LIVE ENGLISH CLASS | "How To Learn And Use 3,000 English Vocabulary Words"

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hey everyone i am teacher tiffany and i am so excited to see you all once again now you all know how much i love studying with you all and you know whenever we have a live class before we jump right in i need you guys to say hello tell me where you are watching from you know how excited i am to teach you but as you're coming in please tell me what country you are in right now let's do our roll call here we go all right oh thank you so much alvas i appreciate you it's good to see you here all right here we go miguel is from colombia good to see you miguel good to see you here we go tell me where you are right now where are you watching from here we go from guadalupe the west indies good to see you miriam it's good to see you i'm excited to be here as well what's going on ali ali had some great news this week got into college i'm very proud of this young man all right guys tell me where you're watching from here we go we got brazil good to see you here we go more coming in more coming in i'm going to scroll down here we go we got new york nice to see you norway brazilian turkey good to see you guadalupe again yes brazil all right let's see mexico venezuela kosovo good to see you spain yes turkey iran good to see you iraq ethiopia nice now we have peru good to see you good to see you we have the uk in the house we have minnesota hey manuel minnesota we have cape verde good to see you or verde good to see you colombia again let's see turkey russia yes esther good to see you and yazeo good to see you from korea iran brazil again danny i love you too danny wrote i love you i love you too all right yes and ali yes from somalia here we go dominican republic good to see you yes tasmanian from morocco we have syria again as you're coming in remember we always start our live classes off with roll call let us know where you're watching from and then we're going to jump into our class for today gonna take a few more moments we have poland yes good to see you the ukraine nice good to see you let's see arabia let's see scroll down algeria miriam good to see you again miriam algeria brazilian colombia france let me see if we have any other countries i haven't said as of yet czech republic good to see you hello good to see you too all right let's see let's see keep them coming guys keep them coming sudan good to see you all right here we go scrolling down we have let's see i see some more came through burkina yes good to see you all right i'll do five more five more here we go toronto ontario nice four more four more here we go and scroll down let's see columbia again good to see you let's see scrolling down bolivia good to see you yes all right yeah man i don't remember i was on three or two but i have two more costa rica yes good to see you here and last but not least let's see who we have angola good to see you here everyone i am always excited to see you all and i'm so excited to teach you today's lesson as you all know the title of this week's this month's lesson is how to learn and use 3 000 vocabulary words now this is something that i get asked all of the time teacher oh hold on excuse me teacher how can i learn more vocabulary now remember my focus is intermediate and advanced english learners and even though you have studied for a long time english vocabulary is still very tricky and difficult i understand when i was studying korean who i experienced the exact same problem and challenge and that's why i developed this special method that i'm going to show you all today so i'm so excited to show you all this method but i want to show you something because this is a problem that intermediate and advanced english learners especially face on a regular basis so here we go let's jump into the lesson today let's jump right in here we go all right so when you're a beginner you study tons of books learn lots of grammar and you memorize many things and then you transition to the intermediate phase the intermediate level you start to have conversations with people in the language that you're learning and probably some of you are in this space right now you're able to have a conversation which is why you're able to comment in the comment section and understand what i'm saying so you're in this kind of in between phase you understand and you're able to have a conversation but then there's the advanced phase the advanced phase is when you start having deeper discussions about more difficult topics in the language and this is where it really gets tricky here's the reason why this is so tricky you don't know enough vocabulary to express yourself properly and this is where you all probably are it's so frustrating because you can understand when somebody else speaks in english but when you go to express yourself you can't find the words now if this is something you have trouble with just type me in the comment section raising your hand by saying me me teacher i have that issue i struggle learning vocabulary i have a hard time learning more vocabulary if that's you just type m e type me in the comment section so that i can know that you all feel the same when i was studying korean whoo i really had a hard time learning lots of new vocabulary words as i progressed to the higher levels because learning new vocabulary is not easy as you move up in your level so if you've experienced that please type me i see a lot of you typing me yes you guys understand exactly what i'm saying you guys experience this paula says me yes guys this is very difficult to learn english vocabulary especially at the higher level so many of you also said me and again that's why i'm so excited to share with you all this method that i developed that helped me learn more korean words so here's the thing as i mentioned in the title the goal is to learn 3 000 vocabulary words in one year what and maybe some of you were like come on teacher tiff come on teacher tiffany 3 000 words that's just so many i guarantee you it's possible if you follow the method i'm going to teach you today you will definitely learn three thousand you heard me write three thousand words in one year here's the thing you must first start off with this equation 3 000 divided by 52 weeks which means you need to learn between 50 and 60 words every single week all right well when you say it like that it's it doesn't sound that bad right 50 to 60 words every single week that's about seven to ten words a day meaning that some days you won't study and some days you will that all sounds good but again we're talking about learning and using the vocabulary words many of you first of all all of you are super intelligent but many of you have experienced this you memorize many words but they won't come out you know them here but they won't come out here so you've learned them but you can't use them and let me explain why that's the case you see there are two methods to learn vocabulary but let me ask you real quick though before i do that how do you currently learn vocabulary i'm very curious can you all tell me just very quickly in the comment section how do you currently learn vocabulary again this is going to help me as we move forward in our lesson for today and i teach you this method i want to know how do you currently study vocabulary again my job as a teacher is just to guide you to give you the tools you need to reach your goals but i'm very curious how are you currently studying vocabulary i remember when i was wow when i was studying korean i mean i had so many vocabulary books i went through so many different methods i just got a book and i wrote down words and i memorized them or i went online and i found a list and i memorized it yeah they didn't really work too well so i want to know how do you study vocabulary all right some came through here we go all right english with the lien hello says with or by listening all right thor says using flash cards good diallo says by reading noelia says reading books uh lyrics and hi all right white rose says by writing them down paola verdugo says reading books very good raquel says watching series on tv good word up app all right hey good app all right khalid says by listening then we have another one from paula says i look up the dictionary words when i find a word that i don't understand very true this is a very common method used by many students then we have reading we have another one um oh hey good to see you let's see another one came through let's see with vocabulary books good suffix says with synonyms very good and example sentences miriam says i'm learning vocabulary through your videos oh i'm happy to hear that mensan says i write them down make some sentences and then say them out loud very good i mentioned that in my video from sunday's lesson on youtube so a lot of you you either read or write things down or you try to use different apps the fact of the matter is there are two main methods now the first method is the most common method that i used as well the dictionary method you learn a lot of new words i think paola mentioned this a few moments ago when she said that she looks up words in the dictionary right paola you look up words in the dictionary and that's how you learn new words there's only one problem with that method again i also used that method when i was studying korean but the higher i got in my level the more i trouble i was having with this method you see you can learn a lot of new words with the dictionary but you don't learn how to use them properly in real life situations this is the problem you all are having right now you've learned words but they're not coming out you've learned words but then when you get in a situation nothing comes out so let me ask you this question have you ever had a hard time figuring out how to use a word again think about it you all you've looked online you found the definition you looked in the dictionary and you got the definition however when you went to use the word in a sentence or in a conversation did you ever have a hard time doing that again i had a hard time when i was studying korean for some reason when i would look in the dictionary i could understand the meaning but i just couldn't figure out how to use it properly now have any of you had this happen now you're gonna hear some background noise guys so sorry about that there's a lot of work going on around but don't worry we'll still keep going with the class so yes here we go marie says yes she did have that issue it's a very big issue all right anybody else have the issue where you've studied and you've looked up a word yes so i see you all saying yes you've experienced that again that's why i came up with this other method here's the other method i like to call it the database method that's right the database method it's a new special method and with this method you can learn a lot of new words and you can also learn how to use them properly in real life situations now here's the thing i will give you an opportunity to see my english database at the end i'm going to teach you this whole method but i actually already created an english database based on the method i'm going to teach you today and for those of you who would like to use my database i'll tell you how at the end of class so don't go anywhere but again this method this database method will help you learn lots of new words and also use them in real life so let me tell you a little bit about my personal experience i developed this database method when i was trying to improve my korean fluency you see this is what happened to me i decided that i would need to hear the korean words used in a natural setting so i would watch korean dramas and listen closely to my korean friends discussions now this is a true story y'all i remember oh man like it was yesterday when i was studying korean i had gotten to about level four or five again transitioning to the advanced level and i remember i was in my room and i was preparing for an exam we had a test in our class and it was going to be a vocabulary test and i got up at 4am and i had about two to 300 words that i had to memorize and i got up and i was ready to memorize them and something just happened i said i can't keep doing this i'm just memorizing these words for a test but when the test is over i won't remember them and it happened over and over again and i said tiff we have to figure out another method another way of learning vocabulary words so that you can actually remember them so the first thing i realized was wait a minute right now i am learning vocabulary words from a book however my friends use different words so i said the first thing i need to do again for this database method i said you know what i need to hear the words in a natural setting so again i made it a point to watch korean dramas and listen closely also to my korean friends discussions then the next thing i did i said okay i need to recognize the korean words that i don't know so i would make a quick note of the korean words and expressions i had never heard before now i remember doing this i remember it now i love for those that are korean i love korean dramas so again step one for this new method i was developing was okay i'm gonna watch the programs i'm gonna watch the programs and step two was i need to recognize not look up just yet recognize the words and expressions that i don't know so as i watched the dramas i would say oh i never heard that word before but i wouldn't look it up and why am i emphasizing this because again as a learner you've probably watched the show and if you heard something you didn't know you push stop wrote it down and immediately went to a dictionary i'm probably sure you've done that because i did the same thing before i developed this method so now with this method i said nope tiff all you need to do is write the word and then keep watching so here we go this is what i did the next thing was i needed to get an explanation from a native korean speaker so i would ask my korean friends to explain the words and expressions using real life examples this is where the key is you all so again i said in step two of this method i decided to pick the words out that i didn't know but i didn't look them up in the dictionary pay attention instead for the third step what i did was i actually went to a native korean speaker and i asked them hey this is the word i heard what does it mean and how do i use it in a real life situation let me tell you why this was so important in my mind i was able to make multiple connections when my friend would explain the word or the expression i would watch their facial expressions i would watch their body language i would listen to what they were saying and all of these connections started to be made in my brain that's when i realized this is the key if i want to remember and use vocabulary words i need to see an explanation notice i said c i need a video explanation or i need to ask someone in real life so i would ask my korean friends and they would explain the words using expressions and real life examples then what happened then i realized i had to organize the korean words by category so i would write the korean words and expressions in my notes based on where i learned them now this is something that i think you all remember me teaching in some previous youtube lessons when you're taking notes it's so important to organize your notes you all know that i love organizing things i'm a very organized person the same is true for my studies when i was studying korean so again i watched the drama or listen to my friends conversations then i would recognize the words i didn't know but i would not look them up in a dictionary then the third thing is i would find a real korean a person who was a native english native korean speaker and i'd ask them to explain it to me and finally i'd write it down and make a note of where the word came from when i used this method oh my goodness i was able to remember so many words because there were so many connections in my brain not just a dictionary that could not give me a real life example visually showing me what would happen now i see a comment came through uh here we go keikova says korean dramas you love them it's so good to study english and learn tips about learning korean language i am studying korean too good i'm very happy to hear that good now let me tell you all real quick because i'm going to teach you how to do the exact same thing i did when i was learning korean but why is this database method so important why did it help me so much number one it created connections and triggers in my brain number two it helped my brain keep things organized and number three it kept things easily accessible when i needed to use them remember your brain is amazing and if you study in the way your brain needs you to by creating connections you will be able to learn and use the words let's see um exactly it can be difficult and that's why i am teaching you this method today all right so let's see again how you can apply this and actually start learning english vocabulary words here we go your experience how can you use this same database method to learn and use three thousand vocabulary words here we go so step one you need to watch or listen to two real english conversations now there are two things i want you to look at two options so the first one is classes online courses or general english video lessons you know i'm saying like even this right here this is an english class where i'm teaching you how to actually follow this method maybe you follow other english teachers as well or you do other online classes or maybe in your country you attend an english class that is not what i'm talking about you see there's a problem with using these as your conversations even though they are good they are mainly focused on teaching you a concept they are not focused on showing you how vocabulary is used in real life situations think about it right now i'm just teaching you a lesson i'm not focused on teaching you certain vocabulary words in real life situations so instead of this type of video you need to listen to real life conversations so real english conversations watching or listening to real english conversations allows you to hear the way native english speakers use certain words and expressions in a natural setting and this right here y'all remember i said i would watch korean dramas right i would watch a program where koreans were talking in a natural environment and that's what you need to do with english because your brain will start to make connections but it has to be a real english conversation so let's do this really quickly i want us to watch a video clip really quickly and as we watch the conversation i want you to try to guess what we are talking about so again we're gonna watch a really quick video clip it's between me and a good friend of mine her name is lanelle the clip is about two minutes listen to our conversation and after the clip i want you to tell me what you think we were talking about alright so here's the clip right here all right good stuff well very interesting i can see that you're an island girl i know that you're an american now of course but yes yes all right so now let me ask you this next question it's kind of our first question tell us one thing lanell one thing that makes you unique or different so one thing that makes me um is that and i don't know how unique this is but for i would say the the largest chunk of my life my favorite color was purple oh really yeah yes and in the last two years it's changed really now my favorite color is turquoise and so i have my turquoise cup and my cell phone is turquoise and herb is my new favorite color and so i don't know the shift kind of came i think it has something to do with my strong desire to uh feel the wonderful waters of the beaches in my little island in the sun and the water is turquoise and so yeah so i think because the beach is my favorite place so i'm thinking that's why i have gravitated to that color so i think that's unique well we have something in common then sis because i love turquoise as well i'm going to show you my plant sitting right next to me in its turquoise yeah that's my color now my wall in front of me is turquoise so yes i understand the love for turquoise as well right so we just finished watching that really short video clip let me ask you a question again myself and lanell we were talking about some things what do you think our conversation was about just very quickly not the vocabulary words what do you think our conversation was about very quickly if you had to tell someone what that video clip was about or what you learned from that video clip what would you say all right i see some comments coming through let's see um yes what makes her unique and what makes her special very good we're talking about what makes her special and what makes her unique very good alvin says her favorite color is purple very true very true all right what color she likes very true we're talking about what color she likes excellent all right oh yes she did talk about beaches she likes beaches a lot very true all right let's see yes we were talking about colors very good talking about her favorite color excellent your listening skills are good guys very good white rose says talking about uniqueness very good her favorite color excellent shel hey shell talking about her colors and what she likes very good things about her that make her unique very good her favorite color excellent i can see that you guys were listening very well and you understood what we were talking about hey monique good to see you all right zenav says the thing that makes her unique excellent very good what makes her unique you and i q-u-q-u-e very good all right so again it seems like everyone was able to understand what we were saying and follow along very well so very good so we were talking about what makes her unique and her favorite color so we have a conversation that we watched part of right there now if we continue again remember we're talking about this database and the first thing being we have to have an english conversation that we're listening to then right here step number two you need to recognize the words and expressions you don't know now there are two ways to do this again you can either find vocabulary words in books remember i'm showing you two things either you can look for vocabulary words in books or there's another way so here's the problem with looking for vocabulary words only in books here we go the main issue with only studying words from english books is that they don't give you the words english speakers use in real english conversations i have a story for you guys it's story time hey i said it story time all right this happened when i was in south korea but again this is a very good story for you to understand why it's so important for you to watch and listen to english conversations so i taught in south korea for 10 years and one of my favorite classes i was teaching this class they were about a level three or a level four so they were intermediate level students taught them every day of the week we had a wonderful time in class i spoke with them naturally taught them from the books that were given to me that teach them in class right and they were able to communicate with me one day after we got out of class i was walking in the hallway and my friend walked up the stairs now he was a guy from canada and he walked up the stairs and he's an african-american guy well african canadian black guy he walked up the stairs and again i did not realize that my words had changed as soon as i saw him i said yo man what's good what's up how you been and we proceeded to have a conversation now something happened in the midst of our conversation we were so excited to see each other we suddenly paused and looked around and all of my students were staring at me and i looked at them and i said what's wrong they said teacher we have no idea what you guys are saying and it caught me off guard i was shocked because again i said these were amazing students there were students who could communicate with me they were students who in class had no problem expressing themselves however they were learning from a book in class and when they came out of the class and they weren't using the book and they heard me having a real english conversation with another native english speaker they weren't able to understand what i was saying this is why i'm emphasizing the importance of listening to real english conversations because for my students think about how frustrating that must have been for them in my class they were doing well they were learning a lot from the book they were super intelligent but they weren't even able to understand their teacher when i spoke with another native english speaker so i'm trying to encourage you don't be frustrated if you hear a conversation and you're not able to understand the thing is you have to switch the way you're learning vocabulary you need to switch to use this database method that i'm teaching you right now alright so hopefully you enjoyed that story don't worry my students improved so here's the other way vocabulary words from real english conversations now these vocabulary words can be used in real life situations because they come from real english conversations so you don't have to worry about learning uncommon words again some students say teacher i learned this vocabulary word but is it really used often in english i'm not really sure well if you're learning vocabulary words based on this database method from real english conversations you don't ever have to worry about if they're used or not because you'll hear them in natural english conversations now uh helen says i listen to teacher tiffany i understand perfectly but it's true the vocabulary is essential thank you so much it's very true you listen to me and enjoy my classes but it's very different when you hear me speaking to another native english speaker in a real english conversation so very good point i'm glad you said that now this is what i want us to do very quickly remember we heard a short clip earlier right a short clip of a conversation a natural english conversation between me and my friend lanelle we're going to watch that video clip one more time and this is what i want each of you to do i want you as you watch it again to try to pick out a few words you don't know so again try to pick out a few words you don't know we're going to watch the video clip the same video clip you can pick one word or two or three don't worry about the spelling remember the goal here is again part of this database method is step two listen for words you don't know don't look them up just listen for words that you don't know here we go all right good stuff well very interesting i can see that you're an island girl i know that you're an american now of course but yes yes all right so now let me ask you this next question it's kind of our first question tell us one thing lanell one thing that makes you unique or different so one thing that makes me unique um is that and i don't know how unique this is but for i would say the the largest chunk of my life my favorite color was purple oh really yeah yes and in the last two years it's changed really now my favorite color is turquoise and so i have my turquoise cup and my cell phone is turquoise and turquoise is my new favorite color and so i don't know the shift kind of came i think it has something to do with my strong desire to feel the wonderful waters of the beaches in my little island in the sun and the water is turquoise and so yeah so i i think because the beach is my favorite place so i'm thinking that's why i've gravitated to that color so i think that's unique well we have something in common then sis because i love turquoise as well i'm going to show you my plant sitting right next to me in its turquoise yeah that's my color now my wall in front of me is turquoise so yes i understand the love for turquoise as well right so i heard a lot of messages popping up and i see that you guys were listening very well and again the purpose was as you were listening to our conversation to listen for words you don't know or you didn't know so let's see all right i see some people popped in purple yes p-u-r-p-l-e good all right a new word for you turquoise all right very good chunk very good i was wondering if you all were gonna catch some of these words excellent unique very good all right here we go let's see another word chunk a lot of you wrote chunk very good very good all right see chunk shift excellent i was wondering if you were going to catch that word too a shift all right very good again notice i haven't explained them the goal of step two is just to write down the words you hear or don't understand very good all right you didn't catch her new favorite color turquoise turquoise all right very good let's see all right a lot of people wrote chunk i see this one gravitated to very good catch excellent very good gravitated to very good very good all right let's see let's see all right excellent job everyone very very good job all right chunk and gravitated too so very good so you notice again during our conversation even though it's very short the video clip was very short there were words that you heard that oh wait a minute what what does that mean there were certain words you didn't understand or didn't catch so that's part of step two and that leads us to step three again this is part of the database method i used when i was learning korean and that i want you to use in order to learn 3 000 vocabulary words here we go step three is watch video explanations or ask native speakers to explain how to properly use them this is so important i cannot stress or emphasize the importance of actually having a native english speaker explain to you what the word or expression means honestly you all i've had students over my time as a teacher i've had students who've only looked in the dictionary and then when they've used the word i said ah i know what you're trying to say but we don't use it like that and i've seen the frustration come on their face why because they thought they knew the word they thought they knew how to use it but the problem was they had only used a dictionary they didn't know that they had to come to a native speaker just like when i went to a native korean speaker everything started to click so here's the thing there are two options you have when you're looking up a word you can use a dictionary or google search to find the meaning google is amazing but google also has some problems here's the deal this can be an issue because sometimes the meaning isn't clear and you don't know how to use it in a real life situation think about it if you only have a book and the book's explanation is not clear what can you do you can search online for minutes for hours for it doesn't matter but you can search for a long time and still not figure out how can i use this in real life however if you have a video explanation for that specific word or expression or if you have a native english speaker that you can speak to this is what will happen listening to an explanation from a native speaker this makes it easier for you to understand the words and expressions because the native speaker will give you real examples now a few moments ago we watched the video clip right and i asked you all to say some words that you heard that were new for you and a few of you caught this expression gravitated to right gravitated to or gravitated towards this expression is very common in english but again you wrote it because you didn't necessarily know what it means so here's the thing two sides here we go the dictionary is the left side gravitate means to move towards or be attracted to something or someone physically mentally or emotionally not going to say anything else i just read exactly what the dictionary said but according to the database method for step number three if you look at a video explanation now what's going to happen right now is i want to show you a very quick clip a video explanation of the expression gravitate to after we watch it i want to see if you can make a sentence using gravitate to again we read the dictionary definition i didn't give you any examples but now we're gonna watch this video explanation and let's see if you guys can make a sentence after watching this here we go so the phrasal verb gravitate to or gravitate towards just means to be attracted to a place a person or a thing so for example when i was a child i always gravitated towards artistic creative activities so these kind of activities attracted me or pulled me and i loved these things um another example you can gravitate towards a place so let's say that you visit new york city you will probably gravitate to times square because it's a very famous popular place it attracts many people so again to gravitate to or to gravitate towards something someone or a place just means to be attracted or pulled in by that thing all right so we just watched a video explanation for this gravitate to now let me ask you a question did you understand what her name is teacher julie oh for those that don't know teacher julie is a new teacher in the academy to speak english activity academy she's amazing she's awesome but she just explained how to use gravitate to so i want you all in the comment section to write a sentence using gravitate to again look at it right here gravitate to or gravitate towards let me see if after watching the video explanation are you able to write a sentence now again for me she explained it very well it was very clear so if i was an english learner i'd say oh i got it she explained it with so many different examples and gravitate to makes sense now so again in the comment section really quickly i know you guys are typing probably very quickly write a sentence saying gravitate to okay i gravitate to dot dot what do you gravitate to all right thank you land i'm so happy to hear that her explanation was amazing she's an awesome teacher i love having her in the academy all right all right i have moved to virginia state but i still gravitated to oregon state all right you still move toward that very good all right here we go here we go let's see some more sentences that coming through um all right since i was a child i always gravitated to learning how my toys work okay learning how toys work hey daisy good to see you huh good to see you all right okay so this one i gravitate to chocolate chocolate is delicious it's really a temptation it's delicious all right so let's see some more sentences um so now i am but i gravitate to painting very good i gravitate to painting all right let's see some more um let's see let's see i gravitate to uh i gravitate to your smile to your tip thank you so much thank you i appreciate that all right let's see uh not i am but i gravitate to or i gravitated to photography good very good all right let's see let's see alexander i gravitated to fitness alexander from your picture you look like you're in shape like you have a good a good build i like that lots of muscles right good stuff very good all right um let me see some more sentences have come through excellent guys you guys are doing amazing keep typing your sentences pop them in the comment section all right uh i gravitated to your lesson very good now i am but i gravitated to your lesson i gravitate to cooking nice very good very good uh when i was a child i gravitated to music nice very nice i enjoy music too very good all right i always used to gravitate to fast food it is delicious it's not good for our bodies but it's delicious all right two more two more here we go here we go i gravitated to learning english all right good good let's see uh i gravitated to traveling around the world all right excellent guys so you see what happened right she gave that video explanation literally was 40 i think 48 seconds long but because it was a video explanation from a native english speaker boom it suddenly made sense like oh okay yeah i gravitated to what happens and i saw someone in the comments make this comment some dictionaries do give real life examples however there's something that's different when you watch a native speaker explain the word explain the expression and give a real life example why because it's not just the words coming out of their mouth it's their expressions it's their body language if i'm talking about a sad word i'm not going to say yeah she was just so sad no i'm gonna change my body language i'm gonna change my facial expressions and all of these things affect the way you learn so when you're learning vocabulary if you have a visual representation a video explanation or a native english speaker to explain it to you your brain immediately has listening triggers visual triggers and connections because of the explanations given makes sense yeah so i'm glad you guys enjoyed that again teacher julie is awesome all right so we understand now according to step three we have to have a video explanation now step number four document and organize everything you learned so that you can review everything later i mentioned this earlier when i was in korea learning korean and i got to this intermediate level trying to move up to the advanced level that i would ask my friends always ask them to explain something to me so i could watch them and then i would write it down in my notebook and i would put little notes i'd write the word write the meaning according to what my friend said and then maybe draw a little picture to have a visual representation and i have it organized the day what i watched everything is organized and that's why i call it a database your brain is amazing your brain organizes information so when you are learning vocabulary if you organize all of the information surrounding a vocabulary word it will make it easier for your brain to do find it when you need to use it that's the amazing aspect of our brain that i want us all to understand i am teaching you english but i'm also trying to teach you how to think and you have to realize when you're learning vocabulary it's not just about memorizing your brain cannot just have one source it needs to have multiple sources in order to create connections and triggers and that's what video explanations and an organized notebook will do for your brain your brain will say i love you thank you so much for organizing that's all i wanted and you'll be able to remember the vocabulary a lot faster so here we go daisy i'm so happy to hear that you like this method i'm so happy you guys are amazing let's see what do you do when you don't have a native friend you that's a amazing question again as your teacher that's what has been ah what is the word that has been my main concern for so long because i literally get to question about vocabulary all the time but i understand how to learn vocabulary because again when i was learning korean i developed this method but i also understand that many of you don't have any native english speakers around you however you saw what happened when you watched the video of a native english speaker explaining a specific word and expression so even if you are not surrounded by native english speakers if you have a database a database that includes video explanations from a native english speaker your english will improve just like my korean improved so don't worry again i told you all at the beginning i have the database for you guys if you want it you're welcome to join of course but i created a database so that you don't have to worry about that even if you don't have anybody around you oh wait a minute let's see okay so here we go adding the words to a random list of english words this makes it hard for your brain to find a connection in other words without a trigger it will be harder to remember them later why am i saying this so i am sure that all of you have an english notebook a notebook that you write things down in again remember i did the same thing for korean however i noticed a problem when i was studying korean so i had my my korean vocabulary list on my phone before i developed this method and every word i learned i would enter it into this list and the list oh my goodness it got to 300 400 500 words but it was just a list there was no connection it was just a word that i learned in the morning a word i learned in the afternoon there was no organization so i forgot most of the words my brain didn't have enough connections because i just entered them into a list simply however if you organize what you learn based on the conversation you listen to this will create a natural trigger in your brain and a connection in other words it will be much easier to remember the word later this is how the database method works so again when you have an organized notebook an organized area where your vocabulary is listed based on where you learned it your brain will thank you for example today what did we learn we learned gravitate to so in your notebook again making your little database you say hey teacher tiffany taught me gravitate to well actually teacher julie in a video explanation explained gravitate to and then i made a sentence all of these are connections in your brain so later on when you're talking to someone gravitate to will pop up in your mind so let me ask you this there are quite a few problems now that you know the database method are there any problems you should know about dun dun dun the fact of the matter is yes even though this method is amazing even though this method helped me learn korean to move from the intermediate to the advanced level even though this method is still helping me to this day this database method is helping me there are still some problems so let me tell you these problems really quickly first the real english conversations problem number one it is extremely hard to find good and useful english conversations it was hard for me to find good korean dramas that's the first problem even though these steps are so good it's not easy to find good english conversations it takes time you don't know if the conversation is useful you don't know if the person speaking is actually using good english or not good english are they using lots of curse words or not are they using slang you don't know so it's hard to find good english conversation the second problem comes right here listening to a conversation and writing down vocabulary words is very very time consuming i had to stop and start the videos over and over and over again listen y'all this is why i love being your teacher because i know what you're feeling i felt the same way when i was studying korean i remember taking four hours just to watch a 45 minute long korean drama why because i'd push play i'd hear a word i didn't know and i'd write it down then i hit play again and i keep watching i'd hear where i didn't know i'd hit stop and i'd write it down this was a long process so the second problem is you don't have that kind of time it takes a lot of time to stop and start and write down the words the third problem is it takes hours to find good video explanations for the words you write down i had to personally wait to talk to my friends during their free time so i would learn a word i'd write it down and then i'd have to wait until the end of the day when my friend got out of class or my friend got off work why because well i couldn't interrupt their job or their classes so it takes hours to find good explanations good video explanations again like you asked earlier what if you don't have a native english speaker around you that's a problem the fourth problem that i realized is right here it takes hours to organize your notebook or computer file to create your own english database i had to color my notebooks and write everything by hand now i want to show you all something hold on one second i enjoy um writing in my notebooks and organizing my ideas and my thoughts but i want to show you all how my notebooks are organized and i want to show them to you because you'll see that oh even teacher tiffany takes a long time when she creates something in her notebook now these are notes actually for english right um but everything is kind of color coordinated and this helps me remember the things that i'm working on this takes time so again sorry about the noise guys this takes time so yes you're like okay i enjoy everything but how do i actually do this now there's a solution what if i told you that i created an english database called weekly english words that eliminates all four problems now i see in the comments some of you are telling me to get some water i appreciate you i'm gonna get some water hold on one second i'm always excited to help you guys hold on whoa that water was good y'all yes all right so what if i told you again i've created this english database based on this database method that i taught you all today and i've called it weekly english words and this database eliminates all four of those problems let me show you how again the first problem was it is extremely hard to find good and useful english conversations well with the weekly english words english database every single week you will be provided with two english conversations that's right two real english conversations again remember i told you when i created this database for myself when i was studying korean my korean took off and i understand how important it is to have a database for you as a student if your desire is to learn vocabulary words so i created this english database called weekly english words so first problem looking for good conversations not a problem anymore because every single week you'll have two real english conversations what about the other problem listening to a conversation and writing down vocabulary words is very time consuming don't worry about that either i have organized all of the words and expressions you need to know for each conversation now again i said i created the database it's up to you i have students already in the database right now using it and they're learning lots of vocabulary words but every single week first you get two english conversations second every conversation i've already organized the words and expressions for you you don't have to sit like i did for hours writing down words and expressions pause play pause you don't have to do that what about the other problem the third problem is right here it takes hours to find good video explanations for the words you write down well this is also taken care of for each conversation there are between 25 to 30 video explanations you heard me right video explanations 60 video explanations every single week done for you you don't have to worry about needing a native english speaker because myself and my team have already organized the database for you every single week we just kind of give it to you like here you go here you go you don't have to stress we've done all the hard work for you why because i understand your pain i know how hard it was for me to develop this method when i was studying korean and i don't want you to have to go through that so i created this database now here's the other thing what about this fourth problem y'all it takes hours to organize your notebook or a computer file to create your own english database well i saw that too every single conversation comes with a pdf and the pdf has all of the words and expressions with the definitions honestly i'll be very honest with you all this database this english database the weekly english words english database hands down is the best thing online right now to help students like you learn english vocabulary words and i'm saying not beginners if you are an intermediate or an advanced english learner again i told you the method the database method this is the best english database online you're not going to find it anywhere else maureen thank you so much i'm so happy that my methods help you my whole goal in life is to give you all the tools you need to take your english to the next level so again all the problems are solved i want to show you all really quickly a student testimonial so i've been teaching you guys this uh this method that i developed and i told you that i have this english database don't worry i'm going to show you how you can be a part if you want to join the database and start learning vocabulary but i want to show you a video from one of my students one of my favorite students her name is daisy and she's actually already a member she's already following this english database every week and i want you to see what she has to say about her experience here go let's watch what daisy says the weekly english word is about it in my opinion it's about it everything that a teacher tiffany teach us she teach us how we can have a better communication in english and this course has everything that we need to increase our communication because we can learn a new vocabulary word expression every day and also practice our pronunciation the word or expression come to us from a natural conversation between two native speakers who have good communication as well so the weekly english word in my opinion is not just about a new word or expression is much better than that is about it how we can use this expression or word in a better context so in a nutshell this course is crucial for my english journey first because i can feel more confident using the words that i wasn't sure if i was using in a correct contest in the past second i can increase my vocabulary word with a useful word and expressions and finally i can learn how to communicate better in english with a natural conversation between two native all speakers so that is what actually she experienced and i was so happy to hear this from daisy uh somebody asked is this recorded no we're live i'm live right now i have some recorded videos i'm showing you guys for the video clips but this is a live class but yes so i actually i'm not gonna and daisy you can say this is true so daisy sent this testimonial to me and i literally called her on the phone because i was so impressed by how much her english had improved this is the thing guys i just provide the tools for you guys and the database but when i see it actually working and helping you in the same way it helped me my mind is blown so i called and daisy i called you on the phone yesterday i said i was so proud of you because i've seen you change so much and you guys heard how daisy improved and again she's been following the weekly english words english database so i want you guys to get the opportunity as well to try it so here's the thing you have two options first you guys can keep doing you can just follow what i taught you today follow the four steps develop it on your own and that's fine or you can let me do it for you you see this is the thing i've created this for you all this database method in the weekly english words it's normally 20 a month but i want to give it to everyone for the first month for just a dollar somebody asked in the comments teacher how much is this remember my goal is to help you this is normally 20 a month remember every single week you're getting two conversations you're getting totally a big list of vocabulary words and expressions you're getting pdf files and you're getting video explanations but instead of it being 20 for the first month i just want you to try it for one dollar now all you have to do to get it for the one dollar is go to click add coupon and enter the code learn l-e-a-r-n again step one go to click add coupon and then enter the coupon l-e-a-r-n ah thanks daisy you're the best too i appreciate you so again guys i'm telling you my goal as a teacher is literally just to provide you with the tools you need you saw how good daisy spoke and i've seen her transform i've seen her english change yes she's brazilian everyone's curious here's the thing i want you guys to at least try this out for a month if you don't want to continue that's fine you can cancel no problem but you can try it out for a dollar it's normally twenty dollars a month but all you have to do is use the coupon code l-e-a-r-n and you can try it for one month and you can see if this method will help you again my job as a teacher is to help you reach your goals so you guys can try it for a month for only a dollar and yeah if you if you want to leave after the first month it's okay the thing is you're not gonna find anything like this online you're not gonna find anywhere else that's focused on helping intermediate and advanced english learners you remember i said every single week two new conversations every single week 60 video explanations not six 60 video explanations that will help you create the connections in your brain you're not going to find this anywhere else online so again go to weekly english words coupon code is learn l-e-a-r-n so again this is something that i wanted to do and i want to see if i can show you guys let's take a look at what it actually looks like because some of you are probably curious let me ask real quick do you guys want me to show you what it looks like inside just type yes really quickly if you want to see i'll show you what it looks like inside um again how many words a month normally well here's the thing guys every week you're getting 50 to 60 words remember i said this entire class was focused on teaching you how to learn 3 000 words in one year if you follow this database method if you just try it out to 20 a month but you can try the first month for a dollar you will learn 3 000 vocabulary words in a year have you ever heard that promise have you ever heard that guarantee from an english teacher for intermediate and advanced english learners again you can just try it out if you'd like for a month and if you don't like it it's okay you can cancel if you don't learn anything no worries at all if you don't have a dollar i'm sorry to hear that you can just keep watching my youtube videos you know i provide so much free content but this is content that i cannot provide for free why because my team literally works hours preparing this for you all this database when you see it guys this database is not small let me okay i see you guys saying yes i'm gonna switch to my screen so that i can show you all what the database looks like so give me one second i'm gonna open it up on my screen because this is something that we literally spend hours on each week in order to provide you all with the best the best conversations the best words and expressions because why i don't want you guys to struggle the way i struggled so again i'm opening it on my computer so give me one second everybody all right so i'm going to open it up on my computer right now and then i will share my screen and we will check it out together all right here we go guys let me switch over right here here we go all right i'm going to check let's see let's switch over here all right so everyone can see my screen right here here we go so this is what the database looks like the weekly english words each week you'll see it's updated each week it's updated with two so here we go let's check out the latest one let's see um let's do this one 85. so we see right here this is the conversation you can listen to it but you have all of the words and expressions that you will hear as you listen to the conversation now remember i said every week there are two you get two english conversations this is the latest one this one is actually from yesterday and then what happens let's say okay i'm watching it excuse me you go to watch video explanations and you have all of the video explanations on the left ah there's teacher julie again so teacher julie right here explains each and every word and expression you see all of these videos on the left so you never have to worry if what you're learning is good or not because a native english speaker is actually teaching you and this is what i was saying this is why it's so important and then you'll also notice i mentioned that you will get the pdf here's the pdf file this pdf goes along with the lesson and you can download it for it's included so again there's no reason why you shouldn't try out this english database again this helped me when i was learning korean and they can help you as well so again you guys can try it out if you guys go to the site you can preview a lesson and you can even download a pdf if you just say you know what teacher i learned a lot but i'm not sure no worries you can go to right now and before you decide to join the database you can actually listen to an episode and an episode of the conversation guys and you can also watch 30 different video explanations without paying you just want to test it out go to the website and you can see exactly how to use it now this is something again that i wanted to do to help you all now here's the other thing i want us to check out i want us to go back we're going to look at the keynote real quick i want us to check this out really quickly here we go uh oh we're back we're back all right so i want to actually show you all this right here again you have a choice i've taught you all how to use this method i've taught you all how to actually set up your own database you can do it on your own but if you don't want the stress you can let me know by going to the site uh someone asked when is the coupon valid the coupon is valid right now i already set it up for you guys so that you guys can get it for a month for only a dollar and if you want to stay you can stay on now again all you have to do is go to click add coupon and then put the coupon code learn again weekly add coupon and type learn someone says i work so hard for you guys do you know why because i understand what you go through and i really enjoy teaching you all i've been where you are i remember the long nights studying korean being frustrated and confused and as an english teacher i don't want you to go through that i wish somebody had this for me i searched for this kind of thing when i was studying korean but nobody had it so now i said it's my job as an english teacher to create this type of database for you for an intermediate learner for an advanced learner so that you don't have to stress anymore you can be sure you can be confident that every week teacher tiffany has your back teacher julie has your back and we are going to provide you with 50 to 60 new vocabulary words every single week the video explanations the pdf files the conversations so you don't have to worry so again all you have to do is go to click add coupon and enter the coupon learn all right uh someone asked can i write the link in the description here you go i'll type it in the actually comment section coupon code is i'm typing it out right now and i'll put it on the screen for those that are asking for it the coupon code is learn uh it's truly my pleasure honestly so again guys you have it's up to you um i do want to answer questions does anybody have any questions you wanted to ask me about the english database uh the weekly english words english database if you have questions i'm an open book i want to help you i want to answer your questions if you have any questions again i'll have it on the screen if you have any questions please pop it in the comment section pop any question you have um and i'll be more than happy to help you uh let's see let's see so let's see thank you ah my pleasure my pleasure it really is my pleasure to help you all uh let's do this all right it's really my pleasure to help you all are there any questions that you guys want to ask about it any questions please pop them um let's see let's see any questions am i from ohio no i'm not from ohio um i am from maryland i'm not from ohio all right any other questions you guys have that you want to ask actually about the course please pop them in the comment section if you have any questions about how does the database work how can you learn pop your questions in the comment section and i will answer them for you uh let's see let's see um if it would not be twenty dollars after the following months i would buy it no worries but the advertisement just making it one dollar with charge 20 is not okay guys okay here's the thing um 20 for 60 videos every week um i think sometimes it's hard to realize how much work your teachers put in for you uh every week i have a youtube video that's totally free i do instagram videos i'm gonna be back on that so when i have these kind of products things that i know will help you a lot i can't offer them for free but 20 a month you're not gonna find that online anywhere so i respect if people can't afford it no problem but at the same time please respect the fact that i'm spending hours and hours creating this for you why because i care about you because i love you if you can't afford it i totally understand keep watching the youtube videos but twenty dollars is not expensive um let's see uh any other questions let's see any other questions um let me see let me see any questions that came through about it let's see uh it's truly my pleasure guys it's truly my pleasure um wow okay you want to leave already uh yes you can leave uh all you have to do cancel is log in and hit cancel and you can cancel your subscription i don't think you're gonna want to leave after you realize how much is there but you can cancel just by logging in um unfortunately no i have thousands upon thousands of students so i don't do phone calls um i called daisy because she helped out with this but yeah i don't do phone calls um but thank you for the offer um any other questions i'm looking for the questions um about the database let's see um you can um if you you can use it don't worry the coupon will be available so i'd say use it quickly though um it's only a dollar for the first month um let me see let me see any other questions um i appreciate that yes i appreciate that i do put a lot of work into it um because i care about you guys um is it available for different levels or just for one for us all so when you actually go to the website you'll see it's for intermediate and advanced english learners it's not for beginners um the words and expressions are used in real conversations so if you're an intermediate learner or an advanced learner it's definitely for you um let's see any other questions let's see let's see um if you don't have a dollar just keep watching my youtube videos for those that actually want to improve their vocabulary if you really want to improve your english vocabulary this database is for you for those who can't afford it keep watching youtube um let's see um trying to see if any other questions about the course let's see let's see about the membership okay i don't see any other questions um oh question can you offer us a coupon for a yearly membership ah good question send me an email and i'll create a coupon for a yearly membership and i'll post it later but send me an email tiffany at uh tiffany speak and i'll give you a coupon for a yearly membership uh we haven't added it just yet but i will definitely give you a discount for a yearly membership as well all right let's see um let's see let's see yes you pay 20 for my academy monthly membership this is not the vocabulary one vocabulary database is totally different uh it's up to you if you'd like to also improve your vocabulary 60 every single week then yes you need to join that but again forty dollars is like the price of an english book but i can guarantee i'll teach you a whole lot more and so will teacher julie um let's see any other questions let me see let me see all right um tiffany sam youtube kangi no muchwayo kamzayo thank you uh let's see can we talk to you in the course no remember this is just a vocabulary database so each week my team and i create the database teacher julie provides the video explanations this is not a course about talking to me this is about improving your vocabulary specifically for improving your vocabulary okay uh let's see any other questions that came through let's see let's see um let me see okay i'm on already nice congratulations you are ready to improve your vocabulary thanks roro i'm happy to hear that i'm happy to hear that um what about just vocabulary i am advanced that that's the point this database is for intermediate and advanced english learners again go to the website you'll see exactly what i mean you can preview before you actually join you can preview these conversations are natural english conversations which means the vocabulary we use is real and it's for advanced english learners so it is for you um let's see i'd like to follow your vip courses later so how will i do because i've yet to follow your monthly courses uh currently i don't have any vip courses available so my advice would be to yes be in the academy as you already are you're very active i like it and get the vocabulary as well the vocabulary database the weekly english words because if you're serious about improving your vocabulary this right here is going to take your vocabulary to a next the next level um let's see um my email yes my email if you want to get the code for the yearly membership uh email me at tiffany at speak english with i just put my email in the comment section um will there be any online individual meetings practice what we learned when we start the membership so again guys this is a database this is not about meeting once a month this is a database and every week it's updated so i want you guys to remember understand this 20 think about it this 20 is not for a meeting with a teacher this 20 is for you to learn new vocabulary based on video explanations and also the pdf files so no it does not include meetings or anything again normally in korea a one-on-one meeting with me would be between 60 and 70 dollars for one hour so yeah we're not going to talk about that price because i i want to provide you with something you all can afford and that's useful okay um let's see i think that was the last uh let's see the last question that came through fati i didn't see your question but hey good to see you pati good to see you all right so i think i've answered all of the questions again let me show you all again if you are ready to really take your english to the next level and you want to really improve your vocabulary you need to go to click add coupon code and type in learn um okay i see another comment came through hold on one second yes okay so um this live will be available for 24 hours now again for my academy students it also be available in the academy i may leave it up a little bit longer um but yes so good question very good question for those that haven't seen it they can watch it later thanks for the question all right um i'm so glad you guys enjoyed the class again if there are no more questions thank you all for joining uh someone asked if i will teach korean no i speak korean but i won't be teaching it here i'll teach you english though uh thanks again so much guys for joining i really enjoy being your teacher please don't forget if you want to improve your vocabulary go to click add coupon code and type in the coupon code learn you guys can take your english to the next level and i want to be your teacher to help you and so does teacher julie so you can get this english database based on the database method thank you so much guys uh if you are in the academy the students that are in the academy you know what's happening right now we have our family meeting so for all of the academy students remember to log in to the academy right now so that you can get the link and the code to go to our zoom meeting for those that don't know uh if you are a monthly member in the academy you can actually attend our once a month family meetings so i will see you all next time have an awesome evening and for those who are experiencing the morning have an awesome day i'll talk to you guys next time have a good one bye bye bye bye have a good one i know i know you guys don't want me to leave but i have to go to my other students we have a family meeting so have a good one guys bye
Channel: Speak English With Tiffani
Views: 298,048
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: cD5d0boSIO0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 84min 40sec (5080 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 03 2020
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