Solving The Most Difficult LEGO Puzzle!!

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👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/zapfino 📅︎︎ May 15 2020 🗫︎ replies
- [Commentator] Murmurs NBC Sunday Night Movie. 99 Cents. - Are you kidding? - [Commentator] The Ice King tried to solve, Ben Franklin's locker puzzle, but so did the Lego Maniac. Lego Maniac! (background music) (gaming sound effects) The Ice King wasn't cool enough to outsmart a Lego Maniac. Lego truck, Stormtrooper boat and Ben's locker sold separately. Maniac not included. - Yo, what's going on guys? Welcome back! ♪ Lego maniac ♪ I got that in my head now for the entire week. We're trying to emulate the commercials of the 90s. Man, this is nostalgic for me. This is what the Lego commercials used to look like. - [Commentator] Crazy Charney was on the loose, but so was a maniac. ♪ Lego maniac ♪ (music playing) - So we did our best in trying to replicate some of those old feels, and those old vibes. Feels really good man. This is a really cool puzzle we got for you today. This is a Benjamin Franklin's coffin or locker rather, and it looks like this. It is crafted by a guy called cheap three on YouTube. Guy doesn't have a lot of subscribers to be honest. Man, this dude builds the most intricate and insane Lego puzzles. And not only that, he has tutorials on how to build them yourself. So, if you got the parts he probably has a part list. You guys can check it out and build your own. Follow along if you want. He sent me two of them, we're going to do one of them today. And if you like this video, the like button's over there, over here, over there. Along with this puzzle comes this sheet of paper. It says Ben Franklin's locker. Objective, get the cash. Rules. Number One, Caveman rule! Pretty Funny Do not bang it, hit it, drop, jar or throw. Okay. Caveman rule. I think I'm gonna adopt that. No caveman rules. Brute force rule. No force movements when pieces are allowed to move, they will move freely or with some smooth resistance, rather than suddenly. And three the Johnny five rule. Each puzzle has at most a single tool that may separate from the box. If you're using more than one separate piece as a tool, then you are beginning to disassemble the puzzle. Do not disassemble. Full bill tutorial on my cheat three YouTube channel. I will link that below if you guys are still interested. So thank you so much Cheap Three for sending this. But without any further ado, without any further ado. ♪ Was born to build ♪ ♪ Lego maniac ♪ ♪ Let's go ♪ Here we go, look at this. By the way, probably a big difference in audio right now we're trying out a new audio system. Something to pleasure your eardrums a little bit more. So I mean, one thing you can see here is his eyes, just like the eyes of Ben Franklin there and some cool things going on, like the color scheme that he chose. Let's let's go ahead and try and solve this mystery box. Let's zoom in a bit here. So this here doesn't come out. There's absolutely no forcing required by the way. So I will not be forcing anything. This is so cool. How someone can make a puzzle, that's actually hard to solve, using Legos. Blows my mind. So if I push on this, it does protrude a little square right here. However, that's as far as it goes without any forcing. If you're hearing footsteps, you're probably hearing them a lot louder today. Those are my neighbors. Wild and crazy neighbors. Well, that's attached to this here. Okay, I forgot the timer. I did forget the timer. BRB. So far, no luck on anything. There's no loosened piece anywhere. There's this gap here, which I'm guessing something has to go into there, Eventually. This doesn't turn. I can't push it or pull it. The old spin move, negative. Sisal square in the middle too that just goes in ever so slightly. Kind of a kind of already stumped. This is cool. I enjoy this a lot. I'm expecting to like run my fingers down the sides here or the top and something to just give something to either push in, come out or slide. Doesn't seem to be any of that right now, except this little piece. Again, this little piece that just comes out, just a little bit. And this is pushed in. That's it! He did mention there's a tool. So I'm wondering what the tool exactly is. Is the tool just a part that I pull off? Like this here. Is this a tool here? Do I use this as a tool? Cause that would make sense. Cause otherwise there's no reason for that. Let me read the instructions, just to make sure. Each puzzle has at most a single tool piece, that may separate from the box. If you're using more than one separate piece as a tool then you're beginning to disassemble a puzzle. Okay. I think that this might be a tool. There definitely is a moving part here somewhere. Unless that's just Ben Franklin in there, rattling around. Which it might be. (music playing) You see what I'm trying to do. I'm just trying to use this to push one of these parts in but nothing seems to be moving at all. I thought one thing would at least give. I honestly thought this is going to be a piece of cake. And this guy is like, yeah, it's a level nine, just throwing a random number out there. But so far, I mean, we're probably seven or eight minutes in and I'm kind of stumped right now. (music playing) That particular one is attached to here. So that cannot move at all. Oh, here we go. First move. Ah, you see, I had to take that part off. So that this moved out of the way. Anyways, I hope so. Boom! Move number one is, take this part off, move that out of the way. That's a really cool move. And then I'm guessing this here. No. What did that do? Did that free up anything? What if I wasn't even supposed to take this piece off though? Cause then this two would be held in place. I mean, if that was the case, you can even put it like this. It probably has nothing to do with anything else. So that went there. (music playing) Oh, that went all the way in this time. Oh, and this came out. Okay. So this, goes all the way in. Boom! That comes out. Maybe now, this has to slide. Also this piece came out. So this piece too. Right here. Boom, Ooh! That came out. Let's go. Maybe this has to come back out again. Let's backtrack here. That came out first. Here's how it went. This one goes boom, pops that out. That also slides out That pops out. This goes forward, which slides this piece out. That then comes out. (music playing) This is a really well designed puzzle so far. I can tell you that. Something blocking this middle one from coming out as well. (music playing) ♪ Lego Maniac ♪ I See you, I see you Ben. This moves slightly. (music playing) This piece here, prevents this piece, from pushing forward this gray one here. It overlaps. There's like a notch right here. And that piece stops it from moving forward. So my guess is this piece has to go in, so that this piece can slide out, and this piece can push through. That's my guess. Then there's this as well. (music playing) What would you guys do right now? What would you attempt? (music playing) Now is this sequential, to where if I made a move that wasn't correct, it would stop another move from happening? Cause if that's so, then the difficulty level just went up. This goes in. This goes in here. Why isn't this? There we go. So as a start of it, started with this here. (music playing) I don't know what to do. (music playing) Here's something weird. When I shake this, watch this little square. (squeaking sounds) It starts to come out more and more, actually more and more. (squeaking sounds) Oh my god! Ah! Ooh, now this comes, Okay here we go. We're getting somewhere. So this came out. It's so weird. Look at that. How weird is that? (squeaking sounds) If I shake it. How do you even come up with something like that? That's insane. All sorts of protruding parts now. This part hasn't moved yet. And this part hasn't moved yet. Everything else we've figured out. We've gotten to a point where, everything else kind of moves here. But without unlock. It seems to be attached to that. On the bottom, something just went out. Look at that. That little square here. That just pushed in. (clicking sound) What does that do? I want to push it up. That's sneaky. What a sneaky little move. (clicking sound) So that goes in. And it's just free moving, until I go here. And then I push that up. Now that's locked in a place. Wow! Fancy. I like that. This is actually really genius. Okay. Now we're on to the next set of moves somewhere. Not here. This comes out more. I think. No. This either. That's already out. Was it? Was it? Oh! (squeaking sounds) We're getting close here. We're getting close here folks. There's a money sign. Look at that. There's a little cash there. But she's stuck. Oh, okay, I gotta push that back up and then pull. Boom! Let's go! What? There's an actual $2 bill in here? Oh, look at that. There's another one there. Oh, it's just taped there. Oh Wow. Cool. Baby. I just made $2. That's real money. Looks like real money, it feels like real money. Wow, cool. Boop. Stop that right there. So, this is actually really really sick. I've done a Lego puzzle before which is really cool. But it did feel a little flimsy. This one like I, I really forced some parts and it's like he took into account which way it would force. Because there's no way it would come apart. Now I don't know what the deal is, with the middle piece here. But, I guess we didn't need that. Yeah, there you go. So putting it back together, it would be a step one, you'd have to push down on that to get that in. That clicks back down. You've then pushed this part in. Push that part in. That, that, that, and this. Oh is it here? Then this. Then this Maybe it was like that. Is that right? Does that feel right? Doesn't feel right. Boom. Okay. That goes in there as well. Then this. That was protruding. That was protruding. And was this protruding over here? I believe so. That is the final solve. Let's go through it one more time. Just to make sure that we have it. Tool comes off the top. It is used. We can use it to pull this, push that back, push this piece through, Oops. Sorry. Push this piece through here, pull this out. Once that's pulled out here, we're gonna wiggle this, and jiggle it. And watch that little piece protrude out of nowhere. So weird. Pull this. Boom. Lock that into place with that square. And there we go. Wow. So cool. I'm gonna put that $2 right back in there. (squeaking sounds) Boom. locked. Boom. Whoops. This one here. Oh, first. This side here. (clicking sound) (Clicking sound) Boom. Boom. Boom. There you have it. The Ben Franklin puzzle Lego puzzle box. Absolutely amazing. Very very happy with this. Very satisfied. Great solve. Great toy. And again if you guys want to learn, how to build this yourself, he's got like an hour long video. Teaches you how to build it. So go check it out. Hot. Dang. We did it. That was actually, that was actually really tough. Not gonna lie. I remember doing the other Lego puzzle. I didn't know a lot of people like that. It was a great puzzle. However, it did feel a little bit flimsy. Because it had some elastic parts in it, that shifted around, or you know may or may not break. This one I can tell you for certainty that, there's some points that I really forced. Probably harder than I should have. And the resistance was there. Like there was no way you could force, and break it apart. The ways you were forcing, were really just against other pieces. They weren't detaching. A great little sequential discovery puzzle. It is a sequential discovery. Nice little $2 bill for me waiting on the inside. I love this thing. I think the solve was great. I think this is genius. I like the color scheme, and again I'm assuming you can choose your own colors, when you build this thing. So really exciting and fun, for those of you out there who are into Legos, or into puzzles, and want to challenge yourself by building something, for your friends, or maybe even coming up with your own who knows. Anyways guys, like this video, subscribe, if you're new here. I will see you on the next video. Peace! (music playing)
Channel: Chris Ramsay
Views: 1,131,976
Rating: 4.9306707 out of 5
Keywords: chris ramsay, chris, ramsay, puzzle, puzzles, lego, lego puzzle, build, level 10, level 9, difficult, hard, hard puzzle, how to solve, solving, puzzle solving, solver, solved, solution, puzzle solution
Id: wpMbNojNUuI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 42sec (1002 seconds)
Published: Wed May 13 2020
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