Solving The HARDEST Dovetail Puzzles in The World!! (Almost gave up)

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you're a man looking at the world through a keyhole and you've spent your whole life trying to widen that keyhole on hearing that it can be widened in ways you can't imagine you reject the possibility open your eyes [Music] bonus chocolate an edible illusion 70 classic dark very nice details within the curious cocoa bar performs a tasty trick that is sure to have you scratching your head and licking your lips by art of play made by the dairy chocolate it was very nice as you can see can you see that it perfectly fits into this paper and yet somehow it also perfectly fits into here without this piece which is a pretty big piece if we take those pieces and spell the word chocolate [Music] just like so [Music] just like that it smells chocolate you see that but somehow we're left with a bonus piece how amazing is that bonus chocolate illusion it was melting here that is so cool available at art of play i don't know if they're still available go check it out definitely a cool gift to give anyone and dark chocolate so healthy version of uh chocolate actually very confusing as an illusion so cool all right i almost forget how to use one of these things what's up guys and welcome back ah i know i've been absent i've been absent i've been absent i've been absent here to tell you i'm a little rusty i've been absent the fat my goodness i haven't been here in the last couple weeks because uh some of you may know i'm out in vancouver on the west coast filming a tv show we had a whole bunch of videos backed up so every video that you've seen almost every video that you've seen in the last like month and a half has been pre-recorded the life is a lie nothing is real but uh here we are i've got about another three weeks of shooting this total of like 10 weeks out in the west coast so it's a lot not going to complain very fortunate to have work and i'm very fortunate to be able to provide work for the 30 some odd people working on production with us so pretty happy about that that's not what you're here to see so i'll stop rambling by the way how cool was that chocolate thing you guys want to see my view check it out this is uh this is what is this is what i wake up to that's the ocean over there pretty dope whoa way too close way too intimate today we're looking at two uh dovetail puzzles these okay we've done one of these in the past it was like a dark one and it was uh it was pro number one i believe or pro number three maybe this is two and four uh they look the same as the other ones but their solutions are all different i think that's kind of cool not knowing what's inside but knowing that they are all different even though they look the same other than their colors they are virtually identical this one is number 40 of 300 and this one here is number 74 out of 300's they are limited check them out i'll let them i've left the link below where you guys can check out uh these puzzles also check out the shirt was that say first baby we got a whole new line of merch dropping i want to wait till i get back to the office so i can take care of it properly i do have my whole team on it right now but i want to get back there get the hands in to uh to the merch and stuff i'm actually looking at a big pile of merch right now which i can't wait to show you but i feel like now might not be the right time i haven't been in front of the camera in a long time all right forgive me i got a lot to say i'm excited to see you i'm excited to be here hell with it jump into it like this video let's start solving this puzzle this feels like back when i started youtube where i didn't have a top down i just had this tripod pointing down it was a weird angle but here we are so we can solve these this one's got a rattling this one's got a rattling so they both got pieces in here um let's see what uh let's see what's inside see how we can open it so i know from the past experiences that these things twist open uh there is probably a metal rod or multiple metal rods or any of that type of thing uh holding it preventing it from twisting because if you look at it it's really impossible to think of how that could come out like it it couldn't go that way it couldn't go this way it couldn't go up and so really twisting is the only way that this thing could come out so it really ingenious how this is made normally these type of dovetail uh puzzles are done with a square so with the triangle it's really unusual and kind of neat nice uh nice finish to them as well so all right it's banging here you can listen to the sounds of the street as well probably get a couple sirens in here while we're what we're solving this yeah that seems to go side to side here i mean might as well try that right okay let's try the slam technique on every side that'd be far too simple i think how about slamming it down slamming it this way no it doesn't even budge a little bit maybe it doesn't no one has to twist out now there's no sound very confusing i'm hearing sounds sometimes when i go like this then there's no sound leaves me to leave maybe there's a magnet or some type of locking mechanism there you hear it now oh now it stopped again all right let's take a break on this one let's give this one a shot okay this one seems a lot looser it doesn't seem so stuck this one here is like a small rattling but it's like harder to get that to rattle whereas this one seems to rattle pretty easily oh it also clicks like there's also a movement here a little bit of a movement [Music] all right so at least that we got that going for us [Music] [Music] if i catch it in between so it goes click click but maybe if i catch it in between those [Music] clicks oh oh there we go oh geez boom oh weird oh so cool i've never seen that before how those slots are over here usually like the last one i did you had uh basically the pins were in there and you had to spin it so they would shoot out into a hidden compartment on the side here those were never those are never exposed like this i wonder what the reason for that is oh so they all go in there so one two and then three i guess let me turn the brightness up a little it's getting dark here so three oh that one doesn't go in all the way oh okay so here you have a hole in the middle and here we just have these holes but these ones here are off they're like offset a little bit and and it doesn't go all the way in like th they get stopped so if i were to take this and go here yeah see how it doesn't go all the way in so it's going to play between these sides but this one however on this hole which is centered see these ones are offset this one's centered and that one goes all the way down so that must be the one where this one goes so this will go back in here boom and now i'm guessing we put it back like this for the satisfying moment rattle that forward and that should now be stuck yep cool all right so this one's solved bam let's go that was not so hard this one now what kind of sucks is that now i have a technique that i've used here and i want to use that same technique but i know it's not going to work it's got to be some gravity thing maybe upside down or something maybe on an angle that other one took me like five minutes to solve this one's supposed to be a level nine i figure i might get lucky though so i'm thinking right now like where my brain's at is there might be a move and then a slam because there might be a magnet because right now look now it's not making any noise but now i can get it to shake for a bit after i've slammed it down so i've slammed it down on this side try this ah i felt a drop there [Music] it's really not budging at all like the other one gave me a little bit of give what would you try right now curious to know i'll read the comments let me know what you try in this position right now would you maybe spin it up right that's an interesting concept thanks for that suggestion try this way so now spinning it this way slamming it clamming it spinning it no spinning it slamming it i don't know what i'm doing tried all the combinations might need some help with this i mean i'll i'll keep playing with it for an hour but i mean if i see no results i'll need to start thinking outside the box and for that maybe i'll got all my magic creative buddies that are living next door to me pretty much so maybe they shed some light on how this would work i would love to see their faces if they actually found a way to open this hands are actually starting to hurt maybe i have to use this one as a magnet or something i don't right i gotta go do some groceries and uh i'll come back to this i don't know if there'll be daylight i did bring some lights here in case but i'll carry this with me actually and see if i can figure it out and let you guys know what the solution to this one isn't kind of boggling me right now stick around [Music] hey um i took a break i know this is uh even lost my tripod hey guys i took a break from solving this puzzle a because it's a very hard puzzle clearly possibly impossible um and there's just been a lot going on i've been dealing with some anxiety issues while i've been here i don't want to get into that i don't want to bore you with all those details but there's been a lot on my plate recently regarding the show as some of you know i'm executive producer on the show so i'm dealing with a lot of behind the scenes stuff trying to run a company i've got employees got this channel to worry about and besides all that we've got a hectic schedule every day is filled from morning to evening with preparing magic preparing segments i'm just as you can hear i'm getting more texts it's just been non-stop and and i've been uh i've been experiencing some anxiety issues which have i've had in the past um last year i had some like heart palpitation stuff it's just nonstop i've had some heart palpitation stuff um and that came back recently so i went to go checked out of the doctor i had an ekg skin had a blood test everything came back clean and they were basically telling me it's just it's just anxiety and that's not um as much as that sounds like well it's just anxiety it's actually you know let me let me mute whatever's happening right now um and these anxiety things are real you know it's uh it's something that a lot of people go through and so i just wanted to take a quick second before i get back to solving this um and to address that and say that you know it's normal to go through these things and it's it's okay to normalize anxiety and depression all that um i'm completely fine by the way i feel fine my body says otherwise i'm in a good mood i'm overwhelmed with a lot of things mind you but i'm in a good mood generally i'm not uh i'm not upset i'm not depressed i just uh i have a lot going on right now and i just wanted to take some time to have that looked at uh i took a couple days for myself that were just completely off the grid which felt really good and uh yeah just just wanted to update you on that for a reason i'm sorry to sort of sorry to come off the video i'm sorry to change from the solve to this has got very serious and weird and i apologize for that i just want to let you guys know where i'm at i'm not one to usually share my personal uh my personal life on social media too much and uh the reason the reason that i did want to come on and share that because i wanted to let you guys know that hey even though there's somebody like me who during a pandemic is still i'm still you know thriving i'm doing well i've got more work than ever and so i don't want you to think that i'm complaining about that because i know a lot of people are in a position where they have nothing right now or they lost everything and it's very very difficult and i really think about that a lot i do so i'm not complaining about having too many things because things are going well for me it's just something my body's going through and handling the stress is having a hard time handling all that tension stress and i'm being pulled in a million directions so i just wanted to come on and sort of talk about that and say hey it's normal if you're going through this as well whether or not it's due to you know being overwhelmed or whether or not it's due to you know just having problems in your life it's totally normal and even a guy like me who according to social media you know has everything is doing everything he wants and fulfilling his dreams i still live with that from time to time and i still wake up middle of the night with like a burning sensation in my chest and anxiety and uh so yeah just wanted to put that out there and let's get back to solving this puzzle all right so here's where i'm at with this by the way right now i've lost my tripod so my uh my camera's actually sitting in a bowl of nuts i'm just that's where we're at that's that's and i'm still on this guy so um i was on this for about a total of about three three and a half hours on and off i've given it to my friends to try and solve they've come up empty-handed and um i had an idea of what i thought is going on in here and just out of pure frustration i'll be honest i wrote to puzzle master who creates these and who sells these and i asked them for a hint for the solution and the hint that they gave me just confirmed exactly what i thought however even knowing that hint i still am having a hard time opening it initially the first one i did had pins in that silver part so i would i would spin it and they would shoot out into the blue part which then would allow me to twist this and take it off the centrifugal force would push them to the corners uh and my thought with this was it is the exact opposite and which has been confirmed spinning it actually makes the pins stick out of the silver part so if you can imagine um this little lip here goes across like this and there's a pin sticking out however it has nowhere to go it legit blocks this from being turned so the pins have to be put back in the problem with that is that if i hold it this way you can imagine so the pins are on the corners here you can imagine those two pins being wiggled back in the problem is i have a third pin that's sticking out here uh which i now sorry let me focus which i now have to put down and sort of tap the back of this for that pin to be retracted into itself but then those are getting shot out so that's the problem i'm having right now um so i'm just going to keep at it and keep trying to you hear those pins being dropped in respectively into here and here but now there is another one sticking out right here so once those two are here i would have to lay this flat like like this just make sure we're not tilting anything and now it's flat and now i would have to hit dead on if i tap here the pin is going to shoot this way due to the sort of equal and opposite reaction if i hit this it's the pin is going to just come that way so i have to hit that way but then i don't want those pins falling out as well so that's just been a difficult [Music] task right now feels good to be back on here though um part of you know part of the anxiety that i've been feeling and and this is just being straightforward is the fact that i haven't posted in two weeks and it's just a weird thing that uh that i feel that way i feel like everything i've worked for for years and years and years can crumble within two weeks if i don't post because i've never gone this long really without posting and so that's creating another sort of stress on myself right now those two are now in those corners bring this back up [Music] do [Music] got my producer facetiming me right now in one sec thanks for that no problem man it's great when you drive like that and i highly encourage you to always do that you know sorry about that back to the solve all right so let's go [Music] [Music] excellent good morning it is now the next day still got the camera in a bowl of uh nuts right now so let me set that up real quick i'm not gonna i've been on this for what seems like hours seems like literally forever i feel like it's moving a little bit now like i can get it to a spot where it's like just just barely moving i'm starting to suspect that there might be a pin that's broken or bent oh ladies and gentlemen solved this is solved oh my god i'm going nuts and have a look at these pins here real quick they don't seem to be bent or broken the simplest of designs this one really very simple as simple as basically the first one i've ever done of this kind just want to have a look to see how easy these are in there i thought there was a whole chamber these things went into but as you can see it's just barely in there so the smallest amount okay there we go never to be opened again so there you have it it is seven o'clock in the morning and i've got i've got a call time of like 8 45 so i'm still good i won't take up any more of your time other than one last thing uh we just launched we just launched impossible bottles [Music] on the website and possibly trap within a milk bottle and the bottle has not been tampered with whatsoever it's not been opened it's not been assembled the cards were placed into the bottle um the deck is absolutely sealed like a brand new deck there's only 50 of each color that will ever be made these were meticulously handcrafted so if you want to check them out left link below if you don't want to check them out totally cool leave a like subscribe i'll see you in the next video [Music] peace [Music] wow [Music]
Channel: Chris Ramsay
Views: 1,114,058
Rating: 4.934166 out of 5
Keywords: chris ramsay, chris, ramsay, puzzle, puzzles
Id: OpyERJ2_Wtw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 47sec (1427 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 10 2021
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