Full English Class | Advanced English Conversation Tips And Techniques

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here we go everyone getting ready for our class tonight now our focus this evening this afternoon is day 79 starting off from week 12. and the topic was small talk versus deep conversation now i want to say something real quick but john kempel hello good to see you good to see you all right so again we're talking about conversations tonight mastering english conversations and again remember you all can go over these lessons review them they all come from the 365 day lesson plan but small talk versus deep conversation you know this is something that when i was in korea i tried to teach my students because once you master the art of english conversation you'll watch your confidence take off so let's see the difference between small talk and deep conversation so small talk is basically meant to be light and fun it is a way for two or more people to talk to each other without really getting to know the other so now i'm gonna give you guys some example topics but again i want you to interact so tell me what are some topics that you think are common for small talk what are some common small talk conversation topics remember small talk is very light and fun nothing too serious so what do you think are some common small talk questions or small talk topics i'm very curious to see if you guys have any ideas here we go luis hello hello i'm doing great thank you it's good to see you good to see you here we go blanca hello good to see you all right so the question i asked everyone on the screen you see that we're first looking at the difference between small talk and deep conversation and i want you all to let me know in the chat box or in the comment section what are some questions or some topics that you think are perfect for small talk not for a deep conversation but for small talk all right here we go nana good to see you hello all right ben bendo says the weather great one yes usually for small talk even benvendo when i'm on the street walking somewhere and let's say it's a beautiful day i can say to someone that i don't even know who isn't the weather amazing today and they'll respond small talk very good answer ben vindo marthaleen hello good to see you kiss says netflix tv shows good answer yes small talk hey have you seen the new netflix show i actually watched a netflix program it was pretty good it's called the baker and the beauty it was good for those that want a new show to watch the baker and the beauty so yes small talk good one kiss zakara says zakaria says when you talk about the weather yes marcellus says weather fashion sports good marto says small talk about the weather good i think some of you guys studied before a class excellent patricia says weather or sports javier yes weather miriam says tip how was your day oh for an example excellent now small talk yes hey how was your day yes and the person can say oh it was pretty good thanks so like just small talk all right gigi says sports can be small talk yes here we go marcella sports yes and let me see oh social events excuse me zahn hello good to see you marceline says small talk greeting someone and appreciating his or her outfit yes or the way they dress javier it's a sunny day yes all right gigi the cinema or movies true louis introducing yourself hey where are you from oh really i'm from and you go back and forth good marcella the movies good jasmine hobbies and sports hey i like art what about you small talk good peterson hello good to see you man good to see you and andres small talk about your day all right so you guys have a good idea of what small talk usually includes now what about deep conversations all right so again we're getting the foundation for our lesson today someone came in let's see oh zakaria when you first meet with your co-worker okay yes you can say hey how are you and ask them about their day deborah hello deborah good to see you and yes deborah the weather is a good topic for small talk very good now deep conversations let's look at the definition of a deep conversation deep conversation is meant to be deep and thought provoking it is a way for two or more people to talk to each other and truly understand how the other thinks now this is when it gets very interesting with small talk we say it's a very surface level conversation but with deep conversation you are really interested in the other person's opinions ideas or their philosophy so tell me what are some topics that can lead to really deep conversations for example politics right if i ask someone hey what do you think about the new president immediately they're going to give me their ideas their opinions about the new president so what are some topics that you think are good for deep conversation topics that will lead you to understand the other person's thoughts and ideas pop them in the comments section guys here we go ruth says oh for small talk appreciating somebody okay my c says the news again these are still responses to small talk jasmine also in speaking about small talk family friends common interests food culture or travel all right uh someone says program oh okay yes iconic hey gracia um media gossip confession now confession would be for deep conversation right kiss yes religion yes religion is a topic that leads to a deep conversation great example javier yes your inner feelings for example hey how are you feeling today you see that was a little bit different than you know you all come on at the beginning hey teacher how are you right and i'm like hey i'm feeling good now sometimes when you're in person someone may say hey no no really tell me how you're really feeling how are you really doing that will lead to a deep conversation so great example marceline talking about the organization in your company next event in the company all right next events could be small talk but then how the organization is working and how you feel about it could lead to a deep conversation paula says family dreams and plans about your future very good examples muriel education the importance of vaccines i like how you're connecting it to what's actually going on right now in our society in our world miriam very good human rights democracy very good marcella religion yes true dennis religion yes gracia politics yes louis your feelings and then questions about your feelings very true gracias says debate very true good answer andres ah yes deep conversations about politics excellent angel heated debates true but debates about what what are you debating give me some more specifics zakaria when you talk with someone about climate changes and their consequences and how they will affect our planet good example yes all of these things lead to deep conversations then mardo says politics religion or the latest news marcella personal experiences yes jasmine asks deep conversation personal questions for example how do you think you will die exactly immediately marcel excuse me jasmine you go into thinking about hey how will i die and it leads the person to start giving their opinions a good example deborah uh polemic topics i think maybe politics um maybe all right um or problem okay javier relationships peterson soccer okay you can say who's the best team but that kind of usually is small talk depending on how deep the question is all right oh peterson excuse me jasmine life and death future emotions great examples everyone zan says how about books and films based on these films yes good patricia says economy in the world of the world economy um basketball okay deep conversations about the players what's going on in their lives okay and sergio talking about god yes tapping into what we said earlier about religion so you all understand the differences between small talk and deep conversation when we think of different topics oh some more came through gigi says discrimination racism can both lead to deep a deep conversation very true marcella styles of raising children excellent examples you all angel voting for a new president yes marcella controversial topics yes and dennis talking with your loved ones about their life goals excellent one more merchant says the news latest mobile phones and technology all right so you can have deep conversations depending on the questions you ask oh and last one culture very good example so again we're seeing that small talk and deep conversation they are different so i want to give you some examples in small talk in this type of conversation no personal questions are usually asked and i want you all to pay attention as i give you the tips because again speaking english fluently is not just about memorizing words and expressions it's about understanding things like this if you can be a master of conversation english conversation you will seem fluent already and this is something that even as americans we have to learn how to go back and forth naturally in a conversation so with small talk you don't ask personal questions usually the only emotions involved are happy or neutral and let me tell you all this think about this for example i've had good days and i've had bad days but if someone asks me hey tiff how are you i say hey you know i'm okay i'm doing all right why because it's small talk i don't go into any deep conversation i keep it neutral now i may have had a bad day but it's small talk it's not the time for me to get into a deep conversation so i keep the emotion neutral i'm okay everything's all right i'll keep it going now my friends that know me really well they can tell when something really is wrong and they'll say uh what's really going on how do you really feel and then it leads to a deeper conversation which can be about feelings of uh maybe if i'm sad or something happened or if i'm mad i can go into those but you don't go into those emotions for small talk here's another thing i want you to remember for small talk it does not lead to the truly getting to know each other it's really surface level like hey how are you great nice to see you have a wonderful day and then it's over you don't really get close to a person through small talk now deep conversations let me give you these tips everyone these enable the individuals to truly get to know each other on a deeper level next it usually requires deep thought and a certain opinion to be expressed so think about this family when we meet once a month for our zoom call right we come together it's exciting and then i always put you all into breakout rooms why because i want you all to have deep conversations you start off with small talk but then you go to answer the questions that i've assigned and what happens you start to understand how the other individuals think you start to see hey we may live in different countries but we have a lot in common so the deep conversations allow you to express your opinions so our monthly meetings involve deep conversations the other thing is right here deep conversations allow a person to express their true feelings about a certain topic so you'll see again this common thing opinions ideas talk about your experiences all during deep conversation a comment came through mardo says in my country of france it is not appropriate to have deep conversations about politics or religion in the professional or workplace for me deep conversations are only with close friends very interesting you know i experienced that as well when i was in korea my friends told me don't talk about politics because people get too upset it's kind of a taboo topic now in america you can have a serious conversation about politics religion sometimes can be a little bit tricky now in america even though we're a christian country but yes depending on where you live certain conversations are okay and certain conversations are not okay so thank you so much for sharing that marto tuni hey we are so happy to see you we hope that you are doing better and again we're still praying for you and your family good to see you here with us this evening all right so let's continue family so we understand better the differences between small talk and deep conversations now here are some examples all right in this type of conversation again i said no personal questions no emotions beside happy or neutral and it does not lead to you truly getting to know each other so here we go some example topics and you all gave some great ones you guys actually gave everything that i had in my notes right here because you said movies for entertainment so look here we go some examples about the weather you can say how's the weather for current news hey did you hear about the earthquake for sports you can say did you watch the game last night and then for entertainment you can say hey did you see the oscars alright so here's what i want to do i want to give you an opportunity to practice i'm going gonna give you a topic and i want you to give me a question that would be perfect for small talk for example for sports an individual said did you watch the game last night right very simple question it's not about the person's feelings or their opinion just very basic hey did you watch the game last night what's another simple question used for small talk not about emotions that you can ask someone about sports give me a small talk question about sports i want to see how good you guys are again here's the example right here did you watch the game last night if someone's walking up to you and they want to have a conversation small talk about sports what could you ask them now as you guys are typing i'm going to keep moving forward to give you some examples for the deep conversation all right now for deep conversation here are the examples remember there are three things we have to remember here are the examples for a deep conversation about the weather what's your view on climate change you see how the topic is the same but i changed the question because now i'm curious to know that individual's opinion or idea about the weather now an example question came through from paola for small talk paula says do you like to watch the olympics all right so here's the thing as long as you don't say why remember small talk is really not about the person's feelings or opinions you got to keep it basic hey did you watch the game yes or no do you like the olympics that leads to a deep conversation so it's a little bit different we want to keep at at not their opinion not their feelings all right so try again all right uh gigi says hey what's your favorite player or who's your favorite player all right so as long as these don't go too deep it's okay um jahil what do you think about the game last night all right so again these kind of lead to a deep conversation so we got to be careful uh do you ever play soccer all right good open-ended question do you ever play soccer yeah i play on the weekends okay not about emotions it's very simple all right who's your favorite basketball team all right this again can kind of lead to a deeper conversation but if you keep it there it's okay business business is actually kind of a deep conversation all right marcela did you hear that the tournament was called off all right basic question good do you like working out all right it can be basic or a small talk but what happens is it leads to a deep question oh you do why do you like working out and then you see automatically it leads to a deeper conversation so you want to try to keep them basic here we go um do you like to play sports all right do you like baseball what is your favorite game all right do you know where the match is taking place all right basic question can we join to watch the super bowl all right good geraldine do you know which was the who was the best player last night again their opinion so it kind of remember it leads to a deeper conversation so if i'm asking you hey who's your favorite player me too i really like him man he's good what's your favorite player okay what's your favorite play he did yes it leads to a deep conversation me getting to know the person so it's not really small talk here we go uh did you have an opportunity to watch the olympic game very good paola very good andres did you see michael jordan yesterday good all right nana hi how did the game go all right okay amina do you like this food do you like this okay again as long as it stays basic so you guys see it's kind of tricky right small talk and deep conversations are very different again i want to show you all now really quickly how we can have the same topics but the question changes and turns to a deep conversation question look at the weather what's your view on climate change i'm asking to know their opinion current news who do you think will win this election what's happening exactly family i want to know the person's opinion i want to know their viewpoint i'm getting to understand and know how they think that is the definition of a deep conversation all right here's another one for sports which is more important winning or participating and then finally entertainment should young children watch television you see what's happening right again getting down deep means getting into the mind of the person you're speaking to you want to ask them hey what do you think what is your view on this if i just say how's the weather it's just a fact it's sunny outside it's raining outside or did you watch the olympic game yes or no small talk keeping it very basic not asking any opinion but deep conversation all right so i think everyone kind of gets it right the difference between deep conversation and small talk now i want us to keep going all right there are some things you have to remember as it relates to mastering english conversations let me show you all these things that i want you to remember don't dominate now let me explain this word dominate all right everyone after me dominate good again dominate good last time dominate excellent now dominate means to take over right to to take over and to not let anybody else participate for example my live english classes right when we have these classes every week i'm not the only one speaking yes you can only hear my voice but you all are in the chat room chat box right in the comment section and i pop your comments on the screen because it's an interaction back and forth now if i said no more comments only i'm gonna talk i would be dominating the conversation or dominating the class so one rule related to conversations is don't dominate now let me explain oh somebody joined us hey infra no worries we are happy to see you welcome welcome all right so let me give you this advice everyone the first thing to remember is to never dominate the conversation it is important to make sure there is a balance between you and the person you are speaking to it needs to be this back and forth back and forth not here i'm talking i'm talking i'm talking back and forth needs to happen now here are some reasons and better explanations for you one dominating shows that you don't care about the other person's opinion so think about it family when we have our monthly meeting right and i put you all in breakout rooms and there are four people in one room if for 10 minutes one person talks the other three people will feel like this person really doesn't care about us this person only thinks about his or her ideas so you have to be very careful not to dominate the conversation and this is very important for english learners to understand because sometimes when you get nervous you start talking a lot i do the same thing when i was studying korean sometimes i would get nervous and i just start talking talking talking but conversation mastering english conversation is not always about talking you have two ears and one mouth it's about listening well and knowing when to speak so again telling you all not to dominate all right people don't want to have conversations with people who dominate the conversation and finally it also shows that your listening skills are not good so you see now why i emphasize the importance of mastering english conversations it's not just about the words you use it's about the art of conversation mastering english conversation knowing when to listen knowing when to speak knowing when to comment on someone else's opinion and then ask a question so again number one don't dominate another thing i want you all to remember is right here listen attentively uh real quick for pronunciation practice everyone attentively good i want you to look at the word while we say it again after me attentively good last time attentively excellent now listening attentively means you have to pay attention is the second thing to remember is that listening skill our skills are an important part of effective communication in other words listening attentively will actually help you to master english conversations so listening attentively will help you to understand people better pay attention to what they're saying don't think about many different things in your mind at the same time let me see another comment came through hold on one second uh what do you think about donald trump yes a good question for advanced or deep conversation uh you don't want to steal the conversation exactly don't dominate or steal the conversation yes jasmine ask their opinion get them involved very good zakaria says usually korean teachers have to dominate their classroom because apart it's a part of their culture very good exactly in korean culture the teachers speak for the entire time and i've told some stories on my youtube channel about my first korean class in graduate school the teacher talked for four hours four hours and we didn't say anything she was extremely smart and she ended up being my favorite teacher because her personality was great but it really surprised me that she could talk for that long and there was no interaction so yes very good example zakaria very good point all right so here we go again as you listen you actually improve your english ability because you are taking in new information all right and finally if you listen well the other person will also want to listen to you again family conversations mastering english conversation it's all of this so when you are listening um really wow to a person speaking they'll want to listen to you when it's your turn but if while they're talking you're looking at your phone you're not paying attention they're not going to want to listen to you so it's very important to listen attentively all right the next thing is don't interrupt the third thing is to remember is to never interrupt this is because interrupting someone or suddenly stopping them is rude and can stop a conversation people don't want to talk to someone who constantly interrupts them next interrupting someone shows that you are not listening to them and finally it also hinders the flow of conversation because it shows that you think your words are more important now family once again what you're learning these are tips that even native english speakers have to learn and understand it's tempting when you're having a conversation you want to say something but it's better to be patient to listen and wait for your turn to come that makes the conversation flow better so be careful not to interrupt all right so you guys are getting the real good gems for how to master english conversation now this is interesting how to end a conversation this is something that can be a little tricky sometimes not knowing how to stop a conversation when you're in the midst of a conversation with someone right all right so i'm going to give you guys some examples we're going to talk about it a little bit okay here we go so type or experience for example say the name of the person you are speaking with all right now let me pause really quickly there are three types of conversations and ways to end the conversation right so if you're having a conversation and the focus of your conversation was an experience right let's say maybe you were actually at a seminar that i gave and you walked up to me and we started talking about one of my story times right we started talking about my experience and then you told me about your experience and we went back and forth how do you end that type of conversation well one way is you say the name of the person you are speaking with for example well brian it was so great speaking with you so you can say again well teacher tiffany well tiffany it was such a great experience or it was so great speaking with you you can memorize this actual pattern it was so great speaking with you again you're just saying man it was really nice speaking with you you're letting them know you appreciated it now the second one is right here briefly mention the experience they told you about again i really enjoyed hearing about your trip to paris and then relate it to yourself and something about the future very quickly all right so these are three steps if you're talking about an experience there are three steps to ending it now i'm going to put it all together watch this family step one say the name of the person well brian it was so great speaking with you step two tell about the experience i really enjoyed hearing about your trip to paris and step three related to yourself and something about the future hopefully i will be able to visit there in the future as well so again step one say the name of the person you're speaking with step two briefly mention the experience they talked about ah well teacher tiffany it was so nice speaking with you i really enjoyed your story time today step three relate it to yourself and something about the future man i really hope i'll be able to go bowling like you did one day in the future so all right again if the conversation is about an experience you end the conversation smoothly like a native english speaker by following these three steps step number one say the person's name step number two mention the experience they told you about and step number three related to yourself and your future now this one may be a little tricky but i really want you all to practice in the comment section i want you to give me an example ending imagine i just told you a story i'll give you an example oh hold on a question came through hold on one second um hey tiff we talked about how to start and end the conversation but how can we keep it going now i actually taught that during the week but i didn't put it in today's class because i wanted to focus on how to start a conversation the differences between the conversation small talk and deep conversation and how to end if you want to find out how to keep a conversation going again just go to week 12 in the 365 day plan and i have all the lessons there i'm just doing a review here but great question good catch all right so we've gotten to the end again you guys can practice and review the lessons by going i have the links over there um give me an example if i just finished telling you a story again story time right i just told you a story about how my sister and i used to like to rap and sing together right imagine i just told you that story and we're talking back and forth and i'm like yeah my sister and i man when we were growing up it was great we used to sing we used to rap and had a good time i finished telling my story i finished talking about my experience how would you end the conversation using the three steps i want you guys to try again three steps say the person's name that you're speaking with right which would be me step number two again mention the experience and step number three related to yourself and your future i'll show you again i'll take a few but i think you guys can do it use these three steps step one name the person you're speaking with step two mention the experience remember the experiences i said when i was growing up my sister and i true story would sing and rap together and step three relate the experience to yourself and your future how would you end that conversation again it can seem tricky but when you have a formula that you can follow you will definitely start speaking fluently if you just follow the formula so again step one state the person's name which is me step two state the experience that was mentioned and step number three tell how it relates to you and your future now i'm gonna let you all type i know it's gonna be a little bit longer and i'm gonna keep going all right here we go typing in the comment section keep it coming all right here we go now imagine if the topic is about your feelings if the topic of the conversation is feelings you can do something different all right here we go jahil says well tiffany that sounds really fun i would like to rap someday with you guys okay good very good now the only thing is this in the middle you forgot to tell the experience you did the first step well tiffany that sounds really fun good what was the experience remember you gotta summarize it sounds like you and your sister had a great time together then i would like to wrap someday with you guys that would have been a great wrap up alright here we go gracias says hey sya i had really enjoyed your company and i enjoyed listening to your rap hope we can talk more soon okay all right all right zakaria teacher tiffany i enjoyed a lot your interview with joseon and it gave me a desire to visit new york okay all right so you used another experience all right here we go yes erka story time hey marcela well tiff it has been amazing speaking with you i can imagine how much fun you had with your sister maybe when my sister comes back we will try rapping together excellent that was excellent exactly what i just taught you follow the instructions you answered based on those three steps and you talked about the experience i explained excellent job here we go oh i'm confused what does rap mean i'll rap for you guys really quickly all right um all right this is from a tv show called fresh prince from the 90s some of you may know it um here we go in west philadelphia born and raised on the playground is where i spent most of my days chilling out relaxing all cool and all shooting some b-ball outside of the school winning a couple of guys so i'm rapping right now so that is dennis what rapping actually is so my sister and i would rap and sing and i would like kind of like beat like like i would kind of beat she would do some rapping or singing and then we'd go into my parents room so we liked music a lot when we were growing up so yes that is what rapping is all right so again marcella gave an excellent example of following the instructions of what i taught about how to end a conversation that is based on an experience now what if the conversation is based on someone's feelings or someone's emotions so here are the steps i want to show you right here first thing say the name of the person you are speaking with wow mary i truly enjoyed speaking with you step one is the same you don't have to memorize a new step oh hold on one second jasmine says this topic is very helpful even in our language how to speak properly i'm so happy to hear that jasmine that is really good news all right gracia hey tiff i really enjoyed listening to your rap you were really good at it wow i'm impressed well i would love to come hear you guys rap more someday excellent very good what happened you said my name of course the experience listening to my rap right and then in the future you'd love to come and hear us rap some more good very good lewis says well tiff it's nice to talk to you about i get you amazing when you sing and rap i'll be happy to sing with you soon okay i get that you are amazing or you were amazing an amazing rapper or singer alright dennis i'm glad you enjoyed it kiss well tiff it's been a pleasure speaking with you maybe someday we can rap together okay almost perfect kiss remember three steps you said my name that was good but you gotta say the experience you gotta mention that i talked about i rapped with my sister and then come back with maybe someday we can rap together so good but you missed step two all right ruth tiffany i've enjoyed speaking with you step one i would like to sing with you and your sister that's step three never forget step two guys because step two is summarizing and showing that you listened closely to my experience all right here we go mardo says the fresh prince of bel air i love this show so much yes the fresh prince of bel-air yes exactly all right so now you all understand how to end a conversation that's about experiences now we're going to feelings and we say the first step is the same again say the name of the person now the second step is briefly mention the feelings they told you about again for example it was very interesting listening to how you felt about dot dot again i want to remind you all that step two shows the person that you actually were listening because you're just restating you're just summarizing what they said so in the last one i gave an experience you said tiff it's interesting that you and your sister sang together ah you were listening good now with the feelings same thing briefly mention the feelings they talked about and then finally right here we have this right here mention the importance of that feeling and lead into another future conversation i also believe it is very important hopefully we can talk more about it soon so you see three steps here mention their name mention the feelings they addressed and finally talk about the importance acknowledge the importance and the future hey i'd like to keep talking about this more all right the three steps for ending a conversation about feelings now some more comments came through gigi says well tiffany i'm glad to learn that you were a rapper when you were young that reminds me of my childhood i wish i was there to hear you rapping that's good now if you're saying i want to come in the future too that's good all right third step peterson thank you very much all right here we go here we go um oh you already said that marceline well angelica it was nice seeing okay remember we're focusing on the example which was the one i gave all right now again so with feelings step one you're gonna say the person's name step two you're going to mention the feelings they talked about and step three you want to mention the importance of that feeling and lead into another conversation so for example i will act for you all i'm gonna tell you about my feelings so again just acting you know i really and truly love my husband i'm not married but i'm giving you guys an example there's something that he just does for me when i come home from work he's so excited to see me and it makes me feel so loved and it makes me want to love him more and i realize the beauty of marriage there are there are good days and bad days but my husband just makes me feel like the greatest woman in the world so i really love him now we just had a conversation imagine we were going back and forth about marriage and love and i explained how i feel about my husband how would you end the conversation again three steps we talked about feelings step number one say the name of the person well tiff i really enjoyed speaking to you as speaking with you about love step one the person's name step two it was really interesting to see and hear how much you love your husband we talked about the emotion i love my husband and step three the importance of that feeling i also think that love is important i hope we can talk about this subject a little bit more in the future you see what happened right i wrapped up that conversation very naturally step one well tiffany thank you so much for telling me more about your relationship i really like the way you talked about how much you love your husband i think love is important too hopefully we can talk more in the future three steps so again i want you all to try i'm looking at the time few examples for a feeling step one say the person's name step two briefly mention the feelings that were discussed and step three mention the importance of that feeling and lead into another future conversation all right i want you guys to try you guys did a good job with the experience portion try for this one as well hold on one second um tiff i really andre i really enjoy your class today it will help me have to have a deep conversation i'm so happy to hear that yes again guys remember these are all from the 365 day lesson plan this is why i encourage everyone follow the plan i'm just reviewing the lessons that are already in the academy trust me family if you follow my 365 day lesson plan you will be fluent in english you will master english and it's not just about vocabulary i teach you so many different things so i'm so happy to hear that you're enjoying this class alright let's see javier well tiff you rock i'll be waiting to see you again soon thanks xavier dennis well tiffany i was for the rap okay hold on let's see well tiffany i it's really nice to learn about your story with your sister i really hope i can have a good story like that to say i look forward to talking to you in the future good all three steps all right now we're talking about feelings everyone here we go wow tiffany i really love to talk with you it was very interesting listening to how you felt about your amazing marriage good here's the here's the wrap up i also believe it is very important to create a great relationship with love respect and communication hopefully we can talk more in the future jasmine yes good job jasmine all three steps very well stated and again being that i'm a native english speaker when you wrap up a conversation like this i feel like whoa this person can really speak english it's not about any grammar mistakes you may have made it's all about how you organized your thoughts and how you followed the steps so great job jasmine here we go amina wow joanna okay remember we want to stay on the topic so i want to show examples i need you guys to pay attention this is also another thing i didn't ask for any examples about other people i want you guys to focus on the fact that i just had a conversation with you about my husband and the love i have for my husband i want you to wrap up this conversation using the three steps step one say the name of the person which is me step two mention the feelings that we talked about love and how much i care about him step three mention the importance of that feeling and lead into another future conversation here we go marcella hey tiff i really enjoy our conversation you are right feeling loved is amazing undoubtedly love is so important in any marriage i am looking forward to sharing more with you good job marcela good job all right here we go john hi tiff you're amazing in all you are doing you are a good example for our generation excuse me hope one day i meet you personally to share ideas friendly all right that was a good wrap up it wasn't for this conversation but that was a great wrap up thank you all right i'll take let me see one or two more people one or two more individuals because then we have to wrap up everyone give me one or two more individuals again remember i talked about my husband our marriage and how much i love and care about him so wrap up the conversation about that all right let's see let's see all right here we go wow tiffany it was nice to hear about your relationship i'm so happy to hear about how your husband loves you i think that this intentions contributes to a lot a lot in a relationship i hope we can talk more about relationship and love in the future will marie yes very very good job you follow the steps again the steps are simple family learn the steps and you will be a master at english conversations all right great great job very proud of you again now again everyone we we do it live weekly right and we have a different topic every week but don't forget you can always review what i'm teaching you today is already available you can go right back to week number 12 and review those lessons and you can watch this class after it's over i'll put the recording up okay all right here we go another one kiss says well tiff i really enjoyed speaking with you about your marriage it seems like you both love each other i believe love is important too hopefully we can talk more about love in the future my man kiss yes good job excellent job you wrapped it up so well again you ought to understand how excited i get because i am a native english speaker and when you all answer following the simple steps it really feels like you are already fluent and i'm your teacher but when you speak like this i feel like yes excellent job all right last one here we go louis weltiff i enjoyed you and your husband are so loving love and kindness contribute a lot to building a good home i hope i'll be able to see you next time in love good job excellent again it's not about the little grammar errors it's all about the information lewis excellent job very very very good i'm very proud of you excellent job now family unfortunately class is coming to an end up but i gotta get paula our wonderful admin paola says oh tiffany how great to hear how happy your marriage is going and how loved he makes you feel i hope to find someone who makes me talk like that someday and then i can also tell you about it paula paula excellent job all right we got another one good job paola michelle says hey tiffany i understand you have a true love with your husband love is a distinctive characteristic to us as human beings i hope one of our next live lessons will be exclusively related to true love good job excellent excellent job you guys are amazing and i love how you put into practice what you learned today now our class for today is coming to an end um but you guys do have a homework excitement i do want to again commend you all for all the practice and your interaction today you did a great job and i want you guys to start putting into practice what you learned today now you
Channel: Speak English With Tiffani
Views: 323,173
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: teacher tiffani, english teacher, english lesson, advanced english lesson, tiffani, advanced english conversation, english conversation, how to learn advanced english, advanced english conversation tips, advanced english learning, how to learn english, speak english fluently, how to learn english speaking, advanced english conversation tips and tricks, how to learn english faster, english class, learn english, how to speak advanced english, how to learn english fast, english
Id: dfjImIm2iPU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 50min 42sec (3042 seconds)
Published: Sun May 09 2021
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