REAL LIFE ENGLISH | Speak English Like A Native Speaker Episode 5

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hey today i am going to teach you real life english that's right the english that native english speakers actually use in real life not just book english this lesson is going to help you so much now this is episode 5 of our real life english series are you ready well then i am teacher tiffany let's jump right in now what i'm going to show you right now is a very beautiful image but i want to show you the right portion of this image look up top in the right when i see this i immediately think magnificent magnificent now i want you to repeat after me magnificent excellent last time after me magnificent excellent now this word magnificent just means very good beautiful or deserving to be admired something that is extremely beautiful like the image i just showed you now let's see an example sentence using this word here we go we have they live in an absolutely magnificent home one more time they live in an absolutely magnificent home what are we saying we're saying that their home is extremely beautiful so whenever you want to say something is beautiful or worthy of being admired you can now say magnificent excellent now let me give you a sentence pattern for this word here's the pattern you can use the view from dot dot dot is magnificent again the view from dot dot dot is magnificent now here's an example sentence using this pattern the view from my new apartment is magnificent again the view from my new apartment is magnificent now i want to show you the view from my new office it is also magnificent that is the view i see every day so i can say the view from my new office is magnificent now i want you to try to use this pattern make your own sentence put it in the comment section all right so again we have magnificent now i want us to jump back to this image because we see the magnificent sky but what about the other portion the larger portion in english i would say expansive expansive again after me expensive there you go again one last time expensive excellent very good now this word expansive just means covering a large area covering a large area just like we saw in the image a large area a large portion of the sky right so here's an example sentence i want you to look at we saw the expensive view from the window wow we saw the expansive view from the window makes sense right now let me show you a sentence pattern you can use with this word here we go the sentence pattern you can use is the dot dot dot is or was expansive again we're using a simple pattern so that you can get used to using this word again the dot dot dot is or was expensive now here's a sentence using this pattern the grand canyon is expansive right the grand canyon is huge it's very big it is expansive makes sense right so one more time after me expansive good job very good now before we go to the next word i want to quiz you i want to see if you're ready for this quiz so we have our first quiz all right here's the first question all right now you are going to have five seconds for this quiz so i want you to look at this first question here's the question i want you to fill in the blank the woman likes dot dot dot houses instead of tiny houses five seconds two one time what's the answer yes you got it excellent the woman likes expansive very large houses instead of tiny houses very very good all right let me reset the timer and i'm going to ask you question number two the food she made was absolutely dot dot dot five seconds two one time what's the answer very good the food she made was absolutely magnificent it was really good this is a really good compliment so if you have some good food from a native english speaker tell them your food was magnificent they'll really be pleased all right so very good those two we've learned so far magnificent and expansive now i want us to go back to the image i want us to look at a different portion of the image let's move closer to where the rocks are this looks very serene serene again look at me serene excellent last time after me serene good now the word serene just means peaceful and calm marked by utter calm or quietness very peaceful think about walking through the woods and there's a very quiet stream you can hear the leaves rustling that is a very serene environment all right now let's look at an example sentence here we go we enjoyed the serene landscape at the top of the mountain we enjoyed the calm and the peacefulness at the top of the mountain so one more time we enjoyed the serene landscape at the top of the mountain now let me give you a pattern a sentence pattern you can use here's the pattern the dot dot dot looked so serene it looked so calm again the dot dot dot looked so serene now here's a sentence using this pattern man the sleeping baby looked so serene you know what it feels like to look at a baby sleeping just peaceful and calm it makes us feel good the sleeping baby looked so serene so again last time after me serene excellent all right now let's look at another part of this image if we move our eyes to the right a bit we see this a reflection reflection again after me reflection good last time reflection good now this word reflection just means the image of something in a mirror or any reflective surface now let me show you the image one more time what is being reflected the sun you can see the sun's rays on the water so again we have the word reflection good now let me give you an example sentence here we go they were looking at their reflection in the mirror one more time they were looking at their reflection in the mirror makes sense looking at themselves making sure everything was okay checking their hair their makeup making sure everything was okay they were looking at their reflection now what if you want to use this real life english vocabulary word here's a pattern for you he could see his reflection in the dot dot dot remember it's not just a mirror he could see his reflection in the dot dot dot this is a pattern you can use so we could say he could see his reflection or she could see her reflection in the mirror at the end of the hall now we're saying where it's located so we made the sentence longer right so again he could see his reflection in the mirror at the end of the hall we use this word reflection so last time after me reflection excellent all right now what about this next word so again we had reflection but our eyes kind of zoom out and we see the man looking and we have in or into the distance again in or into the distance one more time after me for pronunciation practice i'll do both ways in the distance good second into the distance excellent we use both of these patterns these expressions so this just means to look at or to look to a place that is very far from where you are although you can still see or hear things there we can see the sun but it's very far away right just like the man was looking very far into the distance so let's look at an example sentence using this expression this man excuse me the man was looking off into the distance again the man was looking off into the distance now what if you want to use this in a sentence let me give you this pattern the dot dot dot could be seen in the distance the dot dot dot could be seen in the distance a very simple pattern now using this pattern here's an example sentence the large boat could be seen in the distance right now we could also say again looking at the image we could also say hey the sun could be seen in the distance the clouds could be seen in the distance a very simple pattern for you to use now we have our second quiz i need to make sure you understood all of the words and expressions so here we go our second quiz first question now again remember you have a five second timer here's the first sentence the view from the top of the mountain was truly five seconds time what's the answer come on you got it was truly excellent magnificent very good excellent job now second question let's restart the timer the seals formed small groups on the dot dot dot beaches where they breed five seconds start time what's the answer come on i know you have it what's the answer exactly expense beaches very very large all right here we go question number three let me restart the timer he enjoyed writing in his journal next to the small and dot dot dot link here we go time starts now what time what's the answer come on you know it yes the serene calm and peaceful lake excellent job all right question number four let's see if you can find the answer before she left the house she looked at her dot dot dot in the mirror what's the answer five seconds one time what's the answer come on excellent reflection in the mirror very good all right number five here's question number five the youngest student stared off dot dot instead of focusing on the lesson five seconds starts now two one time what's the answer excellent the young student stared off into the distance instead of focusing on the lesson excellent job i am so proud of you you learned so many real life english words and expressions today i want you to use them in real life so that you can sound more like a native english speaker now i want to remind you again before we go get the english with tiffany app if you have not already downloaded it i have a ton of lessons pronunciation helping you make longer sentences in english english fluency vocabulary and the list goes on you can download it for free right now by going to the android store or the apple store or clicking the link in the description and go get the english with tiffany app i want to help you more and if you want to keep studying with me get your app now alright guys i hope you enjoyed today's lesson remember i'll see you next week but as always remember to speak english you still there you know what time it is it's story time hey i said it's story time all right so this story that i want to tell you came to mind because last week so i moved to a new office remember earlier i showed you all the view from my office right the view from my office remember we talked about that a little earlier beautiful office beautiful apartment beautiful area it's wonderful but i got home late one night last week i think i got home maybe around 10 30 or 11 p.m it was dark outside it was very calm and serene right so i got out of my car and i have an automatic lock so i just hit the button and it locks my car on my key so i hit the button and went dude so i stepped out my car again locked it to do and i was about to walk on the sidewalk toward my apartment when all of a sudden i heard footsteps behind me now remember it was late at night it was dark it was very calm but all of a sudden i heard footsteps behind me now immediately i thought that someone was following me so i turned around quickly and there was a man standing there he had a hood on and he was walking towards me and i looked at him and he said hey how are you i said dude you can't just walk up on me like that it was actually my neighbor he said oh i'm sorry and i think he was cold so he was walking kind of quickly and he was kind of leaned over like this and i thought about man if i had been in south korea it would have been totally different you see i was scared at that moment because i thought someone was coming to attack me but when i lived in south korea again this situation reminded me of south korea because living in south korea even at midnight as a single female living alone i could go outside at midnight walk to a park by myself where was dark they had a few lights there and i could walk and not worry about anyone attacking me that's how safe korea was and the situation that happened last week reminded me of how much i missed korea and walking around at night without worrying about anyone attacking me now my neighbor is great he didn't do anything of course but that fear that someone may have been walking up upon me that fear went away when i was in south korea it's a very safe country maybe your country is just like korea very safe or maybe your country is similar to more of a dangerous company company country but i'm glad everything worked out of course and my neighbor he's a cool guy but it reminded me that sometimes you can be in an area that's safe and sometimes you can be in an area that's not safe alright guys i hope you enjoyed this short story today have an awesome week and i will see you all next time
Channel: Speak English With Tiffani
Views: 120,836
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Keywords: teacher tiffani, fluency in english, speak english fluently, learn english, english speaking, english fluency, speak english, fluency, fluent english, how to speak english fluently, speak fluent english, how to get fluent in english, how to become fluent in english, english lesson, learn english speaking, speaking english, native speaker, learn english conversation, speak english with tiffani, how to speak english, english lessons advanced speaking
Id: Sc0ETgWrNwU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 8sec (1148 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 21 2021
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