Episode 137 - War with Barstool

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what's up guys welcome to the TMG podcast this is actually today's episode today's free episode but if you want the bonus episode that went up today as well you can find that on our patreon that's patreon.com/lenguin [Music] peace peace we're back welcome back everyone to the AG podcast ladies and gentlemen oh we're here we're live and we have a special announcement kanye west is coming in the studio next week what yeah like just finally out as well do what we got to figure out some questions asked yes hey man what's it like living in a [ __ ] anthill goddamn termite mound what each I went I went to rewash that video of his house with like the all white walls and oh yeah yeah as I thought this dude just lives in a anthill a little see-through goofy [ __ ] from the 90s where you put ants in it [Applause] all these weird caverns [ __ ] you're talking about like the vogue video the questions one yeah yeah yeah I hate the videos man mm-hmm they just they're earth me why because they're so like it I don't know the production is so weird it's like it's force but natural the questions are also written and the answers are also pre-prepared but they try to play it off like it's not and it just doesn't like sit well something's weird about you watching you're like I that this isn't right do same thing on that complex sneaker episode with pop smoke oh yeah they had him say his ad-libs while he was supposedly buying the shoes okay she's like this one's too grand and he goes okay okay you know dude that's what I mean hold on let me notice that about every episode of that series is the scene where they're checking out is always really sourced and awkward damn it's not genuine let me Oh an apple original we'll skip over this yeah this [ __ ] this whole cut was awkward I remember watching it and thinking I don't know they'd pop smoke seemed like nervous or something just did not seem himself this video gave me the complete wrong impression to him because I watched him in his genius video and he's he's supernatural and you know charismatic and all that but in this video after he just came across that he had never been on camera before hold up here we go this [ __ ] is so oh man you want to talk about cringe wait for it alrighty so it's gonna be 1930 and 35 cents oh no no no oh no poor guy you know they they make they must have like suggested that to him and his PR person was like yeah that that's a good idea that'd be funny and he's just okay okay again how many takes how many takes of okay okay he looks so depressed saying that [ __ ] although can we get okay pop that was great can we get a get me lit yeah sure [Laughter] gimme lit a woo back baby let's go party I gotta hear it again I'm sorry 1930 and 35 cents okay okay Oh ruff that's what the Vogue videos are like to me okay okay [Laughter] god damn it dude did you uh thank you uh we so the call of daddy drama did you did you we I hate when you record something and then like that night holy [ __ ] son suit happens cuz then we had a bunch of comments that were like um yeah but did you see Alex's response because no we did he it was it no we didn't we [ __ ] recorded it to knees before I hate that [ __ ] I just want to scream in my computer screen no but yet I did not watch the truth video that's too long but it's actually pretty good I watched the whole thing yeah and she just says it she said like it's too long to watch right now but um this [ __ ] too long yeah she she basically comes out with her her side it matches Dave's perfectly okay turns out it was all they were right it was all Sophia and this dude that she was dating and now the best part is is that Alex gets to keep the podcast what if and the other girl got [ __ ] cut she's out fired nothing and social issue I'm guessing but like wow that's what what could she sue for what could she possibly sue for I have no idea no idea you're gonna go to war with bar stool CEO unless your boyfriend is bankrolling your whole lawsuit there's no way she'd not be that rich she's just an exec I mean people's you know dudes give away a lot more for a lot less just look at only fans yeah that's a good point but we're talking lawyer fees here that's not just of monthly $5.99 now that dude that he's just the he's just the Beverly Hills version of a pay pig you know a construction worker yeah just okay he said you know he's a little sub to Sophia he gives it all the way to her little fin Dom well they're both gonna have nothing bro bro how [ __ ] how do you [ __ ] that up that pad how do you want how are you how are you that greedy yeah I'm had everything that's the that's though isn't that the wildest thing when people get into entertainment and then that they hit that switch and they start going i deserve you know they start getting that attitude oh I deserve all of this though hey I understand if you've been in the game a long time and someone lowballs you in a certain situation you say hey man I've been doing this job for a while I know what works you can't you can't under pay me like that that's one thing yeah one year just shut up and take your Millions and she she wasn't even the one that was editing it she didn't know work she walked in and hosted it and then all of the editing was her and apparently I don't know if this is true or not but she said they record each episode for three hours and she cuts it down to one hour you know how much [ __ ] time that takes oh yeah just audio oh yeah but you have to literally listen to everything for three out probably takes like eight hours to edit that down dude at least to like I feel like it's so much more time consuming than video for some reason cuz it oh do something like that oh yeah like in terms of like developing a narrative and [ __ ] like that so that the our flows nicely and there's no periods where yeah yeah with the video at least you have like a visual cues you're looking at you oh this is when I this is when I did change my shirt or whatever and it's easier to like build a narrative mm-hmm I didn't we're long editing just adding three hours of audio just down to one but I thought they do video and audio no video just audio it's just audio yeah oh my yeah get out of here yeah you just trimming down a radio show oh my goodness right oh my and I guess so I guess Sophia like didn't want people to know that it was Alex editing so every time I Alex would post a picture of herself on her story being like hey editing a new episode can't wait for it to go live tomorrow or whatever so feel like hey can you take that down what cuz I don't want like it makes me feel uncomfortable because now people think you're doing all the work Oh red flag right there red [ __ ] flag right there oh oh what a piece of [ __ ] you are um hey don't let anyone think you're doing the work that you're actually doing what I'll [ __ ] get out of here bozo I just watching this like oh my god so now I think she's just doing the podcast by herself or maybe she's getting another co-host or something but the funniest part about this now is that now everyone's opinion of the show has completely changed now that they understand all this behind the scenes oh she was doing all the cutting she was doing all the work now there's no chance of her coming back because yeah she does away completely looks ungrateful an [ __ ] and no one would want her back they say oh it man you let your friend do all this work and you've tried to [ __ ] her over you don't deserve and she can't go start another show yeah I don't think she's a [ __ ] there - oh yeah it's a wrap for her yep goodness man yep well he does it it's a podcast speedrun right there mm-hmm that's like the 6:9 of mm-hmm of podcasting she blew up in like two months and then now she's out of the game see ya didn't that it's kind of crazy how much more I think we'll see that yeah is the six nines of media well they blow up super quick and they call these records by way of some audience and then they [ __ ] it up somehow yeah I mean we yeah it's funny it's like that happens it's happening more with it with everything I mean every prank youtuber what the [ __ ] are those guys doing now yeah and supreme patty oh yeah what the view like we talked about him you know later in the episode but like what I brought his name up yesterday and I'm like what the [ __ ] I've when's the last time you saw a video of him even Jomon your explore page anything mm-hmm it's like people have these exponential growth graphs and they fall off just as quick yeah I think also Instagram changed the algorithm I think they stopped serving a lot of that stuff yeah well I think for a while the algorithm was just there the discover page was doing its own thing and those guys figured out how to game it yeah and then that I think they just they tweaked whatever they were doing you know commenting on your own posts and goofy stuff like that yeah yeah yeah so comment your favorite month letter-by-letter yeah what's your favorite type of cheese did you write an essay last night tell us about it letter by letter in the comments you had damn bro that yeah it's it's an end of an arrow the Discover page now is for me it's just it's listening to what I say so it's just f1 cars and the same five pictures of the same models that Instagram so desperately is trying to get me to follow it says yeah I'm not I'm not following those people and and and our owns like fan accounts the amount of me I see on my [ __ ] face I'm like I don't want to see my own yeah I hate it it feels I did you know it just sucks having to watch all of it and you know cuz you can no three of you on you right now like this is like old [ __ ] from from like an old as vlog remember we're sitting at a what's that what's that food place Tokai oh no no the in the have placed the healthy food place we used to go all the time for lunch get away in the mall buy healthy spot oh oh man true food kids true food Wow Wow was it true food his true food kitchen was dad's got shut down and we saw him I saw Chamillionaire in there on several lunches such a random celebrity I know I know millionaire let me not covered it all we talked about a way back when but you know you got into tech to oka millionaire they see me rollin how are you buddy are you down the amount of corporate [ __ ] he probably had to deal with quoting his [ __ ] music yeah hey uh hey uh c-can I call you that gonna call you that see I'd prefer if you call me by my real name yeah anyway see listen I don't know if you know this but a wonderful comedian okay absolutely great guy Weird Al Yankovic he did a cover of your song a while ago I don't know if you knew that white and nerdy I relate to that one I I relate to that one yours yours is good but the white and nerdy one oh it's great right listen can I call you cam I don't know I don't know Kim I wanna look a millionaire cam million listen I think this and I think this investment is gonna be great for us I really do I think this app is a leader in in dog poop picking up services I think it's gonna be fantastic as an investment and I think it's gonna make us all chamillionaire's or perhaps bajillion errors better you have to change her name we're all gonna be Patil Ian Ayres in here my god I'll be Stanley bajillion error and you can you give me the original bajillion error because that's you oh [ __ ] his name is Hakeem Hakeem what's he so what's what's his net worth what's he like what's he been investing in what's his schtick I don't I don't actually know you got any apps or anything I know ja Rule is still he's still doing his thing even after the fire fest stuff after everything he's still doing like fundraisers and stuff well I guess whoa holy [ __ ] what I guess Chamillionaire was invested in maker studios oh wow so so when Disney bought them he made like a [ __ ] ton of money yeah he also invested in cruise automation it's a self-driving automation tech company that was in 2013 and it sold a GM for a billion oh my god what yeah yes so he was invested in maker studios cruise and lyft whoa he also he also invested in ring yeah holy [ __ ] man he's like a mogul oh yeah he's a bomb does he own his own VC firm I don't know if he runs his own VC firm anymore I think he I think a lot of his moves were just hey I'm Chamillionaire and I'm putting into your brand Wow is that worth does it say it says 50 million but it has to be more it definitely has to be more and those numbers are always wrong wit [ __ ] our net worth is 50 million on Google yeah yeah I mean but still you got to think he had what how many hits did he have um yeah he had some bangers no but like what a handful of hits probably and he managed to finesse that into 50 million dollars if not more yeah yeah like that's incredible right yeah I remember whatever article was where he kind of he was at a tech conference and he was speaking there and then I think they interviewed him on the panel or maybe off but basically he acknowledged that after making money from music he says oh man I made a couple million from music and I thought wow I'm rich and then when I look at tech these guys make a hundred two hundred three hundred million and I realized that making music money really meant nothing it doesn't mean [ __ ] yeah and so he's just a hard pivot he just kissed music goodbyes i'ma do damn dude the thing is we did the opposite from tech to music yeah to creative work and yeah whatever bro now we got to flip the switch again we got to go back how do you even go but you know I was thinking about that what so when there was a dot-com bubble and then you had sort of the AppStore rush right all these people creating these startup apps and now that I think mobile devices are pretty far along what the [ __ ] I just keep thinking what is gonna be the next thing everyone says AI Big Data what else I don't know okay here I'll tell you okay say what it is uh-huh step chickens stuff like that no bro bro that is what I'm kind of serious no that that that is it that is it because of how hard that [ __ ] took off she got like what a hundred thousand downloads or something in like a day from one talk of this app if you don't know what we're talking about this X Google employee the chickens or Steph chickens static chickens she made an app called step chickens that is basically like her own little cult it's a joke and she made like some tick talks about it and it like went viral and so like to join the cult you have to join the app and then you have to change your profile picture or something on tick-tock I think that's what it is I didn't look into it like that hard but she got a hundred thousand downloads that's one app in like a day is it this to me he just feels how could I describe this it's um I feel like she realizes that fandom is such a you know well it's like hope it's such a common thing now deep fandom you know and I feel did she just figured that out just because she's smart and she says oh I'm just gonna make something that completely unapologetically revolves around one person and that one person is me glasses should blow up yeah and [ __ ] oh yeah that's like eggs I think that's I watched most of her video where she explains it and it's kind of what it is honestly she was doing jokes like based around this chicken shoot the chicken chicken shoot chicken shu chicken shoot the chickens doing videos like in this chicken suit that she had and it became like a meme on her thing and so and so I don't I don't even know dude it's just funny it's just for that [ __ ] takes off that is some high level engineering [ __ ] right there oh yeah that is some foresight my goodness yeah that's some foreskin I want the app and see what it is a meteo kinda step well then we we can be stepped chickens i think step chicken was like a play on step sister or brother from pornhub I think just goes I'm sure it goes deep dude there's like levels to this mean there there's so someone else not me okay this is someone else and it's not me someone who isn't you truthfully is not me a friend of ours I'm not gonna air him out yeah he always I know you told you about this yeah never mind talk about there's been sending me those screams that's if I just said I'm not gonna air them out but I am yeah stimulus screencaps of all the incest porn yeah what's the next big porn category step chickens there no there's a I saw some post about a device broke it it can simulate tastes of food and and other things and and smells No yeah on your tongue oh yeah yeah that's what's gonna be mine if Paltrow is gonna have a field day with that [ __ ] bro you wife comes home her husband it just has like its like a stick that you put on your tongue it's very obvious man he's just like on a large this is a [ __ ] 80 inch television just leave some [ __ ] video just got the stick on his tongue he's like huh oh oh how did that get there this is a pixie stick is I didn't I didn't know nice just no good to get the smell you to put it on your tongue so you taste the smell it was something like that let me get that the actual quote huh just talking like that full from rat-race with the pierced tongue oh my god forever since I've thought about that rat race what a movie well oh the noron maki synthesizer is a lickable screen it's a screen that can recreate almost any taste oh sorry or flavor sorry no smell without eating food smell would be funny if I had a little like vents on the side smell-a-vision pump up this like gas oh it just smells like whatever you're like it you know you're watching a cooking video yeah or a fart noise oh they're a fart Oh YouTube YouTube videos this video is nor Manske synthesised oh yes oh I love this video it tastes like meat oh my god husband wife comes home dudes watching porn just lapping the screen cat drinking milk it's a close-up shot of a [ __ ] that's that's gonna be you know that's the future of memes someone sends you a dope noir Manske synthesizer [ __ ] lick video and you start washing in you're licking your your synthesizer and then it just changes to dick all of a sudden out of that dick taste dude we talked about I turn it off before you know you got there before I even got there you start having a pumpkin meltdown crying and [ __ ] texting your wife I've heard you're gay what what [Applause] [Music] Justin sent me a meme and I was tasting in a minute chase you thank you so I tasted a dick Justin sent me of me when I was tasting it I swear - me too but I tasted the dick and what I like - dick I tasted it what how could I have a nor Manske synthesizer when did you buy that for tasty memes it just started as a joke I wanted to watch you know the crafty videos and taste the macaroni and it just it was supposed to give drugs watching those cooking videos I thought it'd be nice if you could taste the Instagram cooking video and then I thought I'd give it a try before I sent it gave it to you and then they lick the penis it takes a dick anymore - you imagine tasty accounts and it's just pictures of [ __ ] and it's all video just sitting on your phone in public with your [ __ ] with that [ __ ] steak just ya go i sorbet ice cream peanut butter cookie you just go to some corporate coffee shop and they're all just like ear to ear with the [ __ ] stick on their tongue eating a [ __ ] eating a gut down Amazon Microsoft [ __ ] cheeseburger green bean Amazon smoothie infused with Microsoft flavors even with the steak Jesus dude [ __ ] so funny tasty memes some tasty meme I said to pull this up apparently I'm worth an 18 I was worth between a hundred thousand and one million dollars might as well just say zero to 1 million and then this year I'm estimated between 1 million to 5 million and if if that's true I want to know who has my 5 million dollars give it to me it paid run me my bread throw me my bread I will Miller net worth hey why don't you have like a ton why does it you have like a time line what the [ __ ] dude I love how it it says approximately 1 to 5 million that is a that's a massive range bro yes Jesus Christ it's like socialblade when socialblade estimate someone's YouTube earnings yeah and it's like it's like 48 dollars to 75 grand a day yeah whoa damn a day I always thought that was like [ __ ] I looked at socialblade and I was like that's just a stupid [ __ ] stat Wyatt why is that there but it is actually that big of a range yeah but like the mending on just you keep like you can't depend on YouTube to give you or to know what you're gonna make for video or anything no I mean the to that end Spock was joking about some [ __ ] I forgot what and he said oh I'll take this as my payment for steamy tweets or something and I and I laughed and I said oh you got paid from steamy tweets and then he said oh yeah all those were demonetized oh yeah twenty dollars 1015 million views worth of [ __ ] big old doughnut one of them was monetized for an hour or something and it made 600 bucks that was the most I'd ever seen oh yeah oh yeah yeah baby I'm rich that's so funny zero teen dollars well you know we estimate his net worth is anywhere between zero and a billion we say that's about that's about accurate yeah between zero and a billion dollars hmm Cody Cody makes extra income through selling merchandise thank you article trend celebs now what a [ __ ] rubbish [ __ ] guys you know what here's the thing we like to talk now we like to talk a lot that's a good point and you know sometimes I want to talk not in English do you know what I mean yeah sometimes you want to be able to communicate with others across the pond yeah maybe in pig latin for example mm-hmm or perhaps in a real established language in another part of the world yeah and you can do that you can learn a new language if you want by using Babel the sponsor of today's podcast have you always wanted to learn a new language it can be intimidating whether it's having enough time to set aside for 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for life alright guys you know speaking of language and linguistics mm-hmm nice we know while back we came across a video that analyzed our language and specifically our affinity for the word like and that was with our boy beavin ward so it's bad luck no it's Bevin I'd [ __ ] it again no because I said is it like I when I was okay so I reached out to him I thought it'd be funny to just shoot the [ __ ] with him and we did that's coming up in a second but let me clarify this real quick I said how do you pronounce your name actually is it like Devin with the bee and he said or even with a bee but so I thought okay is it bevin or beavin i so maybe he was just like yeah you could call me whatever yeah maybe he's just [ __ ] with me so either way that is bevin ward okay I [ __ ] it up again uh yeah the Badger inator Bevin a turd now he he got up at 5:30 in the morning to podcast with us out there in straya so we're gonna cut over to that footage we've shot it yesterday it was a lot of fun he's a good dude yeah shout out to him man thanks for thanks for coming on the show we appreciate it was it was a good time so oh well we'll wrap up the episode with with that and the rest of y'all we'll see you in the bone zone peace guys ladies and gentlemen Michael Reeves has ducked us for so long so we said [ __ ] it we're gonna meet the next best scientific man on the Internet and that's our boy be even warned ladies and gentlemen do we say that right it's beavin right even Bevin it's become total [ __ ] man sorry people are just gonna come eat bavin forever now I mean you but you've gone that before right I thought one liking you've gotten there before now even be even ah not really this I guess just see Bevin yeah huh yeah so what you guys ladies don't you don't know Bevin is the man who knows more or less how many likes we hit per episode and that and that's not that's not alike in the sense of you know tap like this is the word like 1789 times say I look in when I saw that I thought he sat here and he did the work I can't and no ounce of me could be upset because it was just so funny that someone did that so what do you feel like after you were done with it were you like I'm going insane from how many times I've heard these guys say like not really cuz I discovered your podcast well I can take so long to get into a podcast cuz yeah you kind of have to care about people before you're gonna listen to them so down you know your that's cringe in music and whatnot finally got onto your full podcast and then I noticed you know you started saying like a lot yeah started to kind of like bug me yeah so I thought oh [ __ ] I'll have to make these videos Sunday morning I get up Sunday morning download into a video from YouTube put it into premiere and I just listen to your podcast and just every time you said like I just cut it up it wasn't that bad because I do enjoy listening to the podcast yeah so if I had a height of it I would've hated every second of it so that actually did enjoy listening okay sort of layer and the larks was good yeah and then once I cut them out then it was a pretty simple of just like anything them altogether yeah I guess I guess that's like what we didn't but we didn't know whether or not you were like hate listening to it yeah yeah or if you actually liked it and you were just taking out the likes one by one or if you were listing their like I could not yeah I could not do that just do not have like that much of the care factor for shoot I don't care about yeah right right yeah it's made with a hundred percent love know this I mean if we we've sort of gotten better probably not me it's you know man it really made me think is is the word like an American thing or is that just a SoCal thing I had it's it's much bigger I think in SoCal yes sire but just nowhere near as much because a lot of the comments people were saying you know you live in SoCal and some people don't notice that at all yeah it so I but after that I started paying attention to friends and people I know and it just started became this whole thing in my mind we're not getting other people's likes well I know from there yeah you guys definitely you triggered something in me because once I made your video I started because before I didn't really hear anyone say like that much and now other podcasts are saying I'm hearing it more I don't hear it in myself more it's all our fault yes yeah weird it's a switch isn't it it's like a menu switch once you start hearing something or it's like you know when you like today so I found out you know some brand of pasta is supposed to be really good and now I [ __ ] see it everywhere I seeing ads for this pasta I'm seeing in the grocery store I've never seen this brand of pasta ever in my entire life but once you like make that switch yeah then your brain is like oh I know this thing now and I'm gonna start hearing it and start seeing it everywhere yeah it's the same thing about with cause soon as you buy a car you see that car everywhere yeah yeah yeah man that's funny though so now we're all poisoned with the word like we can't pretty much we just can't Madi yeah thanks to us and thanks to you yeah yeah whereas really do you live by the way on Perth Perth so we have a we're Western Australia so we have a softer accent than the East Coast so I I lived in I live in Perth I used to live in Melbourne for a few months people in Melbourne thought I was British here's my ass how's the accent is so soft yeah so when you said I just got British you know you weren't that far off the mark okay fair even some Australian speak I'm British yeah those in there are yes Cody says nothing he's Australian oh man this guy knows I use like as a crutch in my speech and I just butchered his [ __ ] where he's from I look like a total [ __ ] right now we went to we went to a beach bar in Perth yeah and I remember it was it was cool but it was right by a shipping like a giant shipping yard you know I'm talking about oh it would have been North Fremantle Fremantle yeah yeah we don't know the exact bar but I know this general area bunch of yeah he pees and yes yeah but it's pretty cool yeah Perce nice no I do like that it's just so like it's so it's a city but it's just so like shape compared to every other city there's no ridiculous traffic and just ridiculous amounts of people yeah like I know you guys we don't talk about that virus but it's barely come here sure six people six like West Australians have actually died from the virus and like Wow 100 gotta just because we're the most isolated city in the world we're not like a tourist destination we're known a business hub there's not really a lot of reason to come here except like the quality of living is pretty amazing right yeah no one actually comes here so that's right so is it over now like you know quarantine and everything like everyone's people are masks are they is thought were drivable mosques never the borders no it was never that easy yeah because it just didn't really come here like I don't know if they wore masks on the East Coast maybe they did try in Perth like you only saw the the average like Asian person in a mask which they'd wear anyway yeah but but yeah with us there were no masks there was just because there wasn't the need why we're so spread out as well yeah when we have very few apartments and stop Lerner yeah people are partying and stuff like that there's get together as oh no we do social distance oh so everything was shut down I'm back at work like in the office I was working from home flat six weeks bars and movie theaters are all still shut down or her bar we just never took that next step where we had to wear masks guys interesting I mean that's the first thing I noticed about Australia in general like that's the only other country apart from America that I've been where I felt that there was a shitload of space because you go to Europe and everything is so compact yeah so that's interesting though man yeah are you from Perth originally or yeah pretty much from like to our south got it okay in a smaller town I see grew up on a farm oh yeah cattle and horses and [ __ ] my wife's really like a real farm your farm yeah it's like a hobby farm it was like 20 acres or whatever we had like four horses and for cattle and a bunch of chokes but 20 acres is considered a hobby farm like that's just for yeah that's not enough to cuz my mom I guess here my mum's family she's from my farm farm okay and her brothers have like three thousand acres or three million acres or all right like three million acres oh maybe three thousand yeah three million would be like three million yeah he's got a three million acre farm it's called Lithuania I don't know if you've heard of it he said man there's prob'ly farms in Australia bigger than Lithuania yeah yeah very true so you have you do you do your own show like is that why you have the background and the yeah and podcast I'm not my own podcast but my own well I put out regular YouTube not every way cuz I yeah I've been bored yeah yeah ug apologetic dude you have to you just gotta milk it because once it's there it can't be removed you just slip it in a nice Bevin Ward a youtube.com slash yeah please rate comment like and subscribe thing yeah great rearrange might break my youtube videos yeah yeah are you old enough for rate comment and subscribe or is that no I I'm too old for that [ __ ] okay know you're old and that's what everyone used to say rate comment and subscribe because you saw a video you didn't like well that was rating really that was on YouTube bro like 5:02 FAR's yeah oh my god I remember that yeah how the [ __ ] holy [ __ ] don't say don't make me sound like me and Evan are all the only ones that are now 23 or Hitler 23 memory of a goldfish yeah we rode 23 here comes like to be very much 23 year old podcast we are all 23 and we're all very lit and we're very been were very liddie and food as well [ __ ] take talk it's I uh I feel born before 2000 let me hear that Audis it's like what what Wendy when did 20 become old I hate do I hate it they're all getting younger and younger it's so annoying I've kind of I've gone off tick-tock I basically exclusively look at it probably half the time I [ __ ] and that's it yeah she's so much of the same stuff every time you have one person will get a good idea and then everyone else will just copy that exact same yeah especially when it's a joke that requires a twist and as I have that's this isn't how jokes work they're only good for once like that's why I don't fifty such a big deal because what you know the punchline the drugs gone no one yeah yeah yeah and it's like oh no it's just so much sorry go ahead no no no no is you first because mine's probably longer but guys just gonna say I you know I've noticed there's a lot of like unnecessary like patting on like before-and-after jokes you know like a lot of tic TOCs are [ __ ] too long and you just watching them and you're like that was funny but like 30 40 percent of that could have been cut out like there's this one this is one trend that's funny I thought it was funny it's the walking on a dream song you know what I'm talking about no what what was that seventy one sentence bro oh my god Nate clip that out clip that out and then just has to we have to bake in a video soundboard where we just cut to that shot right there you were that you were singing real nice it's cool hey like how are we don't do that don't do that I don't see any fingers up I don't want to see you I don't want to count your head okay like I said I can doubt I can say that one yeah yeah that was good it's the song walking on a dream yeah and they hold up their phone and it says something mm-hmm that's the dream okay and then they use that effect that does the freeze-frame yeah and then they walk up and they step on their dream and they're walking on the dream okay and the dream is supposed to be something funny right you see it in the first frame yeah the rest of the tiara is complete [ __ ] just fluff right and then yeah you know you sitting there you watch 40 of them and then you're like I just wasted half a day I've been on ticked out for six straight hours watching this trend I'm sorry dude the clue because I don't see you on your crispy mic I see you on your webcam mic so just seeing you with the mustache yeah bit about take time you watch 40 oh you don't you don't need the end of the joke okay that it is a massive problem we like Instagram Instagram company as well where they'll put the punchline in the hashtag yeah so it's like it's hashtag whatever and that's the punchline Oh people just think they can do comedy and just don't get like the number one rule of comedy yes it's like the surprise bro the thing that is crazy to me is well on vine people people would remake other people's ideas but they credit that person right but there I co fell on vine there was still an element of you should be trying to do your own thing even a little bit even if you're it's inspired by or whatever you should be trying to make your own jokes with tick tock the whole concept of original humor I feel it's just very different and that's how these kids are gonna grow up you know that whole mentality of oh you're joking my joke it's our joke it's everyone's joke you know what I mean it's our song yeah it's our song yeah you did the meat I did this who made that pit bull yeah it's ours now yeah I just think it's so is so weird and sometimes I feel that's why you know if you took young kids and you put them in front of stand of I feel some of it wouldn't connect with them or you know they say oh then that's a good bit I want to do that bit they wouldn't understand how you don't you don't do to sit like I need to explain it to them yeah so they're all just joke communist yeah right much yeah that's that's the thing is as communism comes back go ahead and redistribute everything humor will be redistributed to everyone hell yeah the our jokes now everyone is Bill burr okay everyone gets to be funny at the party that's what it is they're trying to take its imbalance right one of us shows up at a party we have all those steaming-hot takes it's not fair everyone should get to have a hot take so it needs to be say until you say you're all part of the tiny meat gang then not so sure about that okay no wait I'll [ __ ] wait I can't anymore Cody Cody you're like the only person I know that actually that's not true damn it dude no we're talking about Elina was heavy out on tick-tock I've never oh he'll come back it's fine he'll reset huh hmm did you guys get to making tic TOCs I've made nine or ten it's fine Kotick you figure it out we continue on it we'll just keep it going give me traction oh not I mean some of them a little bit no we hear you bro we hear you Cody night Cody's he's frozen I might like ten but I've had basically no attraction and I was like [ __ ] this I'd rather put my time into YouTube videos getting their attraction because at least but I'm proud of them you're never proud of a tic TOCs right not like oh I'm so glad I did this whoa yeah dancing dude nah nah drugs Bevan if you do a dancing tik tok you know that you would never but no if you did I did dance on my latest music video though I thought was fun I was thinking you're the Dwayne Johnson of YouTube rightfully ambiguous both date voice and and [ __ ] ripped right just ripped wider than a door frame you know dude I love that clip of him that just is the new hot [ __ ] on Twitter that him on Raw going shut up [ __ ] you guys what I'm talking about old Cleveland even sunglasses literally like these ones and he's just on the mic and he just goes shut up [ __ ] everyone use it as a reply video it's so [ __ ] mean that's great I gotta get that yeah if I if I was ever even a back fine lady's walking Jesus dude we're still gonna use an audiometer in the trash if you think we're not using that audio right there you're just mistaken sir we're definitely outta here Cody the whole time you probably not you can I could hear you on and off I had to like turn off my interface twice so I I'm keeping this I'm keeping the rock complement dude I cannot lose that Nate go in there cut that out I need that compliment okay well the other one is Vin Diesel yeah let's go ahead this whole part let's go ahead and 86 this part of this just you know oh my connections cutting out what yeah bro you are you are on it for 5:30 I don't think I could podcast at 5:30 in the morning Cody couldn't it's I could easily do that yeah you guys need you guys need your own show the early boys show but there is no early time right for both of us true yeah but I usually get up and go to the gym at you know 5:00 or 5:30 so yeah but you cannot get my gun out of bed before like eight o'clock and then when you do she's dead for the next hour and a half but I just I'm just like ping and she [ __ ] hates me I'm the same hate I'm a morning person I'm just as soon as I open my eyes I'm out yeah you're white oh [ __ ] go time babies a flurry because I start the I start the [ __ ] day with w's you know wake up and you start winning right are you the other way you talk about that can we talk about that for a second eleven I don't know if the last episode of the podcast but are we not the last one no it's [ __ ] cool man no cool yeah yeah no it's cool anyways guys that's the time for better than the story so we I guess we can we can say a little behind the scenes [ __ ] we like basically sign with a new podcast ad company right yeah the old one we signed with a new one and so now we're we're having all new companies yeah sign up to [ __ ] read ads on our show right yeah one of them was manscaped so we did a we did a read the first read ever for manscape and it's one of the first reads that we've done for this new company yeah okay we did the read middle of the episode then by about 4550 minutes in the episode I'm like hey dude let's check out that morning routine video that I sent you one time and I said oh no it's like 3-4 weeks ago right and it's a it's a cheesy morning routine video similar to the one that we did that's cringe on yeah so we go in on it for like 30 minutes we're making fun of this morning routine video it's this guy and he's talking about he talks about like waking up at 5:00 a.m. because he likes to start his day with a win he heads straight to the gym then he goes right to the coffee shop managers emails and he goes back to the gym and then he goes back to the gym and then he wakes up again or you know I'm saying just winning all day long yeah so we're going in on this guy blah blah blah we find out the next day we had a bunch of patreon comments and a bunch of YouTube comments saying that that dude that we were making fun of is one of the owners of manscaped had gone oh yeah yeah it's done dude it's printed yeah we haven't heard anything nobody said anything that company hasn't reached out or anything anything like that but after they listen to this they probably will yeah so you know if there are any male grooming companies that you know want to take over for manscape we have we got we got some open slots we have completely hosed ourselves so you know just as long as your CEO doesn't make videos about waking up early the relationship should be just fine bro everyone when Cody says we went in on that guy that's a severe understatement because we started at the end of the episode and it was a hot 7 8 minutes and then we go you [ __ ] you let's take this into the bonus and if you go into the bonus and we're just going in and I read that comment you know that guy owns manscaped I said oh we are we are so dumb bro we are so stupid definitely gotta listen to this now dude sorted yeah yeah our careers in this game is is limited just on that alone we're not gonna make it we got maybe six months left before we just for all the ad revenue dries up for us yeah we're gonna start roasting Gwyneth Paltrow's a vagina candle or something you know Bevan loser like good money yeah yeah yeah I would say I was looking at a product so it's gonna make him I was thinking of making video and her other [ __ ] she has a necklace dildo so it's a tiny vibrator you wear on your neck so you can carry it around with you if you're like at the post office lines a bit long you know just whip it out it's kind of like oh my god it's so it's a horny rosary you just just whip it off do a quick prayer yeah if you shove it up your butt at least if it has the change you're not gonna lose it so maybe maybe she's on to something I don't know about taking it off and putting it back around your neck sorry yeah yeah wouldn't it viewers you have to wash it or it just stinks like vagina all day oh well she's all into natural so I think you just yeah you just you just been she's like yeah and then it's goose nted afterwards yeah a lot on the fly up vagina can you done til we won no man it's like you know it's like a little glass piece that you you know you smoke weed out of you just yeah you just hit it with the lighter sanitize it good to go you know just a quick burn off the germs it's good to go boy good did either of you watch that [ __ ] series on on her company I like I refused to watch it yeah okay yeah I didn't watch it no I didn't watch it Oh YouTube videos about it she said is yeah it's [ __ ] strange so I think penguin zero related video of data on my F watch that I might have to say the title yeah but my girlfriend watched it and she said there was some useful info in there I'm not sure what about but yeah I'm guessing a lot of pseudo-scientific [ __ ] how to make a vagina candle effectively yeah yeah that's fine let me ask you this um sorry what we're gonna sit some no we're gonna say something no good uh do you fall a laser beam laser beam nah you don't know why not no he's like the almost the biggest australian youtuber right um I don't know I don't watch a lot of youtubers at all I'll watch very few youtubers isn't he many gaming yeah I think so yeah I don't watch any gaming youtubers alright alright okay how big is like the YouTube Australia community like ah oh I don't know I've never been invited I only have like 800 or 700 subs but I dunno if you got this like there's Lois Spears and I was like Butterfield me okay there's a bunch of legit stand-ups who then moved into doing like video as well I know Karen French and all that stuff yeah but yeah then obviously there's that the cold one guys max my phone yeah yeah anything what you know that had actually been pursed with me so who knows maybe you'll be on cold ones one day bro yeah you have to put you have to have an iron liver to be on that show i watch clips of that show that [ __ ] i want to go on it but i have put all my alcohol in a catheter or something that [ __ ] is like like like I'll somehow siphon it through my body like into a trickle yeah yeah something yeah it's something a catheter no you just then you squeeze the catheter bag and it goes up your dick no yeah that's what yeah that's the ideal way just do a catheter yeah well that was in the GUP documentary it's a it's a more effective way to get wasted you do a butt catheter laughing in America like butt chuggin you guys remember that yeah I did it yeah I've never done I've never done it despite what you may think I would never never butt chugging have you seen anyone in your frat days butch ugh no never weird yeah that's so I've seen it I've seen yeah yeah now that's that's no that's never happened I've seen someone do cocaine from it from another person's [ __ ] before I've seen that in person look the ostraka the [ __ ] and [ __ ] it okay below it sorry sorry blow it up an [ __ ] what I've seen yeah I was gonna say okay nostril to hole yeah it's gonna say yeah that would be pulling a bit of particulates there yeah unwanted external matter you you really gotta want to get [ __ ] up to do it that way ya know I feel like the web your fingers just fine to the owner yeah did you used to snort I'll shove it in school no tell us about that what sherbert is like sugar it's like pick it's like pathetic right yeah it's like yeah just sugar but do you guys have whispies you don't shut out it is that weird lease fees it's just it's basically sugar and you eat it and it just gives a bit of a tingly sensation in your mouth no just you know in primary school maybe you're like yeah I don't know I'm just snowed it wasn't fun it wasn't it was I don't know why we did it get you high or something no didn't know it just it's just her itself is so funny to imagine the left like twelve year olds practicing doing cocaine yeah yeah three eight years this is gonna be so [ __ ] helpful I remember a chick snorted a line of salt just yeah just a Mexican head [ __ ] so you know you have it so you know you have a tequila shot where you want it to kill a shot you put the lemon in your mouth you lick the salt and then you take the shot and there's skin head [ __ ] I've done one of these you snort the salt you squeeze the lemon in your eye then you take the shot yeah it's like some supreme paddy [ __ ] yeah it's I know I did it I die son is that only drunk yeah aunt a drunk I was gonna say is that on your only fans like is that exclusive Bevan war content it can't bathe the demands yeah it's just clips of him doing supreme fatty stunts just crazy as drinking [ __ ] o supreme petty is he one of those youtubers that doesn't ever seem supreme patty he's like is he a big guy he's small but like thick he lost a little bit of weight yeah his whole thing is like lemon juice in his eye and yeah there's a whole bunch of them yeah sons of Saud and other guys okay so wait you did the Mexican head [ __ ] which is he Allison same thing ever and was it just like whatever like you were just fine or I'm not hurt yeah but I saw I saw steve-o his honor with Gordon Ramsay he put hot sauce in these are that's next level by lemon juice sure hot sauce that is ridiculous yeah and this was hot hot sauce Terry well I would not do that i i i recently saw the picture you no have you ever seen little skies Instagram picture his profile picture no it's like it's my Tivo but I don't know what he can't really told he's doing cuz it's like really small and I finally saw the image blown up on Twitter the other day and it's Stevo like going like this right like looking insane and there's like 5,000 whippet canisters around him oh oh and like he's smoking a cigarette at the same time and it's yeah it it is like depression in a picture yeah did you guys see that clip of gonna on Instagram live do yeah I did yeah that's funny no way this rapper he does a [ __ ] whip it from a can or Instagram life he just goes live doesn't whip it and like ends it and it's crazy because you know I'm not gonna say names but a friend of ours worked on an artist music video and he went into the trailer and he sent me pictures there's just those little what do you call it night racers noise canisters yeah all over the greenroom like him and all his boys were just doing with its while they're shooting this music video and I'd say the rapper or no huh can you say the rapper and I'm not gonna say who could not say who but whippets were like a rapper drug that that's what that's what blew my mind and and he said that all their the the devices they were using to do him were super custom and you know you know they clearly just bought these things off Amazon and some dude painted them and you know made them sexy looking whatever so but he sent me that and I thought there's no way this has to be sort of a one-off you know a one-time thing where they're just [ __ ] around at a music video shoot but then Gunnar goes and does it on live and then people started posting clips of a lot of modern rappers just doing whip it's like that kid D Savage and a whole bunch of other dudes and now it's a trend for them to do whippets I couldn't believe that [ __ ] because we would that better not be the [ __ ] you know sands and perks and whatever better not be whip it's that kids are doing now because they've wrap their favorite rappers are doing it it's the worst it's [ __ ] in middle schools full of kids room I mean I guess it's better than perks or they probably none of them are [ __ ] good no it's the weirdest [ __ ] drug this is so weird is whippets are they in Australia they are but practice I've I mean allegedly I know people who do who do whippets but apparently they trick with the weapons is you have to be high first if you just do with it's not much like you feel it but it's not that great if you're high first then for doing don't do it don't do it but this is what I've been told but there is no dude you you feel it for sure well you do if you feel it like extra when your heart erst apparent yeah yeah I'm just laughing because we started talking about whippets and the feeling and I could see Bevin posturing he's like well I'll let him finish something someone who isn't me in Sydney we have there's a 24-hour whippets delivery service [ __ ] it's good spade whippets pull pull it up if you want I think it's good see with its speedy whippets see what's up with speedy women Australia is insane you guys are other levels of wild smiley whippets whippets a whippet is an animal there's a subreddit called there's a subreddit for whippits but it's just this breed of dog maybe I was like this is about to be the weirdest community ever I don't know maybe that exercise one breed of dog maybe the government's come in and shot the whole website down but I do yeah there'll be there'll be some random person that will chime in in the comment section that yep they used to order from them all the time don't worry dude you'll get validated I've wrong with you that's so crazy weed maps but it's just whippets yeah technically okay yeah right that's what the website was for yes yes looking if you whip cream in a pinch no way - no way - [ __ ] spray it on my cake I need 500 them - I am on a Saturday not now because I really love biking can you imagine being that guy delivering that [ __ ] at 1:00 in the morning and whatever [ __ ] excuse that person is trying to give you I loves cake I just so much if you got there and there were baking look at 2:00 a.m. there just cupcakes fresh out of the oven yeah - a commercial kitchen at 2:00 a.m. it's like thank God are you guys cooking allegedly all right listen Bev what do you what plug your channel again oh yeah yeah yeah [ __ ] it oh sorry how long do we we went for almost a damn hour it's just just dropped in you music video cooled meat banana it's a remix to PD pods [ __ ] lasagna okay okay nice parka no [ __ ] pumps so check that out and just okay there we go Australian slang is the best yeah and yeah just new content every week been bored [ __ ] Bevin Ward brought him up check him up guys say how the boy Bevan man he thanks for coming on dude I know it was real uh thanks for having me yeah it was real out of nowhere but I just thought [ __ ] it man can't get Michael Reaves that's good next thing ya know thanks man we appreciate you making that video and everything to is really funny oh yeah after that yeah yeah let's take it the right way take someone on it something that comments on I'm ready he's just like yeah [ __ ] those guys and it's like you kind of missed the point of the video there yeah no I know I've never not familiar that was my next question is what is that that's uh it's don't worry about it okay oh is that like a 23 year old thing I just thought you know I wouldn't get it it's okay second nineteen euro thing it's gotta go okay wait 23 so right yeah right so if it wasn't the real thing we'd know about it but we're not we're going you know wait 23 not 19 sorry yeah so shall I tell you 19 year olds in the comments cruisin read it yeah I fell it to all my fellow nine year olds yeah shout out to all the 9 year olds bump in the podcast yeah yeah and writing artificial intelligent code and stuff like that yeah hell yeah doodle this was fun well do it again appreciate it man no worries thanks having me peace Brown of course pace on it
Channel: TMG Studios
Views: 377,461
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: GorhRSToAJ0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 72min 6sec (4326 seconds)
Published: Thu May 28 2020
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