THINK AND SPEAK IN ENGLISH | How To Talk About Your Goals Fluently In English

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hey in today's lesson i am going to teach you how to think and then speak in english fluently that's right in order to speak english fluently you must master the ability to organize your thoughts like a native english speaker using the five w's now are you ready well then i'm teacher tiffany let's jump right in now i mentioned earlier that you must use the five w's so let's look at this situation we're talking about goals and his goal is to speak english fluently so what would the first w be it would be who michael an intermediate english learner what he studies english regularly when every afternoon prior to eating dinner where at the local bookstore why he wants to speak english fluently and travel abroad now what just happened we organized our thoughts right about this young man's goal to speak english fluently using the five w's now we clearly understand what his goal is and why he has this goal so now we need to use what we organized in our minds using the five w's to speak in english so here we go here's the response using the five w's right here read along with me michael is an intermediate english learner he has made it a habit to study english on a regular basis so every afternoon prior to eating dinner he goes to study english at the local bookstore whenever someone asks him why he is studying so hard michael says it is because he wants to speak english fluently and travel abroad now that is a fluent english response this response is an advanced english response and you can do the same thing when someone asks you about your english goal now there are a few expressions that i want to go over in this response so i want you to look very closely the first one is make it a habit to do something make it a habit to do something now this just means if you make a habit of doing something you do it regularly or often so it can be in the past or right now i made it a habit of doing i make it a habit of doing dot dot dot it just means you do it regularly or often just like michael studies regularly he makes it a habit to study english now the other one is prior to this is also a very important one every afternoon prior to eating dinner prior to just means before a particular time or event so i like to call my parents prior to starting my day before i start working hard i want to check in on my parents prior to before a particular time or event in english we say prior to so now we have a good understanding of what michael's goals are related to english and we simply started with step one thinking in english using the five w's about his goal now what if we talked about another situation another goal that many of us have a goal dealing with health we again must use the five w's to think in english who michelle a mother of two young children what does she do she does a vigorous workout with her coach when every morning at the crack of dawn where at the 24 hour gym in her neighborhood why she wants to get back in shape and lose all of her baby fat so what's happening again this is step one thinking in english in order to speak english fluently you must start with the five w's we've organized our thoughts about michelle's goals and we're very clear why she is so focused on getting in shape now let's see if we use the five w's what would her response be here we go read along with me michelle is a mother of two young children every morning at the crack of dawn michelle gets up and does a vigorous workout with her coach she usually exercises at the 24-hour gym in her neighborhood michelle works out so hard because she wants to get back in shape and finally lose all of her body excuse me baby fat so what happened again speaking about her health goal using the five w's first to think in english organizing our ideas no matter what the topic is when you do that first you can give a fluent english response now in this response there is a few there are a few words and expressions that i wanted to explain to you the first one is vigorous yeah i know this could be a little bit tricky after me again vigorous excellent now this word vigorous just means very forceful energetic or intense we say vigorous a lot of times when you go to the gym to exercise you're running on the treadmill maybe you're lifting weights or doing something you usually sweat a lot right very intense workout very vigorous you got it now i want to pause really quickly because sometimes you have trouble with pronunciation like vigorous is hard i want to encourage you again to get the english with tiffany app because i have some pronunciation lessons in the app that will help you many of you already have downloaded the app you can download it for free there are certain paid portions but you can download it for free and start learning and improving your pronunciation learning new words sentences and so much more i do believe that this app will help you with your pronunciation so that when you come up to words like this vigorous again in the app i explained front teeth bottom lip and vibrate vigorous excellent job very good now the other word the other expression was back in shape she wants to get back in shape now when you say back in shape it just means that the person saying it once was a healthy in shape person nice body good shape and wants to get back to being healthy and in shape again think about a mother that is pregnant nine months her body changes shape because it has to fit and accommodate a baby once the baby is delivered there's lots of excess weight so this mother michelle wants to get rid of that and get back in shape makes sense right now she mentioned something else she mentioned that she wants to get rid of her baby fat yeah baby fat now baby fat is used to refer to mothers um when it's used to refer to mothers it means the excess fat remaining after childbirth nine months of having an extra human being in your belly your skin has stretched there's a lot of excess fat we call that baby fat when we are speaking about mothers so again after me baby fat excellent all right so we were able to speak english fluently about her situation why because we first thought in english using the five w's to think about her health goal now what if we talk about money or career or a success goal look at this individual right here he looks like he's successful his goal is to be more successful who is he samuel an ambitious stockbroker what he studies every publication article and website about the stock market when day in and day out where in new york why he wants to be the most acclaimed stockbroker in new york history now what just happened we organized our thoughts using the 5ws to talk about his goal his success goal right so our thoughts are organized we understand this man samuel he's an ambitious stockbroker now how about speaking english fluently using this information here we go again right here follow along with me samuel is an ambitious new york stockbroker his main goal is to one day be the most acclaimed stock broker in new york history so in order to reach his goal samuel studies every publication article and website about the stock market he does this day in and day out every piece of information from the five w's is included in this response and that's why it's an advanced english response now in this response there are a few words and expressions that i want to explain to you so check this one out right here here we go the first one is acclaimed right here acclaimed excellent last time acclaimed good job now this just means receiving public praise and approval like amazing yes you are amazing receiving public approval he wants to be the most acclaimed stockbroker makes sense right all right now what about this one right here day in and day out again after me day in and day out excellent now this just means every day for a long time especially in a way that is boring or unpleasant we say day in or day out for example let's say you don't like your job but you have to get up every morning go to work work for eight hours day in and day out every day you have to do this and it's boring right because you don't enjoy your job in english we say day in and day out makes sense right all right so you see again we have all five w's included in this response which makes it an advanced english response the five w's we organized in step one thinking about samuel an ambitious stock broker this is again how you speak english fluently think and speak in english use the five w's organize your thoughts and then speak like a native english speaker i really hope you enjoyed today's lesson i hope you master the 5ws so that you also can sound like a native english speaker don't forget to download the english with tiffany app the link is right in the description i want you to keep studying with me i want to continue helping you be confident in your english alright i will see you all next time have an awesome week but as always remember to speak english you still there ha ha you know what time it is it's story time hey i said it's story time all right now for today's story i want to tell you about one of my closest friends now we were talking about goals today right in our lesson we talked about different goals people have health goals success goals and different goals people have but i want to tell you about a goal my friend and i had it's dealing with health we had a goal to run five miles every day that's right five miles every day that may be 7k or 6k depending on where you live that's a lot now at this time i was living in south korea and my friend was still in maryland we were very close and again we were trying to get back in shape and we decided to have this friendly competition now at that time we were using an app on our phones called the nike running app right very popular app and you could connect with your friends no matter where they were and they could see your progress and you could see their progress so my friend and i decided to do this challenge hey let's run five miles every day now i'm competitive and my friend is also competitive so what ended up happening was we knew we had to run five miles but then we started to try run five to run five miles faster than each other so korea is ahead of america by about 13 or 14 hours depending on if it's daylight savings time or not so i was always ahead of her in the time zone so i'd wake up in the morning night time for her the previous day and i would run and let's say the first time i ran five miles in about 50 minutes right 10 minute mile i'd log in to my app and i'd put in 50 minutes five-mile right training so i'd go to work that day and during the work day i'd be working just excited feeling good about myself and i'd come home in the evening morning time for her and i would see her name is monica monica five miles 49 minutes and 48 seconds i said okay you want to beat me by 12 seconds right again very competitive both of us so now i knew that okay she was working and i was going to sleep so i wake up the next morning her night early and i'd go to the gym before work i said okay she did 49 minutes and 48 seconds i'd get on the treadmill and i'd run and i run and i got 48 minutes and 30 seconds excuse me 49 minutes and 30 seconds i said beat that now of course we couldn't talk at the time because she was sleeping and i was on my way to work so i went to work again feeling good 49 minutes and 30 seconds went to work all day everything was great came home in the evening perfect looked at my phone monica mack five miles 48 minutes and 56 seconds i said you have got to be kidding me and we continue to do this back and forth back and forth now it was friendly competition we're super close like sisters but what i remember about that situation that time is we were in the best shape of our lives now excluding college because in college you're really slim you know but for our adult lives we were in the best shape because we were challenging each other and it was fun and we had a goal to get in shape so sometimes you can have a friendly challenge and it ends up making both of you better she looked good i looked good and we were happy and we continued doing that for several months but we ended up having to stop because schedules and other things happen but we always talk about how much fun we had competing against each other to reach a goal maybe you can find a friend and you can start a challenge hey let's learn three english vocabulary words every day and you guys can challenge each other something to make your goal reaching your goal a fun process all right guys i hope you enjoyed today's story remember to get the english with tiffany app the link is in the description i will see you next time
Channel: Speak English With Tiffani
Views: 97,620
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Keywords: teacher tiffani, fluency in english, speak english fluently, learn english, english speaking, english fluency, speak english, fluency, fluent english, how to speak english fluently, speak fluent english, how to get fluent in english, how to become fluent in english, english lesson, learn english speaking, speaking english, native speaker, learn english conversation, speak english with tiffani, how to speak english, english lessons advanced speaking
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 27sec (1047 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 28 2021
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