Solving a Delicious DONUT Puzzle!!

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[Music] what's up guys welcome back I'm going to give you guys a challenge before this video starts I'm gonna give you guys a heads up in a puzzle that I have now I will give you two weeks to purchase and receive this puzzle and I'm going to solve it on video and we can solve it together so the puzzle in question and I'll leave the link below where you guys can check it out is the cast ekwa eq ax equal this is by hana yama says here level five out of six which means probably a level seven eight maybe even nine intermediate to difficult puzzle as I said I left the link below if you guys want to check it out definitely pick it up we can solve it together in two weeks from now but look for that I'll see you guys in two weeks with this puzzle this is an experiment so let's see how this goes on today's menu quite literally is a donut look at this clear bag reminds me of something at a Springfield in the Simpsons in here you have a wonderful beautiful donut this donut is designed by Robert E sand-filled for the 16th annual puzzle party the IPP in Luxembourg in 1996 puzzle might just be older than some of you it's made from mahogany and walnut and designed by Perry McDaniel wonderful little dovetail puzzle now there are a lot of different dovetail puzzles out there I've reviewed some of them some of them square rectangular and some of them even triangular and they all have really unique solutions to them they're considered to be impossible objects and there's always like a fun little twist that goes into solving them so apparently this one too has a really cool solution so I can't wait to get into it with you so without any further ado let's solve the donor Oh sand fields doughnut shop how cool is this like the fact that they it came with this little paper bag Sam fields dovetailed donut puzzle 16th international puzzle party in Luxembourg August 1996 should probably get probably get that timer out get to the timer okay so it's a dovetail there's a hole here and there's a hole on the bottom here and a hole here there's two holes and there are two joints where the the dovetail is joined you can see here and here and that's all I know so there's also this on the inside you could hear kind of slapping back and forth so my first initial reaction is much like the other dovetail puzzles that are out there is you slap it on one side that's a no now we try spinning it spinning it doesn't seem to do anything cuz there's no mechanism that allowed that like when I spin it nothing moves you don't hear anything move when I spin it so I'm thinking maybe gosh huh you have something to do those pins [Music] doesn't sound like magnets sounds like pin like like a pin anyway to look inside those holes to see if anything's going on [Music] can't see anything what would you guys do at this point here oh maybe like this oh that's that's actually a big brain idea moved a little bit like a tiny tiny tiny tiny bit I can move it back and forth just like ever so slightly if you look at that line right there that like brighter line right here much see like ever so slightly if I force it but I just don't to force it too much and now it goes back the other way [Music] [Music] trying to twist it hmm that's strange so now it's like out even a bit more [Music] okay okay oh by the way this is cool this is sent to me by Hani Yama I'm just taking a break because my brain right now is just doing the same thing over and over again so this here is a cool little fidget toy and the goal is to first make two squares it's very very sort of mesmerizing when you're holding it there we go so we got two squares as you can see and now the other goal is to make this other shape which is like not exactly what the proper term for that shape is but I'll show you when I get it it's really addictive so I've got one I've gotten one see that shape here and now I think just this one here if I can find a way to flip it out Oh boom there you go and that is the second shape so just a fidget toy I don't know it was cool no big deal back to you oh here we go what wait I want to come apart oh here we go I was just so hard to take apart the hell what the hell what no put it back no oh wait a minute okay so there were these little pins but how did that how do those pins even work to figure that out guess what we have here this is the solution now that's a stapled shut I haven't opened it yet I do want to put this back correctly and at the same time see how it really works [Music] boop boop doop doop - okay sand fields dovetail doughnut sin aka sand fields bagel with lox get it bagel with lox okay designed by Robert E sand felt crafted sand fields are crafted by perry mcdaniel made from mahogany and walnut to open hold the doughnut with the chocolate icing dark side up this will release the secondary lock bring the doughnut to your mouth as if to take a bite and blow slightly in the lower hole this will momentarily raise up raise and open the primary lock slide the top towards your face about a quarter inch lower the doughnut and slowly continue to slide the top the primary lock and will drop into a catch hole on the top stop sliding lift it up and off wait what oh it's funny here look at this unfortunately solution requires kissing the puzzle which may be slightly unhygenic for the next solver please act accordingly also be careful not to lose the pins or cut yourself with a dovetail edges I mean this is 1996 and these guys are already practicing like some hygiene stuff all right we need to close this and obviously I'm gonna stop this obviously we're gonna restart it again because I definitely want to do the proper solve so remove the pin from the catch hole hold the lower light half and insert the secondary lock pit if it has been removed into the deeper hole it looks like this one that is this one boom drop the icing half dovetails into the open keyholes [Music] turn the donut over put the other pin in the deeper hole got you slide the house together the secondary lock will engage okay and now we are locked okay so let's do the this is funny we're gonna do the solution required here so hold the donut with the chocolate ring facing up this will release the secondary lock okay bring the donut to your mouth as if to take a bite but instead blow steadily and blow steadily into the lower hole to this hole here oh I have to actually put my mouth on it I'm gonna go wash this okay oh you hear it listen watch that's so cool okay slice so I just got lucky like banging it around I guess I would have never by the way pulled that mouth on this so I would have never have solved it the regular way so I'm very glad that I solved it randomly okay here we go so this lock is engaged now this one I got it is lower the donut slide the top towards your face about a quarter-inch there we go that's it dad is pretty dope I got to admit that is pretty dope I always loved a clever solution especially when it comes to like dovetail puzzles because we see so many of them but they're very rarely hard to figure out so here this one goes back into here there we go sand fields donut I much appreciated this puzzle I like the solution I like the donut this is going to stay in here I love this very much thank you and there you have it sand filled donut hot dang that was enjoyable I'm so glad the solution was different than how I solved it these things just sometimes happen when solving puzzles you accidentally solved them or you break them or you just never saw them at all in this case we accidentally solved it and the solution for proved to be actually quite more entertaining than my solution which which I'm glad we had the solution on hand otherwise I would have never known to put my mouth on this like who would do that you know that sanitizing first kind of a weird thing but mind you this was made in 1996 that is exactly 24 years before the pandemic 24 years this is a 24 year old puzzle this is a 24 year old puzzle bag I don't know where I'm going with this this is a 24 this puzzle may not be for sale however the cast eq uh is for sale i left the link below you guys can check it out do hurry up and grab it if you want to have a fun puzzle solving time with me in about two weeks from now and we'll see you then thanks for watching like this video subscribe don't see other [Music]
Channel: Chris Ramsay
Views: 643,126
Rating: 4.9401169 out of 5
Keywords: chris ramsay, chris, ramsay, puzzle, puzzles
Id: LIR9N4Em1Z4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 59sec (959 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 24 2020
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