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hey you want to speak english confidently fluently like a native english speaker right well there are five tips that i have for you five tips that you must understand in order to speak english fluently and i'm going to give you those tips today are you ready well then i'm teacher tiffany let's jump right in all right tip number one tip number one is stop saying sorry apologizing actually affects your english fluency that may surprise you you may think hey i don't want the person to to look at me funny or i don't want the person to judge me so i'm going to say sorry i'm not really good at english but this affects you more than you realize you see let me explain this a little bit clearer the thing is when you say sorry i'm bad at english you lose confidence in your ability to speak english fluently when you lose confidence in yourself you will not move forward i'm going to say that again when you lose confidence in yourself not other people when you lose confidence in yourself your english will not improve so you must stop saying sorry i'm bad at english or saying sorry my english pronunciation is not good you see when you say this you're actually telling the person listening to you that you are not confident in yourself you all know how many times i emphasize confidence and confidence is important when you want to speak english fluently so when you start a conversation with oops sorry my pronunciation is not good you're telling the person ah i'm not confident in myself i want to emphasize another point when it comes to pronunciation yesterday true story i actually went to the store i live in america i'm a native english speaker i went to walmart to pick something up and the lady that helped me she had a very strong accent did it affect me no she and i had a long conversation we actually found out we live in the same apartment complex but as i was speaking with her i thought about you she didn't care about her pronunciation because she was speaking english fluently and i understood and there was no problem so i don't want you to feel so insecure about your pronunciation yes you can improve when there are certain sounds that may be difficult for people to understand when you're speaking but don't apologize for your pronunciation just like me when i was speaking to the worker at walmart i continued with the conversation and it didn't bother me at all be confident in yourself the other thing is when you say sorry about my english you are telling your brain that it is bad to make mistakes again when you say sorry about my english you're saying brain how dare you make a mistake you should not make mistakes but the truth is when you are learning a language mistakes are important how can you improve if you don't make mistakes and then tweak certain things so when you make a mistake it's okay that's how you learn think about children when they're growing up they have to make mistakes and learn to continue growing the same is true about your english so the first tip is please stop saying sorry now i want to tell you the second tip another one that's very important i need you to remember that you should not worry about every vocabulary word knowing more words will not automatically make you fluent i've had so many students during my time as an english teacher and you all know how much i love teaching you english but during my time as an english teacher i've had so many students ask me this question teacher what does this word mean what does this word mean what does this word mean when we're watching a program now this is when i was in south korea we'll be watching a program or doing something together and every single word they didn't know they would ask me now as a teacher i love helping my students i love helping you but over time i realized that the students were focusing on small details instead of the bigger picture you don't have to know every single word let me explain this a little more in a clearer way memorizing thousands of vocabulary words does not mean you will speak english fluently let me say that again memorizing thousands of english vocabulary words does not mean you will automatically speak english fluently now vocabulary is very important don't misunderstand vocabulary is very important but you have to use it i experienced the same challenge when i was studying korean there were points in time where i would memorize 50 to 100 korean vocabulary words on a daily basis but my korean fluency was not improving i had all of these words in my mind that i could not use so again memorizing does not equal fluency you must understand the context understanding the context the idea of what is being said or presented is more important than understanding every single word think about it at the end of every lesson what do i do story time right it's coming don't worry but i give you a story about my life now every single word i use you may not understand but you're so engaged you're so interested in the story i'm telling that you understand the context and your brain is actually able to guess certain words to guess certain expressions or idioms that i use during story time it is so important for you to understand that context is more important than vocabulary words point number three focusing only on the words will cause you to stop enjoying english if you're sitting there again i did the same thing if you're sitting there when you watch an english drama or a television show or a movie and you have your notebook which is good at times but every time you watch a show you push pause and write down the word play pause write down the word if you do that every single time remember pay attention sometimes that is important but if you do it every time you'll never understand the words in context your brain is amazing english is your second third fourth or fifth language so you are already smart enough to learn this language trust your brain trust that your brain will understand words in context so number two tip number two don't worry about every vocabulary word now point number three tip number three is i want you to remember this tip number three is remember that you are intelligent i just said it a while ago you are already fluent in one language and for maybe your situation you're fluent in two three four or even five or six languages already you must remember that you my friend are already intelligent so this is something i want to emphasize right here english again is your second third fourth and maybe even fifth language your brain is amazing you are already able point number two to express yourself confidently in your own language think about that you can express your thoughts your ideas in your own language so as you're learning english and trying to become fluent you don't have to be discouraged because you are already amazing you are intelligent and point number three is you can understand what i'm saying think about that i am a native english speaker you're not you're learning but you are able to understand me you are awesome your brain is amazing i need you to remember that you are intelligent tip number three these things are important in order for you to finally speak english fluently now tip number four is also important this is something that many students struggle with you must apply what you learn immediately the faster you use it the easier it will be to remember here's the thing remember earlier we were talking about the tip dealing with vocabulary tip number two and i said just memorizing will not equal fluency this touches on the same thing you must apply what you learn immediately so when i was learning 50 to 100 vocabulary words korean words in one day it was impossible for me to immediately apply all of those words but when i switched and i started memorizing a smaller number of words and i immediately started using them and applying them in my real life then my korean fluency started to go up like this so i want you to remember these points right here first this helps you understand what you are learning even more when you memorize a word when you learn a concept an idea or watch one of my lessons and you immediately apply what you learned maybe you teach it to your friend or family member maybe you make a sentence using the lesson or the word or expression maybe you actually go out and start talking to someone in english applying what you learned your brain says okay all right we have new information now it's time for us to stick it in there and say hey we learned it now we have to use it you must use it immediately the other point is it will create triggers in your brain when you first learn something you only have one thing to connect it to either the book you learned it from the video you learned it from maybe you look at the phone or on the internet but when you apply what you learned now there are multiple triggers in your brain your brain is amazing there are different triggers going off all the time if i say apple juice something pops in your head right maybe you enjoy apple juice and you remember the first time you had apple juice or maybe you remember two weeks ago when you were drinking apple juice with your daughter or son there are certain triggers already in your brain connected to situations experiences and other things you have to create triggers by applying what you learn immediately again this will help you speak english fluently point number three your confidence in your english ability english speaking ability will increase faster when you start using what you're learning you'll kind of start oh patting yourself on the back like well i guess i am pretty good at english and that's okay that is wonderful use and apply what you learn immediately you will shock yourself you will gain so much confidence your shoulders will go back you'll walk a little bit straighter when you speak in english you'll speak with more confidence when you apply what you learn immediately and this fifth tip is so important i want you to remember this i need you to think about your wins not your mistakes it's important to remember your accomplishments here's the thing as an english learner you are going to make mistakes it's inevitable it is going to happen it happened with me when i was learning korean and even now i make mistakes when i'm speaking in korean sometimes because i have not been in the country in a while in korea however for you instead of focusing on oh my gosh i can't believe i didn't know that grammar rule oh my goodness i forgot the word when i was speaking to my friend or oh man i wrote that comment on facebook or or youtube and i think i maybe use the wrong english word stop what i want you to remember is that you have some amazing wins think about your wins what did you do that was amazing maybe you learned a new word on instagram from my lesson or hear from one of my lessons and you used it think about that i used what teacher tiffany taught me that's a win focus on your wins here's point number one to help you with this one your confidence your english speaking ability will increase faster it will shock and amaze you focusing on your mistakes point two will make you feel discouraged and nervous when you speak english if every time you make a mistake you focus on it over and over and over again the next time you go to speak in english you will feel discouraged and nervous and finally in order to gain more confidence in your abilities you must remember all that you have accomplished i'll say it again you are amazing you are learning another language and tip number five is you have to remember you have to think about your wins and stop focusing on your mistakes i believe in you i know that you are amazing and i believe that you can speak english fluently i hope you enjoyed this lesson i hope it helps you watch it over and over again share it with somebody else that wants to speak english fluently i truly care about you and i can't wait to see you in the next lesson talk to you next time you still there you know what time it is here we go it's story time a i said it's story time all right now today's story guys is connected to what i was teaching you in the tips that i gave you today we're talking about confidence speaking english fluently and i want to tell you about a time that i did not have confidence in myself until i remembered something so many of you know and maybe you do maybe you know as well i love sports when i was in high school i was voted the most athletic female in my high school when i got to college i was voted the most athletic female out of all the females in my college so as you can tell i've always loved sports very athletic i like taking care of myself and my favorite sport has always been basketball i've been playing it since i was a child and i remember when i was in college you know college basketball is harder than high school basketball of course but right before i went to college there was a gentleman mr rayford if he ever watches this and mr rayford actually coached me a little bit on the side not officially but he would give me tips and he would help me with some of the steps i needed to master to get to the basket you know the hoop faster and properly and some things with dribbling to kind of avoid my opponents he really gave me some good basketball tips so when i was around mr rayford i felt confident in my basketball skills now fast forward i remember the day it happened i was a freshman in college and we were in basketball practice and my coach when i was in college he was good he was a little bit i yelled a lot more than i was used to but you know he's a nice guy so anyways we're in practice and i played the point guard i was the number one or the number two uh number one being the point guard that brings the ball down and hands it out to the team the players or number two being the one that helps the point guard and also as a shooting guard so anyways i at the time i was playing the point guard during practice but i was getting a little bit nervous the coach was yelling i wasn't able to see the floor properly i wasn't getting the passes off properly and the more mistakes i made the less confident i was getting in myself i was focusing on my mistakes and not my wins so practice continued coach again still yelling i was feeling bad about myself even though i could play basketball i wasn't doing well and all of a sudden the door behind me opened we we're in a big gymnasium but you know when the doors open you can hear and i turned around and it was mr rayford i remember it like it was yesterday this was literally about 20 years ago 20 or so years ago and i remember like it was yesterday i turned around now mr rayford was not from i was in alabama that's my university college was but i'm from maryland and mr rayford is also from maryland so i was shocked that he was in alabama mr rayford opened the door and he walked in he didn't say man it's so powerful y'all he didn't say anything but he looked me in my eye he just walked in he didn't know that i was making mistakes over and over again so he walked in i looked at him and he kind of smiled like hey tiff i was in practice he wasn't gonna interfere he smiled i looked at him and i smiled and he sat down and something happened now i didn't recognize it immediately but my coach recognized it remember throughout the entire practice my coach was yelling tiff what are you doing come on so i kept making mistakes and i was focusing on my mistakes and i wasn't getting better but all of a sudden the dribbling got better my passes got smoother my shot got better i was playing like i knew i could and i only realized that when my coach stopped us from practice and said tiff i don't know what just happened but what you're doing right now yes keep going keep doing it and at that moment i realized it was because mr rayford had walked into the gym i associated winds with mr rayford i associated my ability to achieve mr rayford always told me tiff there's nothing you can't do you can play basketball you're good so it really sorry my nose is running guys so at that moment i realized wow your mindset what you focus on affects you so much now the rest of the practice went really well mr rayford was there i felt confident in myself and i want you to realize i want to be your mr rayford i believe in you i have confidence in your abilities the only reason i create these lessons and anything i create is to help you realize that you can do it don't focus on your mistakes focus on your wins remember that if you really want to speak english fluently apply what you learn immediately remember all the tips that i've taught you today and i want to be your mr rayford i love you all i genuinely want you to speak english fluently and i'll see you next time
Channel: Speak English With Tiffani
Views: 98,495
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Keywords: teacher tiffani, fluency in english, speak english fluently, learn english, english speaking, english fluency, speak english, fluency, fluent english, how to speak english fluently, speak fluent english, how to get fluent in english, how to become fluent in english, english lesson, learn english speaking, speaking english, native speaker, learn english conversation, speak english with tiffani, how to speak english, english lessons advanced speaking
Id: iuATDmuouQ0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 0sec (1200 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 05 2021
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