Solving The ENCHANTED House Puzzle!!

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(bright electronic music) ♪ Christmas time on high ♪ ♪ In the falling snow, snow, magic lights ♪ ♪ Christmas time on high ♪ ♪ In the falling snow, snow ♪ ♪ Christmas time on high ♪ ♪ In the falling snow, snow, magic lights ♪ ♪ Christmas time on high ♪ ♪ In the falling snow, snow ♪ - Yo, what's up guys, and welcome back. Today's puzzle is kinda special and kinda cool. I bought this puzzle from an auction. There were only, I think, 36 of these made, made by a gentleman by the name of Kel Snake. I got one here actually, check this out. Look at this beautiful design. Lots of different woods he's using here. He's got some brass. He's got all sorts of little really cool trinkets, and he's got this little fairy in the back. And so this is a fairy home and we have to open the door to let the fairy in. If you do enjoy this content, before you watch me solve this, I notice half of you that watch these videos aren't subscribed, so why don't you go ahead and subscribe? 'Cause if you're watching it, then you may enjoy the other videos that we have in store for you. Don't forget to like, all that stuff. Let's get into solving. What is this called? Puzzle Duck Pastures. Let's go. All right, here we go. Puzzle Duck Pastures. There is a fairy. This is the fairy, and the fairy, Oh, by the way, new setup we're trying out. I mean, because this is a puzzle that you can't really lay flat. I mean, it looks better stood up, we chose this angle. This is a fairy, this fairy needs to get into her house. That's gonna be annoying. The sound is already kinda gettin' on my nerves. All right, so apparently there are 13 moves here. That does something. (calm music) Oh, look at here. Can you see in there? Watch. It moves. Oh, now it's stuck. Oh. Okay, look. That's out of the way. Wouldn't that have been nice if that just opened? So we got that lock away. That's good. Oh. Magnet here. There's another little thing here. Like a little metal spike. Okay, this is interesting. Where does this go to? Ooh, okay hold on. Oh, that's got some give. Look at that. Yeah, this one's got some give here. Maybe we push it. Oh, what's this? (puzzle rattling) What's this? What's this little thing? Oh, hello. A tool. We have a tool. Just trying random things out right now. Also this is really bugging me. Is there a way to just, (grunts) make that stop? I'll just hold it. Another piece (laughs), this is so cool. I feel like I'm breaking this thing apart. Does everything just come off? Maybe this goes down, no, that doesn't fit down there. So this got a magnets on it too. (calm guitar music) Oh, there's more holes over here. Oh, hello. Okay, what about this one. Hmm, okay, wow, I don't know, I don't know, I don't know what to do with all these extra tools. This is a cool sequential discovery. 'Cause you're discovering the tools. I like this tool. Not sure what it does. There's that pin in there that has to move out of the way. Everything else is moved out of the way. Oh, this is locked now. Wait, why is this locked now? Hold on. Did we uncover something? ♪ Christmas, but I'll be missing you right there ♪ That was turning before, was it not? Yes, it was. This whole window moves. I'm not sure why. ♪ Wonder in July ♪ I need to get this off. This is bugging me. (grunts) (rattling) Maybe that's what the tool's for. So I can get this annoying fairy off here. (popping) There we go. Okay, probably didn't have, oh, there was a second hole there. Okay I probably wasn't supposed to take that fairy out to be honest. It's probably just supposed to stay there, but like let's be real, it's just there to hide this hole. That's what we know now. Where's my little tool? Where's my little, oh, there it is. ♪ The season to enjoy ♪ ♪ Christmas ♪ ♪ But I'll be missing you right next to me ♪ Hmmm. Okay, now that's locked again. Unlocked. And that's still locked, but it was unlocked before. And I remember there was this here. Was it this one? No, it was this side. This side had like a button. Yep. Ah. Now that button allows this to rotate. Now it's locked, okay. This button here allows this to open. But now what? What would you do here? What would be your play right now? Again, there's all this hidden poles that don't seem to really do anything, except for that one. This crooked tool. (lively festive music) Also, what was this for? Why did this have to come out? Why did this have to come out? We've used this tool for the button. There's still that hole in the back, which never really did anything. I feel like that little pin in there moved when I was playing back there. (wood knocking and scratching) So this moves and this moves. And I'm not sure of it's supposed to, or if I force it, it might break. That's locked into place by something. What is this for? All right, so I've come to the conclusion that these here do not, the magnets don't do anything. However, the pins do. Now this pin, we've used for the button. This pin, we have yet to figure out what this tool is for, and this, as well, is a complete mystery. (wood clacking) Does the fairy have anything to do with it? I don't think so. It was too hard to take off. (sighes heavily) ♪ Snow's falling ♪ There's a reason this one is bent, right? (wood knocking) It's gonna break it if I keep pulling at it. These lines have anything to do with it, you think? Hmmm. ("On Xmas Eve" by Gregory David) There's a magnet up here, is that why this got stuck? (sighs heavily) Okay. Whoops, the camera right over my shoulder. Okay, I've got a mic here, I've got the camera here, and I've got the monitor here, so I'm like surrounded by things. Okay, this seems like it can turn, but it's being stopped by something. I have to get that, I have to get this little metal bar out of the way. And this thing, this thing also seems to move. Oh, now for some reason it can come out. Okay. That bar looks like it's moving now. (wood rattling) It's still locked though. What does this do? Okay, something's happening here. What is this for? Was that just to hold the window, so that when I turn it? And this tool is still useless. Huh. Oh. There's a hole. Not, okay, not here, but just above, I don't know if you can see that. Up here, there's a tiny little hole. (puzzle clicks) Oh. Okay, still that bar up here. Oh. Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh. What's stopping it? Oh, I see the little mechanism in here. (gasps) Wow! Look at that, look at that! It's a fairy home! (laughs) Wow! Look at the inside of that. Oh my gosh, look at this. Dude, the mechanism here is, look at the door. So okay oh, so this one, once I moved out of the way, that wheel was able to free through that pin, was able to go free through that pin. Let's see here. Okay, that's when the door was locked, when I couldn't open it. And then I moved this one, which does what? Oh, it kinda like, oh, it just unlodges the door. Hold on. This unlodges the door, and then I'm able to, to open it. And the top one, what was that attached on? Top one was attached to here, and that was here. So that's what was locking this one. That is insane. What does this do? I can't see what any of this does here. That is still pretty sick though. Man, how cool is that? Look at that. Even the inside of the house has some decor. I mean this, this is almost like a nicer puzzle, just exposed. Oh here you go. In your home now. All right, let's put this thing back together. Let's see if I can get it back together. That's gonna go down here. ("Stocking Stuffer" by Guustavv) Yep, locked this one. Clicks there. That is now locked. That is now locked. That goes here. That comes down. This then goes here. This part goes in here. And this up in the attic, little tool, which happens to be magnetized up there as well. And of course, we're gonna put the, We're gonna put the fairy back here. Voila. That was really fun. So how many steps in total? One, two, oh, the wheel thing at the end, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, 10, 11, 12. Okay, it's like 12, 13. That was pretty sick. Let me know what you guys thought in the comments below. And hot... Dang! (grunts) So good. So good. Kind of a, uh-oh, not this again. Okay do it. (banging) You had one job, Lisa, throw my hat back. Throw it on my head. - [Crewman] There's no way. - Let's go. - Aw! - Aw! So there you go, there you have it. Puzzle Duck Pastures. A fun one. Like, I mean, actually wonderful, full of wonder, is what I mean. When you open that door and you get to see the inside of it, it's super intricate and beautiful, and the fact that he went and made, you know, a little home inside, and you get to see the way the door works and everything. There still are a few parts up in this area, especially the chimney and the window, I'm not exactly sure how those work, but we did end up opening it, and it was a very, very fun puzzle indeed. And if you did think so, go ahead and leave a like, and subscribe. And that is all I gotta say. So thanks for watching, And we'll see y'all in the next video. Peace, rah! (lo-fi music)
Channel: Chris Ramsay
Views: 880,854
Rating: 4.9566207 out of 5
Keywords: chris ramsay, chris, ramsay, puzzle, puzzles, Puzzle master, mr puzzle, how to solve, solving, puzzle solving, puzzle solver, solved, puzzle solution, solution, house puzzle, beginner puzzle, difficult puzzle
Id: JRe6ca57dSM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 50sec (950 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 18 2019
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