Hand Simulator w/ Markiplier & Pokimane

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wait pokey do you speak French it's my first language do you guys know how long it took me to learn how to pronounce Indianapolis hey what would you say Indianapolis how else would someone read that word how many times in a week do you have to say Indianapolis never but it's just a really good example for there we go now I'm joining you guys even bother changing your outfits no I'm not a customizer don't you dare point that weird hand at me your hands just as weird free quick rundown we start gentlemen good luck there we go you grab with a swf and space those are your grabbing hands after that just good luck come on handy come on handy I don't think you said this is private we might have a try-hard in here oh no oh God we're all gonna die okay I'm so sorry no that was me no I yeah I killed himself by myself up real hard that's why this mode is the most fun come on mouse wheel hold on I'll let you know what you're done okay here we go here we go you get you get you get okay yeah you were you watching it okay which one which finger is the good finger oh that's that's the good finger okay understand how to bring my hand up or down if I'm being about my mouse wheel yeah house wheel oh that's so stupid yeah God so much effort to get nothing yeah soon as that guy's thrown at you and then I don't know what John's doing I'm trying I'm trying to not just Shawn myself real yeah I'm not trying to pull a bum bum over here my feet actually you know washing well it is the other person isn't like a savant at the game I'm pretty sure the other person's trying to do like the the okay sign and then the finger and doing like yeah no actually let me get closer I can't I called that from a distance exactly but they're doing they're out of there out of grenades so they're doing a little gamers are very mature are you uh you guys gonna kill each other i I I would settle for killing myself at this point I can't even get the pain out of this grenade down there we go oh we got the Panera name oh oh my god that did not leave my hand all right so pro tips over here that is a nice dress yeah you got it perfect perfect lift that all the way up push good open race against the clock oh my god okay now what my grass wasn't so dang firm well you got a firmer yeah you gotta you gotta practice more and more like you're trying to like crush a baby's head yeah exactly I'm trying to baby's head so hard okay okay now second hand get this okay yeah it's on the ground yeah well you got two more I'll give you pro strat oh you want pro strat yes yes yes I hear you all you gotta do when you when you grab it flail your hand wildly the pin will follow mark I have an extreme closeup well flail oh my god yeah okay unique yeah okay the flail was good but you need it oh he laughs so you you need to shake it until the pin comes out and then let go here we go you [ __ ] are going down this time here we go here we go here we go opening better that sucks for you I am as with everything in my life the master okay okay oh oh my hand is my hand becomes box [ __ ] no not again I'm the master bit and then followed up by that that sucks for you I am as with everything in my life the master [ __ ] no not again as with everything in my life I don't speak with an accent everything in my life I don't speak with an accent you speak with an American accent no no no no no I speak normally you speak with an accent sure sure there bud pin leader just shake violently I am take more violently don't you see the violence nope I don't feel it I'm so sorry but that was epic I spilled drink open at least this feels weird to say but you're really gonna killing yourself thank you thank you baby thank you thank you very much appreciate oh god I can't see if the pin came out did the pin come out no you're fine you'll notice there's a sound it goes between [Music] all right good ion grenade in hand and I'm shaking God poke it open not again not again not again not again not again not again no no you gotta throw better but oh you got a little better you got a live better guy I'm winning yeah well I say you gotta win better did iesson live better is this for all the you know [ __ ] I had to take I feel like the world's biggest oh yeah you look like it I am shaking like this is a corn on a cob my hand at least I got the box come on how do I flip you off there's a SF in space I mean we're gonna do it yourself at this park god I look for I am so trying very hard no further go further though Oh though oh it's oh that's nice that was closer to me than it was to you I'll take it come here you stupid avocado of death no [Laughter] no let's not have that and why did my camera breaking but he was lagging does a camera lag as my problem is up to I'm distracted by my my camera being broken that I can't play right sure well 19 times [Laughter] what's fighting you I'm fighting you what Thanks that's summer I didn't know you could actually interact with things when you're dead what that's so GT no you just mess with all of us when you're dead in the first time well I won't be dead in this next one so it won't even matter you know life's good for what little of it you have left little brain you have in your brain I have to call it a night I will cry okay hi that will not kill me dude stop stop mark I need you to stay alive long enough for him to not kill me yeah the fact that you can get at that fast is impressive okay is there something fundamental I don't know about the throwing because I feel like for some reason I just feel like maybe push it like a snail throw my arm and then let go of click you need to let go of it well yeah otherwise you're just gonna hold it in your hand oh come on your strategy you gotta let go when you throw rocks in real life do you keep holding them yeah all my friends to get them so click oh okay we'll give you a head start at this time so you can kill one of us so you click that's that's so smart yeah oh you're gonna you're pretty smart sometimes I'm just yawn all the time alright alright pogey here's the thing about me I never go easy on anyone ever what you say right before you Bob my head give you a head start and then we didn't yep it's ok I don't need it ok this one's not working no this one's gonna work see unlike you I don't give up on things once they let me down I also think you guys are at a disadvantage because you have to throw it the furthest or as I just have to wing it left or right I think I think we need it we need a game that's gonna level the playing field a little more hey see my DJ dick it's not sound like that just cuz I have an accent ok does that mean you get to make fun of me I'm sorry I'm sorry I mean I that's not a that's not true we do it all the time yeah they don't lie yeah that's basically exclusively what people make fun of me for high-five no nice send it back it's like a dance move like I pass it to you wait too far buff you look like you took a little too much Molly before the partier you just did the renegade oh thank you anyone filming is the Tik Tok done okay let's get down to where the real fun begins I hate this mode rain doesn't work wait how do we open the gun can we just flick it open maybe you're good enough are you no are ya clearly not no it's not loaded grab the bullets the bullets right there haven't tasted one it feeling oh oh you are done I've got it you are you might be rude which is so unfortunate no way really okay here we go here we go here we go here we go guys what's grandma Mildred got behind her back oh my god why can't it just like it close to the gonna end the games like yeah close enough cuz then the game would be satisfying to play it feels like we all just popped LSD and are now trying to like figure out how normal things work yeah the only thing is loading a gun goddamn card game oh come on this is totally normal in some places yeah oh you know how about we reset huh for [ __ ] you man doesn't have a gun anymore so we gonna resell hold them back I'm right there doing yeah no no no you got a reset got a reset got a reset come on oh oh oh it's in the chamber but it's not come on come on little Betsy come on come on don't fall no okay it fell here we go here we go here we go doing it no it's doin uh no we should totally reset you look like you're about to tell us something very important tell us your story tell us your truth my truth is we need to restart how brave of you to say your first mistake was letting me not die their second mistake will be a bullet in the face your second mistake is me pulling the trigger yeah Oh God just pick up a bullet just it's it's in your hand but for some reason the magnets don't work come on man oh yeah the bullet magnets in the finger magnets just drop the bullet in oh my god yeah it's not the easiest but that's what makes it so rewarding when you're yeah this game makes me hate being a human [Music] come on come on it's not in No so no you can't see it it's where the trigger would be looking you don't need pointing it right at you so I can't like the depth is gone it's like directly Oh pointed at me then I'm so hard you are done you're done in a million ways you are gone and gone forever you sayonara sign up I've done nothing but support you yeah [Laughter] can we never do that again I'm just happy I got the dang bullet in the dang gun that was a victory in and of itself since this is was cooperative listen listen with your ears start with the screws in the four corners you have to grab the drills do not stab yourself with my drill know this apologize to yourself because it'll kill you I'm sorry me I like your hats thank you I'm trying but my hand is like not moving anymore well helps it helps on its own that's unfortunate because it's how I don't know man physics in this game don't make any sense okay bad that mine was making a lot of sound that I dropped it and now I'm having a hard time can be a backup but fortunate because that we need to open it yeah I know look it happens what - and it's not turning on wait did you drop your drill no she dropped her drill by the way did you drop your drill there you can have mine ok I guess that is one way to do it yeah it makes sense oh now it works oh oh now it works I will accept donations you want this one that's here take it take it take it take it thank you there you go that's a good grip on that that's a good grip cooperate please just turn wait okay nice yes not typically no so I was time to be getting this bomb well know once we get it open look look look it goes in the direction that it's bent towards it just does it I don't know why no I mean just standing still yes yes and if it's bent in a certain direction it'll go that way I don't know all right low-key all you is it good bomb right here yeah my bad boys around for miles made in ruts I a that's pretty good I don't know but it sounds exotic very exotic place you're such a ninety days out of the year yeah ninety okay well I think that's one way of diffusing it I just wanted to give an inspirational speech up do it we are bomb defusal experts we've been training for this for years you know exactly don't touch my hand I don't know that's not part of it that we need to we need to continue the circle complete the circle there you go all right continue all right we have been training for years for this yes we want to go home to our families after this yes we are gonna defuse this and it'll be like nothing when we're gonna prove a point by not wearing any bomb defusal equipment we don't need armor except hats keep our big thinkers fresh Greg don't drop the drill is all oh I just dropped the drill oh maybe Russ is the drill capital it's okay I got one one school coming out coming at you like Cleopatra there you go wow that's some good stuff that's some good stuff that's some good schooling okay and then I drop it and watch this lefty Pokey are there you remember your training do you remember the speech family Russ I hey you remember Russ I ain't okay she'll get it she'll get her can you hand me that bad boy I'm trying perfect that leave it there it'll be fine okay I'll stop right here I don't want to like mess with your jam right now yeah oh yeah give it a once-over well I gotta make sure I know what the model is you know III work by touch it's fine Ross I a craftsman ship I keep my sweetie for Dawn please please don't help me out actually would be more thank you and now I'll pass it back to you so you can get the job done use your grippers there pokey use those grippers yeah they call them phalanges yeah cuz they fall and this angle for gripping is perhaps not ideal okay I actually I'm gonna toss it into your other hand okay ready three two one catch there you go there you go solid perfect performance sounds great catch now showing it off like a teacup it's more afraid of you than you are of it yeah doesn't go anywhere it's over on the right side now yes yes so the diagram so that sound you heard was not our tinnitus kicking in that was death oh sorry my hand was in the way oh well put her on the table okay okay okay can t be easier when you realize you don't actually have to put it straight on yeah yeah yeah angles are fine I feel like that was a lesson I learned and a life once passed long long ago look it's been a while there we go there we go magnetism yo [ __ ] magnet are you got this don't god you got blood on me I'm not sure that's safe okay God you need to go the spirits are insider oh the backwards grip I like it I like it that's okay I can't move either of mine at what point can I just run out the door and scream just like what point is wisdom gonna take over well you know Kate's not quarantine it's quarantine pokey you all right there the demons yep the demons yep that that's the demons okay demons let's just see if we open up the bomb we win yeah yeah yeah they're here take mine takes mine the cake my eyes don't headbang don't have bang just a perfectly positioned so you can grab that twice not fifty portion first Aaron okay I'll be doing any second guys you guys can get back to your conversation it's a very good angle that's a good angle you know what she might go to Nationals with this one boy there you go that's okay you're kind of pressing it and that's all i'ma just point it down put it on that screw okay never nor let it go okay I like this turkey claw you got going up it's pretty good if you are person to boy no this would be and then why did I like move my arm properly in front of it probably those goddamn you're playing it's a bunch of crap you didn't get rid of that you're playing it's no damn twitch games this is a YouTube game I'm letting you guys down right you are yeah no no you got this you got this no you are letting us down super hard yep Landy of time like one of you guys could just do it from your angle P we would long you would love to oh yeah you know I imagine there's much more to this than just sorry maybe y'all practice up this game I don't think it would help honestly it's a very hard game right what do we even do here oh oh no the earth of our peach oh no this is easy and is it going it's already lined up okay that's the opposite ones real pain-in-the-ass can't believe they did it like this what about Jaisal wait all right no oh no it's not lined up it's so weird well those are good bass sounds well test fireworks that's good going does it click in oh yeah dying look we're really good at this game how do you aim this thing oh okay a little lower you need a little lower and fire okay hold on no no a bit to the right okay I just want to I'm just happy that this is doing whoa - hi god damn it can it just be over when I miss are you guys both dead yeah yeah yeah oh then reset okay here we go here we go here we go that's right in the chamber right in the chamber in this game that I just yeah it's something about the hole the way it is yeah it's only the entire purpose yes it's awful you know everyone who plays this game says the same things I just need to turn it at one of you and then it's over for you [ __ ] don't call us [ __ ] that's derogatory sorry but I need to kill you oh god how do I turn oh my god I can't even aim it at either of you I don't know how the hell I can turn it at your direction I just have it in the air look at my RPG I just can't aiming at you I aim it straight good lord it's what they call a damn shame you know they call it crying damn shame damn crying shame what the hell I didn't even shoot Oh No I knocked all my Rockets away that sucks for you man that's really unfortunate okay I'm locked in now how the hell does the rest of this thing work there's an ass end of it and there's a shooty end at the front oh yes don't even think about it oh my god he won't lift it my body's getting in the way life's good cuz I am about to destroy another yo sir it is I who can't reach his a [ __ ] Fiji now I'ma be honest that wasn't even close yeah when I heard it I was like oh and I was like wait there's no way he's gonna even know why it what like perfectly alive and then fully straight up oh my god I can't I I literally can't reach my thing anymore why is that even a thing why are you able to knock it away where you can't reach it anymore I know it's me two rods ago I still have RPGs no ya know he'd get that mode is a another valiant effort something war must out your snake impression I love it every go keys got the best snake impression come on yeah yeah he's got the best salts Nick all day yeah has changed I can't [ __ ] doing any more it was like his first video is that your first video yeah I mean I don't know I'm laughing it was a good video is my first is this I'm doing this a snake impression I mean it's a fake it's whatever I'm somewhat of a voice actor it's it's no big deal guys you don't need to keep talking about it forever okay go on [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: jacksepticeye
Views: 2,536,134
Rating: 4.9635205 out of 5
Keywords: jacksepticeye, hand simulator, hand sim, hand simulator funny, hand simulator funny moments, funny moments, hand simulator jacksepticeye, pokimane, markiplier, hand simulator markiplier, hand simulator pokimane, funny, videogame, gameplay, hand sim funny
Id: Kz8c64L4XqQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 40sec (1960 seconds)
Published: Thu May 07 2020
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