I Made $1,279,161 Hiring People to Take Naps - Streamers Company Tycoon gameplay - Let's Game It Out

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hey everybody welcome back to let's game it out I am Josh and today we are playing streamers company tycoon you know based on that image back there I'm starting to have questions but we're just gonna get into it new game name your new I should also mention that right on the steam page it says this game doesn't support English which would explain why some of it seems a little incomplete but then I saw in the forum's that it does and so I figured let's give it a shot what's the name of your company god help us so you can only do 7 characters total well god help it is then under safe mode the company will provide you something to escort your new company however the something is not limited the group will only offer you small help on no let's do safe mode it is decided we're doing safe mode so you're the manager invited by the company right I sure AM I'm the investment adviser by the company should I explain the business of our company first yes please I have so many questions oh dude look at our sign down there god help it's wise to invest now because streamer girls are wait why I knew it this game is about cam girls well there you go then it's wise to invest now because super girls are very popular looks like you're a very capable person after all you've just arrived and I will arrange everything for you here's your work planned and it points to something that says here's your work plan the keyboard shortcut of speed up is one the one for slowdown is two the one for pause/resume I'm gonna assume is three click here or press space to continue the game ok space doesn't work I guess I'm just gonna click there first you need to recruit new staff why what happened to the old staff is there like a mutiny oh god oh god oh god what have I done so we're gonna ignore all of the sort of things like cup size and so forth these are the new streamers who are sending resumes to our company is there any girl you want so we're gonna focus on purely one factor here which is what was their former occupation we got an who was a former dance student we got Jane who was a former vocal student whatever that is I'm assuming that's just a funny way to say singer and then we have Sonny who was a plane model I want to believe she was literally a model airplane so that's who we're going away thanks for your appreciation I won't let you down we've got a new anchor this translation only makes it seem more wholesome so thank you why do you why are you rushing around like that wow the streamer is so active she's come to work already yeah that's called someone who wants to keep the job right click the streamer and check her performance dude she just got here okay well she's in there collecting personnel points oh she's camming okay I get it this is the live channel streamer where she works here you can see how many followers the streamer owns and how much traffic she gets here the live stream contents your content is too boring to attract any fans we've been in company for like two minutes you got to just let me figure this out no fans no gifts no money that's not what we want to see who the hell are you anyway are you from corporate try to arrange a more attractive stream show oh we can rename their stage name I can only I can still only do seven characters drug-dealer okay so we're gonna do can we just have you sleep all day so we're gonna make all of our stuff as wholesome as possible for one so we're gonna be all about sleep we're never gonna talk and we're gonna be in the most unpretentious clothes possible this seems like a very good arrangement let the manager worry about it what please do your best please try to sleep quietly unpretentiously could you do that my honest if I click receive gifts no someone sent roses okay we charge for them gifts their money cultivate streamers attract more fans receive gifts to make more money that's what our company does although some girls are young and pretty those rich ones won't come to our company you know the reason what why okay so we have a training screen and it looks like we can train them in certain abilities of which we have hub G singing doing your homework dota among a bunch of other things players who cannot have a chicken only have to watch the game streaming perfect we're gonna train you and how to play pub G what do you think of that he's like thanks for forcing me to learn pub G another way to attract fans is to purchase facilities for the streamer so we've got selfie lights magic voice generator LED three lights set and then fake boobs let's just not do that she's a pub G master I think we're all good here how do we how do we get out of this screen you see a pub G trainings working great eight that is that unpretentious clothes I told you to put on some nice sweats get comfortable is there even a computer in there is it like right in that space oh there we go there we go we can rotate it okay oh you know let's put her in mature and elegant clothes too okay I bought you new clothes why aren't you putting on the new clothes oh my god she's gotten 311 roses this is so easy to make money look she's getting fans I love our sign god help well I guess we need to recruit some more people into our cause here Rosa 32 public relations perfect you're exactly someone we need to hire in this establishment no no not for camming oh okay whatever okay so Rosa I'm sorry to say but first we need to change your stage name sleep time okay cool she's gaining fans at an alarming rate although I'm not quite sure why oh she's doing small talk well we're gonna change that it's time to sleep well this isn't weird at all is it it's just places where people go to nap no these girls go home at any point we're after like eat or anything does anyone ever come in to visit do I get to go home okay well let's recruit a third person I guess Gladys over here is a nurse perfect we're doing really good here we've got a nurse a PR expert and we have someone who used to be a model airplane what is this click to see managerial skill oh my goodness well we're gonna go with social halo because it appears to make the fans give gifts faster so okay well I appreciate all the support you're getting we have a company policy here which is to come in here and get some good rest not be bothered you need to sleep up is you're a nurse you help people for a living see that's much better now everyone's getting some rest cool this is that you run a business right this is just the epitome of creepy see I have so many fans and make a lot of money for the company in the audience is getting more and more difficult to serve clothes and cosmetics are getting expensive within model airplane all you do is sleep all day but let's talk about a salary adjustment yeah well whatever it takes whatever you deserve it drug dealers birthday's coming would you like to hold an activity to connect wheat with wheat did I just say something really naughty what does that mean I mean let's say yes oh what am I doing here and fight another streamer to host a voice chat event with the streamer whose birthday celebrated the okay come on sleep time ah so they are small talking are they battling for score I'm trying to figure out what the score metres for here well it looks like they did it and now let's count the gifts cool twelve thousand and now back to sleeping god I wish this could be my job I mean I wouldn't prefer the part where people are watching me sleep but I still get to sleep I'll wear the high heels you know let's get our people led three light sets we got to make this sleeping look really good right whoa whoa whoa whoa what oh that guy was delivering lights okay everyone obnoxious lights this is my favorite this dude running in and being like all right I got to get out here by now there is one streamer but only rely on natural traffic the income is very low we need to cooperate with different channels who will give the traffic of streamers bring more so we've got this settle in but what are these buttons mean what is this oh these are different platforms okay I get it traffic mostly collagen middle-aged people sign me up if the contents can attract the audience of the platform if you can get the traffic brought by the platform now the platform's weakened signs seem to be very common if streamers have more fans there will be a better platform to find them however in order to make the streamers popular we also need some necessary means of promotion sign a cam girl haven't I signed what is this make the news okay so we've got mater exposure to a little bit exposure a lot of exposure to wait are these all exposure to porn I don't want to do that though create some eye-catching news in the way that will attract bands quickly but also will bring a lot of negative something let's go with no exposure how's that sound we're trying to be as wholesome as possible here we're not exposing anyone to anything they're just here to relax sleep until they go back to their real jobs guess what it games letting me put in furniture ok this is where the real fun begins I was gonna put a lamp in here what's happening why are you getting so many up votes what is this you should consider expanding rent more offices so you can recruit more streamers rent a new office I'm not asking I'm telling ok let's just go ahead and put world of lamps over here we have themed rooms that's the I can't ever possibly sleep room this is gonna be the plant room there you go and yours is gonna be the one with weird designs not even facing you can only do one that people can't even see cool well in that case rug rug rug rug rug there you go just some weird patchy rug here have little plants that you're gonna be afraid to step on ok that's it's real festive guys relocation what's this button do relocation conditions sure whatever work target achieve rent new office ok so I noticed that ooh sleep times birthday's coming up yeah do something do with GLaDOS talk back and forth and about current events and you know political issues of certain kinds what a great event we collected 5,000 286 roses and then we turned around and sold them for 21,000 cool so we're in our brand new office I'm assuming we just picked up the whole room because the curls are still asleep although all of my decorations are gone it's funny this almost looks like just like a normal startup until you realize every office has some girl just sleeping in it but we have three new rooms here which you know what that means makeup artist okay cool eSports player good good and customer service cool and of course as is our custom we've expanded our office it's a very sleepy place around here it's just what we do there's no receptionist there's no one ever in the break room I think if you have them doing other stuff they like get up and go to the break room but since they're constantly in a catatonic state can we relocate again oh yeah look at that we moved again that was the easiest go on a quick tour there's the front area there's sleep pod number one sleep pod number two the bimonthly platform extravaganza is about to begin boss shall we go to the meeting directly or yeah directly go directly what welcome to the National streamer platform gala gathered here numerous well-known streamers and their ok here we will hold an award ceremony to select three awards good thing we gave everybody glow sticks now nobody can see the nominated company will receive an incentive fund and the winning company will receive a big bonus this girl's hand is probably tired so first of all let's announce the company's most well-funded quarterly revenue award there are companies that have been nominated you heard me right I mean none of these are me so why do I care we're all very happy congratulations what a pity we didn't win the nomination try again next time oh I can get up there look we started as nothing then there's the award for the most attractive streamer in terms of overall ability how come they get to have long names and I can only do 7 characters congratulations that's just that that's fantastic we're all we're all very proud of you and finally the most popular streamer award again I want to point out that first of all but some of these names are awfully creepy but also how come they get to have like sentences for names I don't a time passed quickly it was time to say goodbye I don't know why we're putting this up for everyone to look at I hope you can make persistent efforts this is the end of the awards ceremony see you next time and now back to business as usual okay now I'm just hiring as many people as I can as quickly as I can first and the job hello welcome this girl was made for this like she's already ready to go to sleep okay here we go he got every single room here with someone taking a nap don't worry I feel this creepy as this looks here's the real question I have who is using his boardroom with like the two clocks on it like they need to keep track of international time okay let's decorate these rooms a little bit again let's go ahead and put some folding chairs in here in no particular order give the audience something to wonder why on earth there's so many chairs in here you get to be part of the beautiful lamp world as before have fun sleeping lady you've earned yourself all of these air conditioning units hope you brought a sweater but just even it out have some rugs wait a minute what is gift development so I can make sure that people get better gifts whatever let's just research all of these we need to diversify to the air kiss and also the 666 you know how you're watching your favorite twitch streamer you want to just send them on old 666 and while we're here let's develop a sports car and you know we're running out of money but let's go ahead and just develop a yacht to hear it god help we believe in two things sleeping and yachts well the different gifts she's getting now getting roses and air kisses in six six sixes is snow sports cars though this is gonna be the water room this girl just loves having water coolers this is the land of weird tables you'd think I would do something kind of fun with this but I mean really what can you do with this space in your room we're just gonna cover in these creepy things yep that's gonna do it increase aesthetics yes that's what we'll call that and your room gets all the bunny dolls and you get the unicorn doll which somehow seems so tame by comparison to the other two I really believe strongly in these themed rooms this might be the only room that I don't think is absolutely hideous oh do we want to go straight to the event this time let's try the other option here a platform ceremony improve the results of treat to have a me special products give hung bow let's go special products I will gladly accept the cordyceps the celebration I will help a little help welcome to the national stream platform gala gathered here numerous yeah yeah yeah let's see if we bribed your way in there we are god help oh ho yeah who's the grand prize gonna go to what but I paid all that money oh you're gonna get it you're gonna get it alright nose to the grindstone no screwing around we need to get that grand prize here's the thing I'm convinced that we don't need to do anything besides just let everything build up while these poor catatonic people just sleep forever except this person this person with all the air conditioners has probably expired a long time ago now these people have left their chairs at any point in months here we go new offices so here's the front area again here's the break room with the glass window conference rooms again that nobody is gonna use because everyone continues to be wildly catatonic just think of all the people that could be asleep in these offices okay so we're gonna train Lin here in domestics beam games and we're gonna make her like as high up as one can go in that there we go see she's got it down okay steam time and you're gonna be nice about it I guess and you're gonna wear that whatever that is we'll have her be our one pubsey person everyone else we're gonna send asleep I think this is the final office I don't think we can get higher than this like if I click relocation she just tells me this which I'm going to assume means you can't relocate again each room has a theme we got the bear room we got the other bear room we got plant world we got share world got water cooler world mirror hell workout central carnival land and the soundscape the only thing left to do is win that award for iving didn't work so I guess it's just gonna have to come down to cold hard work and by that I mean just letting everyone sleep till we win so our one person that's actually awake who's playing steam games all day I went ahead and trained the funny up to level 5 seems to be working they're getting more of the people but also has to take breaks oh boy look at this we can research the mansion I'm in oh we're getting ever so closer we are almost there and also we have a streamer in the nominations for best attractive streamer rewards now didn't get it number 5 though all right let's mix this up a little we're gonna start streaming streamers company tycoon aka she's gonna start playing the game we're playing right now there we go so at this point you're now watching me play streamer tycoon watching a girl play streamer tycoon I don't know how to make this like another degree of meta it's gotta be creepy for this one person who's awake to just walk the halls it's just like no one around cos comes over here and sits in the same exact place maybe one day they'll hire somebody else but I was told to never go in the other rooms okay we've got our chance here we're coming up on the celebration Lynn's been working hard you're gonna bribe 75,000 welcome to the national stream reform go again oh my god we did it oh look at that we just push by by a hair oh I see after we bribe that's what we got our efforts paid off yes that bribe we put and really paid off and we have a streamer that's nominated to yes look at that we're winning all the awards with our bribes bribed away in the first place again oh I think we've done all we can here we've made 8.1 million yuan which if I'm doing my math right is about 1.2 million u.s. dollars so I feel like that's pretty good for just a whole bunch of creepy rooms full of people sleeping right it's funny these people have audiences of like 20,000 people I'll just sleep in as they have been since 2018 and it's now October 2020 basically paying people to take naps so that's gonna do it for this episode of let's game it out as always I am Josh and I will see you next time [Music]
Channel: Let's Game It Out
Views: 1,979,676
Rating: 4.9399495 out of 5
Keywords: streamers tycoon, cam girl tycoon, camgirl tycoon, streamers company tycoon, streamer's company tycoon, streamer's tycoon, streamers company tycoon game, streamers company tycoon gameplay, 主播经纪公司, 主播经纪公司 game, 主播经纪公司 gameplay, let's game it out, lets game it out, letsgameitout, lgio, lgio josh, cam tycoon, streamer simulator, streamer tycoon, streater tycoon simulator
Id: pz8tHqfsuqY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 33sec (993 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 15 2019
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