If STAR WARS Made a Level 10 Puzzle!!

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(dramatic music) - Excuse me sir. - Have you found the rebels? - We found one of these in one of the escape pods. - Bring it to me. - Ah! - What did they say. - They said you couldn't solve it. (grunting) Is that all I can do for you sir? - Yes, I'm done with you now. (dramatic music) Yo, what's up guys and welcome back. Today we are looking at a really interesting puzzle. Actually Lee, I forgot, over there on the table there's a piece of paper. Thanks bruh. I received a letter and the letter has been wax sealed, you know, you know there's something important to say when the person has taken the time and wax sealed the letter so it caught my attention right away. Opened it up, this was inside by the way, these are candles to wax seal things. Andrew Magill writes, "I had the idea for this puzzle "on the same day I decided to take up machining as a hobby, "it ended up taking several years of getting "my first machines, making improvements to them, "buying tools, learning and practicing how to use them all "and working on the puzzle's design "before I was able to make the first one. "All 25 parts in this puzzle, not including "the ball bearings and springs were machined, "finished and assembled one at a time entirely "in my basement workshop, the first one is mine, "number two is now yours, if anybody else is interested, "I'm willing to make a few more, you can find out more "at ominoushum.com/puzzle", I'll leave the link below, "I hope you enjoy it, I can't wait "to see you solve it, Andrew Magill." This definitely caught my attention, this puzzle looks insane, right up my alley, I'm guessing a sequential discovery as it makes noise, you don't really know what's going on but you do have a few things that actually move around which is fun, so appreciate that, I think this is really cool, it seems to house a small compartment as well, I'm not sure what's in there, I'm guessing, my guess is there's gonna be a wax seal in there because he gave me all of these so that's my guess, but who knows and let's get into solving whatever this puzzle is, no name, let's go, oh by the way, hope you guys enjoyed that intro, we worked really hard on it, okay, so if you're gonna like this video, if you don't like puzzles and you're gonna tune out halfway and you're gonna forget to hit the like button, just saying, just hit it now if you did enjoy that intro, it's all I'm asking, alright, let's go. (whistling) There you have it, this is, this is a good looking puzzle, let me tell ya, as mentioned as well, a gift from a viewer which is very cool, I have some of the coolest viewers in the game, for you guys to, for you guys to make stuff like this which is mind-boggling and send it to me is pretty dope so I appreciate that. Guess the whole point here is to just open this as I mentioned, there's probably something on the inside, I'm gonna get this camera to stop focusing in and out or should I just keep it, should we just keep that auto-focus on, by the way, I got my trusty lightsaber here in case anything goes wrong, we have a timer in case, I mean in case nothing, to document my upcoming madness. I feel like this puzzles gonna take me a long time, this looks like one of those puzzles that would, like the sequential discovery, so let's manual focus this here, there we go. So first thing's first, we got dots here, are all the dots the same, all the dots are indeed the same, the amount of dots are the same, we have little beads or ball bearings going through those dots, sorry, these tubes and then we also have these openings here on the side, these sort of crevasses, here I can focus in on that for you. You can see right here, we have these crevasses, and these kinda rotate, I'm guessing that's what sorta lets the, lets the ball bearings through. So let's try and make something happen. (upbeat music) Is this the only one that can rotate right now. It goes back and forth and this one does not, this one, oh this one does as well, oh. Now that rotated twice. Tapping. Okay so, guessing here that these pins also probably stick out on the inside here and are what prevent, what's preventing me from lifting this and separating this piece, a guess again. I've got popcorn as well. This one wants to turn but can't, is there, is shaking this going to, okay, oh I just noticed something so here we have, these are all really stuck together, these ones as you can see are kind of loose and separated. That might be a hint, now they're tight, now they're loose, why is that? This is so weird. There's like some pattern here, oh. This is crazy, okay, there is some pattern happening here. (upbeat music) I can move this one so freely now. Maybe I'll put them all to that oval dot and that's what, that's how it's done, it's very bizarre and also very alien like which is fitting, 'cause I feel like this is some future piece of technology. See look if I turn that there, this one will not turn and I turn it and now this will, by one notch, why is that? Okay I've gotten them all to like the end, you see there's like these little dots, I've gotten them all to the end of those dots. So I've gotten the outer dot on this glass piece here to like up with the outer dot on the brass piece. Not sure if that's what I have to do. Now I'm going to try and bring them all towards the middle, I can focus on a pattern here. (upbeat music) I feel like I'm going backwards now. Why the beads though, what's happening, what's, that one's now lined up with the middle, this one's one off and that one's two off but I can't move them towards the middle, move this one away one, move that one closer one, that one's not stuck, that one now moves away one, stuck, stuck. Or is it, hold on. Okay we just went back to the end. Alright, so there is some type of pattern and I do expect it to be something to do with lining up that middle part. (upbeat music) Hands starting to hurt, 10 minute mark. I haven't found a distinct pattern to bring, bring the dots into alignment yet, I've kind of been moving in one direction to either one side or the other side, never towards the middle, so here okay. What if, you know what, what if we number these things. All right so I'm going to use a Sharpie marker and I'm going to go, one, two, three. We will find a pattern. That doesn't move okay, two, three, one. (clicking) Three, oh now two goes that way, two and one moves twice. Two, three, one. Oh, oh, just lined up the one but now obviously it has to un-align for the other ones to come back into alignment. Now the two's aligned, my one is so far out of alignment. Now my one's back on. Ugh, I can't just turn it once, when this thing has to turn twice, like this, I have to, 'cause if I just turn it once, none of these move, so it's gotta go all the way. (upbeat music) So there is a sequential order and there is like a sorta code here. I just have to crack it. Three now, one two three, oo that's interesting. Oh that one is lined up with a dot, that one is lined up with a dot, only this one now left. I believe we're close, I hope we're close. (upbeat music) This couldn't, whoa, this one can just move freely now? How though? Okay, I understand, that makes sense but, oh but now it can't, only when it's here? Oh look at this, watch when I pull and watch when this, look at that, the dot is over here. If the dot is in the middle, it doesn't open like that but as soon as the dot travels to the end here, watch, now it opens up. (clicking) Right there. (upbeat music) I think solving this upside down might be key just in case you unlock it. Having such a hard time with this. So what I've gathered so far is that there is a pattern when you get like, one thing is though, on one point I got, I freed up the whole thing so the whole thing could twist and I don't know how that happened, when it did happen I discovered that when I make it to the last dot, so these all have, how many dots, three, seven, they got three dots, a big dot and then three dots, if I get to the right side, they seem to dislodge from the base cylinder, so that right now is the goal. See, so right there is the dot, it lines up with the last dot here. There are no more dots, so it lined up with the last dot and it opens further, see if I close it, it doesn't open, now watch me twist it and pull it apart. See that? It wants to come out but I can't obviously keep that there because I have to solve the rest of the puzzle and thus have to end up moving that to move the other ones and at which point I am completely lost. Okay interesting, I'm completely on the wrong side, I'm completely on the ends now. Every single cylinder is on the last dot, on the first dot to the left. Every single cylinder lines up, these dots perfectly, with the last dot on the cylinder. Now I have to literally spin all of these in the opposite direction so, I'm at like the exact starting point I would say, the exact opposite of where I wanna be. (upbeat music) (clicking) One, two, three, one, two, one, one, one. (upbeat music) Sorry if I'm not speaking, I'm in deep thought right now. This is kind of busting my head. I'm so close, I'm two out of three, two out of three dots are on the end, I don't know if that'll open it but that's where I wanna be anyways. (upbeat music) Now I'm going back to the beginning. (upbeat music) (clicking) Hmm, okay finally I can do either this move or this move. And that changes, seems to change everything, now I'm stuck. Two out of three. Two out of three, oo, all three baby! Oh my god, oh my, oh my god! Oh my god, what? Look at, look at this thing! Dude, that is insane! Yo, this is brilliant! Wow, I'm speechless, look at this, okay see this bead here, this bearing, as long as it's in that hole, which happens to be where that dot lines up with that last dot here, right so you see all around it, you see all these little dots and that last dot, happens to line up with the dot on the acrylic, which allows this pocket in this brass tube to push that bearing down, otherwise, that bearing, like right now does not protrude, it is completely within that, otherwise, it would protrude and you can see that it's protruding right there. (upbeat music) Otherwise it wouldn't, otherwise it would do this. Oh, there you go, gone, wow! And so this complex chamber of bearings and mechanisms and pipes, to ultimately release that, this is a genius puzzle. I am sorry, this is insane. And we have a prize on the inside. Ha ha and he wrote down the solution, I love that he put the solution on the inside, that's oh that's so awesome, okay and it gives you, like the patterns and everything. A lot of it was intuition based, I'll be quite frank with you, most of that was not based on pure logic, although I knew I had to get somewhere because of pulling apart and some of those as soon as I got to the end point, they sort of loosened up so I knew that that's where I had to be but getting there is a whole different thing so it was quite difficult, let me tell ya, so opening this, I'm anxious to see what the solution looks like, wow, I guess green is left or right and yellow's right to left and, oh they're the moves, zero, one, two, but where's move number three? Three is down here, what, and then four, where's four? Three, four, five, what? I don't understand, I'm gonna have to write this guy, this solution boggles my head more than the puzzle, alright let's check out the, is there a prize, so he did send us some wax so I'm guessing this is like a wax seal. Oo man, what a wax seal too! (gasping) Get out of here! Yo! He made both my logos into wax seals. That is so dope, so this unscrews I bet or what? How does this, alright we test this in the outro. This is an insane puzzle. Grab one of these first hats by the way, you can check that out at first.shop, hot dang! We did it, that was it, the nameless puzzle, this is insane, this is absolutely insane. I don't know what to say, other than, if you, by the way, Andrew, if you'd have sent me this along with this, it would have taken me longer to figure out how this opens, just saying, I have no idea what this is. If you can hit me up by email Andrew and explain this to me, that would be dope because I would really love to get this puzzle down to like a fair science, not just playing in the dark and figuring things out, I wanna understand it, we get to wax stamp our logo, my logo on things now which is cool. But only for the important stuff, we've established the was seal requires a level of importance. Anyways guys, thanks for watching, thanks so much for all the support, hope you really enjoyed this video. Little bit different than the other ones because there wasn't a lot of talking, there wasn't a lot I could let you in on during this puzzle but I hope you enjoyed it anyways for whatever reason, if you did, like this video, subscribe and all that stuff and we'll see you on the next one. Peace. (upbeat music) ♪ Enchante ♪
Channel: Chris Ramsay
Views: 2,118,880
Rating: 4.956008 out of 5
Keywords: chris ramsay, chris, ramsay, puzzle, puzzles, hard, difficult, how to solve, solution, puzzle solution, solving, hardest puzzle, impossible
Id: EZ_2QzlWBD0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 56sec (1136 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 06 2019
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