Enshrouded: BEFORE You Play

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enshrouded bro what the the early year is usually packed with AAA or even ablea games releases so you might get the odd viral hit inie game that everyone keeps talking about for weeks on end at least until the next big game releases now the game that is or has been an absolute viral hit for the last few weeks is called pal world and that has nothing to do with the game of this video because the game we're talking about here is enshrouded a Indie action RPG with survival mechanics and they take on the genre that is so so much of a breath of fresh air that you start to wonder why more action RPGs don't just add some of these mechanics into their games now credits for this game go to Indie developer Keen games a company that can only be classified as a large group of friends really because there's like 58 members in the team like bro that's a tiny group of devs like I don't think people give them enough credits for what they have achieved such a small team like bro what the hell anyway that's not why we're here we're not here to ride some dick pause we're here to actually disc discuss the game what the opening 10 hours have been like for me and if it's a good game or not now I will be making a retrospective review on the game once I finished it and let it sit with me for the initial hype to kind of die down so if you haven't yet maybe subscribe anyway in the game you start off by watching a rather well-made cutscene to be honest on the premise of the story who you are and why you are in this world now you as the custom built character are a flameo a person seemingly destined for greatness in the lands of Ember Vil a vast land that has been in engulfed in a dangerous fog called the Shroud or as one might put it the land has been enshrouded please don't leave you as The Flame born are able to talk to fire apparently as quite literally the fire tasks you with first getting the bearing of the lands and then set out to find other survivors that are destined to pretty much just be your Lackey as instead of freeing them to live their own life you just set them to work as you quickly just freaking forget about the Epic tale of hero versus fog entity and just start building your base because bro is it's a lot of fun now as I mentioned before this is a Survival action RPG but the survival mechanics in the game aren't the usual things like making sure you stay hydrated as well as being well fed as in in shrouded foods and drinks give you different boosts on top of regenerating health for a limited time of which you can have three active at once now the one survival mechanic that everyone and their mothers have been talking about are the building mechanics implemented into the game like bro it's super easy to use and simple while also being complex enough to keep keep you running back and forth between the different NPCs and workbenches you have dotted around your base I mean yes you could just build a tiny Hut and place all the people there what's rock and roll about that there's a surprising amount of variety when it comes to shapes and materials and there's a ton of freedom on where to build in the game as you can occupy abandoned landmarks build your own castle from scratch or just keep your house with you on the go there's also a bit of terraforming in the game so you can quite literally build a hobbit house into the side of a mountain if if you want I mean it would probably take an absolute age to build but some people have done it already on Reddit and X yeah it's possible but here in maybe lies a little niggle I had with the building mechanics that has constantly had me on the fence of it just being tedious or it being an actually cool mechanic so building costs resources of course and instead of just using the stone or wood that you have in your inventory you have to go to a workbench and build blocks of materials that come in stacks of 100 now admittedly this isn't the biggest in the world but for some reason bro I constantly found myself missing like a weird number of resources to then just have to go and make more but I didn't need 100 blocks of stone just a freaking 20 and then I had extra blocks that I had to store afterwards but I didn't have enough materials to make a storage box and then that caused a headache because you can't drop materials without destroying them and yes before you say it I know bro there's an unlimited of Supply to gather around in the world as it's a freaking game but I can't be the only one who likes to use all the material IAL and not destroy them bro I'm stingy as hell leave a comment down below if this is a thing in gaming that you also share but hey maybe it's just me and I'm just weird like that we interrupt this program with some breaking news it seems the awesome person watching this video has yet to subscribe to the channel or like the video and in an unprecedented turn of events he's now full on thinking about it it is indeed free too and would help me out a absolute on I mean it would help the person of the broadcast a lot news it's the news damn it we will update you on more information once we get it so for now let us return to the scheduled program big surprise building bases is not why you're in this world as you have to somehow clear the Shroud fog thing and free the lands as the great flame borne that you are to do this you have to first either find or make gear good enough to venture into these fog areas that are filled with different kinds of dangers on top of zims of varying sizes you come across once you enter the Shroud you'll be enshrouded of course and a 5 minute timer starts to take down now as you might have guessed it you don't want this timer to go down to zilch as you will die as a result it adds this excitement in time management and kind of this cool anxiety inducing risk reward Loop do you venture further into the fog or turn back with tail in between your legs admittedly and take all you found back to base reset and then go again now you can also find hourglasses that reset your enshrouded timer as well as make potions that increase or reset the timer as well so you're not always limited to just the 5 minutes some fog areas lead to underground Caverns that end in a big ass boss guarding a shroud route that once you cut down you clear the area of the devilish shroud which allows you to then explore the zones a bit better now so far I've only fought the one boss and cut down one shroud route and it was risky as you never want to over extend your stay because the timer still ticks down regardless even during the boss fight and speaking of fighting there are quite a few styles to choose from but before that here's your game is Trove top tip for and shrouded you know how sprinting flying swinging and pretty much literally everything you do in the game apart from eating food drains your stamina bar there's this fiddly way of going around this at least when sprinting as you can just Spam the junk Button as soon as you hit the ground to keep the momentum going and spend little to no stamina while doing it beware that this does get a bit more fiddly once you unlock the glider because pressing jump twice activates it so you might just light for half a second instead of jump around but I found this to be a good way of getting around at least in the early hours of the game as well as when escaping from enemies but anyway that's been your tip now let's get back to the combat now there are one-handed two-handed and ranged weapons in the form of magic or just a good oldfashioned bow and arrows to choose from as well as throw BBL so there's more variety in combat that I have flavors of tea in my kitchen cabinet the Shroud is also not the only place where you encounter enemies as there are also Bandit camps and animals dotted about to keep you on your toes bro the amount of times I got jumped by a random group of rats in like some really dark and creepy basements like bro that was scary as like you never expect them to jump out and then they do and it's freaky now Combat on top of other things do give you XP to use and abuse in the quite fully fledged skill tree that gives the option for further player customization and skill unlocks now these skills allow you to pull off heavy hitting moves or even change the whole freaking animation the rooll ability to an anime style blink Dash so jokes on you Ichigo Kurosaki now with all this being said about things to do and experience in the game it's hard to believe that this is in fact in Early Access and it's not even the full release yet so one would expect a lot of things to be added and changed over the course of the next few years now I'm also aware that a lot of games are quote unquote Early Access nowadays and stay in Early Access for an infinite amount of time so yes make of that what you will now a game can have all kinds of mechanics implemented as well as have all kinds of features as well but is it fun to play overall now to that question I can happily say hell fraking yes this game is a lot of fun to play playing this I can't help but feel like I'm in the thick of some newer Legend of Zelda game bro like from the atmosphere to the animations to even the fact that the combat is simple but has this complex side to it makes me feel like I should just Dawn the iconic green outfit and weird hat that link wears in the Zelda games the whole world is handbuilt instead of being procedurally generated so you constantly have something in the Horizon to look at and peque your interest to then inevitably Veer you off course of the main quest the package as a whole at least initially is addictive as hell to play and just explore bro there's this constant feeling of intrigue in the game that I have been missing honestly since playing The Legend of Zelda games or even Elden ring the world is meant to be explored instead of just fast traveling from point to point and the game wants you to do exactly that with a grappling hook and a freaking glider to use like bro it's so satisfying to climb on top of the numerous Towers in the game or high hills to then just look down at some point of Interest jump off and glide off like the eagle you are now in shrouded has so much potential that honestly if it wasn't for palor it would probably be talked about 10 times as much as it is right now the game is not perfect admittedly by any means really and is rough around some edges but with how much fun there is to be had I found myself overlooking a lot of it because the base that is here is just super fun to play now I do hope they fix some little things about the games some little niggles like being able to drop items build multiple stacks of items at once instead of just hammering and breaking your space bar the skill tree also could be expanded and altered to not have basic things like sneak or jump attacks lock as individual skills this does end up making the early hours of combat a bit boring and that might be a turnoff for some players unfortunately now did I enjoy the early hours of the game and will I be playing it more as time goes on perhaps a lutely would I recommend for people to pick up and play this game Absol lutely should you play this game bro how the should I know I was only here to tell you if I like the game and what my initial Impressions were you can do whatever the you want and that pretty much wraps it up for yet another video my brosis I hope you did like it if you did be sure to click that like button down below as well as subscri to the channel loo we are on the way to the greatness of YouTube and I would love to have you on board for the ride bro also go check out my WTF video on Remnant 2 and a quick overview SL review of Monster Hunter world and the solo experience in that game oh those are both really good games not really comparable to in shrouded but they are really good games that I did enjoy and I'm still playing bro there's so many games to play in the early year I'm trying to get as many as possible finished before Final Fantasy before freaking Dragon's Dogma releases cuz then I know my life is over and I might have to quit my job to just play those games so any anyway I'm veering of course hope you guys have a great day wherever you're from whichever time of day you watch this at leave a comment down below again bro let's get start a convers anyway I've been your boy I'll catch you in the next upload aimo
Channel: Gamers Trove
Views: 3,426
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: enshrouded gameplay, enshrouded review, enshrouded, enshrouded game, enshrouded steam, enshrouded first impressions, enshrouded preview, what is enshrouded, wtf is enshrouded, enshrouded before you play, enshrouded indie, keen games, enshrouded impressions, enshrouded early review, enshrouded early access, gamers trove, indie action rpg, arpg review, enshrouded arpg, enshrouded rpg, enshrouded survival game, survival arpg, enshrouded 2024, new survival game 2024, sarpg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 18sec (678 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 03 2024
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