few things to do namely fly all the way to Germany hang out for a few days and then get hoisted 50 meters into the air by a crane now that we're in position it was time to begin our Fabulous New City when naming this new city I tried to think of a name that inspired greatness a name that made me think [Music] gentlemen behold the grand city of this time I wasn't going to keep messing around this time I would research the ins and outs of city building and I would construct a wonderful perfect Flawless Utopian city so first things first I did some research and with that research completed here are my findings so we want to build the largest possible city a city that has an extremely high population or buying products driving their car and most importantly pooping out their butt well to get to that point our new city of um couldn't just be a huge grid with nothing but apartment buildings believe me I tried no one moved in this city needed to be attractive people had to actually want to move in and that substantially complicates things so why would a citizen want to move here well maybe they've got a good job or the amenities are nice the shops sell cool stuff the city services are reliable it's safe there are dudes that be telling that foods are plenty of crack a nice pleasant location to gamble away my kids college fund hookers on every street corner the reasons one might want to live in a city are truly endless so we have to try to accommodate as many as possible first and foremost they need somewhere to live so let's build some roads Zone them for low density residential and wait [Music] hooray our first citizen if I wanted the poo man to actually stay in the city I needed to build a few service buildings a groundwater pump for pumping groundwater a windmill for billing wind an industrial sector for people to work at and then I had to decide on a place [Music] once that was all done I zoned a few more things and then just sort of sat back and watched my creation do its magic I even found a dog bar and there we go our first Milestone this Milestone unlocked a few new service buildings I placed down a medical clinic a cemetery an elementary school a landfill the city of um was definitely making me go with the city now growing quite quickly came even more unlocked roundabouts fire stations police stations higher density housing specialized industry and before I knew it had reached 1 000 population and night time nighttime in this game looks quite nice now the build I was playing on was quite an early one which meant it came with a few bugs here and there my favorite of which being gas stations with uh rather powerful lights so what next well now the city had reached a thousand population I had to do something truly awful I had to start thinking you see in the first game all big cities had one common struggle traffic if I wanted the city to be truly huge I had to get on top of traffic before it became an issue so of course I did some more research holy [ __ ] roads roads on the surface may seem simple enough to get them wrong and disaster we'll follow so how do you not get them wrong well by following a few basic principles of Road networks first being roadway hierarchy you probably already have a vague idea of what this means obviously a highway has a pretty different purpose than the road that goes to your house the hierarchy goes like this highways then arterial roads then collectors and then local roads they don't necessarily need different numbers of lanes or higher speed or really anything distinguishing them the distinction is more about where they are in the network than what they actually look like each step down the hierarchy trades off Mobility or how fast you can get from point A to B with access or how many things you can put on that road local roads have the highest access but lowest Mobility while highways have the highest Mobility with the lowest access speaking of Highways uh hey there's a highway right there so back to the city of we can see that these basic Road principles have already been used this road here is an arterial road we've got some collectory looking dudes off to the side here and all our houses are placed nicely along local roads next up another neighborhood an arterial Road up here and wonderful as our city grew larger we unlocked even more stuff this stuff is quite important since we need to keep our citizens happy so more move in in order to keep our citizens happy I advised a devious plan [ __ ] that with the city sufficiently uh lathered in Parks I could add or stuff an industrial area here so it makes use developments over here a college here an experimental pedestrian on the street with shops over here and before I knew it five thousand population at this point of the game issues start cropping up like our cash flow is still negative oh there's a little bit of traffic oh there's a giant forest fire bearing down the city yeah after all that's fine we're gonna take the Noble Path and completely ignore it you see in City skylines Road design and layout will only get you so far in fighting traffic the best way to stop jams is for there to be no cars there in the first place gentlemen it was time to busy ourselves with public transit at a small scale we only really have the capacity to add buses so we'll add some buses I remember first playing City skylines one and spamming the [ __ ] out of buses absolutely everywhere doing this resulted in bus lines that look something like this now yes this line does in fact serve us a lot of people but if you live here and want to go here instead of the bus going straight there it goes here then around here and then stops here and finally arrives here this system is dumb it's far better to have a bus that just goes from one point to another in the city and then stops in between with that said here's my first bus route it takes people from the apartments to the industrial area and back simple now of course the whole point of doing this is to allow people to get around without using their car the vast majority of people when given the choice between a bus and a car all else equal will almost always choose a car this is great if you want your City to look like this but I don't so we need to make the bus a viable alternative we can do this with bus lanes to prioritize bus traffic or by not providing parking near the destination so they can't drive there what's more important however is that the public transit system has layers to it public transit isn't just buses it's also trams Metro ferries trains and even aircraft all these systems should mesh together to provide a viable alternative to just getting in your car and driving to your destination the end result well hopefully not this ah with the beginnings of a public transit Network laid out came rezoning if I wanted the city to be the largest the game had ever seen these single-family homes were no good in their place I zoned for mixed use which are just apartment blocks with shops on the bottom instead of housing four or five people mixed-use developments can house 60 to 80. of course I couldn't rezone everything at once so I just did it gradually bulldozing Grandma's house only every so often with more population once again Kenmore unlocks this time we'd unlocked the office space why work in a dangerous hazardous manufacturing job where you could just sit on a computer and slap a keyboard for eight hours a day hey wait a minute officers have a few advantages over industry the important one being they don't produce pollution this means that we can place them wherever we want they also employ a higher proportion of educated workers this is good when your city has a high level of Education mine doesn't but it's nice to think that maybe someday it will in the meantime though the citizens needed to be put back to work [ __ ] in particular we needed more industry perhaps like this chemical plant building thing which looks really cool and what a drink whatever funny liquid it produces hmm hmm [Music] ons [Music] [Music] all right look up oh [ __ ] in that time I spent doing uh whatever it was that I was doing the city had managed to pass the 15 000 population milestone nice oh yeah and I was uh still in the crane guys it's been a long time yet guys can you please let me down please guys everything in um was going perfectly the commercial District was a commercial district is booming as the industry was on the history and the region is on the rise a housing shortage was driving up prices shortages driving up prices in the area oh my God yes I get it dude these radio announcers ever shut the [ __ ] up no Martin we don't shut up thank you what Martin time is running out the citizens demanded Martin the citizens want who Martin the volcano is this please shut up shut up shut up uh well uh I hate this new milestone build this bridge thing yeah Mark okay well uh maybe we should try a port you know because it's got like the funny you know the funny you know the funny the funny water vehicle you know you know so I made a port now the city has shipping access hooray okay how about a train yard and some trains alrighty bam trains a stop over here I'll stop over here some tunnels connecting them all this cool train bridge thing nice how about a metro metro stations tunnels Metro lines the attractiveness of was truly off the charts and in the next couple of hours of playing the population ballooned from 15 000 to 50 000 people this once again unlocked a swath of new high density buildings so to cram even more people into my more and more limited space I zoned a bunch of high rises was well on its way to City Glory but this huge influx did in fact cause a few issues namely traffic with so many people moving in all at once car traffic coming into the city was truly huge so to combat this I came up with a genius idea a wonderful Pleasant beautiful Urban Highway currently there's only one access point into the city but with our wonderful new Urban Highway and this cool Bridge it was now two okay highways are cool and all that but what's the best way to merge a highway with another road gentlemen it's time to dive into the wonderful world so you're an urban planner and you've got a problem you've got this big road going this way and another big road going this way how do you join them together well with an interchange there are several to choose from and they all serve slightly different purposes Trump an interchange three-way directional interchange single point Urban interchange Cloverleaf partial globally diverging diamond and everyone's favorite concrete Abomination the stack interchange some of these interchanges are meant for moving traffic from one highway to another like the stack interchange While others are made for taking traffic off the highway and putting it onto a more accessible Road this is what we want for our new highway so for this job I chose the diamond interchange well look pretty basic and honestly [ __ ] version of one but a diamond is change nonetheless I repeated this basic [ __ ] design down the length of our wonderful stretch of road and ended up with this once that was done it was time to build a cool Bridge all the way back to the mainland and connect it up to the highway down there this requires another interchange hooray for this job we're using a three-way directional interchange as the title says it's three ways directional and an interchange yeah anyway with that placed down this wonderful new section of highway is open for business and you know what that means more expansion for expansion of course meaning huge influxes of new people in just a few hours the city managed to go from 50 000 population all the way up to 90 000. huge swaths of new people making their way into the city via our new highway proved very quickly that the interchanges I had designed were in fact very bad and I should feel bad about them [ __ ] idiot [ __ ] stupid dogs not to worry though because one of my Intercity trains I had the foresight of building was doing some serious heavy lifting a couple of them were even full holding 800 passengers each all 800 of which got off at one station causing this wonderful Cascade of bodies to come flooding out filling the streets like some sort of gelatinous liquid beautiful and with that more expansions I built more neighborhoods and more neighborhoods and more and more thousands of people flock to me tram lines highways thousands of spaces for new buildings it was only a matter of time before the population skyrocketed yet again didn't for whatever reason people had decided enough was enough and they didn't want to move in anymore what's worse is for the life of me I couldn't figure out why mousing over the citizen happiness meter revealed that citizens in my city were having a wonderful time lots of wealth reliable city services and no poo in the drinking water yet this city was just good so why then was no one moving in hmm during this whole time of expanding the city I'd assumed that officers are just plain better than industrial areas you see officers can be placed anywhere so I'd just been placing them wherever I please typically right next to residential so people wouldn't have to travel farther work unfortunately there's a limit at some point people get sick of their keyboard slapping and need manufacturing jobs so I gave them what they wanted and holy [ __ ] a nice influx of tens of thousands of people I passed over a hundred thousand then over a hundred and fifty people were literally dying to get to my city and predictably the traffic was really bad I expanded so much that I'd filled up the Barrier Island I expanded down to the mainland filling it with a huge expansive Suburbia I built over 100 elementary schools the population grew still I built these cool University buildings the Large Hadron Collider this needle-looking thing and the population grew still International Airport more Suburbia nuclear energy more industry trams trains more Suburbia highways skyscrapers incineration plants more Suburbia infrastructure of all shapes and sizes the city grew and grew and grew and here we are fellas three hundred thousand citizens I'm pretty confident this is the largest city ever built in City skylines too now let me ask you a question what are three hundred thousand people good at maybe making a lot of money or using lots of incineration plants or perhaps producing lots of digital Goods yes they are good at all of those things but they're most good at one thing in particular they are good at pooping gentlemen I present to you the purpose of this city what everything has been leading up to I present the pukino [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] Army the entirety of um was destroyed only one single person remained the poo man if you'd like to beat my record and claim even more lives pre-order this fantastic game with my link goodbye [Music]
Channel: martincitopants
Views: 4,001,098
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: martincitopants, martin, from the depths, factorio, KSP, kerbal, arma, arma 3, Battlefield 4, Tier list, Battlefield 6, just cause, minecraft, elon musk, gaming, dream
Id: FNgjPFlxDIg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 41sec (1361 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 08 2023
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