REAL ENGLISH CONVERSATION | Learn Real English From Real English Conversations Episode 1

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hey today i'm going to help you sound more like a native english speaker in order to do that you must have natural english conversations so today i'm going to show you two real english conversations between two native english speakers i'm going to break down the conversations explain the words and expressions that were used and help you finally have a real english conversation like a native english speaker are you ready well then i'm teacher tiffany let's jump right in all right so the first english conversation that we're going to look at was actually a conversation i had with my good friend chanel now we started off the conversation like this i said chanel how is communication changing between people chanel responded so first off communication is not happening at all now let me pause really quickly because maybe you've never heard this expression first off maybe it's not in one of your english books so let me explain in english we use this a lot when we are first starting a conversation and we have multiple ideas or opinions so really quickly let me show you the meaning of this expression first off you see this meaning is used for introducing the first of a series of things that you are going to say so my friend chanel after i asked her a question she said oh tiff first off hey i'm about to tell you my main point this is the first in a series of things that i'd like to say in english we say first off one more time after me for pronunciation practice first off excellent all right now let's look at this example sentence here we go first off i want to tell you how much i like your work makes sense hey the first thing first hey to start i'd like to say dot dot dot so in english conversations we use this very often my friend said first off and then she continued her statement so again we have first off in our conversation now our conversation continued i listening to chanel responded right but i want to give you this tip really quickly you see she started off by saying first off and it let me know that even though she had other points this was her strongest point or opinion when you put emphasis on a specific point it lets the other person know that they need to listen more intently this shows that you have thought about your response and it reveals your english fluency so again this is why this expression is so important when you let someone know hey i have quite a few ideas in my head but this first one it's important they are ready to listen to you even more so we continued our conversation and i said at all now look again at what chanel said she said so first off communication is not happening at all this is her opinion and i asked her a question i said at all now this is what happens when you're having a conversation you know sometimes you don't want to ask someone to repeat themselves right you feel a little shy a little embarrassed because you're an english learner but look during this conversation i'm a native english speaker my friend is a native english speaker and i asked her to clarify at all so in english when we do this during a conversation when we repeat what someone has just said it means that it's almost unbelievable for example let's say you and me that's right you and me we are going to go out to eat right and i say hey what do you want to eat and you say um teacher tiffany i really love indian food and i say indian food now i asked you a question i repeated what you said because it was almost unbelievable why as you know indian food is my favorite food so now i'm shocked that you also like indian food so again you can do the same thing during an english conversation don't be shy to ask someone to repeat themselves and if they say something that is shocking or almost unbelievable all you have to do is repeat what they said with a question mark like i did here so after i said at all chanel responded nope in my opinion it really doesn't happen she doesn't think communication really happens well between people nowadays then i said wow can you dive into that idea a little bit more now maybe this is an expression you haven't heard before dive into i'm basically asking chanel to give me some more details to explain her idea or her opinion a little bit more let me give you this tip why i asked her right dive into your point a little bit more this lets chanel know that i was curious about what she said remember that english fluency is not just about speaking listening is also an important skill to master in order to be a fluent english speaker so when there is something that catches your attention ask the person to explain it more it's totally okay to ask the person to explain a little bit more you want to understand their point all right so i said hmm can you dive into that a little bit more so that's exactly what she did she dove into it and chanel said you know tiff usually we don't have time so we just ask people to text us the information we say email me the information or i'll see it online somewhere for example oh tiffany went to korea i found that out on facebook we didn't talk about you going to korea so yes i have definitely seen the shift in the way we communicate there's not as much actual back and forth face-to-face conversation now i want to show you something before i explain those expressions did you notice what happened when chanel responded remember in our previous lesson if you haven't watched it watch the previous youtube lesson i taught the three the simple rule of threes in chanel's response she naturally started to give a real life example this is why looking at real english conversations will help you speak english with more fluency look at how she responded chanel immediately said we email information we text people and sometimes we see things online three examples and then she immediately went into a situation tiffany went to korea i saw that on facebook that was a real example so again with english fluency you have to add things from real life and that's exactly what happened in this real english conversation now there were a few things that chanel said at the end that i want to explain to you you see at the end she said shift and back and forth so let me explain to you what these two expressions actually mean we already had first off i explained that one to you let's look at shift now shift after me pronunciation shift excellent last time shift very good now this just means referring to an idea an opinion or things of that nature it means to change there was a shift in the opinion there was a shift in something so we say a change but she used the word shift now i want to show you an example sentence using this word here we go society's attitudes toward women have shifted enormously over the last century i'm going to say it one more time society's attitudes toward women have shifted enormously over the last century i could change the word shifted and put the word change women have changed enormously over the last century so you see similar meaning to the word change but it's another very useful word to use in a real english conversation now another thing that she said that was also very useful she said back and forth back and forth now remember i've taught you i taught you in a previous lesson about the conversation english conversations are kind of like a tennis match i hit the ball to you you receive it you send it back we go back and forth back and forth that represents two fluent english speakers so back and forth is actually an argument or discussion in which two or more people alternate in sharing their perspectives i said chanel what do you think she gave me her opinion i said wow can you dive into that a little bit deeper we went back and forth this is back and forth and it happens all the time in english conversations now let me show you an example sentence that you can use this expression in they're having a real back and forth up there can you hear them yelling once again they're having a real back and forth up there can you hear them yelling again i'm just saying hey they're upstairs having a heated discussion or an argument they're going back and forth kind of makes sense right again think about tennis now this is something that you must practice in order to be more fluent in english and this brings us to our sponsor for today you all know how much i love cambly we have worked together many times and i love cambly because their main job their main desire is to help you the english learner master your english skills they want you to speak english like a native english speaker too so cambly is offering you that's right you a free 10 minute lesson you need to practice this back and forth so that you can have a really good english conversation and they want to give you a free 10 minute lesson or if you really want to practice and really be serious you can get 40 off of any of their 12 month plans now the amazing the amazing thing about cambly is all of your lessons when you study with the tutor they are recorded their tutors are available 24 7 so it doesn't matter where you live after you watch my lessons you can go with your tutor and practice any time of the day and they offer one-on-one private lessons now they're tutors this is amazing they don't just have tutors in america they have tutors in america the uk canada australia and you can study with whichever tutor you desire now the link is in the description again cambly thank you so much for sponsoring this video for working together so that we can help our english learners master the english language so again everyone hit the link in the description get your free 10 minute lesson so that you can practice what i am teaching you thank you so much cambly alright guys so again i want you to practice this back and forth so that you can master it and speak english like a native english speaker now let's go to the next conversation again this conversation same topic my friend chanel and i we're talking about communication and i'm breaking it down so that you can see just how native english speakers have real conversations so our dialogue continued conversation number two now this time i also started the conversation and i asked her i said chanel what are your thoughts on talking to strangers now just very quickly to make sure you know what a stranger is a stranger is someone you don't know someone on the street someone you've never met before we say stranger in english so i asked her what are your thoughts on talking to strangers chanel responded so i don't really think it's good to talk to strangers that's her opinion now i know some of the older people like those in their late 60s or early 70s they will talk to any and everybody she's giving an example it doesn't matter what you're doing you could be smoking on the side of the street they'll stop you and talk to you what just happened remember i taught you last week in a natural english conversation when you're giving a fluent english response you must either give details reasons or examples and chanel naturally went right into an example she said yeah i don't think it's okay to talk to strangers however people in their 60s or 70s they'll talk to anybody she talked about hey if you're smoking on the street they'll stop you and talk to you think you can visualize what she's saying again supporting her opinion right so again how did i respond to her idea now you notice though really quickly she said any and everybody i want to explain that to you because this is something you won't see in an english book any and everybody but it's something that native english speakers use when we're having natural and real english conversations so any and everybody here we go this is kind of a slang term or informal expression and it emphasizes that all types of people are included not excluding anyone hey any and everybody can come here for example any and everybody can study using my english lessons i hope you guys love them right any and everybody and stay till the end for story time because i'm going to tell you about one of my friends and how any and everybody connects to my friends so stay tuned all right so let me show you an example sentence here we go my friend talks to any and everybody this is a true statement i have a friend that will talk to any and everybody means she will talk to anyone all right so in english after me we say any and everybody excellent last time any and everybody good job good job all right so let's keep going with the conversation again chanel told me that hey you know older people will talk to any and everybody so how did i respond i said well before excuse me let me give you this english tip real quick notice how chanel immediately went into a real example i mentioned that this is something again that happens in natural english conversations you make your point and then immediately support it with either an example reason or detail i just wanted to emphasize that point one more time all right here we go guys come on all right so we have this one right here how did i respond wow that is so true they talk to you and you know that you have no other choice but to answer out of respect what happened this back and forth back and forth back and forth what chanel said i understood it i agreed with it ah that's so true and i responded my response was related to what she said so how did chanel respond after i said that then chanel said yep and that's why they do it but to go back to your question as for me and my house or for me and my family we do not talk to strangers because there are some crazy people in this world how about you you see now she sent the ball the tennis ball back to my court she gave her opinion then she summarized you noticed how at the end she said her opinion once again at the beginning she said i don't think it's good to talk to strangers even though all people do it my household we won't do it so it's always good when you're giving an answer to sandwich it your opinion support and then your opinion again this is something that happened naturally in this conversation then she said tiff how about you so how did i respond after she put the ball in my court i said okay i see exactly where you are coming from hold on teacher what does that mean i see exactly where you are coming from let me explain don't worry it's not as hard as it seems let me explain so see where you're coming from to see where someone is coming from it just means that you understand why that person has a particular opinion often although you do not have that opinion for example i am a vegetarian i love food but i don't eat meat and i also am basically a vegan i don't eat cheese now i have friends who love meat and that's okay so they'll tell me tiffany [Music] girl this steak is amazing and they'll tell me all the seasonings that were put in the steak and all the flavors i don't eat meat but i can say hey hey i see where you're coming from i know it's probably delicious it's not for me but i can see where you're coming from i see that you have that particular opinion and i understand it may not be my opinion but i see where you're coming from kind of makes sense right all right so let me show you an example sentence here we go here's an example sentence i would have taken the dog to the vet but i could see where they were coming from so maybe somebody told this individual don't take the dog to the vet it's not that serious all you have to do is give your dog this medicine and he'll be fine so i would have taken the dog but i could see where they were coming from i didn't agree totally but i could see i could understand this is a very very commonly used english expression even in natural english conversations so not just in writing in natural english conversations so once again let's look and see what chanel said excuse me what i said because i used it one more time here we go so again i said okay i see exactly where you are coming from so my opinion is a bit split it means has two sides on one hand i am aware of the fact that talking to strangers can be dangerous because of the world that we live in but on the other hand people are losing communication skills due to improving technology now wait a minute i said something on one hand why did i say on one hand whoa stay with me how many hands do you have you have two hands right you have a left and a right hand you may be watching it and it's flipped for you but my left and my right hand two different hands right so i can say on one hand one opinion dot dot but on the other hand second opinion visuals kind of help you understand but let me show you exactly how to understand this expression on one hand it's used to introduce a statement that is followed by another contrasting or opposite statement which is typically introduced with on the other hand so on one hand dot dot but on the other hand dot dot dot make sense all right let me show you an example sentence really quickly here's the example sentence right here on one hand i really ought to support my team on the other hand i don't have the time to attend all the games two opposing opinions i should support them i can't support them because i don't have time so in english we say on one hand makes sense right again natural english expression that comes out in real english conversation so let's go again back to the conversation right we have back to the conversation i wanted to show you that one again here we go so again continuing in the past you could sit down next to a stranger and have a full-on conversation about the weather that doesn't happen as often now because it's hard to gauge if someone is a good person or a bad person now i want to pause really quickly because i'm giving my opinion but i use another expression and another word we used to have full-on conversations but now we can't gauge if someone is good or bad again i'm giving supports for my answer for my opinion but what does full-on actually mean here we go full-on means it's used to describe things or activities that have all the characteristics of their type or are done in the strongest or most extreme way possible so i said a full-on conversation that means we're going deep we're talking for a long time it's a really good back and forth we're going back and forth in this conversation that's a full-on conversation and that's what i was saying in the past man we used to have really full on conversations now let me show you another example sentence using this expression he wanted to do a full-on documentary but he wanted it to span over a long time so he wanted to do everything he wanted to include everything that's normally in a full documentary what happened in the beginning in the middle and the end of a person's life or whatever he was actually following for the documentary we say full on so for pronunciation after me full on excellent all right so we have full on and i said a full-on conversation but i said nowadays it's hard to gauge if a person is good or bad what does the word gauge mean it means to estimate or determine the magnitude amount or volume of something it means to make a judgment about something usually people's feelings watch can you gauge if i'm upset or happy you can say ah it's a little hard to gauge what teacher tiffany is feeling but i think she's not happy right now now i was just acting you know that i'm happy all the time all right so we say gauge in english let me give you an example sentence here we go here's the example it's hard to gauge what he is really thinking it's hard to determine what he is really thinking makes sense right all right good so let's go back to my opinion again i said that doesn't happen as often now these conversations because it's hard to gauge if someone is a good person or a bad person people are becoming much more isolated or to themselves so for that reason alone i think it's okay to talk to strangers in certain situations so again we had this great back and forth she gave her opinion then she asked me hey tiff how about you i gave my opinion and i supported it right and then at the very end i restated my opinion so there are so many things in this lesson that i want you to practice and to review remember we learned lots of words and book and expressions but i want you to remember always support your answers always go back and forth and when you start with your opinion give supports and then end with your opinion once again i really hope you enjoyed this episode of real english conversations i hope it helps you master english conversations and finally start sounding like a native english speaker and speaking english fluently once again i want to thank cambly for sponsoring this video don't forget to get your free 10 minute lesson the link is right in the description i hope you all have a wonderful day a wonderful week but as always remember to speak english you still there ha ha you know what time it is it's story time hey i said it's story time all right so remember during the lesson i taught you all the expression any and everybody and i promised you that during story time i would tell you about one of my friends and how any and everybody relates to her so when i was in south korea this was during my last two years in south korea maybe last two or three years in south korea one of my closest friends from college she also came to korea and she was an english teacher a missionary english teacher so my friend myself and three actually three other friends and then one of their boyfriends so they were there were two couples and then my best friend and i so we all decided to go on a vacation together on vacation together we wanted to excuse me i'll get some water we wanted to rent an rv an rv so an rv is kind of like a mobile home uh like a home on wheels it's a vehicle that has a bathroom a shower a kitchen everything inside bedrooms and everything so we all decided to go to the beach and the beach actually had mobile homes right at the beach so we were so excited right we've all been working hard and we were ready to go on this trip so we all traveled the three hours by train to get to the beach we got there we were planning to be there for about four days three nights and four days so we got to the mobile home now you have six adults right in this small area we were all very close so we weren't worried about having any you know arguments or anything we were all very close so and my best friend and i have been friends since college so no one was worried so my one of the couples they actually were married so we said hey you guys can have a large room you guys are married the other couple they were just dating so they bunked in the same room with myself and my best friend with me my best friend so everything was going well we were having a good time the food was good my best friend likes to cook i like to cook my other friend likes to cook so it was great we watched movies together and it was really a time for us all to bond we had a wonderful time one night late at night we decided to go out on the beach and we had fireworks i mean it was great even now thinking about i'm realizing how much fun we had so on the day i think the day before we left we had to leave the next morning we decided hey let's just chill on the beach this afternoon for like two or three hours just chill relax talk have some snacks all of us said okay that's cool but my best friend from college she is a very outgoing person she's a very she's the epitome of an extrovert if you look in the dictionary you'll see her picture she's really an extrovert she loves people like you all would love her so we get to the beach you know just about maybe about a two minute walk from our mobile home and we're setting out our blankets and everything and my uh best friend then she she then asked one our other friend's boyfriend she said don't you want to go do something and he was like what do you mean and she asked us guys don't you want to do something and we said well we are doing something we're going to sit on the beach and just talk and bond and have a good time she said no but i don't want to just sit on the beach like we're on vacation i want to do something so we said hey we just want to sit on the beach now i know her very well and i knew what she was asking she did not just want to sit on the beach because she was going to be bored so she said i'm gone and i said okay and my other friends looked at me they said tiff i said she's fine she's fine she just wants to go explore so we sat on the beach for like two or three hours and she was gone for that entire time so right when we're about to go back to the mobile home we see her walking toward us and she has this big smile on her face and she said oh my goodness guys i went over there i went around the beach and down there and there were so many people and i was just hanging out with them and we were talking laughing and joking and apparently they were having some party outside just a beach party and i could tell by the look on her face that she had the best time of her life so my other friend looked at me and said tiff she really had the best time of her life i said listen she can talk to any and everybody so i know that she was not shy and that she had an awesome time she said well you're right tiff she had never my friend had never seen my other friend in that situation where she just wanted to go and be around people so we had a great time it was interesting when she left us when we were all bonding but i said listen this is the beauty of different personalities some people just like to stay with the group and some people like to be within any and everybody so maybe that's what you are like maybe that's your personality you just want to explore and meet new people that's cool or maybe you're like us you just want to relax spend time with your close friends both are a-okay all right guys i hope you enjoyed this story thank you again for watching this lesson remember to practice remember you can speak english and i am your teacher to help you along the way i'll see you next time
Channel: Speak English With Tiffani
Views: 125,542
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: teacher tiffani, fluency in english, speak english fluently, learn english, english speaking, english fluency, speak english, fluency, fluent english, how to speak english fluently, speak fluent english, how to get fluent in english, how to become fluent in english, english lesson, learn english speaking, speaking english, native speaker, learn english conversation, speak english with tiffani, how to speak english, english lessons advanced speaking
Id: r8a0C4vUULU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 16sec (1936 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 12 2021
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