Instead of Building a Space Colony I Built a Human Death Trap - Astro Colony - Ad

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I find my favorite games to play because of LGIO. I bought AstroColony last night and played all evening. Already addicted.

👍︎︎ 5 👤︎︎ u/Asleep_Stage_451 📅︎︎ Jun 07 2023 🗫︎ replies

Whew! Thank you, Josh, for not launching my Astronaut into the cold, dark abyss.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/CubGeek 📅︎︎ Jun 07 2023 🗫︎ replies

NGL I'd never heard of the game before, bought it based on his playthrough. :)

Great game, glad to have found it!

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/Krinberry 📅︎︎ Jun 07 2023 🗫︎ replies
hey there it's Josh welcome back to Let's game it out we're playing some Astro Colony today because it combines some things I really like space Factory building and excess and also Astra Colony has been kind enough to sponsor this whole video so if you like what you see there's a link in the description to check it out for yourself our journey begins with us on a glorious spacecraft and look at that we have Companions and what are you Humanity seeks opportunities to discover yeah whatever kurz kazad I'm trying to connect with the other human beings around here well this is my assignment I guess I'll see you guys on the surface with me right right guys where are you going oh well whatever I'm sure there's plenty of fun to be had without them Just Like You tutorial bot we're gonna put you to sleep for now till we need you if ever we need you anyway so here we are in our brand new home as you can see it's just a platform for now but that's okay we've got the Infinity of space around us and besides being on this platform we've got all these asteroids flying around correction was flying around anyway the first step to all of this is we need to get some materials and in order to do that we gotta Harvest these these asteroids luckily they're not outside of our grasp even though they look far away because not only can we do a little jumping but we can do a little hovering too so now we can just fly anywhere and get to anything we need and once we're up close and personal with the asteroid that's when we do some manual mining yep that's the spirits which you like to see smacking it for materials as well as basic science I didn't know that's where science comes from I'm learning so much nah but for real this is what the science stuff is for unlocks and upgrades Galore and not just basic science but all kinds of others like engineering and chemistry and biology and space and blah blah blah can't wait for this docking technology though so as an example we've got five basic science and unlock oxygen which obviously we're gonna need wait or are we I know we have our oxygen down here I know it sounds stupid but what happens when we run out in fact let's combine that with another test like sure we could float like this all the time or we cannot float and just go right off the side and just fall and fall and just keep on falling for how long can we do this excellent question pretty sure there's only one way to find out take me beautiful space reveal to me the secrets of the universe and also let me know what happens when my O2 Runs Out ooh and while we're falling what is this thing I guess there wouldn't be any harm in checking it out while we're down here easy there keep it in your sights oh let's see what do we have here looks like a space Island ugh and I'm okay and I believe this is telling me that the name of this um this land mass of sorts is called Silent space because if we look on our map here not only does it show me on this little land mass thingy where it is indeed labeled as silent space oh look at that we have other things all around us like gothur Dia or Nuki land or Linus techius oh this game you have such a sense of humor anyway it also lets you know what kind of stuff is on this little planet like all of these different deposits oh and good news you can reform this landmass to your heart's desire and goodness knows I love that especially when you keep digging straight down until when oh you know until you fall through the bottom and thus we continue our journey we're also either out of oxygen are getting close to it judging by all the flashing and I think this little bar that's slowly going down is the rest of my life and all I can say is I'm really impressed with us it takes us a really long time to suffocate after we run out of oxygen okay Moment of Truth what happens do we just like respawn or something failure your character died well that'll teach me so let's head on over to some of these asteroids and do a little extracting presumably we're gonna need whatever comes out of these anyway so we'll just go ahead and smack at them for a while till we feel like we have a good amount of them so we'll just smack some of these and also some of these not to mention some ice which makes perfect little ice cubes and so on and so forth now that we got a couple of minerals let's go ahead and open up our inventory and do a little hand crafting all we gotta do is click on this little recipe thing I'm above and then we can make our dude busy himself with just making as many iron bars and copper bars by hand or as I read that he's making iron bar hands either way here we go taking those materials and automatically converting them into bars and of course we can't make these other things quite yet because we haven't unlocked them so over here back in the world of unlocks first we'll go ahead and unlock oxygen which in turn unlocks the oxygen generator and then we'll unlock the other things we need like handcrafting that wire that was previously locked as well as the electricity thingamabob which is going to let us make carbon reactors as well as electric cable what a deal okay so let's see we're running out of oxygen and fast we need to build an oxygen generator post haste okay there we go where's my oxygen what do I do do I just like put my mouth on that or that or both somehow wait never mind you just add ice and then you use it to refill your oxygen like so ah and thank God we can breathe again because it's time to do a little bit more of this yeah we should also probably satisfy some of our curiosity with whatever this is over here let's see what do we have here looks like we have a land mass that doesn't believe in dark mode but more than that we have iron deposits well time to get started can I just like dig out this and just carry the big chunk home that sure would be nice no sense in not trying so let's kind of just hollow out this entire thing and see if we can okay just continuing to hollow it out okay it's all gone it's just this thing now no such luck though it turns out this is the land mass now okay fine we'll just do this the old-fashioned way don't worry though we'll automate this eventually and done finally I feel really good having eliminated something from outer space and now we have a cool 561 iron and now that we have all these Majestic supplies it's time to do a little bit of building first things first we need to build this the carbon reactor this is our first step into automation with something that can generate power basically you just go up to this thing take a bunch of our carbon ore shove it right into the machine oh my goodness it's so beautiful and powered and polluting right into space and then we can build a bunch of wire that can connect to other machines and power those two and to make things even more fun we can wire upwards too how high up I wonder well right now this High because we don't have more wire for that so for now we'll just have this here ah good how useful I'm sure we'll find a use for it at some point but for now it's time to unlock more stuff I probably should have mentioned but this thing just keep going like we have kind of normal sounding stuff like smelting and water but then we have more wild stuff like asteroid catching and Cosmic harpoons not to mention moving into my favorite thing automation all I can hope is that we get to poultry farming because God does that egg look good well let's not get ahead of ourselves here let's unlock this entire row of stuff there we go we're instantly smarter and six more things let's start with asteroid catching device to manually catch asteroids and process them oh how I'm excited for this and we'll go ahead and just connect it to some power and now it's ready to yank asteroids right out of the sky let's give it a shot oh boy which one do we want to choose well that one's got copper and that'll make more wire so let's go ahead and grab that one oh and now it's inside me no wait here it is being processed into dust and then after its processed it just sits here I mean for now eventually it's gonna pop out of this Little Chute wait if I pick up one and I pick up another okay if I pick up another it just Waits and then we get to watch as it awkwardly holds this one in place while it works on the other one and then when it's time there you go unfortunately we can only have one queued up at a time if we want to grab another one we have to let go of this one first and then we can grab another one anyway let's get things rolling out of this hatch but we can't do that quite yet not until we unlock Logistics which gives us conveyor belts my favorite yes please unlock it's time to go nuts with conveyor belts we'll do one small line just to see how it looks well there it is minerals and everything coming right off it on The Little Door shuts how polite then I think I really can just kind of aim it around yep can I make it go back this way the answer is no I think I'm starting to understand how this works I can't put it right there that's not the right place for it but how about right here like this yeah see there we go it's just one straight conveyor belt hurling its stuff onto another straight conveyor belt and then another one works for me because it's time for us to send these minerals on a journey oh and you know what else we can also ramp them up oh happy day for me well I think we can see where this is going somewhere most amazing there we go that's more like it so many beautiful layers of conveyor belts and not just a feast for the eyes on top of our platform but it also goes underneath I'm so happy because it's so unnecessary minerals watch out hostile at nine o'clock Tango down nice job at present time though these don't actually even go anywhere like a mineral enters the system here slowly making its way through the conveyor belt and after a whole lot of wandering around it makes its way down and joins all of its friends there you go welcome to the club and then they just kind of go through this entire system before popping out this side and looping back around again so it all can't be for good looks this stuff has got to be used for something like let's put down a smelter yeah here seems good oh yeah it's already perfect you know with it clipping through the conveyor belt just the way we like it and this should be really easy to set up see that right there that's power and this is where the materials go in the machine's any if you will and then after their process they come out this other side here which I'm going to be honest I don't know if this is gonna work since there's a railing in the way but we'll cross that bridge when we get to it first let's deal with the power stuff which should be easy enough you know as we weave it through all of these conveyor belts as one does and there we go now it's got electricity that goes all the way over here and then over there and then over here maybe through like like a little Bend and then back around you get the idea the important part is that this thing is powered now and now let's set some conveyor belts to go into that space right there time to come in for a landing ah yeah and there they go and look at that it's collecting all the materials but also turning them into bars okay Moment of Truth over here on the other side let's see if we can actually attach something or if this railing is in the way all right it works just fine well time to give this a path out of here and out we go there we go it's out in the front I'm not sure why I continue to weave everything with everything else but it sure looks fun doesn't it look at these bars bouncing up and down and here's the thing even though we've got these minerals back to the ground we have a slight conundrum on our hands smelter can't do anything with Ice Cube so it just spit them out but now we've got all of these bars of different types all on the same conveyor belts well that's where these come in logistics blocks we got all the grades here blocking and filtering and pushing okay so let's see we can take this ice and I think we can shove it into this machine as a reminder this is our oxygen generator greater thing so we need to get these ice cubes into that hatch but only these ice cubes so let's take our little Pusher block here aim it that way and then from The Pusher block itself we can tell it to push through only ice and then we'll put another conveyor belt yep there we go and now all the ice knows to go that way until we run out of ice and then it just stops and for everything else we're gonna filter it right down below here where we're gonna set the pushed resources to be all of these different types of bars there we go we do have a lot of bars though and where are they all gonna go well we're gonna use it for this thing right here engineering because we need to build a laboratory to generate more science points not these of course we have 916 of these but all the other ones we can go through the lab to get them I guess we'll just put this right here and just connect the whole thing there we go look at the process working things routing to where they're supposed to the important part is that it's all going in the slot all the colors of the metal bar rainbow oh right I guess it needs power too well no problem we can just wire it from right here I mean why not right after all we have this beautiful exposed wire just sitting here waiting to be used with asteroids crushing against it and connected it couldn't be more simple because in my mind electricity is Magic look it's like a goal in space there we go take those types of bars and engineer it down into points now that we've got that handled there's something else we need to solve and that's that we've run out of things running on this conveyor belt well that just won't do which has a pretty simple explanation as to why which is to use this thing we have to climb in and do all the work ourselves and yeah that gets the job done but how about instead of doing all that we work our way to this automated catching which allows us to build the auto asteroid Catcher And I just replaced this one with that one that was me removing it by the way even though it looks like my carbon reactor ate it anyway let's put this automated one down right right here and connected to power okay let's oh my God you've already got an asteroid you've already got two asteroids I don't even get to see what it does let's just sit back and watch so just like the other version it pulls in a rock slowly eats it and then it sucks in the next one oh see now that's the kind of convenience I wanted but we can't just stop with one can we I don't think so especially to even get to automated catching like this we had to unlock construction which means look at all these floor tiles we have access to we've got like plain ones and more detailed ones and while I love that there's all this default variety you know what I really love about these duplicate to customize and boy oh boy do I love custom coloring things how about pink and brighter pink and let's name it I'm sorry okay let's see how this looks oh my God it's so perfect this extra space should do nicely especially because it's so beautiful you know what why stop with one when we could have several with a whole bunch of different varieties of hideous colors there we go God it's hideous I'm so happy about it and now to add some more of these okay so we have four now and it's every bit as exciting as I hoped it would be a whole bunch of asteroids just flying in from Outer Space over and over and over and over but again I have to ask you is this enough I think we know the answer to that so hold please while I turn this into this that is definitely more like it that's right we've got a couple more of these things now and buy a couple more I mean 155 in total all here vacuuming up asteroids as fast as they can I mean look at this it's like a Hollywood Premiere going on over here right here in space and all of this in our beautiful hideous multi-colored patterns kind of like how I used to mash up my Lego as a kid no rhyme no reason all colors invited and of course to power such a thing we ended up building a lot more reactors of which I made I believe 26 in total all of which now are automatically getting all of the carbon they need to function because I was able to use these little logic Splitters to make sure all the carbon gets split evenly and right now all the carbon is actually only coming from all of the asteroid catches along the far Edge because right now they're the only ones with conveyor belts hooked up up to them and let's not forget that on every single one of these there's a second hatch and it's in this space that we're gonna set up another conveyor belt that'll capture the materials from both of these hatches okay so here goes nothing let's see how it looks oh good it's coming out of the one side and I gotta be honest that's probably good enough for me okay so let's go all the way to the front and run a conveyor belt all the way back why front to back you wonder I don't know okay great now we've got materials flowing in from all of these various corridors and we're gonna run a conveyor belt all the way across and we're gonna have them all collect on this side where this one will finally be going back to front and we're gonna connect that back over here back to the original conveyor belt it feels so good to see everything teeming with life once again I kind of wondered if all these materials was too much for this one smelter to take and then I realized I don't care either way I think we have our basic material needs squared away and now I think it's time we turn our eyes back to the stars because while we're handily pulling asteroids right out of the ether I want to know how we can pull that thing down and for that we're gonna try something called The Cosmic Harpoon now first things first it wants us to build a little Dot thing which if we get close enough to the edge these arrows appear and then we can build it right along there I did notice it's like any Edge piece is where you can put it like right there but we'll put it along this Edge for now and there we go we've got our Harpoon dock thingy with a harpoon on the top and this weird essentially pulsing ball so this thing actually works similar to the asteroid catcher except instead of catching asteroids we can try to catch these planetoids that has provided they're close enough which this one is not but if we aim it up at this one we can see that it is there we go that's the spirit what a momentous occasion okay I guess that's as far as it's gonna go but don't you worry we're not done yet pulling planetoids to us is really only half the function of this thing the second half is some sweet sweet docking and to do that we need to place a dock over on the actual planetoid like so and now let's access this Harpoon connector and click dock oh we're moving and now the planetoid is nice and lined up okay wait now that this is connected I gotta know if we undock this so that the thing is not connected anymore can we instead install a dock like way over here in the middle of this mess can we re-dock it from here oh looks like the answer is yes and look at that it's part of our station now it's fully decided that it belongs with us all right wait wait wait wait wait hold on I'm pretty sure we can get this even closer in but if we're gonna do that we should up the ante so bear with me I've got an idea for something of which we're going to use the help of our beautiful assistant the hot dog tiling so first let's go back over here and do a little undocking and set up a new docking station all the way out here and get ready for more docking yep here comes comes freshly dislodged and coming in for a landing okay now that it's all the way out here we're gonna build something on this before we send it back in and for that we're gonna utilize blueprints because who doesn't want to save time making templates while also building something absolutely obnoxious so come on a journey with me while we mess around with electrical cable this will make sense I swear okay so here we got one long line of wire and before I add on to that I just want you to see what this looks like I put four of them next to each other it makes a nice little circle and if I put another Bunch on top of them it makes this thing and if I add another layer to the whole thing oh my brain so let's apply that principle except over here in Blueprint land we're gonna make one vertical slice you know for a moment there I feel like this might be too much but then I remember it all I like is too much and now that we have our big beautiful blueprint let's put it to use okay easy easy try to keep it in line don't worry I'm sure this is gonna look great after it's all said and done oh yeah there we go it's perfect asteroid do you have a death wish you want to go up against the board cube of electrical cables you know never mind I don't know what I was expecting now I don't think I can put it on the edge like this because I'm fairly certain that whatever connector there is it has to be facing the same orientation as that one I mean let's test just in case yeah see there we go no matching opposite dock found that's okay I have a solution for that it's called putting floor tiles right on that railing see doesn't that look professional and it looks like the dock agrees okay fingers crossed well there we go conveniently insulated in this giant slab of instant Ramen I can tell you this much I wouldn't change a thing except for maybe finding more things to pull to us you want to be closer to us right well come on down we're also going to modify our blueprint here I can't help but Wonder something how far out will this template let me build like is there a limit at all I guess let's find out okay so I've been placing wires for a while now I don't know if you can see way in the distance there's like one row of pixels like if we Zoom all the way back we can see where we started but it's really far away so I don't really know if there's a limit don't worry though we're not done trying here's something I've noticed though the farther out I get as I'm building stuff I couldn't help but notice that there's actually like space elements out here out here in the void that is the blueprint so after seeing this I was looking around and I was like wait what is that so let's go investigate and as we get closer I couldn't help but notice more space-like stuff is appearing you want to know just how far away we are right now here let me show you where we were you see that that pale blue dot yeah that's where we were before we entered into magical fake space okay here we are finally yep it's a piece of something all right look at that complete with minerals and everything can I mine these yep I sure can Don't Mind If I Do I guess wait can I speed this up I do have a drill that I haven't used yet can I set these up in magical fake world oh it's gonna need power no problem I'll just put it right over here oh no you see the screen pulsing that means we're running out of oxygen back in the real world I wonder if we can just build an oxygen generator here Fiddlesticks you can't use it all right hold on gotta exit the designer I guess to go back to juicing up our oxygen now back into the dream world and shockingly enough I actually can't find the little planetoids anymore so I guess it's back to building this thing and you know what I can safely say after doing this for a while I don't think there's a limit I think it really will just let me do this forever I think the only limit is the total cost so as long as you have this much copper wire to make all of that electric cable it apparently will just let you do it I also can't just hold down the button and make one long line at a certain point it just stops and this is how far you can take it and then you have to put that part down and then start up again okay I think this might be far enough we definitely can't see where we started I also went and removed all the rest of the wiring so it's really just one giant long wire which is how I know when it says the total cost is 5180 copper wire that's how we know that this wire is indeed 5180 blocks long okay a long last let's try this out let's see we should see it yep there it is and just like you'd expect it extends all the way into deep space and deploy yep there it is in all its Glory amazing even from this distance you can still see all our nonsense plain as day one downside on the other hand is going there and Back Again almost got me killed that's okay I've got a backup plan for that but first let's mess around with these a little bit more every time I go to place it the game does freeze for a good five seconds which always feels really good but then it recovers gracefully look at that it's like my own Interstellar Pathway to the Stars well no sense in stopping there especially when I can rotate oh good just what I wanted more of these things to put down well might as well just keep adding them we want this to be the most majestic place in the Galaxy well the good news is it's gonna be really hard to ever lose track of my station not when I've got it connected to all these space lassos well that's enough horsing around for this time for some space docking here we go oh oh God it doesn't like doing this I can tell you that much here's the frames going away that we were all hoping for oh my God it's so stuck and now that it's stationary again good old frames are back with us okay so here's what I want now I was looking around I keep seeing little anomalies like this and by that I mean a star that's probably like 10 bajillion light years away but I don't know I want to see if we can walk to it and for the next part we're hopping back into the blueprint thingy where we're gonna build something to complement our wires and what is that you may wonder some roads and don't worry we're gonna vary the color okay and that should about do it our single file Rainbow Road is now complete and finally we need to be able to breathe so one of the things we do have is this the oxygen barrier it's actually quite easy to make and once you connect it to some power it creates this really exciting bubble for oxygen look at that that could be us breathing normally and everything that said that's not the only thing it needs to function the barrier needs the oxygen generator active with oxygen tanks that can't be too hard right this is our oxygen generator right here and the way we make oxygen tanks from it is we have to feed it water to make water we need something called an icebreaker which requires us to feed ice into this thing and then it'll turn it into water and then we can attach these little water tank things which over time will fill up with water and then we can use pipes to send that water over to the oxygen generator and that's it now it's made oxygen tanks I don't really understand the science how this Spotlight into the sky is able to magically connect with the oxygen tanks in this thing but what do I look like a NASA engineer all I know is we can breathe in the bubble and now that we've got that squared away I think it's Rainbow Road time so first we're just gonna place the power down and now it's time for the road engage ah there it is look at that all sorts of ready for an adventure and if at any point we need an oxygen top off we can just put down one of these things instant oxygen you know I didn't realize that I could actually click and hold and add a bunch of these at once too what the hell is it going to look like if I put down this many oh wow welcome to cyberspace population US what does this even look like from the outside oh I see it's like the beginnings of a space caterpillar all right well hold on we can do better than that let's just add a couple of more brace your ears ah what a glorious sound effect that we get to listen to over and over again yeah there we go that's more like it space caterpillar welcome to the universe anyway where were we let's break out of the Matrix and continue onwards okay we're at the end of the first built path which means we're 5 000 blocks from when we started thanks to the asteroid catches though you can still see our base just barely but that means we still got a lot of distance to cover so now it's time to add part two okay oh and in case you were curious I'm fairly certain that we can't see our base anymore okay so we've been traveling for quite a while now and something has caught my eye what the hell is that I don't know but we should go over to it let's add another path this way and of course can't forget the electricity okay I think we're basically there this thing is almost perfectly perpendicular to us luckily we can use our Pathways to tell if we're actually going to intersect with it it looks like we need to be a little more to the left okay I think I did it ah close enough fingers crossed let's see how this goes it's getting closer well here we are looks like a black hole or a wormhole or something and it seems like it ate a portion of my path well I guess we have no choice do we we gotta go right into the center and see what happens oh oh you just die well yeah of course you do wait so what happens when I try to build into it oh it just goes away I see let's go ahead and map the perimeter around this thing and see just how close we can get before it eats everything and can't forget to go around the other side place them down and watch some of it get immediately sucked in okay there we go and now that we're just sitting here chilling with a black hole I have one more idea here's a couple of things we haven't looked at yet like more docking but a different kind of docking this guy's gonna work hand in hand with human migration which is to say we're gonna bring people to us and as you can see in the upper right corner there's a shuttle that's coming in a really short time from now so let's go ahead and call some astronauts to us I'll take five astronauts please now all we need to do is wait for the shuttle to arrive live and there it is greetings and salutations my new astronaut friends I bet you're wondering where we are well too bad you can't leave anyway welcome to your new home right outside of a black hole actually what am I doing why did I build this right here why not build it over here near the black hole all right let's see is it really gonna let me do this yep it sure well oh oh no oh no there it went oh my God oh my God this is so exciting hold on let's try it from the front oh oh okay there it goes all right hang on let's erase this layer and get it out of the way all these astronauts are over here like what the hell was that guy doing wait what is that are you guys over there just complaining that you're hungry why can't you be hungry for murder like I am okay there we go it's far enough back so it's not getting sucked into the black hole oh boy and another shuttle is coming soon I would like to order some more astronauts please okay here they come easy easy oh I guess it's not affected by the black hole oh oh oh I see well that was uh that was most unexpected hello Cadet did you notice your four friends fly off into space to die forever don't worry too much I'm sure they're screaming at the top of their lungs right now don't worry I'll summon you some more friends okay let's watch it from the front this time oh the Gateway lit up here we go it's show time have fun in outer space forever this is just this is just great those astronauts are really dead by the way look at this you can see all of our available astronauts all seven of them I originally mail 15. that means that they are well and truly dead well I know what I'm gonna be doing for the next Millennia and it's definitely not taking out every single person in the space program I want to thank Astro Colony again for sponsoring this entire video so if you like what you saw check out the link in the description and you can pick up the game for yourself it might even be on sale right now if you play your cards right so I hope you had fun I definitely did and I'll see you next time
Channel: Let's Game It Out
Views: 2,136,262
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: let's game it out, lets game it out, let game it out, let'sgameitout, letsgameitout, letgameitout, game it out, gameitout, lgio, josh let's game it out, let's game it out josh, lgio josh, josh lgio, let's game it out simulator, josh simulator, funny moments, astro colony, astro colony game, astro colony gameplay, lets game it out astro colony, lets game it out space, space colony, meeple station
Id: U-u9hPjFYW0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 57sec (1617 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 06 2023
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