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hey are you ready to learn 10 english idioms that you must know in order to sound like a native english speaker good because i am so ready to teach you now before i start the lesson though i need you to do three simple things for me you see my goal is to help students just like you around the world but i want to help 1 billion students i know it's a big number but i have big goals and i want to help students like you so all i need you to do is like this video share this video and subscribe to this channel here we go like share subscribe come on i said like share subscribe last time like share subscribe i'm teacher tiffany let's jump right in [Music] all right so our first idiom is easy on the eyes easy on the eyes now easy on the eyes is an idiom that means easy to look at attractive or beautiful or someone or something that is good to look at now listen i've told you all before that my ideal type is a tall dark and handsome man whoa yes i like them chocolate y'all so one of my favorite actors his name is hey diggs and man is he handsome he is easy on the eyes it's so easy for me to look at him now i'm sure you have your favorite actor or your favorite actress or someone that is very famous who is also very handsome or beautiful you can say they are yes easy on the eyes now let me show you some example sentences here we go what if you're talking about models you can say that model is definitely easy on the eyes or what if you're talking about a trainer oh real quick y'all now we're in the midst of a pandemic right now so we're not able to go to the gyms as freely as we were in the past and i actually used to go to the gym every day during the week to exercise now when you go to the gym sometimes there are individuals who are very very attractive very easy to look at very easy on the eyes now i've had some individuals um who made it a little bit difficult to focus on what i was doing there there the guys would walk into the gym at every muscle every chest muscle every arm muscle everything was perfect so what can we say those guys were easy on the eyes so now for the trainers we could say the trainer at the gym is very easy on the eyes now what about an actress like i mentioned earlier for the actor you can say many people say that actress is easy on the eyes and what about dating when you go dating maybe someone could say hey you should give your number to him he's pretty easy on the eyes and this is a conversation ladies i'm sure you've had in your own language but now you can say it in english and guys you can say the same thing for females oh she's easy on the eyes alright so a very useful idiom and what about when you have a crush on someone oh let me explain that so a crush now a crush is when you like someone but they don't know right you like them and you know what maybe they have a feeling that you do but it's kind of a one-sided love right like oh man i really like that person right um let's say for example when you're in school right you know when you were younger and there was a guy or for the guys there was a girl and you would just look at him or look at her and be like man i really really like him or i really like her we can say oh you had a crush on him or you have a crush on her so how can we use the idiom to explain a situation like this the teacher was easy on the eyes so all of the little boys wanted to sit in the front row oh quick story y'all quick story got an extra story time when i was younger i think i was in the fourth grade we had a teacher he was tall he was uh he had a nice voice he was handsome i was in the fourth grade i mean i was young but he still was a very handsome teacher and i had a crush on my teacher so whenever he'd come in the room i would smile really big i would focus really hard on the class and the lesson because i thought he was really cute so as a child i had a crush on my teacher okay alright so he was easy on the eyes all right now let's go on to the next one so number one was easy on the eyes number two our second idiom is let your hair down you're probably wondering teacher does that just mean like let your hair down this is called twists for those that are curious about my hairstyle these are twists but let my hair down no no no it's very very uh simple to understand but it's a little bit different than just letting your hair down physically it means to behave in an uninhibited or relaxed manner to relax and enjoy oneself or to allow yourself to behave much more freely than usual and enjoy it so i want you to think about when you go to work right usually when you go to work you have to be very professional you have to whether you're working in an office or an environment where there are other people around you you have to act a certain way you have to wear certain clothes because you are working but when you get home think about it when you get home do you sit properly at the table when you're at home with your family or do you oh man yes do you relax you probably relax i hope so you let your hair down all right so let's see some examples here we go let's say for example you're tired again after work you can say after a long day at work the office workers decided they needed to let their hair down make sense what about unwinding oh another great word okay unwinding is very similar to let your hair down think about something when you wind something up right it gets really tight and strict right you can't really move it but when you unwind it slowly it starts to relax right the same can be applied to your day you're unwinding or letting your hair down so let's see the sentence here we go here's the sentence i had a really stressful day today i think i'm just going to let my hair down so you can use this right now guys you can use this idiom right now if you had a long day at work or if you've been working really hard at home maybe you're a stay-at-home mom you have to take care of the kids you have to cook you have to clean and you get really stressed and you say you know what i just need to let my hair down make sense all right so let's see another example here we go again a very useful idiom relaxing mandy spent the weekend letting her hair down by watching three movies back to back now back to back just means watching one and immediately watching another and immediately watching another back to back okay all right so mandy was watching a lot of movies and what about on vacation we can say i spent time at the beach ate lots of food and i really let my hair down i'm actually planning a vacation with my friends and i am looking forward to letting my hair down as well alright okay let's keep going here we go what about on the weekends maybe you like to do some things with your friends on the weekends it's saturday night why don't you stop being so serious and just let your hair down for a change um now when we say for a change we're just saying um you know now come on like for a change usually you do one thing but why don't you switch it up a little bit change it and do something else so right now do something else for a change let's say you usually eat at home you do that on a regular basis but your husband comes home and says hey honey why don't we go out to eat why don't we go to a restaurant something that you don't normally do so he can say honey why don't we go out to eat for a change makes sense all right so this person is being told to relax and let their hair down for a change okay all right now let your hair down was number two number three another good one lose your head and lose your head like i'm back no don't worry lose your head doesn't mean that actually lose your head means lose self-control to panic or to lose one's composure for example i'm teaching you right now i'm so excited to teach you english right i'm composed i'm explaining the idioms in a very clear way but let's say oh my goodness uh oh okay wait a minute um suddenly i'm not composed suddenly i'm panicking i lost my head for a moment but now i'm back makes sense all right so let's see some example sentences that will make it even easier to understand angry whoa this guy's angry he usually stays very calm in meetings but this time he just lost his head and sometimes that happens when you go to a meeting and maybe there's an issue and there's one individual individual who's usually very calm very composed hey everything's okay but this one meeting they get very angry and suddenly they start yelling we can say whoa he or she really lost his or her head last day during the last meeting right okay here we go all right what about when you're scared okay i was afraid so at that point i lost my head and started panicking what about when you lose your weight you don't know where to go if you get lost don't lose your head or in other words don't panic stay calm stay composed just think and retrace your steps or go over your steps again what about when someone's yelling at you after he ignored me i lost my head and started yelling at him right you start yelling you lose your head you're not composed you start kinda going off lose your head right okay now let's see what happens if you're arrested right try not to lose your head when you get stopped by a cop now there's a lot going on in america right now with the black lives matter movement and many other things that are happening because of racism that unfortunately is still present in america so many parents many black parents tell their young men and young women but mainly young men hey if you get stopped by a cop i need you to stay calm i need you to stay composed i need you to try not to lose your head make sense now again not all cops but i'm saying this is something that parents are telling their children now okay try not to lose your head telling their teenagers when they're driving okay all right so not to lose your head so number three lose your head now what about number four this is another good one head start head start now i want you all to pay attention because this is one you can use for your children for yourself and for many different situations all right even work now head start just means to start before other contestants in a race or an early start that results in an advantage or an initial advantage in a competitive situation let me let me break it down like this i am american right so my language my mother tongue is english now you maybe you're from india maybe you're from brazil maybe you're from china or russia or a country in africa like kenya or or maybe you're from south africa well you're learning english and you are amazing but if we went to a job interview here in america right who would be more likely to get the job me as an american native english speaker or you right you probably said me because teacher english is your mother tongue that means that i had a head start because english is already my first language now if i came to your country right if i decided to visit your country and said i love this country i want to work here well you would have a head start because that language would be your mother tongue make sense all right so let's see some examples here we go let's say for example for education a good education gives your child a head start in life next what about work i'll get a head start on the paperwork this weekend it means i'll start doing something ahead of time i want to make sure that i'm prepared so that when we do have a meeting i'm already ready okay all right next what about with activities we can say cindy gave her younger brother a five minute head start in the easter egg hunt that means she let her younger brother start earlier than her to give him a little bit of an advantage right okay next example let's say for example with money and life the inheritance money gave him a head start in life and next what about with reading we can say i was able to get a head start on my reading during the holidays again that just means i was able to start early i was able to get ahead of the game that's another one ahead of the game alright so we have head start a very very useful idiom now what about number five this one is good an eye opener an i opener right no it's not saying like opening your eyes wide but it is referring to something with the view you have on things so here we go an eye opener now an eye opener is an event or situation that proves to be unexpectedly enlightening something that surprises you and teaches you new facts about life or something startling surprising or enlightening all right so we're going to see some examples that will really help you understand how to use this idiom and what it really means all right something that really catches you off guard or even helps you to understand the world or a situation more here we go let's say for example we're looking at this situation foreigners now when i was in korea i was a foreigner i heard that word more than i had ever heard it in my entire life right because i was not from korea but i was living there all right so for foreigners here we go living in another country can be a real eye opener very true i was able to learn something new about another culture and it changed the way i viewed the world now there are certain things i do that i didn't do before i learned a lot from the korean culture and i also learned a lot about my own culture i learned to appreciate so many different things so it was a real eye-opener an enlightening experience all right so let's keep going foreigners a great example what about childhood her story about her childhood was a real eye opener now for this one think about when you meet someone right maybe you develop a good relationship with them over time but there are certain things they do that you really don't understand and then one day you have a conversation with them and they tell you about their childhood and you're like ah that's why he does that it's a real eye-opener so even for you guys you love story time which is coming at the end so you don't want to go anywhere right story time is when i tell you about my life stories right and you're able to get to know me even better so i'm not just teacher tiffany i'm tiffany you get to know things i liked when i was younger things i didn't like funny stories about my family and my friends and this brings you closer to me and helps you understand who i am more an eye opener all right okay so let's keep going we have childhood as an example what about the earth we can say the movie was a real eye-opener for me i never understood how serious global warming was before and what about this one travel sally said her trip to japan was quite an eye-opener real quick fact i really want to visit japan do you know why i love stationery hold on one second i'm going to show you hold on so i really like stationery and i think i've showed you all these things before but this is just one of my pen cases and i put my markers and other stationery inside of it but i have another one larger than this but it's a little bit big for the camera right now but i really enjoy stationery and i really enjoy quality stationery i have certain pens and markers that i use when i'm organizing my my thoughts in my notebooks because i really enjoy stationery now you all may like stationery too i would suggest that you look at some japanese websites they're awesome all right so again she's talking about her trip to japan being an eye opener all right so here we go let's continue reading the book was a real eye opener all right so again we have eye opener now number six another good one go over your head like go over your head i got you don't you worry now go over your head actually means to go to a more important or powerful person to get what you want or to take an issue to someone who has more authority than your own boss this one is funny because so i have two nieces that are in the state that i live in right now one of my other nieces lives in california but my youngest niece she's three years old her birthday's her birthday is actually today no she's four wow okay today is the 23rd her birthday is today um and later on if you watch this sydney happy birthday from auntie tiff uh so anyways her birthday is today but she's four years old so our whole family loves her we love her and all of my other nieces as well but we love her and she knows how to kind of get what she wants sometimes so if she asks me for something and i say no she may go to my mom her grandmother and say gammy can i have that and see what my my mother says why because my mother is more important than me and her eyes sometimes right because well maybe gamey has more power because she's auntie tiff's mom so you see what i'm saying go over my head ah tt she calls me tt or auntie tiff tt said no but tt's mom she may say yes so to go over your head all right so or to be too difficult for someone to understand they're two different meanings here we go angry i was furious that he went over my head and complained to my manager next complaint she would occasionally go over her manager's head to complain to the top financial officer make sense right when something happens at your job and maybe your manager or boss doesn't listen to you sometimes you have to go to someone that's more important maybe your boss's boss makes sense you have to go over their head not advice sometimes but sometimes you have to do it joking around she was being sarcastic but he took her seriously look at the expression on this guy's face all right the joke totally went over his head now remember this is the second meaning for this idiom it means to not understand something like i don't i don't get it what what are you talking about it went over my head or over his head all right so a very good and useful idiom what about in class the students did not understand what the teacher said her explanation went completely over their heads makes sense right so when i teach a lesson i try to make sure to break it down so that it does not go over your head makes sense now sometimes if something goes over your head you can say in the comment section or to your tutor if you have a tutor right wow the lesson was good but this one part i didn't understand or this one part went over my head makes sense right okay good so in class you can use it now again what about in meetings a lot of what was said in the meeting went right over my head like i don't know what they were talking about it went right over my head all right go over your head now what about number seven come to your senses that's right come to your senses what does that mean like your senses are you know touch taste hear feel what does that mean let me show you come to your senses actually means to start to understand that you have been behaving stupidly or to stop being foolish and become sensible again or to become reasonable after being foolish coming to your senses like maybe you act crazy for a little bit and then you're like hey hey you gotta calm down you gotta relax don't act out of character i need you to come to your senses make sense all right so let's look at some examples here we go here we go death her death brought many people to their senses now i want you to think about this sometimes when someone dies yes people feel very sad but people also think about changing their lives because they realize wait a minute i don't know when i may be gone let me live my life to the fullest let me live my life in a way that will will be something good for people to remember when i'm gone let me come to my senses and get it together make sense all right so death can also be spoken about using this idiom what about a job search i wish you would come to your senses and look for a better job or what about making a mistake they are waiting for him to come to his senses and realize that he was wrong maybe he's saying i didn't do anything wrong i'm okay you guys are the problem but everyone knows man mark is the one that made the mistake what is he talking about he needs to come to his senses make sense all right here we go now what about when you're not studying his mother wanted him to come to his senses and start studying for his exam all right and what about a bad guy right now let's say for example you're talking to your friends i wish you would come to your senses and break up with him he is not a good guy now there are times when you're friends right maybe they're dating a guy or a girl and you know it's not good you know the situation is not good and you try to tell them hey i know you like this person but this relationship is not good for you you got to realize he's not good for you we need you to come to your senses make sense all right so come to your senses a very useful english idiom now number eight again another good one it's written all over your face and i think that you may have heard this idiom before i think i may have taught this idiom to you before in a lesson very quickly but think about it it's written all over your face how do you think i feel right now i'm not saying anything but how do i look i look happy right i am happy to teach you but let's say for example i changed suddenly i look irritated or angry right why because you could see it all over my face my expression changed so it's written all over your face just means a i can tell how you're feeling because your facial expressions whoo they're telling me a lot okay all right so let's see some examples here we go let's say for example um again let me explain it a little bit more the expression on someone's face is showing their true feelings means that it is clear what a person is thinking or feeling or it is very evident when looking at someone's face like i explained when i look happy it's very easy to tell when i'm angry it's very easy to tell don't worry i don't get angry a lot all right here we go now we're looking at the examples what about when someone makes a mistake i know she's guilty it's written all over her face it's written all over her face all right so what about this situation when you get caught i know my son stole the money the guilt was written all over his face what about this one good news i can tell something amazing has happened it's written all over your face tell me what it is think about it y'all when you're talking to your friends right and suddenly your friend another friend walks up and is like hey guys how are you and they look really excited what do you normally do that's right you ask them hey how are you what's going on you look really happy you can tell because it's written all over their face all right all right what about this situation someone does something wrong i know you did it it's written all over your face ah here's a funny story so when i was um in high school in high school we got a dog her name was snickers yep like the candy bar her name was snickers and snickers was a good dog very cute she was a lasso opso small white dog right but we always knew when snickers did something bad we always knew when she bit something she shouldn't have been uh biting or when she peed you know sometimes dogs pee sometimes uh in the area that they should not be peeing in like when she was running around downstairs we'd see her and she kind of like kind of shy away from us i'm like what's wrong with you and i said hey you peed didn't you you peed didn't you snickers and then i find the spot and you know i have to clean it up and everything but it was written all over her face i hadn't seen the spot but i saw her face and i was like wait a minute you did something dog you did something snickers so it was written all over her face all right now let's keep going what about this one feeling sad i know he is sad it's written all over his face so again it's written all over your face now number nine whoa another good one y'all face the music face the music we got another face one so what does face the music actually mean now face the music means to be confronted with the unpleasant consequences of one's actions to receive a punishment or to accept responsibility for something you have done maybe you made a mistake and you know there are going to be consequences but you have two choices either you can act like hey i didn't do it it's not me or you can say you know what i did it whatever the consequences are i'll take them i need to face the music all right take responsibility for your actions here we go playing let's say for example michael broke a vase and had to face the music when his father got home michael's dad was not gonna be happy at all all right next what about this one doing poorly all right after failing a history exam samantha had to go home and face the music her mom was about to be angry but she knew she had to take responsibility for the mistakes she made on the test right okay now what about this situation robbing smith was returned to the u.s from cuba to face the music for his part in a robbery more than 10 years ago take responsibility next what about stealing when the missing handbag was noticed he chose to disappear rather than face the music meaning he did not want to take responsibility for what he had done alright so what about with worrying stop worrying about it and just face the music it's okay take responsibility for what you did face the music okay all right so a very very useful idiom face the music now number 10 y'all this one is great rack your brain rack your teacher what is rack your brain oh i'm so glad you asked now rack your brain here we go rack your brain means to make a great effort to think or remember something to think very hard or to try very hard to think of something so let's say uh we're talking about again in story time i talk about my childhood and my family and my friends and let's say i'm telling you a story about when i was in elementary school right and i'm like yes my teacher my math teacher and i'm like ah what was her name oh man what was her name i'm trying hard to remember something i'm racking my brain to try to remember oh man what's my teacher's name what was her name again i'm racking my brain makes sense all right so let's see some examples here we go all right so first we have working he's racking his brain about how to deal with the situation what about searching my dad was racking his brain trying to remember where he put his wedding ring oh you better find that ring dad all right uh next what about this one studying the student was racking his brain trying to remember the definition of the word huge now you know the definition right very large that's the word huge that's the meaning but he was trying to figure it out what about this one investigating the detective kept racking his brain to solve the mystery and what about this one reflecting i've been racking my brain all day but i can't remember her name what was her name again remember talking about maybe when i was in school my favorite english teacher what was her name again racking my brain so again number 10 was what rack your brain all right guys i really hope you enjoyed this lesson i loved teaching it to you i love helping you learn 10 of these idioms that we use in english and if you master these and start practicing and using them you will start sounding more like a native english speaker all right guys well i will see you next week in our next lesson but remember if you want to continue studying with me and you enjoy the lessons that i give you each week please come and join our family in the speak english with tiffany academy you can go to this link right here right now and become a part of our family we have so many students from around the world and we are waiting for you to join our family all right guys i'll see you next week but as always remember to speak english [Music] you know what time it is it's story time hey i said a story time all right guys so today's story actually happened was it last week last week so um i have lots of friends god has blessed me with really good friends and strong friendships and strong relationships so i contacted one of my friends and i asked her if she wouldn't mind being on my podcast i wanted to interview her she said sure i'll definitely be on your podcast so you know we set a date we set a schedule and i contacted her i said okay you know we're ready for the interview but before we started recording we were kind of chatting because it had been a few few weeks since we had spoken last so we're talking and she said tiff you know what i actually was talking about you with one of my patients now my friend is a psychologist right and she has patients that um have some serious issues sometimes you know like she works with young people a lot young people who have had trouble with the law and you know just in very i guess suspect or bad situations so i said my name came up i hope it was something good she said she laughed and she said well tiff we were actually talking about boundaries i said okay keep going she said well i was telling my client the importance of having and setting boundaries and she said i brought up you she said i have this friend and when we lived in korea so she and i met in korea she's american but we met in korea and she lived in the apartment above me so she would come over sometimes either have dinner or just talk and she was telling her clients she said yeah and this friend of mine you know i'd go to her apartment and i'd be talking to her now you all know i'm a morning person right i've told you i'm a morning person and i normally go to bed early because i get up so early so she was telling her client she said yeah so i'd go to my friend's apartment and i would be talking to her and suddenly as soon as it hit 9 30 at that time it was 9 30 i go to bed earlier now but she said at 9 30 no matter what i was talking about she would stand up talking about me and cut the light off now i'm laughing and she's telling me this because it was automatic she said tiff you would stand up again we're still having a conversation you would turn the light off and say hun you can stay as long as you want you can stay here you can continue telling your story but i cannot promise you that my eyes will stay open i cannot promise you that i'll stay awake and she said i told my client i was offended the first time that that happened again i'm still laughing because i've had so many other friends tell me the exact same thing when it hits nine o'clock at that time it was 9 30 when it hit nine o'clock i cannot control it guys my body shuts down i get good sleep i fall asleep very quickly so my friend was telling her client you need to be like tiffany you need to set boundaries and no matter what is going on you keep those boundaries so we had a great laugh and i said she said tiff after after a while i realized it wasn't just me that you did that too you did it to all your friends because you couldn't control yours you had to fall asleep so we laughed we had a good laugh but yes that's something about me literally my body will shut down so i work very hard during the day and my body says okay tiff we need it it's over now it's you're gonna go to bed yep we don't care if you're on the phone we don't care if you're working your body is going to shut down so my friends all know that about me and they laugh about it because we've tried to have movie nights i'll tell you some stories later and i'll be the first one to fall asleep no matter what if it's in the evening at night i'm gonna fall asleep so that's something maybe you did not know about me i get my rest all right guys well i hope you enjoyed today's story i will talk to you next week have a wonderful week
Channel: Speak English With Tiffani
Views: 501,653
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: teacher tiffani, speak english with tiffani, interactive english, things native speakers say, things native speakers never say, how native speakers talk, useful expressions, learn english expressions, talk like a native speaker, english lesson, advanced english, advanced phrases, conversational english, learn english conversation, things americans say, words native speakers use, idioms, english idioms, learn english, 10 english idioms you must know, english idioms and phrases
Id: to8VoiepB3I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 38sec (2318 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 23 2020
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