Scary Tales Vol. 1

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Dammit, I was just about to sleep dude...

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Tiny_Pay 📅︎︎ Jan 16 2020 🗫︎ replies
okay all right hi I'm ready to be scared actually you know what it's not cozy enough oh yes here we go now I'm ready no I'm ready to be spooked and welcome to scary tales Volume one this is something made by puppet combo who are one of the best indie horror game developers on the internet right now a lot of the stuff is on ETO I've played a ton of their games already and I absolutely love them I love the style that they're going for but they released something called scary tales Volume one and it's a collection of some of their best scariest most detrimental to your health games do you have what it takes to go forward the first game is called feed me Billy Boy oh nothing is scarier from this punch right now what am I getting myself in for oh hello the phone is ringing yes I love this style I love what they go for Jesus Christ man maybe next time don't buy a phone maybe try and buy a nicer apartment hello rejoice child rejoice in the knowledge of your conviction you have completed our series you are now of the enlightened children learn it in the ways of your father's vision as you know young coals Alton by [Music] okay dad what do you want from me oh [Music] Jesus all I want to do is watch scantily clad women on music videos or scantily clad men I'll take it every either which way hey this is epic the subject of music for the main menu for turbo dismount alright boys are pick one of these flashlights x2 turn on flashlight Thomas you're gonna need one of those when you go out killing people you're gonna need a flashlight okay so we can just shoot anyone okay never leave this way oh god this house [ __ ] sucks the floor is crawling I feel like I'm gonna get an infection just looking at this [ __ ] floor okay so far so spooky I like it let's go into the let's go into the throbbing undulating gaping anus door Oh God Almighty is that what I have to feed okay relax cam down I'll get you like a [ __ ] Big Mac or something so creepy all right where am I going it said never leave this way hey look it's those nice sexy legs again okay what else should I do a package came in the mail I was in it Deez Nuts I don't know what I actually have to do oh I could drive my car let me just go into town and get me some boys to feed to my Sarlacc pit that I'm keeping in the back of my house oh yes no I thought that they were a prime candidate yeah this is so awesome ho papa come I'll make like a fully-fledged big game someday in this type of style it's so creepy I don't know if that's the right way to be going I think it's the only way to be going honestly yeah all right I'm gonna go back down the street I need to find someone I need to find out yes okay keep it quiet keep it nasty don't be afraid child for you shall become part of something greater than yourself yeah but I was driving around in circles wait should I shoot them I have no idea hi Jesus okay Oh God I didn't mean to I mean I did but I oh I don't know if we [ __ ] on this put your arms in the air if you just don't care about living oh [ __ ] you want to pick up the phone again there you go here you can answer answer the phone there you go Jesus chatterbox over here alright well I got my body I found me somebody to love I have different tastes than you don't judge me oh god this is so like the actual real-life version of this is terrifying okay for some reason I thought it was super short or I mean maybe I am maybe that's I mad and have to kill people so I'm just so short and upset with life okay everything flash black they just pass out there for a second there you go over there Samantha on home we go I don't know if there was a way of doing that without killing her I'm back late can't watch that nudie boobies Phoebe Billy feed me I demand blood voidable the sacrifice or divert the blood of the innocent you're going to be a noble sacrifice Samantha into the hole you go two more days oh god do I have to kill more people how often do I have to feed my broom hole wakey wakey eggs and Bakey as a SIL now that's just exercise and that's fine I know what you do at night I know it is you I know it's you I know is you I know okay who knows whoever knows is just about to get a smack bottom but what a tease alright time to head out and go fishing again bye dang I'm a dirty pervert living in my mom's basement by night I'm actually much worse than that where are we this same Oh somebody knows though I know I'm gonna get killed I don't want to get killed I've so much to live for like killing others I'm feeding them to my Sarlacc hole okay I am completely lost hello Oh what is this it's people dancing at a camp is it the people who was on the TV those burgers were great hello hi cool time hello oh it's about to be cool time I love it out here oh do you guys do you love it out here how much do you love it tell me how much you love it oh my god that's [ __ ] Jesus Christ am ia bad person I'm pretty sure I'm the worst [ __ ] person I can carry three buddies on [ __ ] Jack okay gotta get back to my car I gotta get back to my carriage they're gonna find the bodies if I don't get back to the character find the bodies there's to find the bodies then it's all over for me I need to get back to the car somebody knows somebody out there knows what I do at nighttime somebody out there is trying to stop me but I need to do it I need to fulfill my oath I need food first no you don't know you don't just load up the truck just put the bodies in and we're good to go there you go it's all easy what no one knows you exist okay single file now come along Cynthia get your ass out of my face okay is it sit now nudie boobies who [ __ ] Jesus Christ I'm all about making jokes to cover the [ __ ] fear but I'll turn into a squeamish little [ __ ] if you show me something like that so what's here so what knows what you've been doing - oh [Music] you promise you promise it'll all go away I don't know if that's a promise you can keep I don't know if I trust you hole in floor where am i what happened play blackout oh please tell me I didn't murder those people [Music] god never did someone bandage up my boots oh Jesus wait was that me who came to kill myself Oh God am I having conniptions am I having issues you won't get away with it stupid [ __ ] who do you think you are I'm sorry the game made me do it I don't want to do it but the game is making me it's good [ __ ] [ __ ] I don't like it i'm so glad i'm not actually home alone right now or am i my window is open oh god this is so [ __ ] creepy though it's one thing running away from a killer that's coming towards you because you can visualize the threat but now I am the lunatic I am the killer so what is the threat I am that's just heavy breathing walking around people's houses and looking in their windows and finding someone to kill in cold blood it's [ __ ] scary okay what's up lights are on - you're gonna have a good time tonight huh just walking into someone's house watching the same page as mr. duty boobies Oh God Jesus they killed him so hard that his [ __ ] wig fell off ah what happened your face oh [ __ ] and I've got a pillar face off [ __ ] ah blood everywhere oh I can't live with the deeds of Misty's that I've done just leave just leave no one else heard it it's fine no one else is here no one else knows what I do at nighttime what I do in the dark no one knows how I like to play she's [ __ ] christ okay okay okay get in the [ __ ] side this is genuinely upsetting okay okay so someone in my house god this guy's face is [ __ ] Eddie's her face got blowed off Oh God when I take her to Buddy the plug goes everywhere ah [ __ ] who's gonna clean this up my mom doesn't love me anymore am I actually feeding this anything why is my phone here whatever you say magic teeth hole whatever you say here are the bodies you wanted can I go now [Music] [Applause] [Music] when the [ __ ] so I'm a psychopathic lunatic killer went out and killed things and hit things hit buddies in my room but I think that I couldn't take the psychological toll of it so I saw myself coming for myself to kill myself that's wholesome happy Christmas you thought it was just one game huh psych sucker yerba food you're silly stinky we're on to the next game which is called night shift and amber wants to know what time we were getting out six want me to pick you up yeah it's too far to walk no I think I'll Oh yeah it's too far to walk as if I'll be cocked out by then I'll have a beer for you later have fun hey fine I'll go work is this supposed to look like an Esso station oh wow I have my eyeballs are a tape player all right that's going to work quick Mart what's up cats Oh what is wrong with your face is that an actual scanned face in okay cats you're free to go just in time hurry up and punch in I've got a hot date tonight [ __ ] you wish come on I've got to go did you sweep the floor at least sorry dude it was too busy hey Rick left a list of side work to do on your shift now I've got to get out of here oh yeah one more thing I can't find the keys anywhere the bathrooms are locked up so go behind the dumpster I guess okay have a good date if my calculations are correct I'll be rounding third base in one hour sick and 16 point 32 seconds yeah someone who says that is definitely going to be hit bass at those times they see you later cats it's mostly porno mags oh hell yeah way to pass the time they've been sitting all day yeah they almost just looked like an amorphous blob maybe I'll have some later all right cats you can go I'll do the rest anytime care to punch it okay take your time card punch it okay work time man I'm bored already let's put these in shelves where ah a power drill massacre they made that game as well never actually played it though okay I don't know what I'm supposed to do with these whatever let's go around back [Music] okay food extra stock got it you want a bottle this these are all just storage bins can't Kenny Eric carry any more items what can I drop some stuff oh all right I'm just gonna sweep up but this is a lot of [ __ ] sweeping to do goddamn it cats for your hot date you couldn't just swept up what do babies called sleeping sweeping though I'm sweeping like a little baby right yo okay just sweep up the whole place there you go bish bash Bosh all good I actually look at this that's her back though he said to go out by the dumpsters at me I wasn't listening to him he said he had a hot date and I didn't believe him hey sweep up every tour if to sweep outside no way okay I can't actually go outside okay leave the take the brush down for a second let's go out at the back this is a cozy ass job when someone comes to [ __ ] murder me okay metal doors locked all right so I really have to sweep I can't leave this or why not just leave dudes don't cares all right sweeping let me sleep until I'm 90 cuts it have a real date Denise no that's [ __ ] Katz's face looked like the inside of a [ __ ] marriage by rapper yeah he didn't have a real to aide he's [ __ ] messing with me third base kind of [ __ ] silly dumbass there's a customer coming Oh actually work to do okay well ding-ding-ding welcome oh hi Oh God you look like dave mustaine got printed out of a [ __ ] hello welcome buddy what do you need no no put the broom down hey can you give me $10 on pump five sure thing buttery no thanks easy man cushy job I mean I just got paid minimum wage but whatever I don't care any gonna care all right look like someone who cares okay I can't leave my little station for some reason what I'll just sweep back here anyway it's not like cats as a real date anyway he's just bullshitting me he doesn't make me feel bad cuz he gets off work and to make it seem like oh hi sorry it's talking myself can you turn the goddamn poop on oh sorry that did that work okay it worked all right sweet all right back to sweeping I'm better at this anyway I love it back here it's nice against the fan I actually forgot that this is supposed to be a scary game it was genuinely just enjoying the sweeping work that I'm doing finish sweeping hell yeah that's a job well done mr. DeMarco is gonna be so [ __ ] happy with me you're gonna fire cats too after all this all right but now what do I do power drill mascar sure why not Jesus [ __ ] scary ass game Factory room one Oh God what the [ __ ] do we do okay okay oh that genuinely upset me yikes yikes yikes yikes there's a customer coming I can't play the game anymore hello okay big boy voice I have to go to go to college next year gonna make the big box wait even stopping hey our dicks oh damn it this deep sucks anyway so bad my job ooh customer ooh customer yes oh hi hello can I help you where are you headed hi can I help you yeah I just need some cigarettes okay which brand banshee red with filters okay I'm about beat up a new be able to wrap up up there you go oh hey can I use the bathroom I can't open it that's weird good luck good luck to you too go piss to the streets I want else to do about it I'm really good at my job I'm very very proud of myself can I do something else though you said I had to do something out back but I I can't get out there I also can't pick these up anymore oh yeah okay hold on I'm a liar okay they go here and here and here perfect I'm amazing at my job oh the guy in the van is back I don't like that I like that he's circling the place he's trying to see who's here that's [ __ ] creepy you should be on the phone right now boom used use the [ __ ] phone okay I can't use the phone apparently goddamnit [Applause] it's okay you're fine you have security cameras here no one will dare try anything I know it's it's in the middle of nowhere and anything could happen no one would try it what they my cat's is on his date right now [ __ ] living it up with Connie - what's her [ __ ] face I'm sitting here working where do I get have the night shift I know it's the name of game and everything but shift blows night shifts is boring nothing happens I've had two customers in 20 minutes hello camera it's just you and me do you want to hang out sometime Oh mr. Phillips if you're watching this I'm sorry please don't fire me I'm just having fun and bored there's no customers the way she was customers they speed this up at all oh I can change the filter Oh dip oh I can make this so much clearer Oh customer Oh those lips hi there's customer coming okay okay look brave hi thank you here all alone I know my co-workers in the back oh I do not trust this guy [Applause] where's your car sir you're a happened on a van do you know keep your head down just keep your head down okay don't make eye contact okay you're gonna be fine you're fine you're fine you go to college next year Katz is off on his date just call him everything okay sir do you need a hand looking for anything okay well just let me know I don't like this okay he actually is gonna buy something okay ah nice choice yeah I love those myself anything else [Applause] okay see you later oh I don't trust him you got that on camera right okay man the game looks so much different now when I have the filters turned off it's probably easier for you guys to watch at home as well it's fine he bought some beer everybody buy his beer I'd love a beer right now if I could okay oh the phone is dead that's a terrible [ __ ] sign okay now I'm getting very nervous what oh no was that the door that was always locked just opened [ __ ] [Music] hello so this is locked oh god oh god oh god I'm [ __ ] nervous the [ __ ] Christ what the [ __ ] holy [ __ ] that scared the crap out of me oh my god that was awesome Jesus Christ there was so minimalistic but so effective the fact that I was just doing regular [ __ ] all the time and the fact I knew what the door sounded like when they opened I went through and every time I was checking that door and then the one time that it opened I knew bad [ __ ] was gonna happen that was [ __ ] awesome Oh God Jesus I'm gonna have a heart attack I don't have nightmares I'm gonna [ __ ] my pants if I haven't already hey gab oh that's really nice that's my girlfriend my girlfriends in here everybody that's my claim to fame she's a big fan of their games though so that's awesome oh man okay that was great okay I need to go get a drink before the next one Jesus [Music] [Music] in July 1991 a group of hikers happened upon a garbage bag containing a videotape and some articles of clothing and spring for a state park after viewing the footage they turn in to the local police believing it to be a prank limited oh I didn't get to read it all this one's called the Riverside incident holy [ __ ] I thought that was real for a second Oh God Oh God oh I already [ __ ] hate this why am I so goddamn slow oh my god okay okay whatever we're fine do my legs not work or something what is going on oh my god this stylist so scary PM 625 1989 hello I can only move so slowly that's awesome oh my god the [ __ ] the fact that I'm so limited in what I can see and do is freaking me out already it's so claustrophobic this looks fantastic though Oh what pray tell is the Riverside incident wait I'm the one taping so that means I'm gonna be part of the [ __ ] incident god damn it I go through that door don't know I'm very limited in what I can do apparently I don't have hands okay okay big boy balls big boy balls be a big boy where do I walk so jittery way a ninety-year-old granny god there's nothing in any of these rooms this seems promising so there's something in it there's something standing behind me at some point in this game I am out can I even interact with anything I could barely even walk this is like a scarier outlast oh that's a [ __ ] bad sign Satan want to come out to play devil Dearest like how these games are so good at building tension oh the number of the beast lovely Kokoro in a bit of old 666 why would you be here why would you be doing this do people do this in real life are people [ __ ] crazy walk around abandoned places on their own in the dark with a [ __ ] camera it's also not 629 p.m. is that 6:30 p.m. it's 2059 military time okay okay you're fine you're fine you're climbing the tallest you're in the highest room in the tallest tower oh [ __ ] what it's 7:15 I blacked out for 45 minutes okay it seems like it's a hospital or something Oh uh I hate this [Music] this is like trying to [ __ ] pass kidney stones oh no no no she just said no no no no as well she's listening run away ya [ __ ] freak get through I was gonna say it's nice to actually have some sounds going on in the background for a change but I don't know if I like those sounds I also don't know if I'm going forward or getting lost my face is gonna cramp up from [ __ ] scrunching it and fear I'm genuinely very very tense okay Crow skulls got it cool sick album cover dude oh we are not going downstairs are we going up was great bat [ __ ] always happens when you go down and have horror things wait this room again so you're gonna enter it earth keep going down is it gonna change again okay don't smack yourself in the face of a light bulb feel like something's watching me trying to listen to what she's saying with no [ __ ] idea why am I here why would I be doing this what is wrong with me I need to help that that lady's getting in that interview just keep going keep going down sure why not that's a great idea lovely idea love that for me right now am I actually going down or is it repeating itself fear start getting scared of a game see start getting mad at it yep let's repeat myself that's me right now you know start getting very mad at this game now in a second lady stop [ __ ] laughing maybe you should try going back here I'm gonna try this door down here again on the left and then I'm gonna try going backwards again it's open okay great it was supposed to happen was it that's not a completely broken okay now it's 7:45 did I lose like another 20 minutes alright alright alright secrets who's got secrets oh there's a lot of [ __ ] here now tape flashlights naives bold cutters - the [ __ ] machete oh this this is painting a very not nice picture Jesus where am I going I'm taking a poop oh [ __ ] it's just teleported me again I really wish I knew if I was making progress or not I mean I must be if I'm being teleported but I feel I can going nowhere it's darkness what's 941 we're just exploring this place and losing all sense of time if you all can zoom in at the same time it makes you feel like you're going faster that sounds lovely great music love this song oh there be rituals here wait am i standing in the middle of the circle no that's what the bad [ __ ] happens [Applause] okay okay okay where am I going I need to I need to start getting out of here now I would really like to start leaving now jump through a [ __ ] window or something okay I'm gonna exit a different door i'ma go this way it sounds like the music's coming from here it actually just sounds like it's all around me [Music] cannot go through there I can't [ __ ] what what like that this game went from like really scary to like okay what the hell is going on to know really scary again okay it's just the camera freaking out no need to worry I've been here already doing that like [ __ ] flies in my ears Oh God hi Jesus Christ oh I'm getting closer to something Oh exit exit right open the [ __ ] door it won't open I can't do anything with it what god it's 11:30 p.m. now where the [ __ ] am I am just outside someone's really nice modern house how do we get in should I go in okay none of this is open who jesus [ __ ] christ I'm just inside now [Music] what am i doing what am I going to do oh please don't do anything to some nice innocent people it's a [ __ ] nice homes reminds me is the house in the movie parasite you should really go watch that movie jesus [ __ ] christ [Applause] today just kill somebody I think I just killed somebody in their house [Music] [Applause] I am uncomfortable they just go to this place lose all sense of where I am and what I'm doing and then just end up with somebody's housing kill them in their house and then burnt their house down I am an evil person those are really fun Papa combo really have a style about them that sticks in your heads not not everything is amazing and there's a reason why these are all just kinda like prototype demo short sort of games instead of fully fledged games because they're really good at coming up with creepy unique little ideas cuz some of these make me feel really uncomfortable that first one going out and just shooting people who are having fun in the woods or stuck in a petrol station or something like that very uncomfortable did not like that which means that I liked it a lot because it did exactly what it was supposed to be doing I'm some of the other ones I feel like go on a little long like that last one was a little longer than it probably should have been but it builds up that tension and what the [ __ ] is going on and while the outcome is not something that climactic it's still if you think about it in real terms it's kind of spooky [Music] [Music]
Channel: jacksepticeye
Views: 3,254,074
Rating: 4.96281 out of 5
Keywords: jacksepticeye, jacksepticeye horror games, 3 scary games jacksepticeye, jacksepticeye scary games, jacksepticeye scary, horror games, 3 scary games, jumpscare, scary games, scary, horror, gameplay, creepypasta, lets play, playthrough, let's play, creepy pasta, walkthrough, jump scare, creepy, scary game, scary stories, creepypasta game, reaction, horror stories, gaming, game, puppet combo, scary stories vol 1, night shift, the riverside incident, feed me billy, night shift jumpscare
Id: qMMIp4g5mIk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 47min 53sec (2873 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 16 2020
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