This COIN Puzzle is Supposed to be HARD!!

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- I'm gonna show you guys something here. Check this out, so these ropes are solid, I'm gonna over-prove everything in this video, just because I want you to feel like you're actually here. This box is literally just a box with these felt things that I can put my hands through. There are no trapdoors. (box thudding) Here's the mystery. Very important that you keep your eyes on the end of the ropes to make sure they never leave your sight. This is going to go into the box and I'm going to pop this through, as you can see. (chuckles) Inexplicably, (grunts) it's an old box, inexplicably, they're now linked, look at that, the edges are here, they've never left your sight, and yet, this is linked. Now, you might not think that's impressive, but that's impossible. This time, this is gonna be really cool, we'll take these, we'll push them through the top here, One and two. And I want you to see inside. That is exactly what it looks like, okay? But somehow, these ropes are still going to get linked, so if I have a spectator on my right hold the right side here, and a spectator, sorry, and a spectator on my left hold the left side, these have been in plain sight the entire time. Watch what happens. (mellow music) They are now completely linked. How does that even work? By the way, this is an illusion by Dean Dill, amazing magician, passed away a couple years ago. Just shows you how simple a magic trick can be, it doesn't have to be convoluted, everything can be examined, this is magic at its finest. Anyways, let's get into today's video. Yo, what's up, guys, and welcome back. A little puzzle that I received by Joseph G. Turner, it is called Free Me 6. (dramatic music) And the whole goal here is to free the coin from this little guillotine, this contraption here. Locked in there and we have to set it free, this was a 2017 Christmas puzzle, so I guess he sent this out during Christmas time in 2017, it is apparently very difficult, we'll figure that out I'm sure. But without any further ado, like this video, subscribe, and let's get into solving today's puzzle (puzzle whistling) (puzzle thudding) Free Me 6, what it says here is, "Free the coin from the puzzle. "Everything needed to solve the puzzle is provided. "Contains small, rolling parts. "No excessive force needed, no banging, "bending, or burning required," what a weird rule. I guess that rules out the burning part. Let's get the timer here, boom. So this part here slides. (puzzle thudding) Oh, does it say no banging? Oh, no banging, oh, no bending? Okay, so I guess that means this, this moves side-to-side, by the way. There's a pin in there, you can see that stopping this from getting out. There's this as well, it's like a little button, it moves. And there's this, and there seems to be another pin there, maybe here, I think we give it the old spin-a-roo. (mellow music) (laughs) Oh, okay, so that was in here, oh, oh, God. Okay, so we got a pin that was in here, and we got a pin that was in here, which I guess the spinning move shot to either side. Oh, and now that opens, and there is a nail here and a ball bearing here, okay. How does that help me solve it? One spin move generated all of these things, by the way. Oh, hello. (puzzle clicking) So it wouldn't go on that side but as soon as I used the pin, I can press here, there's a little spring, you can see it pop, boing, boing, and when I press, I can push that way. And now it allowed it to open a little bit more in that direction. Okay. (puzzle clicking) (laid-back music) Feel like this here is gonna stop that pin from dropping, which will let me extract this here. See, that's being stopped there. Another button? A-ha. (puzzle clicking) Okay, bottom is completely free. And I can press these things, doesn't do anything. Super intricate though, if you look at all the little things. I'm gonna have to watch this video in reverse I think, to figure out how it all goes back together. So the bottom part is completely free but does not give us the solution for the top part. Huh. (mellow music) What can it all mean? (puzzle thudding) (puzzle rattling) (puzzle clattering) Whoa. I figure I need to move this for that pin to drop down, releasing this one, I just don't know how that's gonna work. I'm gonna try pressing both of these down. Weird, this here used to go down a lot further and now there's something, there we go. Look, it's in now. Bam, bam, baby, let's go. Not entirely sure of how this all worked. Try putting it back together here, boom. See, that peg is up now, so that peg can't drop 'cause that's stuck, so I have to push this one in and then push that one in for that peg to drop down. There's two sides to this thing, one side is more flat, like this, and I think that goes in to there, which allows that pin to come out, yes, correct? Oh, there we go, now it's unstuck and now is locked back into place. As for these tools, there were all these pieces, my goodness. We do have the solution here, which we will open for the first time. And I just wanna understand how this thing works. I don't wanna put the pieces in the wrong pieces. Wow, look at that. Okay, let's try to get this back to the way it was. I don't even understand what I'm reading here. This is like that, yes, okay, so ball bearing goes in here. The nail, oh, weird, look how the nail's placed, it's placed diagonally. Goes like this, shoont. So that goes there, this little one goes here. This longer one here, just wanna make sure this is the right side, there. And then tricky part is getting it all back together, I guess you gotta lay it down sideways. Boom, all right, so all done. I'm still struggling to find out what the nail did, so, "Lay the puzzle on a surface and spin counterclockwise," done, we did that right away. "Slide the two pieces sideways left, "slide them back together, at least as far as they go "and remove the metal rods and nail. "Leave the steel ball in the hole," we didn't do that. "Slide the two pieces back together, insert longer metal rod "in the hole to depress an internal wooden peg," we did that, "While depressed, slide the two pieces opposite directions. "Hold puzzle with top down, "transfer steel ball into internal hole in the top "and slide the pieces back together, remove the rod. "Slide the two pieces, slightly transfer the steel ball "to an internal hole in the bottom," it's so weird. Oh, and then it has the second solution here. So what we did is we kinda shortcut this puzzle, the steel ball is actually used to press those pegs in. Rather than use the steel ball, I used the rod to push it in and then push the side, could've been the steel ball, just by sliding this back and forth would've pushed the steel ball up there and would've done that, so I guess the solution is harder than what I did. However, they did say use all the pieces, what'd it say here, it says, "Everything you need to solve the puzzle "is provided," so I used those as tools, I don't think I did it correctly, so let's try and solve this correctly. "Spin counterclockwise," we did that. (puzzle clicking) Okay, so we got this out. There's the nail and the ball. So, "Slide the two pieces as far as they go "and remove the metal rods, leave the steel ball in hole." So I take the nail out, see that's the thing, how are you supposed to know to leave the steel ball in there? 'Cause it falls out. So we're gonna put the steel ball back. "Insert metal rod into the larger hole," we did that. "Slide the two piece in the opposite direction," so we're gonna go right this time. "Hold the puzzle with top down to transfer the steel ball." All right, so the steel ball should be transferred here if I do this, I'm guessing, "And slide the pieces together." "Remove rod, slide the pieces back together." Now, "Slide the two pieces top-left slightly "to transfer the steel ball to an internal hole "in the bottom and then slide the pieces together." (puzzle clicking) Okay, so the steel ball was there, it is now up there and I used it to drop it off into the next hole. "Similar to step four, insert the longer metal rod "into the larger hole to depress the peg, "and now slide them to the right. "Insert the nail into the hole in the bottom "to depress the peg, while depressed, "slide the two pieces in the opposite direction." It's not working, oh, 'cause that's there. Still no, it's so weird that I can figure this out without actually following the steps here. I think that that's kind of chaotic for my taste. If this only worked the way that he described, I think that that would be cool, but clearly, it doesn't. I'm gonna leave it at that, I don't feel like, this looks way more convoluted. It's crazy 'cause literally, okay, see, the rod ends up being there, that's insane. Cool puzzle nonetheless, I don't appreciate when a puzzle solves itself rather than having it be solved through any other means, I feel like the troubleshooting when creating a puzzle should've fixed that and that shouldn't have happened. The intricacies in this puzzle are pretty insane, so I would love to see this work properly, I'm gonna keep playing around with it and try to get it to actually work the way it was intended, that's it. Well, hot dang. Little bit disappointed in this puzzle. You know what, I'm not disappointed in the puzzle itself, I'm disappointed that I solved it without actually solving it, which happens on this channel sometimes. There's a lot going on, lot of internal mechanisms that we just kind of rerouted and went around. If there was a way that steel ball not to be extracted but only to roll around in the other compartments when I move it around, then I think that would've been cool, the fact that the steel ball fell out and I was still able to solve it kinda disappoints me. Shouldn't have been that easy. I can't blame myself because I did everything they told me to do using the tools that I was given. It's just the way the cookie crumbles sometimes. But anyways, if you enjoyed this video, do let me know by leaving a like, subscribe if you're new here, and we'll see you on the next video, (singing in foreign language) peace. (grunts) (mellow accordion music) (singing in foreign language)
Channel: Chris Ramsay
Views: 2,488,795
Rating: 4.8853927 out of 5
Keywords: chris ramsay, chris, ramsay, puzzle, puzzles, challenge, how to solve, solving, solved, puzzle solving, puzzle solver, puzzle box, 10000 puzzle, hardest puzzle, most difficult puzzle, puzzler, mr puzzle, puzzle master, solution, puzzle solution, hard puzzle, beginner
Id: x6qJdjL-H6Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 30sec (990 seconds)
Published: Mon May 18 2020
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