- A portion of this video is sponsored by LastPass. Hey, what's up guys, and welcome back. Today's video is a bit special. (drumming) As you may know, I love lock puzzles, and I love sequential puzzles. Well today, I've stumbled on, an ancient Indian lock puzzle. This is a nine step, iron puzzle padlock. You know what I thought? All these lock puzzles are very cool, but even cooler than that, is actually putting them
to good use, sort of. I asked my friends, to lock my phone, inside of this box. (lid crashes shut) So this is a level 10 lock, which locks this box,
and my phone is inside, so you will be hearing it go off. I have emails to answer,
I got texts to answer, I got phone calls, I got
FaceTimes, and meetings. This is probably a really bad idea, now that I think about it. Nevertheless, I thought it would be a little bit cooler, to actually throw something on the line. The whole goal here is, obviously, to get my phone back. It comes with two keys, as you can see. And I'm just gonna get in to solving it, and get this over with. And speaking of locking up my phone, in a secure vault. A portion of this video
is sponsored by LastPass. LastPass is the leading
online password manager, used by millions to
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to all your devices, so personally, Imma say this, I have obviously passwords for, so many things in my life, whether it's social media, online banking, or emails, or whatever it may be, I've gotta add all these crazy characters, and make this crazy elaborate password up. And the problem with that is, I'll forget one, and I don't wanna use the same one every single time, 'cause then you can just hack my life with one password, so. It basically protects your data, and gives you the power to make your passwords impenetrable. There's also no need to answer a million questions, like your grand-mother's maiden name, or your high-school mascot, Because LastPass has all
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check out the link below, I've left the link there,
so thanks to LastPass, for sponsoring this portion of the video, now back to the puzzle. Okay, probably not the
brightest of my ideas, but, we'll see how this goes. Start the timer, I can probably keep the timer here. You know what, we'll keep it here, it's out of focus, but you can see it. We go the focus locked down today, okay. So, sequential discovery. Okay, this is gonna be difficult, 'cause I can't, I can't spin it, (light jazz music) I have to spin the entire box. I've solved some of these, sequential puzzles before. So this clearly moves. I want my phone back. This here, this I think slides. See what I think here, oh! What I think is that
this is gonna slide out, this is gonna slide out of the way. By the way, a little bit of a side note, the solution for this, was included. Atwon used it to open and lock this, but then locked the solution in here, so. There ya go, if you're thinking, he's gonna use a solution,
well it's in the box. So this, like I said, looks like it moves out of the way enough for that to slide, yes, yeah, yes, yes, yes, yes See, boom. And here we go, we have, our first little hole, That looks like it
unscrews, but I might be, let's get these keys off here. So, nine steps, it says. I don't know if that's
maybe two steps already, so one, two, this is step three. So we're unscrewing, so it is unscrewing, and I think we have, our first tool. Okay, so that's as far
as that goes, or is it? Maybe it comes out. Okay, I don't wanna force anything. Okay, I don't know,
that, seems to come out, it looks like it gets stuck right there, so let's see if we can,
do something else here. (clanking) The edge of this screw, or bolt, or whatever's in there, seems to be stuck on the side, and doesn't
wanna come out entirely, But if I, see what I
mean, when I screw it, it actually moves it. Okay, so this part, there's a part here which is lodged into, into the side of that. Like this plate has to slide out. How far do I have to
unscrew that, do you think? Or maybe I have to screw it in? Screwing it out, doesn't
seem to accomplish much. Now that's all the way in. Does that do anything? Does that do anything? So there's a plate, this is a plate, this is a whole cover plate, ope, oh! There we go, that just popped open. Okay, now what? So that comes down. Why does that come down? Can it come down any further? Is there a keyhole in there? How many steps is that? Let's list, one, two, that'd be four, five maybe. Okay so that hole there, just locks that in to place, so that, springs up, so if I were to, put this back, it doesn't even go back, you see? Oh, so there, oh okay, so if I were to take this down, it'll pop open by itself. Boom, just like that. Very cool, I like that
move, it's a nice move. Maybe now, maybe now
we have to screw it in, or screw it out. Try extracting it, also, is fact that I screwed it in, is that the reason I was able to move this plate down, we're gonna test that
out, just to make sure. Yeah, see that, that moves independently, even unscrewed, right? Yeah, okay, so that could've been like the first move then. What do I make of this thing? What do I make of this thing, and where are the extra tools? This is supposed to be
sequential discovery. Oh, bam, it goes to the side as well, (phone ringing) So I can't answer that right now. Oh, look what we have here. So stressful with my phone ringing. We have a keyhole here,
but it's not lined up. So, we're gonna have to go here, and here. I mean, okay, I heard a click, listen. What does that click do? No I've got this, this
plate that needs to, it needs to get out of the way, so maybe I need to,
put it back down, over? This side, this side needs to move. See this is moving. Still don't know what
the point of this was, why I had to unscrew
that all of the sudden. You think this plate slides down, but to do that I have to move these, all these back, and screw that back in. Let's try that, let's try
screwing that back in, all right, it's going in, it's going in, it's going in. We'll get this plate back up, we'll get this plate, maybe to move out of the way? No, see, that one doesn't
go up any further. Ugh, okay. That's a no, which means, okay, this one has to go back down. Okay. (phone chimes) Ugh, leave me alone. Something to do, with this plate here. Something to do with that, cause that.. Either something to do with that, or, this side here has to like, pull this way, because this piece is one piece, that is locking this loop, over on this side here. It's so close to being unlocked. Oh, okay, that slides up! So that does slide over. Oh, was I supposed to do
that in the first place? I guess it already, had done it in the first place, okay. So I guess that was move one, it just already was there. So move one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, I mean.. I mean we're pretty
much at the end, I feel. What is that unlocking and locking? I'm feeling it lock and unlock, but what is it doing? Maybe, okay hold on. Lock that back up. Maybe unscrewing this, ah my shoulder, maybe unscrewing this and
then popping that lock. I think that's a key, I think that's what we have to do here. The hell is goin on here. My key won't fit anymore,
there we go, okay. That's out, so now, now we do it. Ah, what the hell man? Like what is that, what is that doing? Okay so it is unlocking this, because look, watch. (lock clicks) Just not unlocking it enough? Hello, hello? Hey Siri, answer the phone. Like something popped, I don't know why it's not working. Okay, we're unlocked. Okay, there's something
not right, right here. We're gonna lock that back up, maybe, no, we're gonna lock it back up. Back to the beginning. We are now, back at square one. So, square one, here we go. This, was step number one. Step number two, was moving this over. These are getting harder
and harder to move over. I think, why else would that, why is that giving me such a big gap here? Step three, oh what the hell? Okay, no, do not do that, no sir. Boom, step three, step
three that goes down. Step four, wait, that opens up. That opens up. I mean, the only thing left to do, is I've got this here, which I'm gonna loosen
up, or maybe tighten. I feel like this piece is too bent, and it should clear that hole. Cmon Ugh This plate, right here. This plate, right here, has a pin holding everything together. Right there. There's like a small pin there. But I can't slide that plate. Can't I just like, pick-lock it? If I could just grip it, and pull it, that would fix my problem, but it won't let me do any of that. There we go, okay. So it was just a little rusty, and- agh, wait is that open yet? Wait is that not open? Goddammit. Agh, is that not open? How is that not open? I've opened you. The pin is gone. Okay, maybe I have to, lock it again? Oh, okay, I can pull it out more. I can't, I can't pull this thing out any further, it is as far as it goes. I wish I had my phone, cause I need a flashlight right now. Pin here, on this thing, was the last pin holding that together. Now something else is
stopping it from opening. Come on, it won't slide over anymore. That's weird, it won't
slide up, oh it slides up. Go down, and it's supposed
to slide over here. There we go. I don't know what else to do. What is wrong with this thing? (wood clattering) This box open. Oh no, no timer, don't need it. Sorry, I let frustration
get the best of me. Sometimes these things happen, when you solve puzzles. Don't feel bad out there if you feel like throwing your puzzle
against the wall sometimes, 'cause that's exactly
what I felt like doing, but instead, but instead
I threw the timer. So we're at about 30,
35 minutes right now, I'm looking at the monitor. Let's count the steps out, shall we? Make sure they're all the
way locked into place. So that's one, that's two, that's three, four, okay that won't slide across, maybe until this one
is out of the way, so. It's four, we're gonna unscrew this, which is gonna be five. Six. So that's six. Looking to see if this
plate here, moves over. Gonna go back up, now this plate moves, so that's like seven or eight, not exactly sure, so that's completely out of the way. This should be nine, should be me.. Now it won't unlock at all. I think I've done everything. I honestly think I've done everything, I think this actually is broken. That's, I know I say that a lot, when it comes to puzzles and stuff, but I do believe, this time, it was actually broken. Sorry, I had to get that key out of there, 'cause it was bugging me. Like, that's the click. Agh! The mechanism on the
inside might be broken, due to force, or due to
unknown circumstances. Argh, okay I don't wanna force anything, I've now got a sliver
of metal, in my finger. Be right back, I'm gonna go wash my hands. Honestly got a sliver of metal, somewhere in my finger. Just wanna make sure, we've locked it. So that, that is locked, right now. Definitely locked, it was locked, that's the way it was. This is getting harder, and harder, to play with, because, I guess, the grease is wearing off, the metal's starting to.. (disgruntled groan) Solving the level 25,
splinter in finger puzzle. I've done all the steps, I've done all the steps I'm pretty sure. This is unlocked. You can see, okay, there's
a mechanism in there, that when I lock it, it locks the lock, as you can see. And now, unlock, now we
are officially unlocked. Also, this screw, that I had to use this key to unlock, also prevented this lock from opening. So there was, three separate things, that were holding this there. One was the pin on the top here, that was slid there, that I then slid out to this thing here. Two, was the pin for this lock, and three, was the pin for this
screw, that's there, so. Every, I mean I think it's just jammed. Yep, there it is, that's all it was. Oh my God, oh my God. So here ya go, as you can see, one, that whole was for the slidey part, which is here, this pin here. Two, was the key, and three, was the screw that was there. I mean, I gotta say, I really, really like this puzzle, I think it's great. I don't see it as a sequential discovery, more of just a sequential lock puzzle. Because there were no
extra tools, it seems. But, the intricacy of this lock, is very, very cool. The one thing I can say, that I don't like about
it, was the fact that, as the more you play with it, the more, the rougher it gets to move around. And that I really didn't enjoy, because it makes ya think you broke it, it makes you think it's broke, it makes you think, you're just not doing something right, so. Duh-dun-da-daa Oh nice, we sold a shirt. Let's do this backwards,
let's see if we got it. Use the flat key in the exposed keyhole, under the front flap,
it'll unlock the regular padlock, so yeah, yeah. You see, this is a problem here, this is the problem. Do you see? That's supposed to go back in there, but it's been bent, and it no longer, it no longer fits in, so this, I have to actually bend back. I'm gonna try to- try to fix this. Oh okay, see that, that goes in nice and smoothly now. That goes down, that goes
in, and that goes up. This now, screwed all the way in. All right, so let's say, we were to open this one more time. We're gonna unscrew
this, so that comes out. This goes here, over here. That opens up, I go back, I go up. This plate here, can slide out of the way, the plate that gave me a splinter. Argh See, it's so hard, to like slide out. This is what should've
happened on the video, it didn't happen, but lastly, this, and then that should open. Okay. So we did solve it, very happy. I would say total time, hadn't it been for this being bent, I
would say, half an hour. But because it was bent, I would say an extra half an our, of
swearing, added to that. And that's it. So, once again, over here. That is it, we solved it, the two-key, nine-step, Indian puzzle lock. Away you go. Well hot damn! Still got something in my finger. Kind of annoying, it's
one of those things, that like, you're like, oh I got it, and then you're walking around, and you're like, agh, ooh, missed it. I've got my phone back. I'll never do that to you again. I'm so sorry. So there ya have it, that was the, Indian Puzzle Lock, god it hurts. It gave me a run for my
money, let me tell ya. If you guys enjoyed this video, don't forget to smash like, if you enjoyed the fact
that we actually did something with the puzzle lock, I mean, that deserves a like, and we're gonna try to get creative on future puzzles. Probably not all the time, but sometimes. I think it's cool, it's cool exercise. Probably the longest
I've been off my phone, in recent memory. I should probably take a
big break from my phone, if that's the case. Anyways guys, thanks for watching, hope you enjoyed this video, and we'll see you on
Friday, for another one. Peace (relaxed beats)