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let me switch out this title because I said I said strap Laurette but I think we might go Barcroft because there's a nasty one floating around that I'm sure you guys have seen and we're gonna talk about it okay man let's get into it this is Tori she fell in love with Travis and Ethan and mom and Chris why do they have all those like pro CSKA players Jenna Seifer exquisite Michael and Roman are it's the Dallas Zoo we got a whole gaming team in her house that [ __ ] is hilarious man they're full a relationship is working one dissident they living off this [ __ ] like a bunch of zerglings what the [ __ ] she say relationships could best be described by having Tori as the hub and all of us are spokes on the dragon wheel spokes on a giant wheel even she's live an inch of goofy yet she's like see this is why you ranked number 4 and you're not playing next season cuz you say that stupid [ __ ] how will this poly relationship cope with a further addition to the family and see who's the father of the baby [Music] look at Travis he's like he's me this fool could chew through wood them teeth are brutal son love don't judge oh well we judge my [ __ ] we judging right now we be in some [ __ ] we judging all the way right now we judgement this is the room that has the bigger bed like mine has room we keep all of our stuff in here people are rotating in and out Travis is the head honcho he's swinging the biggest bet he's first in command he's the oppor for the team we met back in elementary school we've been dating for about two and a half almost three years damn you know he's alpha cuz he reaches over Ethan that's crazy the term poly meaning multiple often refers to a three person relationship but for these guys it's Tori and her four separate lovers oh boy she broke you know this is what ugly cousin brother not gonna have a baby they finna have a work let me say that again they not gonna have a baby they gonna have a ork okay Ethan's thickness Travis's teeth mark shoulders that's a auric homie it's gonna come out the womb our brush she [ __ ] her whole Dungeons & Dragons guild that is crazy man are you all competitive when it comes to games yeah [ __ ] they're a gaming organization [ __ ] you thought even looks terrible offer it he looks awful most straight fellas we don't try to hide the forehead for any particular reason you know usually we just own it straight dudes are the worst when it comes to owning a big-ass forehead cuz they be balding too like here and they'll still keep the hair you know saying so you know Ethan's hurting the fact that he's pulling it down and to the front person that tends to win Jesus man everything about this is that hurts look at me right here this whole thing is one big cover-up these [ __ ] are building a bomb you heard what he said I don't play particularly to win I just like to instill chaos they gonna blow some [ __ ] up this looks like the inside of every comic book shop yeah yeah let's get all them jokes out the way somebody said Magic the Gathering tournament UVO card meet up anime convention well cruise me I was like all their voices in [ __ ] like they seemed like the perfect ensemble to like be arrested for some kind of conspiracy but they gonna get arrested in five years for trying to like drill through a [ __ ] vault at like Fort Knox or some shitty look all these games they play it's all like war and strategy they got killing and taking over the system on their mind 24/7 access and allies anti-monopoly Stratego only only [ __ ] who want to stab their parents play Stratego all right that's just that's just facts okay we're not romantic with each other we're all just connected with her that was like that was like the weirdest goofiest no homo the most well actually no homo I've ever heard hold of you heard this we're not romantic with each other we're all just connected with her he said no homo we're we're we're all we're all just connected with her okay I actually don't like anyone in this house personally if you're asking me I think everybody sucks but I love her and although Tori might like it to be another way they're all more than welcome to have another partner if they so choose but as I'm currently no honestly I would love it if somebody found a second partner she had them all playing Nintendo switch she got them all playing switch when her buff boyfriend comes over that's a porn that's not real he said you saw her pleading ass I wish someone would come take one of these nerds off my hands I wish him off I come through here and get one of these goofballs out of here I wish she's fed up but she don't know how to kick him out and she pregnant how do you think they settle the argument they have to dull katanas and then they put on [ __ ] Naruto headbands and this is go at it there's be in the backyard Travis stop playing with my board games how often do you experience jealousy in the relationship regretfully a lot of the time thankfully there are a couple of healthy ways to deal with it primarily just talking to each other you got that you got the attitude of a pissed-off nine year old girl you just talk to each other even just get out man you're not stuck there we have a tendency to talk around the moment of hey I need some time with Tori rather than actually saying it outright yeah but introvert extrovert extrovert yeah Travis's look at the Alpha he the Alpha in the room he's holding hands between look at even man even just wants to be dead he's just hugging meanwhile Travis and Tori making a love snake across his stomach with their hands just [ __ ] cut the [ __ ] Tory what app are you building y'all just fake married for taxes so you can build your [ __ ] Dungeons & Dragons pokedex what app are you guys working on tell us the real yeah feel that painful [ __ ] silence right there let that rip let that rip oh oh oh Savior was even a lot easier because I was friends with him/her and Chris was a bit dicey at first I was a lot more jealousy and I'll openly admit that she just rationing her [ __ ] out her [ __ ] is a communist regime she gotta [ __ ] just gotta ration it out D smells like is standing in line with a steel bowl getting getting a slap of [ __ ] can I please some [ __ ] Russian [ __ ] in the background [Music] a bra a do you think a do you think do you think they approached her [ __ ] like like a DND campaign [ __ ] sorcerer casting spells [ __ ] where's that heels um who's the Paladin Ethan's the paladin he's the tank Travis is like warrior class he's like soldier 76 he got it he got it you gotta get his shots in mark is playing heals mark is healing mark is a healer for sure what's the redheaded dude's name I forget he's like he's like secondary tank he's required but nobody gives a [ __ ] like a World of Warcraft raid they all got to be home at a certain time they got a prep hey now here's an old meme here's the old meme ready they're all trying to get to her [ __ ] and then one of them's in the back like more dots we need more dots Murdock Murdock so Kris is the biological father Oh Kris the newcomer Kris Kris run that back hold on hold on hold on ready look at Travis disappointed as hell so Kris is the biological father we just know that because of timing the wave he hit the egg [ __ ] came up right but as far as I guess socially those were all raising the baby together so everyone's dad you know when that kids acting like an [ __ ] you know them other three dad's that's when the relationship falls apart that kid starts being a dick them dad's gonna the other dads gonna check out they're gonna be like they said hey my kid you don't even look like me he got red hair he can't even sit here and call me Dad that's your dad bro I'm just here it sucks to have to say but I probably have lot more of the negative reaction from friends and family my family is slowly coming around to the idea the pregnancy has helped with that yeah [ __ ] cuz you got her pregnant they're looking at you like wow all right Chris well we didn't really think it was a thing but since you're the shooter that's something we can get behind Chris despite the judgment jealousy and jostling for attention Oh mark didn't even get a kiss you seen that that looked like that looked like a beach ball coming off somebody's hand at a baseball game that didn't even that didn't even connect bro these guys are more than excited to welcome the sixth person into their family Marshall is but I couldn't think of a better family to raise a baby in I need a tiny little break after that madness that was so home [ __ ] [Music]
Channel: Noel Miller Live
Views: 1,699,357
Rating: 4.9735551 out of 5
Keywords: satire, funny, comedy, reaction, live, stream, tmg, twitch, noel miller, short king, highlight, react, gamer
Id: YErbLlKHd_c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 26sec (686 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 18 2019
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