Pink Monster Destroys World with TRUTH BOMBS - Destroy the World gameplay - Let's Game It Out

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hey everybody welcome back to let's game it out I am Josh and today we are checking out destroy the world that was kind enough to send me a key to check this out probably cuz I have a certain affinity for weird blobby creatures that blow up the planet there is multiplayer but we're just gonna play it solo we do have a total of one two three four five six we have six levels of destruction we get to go through here I'm loving these silhouettes I mean you can tell he's gonna go blow up that nuclear silo probably on a list now that I've said that this one's even better because like you know what he's gonna do is blow up the environment but he looks so happy out there now this is like a Free Willy moment on a global scale two million tons of sewage agriculture and industrial waste enters the way was that like a real was that like a truth bomb alright now let's see we got a little dude here we've got livestock that's trying to slide away we can run which is what's happening I can jump and I can splatter down on things oh yeah everything can be destroyed in this the fact that his arms are always up just adds to the terror especially when he starts running oh my god imagine this coming at you I got it you know that the graphics kind of remind me of oh yes they kind of remind me of actually like a ps1 game with just a lot more modern polish take this building oh yeah let's get on top of it oh yeah there it goes take that surrounding farm houses I'm just gonna stand here the rest is up to you guys you don't have to be driving into me he made your all oh yeah those sounds like some nice fireworks hey hey hey no no no no okay that one car gets away but these ones not so much I do appreciate that everything on the level can be destroyed it's not just houses whoa oh dear me look at this it's I don't even have to do it now mmm-hmm this is what google satellite sees now oh wow you guys really just primed to blow up and turn into a nice paste I like I can just run up against it and it's just like up yeah that's it for that building what do you think's worst if I blow up the building or if I just leave this one standing so the property value sucks so much you wouldn't want to live here that and who wants to live in a building with that many cracks on it yeah let's just do the humane thing here and just touch it with our better if I saw this thing coming through my neighborhood I mean you just automatically know you're dead obviously but there's something so comforting about it like it is pink and it is bouncy I do believe that this is the local church or shall I say was the local church hahahaha today about thirty percent of the planets land area is covered by forests which is about half as much as before agriculture got started you don't have enough time to read those prompts dude and I want to read them what is that poop icon on the right there what's this button can I head bang oh I gotta try this hold on let's be a let's be gentle oh jeez I tried to be gentle hey yeah can i push this poop button what is this oh good wait does that oh well whoa whoa do you see what I did Wow okay let's do another one of those there we go yep there it goes you know that was beginner's luck and everything but that was some pretty precision aim can I do more than one hell yeah I can why would I ever stop Oh dear me look there's a there's a toxic one so there was an actual poop in there that begs the question what was the rest of that stuff I like how this is more important to me than the fact that there was just a mushroom cloud from blowing up a nuclear plant here Oh looking there's a diamond I just pooped a diamond that really changed the game by giving me a projectile here here we go let's just launch all is it gonna crush the cars hell yeah it is so you know this game reminds me of did you ever play blast core on the Nintendo 64 let me describe blast core if you've never played that one before you're basically like a demolition vehicle that runs around and has to blow up stuff on a level in a certain amount of time and then you proceed to the next level where you just demolish more stuff and this is pretty much that except instead of being like a vehicle that rides around it can just crash into things you're an unstoppable blob and lives in a special alternate reality where the National Guard doesn't even bother showing up after you've blown up a power plant also I can imagine this being fun and multiplayer to just all go around and just blow stuff up I am curious as we progress through these levels if this is just all about destruction or if there's a little more something at play like if an opposition shows up I mean in the meantime I'm happy to just be doing this there is something very cathartic about running around and just blowing stuff up while people cheer oh oh guys we got a problem I mean the level but it turns out that just makes me more deadly one could say that this is a bug I'm gonna call this a feature now you thought I was scary before jumping around now I'm coming up through the floor at you I almost want to just leave this one house here they've got there one stretch of Street and they've got there one tree the lights are on so you know they're watching happen I'm just kidding goodbye oh I've sunk a little further into the earth with each step of the way I think this gets more terrifying because now I'm basically like pink jaws yes we did it urban sprawl has been linked to environmental issues like air and water pollution increases in addition to the creation of heat islands okay I can safely say now this game is dropping truth bombs while we've destroy stuff so while it's called destroy the world it's got that hidden message look at this I got another weapon now so let's switch to the fire see what happens Oh see see what's going on here right there's the hidden meaning I thought that this was like an alien but I'm starting to realize the truth which is all this pink thing is is like symbolism for the disaster at hand oh yeah look at this u-571 we're gonna destroy right here let's switch to my golf balls oh there we go that diamond took out that sub that's why there's nothing fighting me here I'm assuming because that means this is like the inevitability we feel currently right you know when a big pink thing comes and destroys your submarine it's still really fun to cause all this destruction but as as the subtext becomes clear I'm kiddin kinda sad not gonna let that feeling stop me from blowing up that submarine but you know oh hello oil derrick there we go oh god I think I've created a problem here oh god oh god now I've done it me destroying the oil derrick there has caused some some immediate issues this is where we make our last stand to get our last 8.7% Oh God it doesn't feel good hello baby seal no no get oh oh oh I didn't even move that time it came to me oh well let's just finish off your friends I guess let's just run through it this time uh-huh yep yep and yep yep God god it's so eerily quiet now over 100 pesticide ingredients are suspected of causing birth defects cancer and gene mutation these cost trillions of dollars in health care around the world oh sweet a gun it doesn't feel quite as pleasureful anymore but now I have a blunderbuss here we go it's tested yeah that does what I was hoping you would do can I shoot it it everything I sure can well there we go Oh God I just realized this is like the Safari ish I think because this here is not indigenous to the no oh god I've been avoiding the issue I guess we have to take out these structures that have been here since the dawn of humanity goodbye let's make sure it's all gone I'm sorry to do this to elephants it's funny right because the first stage you're just like yeah whoo needless destruction yeah that's really fun and now it's taking you through all these places that just feel a little worse to go through each time I'm not gonna lie destroying stuff still feels fun but it certainly doesn't feel consequence-free anymore especially when it's dropping those hot truth bombs reminding me of what we're doing do you like how just a couple of stages ago I was like yeah yeah everything burned and I'm like okay someone worked hard for this no it's going away someone wanted these trees to be planted and then some giant creature came by and shot at what the blunder was did you hear what he said uh it was estimated that ocean acidity will increase by 1 or 50 percent by 2100 if efforts aren't made to halt it this causes containment it's too fast okay I get to blow up cruise ships well now we're just doing the world a favor uh-huh yeah I like how that counts for 0.6 percent complete even though I probably just killed like hundreds and hundreds of people here the dolphins that just means we're gonna have to uh we're gonna have to come for them he didn't give me a new item of destruction this time it was probably because it was just like look you getting to blow up cruise ships is enough we don't want to give you too many good things too fast taste of this one we're just gonna jump on hello okay this is where things get bad but we're gonna do it anyway I just touched that one I don't think that one was up to union standards to begin with look I could just walk into it and there it goes oh come here dolphin see look at this look what this is turning me into yeah this ain't good look at this oh oh oh oh my god where these always here did they roll up because I spilled oil on everything and Oh God is anyone still watching me play this I am horrified with what's happening now Oh God okay let's just do this quick all right this game had me destroying livestock this on the other hand it's just so icky I was like what's left oh there's more wildlife cool no likey yes yes at long last I sure AM oh look at this am I on the moon does this work what do I do oh wait am i just straight up blowing up oh my god am I just straight-up destroying the moon which is gonna screw up the tides among other things oh wait am I just going straight down okay so I actually died there is a danger it's falling to your death on the moon oh my god this turned into a secret puzzle game at the end I got a handle this one with with a little bit of caution because I will fall right through the earth and have to start over fire doesn't seem to be doing anything but I'm glad fireworks on the moon whoops that's just going straight to the earth isn't it okay so shooting stuff does work I like how this went from a just like run around and just story stuff now it's like a game of tactics well at least this has some history in it right or should I say did have some history in it wait was that it was that all I actually had to do why is that alien taking me away did I succeed in my mission oh oh I'm the saucer now I could just go around destroying the moon from afar that's why I point out if that symbol on the saucer is something really bad I'm sorry in advance we're out what I want when when I win this is gonna be it we're 93% done destroying the moon that I say 93% I mean above 97% okay I think this is the last piece right here and here we go goodbye moon oh thanks that's cool ah there we go hey thanks for having me oh wait I blows stuff up yeah that's good to do for this episode let's game it out as always I am judge thank you for joining me and I will see you next time [Music]
Channel: Let's Game It Out
Views: 2,545,803
Rating: 4.8948498 out of 5
Keywords: destroy the world, destroy the world game, destroy the world gameplay, destroy the world full playthrough, destroy the world full game, let's game it out, lets game it out, lgio, lgio josh, josh lgio, let's game it out destroy the world, blobby pink monster, blobby pink monster destroys the world, truth bombs, destroytheworldgame
Id: fDzqfpCoO78
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 19sec (619 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 06 2019
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