FULL English Class 01 | Learn Words, Expressions, Thought Organization, & More

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everyone you know what time it is it's time for our weekly live english class now for those of you who are going to watch this video after the live class i'm teacher tiffany and i love teaching english now students as you're coming in you know what to do say hello tell me how you're doing for those again watching this after if you want to join our live classes all you have to do is become a member by going to let's jump right in dot com all right as the students come in shell hey how are you it's good to see you on good to see you michelle yes we have josie hey josie good to see you jubilee are you belly nice to see you good to see you all right here we go we said now we have let's see let's see let's see nakia nakisa i think that's it hi good to see you good to see you hello hello yes monique good evening yes and you are watching from belgium good to see you annalisa it's good to see you again yes it's always good to see members of our family every single week for this live class claudia good to see you i am so excited and i'm also elated to see you here great use of that vocabulary word excellent again as you're coming in for those who are members of my academy you are the live members right now say hello and i have so much to teach you all today it's gonna be a great class marie hello good to see you yes fernando hey i am doing amazing thank you so much for asking and you're on fire tonight for this lesson well i'm on fire to teach you good to see you rodrigo hey you are watching from brazil we have so many brazilian students amongst our family members so it's so good to see you abdi fattah good to see you always good to see you marina hey i'm doing well thank you so much benvendo hey good to see you again as well hey linda good to see you all right you all i know you guys are ready to learn a lot tonight this weekly english class that we have together this live class man it's so funny you guys i look forward to this so much even though you are the ones learning i look forward to teaching you all so i'm going to go through a little bit more of the introductions and the welcomes and then we're going to jump right into our lesson uh let's see you belly teacher i am from new jersey i would like to meet you in person hey after the pandemic i plan to travel everywhere around the united states around the world because i want to meet you all in person too hey what's going on fred good to see you here i know you're a busy man so i appreciate you being able to show up for our live class peterson my man hey good afternoon to you i am doing amazing peterson i hope you are doing good too all right guys so let me tell you what we are going to be learning today this week in our weekly live english class now each week we learn about a different topic we learn new words we learn new expressions and then we practice together so today i picked a topic that is very very common no matter where you go in the world oh katya hey good to see you always good to see you too all right so for tonight we're going to talk about a topic that is very common so you can start using the words and expressions that you'll learn tonight you can start using them immediately all right so again this is our class for this week as always there are five sections the introduction use vocabulary then expressions thought organization and then discussion questions so section one introduction to the topic now the topic for tonight is birthdays that's right we all have a birthday right and we're all able to speak about birthdays very fluently in our own language tonight i want to give you the tools you need to speak about birthdays fluently and naturally in english oh we have another one pn good to see you all the way from france always good to see you alright so birthdays now the topic for this lesson is birthdays a birthday is defined as the anniversary of the day on which a person was born typically treated as an occasion for celebration and the giving of gifts so throughout this lesson we are going to talk about different aspects of birthdays but i have a question for you i want you to think what do you normally do for your birthday you know this is something very interesting in the academy guys you've seen the video right in the culture section american culture section i did a video talking about birthdays and gifts and some of the traditions we have here in america but now i'm curious i want you guys to tell me what do you normally do not talking about the pandemic right now but in general what do you normally do for your birthday remember this is an interactive class giving you the opportunity to practice and put your words together so again the question is what do you normally do for your birthday uh peterson says i'm doing well i'm at work but i'll hide my phone and use my headset discreetly good peterson good well i'm happy you can hear everything going on in class today um but again tell us what do you normally do for your birthday blizzard good to see you always good to see you alright so as you guys are writing your answer again to the question what do you normally do for your birthday i'll tell you about my birthday so growing up for my birthdays usually my family would get together and we'd have cake we'd have food and usually i'd also invite my friends over the older i got the more it just became my family like our family unit but in america there are certain milestone birthdays like when you turn 25 or 30 or 40 during these birthdays you invite a lot of people to your home or to a certain venue and you eat together you laugh you talk about your experiences you play games so in america we usually celebrate birthdays together playing games and eating but what about you all what do you normally do for your birthday in your country alright paula says on my birthday i usually like to go out to eat with my close family and friends to a restaurant yes and we have cake and some presents sounds very very similar to american birthdays now paolo i'm going to ask you more of a detailed question tell me um which restaurants you normally go to what kind of food do you like to eat normally on your birthday we're going to get a little bit more detail all right so paul will let us know that on her birthday she likes to go out to eat with her family and friends they eat cake and they also open their presents you know birthdays are celebrated in different ways around the world katya says i love celebrating my birthday and i always prepare oh yes katya a special dinner for family and friends now katya tell me what type of food do you normally cook for the dinner on your birthday tell me what special food you like to make i'm very curious all right gene kelly says hi teacher tiffany hey i'm attending your class right now well i am so happy to see you here and i hope you interact and practice a lot during this class alright fred says i normally go out to eat with my family because i don't like so much to make birthday parties and have big birthday parties but i love to celebrate with my sisters that's really special fred honestly it's like your family is so valuable to you that family time is enough for you on your birthday that's beautiful all right rodrigo says i usually go to a restaurant with my family honestly it seems like food is a large part of spending a birthday together right spending it with the people you love so very good i think claudia came through i'll take two more claudia says in mexico we celebrate birthdays by gathering with friends and or family we sing la mana ni mananitas did i say it right and eat cake it could be at home or at a restaurant the 15th birthday is a milestone for girls yes i heard about that and you know what in america we have sweet 16 when someone turns 16 it's a very big birthday a milestone we're gonna learn that word today but i know that in mexican culture 15 is a really big milestone birthday as well very interesting all right more coming through all right here we go marie says for my birthday i usually go out with my family and friends i pray a lot on this day very nice very nice marina says my mom always wants to have parties she makes a big cake and lots of food also we have brigadeiro in brazil is that right we sing happy birthday and open our presents very nice monique says generally i don't celebrate my birthday because i'm not really a fan of it and if you ask me why i don't know even until now i don't know the answer but a few days after i went to the oh after your birthday you go to a restaurant with your family good are you belly says every year i like to travel with my family i like to go to disney i felt like a child and it's one of my precious times with my whole family and we really enjoy it very much very nice alright monique continues saying and on this day i try to be dressed to kill come on now monique i like how you use that expression we learned that expression very good dressed to kill analysis says it's italy for our birthday oh in italy for our birthday we normally meet friends and some family members and go out together for lunch or for dinner but when i was a child my parents made me a party or threw a party here's an expression for you guys we say through a party for the past tense or throw a party right i'm going to throw a party at home or at a local food place like for pizza yes very common that happens a lot in america too alright gene kelly says on my birthday i like going out with my family and painting the town red hey good job good job that's an excellent expression very good all right two more well you guys are doing amazing today bruno says i don't like to commemorate my own birthday so usually i do something on a random date or day days after and i take my day off to do something personal that has value to me oh it's nice very nice all right paula says we used to go to a place called fuddruckers they sell delicious hamburgers and have a lot of space for a lot of people i also like olive garden when we have a higher budget or we have more money to spend very nice last one shell says when celebrating my birthday we go outside with my family we eat in the cheesecake factory and go to the target mall i want to buy toys for my kids my birthday was my kid's birthday too oh nice so we all have special ways of spending our birthdays right it's a very common topic we are all very aware of birthdays so let's learn some new vocabulary words and try to expand your ability your fluency so that you can speak like a native english speaker about this topic so here we go let's jump right in all right so here's the first vocabulary word we're going into section two right now milestone and you notice i kept saying it over and over again because earlier we were talking about mexicans they have that birthday the 15 when someone turns 15 years old they have this big birthday celebration why because turning 15 is a milestone in mexican culture now what is the word milestone mean here we go a significant point in development for example when you get or you reach the age of 15 the community looks at you in a different way in america when you turn 16 usually um things have changed a little bit with the laws in america but when i turned 16 i was able to get my driver's license to start driving at 15 and a half i could get my learner's permit but at age 16 leading into 17 i was kind of coming into uh more of a mature phase in my life so these ages 16 15 and also 18 21 are milestones so again a significant point in development so again here are some example sentences graduating from college is an important milestone again something very important that happens in your life right all right again if you're understanding the word you can start to write your example sentences in the comment section and then after i go over the example sentences i'll look at yours and we'll see if we can correct some together all right so again the word is mile stone here's the second example sentence each child must reach important milestones in their development and finally the new technique was regarded as a milestone in the treatment of covet 19. so you see again this word milestone is always referring to something significant something important a point or a stage or phase in some type of development right so turning 16 is a major milestone i'll give you some more example sentences turning 15 in mexican culture is a major milestone so i want you in the comment section now to create your own sentence and maybe tell us in your culture what age is considered a major milestone once again i'll give you an example sentence i said turning 16 is a major milestone in american culture or i could have said 15 or turning 15 is a major milestone in mexican culture now again i want you to make your own sentence and put it in the comment section and while i'm waiting i'm going to explain the next vocabulary word but keep your sentences coming all right so here we go now the second vocabulary word is right here ma chor now this may be a little bit tricky ma chore good that t t-u-r-e actually has a ch mature excellent mature now the word mature just means to develop fully or to become full grown so we normally say if someone is 13 they're not mature yet why they're still a teenager they just became a teenager they're growing but they haven't reached adulthood they're not mature just yet all right some examples since this came through from you all using the word milestone here we go katya says in brazilian culture turning 15 is a milestone excellent job katya paula says helping in a surgery even just holding some scissors is a milestone for a great surgeon good claudia says crawling and walking are important milestones in the development of a baby good shell says the pediatrician was concerned because the toddler did not reach the milestone of learning how to use a drink in the sippy cup good i like that one bruno says a great milestone in my life happened at the end of last year not the but last year my thesis about inflation was accepted congratulations to serve as a piece in a new framework related to a new tax project in my country first of all bruno congratulations on getting your thesis added and accepted very good all right nakisa says next year i will turn 40 and it will be a milestone oh and turning 40 is a milestone in rwanda very nice and very interesting yes fred says turning 18 is a major milestone for a man in brazil excellent sentence very good job fred josie says in our culture which is the philippines turning 18 is a milestone so in filipino culture turning 18 is a milestone that's the best way to say it in filipino culture turning 18 is a milestone good marina says 15 is a milestone for girls 18 is a major milestone for all the teenagers in brazil good all right gene kelly says having my first daughter turned out to be a milestone in my life okay dom says here in italy you are considered a mature person when you turn 18. hey dom good to see you all right good you're using the second word mature good fernando says 18 is a milestone period or a milestone because at this age you are starting to get your foot in the door all right so it's not really getting your foot in the door remember getting your foot in the door is a little bit different right i like how you try to combine them but 18 is a milestone period because at this age you can start to learn about getting your foot in the door for certain positions a little bit longer but i do like how you try to combine them analysis says take a car license ah getting a license getting a license or getting a driver's license is a milestone for every teenager mostly where i live in italy okay got you andre what's up man good to see you all right my pleasure josie my pleasure that's the point of these live weekly english classes just for academy members my pleasure paula says in mexico an 18 year old person is considered mature enough to vote in the presidential elections hey paula yes good job marie says in my culture turning 18 is a milestone for everyone excellent elizabeth says bo your first house is a big oh buying your first house is a big milestone good buying your first house is a big milestone good two more pn says having my certificate from high school was a milestone in my life or getting my diploma here's the word y'all for when you graduate from high school we say diploma or high school diploma that's the name of that okay all right high school diploma and monique says in my home country the major milestone is when you are 18 but here in belgium there are two milestones when you are 12 because you leave primary school and the second one is when you are 18 or when you turn 18. good so you all are understanding this idea of milestone and how to use it in a sentence now we're on the word mature okay mature keep your sentences coming mature again to develop fully to become full grown here we go boys mature at a slower rate than girls do now this is scientifically proven there's nothing against the guys this is just something that's a fact boys mature slower than girls do girls normally mature very fast but boys they come along but they come a little slower so we say boys mature at a slower rate than girls do next maturity not age are the best ways to determine growth alright so it's not about someone's age for example my niece is 11 years old but she is extremely mature for her age so many times people don't realize how old she is because she's very responsible very respectful very loving she doesn't act like a kid sometimes she acts like a teenager and she's only 11 and she just turned 11. so i can say my niece is very mature for her age meaning she acts older than she is she's very respectful and she has a lot of responsibility so she is very responsible okay and last here we go the mature avocado is better than an um ripe one so mature meaning uh it's past ripeness you can use it for food as well all right so let me see if you all can make your own sentences using this word mature all right i see that you all have some more sentences for the word milestone rodrigo says turning 70 years old is a milestone in brazil because not cuz cuz is when you're speaking but not when you're writing because it's the compulsory age for retirement all right valeria says starting work with 17 year olds who was the beautiful ma uh starting work or beginning to work when i was 17 years old was a beautiful milestone for me got you claudia says motherhood is a milestone for most women most women josie says to achieve my goal to be confident in speaking english is my milestone ah a milestone for me will be when i can achieve my goal of speaking english with confidence and i know that you can do it josie i believe in you alright bruno says at this time my english isn't mature enough but i'm really improving day by day i'm confident and i already can see my next milestone to be fluent in english now that makes sense i will say this again your sentences make sense we don't say my english is mature if you say that we understand what you mean but it sounds awkward but i like how you try to apply it to your english language journey okay all right claudia says to become an autonomous person is a sign of maturity very good erica says my daughter is 14 years old and she is very mature for her age she is always all ears for any topic of conversation excellent i like how you used all ears claudia says that girl seems to be as mature as an adult very good nakisa says we have a mature teacher well thank you very much mary says or marie says getting married is a milestone for every woman in the world every now uh-huh not everyone but every woman in the world michelle says the 16 year old teenage girl tried to wear makeup so that she would look mature enough to get into the 18 and up club this is a true situation an actual situation that many 16 year olds actually try to put on makeup to look more mature to get into a club meant for 18 and up good marina says i'm considered a mature person because i'm responsible and i have my own opinion and voice i'm only 16. oh marina you are young but hey you're studying hard and you're responsible that's good alessandra says my son is 18 years old but he doesn't have enough mature but he's not mature enough to decide what he is going to do for his life oh but he's not mature enough to make a decision about his career okay remember guys when i correct your sentences you can always go back later rewind and write down the way i corrected your sentences pian says i noticed that people believe maturity is only for old people good valeria says my daughter is more mature than me when i was at that age ah is more mature than me is more mature at her age than i was at that age all right annalisa says there are a lot of people that mature early but sometimes it's possible to meet adults less mature than younger people gotchu bruno hey my pleasure brother here in brazil we can use that word mature for some skill that has been developing for us no worries at all again that's why i love these classes because i can give you all little tips that won't come up in a book things that need to be talked about during the class so again my pleasure bruno fernando one needs to be mature to deal with their own family very good all right two more josie says people is getting mature if there's an improvement in their personality ah you can tell that a person is maturing when they are able to hold on there's an improvement in their personality ah when a person's personality improves it's a sign that they are maturing again rewind that later and write that down okay all right here we go last one i think that our parents and our grandparents were more mature than us because they got married early and they could stand up uh for many problems ah and they could stand many problems or they could endure many challenges they could endure many problems yes that's true i'll do a few more i know you guys are excited i'm happy you guys are writing your sentences frances i start to be a mature person after i lost my mom ah i started to mature after i lost my mom very true when you lose a parent or someone uh in your family it does make you grow up faster so good job again i started to mature after i lost my mom or i started to mature faster all right last one here we go uh gene kelly says a mature wife reduces the stress of her husband's life mature and wise wife i like that reduces the stress of her husband's life or reduces her husband's stress good job guys excellent sentences i love it i love it all right so here we go now we're going to go on to our third vocabulary word again we're looking at words that you can use when you're talking about birthdays all right we have milestone and mature and now let's go to our third one here we go the third vocabulary word is right here festive now this may be tricky so here we go guys festive f sound festive excellent last time festive good job now festive just means cheerful and or joyful celebration pertaining to a festival remember earlier we were talking about again mexican culture when someone turns 15 and i think brazilian culture too i think you guys said that you have celebrations big celebrations a very festive or cheerful and happy event think about it when someone has a birthday party do you walk in happy birthday happy birthday to you no you're like happy birthday to you like everyone's happy and excited it's a festive or cheerful occasion we say festive in english all right so let's look at some example sentences here we go first we have joan enjoyed celebrating her anniversary in a festive manner so she wanted to do something that would make her happy and be cheerful and also feel joyful so she enjoyed celebrating her anniversary in a festive manner next already decorated for christmas the house looked very festive now in america and i'm sure for you all too in your countries for christmas we decorate my dad actually i think about a week ago started decorating the home he had lights outside he put up the tree there are different things around the house and it looks very festive we have music playing in the background christmas music and it's amazing oh hey guys uh if you all don't know is a group called pentatonix they have an amazing christmas album so i'll type it in the comments section for those who are watching live pint is an amazing group uh they actually sing acapella meaning no instruments but their voices are so amazing they do percussion they can do the drums with their voices so pentatonix look for their christmas album and they're on youtube as well but i like listening to them my nieces love them like we all enjoy their music so if you want a really nice christmas album something different pentatonix on youtube so again festive cheerful joyful now here's the next sentence in spite of the sad occasion ellen wore festive attire for the funeral okay so again in spite of the sad occasion it was a very sad time but she was like i want to feel good though i want to have festive attire i don't want to wear all black i want to wear bright colors because i want to feel happy even though this is a sad occasion so she wore festive attire all right here we go yes dom you know them too aren't they amazing like their voices amazing one of my favorite songs dumb by pencil thoughts is mary did you know listen y'all if you like when i sing you are gonna love their music so pentatonix they are amazing all right so we have this third vocabulary word festive so again i want you all to try to make your own sentence using the word festive now as you guys are writing your sentences i want to remind you of something because still some of you all ask me again about tutors and stuff so i tell you guys about cambly all the time because cambly is an amazing company and i work with them cambly has tutors from all around the world they have tutors from australia from england from america amazing english teachers and i'm telling you guys about them now again because when we practice together you know after we finish class you practice with your partners sometimes you're going to need to practice with a native english speaker now i can't practice with each and every one of you even though i would love to but cambly and i work together so i always am trying to encourage students if you want a tutor a personal tutor learn things in my academy learn things from our weekly class but then you can get a tutor and then you can actually practice one-on-one so again caim is a great company guys i think you guys will learn a lot i'll try to put some coupons again because we work together so i have some coupons you guys can use if you do want to get cambly service they're awesome i think some of you actually study with their tutors and you've learned a lot from them so here we go let's see if we have some sentences again for festive let's see festive let me see i was trying to give you guys some time to come up with sentences bruno says i don't like places too festive i don't like festive places they break my mind it was something that i learned how to handle after a while it was a milestone of an outcome from a maturing process okay so we got to be careful this is kind of a run-on sentence right you're just going to do instead of pause so let me try to correct this one i don't like festive places because they kind of you say break when you say break my mind what do you mean you can't concentrate if that's the case you can say i don't like festive places because i can't concentrate when i am in a place that's very festive it was something that i learned how to handle however i learned how to handle these festive places after a while this was actually a big milestone and an outcome that came from the maturing process now you have to rewind this later to write down what i said but i'm trying to help you out too and at least it says when i graduated my friends organized a festive toast at our university okay good all right paula says i got chills when i listened to mary yes paola pentatonix mary did you know great song yes fred i knew saying yes so fred you've actually worked with uh cambly and been with their tutors for a while they're amazing so thanks for letting us know that uh fred marie says when coven 19 is over i'm going to do a festive party i'm going to dress to kill okay marie i like that i like that all right uh erica says how can i use cambly okay so you just go to cambly.com but what i'm going to do is after this class right underneath the video you'll see i'm going to put the coupons because you can go there now um i have a coupon code again because i work with them but i want you guys to get the best coupon so the best coupon i'll post it after you know what actually i'll post it right now hold on one second guys um they're really good though they really help students actually expand their knowledge of english i'll put it in the comments section right now um you guys can use that code if you want to actually start using cambly right now because they're awesome um but yeah they're great here we go i think another comment came through hold on one second uh look i'm about to sing mary did you know that's your baby boy with some way they walk on water here we go all right my mother-in-law's house always looks very festive because she beautifies everything oh she likes to beautify it for every season gotcha i like how you used beautify from a previous lesson all right p.a says i really miss african chris uh christmas in africa because they're in my opinion uh in my point of view it's so festive i really miss christmas in spending christmas in africa one more time i really miss spending christmas in africa because it's very festive in my opinion okay all right paula says this year has been very difficult but right now i feel very festive because of the christmas season excellent katya says christmas is usually a very festive time but this year is going to be a lot different in my house good sentence hey bruno i'm so happy you liked it fernando says the girl celebrated her graduation in a festive manner because she was citing many opportunities to explore her career for a career marina says when i received my certificates for being the best student in my school it was a festive and touching moment got you all right here we go monica's on christmas day everybody looks ah looks good looks like they are in a festive mood on the way to go to church on christmas day everyone looks like they are in a festive mood as they go to church got you and erica says my favorite time is christmas because we have the most beautiful festive time of the year and festive time of the year alright jonathan thank you so much thank you so much i'm honestly going to be listening to that song after class like i really love it alright so again excellent job guys we all understand what the word festive means and how to use it properly so we have three words milestone mature and festive so when you're talking about birthdays you can use these three vocabulary words now let's move on to the next section and get into expressions and idioms here's one age is nothing but a number this is one that is used all the time so it's very simple but very useful now age is nothing but a number this literally just means age does not determine maturity and we just learned the word mature right so age is nothing but a number it just means that hey somebody might be 40 years old but it doesn't mean they're mature it also means like my niece even though she's 11 years old it doesn't mean she's immature she's actually very mature for her age age is nothing but a number all right here we go let me see let me see another comment came through um gene kelly says i'm a very la uh low-key guy festive times don't speak to me that much i'm a very low-key guy or i like to lay low all right festive times don't speak to me that much i got you all right here we go i'm gonna move down so we can get to this one um romina says tiffany should give us some classes about maybe one day all right shell says christmas is coming and everyone was in a festive mood even though we're in the midst of a pandemic good i think i missed one um valeria in spite of this pandemic i'll prepare a festive christmas night with virtual meetings with my relatives good i'm very happy to hear that good all right so again we're looking at this this expression age is nothing but a number so how can we use it in a sentence here we go first sentence right here she is 20 however she behaves as if she is 15. i guess age is nothing but a number think about it if someone tells you they're 20 years old you naturally think okay you're an adult so you're probably very mature but like this sentence it says ah she's 20 but she acts like she's 15. i realized age is nothing but a number this is how you use it in a sentence um let me see jasmine says i agree with you marina she sings like an angel thank you so much guys i appreciate you guys a lot i appreciate you oh it went away thank you so much i appreciate you all right here we go the next sentence again if you have an idea or a sentence pop it in the comment section using age is nothing but a number here we go even an 80 year old can be immature after all age is nothing but a number so again even an 80 year old you think an 80 year old is very mature and very wise but this sentence says hey some 80 year olds are immature so it's proof that age is nothing but a number all right now the next one here we go the next sentence using this expression is be careful not to age or get older without learning the lessons of your past because age is nothing but a number so just because you've gotten older doesn't mean that you're going to get more mature the only way you mature is if you learn from your mistakes learn the lessons from your life right then you mature and this is saying hey because age is nothing but a number age is not automatically equal maturity so how can you use this in a sentence all right here we go uh fred says when i saw my friend's attitude i thought age is nothing but a number very good fred very good paula says my grandpa danced all night in his 80 year old party and he proved that age is nothing but a number come on grandpa i like that i like that kiss what's up he said i'm forever 21. marina says my brother's almost turning 20 but he acts like a silly clown age is nothing but a number very true you guys see how easy it is to use this expression analysis says how i was saying there are a lot of people who mature earlier but there are also a lot of people who look like their children so age is nothing but a number all right so again just say the expression all right i was saying there are a lot of people who mature early but there are also a lot of people who still act like children so take out the other age is nothing but a number all right again later on rewind and write down what i corrected uh how i corrected your sentences good job bruno says next year we deserve a new christmas song album [Laughter] you never know if i had time i would sing some songs fernando says my neighbor is 45 but cannot put his children on the rail age is nothing but a number when you say put something on the rail are you saying like he can't get them straight he can't discipline his children let me know what you mean dom says i'm a 25 year old guy but actually most of the time it seems like i'm 80 years old so yeah ages age is not no age is nothing but a number all right nothing but a number all right monique says my grandpa is very old but he is still as fit as a fiddle come on monique i love when you use the idioms that i've taught you so age is nothing but a number very good abdi fatha says a few years ago i was in a debate with older people and they tried to push me down for my age but a friend of mine said age is nothing but a number excellent example excellent example claudia says when i started taking taekwondo many people taught i'm too old for that but age is nothing but a number okay here we go when i started taking taekwondo many people said that i was too old for that but age is nothing but a number all right many people said i was too old for that but instead of saying but because we have a lot of butts however in my opinion age is nothing but a number our bruno says i'm really happy when i see an old person acting like a young person they show us that age is nothing but a number true shells is teacher age is nothing but a number and age doesn't matter are the same meaning okay age doesn't matter and age is nothing but a number yes they actually are very similar like age doesn't matter an age is nothing but a number similar meanings the only thing is uh when i say age is nothing but a number i'm just saying that hey somebody old could be acting young and somebody young could be acting old when someone says age doesn't matter many times they're referring to um something you can do or cannot do like hey age doesn't matter um like if dating um so yeah actually the more i'm saying it yeah you can use them interchangeably yeah good connection yeah we use them for both things when you said ace doesn't matter my first thought was like dating sometimes a guy would be 40 years old and he wants to date a 20 year old he's like hey age doesn't matter so that's why i thought but yes they have the same meeting good question shell erica says when i go to disney world i really enjoy i really enjoy it like a child i believe that age is nothing but a number good fernando says discipline them yes i thought you were talking about that um i guessed the meaning based on the context of what you're saying so we don't use that expression often i actually my first time hearing it so i think it's better to discipline them saying that is better than the on the rail again i have never heard that one but i guessed what you meant but okay discipline them all right all right one more binvindo says don't let the age pressure you ju it's just a number live your life in your timeline okay um good but you didn't necessarily use the expression you kind of just said in a different way we're trying to use the expression as it's written but i do understand your sentence all right all right yes fernando yeah i guess that we don't necessarily use that so i i haven't heard that one so you may have learned it but remember there's so many idioms that are in the english language but i'm trying to teach you all ones that are used in real life right now in the current society and this one i have not heard that one actually so i just guessed so i want you to try to find another one that's actually useful you can just say discipline them um or spank their butt or put them in check ah put them in check this is something that if you use will understand put them in check it means to discipline them put them in check i'll type that out for you he didn't know how to put his children in check it just means how to discipline them but we use that okay all right so here we go guys so we have age is nothing but a number now let's go to the next expression here we go let your hair down now this just means to relax or forget about your inhibitions now i think i've taught this to some of you before um let your hair down just means to relax not worry about things think about it on your birthday i think it was bruno i think bruno you're the one that said that on your birthday you just kind of want to relax like you want to do what you want to do like what you find value in you don't want to have to worry about anything you just kind of want to take it easy so we say let your hair down on your birthday usually you like to let your hair down not worry about things right so to relax or forget about your inhibitions now let's look at some example sentences here we go it's the weekend time to let your hair down think about it you don't have to work anymore like it's time to let my hair down and relax so again as you're listening and and listening to this and also looking at the example sentences come up with your own sentences and put them in the comment section using this expression let your hair down all right here's the next sentence stop taking everything so seriously and let your hair down all right so hey hey hey come on relax don't take things so seriously let your hair down that's what it means so if someone ever says that to you they're really just saying hey it's okay you can relax calm down take it easy let your hair down all right here we go next one is right here for your birthday party make sure to let your hair down and have a good time that's right for your birthday party you don't want to be stressed you want to just have relax and kind of enjoy the environment and the party right all right so here we go make your own sentences now using the expression let your hair down all right bruno says yes i do it that time is just for me yep okay all right talking about spending quality time with himself like valuable time he wants to do things he likes to do on his birthday shell says a short vacation allows you to let your hair down and enjoy natural surroundings with a loved one excellent job shell very good paola says when this pandemic ends i'm going to celebrate and let my hair down yes paola yes so yes things that we want to do when this pandemic ends monique says after all uh after a long day of work right i enjoy being home and letting my hair down again after a long day of work or even at work we're not really at work now because of the pandemic but of work i enjoy being home and letting my hair down alright marina says sometimes it's not easy to let your hair down because everyone's always expecting you to do your best good sentence elizabeth says when i'm trying something new i let my hair down i just relax and just try to accept what it is okay claudia says after a hard week i only want to let my hair down very good come on guys excellent job all right give me some more again let your hair down just meaning to relax forget your inhibitions don't be restricted just relax and have no stress so i'm gonna let you guys come up with more sentences and i'm gonna go into our last expression and i'll come back to check your sentences okay all right so here we go the last expression is right here a very useful one over the hill now this one just means old or past a person's prime past middle age think about it now if you're in your 20s 30s 40s 50s right right above that 50 like 52 53 you start feeling like hey i'm not as young as i used to be got a little uh back pain my neck kind of hurt a little bit we say ah okay you're over the hill think about it like this think about your life as a hill right you're going up you have energy you're ready to accomplish things to succeed to do many things and then you get to the top right you're like okay it's downhill from here just kind of relaxing trying to take things easy we say over the hill usually happens around 50 55 around that age you say oh you're over the hill all right imagining that your life will be a hundred years starting at zero ending at 100 50 is the middle point so over the hill all right here we go let's see um let me see let me see bruno says hey folks don't put your mind under pressure the next milestone is right there we will overcome this pandemic together let your hair down good job we will overcome this pandemic good erica says if you ask me i will tell you that you look so beautiful with your hair down thank you now that's not the expression but i like the sentence rodrigo says i'm on vacation uh i'm in vacation then there is one thing to do whenever i'm on vacation i want to let my hair down again whenever i'm on vacation i want to let my hair down again when i'm corrected in the sentences guys remember to rewind later and write down how i corrected your sentence okay josie says when i have a vacation i'm going to let my hair down jonathan says when i dance i feel like i'm able to fly i feel like i'm letting my hair down i feel like i'm letting my hair down fernando says economic growth will be re-established in 2021 economic growth economic growth people say both ways uh so the government will let its hair down all right i've never heard that said like that before so let its hair down is used for people right not for like a government entity right entity or organization so we use it when speaking about people but i do understand what you're saying so again we use this for people all right analysis says when i take my first touristic group i was very uh when i took remember past tense when i took my first tourist group i was very excited and nervous my colleague told me let your hair down and be very careful anna-lysa going back and forth between present and past so for the past tense make sure everything is past tense all right good linda says uh at the weekend on the weekends i let my hair down on the weekends i let my hair down pm says my vacation starts on friday since i let my hair down because the year was stressful my vacation starts on friday so i will let my hair down because the year was stressful okay again be careful not back and forth the president passed okay two more abdi fatah says i have had many exams during the month of december and now that we are free i still want to study but my mother said to let my hair down i corrected it in real time so again rewind and write down what i wrote i'll do one more elizabeth says quick question oh okay hold on i'll come back to you elizabeth hold on one second um nakia says at the end of this year i will let my hair down and chat with my relatives and friends good i'll do an extra hilarious says when i feel overwhelmed or disgruntled i usually let my hair down literally by riding a bike gotchu okay elizabeth says quick question over the hill means that you're not too young but also you are mature enough to be a bit mature well no over the hill usually it literally refers to the age like you're over the hill like you're over 50. like you're not young anymore you're kind of gone on the downward trend again if you're zero is when you start life a 100 we say assuming 100 is when you die the middle part of your life imagine a hill so this is the hill you're 50. all right you're going it's kind of downhill from there right you can still accomplish many things but you don't have as much energy as you had when you were 15 or 20s we say ah you're over the hill now when you turn 50 or 55 okay all right um no worries annalisa i got you keep practicing all right um let's see bruno says i guess that in 2021 related to the economics the government will put their hair up again guys we don't use this when we're talking about an organization let your hair down is used for people i think you were joking though all right so here we go over the hill here are some examples and things that may help you he used to be fast but now he's over the hill think about it he used to be fast back in the day so again i was a track runner like i love to run this is why the coven 19 situation and this pandemic is hard for me because i used to go to the gym and run and ran every day now i can't now when i was younger growing up my dad actually was a like to run too so he would race us and he would beat us but now that i'm older i can run faster why because okay as you get older you run a little bit slower but now my nieces they can run fast so then slowly they can start running as fast as their auntie so again the older you get the less able you're the less you're able to do certain things you were able to do when you're younger so he used to be fast but now he's over the hill all right next one here we go after his 50th birthday bernie felt over the hill again he felt like okay i'm going downhill now not up all right and finally right here once beautiful and enlightened susan was now over the hill again on the kind of the downward trajectory of their life right all right so i'll take about three or four i'm looking at the time want to make sure we end on time but give me some sentences using the expression over the hill here we go uh elizabeth says okay thanks for the explanation so in that case my example will be my parents are over the hill excellent elizabeth exactly very good amalia or amelia says when i finish my day at work i like to let my hair down by drinking something with friends god she's just relaxing taking it easy good i'll take about two or three sentences again for over the hill while you're writing i'm going to keep on going and then we'll come back okay so now we have these expressions and we understand how to use them we're speaking about birthdays section number four all right here we go here's the question i want us to look at for birthdays and remember whenever you're answering the question in this section it's going to be a little bit quicker today wanna you want to try to give three reasons three details or three examples all right again we're talking about organizing your thoughts and being able to speak fluently in english i see a sentence came through hold on one second monique says despite the sport that i do every day i think and i feel that i am on the road to being over the hill got you uh-huh paula says he was the general manager of the company but just because he got over the hill the committee changed him for a young lawyer it was sad but just because he was over the hill the committee decided to change his position ah or to give his position to a young lawyer got you to fire him and give his position to a young lawyer got you that does happen very often okay all right here's the question guys again if you have sentences for over there you can give them what is one birthday tradition that you would like to pass on to your children again here's the question what is one birthday tradition that you would like to pass on to your children so this is what i want you to do remember whenever you're answering you want to give either three details three reasons or three examples so since i'm asking you specifically for one tradition that you'd like to pass on to your children one birthday tradition i want you to tell me what the tradition is and then give three details about the tradition so again the question what is one birthday tradition that you would like to pass on to your children and then give me three details about that tradition all right here we go going back to the comment section i think some of you have sentences for over the hill fernando says when i turn over the hill i will continue letting my hair down okay when i am over the hill i will continue letting my hair down i'll continue to let my hair down all right um my mom doesn't want to accomplish more things because she says that she's over the hill however age is nothing but a number good job claudia says i take care of my health because i want to feel good when i get over the hill good gene kelly says when i was young i was a party animal but now that i'm over the hill i see life differently excellent very good sentence very good way of thinking very natural all right shell says she was very sick for two weeks but she is over the hill now okay makes sense she's over the hill so now you know she doesn't get uh better as fast as she did when she was younger okay so again the question you all again is right here what is one birthday tradition that you would like to pass on to your children remember you can pick one tradition whatever it is and i want you to give us three details and remember you're talking about it right here but i'm opening up on my phone remember we have our private group again our private telegram group and what you're gonna have to do is at the end of class again write your answer at the end of class just like last week you're going to have to record a video clip of yourself answering the question and you're going to post it to our family group right here hold on you guys can see our family group right here you're going to post your videos last week i was so proud you guys posted your videos i think it wasn't everybody so you got to get on it guys i know you're nervous but you can do it but i know shell and paola and i think analisa and a few more of you posted your video clips so again the question is what is one birthday tradition that you would like to pass on to your children i know you guys are typing so for me one birthday tradition that i'd like to pass on actually this is a tradition that is not in my family one of my good friends what she does normally is she will give money to someone but she'll add a zero to their age so if they're turning nine she'll give them well no wait a minute wait a minute she's not giving ninety dollars let me think about what she said either she's giving 19 or something like that she'll add a number to their actual age and give them that amount of money so it's a really nice tradition not too too much money but i'll say my personal tradition that i like for birthdays you know we always i like to give people gifts that they actually want like they need and they may have known right so i think one tradition i try to hold is leading up to a friend's birthday or a family member's birthday i try to think about hey what has that person been talking about a lot maybe they didn't ask me for it but i want to find that gift that i think they've always wanted but they didn't even realize that they should tell somebody so i like to find gifts people actually want and i like going out to eat together i think a lot of you go out to eat but i like going out to eat uh analisa says i think there is time that we'll go over the hill yes eventually we will go over the hill all right i think you guys are still typing out your answers so don't worry keep typing them i do want to show you all this okay again what's the one birthday tradition you want to pass on to your children and remember guys the discussion questions right for birthdays this is found in the academy remember guys the same link you use to come to this live class for only for the academy members you guys will find all the questions for you guys to practice with your partner over the next seven days right when is your birthday how are you celebrating your birthday you'll see all of these questions on the page in the academy when you log in so for the next seven days you can practice with your partners you can find a zoom meeting or you can schedule zoom meeting and practice with your partners all right so here we go take a few answers pn says i want to celebrate the birthday of my children because we will spend quality time together two that will give us memories and it's a special day okay you want to spend time with them right quality time give you many memories and it's a special day so for you the tradition you want to keep going or keep um keep alive is just spending time together gotcha or i think one more let me see um jonathan says can i follow the telegram group it's not a telegram group if you're an academy member yeah we're waiting for you all you have to do is log in and the telegram community the link is there so um i'm going to ask let me see the telegram group again if you're a member of the academy all you have to do is log in go to the section where it says at 365 day lesson plan the third one down should say private telegram community click that and you'll find the link for our telegram community we're waiting for you jonathan so many good things happen in the community people are talking all the time having zoom meetings so definitely all right claudia says i want my children to take a moment to make a reflection about how they feel and the goals they have for the next year all right good but remember guys when you record your clip you got to include three details reason or exam reasons or examples a good answer though just give more supporting information paula said i don't have any specific birthday tradition but first i would like my children to learn to be grateful to god for having offered giving them one more year second to pass that day with their family or to spend that day with their family and third to eat a beautiful and tasty cake yes erica says our tradition is always to be together i hope god allows my children to be together and not wait want anything but spend time together during our time together by earning lots of quality time okay so spending time together and having lots of quality time all right um marina says i want the next generation to continue to think that birthday is a festive day because it's a moment that you can get spend together with your loved ones you can have fun and spread love and happiness good spending time together claudia says and finally to think the things they are grateful for think about the things they are grateful for very good all right guys time went by so fast today again remember your assignment for this week again i want you guys immediately after class is the best time to do it i know it's going to be a little bit uh sometimes people say teacher we're a little nervous i know i know trust me when i first started doing youtube videos and had to get on camera it was a little bit you know nerve-wracking but the more you do it the better you'll become and i know your english will improve as well so again what you need to do is i'm going to go back to the previous slide hold on one second let me go back to the slide and i want you guys to again answer the question you're going to answer the question name one tradition and then tell us why you want to pass it on to your children let me show you again what is one birthday tradition that you would like to pass on to your children your assignment again is to record yourself make a real quick video clip and then post it to our telegram community our private telegram community all right you guys can do it i believe in you remember i'm teaching you the information but you now have the tools to improve your english by practicing practice makes perfect all right hey pn it is my pleasure my pleasure alright guys again i hope you enjoyed today's class i hope you learned a lot hope you use the words and the expressions now when you speak about birthdays over the hill age is nothing but a number mature festive so many words and expressions that you can use now to sound more fluent in english when you speak about birthdays all right here we go let me see let me see um thank you very much i appreciate that i love my skin color too i love being black all right um let me see hey thank you so much paola i love you all too all right guys i will see you all next week same time same place remember check on our website in the family again for those who are not if you're not a family member again for those watching the recording later remember this is for academy members only live classes that you guys can watch every tuesday and get class with me and get corrections as well so thanks again guys again for those who are watching this later you can come join us let's jump right in calm all right you're welcome guys you're welcome how do you recommend me to use the academy to improve to write my essay so writing is all about thought organization so again in the academy if you're following my daily plan your writing is also going to improve remember writing is basically you organizing your thoughts and putting them on paper so if you're improving your speaking skills your writing will also improve too but in the academy there's one section i have about how to write an essay find that you can watch that video but remember still follow my daily plan and still practice including recording your video clip it will help your writing improve as well yes time is up i know that hour went by very fast hugs for you guys too good to see you all i'll see you guys next week you're welcome thank you so much shel i hope you have an awesome day too mary it's true guys merry christmas yes merry christmas this friday is christmas so i wish you all a merry christmas and i will see you all next week have an awesome day awesome evening for those who are experiencing the same time zone i am in right now all right guys i'll talk to you all next week
Channel: Speak English With Tiffani
Views: 283,531
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: english, teacher tiffani, study english, english class, learn english, english teacher, english lesson, english vocabulary, advanced english, full english class 01, full english class, english full class, full english speaking course, english speaking course, english speaking class, words in english, expressions in english, thought organization techniques, thought organization, thought organization exercises, english conversation practice, learn words, english expressions
Id: YJ48i7ObA4Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 66min 8sec (3968 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 23 2020
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