Finding the Best Way to Stop Hipsters Forever - Wrecked Crash Simulator / Destruction Simulator

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hey everybody welcome back to let's game it out I am Josh and today we're checking out the early access game rekt I believe this is like a physics sandbox game where you sort of set up scenarios like Rube Goldberg type stuff like in the board game mousetrap welcome to wreak destruction simulator create ultimate mayhem by utilizing the vehicles people and props at your disposal run the simulator and use the camera controls to view the destruction from any angle we're actually gonna go with urban first thing cuz I have an idea kind of want to see how it plays out we got vehicles here that's fun we have everything from a cement truck to cars to racing thingies to Knight Rider to whatever that is okay great for props we got all kinds of neat things anything from a trash can or a dumpster or a gate anything that seems like it'd be fun to crash through really or some things that might be a little bit odd to crash through like this girl statue okay I just look at that I just put my first item on the ground here oh it looks like I went too far okay don't do that there's a terrible secret under the city let me get this straight I put this in my city and I'm gonna run that over ten out of ten Game of the Year here we go so if this is a little bit of fantasy stuff we're probably gonna want to put like some jocks down and some grandmas and grandpas so I wanna I want to understand the behaviors let's put you down right there and yes I do want you to walk my understanding right is put you down my understanding is your basic stuff put it down my basic understanding is she's gonna walk I don't know when I guess so let's just play it out here's what would happen see she just walks so the question is if we if we take a grandpa put him right up there turn him to face grandma have him walk and if we play that what do they do do they walk okay so they do walk into each other they have the good sense to keep walking and probably never stop right grandpa do you have any plans to stop walking is this it for you well let's find out I guess I'll use the crosswalk at least that's good I mean I have no reason to believe right that they woulda stopped oh oh well I guess now I don't know what I was expecting I thought I I mean I know what I was expecting which is for grandpa to fall into the ocean but I realize now that grandpa has other plans okay this is just cruel why would you put a speed trap in your game like whee ready hate them right I want to understand something does this mean it's like an active speed trap like is this something that actually works in the game I have to understand okay you're good and if I then go over here to vehicles and I take my Super GT here if the speed trap is right there and just come here why can't I click-and-drag you just put it down and that Oh grandpa's already down so I couldn't help but notice something if you now keep in mind this game is early access but if you grab a car and you hold it down that that driver he just I don't think he's ever coming back I'm pretty sure that's just it for him you can see him right there so if I finalize the car and I pick it up again oh yeah he just keeps going that's he's gone a lot of biblical undertones in this game huh so let's see if the speed trap works so let's make sure our car top speed is a nice safe 999 all right let's just see what happens so first of all she's dead oh and then my driver came back and we're never actually gonna know about the speed trap but more importantly grandpa is less than thrilled with what's happened in here I think he's finally calming down and now he too is going to heaven hard old lady look you start over there now let's try that again because I just really want to know if this speed trap actually does anything so let's play this out car should be coming any second now I'm gonna go ahead and say that the speed trap doesn't do grandpa what is this the matrix grandpa where you going buddy okay well now that we have the basics down we talked about this girl statue so if we just put that girl statue down right there and we have a semi run over it yes that semi goes and what happens when it just oh wow that is a hefty statue there yes here's a cow does it just stay right there as a semi just rolls it down yeah that's exactly what happens so given what we have to work with here let's go with the most obvious first let's not discriminate all of these people are just gonna hang out here together there was a party and everybody was invited and grandma in the middle there this is as close together as I could get them but I feel like this is oh god I just can't get over it look at this dude that's the hipster guy and even looking at him just pains me look at this shoes suspenders a new course of action we're only killing this dude as many times as we possibly can just the motivation alone meant I figured out how to fit more people so now there's 16 of these dudes instead of 9 now let's see what kind of team sure we can give these people they're like a bicycle that's what would feel best rolling these dudes down we can't do fixed gear bikes like I would like but we can't do this all the woman on a motorcycles that should do oh it's random I get it okay everyone gets a piece this is what they're up against this little bicycle gang here against this army of hipsters here we go uh well that's not it Wow wow you guys really just don't want to hurt those hipsters huh what what are you doing back there guys I don't know what you're doing on that future bike with your twin it's just it's just like looking at the camera okay there we go oh yeah look he finally made it okay cool so after all said and done at least we didn't kill a couple of hipsters okay well you've left me no choice but to scrap the bikes because they don't seem to want to behave that's fine I can settle for a couple of buses hitting them I'm not content to do just those two over there and we're gonna see if we can't all right you rotate like so don't those look kind of like eclairs just makes me wanna clear now okay it's the hipsters versus eight buses two on each side coming straight at them we'll just keep these buses in the peripheral since I think those are the ones that are probably gonna be the easiest to track all right let's see what happens okay here they come here they come oh here comes some buses oh there's that wheel for some reason well that was everything I could have hoped it would be we're actually gonna use the highway for a next experiment here there's something kind of cathartic about this just watching these hipsters just keep on walking forever knowing that their irony won't save them this time all right screw it we're gonna do it where there's a hipster March and we're gonna have some vehicles try to take him down oh I didn't see these other props here we got props but we also got ramps if we got explosives all right hold on let's just if we put this right in front of this idiot there we go now what happens when you touch this this is fantastic eight plus plus plus plus plus what about an exploding box do you do something different uh-huh uh-huh uh-huh oh oh I see drank your Soylent this morning did you so here it is here's my hipster highway to make sure they all walk oh yeah they do that's that's a horrifying sight all right so the goal is gonna be to see if we can destroy each and every one of these things at all costs before we get to the heavy artillery and by that I mean vehicles let's try let's try a cow cow it might be good hipsters might respond to a cow well one of you seems up two of you okay okay guys you're losing some of your army here they seem to be stuck here trying to contemplate what to do about this cow here it's the rest of you just walk off these guys even try it anymore oh wait nope he got free now he's just ditching his other friend probably saw some cold brew he needed to get right now you know you wouldn't know it by looking at me but uh I did 23andme and it turns out that I have a heritage in all cultures let's just put a bus down and see what happens right like we just put the bus down and we give it a nice top speed of 90 miles an hour it's gonna catch up eventually and what's gonna happen here oh oh oh well this just got interesting oh oh yeah trying to eat these dudes do you see this especially watching it from the helicopter cam like this oh this is just fantastic well in that case let's put this down here in fact let's have several of these all right let's see what three buses can do okay just just as like a test cuz I feel like it's just gonna I feel like they're not gonna be able to do their job effectively so let's see okay okay so we knocked oh whoa whoa what happened to the third bus third bus went into oblivion in the hipster army continues we're gonna need more buses and we're gonna give each one of these a delay of one second and behind that we're gonna put a bunch of more buses with a delay of two seconds and just for funsies let's do another layer of buses and give them a three second delay woops accidentally made a sports car okay so that's a total of twelve feet clear looking buses one sports car against the hipster army let's give it a shot mmm-hmm oh well oh oh God so this is uh this doesn't appear to be going well for a lot of the buses although some of them mm-hmm let's do some quick troubleshooting if we just hit play let's see so everything time's right as you can see like everything just okay what blew up why why are you guys all blowing up is there is there a traitor in the midst is that why all the buses get so screwed up so quick I'm gonna guess that I have the bus is too close together let's put them a little bit apart here we're gonna take this seven bus army and see what happens yep here we go there we go okay okay gentlemen start your engines that's good that's good hey we already have an issue here that's gonna prevent okay well it looks like it's just what happened to all of you at least this is going according to plan here this is the setup when I reset this is what it gives me if I hit stop here it should reset everything right that is not how I left it game that is definitely not how I wanted it I put down 12 vehicles that look kind of like tic tacs from up here I'm hoping spacing them out by the actual rules of the road fixes some stuff so let's see if these can actually do a little bit more okay okay that's cool just do you guys have like a wheel problem so what's happening are you still with it well at least these two are going okay fine let's let's just try single lane buses okay so far so good everything looks to be going okay okay well that bus just that was just one that okay okay okay I don't I don't get it I really don't get it I got a new plan first of all we're gonna use some of these giant containers here to stop the hipsters hopefully and right through this choke point we're gonna put the one thing that scares the most a beer that is not an IPA what do you hipsters gonna do now huh oh yo my God we're so stuck what are we supposed to do Oh No oh no there's a thing coming Oh Oh dear me uh uh huh oh and the game is chugging a little bit and it looks like one still got away turns out the hipsters are smarter than I am but I need some closure and the last laugh so I went ahead and put some propane barrels down I also went ahead and added a ramp so in the shocking off chance that any of the busses make it it can at least try to ramp this see now that's what I'm talking about good clean fun there we go and let's see if the buses are they gonna ramp are they gonna do it are they gonna well I guess I don't I don't know what I was expecting God well I think that's about good for now as mentioned this game is in pretty early access neat premise hope they build upon it so that's gonna do it for this episode of let's game it out as always i am josh thank you so much for joining me and i will see you next time [Music]
Channel: Let's Game It Out
Views: 2,092,615
Rating: 4.9231439 out of 5
Keywords: wrecked, wrecked destruction simulator, destruction simulator, wrecked simulator, simulation games, funny clips, funny montage, funny moments, wrecked crash simulator, crash simulator, car crash simulator, wrecked game, wrecked gameplay, crash simulator 2019, best crashes 2019, finding the best way, stop hipsters forever, let's game it out, lets game it out, letsgameitout, lgio, wrecked crash simulator gameplay, crash simulator gameplay, wrecked simulator gameplay
Id: hRP09WNgYns
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 44sec (644 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 19 2019
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