Speak English FAST Episode 2 [About Your Future Plans and Goals]

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hey do you have a hard time speaking English do you struggle to speak fast do you feel like you always use the exact same words over and over again well if so today's lesson is for you because I'm gonna give you the formula to speak English fast I'm teacher Tiffany let's jump right in alright I have a special announcement first starting tomorrow I am going to be starting a daily series that's right you've been asking me for so long to start a daily English series and this series is all about you every day Monday to Friday I'm gonna feature one of you one of my students in a conversation now it starts tomorrow and it's called conversations with Tiffany I've been enjoying all of the interviews and I know that you're gonna enjoy seeing other students just like you so check it out tomorrow and you will enjoy alright so here we go let's get started with today's lesson first we have the formula C + G + I now remember this is the formula you are going to use to speak English fast specifically about your goals and future plans so let's see how to use this formula here we go alright so again C + G + I now we have different goals in our lives and you are the same so you have English study goals you have family goals you have work and business goals you have exercise goals and you even have financial goals all of these goals you can speak about using this simple formula C + G + I so let's start with the C now the letter C stands for current and basically what you're gonna do is describe your current situation this is the first thing you want to do whenever you're speaking about a future plan or a future goal okay so how can we do this here we go let's say for example you're talking about your English study goals you can say currently I am studying English by watching various youtube videos like this one right here let's get right every morning I study English for an hour before I go to work I usually start by memorizing ten English vocabulary words then I write in my English journal while listening to English music so you see what happened I just explained very simply my current situation related to English you can do the same you don't have to worry about the amount of sentences just explain your situation simply okay now what if we're talking about let's say family goals my boyfriend and I have been together for about two years this is not true it's just an example I know you guys are gonna ask me in the comments who teach you your boyfriend no not right now alright so my boyfriend and I have been together for about two years we are in a long-distance relationship because he has to work in California and I live in New York but he makes it a point to come and visit me every month now I want to explain something to you makes it a point this is an amazing expression that you can use when you speak in English now make it a point just means to make something a priority to make something important to make sure you do something no matter what we say make it a point to dot dot dot okay alright so again I explain my current situation then let's move on to work and business goals at the beginning of last year I got a job at Google working as a web developer things have been going well so far and I really enjoy my co-workers my boss always looks for new ways to enhance our website so our team focuses on coming up with creative design strategies now really quickly I have to apologize for my voice and I may have to sniffle a few times ah sniffling is this that's what sniffling is I think I'm catching a little bit of a cold I feel okay but I want to let you know what you're hearing in the background if you ever hear me sniffle alright okay so I want to explain one of words okay one of the words let me show you again enhance our website now the word enhanced just means to make better to make something more beautiful to make it more useful we say in hands all right okay so now moving on to the next one now we have exercise goals I usually get up around 5:00 a.m. and head straight to the gym head straight to we use head straight to when we want to say that we don't do anything else we immediately go somewhere okay we say head straight to like head that's all we say head straight to okay then let's continue when I get to the gym I stretch and then run for three miles my run typically lasts about 30 minutes okay and finally financial goals last year I started listening to a podcast about the importance of saving money after listening to the podcast I decided to save 10% of my entire income so for the last several months I have been putting 10% of my income away in a separate savings account now I said putting something away putting away something that I've earned now when we use this about money putting away just means to save it just means save and also to not touch it okay now what happened I gave you the current situation for each of the categories right my financial goals my exercise goals my family goals I have to tell you first letter C the first part of the formula my current situation because you met we want to make sure that the person listening to you understands what's going on first you want them to be able to picture in their mind ah this is what's currently going on and then they'll be able to connect with your goal and understand why it's your goal okay alright so now moving on to the second part of the formula here we go letter G the goal so you're going to describe your future goal in detail all right so here's what's gonna happen now you'll notice at the top right there are three circles there are three colored circles alright these circles give us an idea of how we can lay out what we're gonna say all right we're speaking about our goal but look at the circles again basic goal goal explanation and the reason for the goal alright so here's what's going to look like here's what its gonna look like my goal is to do a road trip across America next year with three of my friends now this is true I want to do a road trip so bad for those that may not know a road trip is just a trip you go on by car so I'm gonna drive across America as opposed to flying across America we call that a road trip okay alright so again I'm giving you my basic goal first now I'm gonna move into explaining the goal alright so here we go the plan is to arrive in New York rent a car and then spend three weeks driving all the way to California I have always wanted to visit America but it is a large country now you notice how I started to give you the reason for this goal I've always wanted to what visit America and it's a large country now again I'm American but I'm speaking as if I was a student like you okay now I continue so the best way to truly experience it is to drive around in a car alright now what about family goals here we go honestly my goal is for us to get married remember I'm speaking about my boyfriend alright I want to start a family with him as soon as possible he is truly the man of my dreams and I know that he is going to be an amazing father Wow can let me explain that to you so I said man of my dreams this is something this is an expression we use in English to kind of explain my ideal or the type of man I desire think about it when you were growing up and you can also say woman of your dreams for the guys watching this okay so think about when you were growing up and we you just kind of sit and think oh man when I get married ooh he's gonna be this he's gonna be that it's kind of a dream right so we say man of my dreams because he's the man I imagined he matches everything that I want in a man that makes sense and again for the guys you can use this for women as well the woman of your dreams okay it's a really useful expression that we use in English okay all right so let's keep going what about our work and business goals my goal is to start my own web development business next year again the basic goal now moving into the explanation I want to employ new web developers right out of college so that they can develop and hone their creative skills all right now we have a new vocabulary word home now home just means to perfect something to make something better to improve I want to hone my skills right now you're watching this English video this English video lesson because you want to hone your English skills you want to improve you want to be better and I know you can do it I believe in you okay so you want to hone your English skills all right let's keep going now the reason the main reason I want to do this is because someone did the same thing for me all right now what about exercise goals my goal is to get up to five miles a day now get up to means I want to reach this right now I'm running three miles a day right I want to move up to five miles a day running five miles a day my basic goal now I need to explain it okay so here we go basically I want to build up my endurance and run at a consistent pace for five miles now the reason I read some studies that explained how running five miles a day can add years to your life now this is true exercise does really help so if you're not exercising come on join me exercise every day and you will feel amazing your body man you'll feel so much more Juvenal now i want you to look that word up rejuvenate it okay I'll tell you just means to have more energy and to feel more alive okay all right now moving on to our next one we have the financial goals my long-term goal is to buy a new house for my parents now this is also true all right now I specifically would like to buy a house that they can grow old in and never have to worry about any bills the reason I want to do this is because they have supported me so much throughout my life now really quickly as you're following along with this lesson don't worry remember you can always download the PDF connect it to this lesson so you can review after so just watch it and follow along and then the link at the bottom you can download the PDF for free it has all of the text inside of it okay why because I care and I want you to learn English alright now we have to move on to the third part of our formula the first one was C excellent job which stands for you got it current then we have G which stands for come on excellent it stands for goal now we're gonna move to the third part of our formula here we go the third part is the letter I influence so explain how your current situation will influence you as you try to reach your goal this is so important remember English is all about being able to explain and express your ideas so we start off with our current situation right and in the middle we explain our goal and now we have influence basically we're connecting how does my goal connect with my current situation like this all right so here we go against plain explain how your current situation will influence you as you try to reach your goal so English study goes the fact that I am consistently studying English every single day for an hour will help my English improve faster now this is definitely true all right let's keep going this will help me feel more comfortable speaking English when I go on the road with my friends now it makes sense if I'm gonna go on a road trip and I'm a student like you learning English and I want to go on a road trip the fact that I'm studying consistently every single day I actually will speak really well when I go on the road trip make sense all right now what about family goals okay so here we go the fact that he is so happy to come see me every month despite having a busy work schedule makes me love him even more this is actually what led me to start thinking about having a family with him let's have a short pause now I'm not teacher Tiffany I'm your sister for the guys that are watching this video take care of your women take care of your girlfriend or your wife let her know that she's special trust me as a woman it's the small things the little things that count so if you send your wife or your girlfriend a message just letting her know that you care about her oh my goodness she is gonna feel amazing just wanted to give you that tip real quick all right now go back to teacher Tiffany all right so here we go now let's say for example we're talking about our work and business goals since my boss is such a great leader I'm learning how to properly manage and inspire a team these skills will help me run my business better and inspire my own team all right moving on to exercise goals waking up early to run 3 miles a day is helping me build up the endurance I will need to move up to 5 miles a day this consistency will also help me not give up on my goal so you're seeing now how we're connecting our current situation with actually achieving our goals again when you do this when you have everything organized and when you say it in a way that is very easy to understand the person listening to you will say wow your English is amazing just because you know how to organize your thoughts well and you'll be able to speak faster because everything makes sense and you're following the formula all right so let's say we're talking about financial goals okay now financial goals since I am already saving 10% of my income it will be easy for me to put aside a little more each month so that I can purchase their house it all makes sense okay so again what do we have as the equation the formula come on excellent job that's right we have the formula again C + G + I excellent now I want to remind you if you're in the Academy you can automatically watch part 2 and I give you the action plan for using this formula to speak English fast alright so again if you want to find out part two if you want to watch part two and actually get the action plan where I show you how to start using this formula right now just click below in the description and you can watch part two I really hope you enjoyed this video I hope it helps you to speak English fast and to have the confidence you need to sound like a native English speaker well I'll talk to you in the next video but as always remember to speak English you know what time it is it's story time alright now for today's story time I'm actually going to give you kind of the opportunity to see a lot about my past so many of you have asked me about my videos and the graphics and the images and I've told you that you know worked for NASA and I love my job I was a web developer but you guys also have asked me about art now I have been an artist my entire life and I started drawing when I was maybe around four yeah very young again I think I've mentioned this to you before my sister was an artist and we were both artists but I didn't tell you about my transition from leaving NASA I told you I left NASA and then I can went to career to be a missionary but there was a two-year period where I was doing something different so when I left NASA I actually did art full-time that's right so when I left NASA I wanted to do something that mmm really touched into the lives of people touched of them in a different way and I had a heart for homeless people remember last week and during story time I told you about the encounter I had with the homeless lady when I was in Korea I've always had a heart for homeless people so when I left NASA I decided to do a series of portraits related to homeless people so that I can help others realize that hey even though people are homeless we have to realize that there's still people and we can help them so I did an entire series and I'm going to show you some of the artwork so you guys really get to get a sneak peek into my life so here we go this is the first one let me slide it over really quickly so this is the first one from the series this is a quite a large painting I'm not a painting this is actually a pencil drawing I did and I was doing portraits of homeless people so I wanted to show the emotion and kind of the things that they go through and I always did portraits just to FYI Oh fYI just means for your information we say that in English a lot so as an FYI I've always been interested in drawing people and painting people I love drawing faces and there's something about facial expressions that really intrigues me so again this is one of the portraits I did this is of a lady um and I wanted to show again you know she's a person but she's had a hard life this is a pencil drawing and it's pretty large pretty large the next one here we go so the next one is this one and I wanted to show that they are dads also that are homeless and they have to take care of their children sometimes so I wanted to show the intensity via or using pencil and also showing his facial expressions the next one is this one right here another lady and you can tell that like her hair is untidy let me explain what that means so untidy means messy or not together are you guys I've commented on my hair and how you like it my hair is tidy right but it's lady in the picture her hair was untidy I'm you know she's homeless so she didn't have the opportunity to do her hair next I have this one right here it may be a little small moving to the middle so this one is actually showing how we reach out and God is always willing I'll slide over and God is always willing to help us no matter what we're going through so I wanted to show that in the series as well the next one is right here again this is just let's go this way that you can't see me I go this way this one is just let me slide it over hold on one second guys this one there we go this one is showing you know lifting your hands up and looking to God and trusting and believing that he'll help you no matter what your situation and again you guys know I'm a Christian and I believe that God helps us in every situation so I wanted to kind of portray that and again these are all very large portraits but on the string they're a little bit smaller but they're very large then I have this one right here now it's hard to see but these are actually words words that are um it's a poem that I wrote so you know what um hold on one second guys I'm gonna see if I can make it a little bit larger bear with me ah bear with me just means one second or be patient bear with me so I want to see if I can show you this picture a little bit larger hold on one second guys let's see okay I'm gonna open this picture here and let's see I'm gonna go back you guys can see me but I'm on my screen trying to see if I can share it with you guys here we go let's see alright here we go I can share with you now okay so this is a picture and let me zoom in so you can see the words they're really tiny and I used these words to actually create the picture so I I loved it I loved it I really enjoyed that that period of time when I was doing these portraits alright let's do the next one the next one is this one right here I'm gonna take it a little bit bigger this is also portrait and it's a poem and it's a poem I wrote about this lady and again living on the streets then the next one is this one right here this is also what a lady and just kind of showing how you know how do I put in the middle for you all right here uh the reason I wanted to do these types of portraits was because you know when there's a storm outside or it's raining or it's windy or it's cold we just go inside we go home but people that are homeless they can't they have to stay outside so I wanted to kind of show that in my portraits let's see the next one is this one right here this one is just showing you know sometimes you have to when you go through things and it's a little bit difficult and just kind of the struggle then I have this one right here and these are these are pen and ink and I have always enjoyed lines so I usually draw my pictures using lines and just multiple lines over and over and over again and let's see the next one this one is that of a guy and I wanted to show again I also like eyes and I want to I feel like the eyes are the windows to the soul so if you look in someone's eyes you can tell kind of how they're feeling so I wanted to focus on that with this portrait of this gentleman then the next one is this lady and again an older lady and I wanted to show again using the eyes and explaining showing kind of like how she feels I try to go on the side sorry guys alright then next we have this one right here again this one I wanted to show kind of a veteran veteran is someone who served in the military and either fought in the war because there are a lot of homeless people in America who there are veterans they used to fight they were soldiers but unfortunately their lives kind of took a turn for the worse that just means went downhill so a lot of them are home some of them are homeless there are a lot of veterans that are homeless and this one right here can just another portrait just showing the intensity and how people may feel bad and this one is ah can let me explain what this is so on the bottom what your let me see what you're seeing on the bottom this is um this is covers the drains on the streets in America and sometimes heat comes up from it so sometimes you can see someone laying on top of it to get warm so again you can see that I was trying to portray the life of a homeless person just so that we can be aware and we could help them so then the next one okay now this is different so this is not from the homeless series I just wanted to draw and I wanted to paint this is actually a painting on wood so of a girl and it's kind of like can you see me but you don't really see me so sometimes children also go through things then this one okay this is just was an expressive one I did have a guy and people are turning their back on him but he wants to be recognized and now the next few pictures just gonna be from my sketchbook and these ones you know throughout over time my style changed and evolved or developed and yeah so these ones are just from my sketchbook again like you can see I like lines a lot on the rocks then we have this one right here oh this is a little bit tiny hold on one second guys I'll make it bigger for you again I like patterns and I like lines a lot then we have this one right here now this is a bird and I was just I was in the mood to draw something that had a pattern and nice colors so I do that in my notebook and I'll show you some of my current ones these are all the the art shows about 14 years ago and the ones that I'm showing you right now mmm I think they're about six years old so yeah these are some of my older pieces but again this one right here I was like kind of like an African pattern and focusing on that then I have this one right here I was getting more into into color and using lines again to express color I mean to express an emotion and this one right here let's make this a little bit bigger okay so now what I'm gonna do is show you my current sketchbook and you'll see how things have developed and changed over time so hold on one second this is happening in real time hold on one second okay so this is my sketchbook I think I told you guys about this my niece gave me this sketchbook for Christmas I love it she's awesome alright so now some of you to follow me on Instagram I've seen a few of these let's see if I can get this in front of you this is current all right and getting more expressive more abstract but you'll see the lines and the colors are still there now this is another one let's see if you can see it alright again you still see the colors and the lines about two more this is another one and my current one that I'm working on just the line work is this one right here so you've learned a lot about me today during today's storytime but yes I am an artist I do in my free time I draw in my free time which is not that often these days I'm quite busy you know making videos and teaching you all and talking to you and man I'm so excited to be talking to you guys and also making videos for you guys so even though I'm not able to draw as much I'm still so happy so again when I do get the opportunity to draw I usually post it on Instagram so you guys can follow me there oh let me show you where I am for those of you who have not followed me yet on Instagram this is my Instagram handle right here speak English with Tiffany's the exact same so if you want to follow me on instagram you can I have daily lessons there too but yes I hope you guys enjoy today's storytime remember if you want to continue studying with me you can join the Academy the links right here and it's in the description thanks so much guys I look forward to seeing you next week but as always remember to speak English
Channel: Speak English With Tiffani
Views: 129,353
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: teacher tiffani, learn english, english conversation, speak english, english pronunciation, native english teacher, american english, phrasal verbs, speak fast english, how to speak english fast, english contractions, english reductions, american english pronunciation, american pronunciation, fast english, fast speech, speak english with tiffani, speak english with teacher tiffani, english with tiffani, english tips, speak fast, english fluency, speak english fluently
Id: 8-b_w7-0Hvs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 3sec (1743 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 02 2020
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