What Normal People Turn Into When Stranded on a Subway Platform - Overcrowd: A Commute 'Em Up

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hey there it's Josh welcome back to let's game it out we're checking out over crowd today the name alone makes me excited point of this game is to make your own subway station pretty sure there's gonna be some opportunities to torture people developers thank you for the key let's hit our full potential early with sandbox mode here we are in beautiful water Bank shelf the loveliest place on earth okay so here's how this basically works we have two entrances that right here on the ground floor you look on over here we have multiple train tracks going around as you can see they're on different levels first things first let's edit the floor this path isn't gonna build itself it probably makes sense for us to have these two guys meet up with each other barely and then run parallel to each other for a while before they go into a wild maze before finally connecting there and now the two of them together head all the way back to where they started and you know you've reached your paradise because the hallway opens up to not single-file and that's where we're gonna put our beautiful ticket machines we're gonna put them in such a way that makes everyone feel kind of uncomfortable but in addition to that you're gonna have nice obstacles like these level two fans here yep just put them right next to the ticket machine and I'll get some fans going like this if they didn't have a sickness coming in they will once they've got their ticket they got to move on so we're just gonna take them down this little corridor over here to challenge number two and then to make sure the commuters know where they're going we're gonna put down a couple of maps also putting a nice meet-and-greet area right here so if you want to meet new folks you can you're gonna have to really want it because just like before we're gonna put fans right here we also have to make some turnstiles we'll just put turnstile starting back here all the way across and of course once you've gotten past the turnstile you're gonna be uncomfortably funneled once more but you know it's not all for nothing this is where we get to have our amenities and buy amenities I mean this one vending machine that is so sickened by customers that it just faces away from them but of course you're gonna make it so everyone has to go around this thing the rest of this outside area is just for show to make you feel like you're in some kind of amazing jungle I feel transported already okay we got to get down to these tracks which in order to do that we're gonna sculpt the floor which means we just kind of highlight a whole area and just force it down there we go and this is where we get to build our staircases no escalators here everyone has to do working out oh you know what I forgot to do at the very beginning we need to put an entrance down I think this is the only place we can put it down so tada that's where people come and go putting that entrance allows us to do stuff like set these turnstiles a certain direction so I went ahead and made all of these in one dead center in the middle leading out more people in not many people out just the way we want it same with these staircases here we're gonna set all of these guys to going down and that brings us to our awesome track right here so let's extend the floor and now let's build the track so now we tell it what side we want stuff to pop out on do we want to have it pop out on this side or both sides or just this side even though there's nothing over there let's do both sides that's not true there's not gonna be nothing who's also gonna be this sick food billboard over here we got all these other tracks and stuff in whatever we'll come back and finish these off to at our other entrance there we go I think it's time for us to open up the oh we need power right so we'll go ahead and make that a little unassuming room right off of the main headquarters here now this is our utility room and in it we're gonna put a couple of things we're gonna put these amazing gas power generators in here because that's what I expect Grand Central Station to be run on some truthers generators okay I think we're ready to go so let's open the gates yeah it's open this one to go forth and buy a ticket oh yeah I already forgot they got to get through this meanwhile the train has already arrived we have five people getting off the train let's see where they go there's a couple confused people that went the wrong direction they're gonna realize the error of their ways pretty soon this person wants a bench halfway through their Tough Mudder that really bummed out what they have to do looks like the Scooby Gang finally made it oh yeah oh they actually like the air conditioners it makes it feel fresh in there hey here they are which ones are they gonna go to okay like smart people it seems like they're well one of them went to the first ticket counter where's she going did she just get that far and just decide I'm done I don't want a ticket anymore she's having second thoughts about this whole thing oh you can just go through these maps she's like sitting down stat I love this no one's going to the train right now they're all just like I need to sit down after all that it's kind of fun I can summon the trains myself I just click the button in here they come oh this one's a full 116 people what do we got wait what did that person say no way out but the stairs are right on let me get this straight these arrows aren't like a suggestion they look at that no like well I can't take that that's for people going down the stairs and these people over here just have no hope the best they can do is litter okay now they're going down to their Train which I will summon for you we have our first commuters boarding from our station on you go on you go wait where did you go I watched you get on the train did you just transport to the fifth dimension okay that's enough take off without the rest of the people bye well I gotta admit so far this actually is going way better than I thought I wasn't expecting this but adding this maze here it's cut down on how crowded things can get because now they have to do all this crap just to get a ticket looks like it's nighttime looks like people are leaving by the time they get through this it's gonna be daytime again but oh now you people know how to use these stairways that's fine you'll be back oh my god these people are still here is there no way out for them well I guess you've left me no choice this is the only side you can get out on moving forward oh crap what's this out of fuel well let's refill them oh I think we're supposed to hire someone to do that go down here to the staff button Sophia Alexander age 59 yep sounds about good to me you look like the person I want to force to handle heavy tanks of gas so now it's time to make a tool room build that tool room right next to the utility room we'll go ahead and put a single jerrican in there oh no you guys don't look healthy at all you have a life force 6.34 my god what's happening everything is running so incredibly poorly frame rate why is it the maze it's at the tower defense ticket counter is it all the maps why have you forsaken me like this right let's back out of this let's make a new station okay let's try that again looks like the game is running again floor floor Kinect tickets still a disaster maximum amount of unintentional human interaction as you zigzag through these things to find an open kiosk or just try to get by you march on over here or it opens up to the turnstiles here we're gonna scoop the floor that are amazing dramatic staircases and put down our platform like that you know to make more room right here for us to seize go ahead and get rid of all of this floor here well just have this one connect all the way to the other one completely defeating the point of even having a second entrance we'll make a modest little space over on the other side because of course that's where we're gonna have all of our people exit all of these stairways are of course down only we'll just sculpt us a beautiful utility room just like that the heck is staff only zone I just put this wherever now his staff only zone it's like this weird quarantine square anyway where were we put down our truther generators again then right next door we'll put our darling little tool room and here is where the jerrican goes dead center of the room don't go using all those tools at once all right open for business yeah oh you know what I'm gonna set up for you guys have some uncomfy benches oh man these people cannot navigate this turn they see this bench when they round the corner and they're like what the hell am I supposed to do our first person found the turnstile this is a momentous occasion and now he's going down the stairs and he's like how do I get to the platform fun story guys you don't this platform is only for offloading people over here okay so that was 12 people how many people do you think we can have just flushed out over there clean commuter a commuter has been panicked in your station and is fleeing oh yeah rodents blood bodies and being punched make commuters afraid yeah I don't know if I see rodents blood bodies and I'm being punched I'm also not particularly excited about that if they get too scared they will flee fleeing commuters generate negative reputation I don't care and can cause nearby commuters to flee and can KO commuters they run into well that's all I need to hear to not do anything where's this person that's freaking out oh there's a rat that's why oh look at that cute little guy I don't know most people seem pretty okay with this what was that scream now the rats on top of oh my god oh they're fine friends it is just one rat let's calm down please how did a rat even get it oh is that rat gonna take the subway these people don't seem to mind the rats so much although I guess they have bigger problems like some of these people wore shorts not realizing they were gonna get cold they died of hunger this is our new tool room this is our new utility room looking SuperDuper good hey here's another 12 people coming off the thing okay look whose fault is this really like if you were coming through here and you hear all the screaming and you see a rat and there's these wait what are these like green clouds your commuters are getting too hot good it'll help the sickness use thermal imaging to see the temperature of your station well let me get all these victims off the train first and I will toggle thermal imaging wait what's the hot part Oh all the white stuff do you mean this nuclear explosion in the middle like have so far people's biggest problem is litter into a significantly lesser extent the body nearby oh that's right we got to hire some staff ah this plucky 22 year old you'll be perfect look at this guy look at this team player right here one of your commuters has a bad case of the flu okay so if litters really the problem here have a trash can well they can move around the trash cans okay that's perfect then you get nothing but trash cans you guys are complaining about litter well never again I can just hold down the button if they didn't want me to make this many trash cans why would they allow that someone has a catastrophic case of gastric flu this is a particularly nasty strain causing frequent projectile but what projectile vomiting oh good at times like this the mop is your friend or complete complacency and inactivity is our friends man you would really have to need to get on the subway to deal with all of this seriously what is causing all of this noise is it just that one rat they 12 more people I believe that brings it up to 67 total people just sitting around over there heat stroke the dip it's the temperature in your station is inhumane as I'm reading this I hear rats squeaking in the background now one of your commuters has passed out with heatstroke unsurprisingly this upsets nearby commuters who would prefer not to encounter bodies during their journey dude stop walking on that dude and shoving him under the trash can I know you don't want to see bodies but you don't have to do this what was that noise I just heard uh okay look I realize you people are upset so I'm gonna do you a solid we're gonna look these ticket prices now tickets are free what do you think of that huh I think we can give Williams here something else to do let's take a look at our fun tools we have we have a rat prod that might be good definitely not going with first aid fine we'll do the rat prod here you go Williams get out there he's like you got it boss okay so there's the rat Williams where are ya there is a Kayode commuter yeah I know there's a couple of those I think Williams is stuck in time and space the world's passing by and he's not moving so I guess whoa what was that sir all right you people have your own problems the important part is that we have 12 fresh passengers I believe bringing up the total to 71 people back here I'm gonna count that dead person as a person still despite the fact this lady's standing on her head oh look at all these sick people there goes patients zero with the norovirus just walking around oh my God look at that they can stack okay now I'm getting curious how many bodies hi can you stack I just realize these pools here are vomit well we're gonna be able to build like a people for it soon a staff member is unhappy Williams let me help you it's not my fault you're stuck in the wall how is litter a bigger problem than vomit and rats combined and how is vomit not litter look I don't want to judge your lifestyle but um don't step on that person especially because stepping on them seems to move them deeper deeper into the tile a little bit I can't be good for her skull or her hair a member of the staff is in such bad shape they're losing health oh well now I'm intrigued oh my god you gotta stop it's making me laugh more than it should okay Williams oh I just had to move him well now that you're free Williams I need you to fill all the gas things you might want to get your head checked out I like do that on your own time Williams goes from machine to machine frying and spewing blood sobbing deep deep tears oh no my subway broke down equip staffed with a toolkit I'm on it we'll get to okay where are you tool kit really stop crying I need you for something okay now you got the tool kit I need you to come with me okay I guess Williams needs to finish filling up this first Williams is about to die oh I don't think it's that serious oh no Williams has died that's a damn shame let's go hire someone else Sophia let's go we're gonna hire this dude Lucas as well expand the size of our utility room here more room for barrels of crude oil that's also throw in some level 2 generators okay where were we oh thank god Davies is fixing the thing or maybe you fixing it what's the deal here that training for staring at Davy I need you to fix it I think you need to be on the other side so we're gonna fix this and the only way I know how which is through a weird act of God so Davey I need you to go over here okay Davey prepare for a magical journey never connect you right there there you gonna fix the train that was easy oh cool now we've got a human centipede going here I'm just glad the rat finally stopped freaking out yeah that adds another 12 making a grand total of 105 people oh you're crying you know what that means I mean someone of my staff is unhappy and probably bleeding from the head again not dang it we lost another one well Davey's at least we have you Davey who's gonna fix the Train now Riley and Riley alright twinsies let's do this you know while we make this a harbor for human suffering the might as well make this section over here for people to you know get a drink and laugh about it so let's get some really nice benches setup so people can just take a load off really just enjoy all the screaming but a couple seats down here that are in like the splash zone this lady right here just like yeah yeah I'll pick it off the train stuck forever yeah I'm not gonna miss this show see this is how I wanted my place to be we're bodies and vomit are your main concern whoo a hotdog stand let's put that somewhere where these people can see it right there let's put one of these down too you know let's not forget about a little pick-me-up we're gonna need okay that's much better wait what happened hmm well once again we need to hire some new awesome people okay hired hired hired hired you know what could make this a little bit brighter some plants see we'll even put a big smiley face you know that was supposed to look like a fun little smiley face but it just looks crazy so I guess it's staying went ahead and built a tiny staff room right over this person's body I was getting real tired of the person that stays down here just dies whoever's down here I decided gets the really sweet place it's like the tea station in the full medicine cabinet and the arcade machine but it's cuz they fixed the Train and keep all the people in captivity here longer oh god hearing the sound of soap playing video games on top of all the screaming is just it's almost too much especially as bodies pile up in his place what are you two doing in here are you hugging and crying and bleeding together I think this might be my favorite pile because not only is it like a whole lot of people but this person also has a coffee cup on their head and maybe some other miscellaneous trash oh my god oh my god I almost choked grace there you are hired oh my god this game just went next level see a couple problems that when I look at Grace's profile for one she's healthy and to her despair is it zero well I wasn't gonna invest in all kinds of other tools but let's see if we can find something particularly crappy for grace - do you want to go pick up litter I'm just kidding grace I wasn't asking and it was right then that the game crashed and unfortunately took my save games with it so it looks like grace gets a break can't be mad it's early access but I can't tell you how excited I am that developers keep putting grace in video games just a reminder where we were right before things went under I'd been keeping a tally we trapped somewhere around 329 people at which point most of them turned into bodies stacked on top of each other our reputation was a staggering negative 9800 27 heatstroke was our biggest problem which makes it our biggest success and many many employees died under our watch so that's gonna do it hope you had fun I know I did stay tuned and I'll see you next time [Music]
Channel: Let's Game It Out
Views: 3,697,261
Rating: 4.9422741 out of 5
Keywords: overcrowd, overcrowd a commute 'em up, overcrowd gameplay, overcrowd game, simulation games, simulator, tycoon funny, simulator funny moments, funny moments, subway simulator, metro simulator, subway station, subway station simulator, subway sim, subway disaster, overcrowded subway, subway manager, subway rats, let's game it out, lets game it out, letsgameitout, lgio, let's game it out tycoon, funny tycoon games
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 17sec (977 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 17 2019
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