This Arcade Is Responsible for Over 200 Missing People - Arcade Tycoon

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hey there's Josh welcome back to let's game it out or play an arcade tycoon today scheme just released into early access developers thank you for trusting me with a key just like it says on the side here please be kind it's taken a lot of work to get to this stage and so I shall yeah she's always in good fun right we're gonna try and build the worst obtuse arcade that scams people out of money whoa guys whoa who let you in here why are you mad already we're clearly not ready for a grand opening oh yeah go ahead tweet about it all mad like can you imagine what that yelp review would look like these guys left the door unlocked so I took a peek inside no arcade games yet 1 out of 5 stars never coming back well let's keep building anyway so first we're gonna blow some money on land okay now that we've built this big horrible room let's get some attractions up in this we got lots of options available right out the gate normal stuff like an ATM token machines which you obviously need look at all these fun arcades retro pinball gambling my favorite it was like coin shelf games for some great names for these arcade games Captain salty one-eyed monster Surgeons first day and honestly probably my favorite money that's it it's just called money we're gonna start with an ATM which we're gonna place as far away from the exit as we can to really lure them in and of course our token machine as well so when you get money you can just immediately pivot over and get some tokens and on you go try not to scare all the children token machine yeah get in there get you some stuff $200 in tokens and you're upset okay you did that to yourself no need to be upset about it I have to put any games in can I just make this how I make money I mean I know this isn't making my customers very happy at all what do I care as long as they're buying tokens and stuff I love that it's as though my customers are a hundred percent happy I think your customer happiness is actually just tied to who is in the building at that time so when people get so upset that they leave that I it goes right back up so I blocked the door when they're ready to leave it go into the corner Blair Witch style hail a space over and then just phase out of existence fine we'll move it away from the door okay so this tactic actually kind of works it's just really slow going let's see if we can't find more exciting ways to take their money so to that end I turn to decorations for starters let's go ahead and give it that nice step one complete it's like you're on asphalt cuz that's what you guys wanted right go to the arcade so you feel like you're outside playing basketball let's give it a little splash of color though something subtle god this is hard okay there we go ice cam is that subtle enough for you guys and we can't forget about the walls yes how many solid colors I require something with a little more sophistication I think like these fantastical clouds yep this looks like an arcade alright and not some child's bedroom but could some of the things we have in the objects tab like yeah sure we got plants but then what's this doing here oh now we're talking is this worth $1,100 of course it is wait skeleton why did you make it all blue here let's back at it ah what happened this isn't how I remember looking a moment ago is this your doing well I'm not gonna be deterred we're still gonna put the skeleton down we're gonna have him awkwardly facing away from the door I'll just go around you well now I'm the one being scammed I have to pay for this again Touche game okay so I'm learning that some squares don't want to play nice when God paints on your canvas for you you just run with it we're gonna try this out just to see if it'll stick oh good that's exactly what I meant well now that we're on year three and I've blown most of my money on the floor let's put some token thingamabobs back okay that's perfect these guys can't even move from this spot not like there's anything to see so looking at all of our machines here it looks like the biggest bang for your buck is gambling at 800 bucks or retro at 800 bucks or we can go for the cheapest and greatest game of them all the restroom check this out if I put something in the corner like this obviously it'll just sit right there right but if I click it and I make it some weird angle and then I try to place it somewhere doesn't want to be he goes back to where it was but now it's stuck in the wall and because if there's one thing I want to see right after I go in or out of the restroom it's ice cream there we go sorry one half of the restroom I mean it looks like garbage but Who am I to argue with a 98% happiness all right let's move our skeleton over end oh hello fresh original floor fancy seeing you around here these guys remotely don't care about physics anymore just gonna clip right through the restroom into the women's restroom and head right back through this ice cream and I mean this is really my fault if anything oh my god I can't believe it let me put it there all right I'm tired of waiting to get the big bucks let's take out a loan or three now that we've got $71,000 we're gonna make this last and by that I mean we're gonna purchase land all the way to the back so I figured out how to expand without paying for it you purchased this sweet land and then you just load your game tada now I sort of own it yeah purchase it up okay I think I purchased all the land I can the more you expand the more expensive it gets and I can't even afford this in my fantasy money also the sweet floor came back I mean like partially okay well first things first let's move this oh I don't think this is really mine I've done bad things all I wonder if that's gonna have consequences later what if I load will it fix itself no magical skeleton help me now see there we go he cleanse the palate for me but they're like walls I can't see in a matter of speaking yes we'll use this llama as a guideline we know that we can't go past that llama because this doesn't really belong to me we can also hire staff maybe that's my problem and by staff I mean this 67 year old farmer you're hired here you go roam around and creep out the kids okay where am i okay at long last we're gonna do a quick spattering of some actual arcade units which we're gonna put all cattywampus over here with all of our other friends never playing that game as a kid the one that stuck out of the ice cream shop slowly phasing in and out of existence great this is going really well yeah this is pretty much how I remember my arcade all the machines clustered against the bathroom which itself is being infiltrated by vending machines you know she really is taking this in stride I have to say given the circumstances I think we should bestow upon her the name of a true tortured soul your name is now Grace speaking of taking it in stride but that loan interest I got to pay huh what do you think skeleton you think I can come back from this kind of debt cool thanks skeleton centering the wasteland I've turned this into let's try this again the old-fashioned way it's called starting over okay in it to win it this time around we've made a proper corridor of tokens to make sure that you're tempted every step of the way and last time I round led me to believe that people want to pay for drinks so let's put a couple of these things right out front I think I finally figured out what this little thing down here is I think that shows how many people are here followed by the maximum occupancy okay I see you put down these arcade things in the maximum occupancy goes way up which means I'm crap east cheapest one abduction $800 reliability terrible hope you guys like playing the same one game over and over again ah see look how good this is looking this army of clones coming through here and just consuming this is how you know things are getting good they played abduction so hard they broke every single machine god what did they do to this but they like hiding something in that screen who breaks it that much and they ripped out the controller you know what I was too harsh giving you for soda machines you deserve some food just one though that's looking pretty good we're gonna put down some more abduction machines and we're gonna block off this whole wing of broken machines because now really what I want to see is how many people we can shove in this tiny little area over here oh yeah it just keeps swimming down the space oh it looks like this guy found his own entertainment just hanging with the boys getting a little cardio and while Kalon takes pictures of you oh okay now he's gotten real next-level this guy brought his own joystick and now they've got a little bit of a nest egg set up it's time to expand look at all this space to put more crap that people don't get to play oh hey fun story while I was playing this game it actually released on Steam and early access goodbyes closed alpha hello early access in that time they've added a couple of bills and whistles now it shows you a coming soon screen and not a moment too soon it was really wondering why there are no nuns and cowboys in my arcade and for sandbox they also added a budget slider so now you can start with as much as a million dollars that's starting with a million doesn't really matter to me because after operating for a cool 30 years I've pretty much made pet money anyway and also all of these people have absolutely stopped caring about boundaries maybe they just need like a non broken machine to get excited about come on come and play it play the machine how come nobody wants to play the machine not even this guy who's basically just taking quarters and throwing them away and gone let's just match you with your passion here no still don't want actually you know what I think my people are broken you're not even engaging with the token machines I mean unless you can't walking through them well looks like we're starting over again I guess that cool million is coming in handy after all and just like before bunch of token machines I'm even gonna be generous here have a real bathroom and while you wait in line you can play this claw machine or this racing game or this pinball table or this gambling machine or this sweet air hockey table don't even throw in some ice cream right near the door what I'm trying to say is I gave you guys diversions this time don't bother me while I'm working to make sure no looky-loos get over here except that guy get out get out yeah we're gonna barricade this side off so no one can get over here if they do they'll be just acted by all the currency options okay big open space right here now it's time to strive for maximum occupancy wait a minute how the hell did you get over here what the hell oh I see you guys don't give a [ __ ] about physics again all right well whatever as long as you're still spending money I guess just don't interrupt me while I work I love it look at this it's like air hockey Poseidon climbed out of a table and was like and then everybody walks away happy okay well this isn't a bad start potential 172 people can now be in here let's keep expanding hey just keep on putting down machines and oh well that's not good well back in the saddle no stopping us now okay maybe that was hitting an upper limit we're not supposed to go beyond we got to figure out how to get this thing to its full potential at least a hundred people have a little more everything in no order whatsoever have fun trying to play air hockey when there's like a bunch of machines all around it can you imagine trying to play era hockey like this just trying to hit the puck and there's someone playing pinball right behind you and now here's a wild grace here to judge you every time you try and play oh cool Poseidon's back he'll fix our problems what's it gonna take to get more people in here is it couches do you guys want couches cuz I can put down couches like right where you want them I mean I'd want to sit there who doesn't want to go deaf immediately right I do that's not why I bought the couch this isn't your home you can't just climb up on stuff like do we just keep increasing the size of the cacophony and that'll bring more people love that they're excited to immediately fill the space so if I just shove in like back-to-back-to-back of these machines the way we all like playing air hockey is that all it's gonna take to bring more people and even though it means you guys are gonna have to like socialize with your clones so it helps sell it if I make it like a doubles game now that's comfortable when you know it we should put that fancy wallpaper on finally I like this one because it kind of reminds me of like a default foam background you know what we need to do let's market this arcade free entry voucher I mean I don't recall charging to get in here but we'll do it for six months 30 grand hopefully this will cover us can't help but think that marketing campaign is working 59 people let's do more you know in fact let's just do all of these you gotta spend money to make money right 55 people really you know what our arcade is probably missing a bunch of creepy old farmers Samir Josh Forrester age 60 okay yeah go mingle it's not uncommon though to see like 50 people walking around here in fact let's return to our roots I bet it'll all be the same here's my belief these people don't eat all this stuff they really just need the illusion of entertainment well it looks like I inadvertently created some kind of cyborg hell because these people are all stuck in an endless running loop with pit stains this guy's got to feel like I am Legend over here he's like the only last survivor of now never mind can we do this too literally everybody that I allow in here buddy you're my new target because you still have free will so I think if I can get this dude to play this and take it away from him then he'll become a zombie wait come back come back oh yeah there we go play it play it now we're just gonna take this machine away from you and it looks like we broke your brain nope nope he got away oh but this guy just decided to join the party cat be careful that floor is tricky I think we have no choice but to make this a sick dance floor and by that I mean the most hideous thing you've ever seen okay I think I figured out the magic you want to know how I do this you want to know how I lock these people in place forever I know that abduction machine if there is excited to learn basically they get stuck when they're on route to do something and you interrupt that so if we put down this little hockey table here two people are gonna come want to play it right if they're already on their way and you sell the table they still show up and exist here forever and you know what the wonderful side effect of that is while these people are frozen in time more people come in oh my god I think my new goal is to see how many people I can get on this one square I think we've got three people maybe four and coming in for a landing there we go well this is working out great so far marketing be damned this is how we get to a hundred people in the air and I like create a corridor of sadness over here I'm gonna go with yes oh yeah see that's what I'm talking about you can really compress them in like this that's a hundred people stuck in place forever I love it we are now over capacity to 10 out of 201 attendees allowed can you imagine coming into this arcade how many red flags do we really even have here wallpapers messed up some dude near the entrance that's already running in place everyone looks like you this thing and then as you make your way into the arcade itself something seems amiss but then you see some games and you're like alright maybe this isn't so bad no one else seems to be sentient but me but whatever that's when things start to get really weird a bunch of people occupying the same space at the same time and really if you make it to the back and you see this it's already too late so I feel pretty good about this we have an establishment that's constantly overpacked we're in our fourteenth year at this hour further proof that our Cades are gonna last the test of time you know what let's get some grace in here to judge these people here you go grace judge them and judge them horror just to remember you don't get to go home either no I'm always striving to find ways to break games and I usually like that to be making a lot of money but you know I'll take abducting all these people instead if nothing else it makes this arcade very unique and one that definitely shouldn't have a customer rating of 100 percent happy he says why oh my god i reloaded the game and it gets even better frame rate still sucks like a lot but now we've got stuff like this creep show or these dudes guys this is neither the time nor place what are you doing not in front of the skeleton these two are officially my favorite lock eyes joysticks out no big deal if you have an audience so that's gonna do it for this episode I give it two hundred one out of 181 trapped people in a building with one grace for good measure hope you had fun I know these guys did and I'll see you next time
Channel: Let's Game It Out
Views: 3,247,127
Rating: 4.9369335 out of 5
Keywords: arcade tycoon, arcade tycoon game, arcade tycoon let's game it out, let's game it out, lets game it out, lgio, lgio tycoon, let's game it out tycoon, tycoon let's game it out, tycoon, arcade tycoon gameplay, arcade tycoon playthrough, lets play arcade tycoon, arcade tycoon preview, arcade tycoon steam, funny moments, teen friendly, let's game it out grace, josh let's game it out, tycoon games, arcade simulator, simulator games, arcade builder, arcade building game
Id: cBtx6zcGosQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 11sec (851 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 14 2019
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