Urine Therapy.

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so look today today should I just get right to it should I just get right to this [ __ ] crazy ass [ __ ] hmm shall I get to it ladies and gentlemen I have so y'all remember y'all remember birth gasm right that was fun right the birth chasm well I went ahead and did another one I did a little I did a little research and today I want to kick off a segment that will be a recurring segment on the stream and we're gonna call that segment we're gonna call that segment the deep dive [Music] you fools aren't even ready for this [ __ ] crazy-ass [ __ ] I'm about to say dog with my [ __ ] tinfoil fitted dog all right now I've heard a lot about the tin foil the tin foil snapback and the tin foil fitted and I had to make one myself for this little segment if you're just getting here welcome it's conspiracy time okay I got my tin foil I got my tin foil snapback on and we're going to talk about some ridiculous [ __ ] let me talk for a second now now you guys remember when I did the deep dive on the birth cast now y'all know I did birth gasm I went one step further now look I talked about the birth chasm and if you missed that you'd have to go watch that vaad because I can't even there's so much there that you just have to get caught up on okay the birth chasm is crazy you just got to go read it you got to go watch it it's an experience and in that stream or a stream after I told you Chile came across something a little something that we like to call urine therapy urine therapy Chile can we mute the TTS because I need to I need to go uninhibited for the next however long this goes urine therapy okay urine therapy and someone in the chat said you're in therapy no no no it's not like that it's pee pee therapy pee pee therapy let me give you a little precursor let me get a little pre cursor okay there's a lot of claims about the urine therapy all right there is one claim that it can treat illnesses let me tell you let me [ __ ] tell you this lady this lady got cancer bro this was the doctor's recommendation to her this is what she was supposed to do this was the treatment right here only pee pee and water urine and water okay yeah a little pee cursor I like that I like that not just now okay so here's the thing I did what you guys are doing right now I did exactly what you guys are doing drinking your pee that's [ __ ] weird that is strange so then I said let me try to go one step further let me try to be smart okay let me not be just the [ __ ] low IQ low-hanging fruit like ill that's gross so I start binging this guy's channel I start binging his urine content and I'm not showing you the channel because the dude has very specific instructions on his channel that if you repurpose any of his footage he will sue you and I don't even I don't even care to get into it but I do have one video that I am going to show you okay I have two actually it's gonna get crazy just just okay just you you need to you need to go down the same path that I went I didn't drink my pee I didn't drink my pee let's just get that out the way the right now I didn't drink my pee because that's not the only way to treat your body with urine and we'll get to that part too so anyway I start binging this guy's content I start with one video the video is about how urine can treat your depression now real quick if you search urine therapy on YouTube it's something that a lot of people have tried or into profess the whole nine look I know you guys want me to drink my own pee I know you really want me to drink my own pee and the last tik-tok I made doesn't help my case but I did not drink my pee so anyway I'll watch this video and I watch it sitting back with a I'm trying to be open-minded okay I'm trying to think maybe I'm dumb maybe there's some science here and I try to understand I try to understand and I sit back and I let the man speak for nine minutes I watch this guy for nine minutes and all he said was I used to be depressed I committed to urine therapy here were all the benefits and that was it he didn't say what the urine did why how he got to trying urine none of it he didn't just explain it and big big old false about pee being sterile apparently is not once it leaves your bladder that [ __ ] ain't sterile okay so then so then the follow-up to that is he says I'll link you to a video which will explain why urine is beneficial to you let me show you that let me show you that I seen they said I'm like no way no way this couldn't have been this couldn't have been any better I was hysterical this opening cut is like a it's the most beautiful piece of cinema I've seen in a long time in a long time now I gotta hide this guy's channel I gotta hide all this [ __ ] cuz I'm not trying to get um sued okay I'm just hiding his face that's really all I care about is his face alright watch this watch this [ __ ] opening watch this ready you ready we have up to 2,500 ingredients in urine and only if you know only about 800 bro this looks like a Gatorade commercial this looks like a Gatorade commercial now you wouldn't drink it in a cup what if we told you it's the healthiest substance on earth picture that Gatorade commercial where it's all like the little drops but it's just pee it hydrates you it heals your skin it can even can cure cancer and it comes from your own body and it's all in black and white it's your pee it's your pee pee now okay okay that's cool that's funny pee cut out the way excellent right funny listen to what this lady says immediately after listen to this bro listen to this statement nice and close you ready I don't think you're ready listen to this [ __ ] inside that facilitates reaching if you're just tuning in we're diving into the world of urine therapy and by the way if you're watching this back on youtube you should join us live twitch.tv slash no well it's better this way guys did you hear what she said I know you didn't hear what she said she said pee urine facilitates a connection to other dimensions [ __ ] what you know that you know that game portal you know that old ass game portal were you like shoot a portal at a wall I thought of that game but it was just it was just the in character peeing in her hand and just throwing that pee at a wall she's just looking like and just put a big portal on the wall to [ __ ] prove bro though the back of the Hat you like it yeah yeah so bro at this point at this point you got to understand I just heard a guy tell me peek aired his depression yeah now this lady's like pee pee is the connection to the astral world now I've had many discussions about metaphysics spirituality all that [ __ ] with all kinds of people and never in my life has anyone ever told me that urine is also a method for that so I'm thinking what the [ __ ] are they on what the [ __ ] are they on then we get to this part okay and in typical and typical spiritual science [ __ ] fashion look at this look at this always they got to put the text over the [ __ ] galaxy always some [ __ ] like this you're in is you know the connection to higher so they trying to make it all like atmospheric and [ __ ] so you're like this is how bored the first world is we're trying to spiritually enhance P is P bro it's [ __ ] P [Laughter] I know I know one of you got that dreamcatcher between your [ __ ] things right now and you're very interested in this video you're like oh well maybe so wait I'm you know I'm I'm pushing through this and he gets to this [ __ ] dude right here this guy right here what's his [ __ ] name I'm a wrote his name down linus pauling linus pauling he's the [ __ ] he's the driving force behind all this this is your [ __ ] hero right here he has two Nobel Prizes - he's one of the few people that ever get it any and he's sitting here championing he's the champion for urine therapy and it's at this point where I go maybe he knows something I don't know okay maybe he knows something I don't know real quick Tarantino cut a bunch of people just said he lost his [ __ ] noodles and it's it's very common for leading scientists and researchers to win a Nobel Prize and then they just make bold claims and they're they're [ __ ] they're out of line which is kind of dope that you can do that you can win a Nobel Prize and then just come out one day and be like yeah if you pee on your wounds it'll heal it instantly it also gives you superpowers yeah piss will cure the corona virus so wait so wait as I'm watching this I'm feeling like okay there's always some what is the [ __ ] thing that gets these people to believe right watch this watch this watch this okay this part this part gets [ __ ] wild hold on tryptamine in urine I'm sorry what did you just say listen very closely to that I can't crank the volume on this listen very closely to this listen listen that's there are traces of dimethyltryptamine in urine she prefixes this with top university professors and / university teachers have found traces of DMT in urine guys DMT is stored in the balls DMT is stored in the balls man dog dog when she was saying like she gets to a point where she's in she's discussing how she gets familiar with [ __ ] DMT and I was just praying I was crossing my fingers when the interviewer says so how do you know about diamond tryptamine I [ __ ] wish she just looked a camera and goes Oh Joe Rogan's like everything up to that is is scientific it's calculated or you know it's backed it's sourced whatever but then how did you come across Oh Joe Rogan so now after she says oh yeah there's DMT in your pee now I understand oh that's why these people are curing depression and feeling all these crazy things is because apparently it's true I don't know how much of it is in your [ __ ] pee apparently enough to get you [ __ ] calm you know so what I'm saying is I'm gonna take edible and pee in my [ __ ] mouth tonight and see what's up [Laughter] bro DMT in your piss and if you if you google search it if you type DMT and urine there are people who claim this [ __ ] is real now none of these websites look super legit to me okay but there are all these people swearing that there's that it's it's for real so here we go here we go I don't I don't know how legit this this is chilli but let's find out guys let's dive into the abstract here okay you ready for the abstract let me let me move me I'm blocking the unblock in the abstract the excretion of dimethyltryptamine was studied amongst 122 recently admitted psychiatric patients and 20 normal subjects first of all first of all that language right there psychiatric patient versus normal what's a psychiatric patient patient bro just someone who's what on you know personality disorder medication or what is it just and why the [ __ ] is everyone else normal [ __ ] you all right first of all [ __ ] you dmt was detected in urine of 47% of those diagnosed by their psychiatrists as schizophrenic and 38% of those with non effective psychosis 13% oh so I guess oh yeah yeah yeah okay so this is this is super relevant this is super relevant hold on because this this lady she goes on to say just [ __ ] wait just [ __ ] wait I couldn't believe guys this is all this is all from [ __ ] pee this is from pee this whole world we're in right now is from [ __ ] pee and when you look at that dude's channel it's crazy it's like urine cures this urine cures that urine cures this I'm looking at that I'm thinking this guy must not have health care that has to be the only thing driving you to use urine as a treatment for all these different [ __ ] things you guys laugh now give it a year when they [ __ ] automate all our jobs and they put the [ __ ] chips in us and we can't afford health care we're all gonna be sitting there [ __ ] drinking pee to cure anything hangover cut on your wrists whatever bro so wait so wait let me get to this timestamp this statement this lady comes with next is wild hold up hold up what they are saying so she's talking about people with schizophrenia wait for it wait for it there is a lot to learn for all of us it really makes you wonder what what is their core foundation why have they chosen to be this be this being being person can you imagine you have a personality disorder you have diagnosed schizophrenia and there's someone on the internet talking about oh my god they're a spiritual being who can go into other dimensions if I could just have a taste of their pee and if I could understand why they chose to be this way [ __ ] choose choose what are you talking about what are you talking about her full statement is choose to be this being in this material world shut up man miss me with that miss me with that brush she must have had a [ __ ] a quart of P because she's talking crazy that's gonna be the new drug in 2021 when we can't get access to conventional drugs and retail drugs and [ __ ] we're gonna start selling P we're gonna start distilling P for DMT it's gonna be crazy there's gonna be a whole piss drug economy that develops from this whole thing dog so you listen to this music and these people just talking it's large though you know they're they're they're shaming Big Pharma and it's got this spiritual [ __ ] net here by drinking your urine we will feel the healing powers [Music] of the astral world [Music] and if you have a personality disorder your pee is that much more powerful drink your pee experience the true essence of who you are [Music] [ __ ] I'm manic I need something right now I'm manic I don't need to drink my pee I'm manic right now alright I just created a business and cleaned my whole house because the government is coming after me I need some [ __ ] in my system right now drink your pee just drink it drink your pee oh and by the way by the way by the way you tubers far and wide oh yeah oh yeah they doing it bro this dude's got a big channel right here I don't want to put him on blast cuz you know I don't know if he wanted any extra attention for it but my man look at that look at that look at that and I'll be honest I'll be honest you know where they got me you know where they got me because I got eczema and I saw urine can treat eczema and I went and then I just started thinking about like what bro when I was in elementary school and [ __ ] I used to get eggs I'm on the on the backs of my legs like behind my kneecaps real bad I just imagine what if I was just peeing on the back of my [ __ ] knee in the shower every morning just [ __ ] Oh bro you think that's weird look up urea cream bingo bingo now caveat big fat caveat urea cream urea is a byproduct of your urine okay and it's found in other things people use urea doesn't come from piss but you can find urea in your pee okay what's that all the English people us a 1000s at but here's the best part to me here's the best [ __ ] part so you got you got this [ __ ] music going and this is one of the top comments a lovely little film that will inspire people to try their own urine the meditation music in the background works well just a lovely film intensify are you too I'm not drinking my [ __ ] pee bro I'm not drinking my own [ __ ] pee I'm not yeah orin orin trying your or in drink your own urine bruv so I don't have a conclusion on this because there's no conclusion the only conclusion I have is I think these people are high as [ __ ] and I might pee on a cut one time well you got ten in the brim because I got I got a real I got the I got the fully tinfoil snapback bra no fake [ __ ] this is real this is real Gucci [ __ ] right here this is designer so that ladies and gentlemen that ladies and gentlemen that was today's deep dive [Music] so I encourage you all to um maybe kick back add a little something extra to your glass tonight [Music] what about a yellow Russian tonight oh [Music] man come on man come on show me some love bro you can't even tell me that wasn't fun you came to tell me that wasn't fun I did that for you I did that for you I'm a hero [Music] come on man I [ __ ] we lost some people along the way we did we got we kind of got deep on the PP [ __ ] and it was like I'm good but I want I want to do that I want to keep doing that segment I think that's a great way that cuz here's the thing bro you guys know I'm a big I'm I'm a fan of you know shooting from the hip you know I'm a big fan of that but I think in this way right watching something doing a little research digesting it and not so much just forming an opinion but having some time to marinate it's like this happy in between where you don't try to overdo it you can still keep it fun but you know it's just you get you get to pick at just a little deeper you get to go a little deeper everyone in the chat going right now that was golden a for effort how long did it take me to wrap the tinfoil around the snapback none at all cuz Burberry sent it to me directly that ain't P that's gamer juice like that pissy Teigen y'all [ __ ] nasty but yeah I wanna bring structure to the stream I want to do more a segment type [ __ ] I want you to have things you can look forward to I want to correct I want to crease [ __ ] that well you tuned in you're like okay it's gonna be some [ __ ] [ __ ] tonight we drink some water after all that I should have filled this with apple juice that would have been the real [ __ ] that have been the real hook line sinker right there if I was like yeah thanks that was a good segment and I just let me y'all even stream ain't done [ __ ] relax relax panic at the Pisco let's get all these peoples out let's get it out get out your system you got eczema I do actually it's very annoying at times I get it in weird spots too like above this eye I'll just wake up and I would just have like scraped all the skin off my right eye it's [ __ ] up they all left to go try the urine therapy you're right I said DMT 200 people left it was like couldn't believe that that is such a world awful [ __ ] pee no you didn't know you [ __ ] didn't know you didn't oh wait how did I miss this we didn't even get to the best part back up you want set you want you want we're not done bro we're not done we're not done we're not done we're not done just wait just wait okay I know what you're thinking no no no we're done we're no we're not done we're not done oh there are support groups on [ __ ] Facebook you don't want to watch this okay all right all right y'all some weenies y'all some weenies y'all some weenies it's fine it's fine it's fine we'll move on we'll move on we'll move on y'all some y'all some Punk's man y'all scared y'all scary it's fine no no it's fine it's fine it's fine it's fine okay look this [ __ ] only has 5,000 views this is deep cut YouTube this is deep cut YouTube I found this for you that's cool it's cool okay all right let's see what let's see what's up know which is a good thing let's meet Teresa nickel an hour and a half earlier to do the foot sauce at the Boulder Public Library what do you think he's sitting right there what do you think he's sitting right there you think that's just a little bit of water it has a little bit of water in that cup you know demonstrations allowed this is during therapy meet up and i'm christopher mcquarrie when western medicine didn't work the people in this group looked it first of all you know before the pee his breath was kicking okay you you just know when old people get to that to that state and the inside of the mouth is decaying you know the breath is hot hot inside themselves for an answer we big in india because that's where it comes from chris says the ancient therapy helped the eczema on his hands say a good way to start is just like maybe one sip luckily flee this man just washing his hands with his own pee he's just pee in his own house and then approach to Vegas d recouped ax has been drinking her urine since 1983 that is 23 years the first thing I do let some part go take the middle part drink it put it in my eyes put it on my face and and just is she gonna get somebody horny in this chat talking like that put it in my eyes my face this is one of you right now who's like 33 years who gives a [ __ ] 30 37 who gives a [ __ ] who gives a [ __ ] she's been put in it it doesn't matter the numbers over to who gives a [ __ ] the numbers over one one year of putting pee in your [ __ ] eyes is crazy who gives a [ __ ] 23:37 that's all insane that's all [ __ ] crazy you out here [ __ ] trying to get a a the math is rajsa shut the [ __ ] up man look at the subject all of how casual she said that [ __ ] to she's there I put the pee in my eyes [ __ ] whoa whoops some Jay in the morning you know and Theresa well you already saw her first time but she also soaks her feet in her urine wife be Chucky all this money to stop I gave this whole stack right here to just stop take take yourself to a proper salon get taken care of with your [ __ ] peepee feet whole stack just stop it stop it bro you think you think this is real money what the [ __ ] do you think it ain't like that I'm I don't have it like that I don't just be walking around my house like a rapper I put this don't even look like money dude it's so paper so paper II have you ain't even seen a hundred like this it's not blue feet feel lighter than air and they're super soft the practice is universal the normal American reaction it's like what are you talking about the second reaction is okay there's got to be some scientific validity somewhere 9news medical expert dr. Camille assassin says no there aren't medical benefits urine isn't sterile and the bacteria could be harmful that's still that's it right here this group points to the book by Boulder resident brother sage as their proof of course of course of course brother sage brother sage knows well brother sage has been selling me shrooms for a long time brother sage knows exactly how to take care of me medical expert and doctors says no no no there are no benefits no [Laughter] proteins I just started oh man there it is right there there it is right there it's got dopamine it's got enzymes amino acids calcium biotin this is stop going to Whole Foods you can get it right here right here in your pee but getting together once a month to talk about their experiences because of the world view about it it needs to be kind of underground and this meeting gave Therese the courage to try it never in a million years did I ever think that I would be filmed drinking my first pee it's alright it's alright it's alright we're good on that part we're good on that part all the way good on that part we don't need that part old people ma'am Oh people lost their minds lost their [ __ ] minds
Channel: tmgknees
Views: 236,857
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Noel Miller, Tiny Meat Gang, Cody Ko, Twitch
Id: cp_FLoHBOqw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 17sec (2357 seconds)
Published: Fri May 22 2020
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