How To Study English When You Don't Have Time

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hey today i'm going to give you five methods to help you study english when you don't have time i'm teacher tiffany let's jump right in all right method number one method number one is the 15 minute morning routine basically you will create a 15 minute morning routine where you learn one word one expression one idiom and one question for the day this method focuses on making english a priority at the start of your day now i'm gonna explain how you do this exactly using the steps but don't worry even if you're not a morning person this method can help you now a lot of you know that i'm a morning person if you open the dictionary you will see my name and my picture next to morning person why because i get up around 4 a.m and i love to get work done early in the morning but this method is for early birds and night owls and let me explain why so here are the steps you need to go through step number one pick a specific time in the morning it must be the same time every single day again it's up to you for example for me i wake up at 4 00 am but if you wake up at 7 00 a.m 8 a.m or even 9 a.m you can pick a time that matches your schedule so first pick a time in the morning that matches your schedule now step number two for the first five minutes search for one word one expression one idiom and one question again one of each not five words not five expressions only one word one idiom one expression and one question now step number three this is what you're going to do for the next five minutes memorize the word expression and the idiom i know you're smart i know that you are super intelligent so having three things to memorize in five minutes i think it's very possible because you're smart so for the second five minutes you're going to memorize the word the expression and the idiom now step number four what you need to do you need to for the last five minutes read the question and give your answer you need to speak out loud let's say for today let's say today is monday or tuesday you find the question tell me about your best childhood memory alright so you have five minutes to think about the question and answer it in english but you must say your answer out loud again this is a morning routine you'll do every single day for only 15 minutes a short period of time but this method is very effective so let me tell you the benefits of this method here we go benefit number one you won't feel stressed about studying for a long period of time here's something that i want to explain to you many times you get stressed or feel that you don't have time because when you do go to study english you don't know what to study you have books you have videos you have all of these things that are surrounding you and you're like i don't have a lot of time and i don't know what to study so eventually you get frustrated and stop but using this 15 minute method you won't feel stressed because you know exactly what you need to do every single morning now let me look at the second benefit which is you will remain laser focused during the 15 minute period now i really like this expression laser focused so i want you to imagine we're on a television show right maybe star wars a star trek and they're talking to each other yep i see what's going on over there star trek you know the space program right and imagine that one of them had lasers in their eyes right they said oh i see something and all of a sudden the movie would have them have lasers pointing out of their eyes and focused on something so when we say laser focused it means just like in a tv show their eyes are focused on something it means that you have your eyes focused on one thing it's about focusing and only looking at one thing so you'll be able to focus on these one this this one thing this one grouping of expression word idiom and question for a 15 minute period so you'll be laser focused all right now the third benefit is you will feel more confident because you are studying every single day man when i say you know when it comes to confidence i get a lot of questions about confidence and speaking in english from students and maybe you've been one of those students who have asked me that question teacher how can i be confident in english but a lot of times the confidence and i talked about it last week in last week's video lesson the confidence is because you don't feel like you're doing enough or you're comparing yourself to someone else but if you start using this 15-minute morning method you'll know hey i'm doing something every day to improve my english and it's something that happens psychologically you'll start admiring yourself like oh man i'm putting in time every single day even though it's a 15 minute period of time every single day in the morning i'm studying hard and i know that i am improving and you will start to feel more confident and even proud of yourself so method number one is a very good method for you to use when you don't have time to study english alright so method number two method number two is weekly flash cards now basically you will create 50 weekly flash cards and carry 10 of them with you every single day this method focuses on regularly reviewing small chunks of information and i'm sure you know you've seen many of my videos where i talk about the power of studying in chunks so with this method you have flash cards and you're going to create 50 but don't let that number scare you because remember these flash cards 50 flash cards will be used throughout the entire week so let me explain how you're going to do this all right so here we go step number one at the beginning of the week select 50 things that you want to learn maybe words expressions idioms grammar rules formulas etc and i said things you want to learn you don't have to get a book and say okay the book says do this this and this no if you're interested in music and you want to learn more english words related to music then make flash cards based on that interest or maybe you are trying to learn more grammar rules make flash cards for that week about the grammar rules again it's up to you this is your language journey but you can use this method to improve your english even when you don't have time all right so step one is done step number two on one side of the card write the title or focus of the card again if you're trying to learn vocabulary on one side write the word um happenstance or fictitious you can look those words up guys all right so put the word the expression the idea or concept the title on one side of the card then step number three on the other side of the card write the definition explanation or example again on the opposite side you want to make sure you're describing what this card is all about now step number four every day select 10 different cards and review them periodically throughout the day it doesn't mean that you have to sit at your desk at work and every hour look at the card every hour look at the card no as you think about it throughout the day oh let me kind of review a few things that i have uh okay i didn't oh this word interesting put it down and keep doing what you're doing you want to be consistently connected to the cards throughout the day now step number five at the end of the week review all 50 cards to see which ones you remember again step number four says 10 different cards every day so by the time you get to the last day you've already went through all 50 cards and now you're going to review and see which ones you remember and which ones you don't remember you're giving yourself the opportunity to take the information in and then process it and see which pieces of information you need to work on some more so what are the benefits of this method here we go benefit number one you will have a study plan for each week study plans when you have a plan you can reach a goal all right benefit number two you will be able to carry them with you throughout the day think about it you're not gonna have a book you're just going to have these cute little flash cards put them in your pocket put them in your purse ladies and what throughout the day you can pick them out take them out and review them so again you can carry them with you throughout the day the other benefit is you will be able to start your own english database from the collection of flashcards now this is something that i've emphasized before in a previous video and to other students why you need to have your own english database i told you all again that if you want to use my database that myself and teacher julie created it's called the weekly english words database again and every week we add 60 new vocabulary words expressions and idioms to the database along with english video conversations and explanations it's a huge database and again you can check it out but by doing the flash cards every week following this method even when you don't have time you'll be able to create your own database and improve your english speaking ability all right now what about method number three another great method weekly english video now basically you will select and watch one english lesson video every single day for a week this method focuses on mastering the ideas and concepts presented in one video lesson each week notice i said one lesson not one lesson every single day no one lesson for an entire week so for example let's say you're like man i am really enjoying this video from teacher tiffany it's really going to help me a lot this may be the video that you want to use for this method that means you'll watch this video again tomorrow and the next day and the next day for a week this method is very very useful and very helpful because it will show you how to master a concept so let's see the steps here we go step number one at the beginning of the week find one interesting english lesson the type of lesson is up to you for example multiple vocabulary words fluency formulas etc it's truly up to you you can pick the one that you want step number two on day one watch the video lesson without taking any notes i need to stress this i need to emphasize this do not take any notes on day one teacher yes i'm telling you to put your notebook down put your pen down and simply watch the lesson sometimes you don't realize how amazing your brain is stop focusing on oh i gotta get this i gotta get that nope sit down watch the video listen enjoy it but don't take any notes on day one now on day two which is step number three watch the video lesson again and write down the things that you learned that's right you're gonna go on day two watch it a second time and this is when you can take your pin take your notebook and start writing things down now on day three which is step number four watch the video lesson again and write anything else that you missed the first two times you watched the lesson compare and combine your notes with the notes from day two notice we've just watched taken notes and taken notes again we haven't memorized anything yet alright now the next step step number five step number five is also important on day four watch the video lesson again and then write the three main points of the lesson now for videos about words or vocabulary you can write the three words that you liked the most i want to explain this step step number five to you again you're watching the video another time right but this time you're looking for the three main points what's happening is you're literally becoming laser focused and trying to figure out wait a minute how can i summarize this video lesson and that's gonna help you think in english because you're gonna have to learn how to be concise say what you mean and be clear and this is gonna help you do that again when you don't have time this method is still very useful all right step number six on day five watch the video lesson again and then find three ways to apply what you learned to your daily life now we're getting the application phase again the same video this is going to get um how do i explain you're going to watch the video so much that you're going to feel like you can predict everything that's being said which means your english is also going to improve you're going to start recognizing patterns but now you need to see wait a minute how can i apply what i'm learning from this video to my daily life no matter what it is it's a vocabulary word okay figure out how you can apply that word to your life if it's a concept or idea even like this video figure out how you can apply the lesson to your life in three ways alright now step number seven for this method on day six review what you wrote in your notes on day one two three four and five you have to review because that's how the information goes into your long term memory but this method is very useful again one english video for an entire week and you follow these steps but what about method number four another good one method number four well it's going to come in a second but benefits i almost forgot to give you guys the benefits but i got you don't worry here we go alright benefits of method number three you will naturally start to understand and apply the information benefit number two you will master the idea concept and or words and finally you will begin to understand pronunciation patterns and many more things again that's why i was saying going over and over and over and over again repeating the same video actually is gonna help your brain process the information in a better way so again method number three is amazing now it's time to move on to method number four all right here we go method number four this one is pick one and use it so basically you will pick one word expression or concept for a day and use it to describe your daily activities this method focuses on immediately applying what you learn to every part of your life now again this is something i always emphasize when you learn something new don't just say oh that was good yes i like yes i like that word i like that new concept man teacher tiffany or another english teacher wow they're amazing and that's it no you have to apply whatever it is that you are learning and this method focuses on helping you to apply what you learn even though you don't have a lot of time so here we go let's look at the steps step number one select one word expression or concept again one word not six not three not even two select one word expression or concept step two in the morning find two activities that you can describe using the word expression or concept so for example let's say today i learned the word awesome now this is a word i know that you know right awesome it means amazing or really good so let's say i just learned awesome though and i'm like wait a minute today's word is awesome in the morning i have to find two activities that i can describe using this word so i can say ah my mom is awesome she made breakfast for my entire family right all right then another thing [Music] oh i can say man the weather today when i went out to exercise it was awesome so you see what i did i found two activities that happened in my life two things my mom made breakfast and then i went out to exercise so i applied the word awesome to those two activities you need to do that now the next step step number two you need to in the afternoon do the exact same thing and step four in the evening do the exact same thing again you've chosen one word expression or concept and in the morning in the afternoon and in the evening you're gonna find two activities so a total of six activities that you can talk about using the word expression or concept this is going to help you so much again even though you don't have time you're still studying you're still learning how to think in english and apply what you learn so what are the benefits here we go benefit number one of this method number one you will start to think more in english benefit number two you will understand how easy it is to connect english to your life and benefit number three you will start to remember words expressions and concepts a lot faster the moment you take that step to connect what you are learning to your daily life is the moment when everything clicks in your brain like oh okay your brain gets excited too and then you'll have an easier time of accessing the information from your database later on when you're trying to speak in english got you you got me right okay all right method number five here we go method number five method number five is jot down quick notes oh real quick i've explained this expression but maybe you don't know it jot down jot down just means to write very quickly like a short note right very quickly all right we say jot down something got it all right good so the fifth method is jot down quick notes basically you will create a phone or small notebook note every day update it whenever you learn something and review it at the end of the day this method focuses on grasping the main ideas or concepts and reviewing them so as you go throughout your day there are going to be things you're going to learn maybe you overhear someone say something in english you're like oh i didn't know that jot it down really quick note you're not searching for anything just writing a quick note throughout your day now this is going to help you again grasp main ideas because you're just writing the main thing you heard right so let's look at the steps for this one here we go step number one find a small notebook or you can use your phone again we're living in the digital age so if you have your cell phone with you all the time you can use your cell phone instead of a notebook that's okay all right now step number two as you go throughout your day quickly write down all the new english words expressions or concepts that you learn remember that these should be very short notes shouldn't take you five minutes just really quickly write it down and keep moving on with your day why because this method is going to help you when you don't have time all right step number three at the end of the day when you are relaxed take out your notebook or phone list and quickly review what you learned that day all right so this is very important for you to do you're going to come back at the end of the day you're going to review what you learned and then you're going to be able to take the information in and keep moving on with your life why because you didn't take a lot of time you just reviewed the quick notes that you made earlier now what are the benefits of this method you see right here i have four it says four at the top but that should be three should be three right under method number five but i know you got me guys all right this is three a three-step process here we go benefits benefit number one you will start to learn how to grab the main points or ideas in english benefit number two you will create a database of new things that you learned and benefit number three you will get in the habit of thinking in english throughout your day you are going to really take your english to the next level using this method now i hope you enjoyed today's lesson i really think these methods are going to help you study when you don't have time my goal is to help you and 1 billion students learn how to speak english with confidence so you can help me by liking sharing and subscribing to this channel thank you again so much for giving me the honor of being your english teacher i will see you next week same place same time and teach you another amazing english lesson i'll see you then but as always remember to speak english you still there you know what time it is it's story time ay i said a story time all right guys so you know that i love story time and i know you guys love story time too uh for today's story i want to talk about a time when i didn't have time to study you all know i speak korean and i also experienced the same time the same thing i didn't have a lot of time but i want to tell you what happened when i found the time to study so when i was in korea studying korean i was working a full-time job i worked in the morning the afternoon and at night i worked very long days so as you can imagine i really didn't have time to study korean but i knew i needed to learn so i figured out ways i gave you some methods today to study korean and i made time to learn korean even though i was busy now let me tell you what the result was so fast forward after i finally could speak korean fluently i was moved to a new school nothing happened they just needed more help there um it was actually in yeongan uh for those that are korean young institute um hagwon the estee hague one samuel um and i went to this school and in the area the school was in there weren't too many foreigners i was a small little town area um really nice but there weren't a lot of foreigners the only foreigners that were there worked at the institute basically so there may have been i think i could have counted on my hand maybe eight foreigners made eight to ten including the ones that worked at our institute um that i saw walking around our little city so it wasn't like seoul so i lived in seoul which was the main city of korea and there were tons of americans europeans africans there are tons of people so anyways i moved to that area and as you can imagine since there weren't a lot of foreigners a lot of americans there that meant there also weren't a lot of african-americans i was one of well there's another lady there but she was um she was from africa from south africa really great person but anyway so i went there so i was one of maybe two african-american women but the other woman that worked there she was light-skinned so even though she was a black woman she didn't have uh her skin color was not even close to mine right and so anyways i'm i was okay i didn't mind i mean i've lived in korea for like eight years at that time and i loved koreans i was okay with you know people staring and i would always answer questions um for example i would be on the train and people would kind of touch my hair because my hair is natural and they say oh and then i just start talking to them in korean and we start a conversation and i explain to them you know black hair and how you really shouldn't touch people's hair and we'd have a good conversation so anyways i got to this school and i was uh placed in a class with little kids now i love children i love kids i've mentioned munch my munchkins my nieces many times i call little kids munchkins so i went to this classroom and it was a class full of cute munchkins they were i think american age they were between five and six if yeah between five six and i think a few seven-year-olds but they were very young so remember i told you not only was it a small city there were only two black women in the city that i had seen and i was one of them and i was in this class now with five six and seven-year-olds so i was the first black woman they had ever seen so when i walked into the classroom they stared at me and again they didn't know i could speak korean so many of them stared at me and pointed and some laughed and they were only laughing because they had never seen this skin color in person so it was again children are so inquisitive they're so curious and when they see something they've ever seen before they're like whoa what what is that so again i wasn't shocked but they were so cute so i walked in and they were kind of making comments and i said hello to the teacher and then i you know was going to start teaching my class but then i realized wait a minute these kids are small i can speak korean and i can kind of make them feel a little bit more comfortable because again i was going to be their teacher they had never seen a woman that looked like me before they didn't understand me completely because they were little they were just starting to learn english so in introducing myself i started speaking in korean the whole class she spoke in korean and they said that in korean right so of course they you know they they were like it's okay are you korean and i was like no i'm not korean i'm i'm american so but again in the innocence of children so i taught the class but what happened was over time now when i first went in the classroom children are very clingy they like to be around adults they like to hold and hug but again i was a strange person to them so they really didn't necessarily come toward me or like you know kind of want to be next to me because i was strange to them but because i spoke to them in korean for part of the class and again i taught in english of course but over time they started to get to know me more and they started to see that i love children and they started to realize wait a minute she may look different she may not be korean but there's something about it that we like so much so that fast forward about four weeks four or five weeks when i would walk in class they would run up to me and go they'd start speaking in korean because they knew i could understand and this teacher guess what i did today at school and again it just made me feel so good and i never forgot when that connection when it clicked for them that even though i didn't look like them even though i wasn't from their country the fact that i could speak their language and could understand them made them connect with me and they would hug me and then teacher don't go and i really really loved being their teacher and it all happened because i decided to find the time when i was busy to study korean i wouldn't have had that same experience if i hadn't studied korean because the kids would have taken it taken a little bit longer to get close to me because they didn't know they wouldn't have known how to express themselves in english so why am i telling you this story trust me i get it studying english is not easy and it's harder when you don't have time you have a family you have kids you have work you're in the midst of this pandemic and a lot of things are going on but using the methods i taught you today even when you're busy you still can study even for a short time you can study english because when you do you will realize amazing experiences and amazing things will happen for you just like they happen for me when i was able to connect to the little munchkins when i was in korea all right guys that's all i have for you i just want to encourage you again follow the five methods if you want to keep studying with me remember you can go to speak english with speak english with and if you want to join and become a member of our english database go to all right guys thank you so much again i'm honored to be your teacher i will see you next week same time same location bye
Channel: Speak English With Tiffani
Views: 125,208
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Keywords: english, teacher tiffani, teacher tiffany, speak english with tiffani, speak english with tiffany, english study tips, english lesson, learn english, yt:cc=on, how to study english faster, how to study english fast, how to learn english fast, how to learn english faster, how to learn english easily, how can i speak english fluently, how to study english when you don't have time, how to speak english fast, how to study english, study english when you don't have time, Time
Id: -GxC7F-cokE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 40sec (1840 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 22 2020
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