Full English Class 02 | Learn Words, Expressions, Thought Organization, and More

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howdy welcome to this week's weekly live english class i feel like i've seen you so much this week but i'm so excited about our class this afternoon for this week's topic now you guys know what we like to do whenever i do a live class i love for you guys to come in and say hello it's good to see all of you andre what's going on a virtual hug for you as well my brother good to see you good to see you erica hey good to see you it is a good day it's a good time to study english and i'm so happy that you all are here hey annalisa good to see you i'm always happy to see you here all right so i know our other family members are going to be joining us soon um if you guys can share the link the academy link inside of the telegram group because i know that some people may not have had the link just share with them the bulletin board link and then they can come and join us so i see we have some of us are here already oh marcella hey good to see you marcella it's always nice to see you all right so again guys again in the telegram group don't sell the don't share the youtube link but share the bulletin board link okay so those that may not have known where it was will now know jasmine hey jasmine good to see you jael hey nice to see you i hope you had a wonderful wonderful day all right so again guys we are gonna have our class today i know that many of you know i'm doing the business english marathon with teacher julie that's at six o'clock but i said you know what i don't want our family members to miss out on our weekly live class so i said that's okay i prepared a class for you guys and i know that you are going to enjoy it monique hey monique how are you good to see you i am doing well i oh thank you so much i look like i'm feeling well i am feeling amazing all right guys so we're going to jump into our class for today because we're gonna be talking about challenges um i wanna again ask you all if you can please put the link in the telegram group the link to the bulletin board thanks so much hey marina i'm feeling good how are you feeling it is good to see you so good to see you all right guys so we're going to just jump right into our class this evening and we are going to see what we have in store for you this evening alright so oh hold on one second guys it's just showing my desktop hold on one second guys i'm going to switch this so that you guys actually see more than just the comments there we go all right now we're all good hold on one second let's take this off the screen there we go hey paola good to see you good to see you paola i mentioned a moment ago i think you already did it if you could post the link for the tele in the telegram group the link in the academy for the class thank you so much murray hey good to see you good to see you erica teacher tiffany you look so wonderful full of energy thank you so much i have lots of energy the funny thing is i actually went to bed very late last night and woke up very early uh it was funny yesterday during the class the business english marathon someone made a comment and said teacher tiff now you know it's about to be past your bedtime it was almost nine o'clock he watched it late and i laughed because you all know that i go to bed early but thank you so much for that compliment erica thank you so much all right now we are ready to jump into our topic for this evening hey beside good to see you good to see you welcome welcome all right so this evening guys we're going to be talking about challenges but you know how our class is broken down five different sections we're going to have the introduction then vocabulary words then expressions and idioms thought organization and discussion questions so today's topic guys our topic is challenges so here's the first question what are some common challenges people face again what are some common challenges people face sorry guys i don't have to turn my fan on all right there we go okay what are some common challenges people face sorry i had to turn my fan on it gets a little hot in my office all right up somebody else came through josie hey how are you thank you so much i really appreciate that i really appreciate that alright guys so the question again what are some common challenges that people face so maybe you can think about yourself think about some common challenges you face on a regular basis you know in the world today again because of the pandemic we're all kind of experiencing some challenges but what are some common challenges that people face here we go monique says to eat that's true many people struggle to find food to eat doesn't matter what country you go to there are people who are starving or having a hard time finding food to eat jasmine says getting a job and following a diet whoa jasmine you know it's true my friends and i have this joke because of the pandemic we've all kind of gained a few pounds so we call the weight covered weight like pandemic belly i have a pandemic belly so yes it's hard to stick to a diet that's a challenge all right monique says to earn money exactly jael says to work out very true erica says i am challenged to learn english and to finally speak english fluently very true paula says some have challenges to go to college because of financial problems very true you know in life there are so many challenges that we face this is why i brought up this topic for this week for our class because you need to learn how to speak about this topic in english it's such a common topic no matter where you go alright marcella says learning a second language very true maurice is definitely working out these days we're on the same page alright annalisa says if you ask me the common challenges people face is waking up in the morning and feeling happy even though all i think the rest is going to come up all right john says to have a job true people are struggling nowadays some people have lost their jobs because of the pandemic and some people can't even find jobs because of the pandemic so there are many challenges that we experience on a regular basis so we're going to start off as always with the vocabulary section and i want to teach you all three very useful vocabulary words that you can use immediately when you're speaking about challenges marina says my biggest challenge is to control myself when i'm angry yes that is a big challenge i'm short tempered and sometimes it's quite hard to control my feelings very well stated very well stated i think many people struggle with that as well marina marceline says hello marceline to learn more english and to be able to speak really well yes it is a challenge and remember i've told you all so many times i can speak korean but i also started learning korean as an adult so the challenge was real so i totally understand the challenges that you all face as it relates to english so let's get started with some vocabulary words here we go so the first vocabulary word i want us to look at hold on someone asked me a question alessandra said how are you doing i am doing amazing i actually just had a wonderful smoothie right before class so yes alessandra i'm doing great i hope you are doing great too all right so our first vocabulary word is obstacle again obstacle now i want us to practice this pronunciation really quickly so after me obstacle good again obstacle excellent now the last time at a regular pace obstacle good job good job now the word obstacle just refers to something that blocks you so that movement going forward or action is prevented or made more difficult so for example if i'm driving in my car right i'm speeding down the highway i like to drive fast guys i'm a safe driver but i do like to drive fast so i'm driving down the highway right and then i see that there's construction going on right it's way ahead of me and i see that they have put some blocks in the road those blocks are obstacles why because i want to keep going forward but i have to slow down and move out of the way right so that's a physical obstacle we can also have other obstacles that inhibit us from going forward you're learning english well sometimes your job can be an obstacle you have to work so many hours so obstacle is a very useful word here we go analysis says if you ask me the common challenges oh i got you oh okay and feel happy in spite of everything going bad or being bad got you ali hey ali uh i'm good what's good with you thank you so much ali andrei says a big obstacle when you don't understand what's happening in a conversation oh a big obstacle to speaking in english fluently is when you don't understand what is going on in the conversation okay not being able to understand all right so let's look at some example sentences and you guys know as always you can put your example sentences in the comment section as i go over the examples now again right after this class i'll have the business english marathon so we'll still have our full class but i won't be doing as many examples on the screen for you all like i'll show you the examples but i want you guys to try to type just a little bit faster today so that we can get through our class and learn everything alright so again type your sentences for the word obstacle here are the examples first money seems to be an obstacle for many people great example think about it you want to get a nicer house you want to move to another place but you don't have enough money so it's hindering you or stopping you from moving forward money can be an obstacle all right here we go hey excellent marceline says money can be an obstacle if you cannot pay your tuition okay money can be an obstacle you can't pay your tuition got you something's obstacle erica says something's obstacle came from our form of thinking ah okay sometimes the way we think can be an obstacle again sometimes the way we think can be an obstacle all right that is true though very true all right next we have this one right here when you encounter an obstacle think hard and ask a more mature person for guidance alright this is another great example when you encounter or when you uh come upon an obstacle ask someone older or wiser for help hey christy good to see you too always good to see you welcome welcome all right and the last example is right here two large obstacles when beginning your own business are time and money this is so true when i first started the academy in january of 2019 i was working extremely long hours why because it was the very beginning of the academy and i wanted to make sure everything was great and i wanted to produce more resources so i spent lots of time so one of the main obstacles was time i didn't have enough time so yes this is a very good example of how to use obstacle mourinho says our life is full of obstacles every now and then it's hard to jump them to jump over them or to get over them or get through them but we need to go on very true erica says sometimes the way we think can be an obstacle sometimes the way we think can be an obstacle remember the s off at the end of sometimes jael says the lack of knowledge in a new job can be an obstacle got you marcella says when you are out of the woods it's because you overcame the obstacles ah i like how you use that idiom when you are out of the woods it's because you overcame the obstacles paula says money can be an obstacle in a lot of different situations good alum hey good to see you no worries we're glad that you're here i don't find the link of the live class okay remember guys the live class is always you go to the bulletin board and i have it set up every month it's set up right there so you don't have to wait even for next week's class and the following week you go to the bulletin board in the academy all right analisa the the biggest obstacle so not the most big but the biggest obstacle at university is passing an exam in time or on time okay all right monique says to face obstacles in life i always try to keep calm and i make the list oh a list of the pros and cons here we go to face obstacles in life i always try to keep calm and i make a list of the pros and cons all right erica my pleasure all right marcelo says lack of money is an obstacle to travel okay is an obstacle for many people who want to travel lack of money is an obstacle for many people who want to travel hey shell good to see you the new mother faced an obstacle to provide time for her newborn baby she didn't have enough time got you hey carmen good to see you sometimes bad behavior could be an obstacle to your knowledge or to gaining knowledge good example alright so again guys obstacle is a very good word to use when you're speaking about challenges all right so again keep typing your examples it's good to practice we're going to move on to the next word okay here we go the next word we have dealing with challenges is decision making now you notice it's two words kind of put together like hyphenated but again it's a very good i guess combination word or hyphenated word to use decision making now this just means the process of making choices again both words you all know decision and making right very simple when you put them together they become very useful so let me show you some sentences using decision making here we go first she plays no part in daily decision making at work so you see what's happening right it's not a verb saying ah there's a decision-making team these individuals normally make decisions at our job she's not a part of that team or a part of the process so we can say she plays no part in daily decision making at work now next here we go for children to feel empowered they must be part of the family decision making process again for children to feel empowered or apart they need to be a part of the family decision making process again they need to help make the decisions i have a question really quickly guys do you agree with this statement for children to feel empowered they must be part of the family decision making pro process real quick i'm very curious in your own country in your culture is it normal for children to give their opinions this is something that is very interesting because i lived in korea and in korea the opinions of children no their opinions didn't matter right because it's based on a hierarchical system their culture whoever's older kind of has the more is more important when it comes to making decisions but in your own culture do the opinions of children really make a difference i'm very curious to know how you all how your country is the culture in your country do the opinions of children really matter in your country just real quick you guys can let me know if the opinions of children matter in your own country all right and we'll keep looking at the sentences but i wanted to know about your culture all right and last the bank gave decision-making authority to individual businesses okay individual businesses so the individual businesses could make the choices could make the decisions and it says the bank gave decision-making authority to individual businesses now again i think it's taking a little while to come through but remember the question i was asking you all is in your own culture do children have the right to give their opinions um in america when i was younger um it was not the case like people didn't really ask kids um what they thought about certain situations they asked them their you know how was their day but it was mainly the adults things have changed a lot over time but what about your culture marina says yes my father and brother don't want to listen to my opinion but i always keep my voice or voice my opinion i always voice my opinion and my mom supports me okay good very interesting anybody else again tell us about your culture uh do children play a part in the decision making process jae hell says it's not very common dads always decide and have the last word usually they don't ask the children about their opinions yeah okay that makes sense i see paula says decision making has turned hard during this pandemic because everything is unstable and uncertain yes decision making has become difficult during this pandemic because everything is unstable and uncertain yes gene kelly hey says my daughter plays a good role in decision making ah for festivities okay analysis says here we give a lot of importance to children they are in the center or at the center of every decision the life revolves or our lives revolve around children okay nice very interesting erica says i like to hear my children's opinions nice monique says it depends on the generation in my country back in the day i like how you use that children couldn't make decisions but now parents try to listen to them as here in europe oh you're in you're in europe wait a minute monique where are you where are you right now or are you saying like they do in europe let me know what country you're again right now christy says nowadays in peru young parents ask children for their opinion times are changing aren't they marcella says i think that it's changing in my country years ago kids weren't asked about family decisions now we are evolving and many parents are caring about teaching decision making skills to their children very well stated marcella very well stated shell says absolutely yes as a filipino citizen it's important to hear the opinions of the children with respect very interesting shell marceline says she took a decision making for her next wedding she decided to take a decision-making role for her next wedding sometimes they don't want the young people to give their opinions um and make decisions okay i see how you combine them okay all right andre says nowadays i always listen to my daughter her suggestion is always welcome i always here we go i always welcome her suggestions i do that because my father never did that for me all right okay oh monique you're in belgium okay nice nice alam says nowadays people start giving kids the right to make decisions okay you all see how the times are changing a lot right back in the day kids didn't take part in the decision-making process but now kids are really a big part of the decision-making process in families all right let's see let's see um shells is a good manager will try to involve everyone in the decision making process great sentence great sentence alessandra says in brazil it's not very common but i usually do that because i like to listen to their opinions got you murray hey moray murray says it's generally the same situation um oh okay in turkey you have the same situation as korea but i'm lucky that i have the greatest parents they're acting like the world is revolving around me and my sister oh that's beautiful marina says the hardest decision-making process is how to spend your precious time yes very hard decision powerless is related to kids decision making related to kids decision making in my country i think depend it depends on the state some states are very old school good use and the parents are really authoritarian but others are similar to the us very interesting all right a few more carmen says in my country the children are not usually allowed to participate in decision making uh in the decision making process in their family got you jasmine says my mother never asked me what i wanted to eat right here's a funny story guys talking about that jasmine so jasmine when i was growing up my mom well she cooks really well the food was always good but there were some times when i didn't want to eat what she made but she said you're going to eat what's on the plate so let's say if i didn't finish the food she said no problem you're going to eat it for lunch i come back to lunch exact same plate of food if i didn't finish it she said no problem you're going to eat it for dinner so it was kind of this idea of you're going to eat what's given to you no matter what but things have really changed currently like in the present day kids now have more uh more power in the family so it's very interesting how things have changed very interesting all right last one john says the board is in charge of decision making oh the board is in charge of decision making in the company or at the company okay good very good all right so we all understand how to use decision making in a sentence again when you're speaking about challenges you can also use this in a sentence now last here's the last one guys mind set mind set now this is a person's way of thinking and their opinions so i can say wow ja hell you have a good mindset or wow shell you have a good mindset right so again it's just a person's way of thinking very simple but a very useful word so let me show you all how to use it in a sentence here we go having a fixed mindset and being inflexible are detrimental to one's personal growth ah let me explain this to you really quickly you see that it says a fixed mindset fixed mindset well the word fixed means you can't move it for example um let's say uh okay there's a fan above me right now right it's in the ceiling right i can't move it like i can't push it and move it anywhere why because they've drilled holes in to the ceiling and put screws in it so it doesn't move so it's a fixed right it's in a fixed position it can't be moved so when we say a fixed mindset it's basically referring to someone who is stubborn right does not want to change their idea they don't want to be flexible they don't want to hear anybody else so again having a fixed mindset and being inflexible are detrimental or bad or harmful to one's personal growth now what about this one yuri changed her mindset after years of being close-minded now close-minded is similar to fixed mindset close think about this close open close open right now i'm i'm talking to you all right but you can see that i'm kind of open this is also a trick when you're giving a speech or when you're speaking people feel more comfortable the more open you are if i taught every class like this hello everybody okay we're gonna learn you'd feel very uncomfortable why because i'm closed but as soon as i open up hey guys you feel like you're coming in right so that's why we say close-minded just means you don't want anyone to come in you don't want anyone else's ideas to affect you so yuri changed her mindset or her way of thinking after years of being closed-minded now i'm going to give another example but remember guys in the comment section try to make your own sentence using this word mindset again mindset all right here's the last one it's extraordinary how hard it is to change the mindset of the public and the press it's a very hard thing to change people's opinions or to change the way people think right the majority that's not easy right that's a challenge so i could say it really is a challenge right trying to change the mindset of the public is a big challenge alright so again in the comment section guys i want you all to try to make your own sentence right try to use the word mindset and figure out a way to talk about maybe your situation or what's going on in the world and use the word mindset to do that okay all right so i think you guys are thinking a lot the comments are coming in a little bit slower for this word if it's difficult let me know and i'll explain it a little bit more okay all right but again as i wait for you guys to write here we go all right here we go here we go all right oh thank you marina tiff has the oh tiff's got the happiest mindset i've ever seen thank you so much thank you so much gene kelly says sometimes it's hard to have a mindset on children decision making ah because they change their minds so often okay all right sometimes it's hard to rely on a child's mindset or sometimes it's hard to respect a child's mindset because they change their minds so often or we can say when you are thinking about the decision-making process it's very hard to respect the mindset of a child because they change their minds so often that was very long but you can rewind later and write it down all right alam says having a positive mindset helps you reach your goals easily good job very true statement paola says you can imagine how hold up you can imagine how much your mindset can affect your health and your personal relationships okay so i'll change it for you you can imagine how much your mindset can affect your health and your personal relationships shell says nowadays we need to shift our mindset to the blessings that we have instead of the obstacles in our lives oh i like that i like that sentence again i made some corrections but i like the meaning it's very good murray says in my opinion traveling and seeing new things that we're not familiar with at all change changes our mindset and broadens our mind okay broadens our mind christy says that man is really stubborn no one could change his mindset good job all right allam says coven 19 has changed people's mindset very true marcela says if you change your fixed mindset you'll be able to face every single obstacle very good be careful with the spelling of obstacle there's no you but very good marceline says with teacher tiffany students are always happy and have a good mindset in class well i'm happy to hear that i'm happy to hear that all right analysis says the old man's mindset is is different uh is different from the younger man's mindset i think because the generation ah they are from different generations so for every season there will be a different mindset i like the meaning of your sentences all right jael says having good habits and a healthy style or healthy lifestyle is a mindset a little bit different so having good habits um let me see having good habits and a healthy lifestyle is a mindset um it's kind of a practice so you can say um let's see let's see i know what you're trying to say um it's a good mindset like to try to live healthy and to try to make sure that you're doing things well um is a good mindset to have okay focusing on living life um well and eating healthy is a good mindset to have okay all right and monique has a positive mindset uncovers great change good josie hey josie says it's hard to understand who has a good mindset who has a good mindset all right good job guys so again the three words we went over again we have mindset decision making and obstacle all right these three now i want us to get into the expressions all right i'll get into the expressions now again expressions that'll be useful when you're trying to talk about your challenges here's one grasping at straws i'm going to take a little sip of water really quickly now the word grasping right grasping grasping literally just means to reach for and hold right to reach forward try to reach for something and hold it right grasping at straws now i just drank some water but sometimes you have a straw right and you just suck it up so grasping at straws what does this mean this is a very useful expression very useful it means to make a desperate attempt at saving something again to make a desperate oh i really need to save this i'm grasping at straws though to make a desperate attempt at saving so let me show you an example to this guys here we go the boss could see him grasping at straws to save his job so imagine again currently because of covid so many people have lost their jobs right now imagine you're in a situation and your boss walks up to you and says hey we're gonna have to let about 10 people go from this department so we're going to announce tomorrow who those 10 people are and you get really nervous so after the boss walks away you start thinking about oh man i've done my job really well you go to the boss's office and you say hey i just want to let you know that i finished the project you gave me i also did this last week i made sure that i had everything in order i wanted to make sure that you're happy with my job and everything that i'm doing i'm basically desperate i don't want to be let go you don't want to be fired so you're grasping at straws to save your job alright here's another example right here i knew my mother was dying but i was grasping at straws to save her life i was trying desperately to get her the best care the best doctor the best facilities the best medicine why because i didn't want her to die so i was grasping at straws again trying desperately attempting to save my mother you can say grasping at straws again think about that your family member your mother your father husband wife child someone is sick you don't want them to die that's a challenging situation so when you're trying to save that person or to do something to help eliminate their pain you can say i'm grasping at straws to save their life make sense all right here we go last example is right here i tried to lie but everyone knew i was wrong and only grasping at straws again making an attempt a desperate attempt to make me believe something oh no no no um i didn't do that but everyone knows wait a minute we know you're lying so grasping being desperate but everyone knew that he or she was lying all right so let's see some examples of this guys grasping at straws put them in the comments section here we go annalisa says when we are wrong sometimes we try to be right okay okay i know what you're saying um when we are wrong we start grasping at straws to make things right when we are wrong or when we are in the wrong y'all can look that one up when we are in the wrong we start grasping at straws to make things right okay all right good example i just kind of corrected it for you anna-lysa all right anybody else again grasping at straws try to make your own sentence and put it in the comment section right grasping at straws all right let's see i'm going to go to the next expression but don't worry i'm just waiting for the comments to come through i'll definitely put your sentence on the screen all right here's the next one guys last resort this means the only option left now when i was preparing for today's class and this expression came up i was so happy and i was happy because this is an expression that americans english speakers use on a regular basis it's very very important for you to understand this expression because if you've never heard it before you probably would have a hard time guessing what it means however telling you right now it means the only option left now we're going to come back to it because i see your sentences coming through here we go basak says she was just grasping at straws trying desperately to get out of trouble excellent very good christie says mother's pet was grasping at straws to save her puppy okay okay my mother's pet or my mother's dog was grasping at straws to save her puppy the baby was at the top of the cliff wow all right don't worry anna-lysa it's okay remember what i told you all earlier this week mistakes prove that you're improving make lots of mistakes that shows that you're trying so i don't mind mistakes at all it shows that you're trying i love you trying alright gene kelly says the company that i work for is downsizing i'm grasping at straws to save my job so that i can pay my mortgage again go back and write down what i just corrected for you alright good job marceline says she found a new job so she is grasping at straws to not lose her place or lose her job or lose her house because she found a new job so she's trying not to lose her house all right marcella says the baby was crying desperately he was just grasping at straws to get to his mother or to get his mother to hold him okay islam says people around the world are grasping at straws to save their lives due to covet 19 or grasping at straws to save oh you mean their lies physically yes to save their lives right marina says when we feel threatened by something or someone we grasp at straws until the last second very good paula says he had lost the argument but he kept grasping at straws good good very good all right so everyone understands how to use grasping at straws in a sentence now this one we're looking at right now is the last resort again the only option left so here's the first example sentence i really wanted to attend the conference but i ended up missing my flight which was my last resort all right the last option that he or she had was to get on the flight and fly out but he or she missed the flight and that flight was their last option or only option their last resort all right what about this one right here experts say warning labels like on food or products are a last resort or an only option left when a hazard can't be designed out of a product for example think about bleach right we use bleach many times to clean things in our homes right now bleach is very very dangerous if you drink it or if it gets in your eyes it can really cause a lot of harm but bleach is necessary the ingredients in bleach are important so there are hazards on written on the actual bottle that say please do not drink this or do not put this close to your eyes why because they had to put the ingredients in that was their only option so the warning labels are a last resort like hey this is the only option we have these ingredients have to go in this product so our only option is to slap a sticker on there that says hey don't put this in your mouth all right the last resort all right here we go last one is as a last resort teachers could always open an online classroom with their internet provider or school again the only option left the only option available we say the last resort all right so i want you guys to think about this this expression how can you use last resort in a sentence think really hard how can you use last resort in a sentence again i've had some students that have told me teacher i really needed to learn english i tried many other places i tried institutes and other things but i saw your academy and i said hey this is my only option your academy was my last resort and i'm so happy i decided to join so you see they've tried everything else and then they decided to join our family this was their last resort but they're happy all right so let me see some sentences that came through here we go murha wit hold on one second merhawwitz says i'm grasping at straws to take care of my family i have to work hard good example gene kelly says joining tiffany's academy is my last resort to improve my english skills good notice i corrected a few things though monique says i still have the order i still have some challenges in my life and i'm grasping at straws to fix them or to overcome all of them to overcome all of them shell says he's desperately grasping at straws to explain why he failed as a leader why he failed as a leader yes christy the last resort basak says she is only interested because he is the last resort good example all right paula says asking for more time should be our last resort we need to work harder good example paola marceline says excuse me peter lost everything in the fire which happened this morning he chooses bank of america ah okay so he chose bank of america the last resort as a last resort to borrow money to repair his house got you alright the english course is my last resort oh this english course is my last resort got you don't worry you're in the right place annalisa says you are my last resort to improve my english please make a miracle hey listen you know i'll give a hundred and ten percent as long as you're giving 110 percent to you will succeed but again anna-lysa you're very active in the group and i'm always happy so you will do it all right christy says i had to warm up the leftover spaghetti the day before yesterday it was my last resort or it was the last resort got you karma says as a last resort i decided to try a lottery try the lottery to make money to try the lottery to make money alright two more alam says my last resort is to improve my english so as to make my dream come true good marina says joe biden and kamala harris are the last resorts to save the us yeah yeah good job guys good job all right we're gonna look at our last expression before we go to our discussion question okay all right here's the last expression again a very useful one back against the wall back against the wall now this means to have very serious problems that limit the ways in which you can act all right your back is against the wall so for example let's say you work at a company and they want you to travel to another country and you say i'm so sorry i'm not going to be able to go and they say why you say well i have five kids my husband and i were very busy we have to take care of our kids and we don't have anyone to watch them while i'm away because my husband is also gone a lot so i have no other option i can't do anything it's a very serious problem and i can't act my back is against the wall i can't do anything my job wants me to go but i can't go my back is against the wall so here's an example sentence guys he owes money to everyone so he really has his back against the wall now think about it he owes tons of money but he doesn't have a lot of money so he's really in a serious situation a big challenge and he's limited i owe a thousand dollars but i only have ten dollars what am i going to do i don't know what to do this is a serious problem or a serious challenge my back is against the wall in this situation there's nothing i can do all right right here we knew that with so little money left to finish the project we had our backs against the wall again where you're presented with a situation or a challenge and you don't see how you're going to overcome it you don't see how you're going to get out of it or through the situation you can say my back is against the wall all right and finally here we go guys right here with her back against the wall sharon quickly answered the frantic phone call all right frantic means like oh my gosh oh my goodness it's kind of like panicking we call that frantic right like when someone calls 9-1-1 like there's an emergency normally they're not hello someone was shocked can you please help us no you usually like oh my goodness someone was shot we need help please come help us they're very frantic a frantic phone call so with her back against the wall sharon quickly answered the frantic phone call now this is an expression again that's very useful but i want you guys to try to make a sentence using this expression again back against the wall now i'm going to wait for you all to send your sentences and i'm going to do something a little bit different you know we have to go through things a little bit quicker today because there's another class but i want to quiz you guys i didn't do this last week what i'm gonna do is i'm gonna tell you guys uh kind of a quick story or a situation and i want you all to tell me which expression uh let's start with the vocabulary words all right there are three vocabulary words i want you to tell me which vocabulary word matches the situation then we'll go to another one and i'll tell you a situation and i'll ask you to match the proper expression all right see how good you guys were listening how well you understood what i taught all right hold on one second a sentence came through all right again oh no this is for last resort again i'm looking for sentences using back against the wall right back against the wall take about two or three um okay i see what you're doing muradwood says when your house started burning go out fast as a last resort leave the house okay when your house catches on fire go out or leave the house that's your last resort as opposed to trying to put the fire out okay paula says jj uh oh i love your examples of frantic thank you all right and elisa says when my back is against the wall my adrenaline goes up and i do everything better hey yeah that is true all right alam says in 2020 the world had its back against the wall due to the coronavirus okay that makes sense in 2020 the world had its back against the wall due to the coronavirus gene kelly says unemployment puts so many people's backs against the wall because they are deeply in debt notice how i changed a few things so later on rewind and then write down the way i changed it all right all right two more and then i'll give you guys some example situations marina says my mom is uh my mom's back is against the wall because she wants to travel oh i think it cut your sentence off but i'll wait till you write the rest jasmine says he owes money to everyone so his back is against the wall all right so his back is against the wall all right okay guys now i'm gonna remind you i'm gonna type in the comment section again the vocabulary words remember the vocabulary words we had were let's see again obstacle all right then we had decision making and we had what was the last one hold on obstacle decision making uh-oh guys your teacher forgot what the last one was i have so many things running through my mind right now okay mindset all right and the last one is mind set all right so i'm going to give you guys some examples and i want you to tell me which word matches okay which word matches here we go picking from one of the vocabulary words oh hold on a sentence came through paula says a lot of government workers a lot of government workers have their backs against the wall because of the world crisis remember there's one government but the people that work for the government have their backs against the wall all right and marcella says he got his back against the wall when he lost all his money at the casino all right his back was against the wall because he lost all of his money at the casino all right so here we go guys i'm going to give you guys two situations before we uh go to our discussion question all right here's the first situation again listen to the situation and then tell me which vocabulary word matches the situation here we go um i have many friends many friends um they're great people great individuals um but i have this one friend she's really really awesome now this friend no matter what the situation is no matter how big of a challenge she's experiencing she's always so positive she always looks at the bright side of situations she always tries to encourage me and other people no matter what's going on and we also encourage each other i really like the way she thinks she's a positive way of thinking she's always optimistic i really like her positive what's the vocabulary word pick from one of the three we learned today talking about my friend she's always thinking positively i really like the way she thinks she has a positive yes paola you got it very good she has a positive mindset excellent marcella you got it as well she has a positive mindset very good shell got it excellent annalisa excellent marina excellent you guys got it very good murray you got it excellent very good alam excellent job very good gene kelly very very good christy hey you guys all got it correct excellent excellent but stop very good andre's like yeah it's me very good excellent all right i'll give you guys one more now this time i'm gonna give you a situation and i want you to find out which expression matches the situation now the expressions again grasping at straws last resort and back against the wall alright so here we go let me think of a very difficult situation all right okay so this is what happened um my friends and i we were going to go on a trip together right we wanted to go on a trip together um so we all gathered money and we all we each had a hundred dollars so it's about five friends of five hundred dollars right and we were trying to decide what to do uh and we also were trying to find out how to get to our destination so we had three choices we could either rent a car rent a van or we could actually rent an rv an rv is kind of the larger truck or larger van that has like a shower bathroom and kitchen area in it the thing is we only had 500 and when we looked up the prices we realized that the car was our only option so even though we wanted to get a van we realized hey we only had one option and that one option was the car so our only option was the car which means the car was our what's the expression the car was our last option our only option i gave you a hint the only option was the car so what's the expression the car was our what's the expression we learned today that means our only option only one option left yes excellent paola said last resort very good marcella last resort excellent shell last resort good marina excellent guys annalisa good jasmine excellent alum excellent josie good job christy good job and gene kelly i think the end part of the word cut off but i think you got it last resort excellent job oh there you go you typed it right now good good excellent job so we see again that the last resort is a very useful expression guys you all are amazing oh you got it too andre good job good job last resort and also monique excellent job excellent now i'm looking at the time uh we're gonna go into our last uh part of the discussion question and again remember the discussion question is where i want you guys to record a video clip and put it in our telegram group but let me go back to my screen and we're going to see what the discussion question is here we go all right so our discussion question for today guys is right here i want you to answer this question the question is what do you do when faced with a challenge at work again what do you do when faced with a challenge at work now again i told you guys at the beginning only for today i do apologize we're gonna have to end now um because i have to get prepared for the business english marathon but this is the question guys what do you do when faced with a challenge at work now last week i was so impressed with you all so many of you all accepted the challenge i put to you all to record yourself either a video or an audio clip answering the questions so again i told you i do see the messages even though i don't respond i do see the messages in the group so i want you all to answer this question what do you do when faced with a challenge at work i want you to record your voice or record a video clip of yourself very quick video clip answering the question what do you do when faced with a challenge at work for example for me i could say whenever i'm faced with a challenge at work i like to sit down and write notes i want to process what's actually going on and writing notes actually helps me overcome the challenge done you see it can be quick but i want you to again either record a video clip or record an audio clip answering this question right here what do you do when faced with a challenge at work now that's your immediate challenge for today for right now alright now the other questions you have for this week to discuss with your partners are right here here we go these are the questions dealing with challenges you have challenges faced at work challenges faced in life and also challenges in other situations very useful discussion questions and i noticed right before we came on i think paola you posted a zoom link i think it was around 12 30. i told you guys i see everything i i noticed that you guys kind of met via zoom so excellent i'm so happy when you guys meet on zoom you can do that this week meet on zoom and talk about these questions um let me see hey my pleasure my pleasure show my pleasure jasmine says what do you do when faced with a challenge at work record our voice or video thank you for writing that jasmine yes definitely so i know today a lot of our family members weren't able to join us live so if you guys again those of you who are here as soon as we end please go directly to the telegram group record your voice or record a video clip so that other students will realize oh man we missed out but we can still participate in this activity by recording themselves answering the question all right guys thank you so much i appreciate you guys for understanding i had to kind of go through this class a little faster than usual um but i do hope you guys learned a lot so i'm gonna end our class here again thank you guys all for joining remember these are the questions and you'll find them in the academy remember the link is in the academy again you can find it on the bulletin board and you can practice those questions with your partners alright guys thank you again for joining you
Channel: Speak English With Tiffani
Views: 127,691
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Keywords: english, teacher tiffani, study english, english class, learn english, english teacher, english lesson, english vocabulary, advanced english, full english lesson, full english class, study english lesson, teacher tiffany, tiffani, tiffany, english learning, english lessons for beginners, english for beginners, full english class 02, english speaking course, english speaking practice, full english course, american english conversation, english conversation, american english
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 56min 23sec (3383 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 21 2021
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