I Built a Sadistic Rec Center That Experiments on People - Rec Center Tycoon

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hey there it's Josh welcome back to let's game it out or checking out rec center tycoon today we get to build a recreation center that benefits the community of all ages I mean that's their version ours is gonna be as people unfriendly as possible what would you like to name your rec center the rec center oh and my name DJ down to torture I love how with the right combination of everything you can pretty much make your guy look like Zangief from Street Fighter we've got all these stats over here we can assign points to and I think they do stuff like help you build or learn stuff faster or if it's charisma slightly reduce employee wages well that's all I need to hear Oh DJ d2t you're so smooth alright here's our rec center looks done doesn't it thankfully the game starts you off with a beautiful checklist of things you should do first you know like build rooms and then a bunch of other stuff and then showers it's everything you're rec center needs so this is the entry way to what will become our illustrious rec center let's make it I don't know interrogation room sized oh here comes our dude here to build it all himself oh did you just build yourself in there can you get out well I gotta run power to this thing anyway so maybe he'll snap out of it Oh see there he goes with the right motivation he can apparently do anything let's see we got 50 watt bulbs and 100 watt bulbs brightest light possible well yeah let's do it feels good especially at night okay let's give this some doors put that on the opposite side so it's kind of a journey to get around that's great so it's still too easy to get to let's go ahead and just make it very easy little path and there we go I feel like people need to really earn it to want to be here meanwhile back in interrogation HQ put down a manager's desk just go ahead and put it right here in front of the door putting down his desk opens up a research oh god there's so many things as you can see our rec centers eventually gonna turn into an amazing powerhouse of what you asked well bodybuilding cardio swimming but not just for the health freaks is we've got entertainment a cafe a bowling alley and the most riveting entertainment of them all protein shakes I don't know about you but my heart is just racing start by unlocking the essentials like all the things the tutorial demands I do there we go researching has begun and researching is done ah there you are my beloved toilets and showers let's go research some bodybuilding wow this gets oddly specific doesn't it got to make sure to work all those muscles let's also buy a reception desk I see it has like a wide clearance because you're gonna have a line of people can I have it intersect with this well I don't see why not now we need to staff up and see what kind of employee am I looking for here we go we're gonna go with Brian meexcuse me brain McIntosh you know what trait I would use to describe him flirty you're hired brain we're also gonna hire dolly here for one simple reason she's already unhappy toilets there's only gonna be two of them and they're gonna live right next to the receptionist no walls no nothing and the showers well hope you like showering with the general public watching you and brain who is skulking in the shadows and lastly our sick exercise equipment put all these pieces of equipment in between the showers okay I think it's about time the earliest we can open is 6:00 in the latest we can stay open is 10 open for business see there we go that's what I'm talking about you want to be part of this rec center you go through the maze which according to the in-game clock takes two and a half hours to get through there I love that we're putting these people through this it is 98 degrees outside yeah be sad about it these people are really committed to this line hiding under the table and everything I love how only this dude is working out because everybody else is still struggling to get out of the maze customers can also leave reviews on your illustrious rec center oh yeah big fancy rec reviews.com half a star there isn't much to do it was pretty messy I'm glad that was your cardinal concern not the strict showering outside policy I'll get it why is everyone too bashful to shower out here I got an idea let's remove the workout equipment okay let's see if this does the trick I love how these people show up and they're already unhappy about everything because there's only showers outside I think they stand around for a bit trying to decide if this is worth it they go all the way through the maze again and once they get to the exit upset of course they just leave this is great I can just charge people for nothing let's put this desk outside the maze now so people can check in and be disappointed even faster and boy do I mean disappointed look one of you is gonna give up and just take a $10 shower look at this we're just turning a profit this is great all right enough screwing around let's build a real rec center and for that we're gonna need to take out a loan how much would you like to borrow how much will you give me 30 grand let's do it how long do you want to repay it sky's the limit please 50 days okay here we are ready to start our new rec center nothing says regal like rough dark carpet outside very cheap smells a bit but what can you do couldn't have said it better myself so this will be the walkway leading up to the front door and for our building material of choice we're going wire fence I call it prison luxury it's looking so good we're gonna do two reception areas this time let's make sure to add some lights we got some new ones oh yeah I love it it's nice and sinister it's so unappealing let's try to spruce it up with some plans yes see now this looks like the entrance to every YMCA I've ever been to just like weird plants and chain-link fences and security lights this room will take you to what I lovingly I'm gonna call the yard and of course this room is gonna have all the workout equipment and it's the first thing you're gonna have is a nice rope treadmills you're gonna have to run or step your way over just to get to the other stuff if that wasn't enough cardio for you have some of these sweet exercise bikes facing back at the treadmills they've got a little something for our yoga crowd and then we go all the swole equipment behind it and then way in the corner over here one drinking fountain one locker one toilet and a shower okay there we go there are exactly a hundred pieces of equipment in there so I better see a hundred people in there working out I also make sure to hire more people so that both desks are covered what are you people crying about just go up here and go through the door still can't find the desk huh must because they're facing each other fine I'll move them a little bit apart from each other here we go uh-huh go enjoy yourself and the reviews keep pouring in there aren't many activities to do really nothing here strikes your fancy there's a little something for everybody here you want to get swole flexible high endurance shower in front of strangers this place has it all I know it'll change their tune let's build us a swimming pool moat thing so we have to put the pool on hold for a second because we ran out of money but I did learn something exciting you can just make your do take a shower but if you don't finish taking that shower he stays in this very sexy outfit huge creeper coming through so these money problems right we seem to be in the hole a little bit I even tried to sell literally everything and it still wasn't enough so I decided to approach this the honest way which is wait 50 days for my loan to not be active anymore I think the loans will be finished as soon as the clock hits midnight there we go feels good to have paid off those loans and I guess my personal assets are negative $32,000 now there's only one thing left to do in a situation like this learn no lessons and take out new loans now I'm cash positive again oh and it's gonna be different this time and I'll tell you why we can unlock the financial advisor which gives us the ability to adjust prices my favorite we've also unlocked other fancy new equipment so we're gonna redo this room a little bit we're gonna put these cable crossovers just right in the hallway this time and in between we're gonna put these weird creepy boxing dummies before pushing your way through this curtain of punching bags laces to sit for people to watch and hey Fitness isn't your thing we got something new this time how about some arcade machines and better yet how about some pool tables and how about some of these pool chairs oh and speaking of cool entrance got to put that down just one and hopefully it breaks look at this big happy mess in here including this guy who's showering in public so you might be asking yourself Josh what's gonna make this different than last time you're just gonna owe a ton of money again I'll tell you what makes it different we're gonna raise the price on everything now all the costs to get in is a very modest 99 dollars all right let's see if they appreciate this new pricing structure yeah you do I know it makes you sad you're still gonna pay oh my god this is the best thing ever well we certainly are making more money per day than we used to and normally we have to close at 10:00 p.m. but here's the next part of our plan I unlocked night hours so now we can be open 24 hours a day and that's how we're gonna make all of our real money I mean so far the Yelp reviews say that the pool was excellent you okay there buddy you seem to be under some distress I should have mentioned there's no lifeguard on duty oh did he drown or cease to exist help no Peter around here you've been fined $500 here's a slap on the wrist and barely any incentive to not let it happen again someone drowned in the pool today it was pretty messy do they mean like the facilities or the death in front of them was messy right guess both oh geez it's happening again seriously though what were you doing swimming in this pool at like 4:00 a.m. still only five hundred dollars still doesn't matter at all well that turned around quick four stars I liked the pool couldn't even see the corpses at the bottom okay so a little time has passed we paid back our loans and money is now no longer a problem for us I have some additional questions let's start with the most basic can we remove this ladder on them the answer is yes there it goes by let's see if this guy can navigate this situation he's not alone though this dude I'll have to figure it out too okay they've been in the water for four hours now they seem to have grown despondent bald emic beard face over here refuses to leave his corner staring off and thinking about all that could have been meanwhile the guy who probably saw me take the ladder away has taken to cuddling up with this tree glad to see you're still happy up there in fact they're both really happy it's been 24 hours now they're still hanging out in the water two things that absolutely shocked me one they're still alive and two they're still very satisfied so if they're like a permanent happy fixture I wonder if I can just start adding more people we're gonna use this as the transfer pod okay there's our little pod add us a little ladder right here here comes our first victim finding their way to the pool and the dead of night like any normal person would do I'm so happy that you're taking the ladder away okay next stage let's connect these two Captain's Log subject one has grown despondent he appears to exist unmoving further tests are required let's make a little tiny personal pool this time hello sir welcome to your own personal death I mean pool I'll be taking that thank you bye subject 2 is failed to respond more testing is required a lot more testing he's like yay friends go ahead and add some nice lighting out here too so I had to restart the game and it made all of our people leave the pool so I took this opportunity to set up some things for a proper experiment for one there's a couple more cells than before additionally I took a quick moment to make a little more money quite a bit more money actually so much so that it breaks the line graph in the game I also put some employee-only doors at the entrance of the gym I want people to go nowhere near this to only near this so that they can have a good time swimming freely happily before finding their final resting place as I take away their ladder you only have 5 people trapped here so far happily and the games already starting to act a little wonky mouse cursor it's not looking so great and to encourage more people to come in I'm gonna drop all the fees to get into $0 there we go now they're pouring in or should I say stuttering in but I'm so pleased that so many people are interested in having their last experiences on earth being one of our pools even the game knows what's going on it appears your PC is struggling to maintain a steady framerate yeah thanks I know was bound to happen at some point it's unfortunate soul here is drowning is it gonna make that really comical pop noise when he dies yep I'm glad this game has taught me the value of human life and it's a cool $500 oh good for you too conserving water sharing the pool I hope you two get along because you're gonna be in there a really long time together this dude's like no wait let me out here's my next question if we put a ladder back on one of these things well that person wake up oh yeah they just wake right back up and they just get right out of the pool like it's nothing just confused and worse for wear probably and then a replacement shows up immediately looks like quite a few people we're waiting for a pod to open up oh my god there's six people in this little pool quick get rid of the ladder before they can leave hope you guys enjoy each other's company like a lot oh hey come on turn those frowns upside down you chose to get in there so now that we know attaching a ladder restores people's consciousness can we use that to try to usher them all into the same place like for example if I turn this into one big pool if the game is struggling terribly to make I put a ladder over here somewhere oh hell yeah everybody wakes up and they slowly make their way over to the ladder or so they think oh my god and they all congregate where the ladder was I'd screw it let's combine everyone at once put the ladder over here this time the mad rush begins unfortunately no one's gonna make it look at this mixture of emotions does this mean they're sad to be leaving okay I know it's counter to what I normally do but I'm gonna let these people go because the games running so bad I actually can't get anything done but before I let him go let's see if we can't trap them eternally on like a little island and maybe get our framerate back all right let's put a ladder on the opposite side let's make them work for it comes the grand migration you're all free you did it then they're just like eff this we don't give a crap about your rules and physics hey everybody on your way out don't forget to leave a five-star review on Yelp that was a fun little experiment it's always a good time to trap people against their will I think we have one last thing we need to do before we call it quits on this though so let's close shop and let's make good use of our six hundred thousand dollars and make something even more impressive okay see if you can believe this I ran out of money so let's go ahead and do a tour see how far we got so first we started her a beautiful entrance where two dudes are standing around I can only assume they're drug dealers then head on the gigantic hallway of plants that are supposed to help you feel better about your horrible decisions before you reach the check-in station ignore the fact that it looks like you're having yourself committed oh and you might be wondering what these things are those are sauna heaters I decided I'd put some out here so it's a nice cool 200 degrees while you check in oh and as a rec center mandate their showers in almost every single room if you head on over to the left here through this awful hallway with a random toilet once you enter our world-class cafe the first thing you'll be hit by is four mirrors you can accurately reflect on the colossal [ __ ] it was to come into this place today but don't let that stop you from waiting in line while a barista will help you maybe feel free to use one of the toilets while you wait or if you're feeling up to it ride an exercise bike while creepily staring at our chef don't forget to knock his stuff over on your way out might be wondering released people are all going over here well if we follow this hallway we come to this creepy room in the back full of toilets and lockers this is the farthest end of our facility and the only place where you can change into a bathing suit once you've changed head uncomfortably back through the lobby to the east end of our facility if you feel like deviating you'll be treated to a lovely view of the outside as if you were in prison where you can take advantage of one of our lovely 24 outdoor toilets Oh in this bowling alley I don't know or if you don't feel like bowling right now head on through these other double doors to our exclusive yoga facility and arcade because nothing makes for a good yoga session like arcades pinball machines playing a little ping pong if yoga and arcade machines aren't really your thing head over to these weird gender-specific bowling alleys for absolutely no reason always feel free to stop off for a quick shower before heading on over to our way way way over cramp Jim I honestly don't know how you're supposed to use any of this equipment oh but you remember that food you got from the cafe plenty of seating in here to sit down and have yourself a burger well someone literally runs on a treadmill next to you well that's right you were trying to get to the sauna well then you're gonna want to leave the gym and head on through this chain-link fences exact nightmare that'll take you about oh three hours to get through but look the saunas waiting for you on the other side and some pool tables because if there's one thing people want it's to play pool in like 200 degrees and don't forget to visit one of our world-class pools so go ahead and get in there swim have a good time and don't worry if you're drowning person hanging out of the pool with you they're probably not gonna help oh and also there's no lifeguards on duty my god this girl couldn't care less well I think that's gonna about do it I think this turned out pretty well I hope you had fun I know I did oh and also developer thank you for a key for this I'm sure this is exactly what you expected I'm gonna leave these people to their own devices now and I'll see you guys next time
Channel: Let's Game It Out
Views: 2,161,091
Rating: 4.9516358 out of 5
Keywords: rec center tycoon, rec center tycoon review, rec center tycoon gameplay, rec center tycoon game, funny tycoon games, let's game it out, lets game it out, lgio, tycoon let's game it out, let's game it out tycoon, let's game it out rec center, let's game it out rec center tycoon, teen friendly, rec center tycoon early access, I Built a Sadistic Rec Center, funny tycoon, funny games, funny moments
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 42sec (942 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 17 2019
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