THE FULL GAME IS HERE | Subnautica Below Zero - Part 1

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it's finally here subnautica below zero it's out of early access this is the full version of the game it's finally released it just released today for me as i'm recording this video and i'm very excited for it because this has been in the works for a long time i've kind of played through two iterations of it by now when it first came out in early access okay oh god i don't like that sound okay ah yes it's good to be back and then they rewrote it and changed a bunch of stuff and a bunch of stuff behind the scenes happened with the game so it went under a complete rewrite some of the stuff and the premise and everything of the game was changed so it says immediately below zero is under heavy construction not just regular construction heavy construction everything is different i'm kind of curious to see what it's going to end up as right now as many of you know i absolutely love this franchise and the original game of subnautica meant a great deal to me so i hope this one is just as good from the stuff that i played previously of it some of the level design and some of the sort of navigation of it was a little bit clunkier than the original but i'm curious to see how streamlined it is now in the final version of the game and how much has remained versus how much has changed also you might notice that the background's all different because my lights died before it records this video so now i have no lights in the background so we're just going to sit back and chill in the dark uh but let's get in play i deleted my other save file just so we can go in completely clean uh i'm just gonna do survival why not ooh new loading screen is that the ship that's up in the space outside of all of this before this is exactly what it is the meteor shower is happening even the loading screen is so cute look at the little dude going i forget what they're called all right now leave that out of the way thank you for blessing me let's get in this is the farthest that i can take you on company space bucks robin you sure you want this the research isn't everything it is to me and sam i need to know what happened the meteor storm i can use it for cover from altera's eyes gonna miss you robin i'll find my way back wait first of all this looks cool wasn't the whole thing that she was british before like her and her sister is the sister still even in the game 45 46 feet temperatures below zero [Music] okay so this is very different huh alrighty oh god oh god it's everywhere oh god that's unexploding jesus okay okay getting out of here holy god ride robin run get away from everything what an intro holy smokes that did not go as planned i should find a way into the water and get to the drop pod oh man you got a stinky voice now no discredit that the person actually voicing her like you're doing a fine job it's just the other one had so much more personality wait and now we're just hmm okay uh i need to turn down my sensitivity because holy god almighty this is high all right we're going to compare a lot because i've played the previous iterations i remember the second version of it had that intro sequence of you leaving and exiting the thing and the storm coming down and then i don't think it was finished but the original one was you on the planet already and then a lightning storm happens um the meteor shower looks cooler but it's already stopped but then like stuff breaks off and you have to get back to your station but you can't get back because the thing gets covered over then your station station gets submerged and then you have no choice but to go down in here and then your sister drops in a pod for you and now all of that's gone now we're just a criminal by the sounds of it we just left and we're trying to hide from altera i don't know why altera is like the big corporation give me you new creature discovered oh and your voice is different new creature discovered new creature discovered i miss the old voice i miss everything oh i miss everything okay it's gonna take me a while to get used to this this subnautica hasn't even been out for that long the original one and i'm already nostalgic for it let's grab some stuff while we can so i'm a pretty huge fan of the original game so i might be a little harsh oxygen on some stuff that's happening and i apologize in advance if i go too deep on it i'll try and enjoy my experience for what it is down the drop pod all right so let's make some food logs and communications i'm sorry about your sister okay so we still have a sister can i read it i want to offer my sincerest condolences on the passing of your sister i got to know sam better towards the end of my mandate with altera on 454. my sister's dead when we were thrown together as basemates at outpost zero she spoke often and fondly of you i thought you should know it didn't sit right with me when altera blamed sam's death on negligence the samantha iu i met was many things kind clever devoted to her work but never negligent i wish i could offer you something more substantial but my access to information has been cut off she is a great voice by the way you may be in a better position to look into things than i am if you're able to delta station was our hq they were in a big hurry to leave and there might still be information to be found there it has a big radio tower impossible to miss i hope you find the answers you seek lillian bench man so they just cut that uh sort of narrative point out of the rewrite now she her she has a sister but she's just dead robin guess what i got the job i'm going to 4546b now i'll be able to improve the mechanical av and amphibian under real world stress conditions the what listen i know your stance on altera but i just hope you're happy your sis is happy i sure hope my sis is happy i can't wait till we talk again oh i wanted to ask you something can you watch my auggie while i'm away i need someone i can trust to look after my best little potato potatoes that's me listen i tried but that name is just not sticking he's my little extra bite i'll leave the starchy tuberous nicknames to you anyway if you say yes thanks baby sis love you yeah the mechanical avian amphibian yeah extra bite starchy tuberous nickname there's a lot of stuff going on here um she has a lot more stuff here to listen to but sam i guess i might as well gather some tools and resources before starting my search hope that radio tower's as easy to spot as lil said so i just want to get on with some exploring and stuff for right now we listen to those when we can um so is this going to be a thing where they blame the sisters death and negligence and now me at this current time have left the thing and i'm getting away from altair i want to find out the answers of what actually happened to her that's that's kind of cool honestly i just missed it being british i don't know why you changed that i don't have any tools whatsoever i am completely blank all i have is some quotes hell yeah oh yeah we need to get a sea glide i'll get to y'all eventually i'll kill everything in this ocean don't you guys even worry about it so i need to make a scanner first foremost unless i can just paper come here creature discovered new creature discovered well i i missed the other lady gone oxygen yeah that's not sure what i was about to say did the lady would say oxygen look it's not that big a difference but it meant a lot to me was that in the distance it looks like an altera thing is it literally just ice no it has like railings what are this wait hold on uh sea clusters i need you to make some silicone a rebel and then if i make some rubber then i can make blueprint synthesized thank you i can make a knife and then with a knife i can get more creep vines and then with more creep vines i can just make more stuff but what are this i would very much like to know please get out of their penguins it's dangerous it's all terra tech they're bad guys now to be fair they did charge me like 400 billion dollars last time i came back i was hoping that was going to lead to something hello anything a flip why are you using it immediately no put it away nutrient block that's handy but that's it come on man that stinks new blueprint acquired she's not going to say that anymore she's just going to be like here you go here's your stuff get out of my face all right a knife is good knife is life um and then i'll work on fiber mesh for tank oh and i can just make more silicone take yeah flip it up flip it up flip it up put some big flippies on we're gonna swim like it's because i swim like mike tyson he's not a swimmer uh let's go get some crate finds lordy it got dark i put the things on right i put the flippers on it really doesn't feel like i'm flipping feel like i could flip a bit faster than this new blueprint synthesized synthesized get out of here i want to hear susie say new blueprint acquired was it susie sally sandra a lot of names for a lot of things hardly any of them made sense my brain can't keep up with itself half the time it's like yeah do this thing and then two seconds later i'm like wait what did you want me to do man cam additional blueprints to your data bank thank you very appreciated okay so we got 30 seconds extra of oxygen that is great that's good news oxygen tank can be upgraded for deluxe and vip breathing vip breathing we're getting fancy over here do i have anything to be able to make a scanner yet scanner yeah a battery and titanium so for a battery i needed ribbon plant and copper ore a ribbon plant ribbon plant rubber rubber plate river plant river plant i remember there being some ribbon plants around here there's one right there seriously robin can you kick the flippers a little harder come on we're on a [ __ ] budget time scale here ribbon plants contain electrolytic materials that can be used in energy storage that's pretty epic i'm glad to hear that glad i picked them up that's exactly what i wanted to know um we got the scanner then we can make a c glide make a c glide then my flippers will be moot titanium you better have titanium immediately thank you very much appreciated see game knows what's up the king of sonatica is back and he's here to do some [ __ ] business i would like all the things given to me it is nice to be back though it's nice to be playing the game again i have a scanner yeah i have a scanner that's pretty pog champ but then i see that piece she glide fragments i wonder if they've added any new creatures as well because i haven't kept up with i've tried to stay kind of like dark on the whole production of the game so i don't know if they've added any new creatures or something about like a giga leviathan or something at some point i don't know i didn't want to play the game too much in increments anymore i wanted to wait until the full version was out because it's easy to just keep doing every tiny little update and putting out a video and getting views on that but i i wanted to make sure that i was taking my time with it and doing it properly and providing a series rather than providing content you know there's a very discernible difference also if you're new to me playing subnautica welcome there's a lot of downtime it's a lot of me rambling um i just came back for oxygen more night oh no i came back to make water whatever because i don't know if you guys knew this but you actually get thirsty before you get hungry like in real life as well most of the times that you're actually hungry you're actually just thirsty and you should drink water first and then if you're still hungry after that then get a large domino's pizza for yourself i also know that there's a million billion different things to scan around here i'm not going to be scanning them so you can keep your comments in your purse because most times it's just what was that mount do most times the scanning stuff is like busy work it's it's nice to see some extra stuff about the environment but i i like just making progress rather than doing every like i'm not a collectible kind of guy in any game i got completely turned around from where i was going didn't i see more fragments somewhere close why not am i legally blind oh there's a piece right here stink sea glide it was right next to my thing oh stupid thank god i'm moving at the speed of slow right now and i would like to be much much faster i've got exploring to do i've got to figure out why altera killed my sister okey dokey i am making c lights c glide c glide c glide c glide c glide c c c glide lubricant copper wire and battery all the things i need to build a girlfriend copper wire copper copper praying for copper copper copper copper the game is giving me everything i need streamer loot let's go get more ribbon plants i'm gonna need them like a billion batteries i need to make a recharger immediately to make it easier on myself these batteries ain't cheap this requires hard labor swimming around my legs get tired my face gets all squished from the water should we just grabbing these as i go if i see him i grab him and if i grab him i have him and if i bop it i twist it i know i said that and then immediately just ignored that one but i'm about to die of water poisoning god does it ever stop raining where are we [ __ ] england no because the voice actors are not british anymore still upset about it they should bring in a system in this game that well i guess they kinda had it i want to be able to like i want like full farming i want to be able to plant like all my own stuff for my own crops and i don't have to water them like a full-on farming system i kind of had that in the last game right i can't remember where you can put there you can like plant your own food and [ __ ] um but i want to be able to like harvest my own ribbon plants like build up a system and get really good oh no it's down here sea glide niceu god this is gonna be so handy is a personal transportation device used for high-speed free diving contains a built-in light and map cook arctic paper decomposing lord almighty you don't last piss in time okay i got an egg as well a creature egg i'll put that away before it bursts and eats my face and i'll put you in one all right cooley here we go again i'm gonna go this way because this is where the the stuff was in the other version of the game like the rocket that i had to send off back to my sister for samples or something now my sister is dead and i'm trying to find out who did it sort of like a weird kind of batman whoops bad first person shooter habits she's always pressing r to make sure that i have full ammo uh cool music oh we're getting close this guy's familiar okay okay okay it's jesus it's still so scary please don't eat my face i really like it being attached to my body yeah this place that's where i want to go oh but i have to get past the [ __ ] oh please oh please oh please no no no no no you're not coming to me are you no no he's just chomping on some fish that's fine bro chop away i'm not going to stop you from killing the fish a unique identifier delta station dock delta station yeah that's cool this is the place lil mentioned in her message uh get out of the water hi idiots you can't even catch me oh whoo i just [ __ ] my pants four times use beacons to mark traverse territory show or hide the signals of your choice with your xenoworks pda alrighty now with surface support now it's surface support these these things are handy to scan because at least they give me the means of building them a bench i want a beach oh coffee machine absolutely you know i've been drinking those good beans i was drinking the good dirty beans right before this there's still a little bit of juice left in there oh and it's cold and it's fine because coffee is the greatest beverage that mankind has ever procured from the ground trash can yeah i need somewhere to sleep all right let's explore is this going to be the same hold on hold on i have a light stick to get i got a fragment that was a fragment but i guess i only need one if you can hear this you're trespassing if you know what's good for you you'll get the hell out of here you get the hell out of here wait is that the lady who was we met a lady who had a pet dog beast last time and when i played it previously she was deep underwater though is that that was her voice right okay we need to be careful now because freezing temperatures are a facet of this game and i would really like to not die kind of high on my list of priorities when it comes to gaming at a high top tier level uh oh you heat me up that's why you look so weird as i didn't mean to say weird i meant beautiful because before i never knew where they were in the game they were just weird looking beautiful beautiful is this hello oh that's just like a little vent a little thermal hot spring lovely oh i actually can kind of feel it i feel like a chill in my bones walking around in here icy biting cold the white snow on the screen really accentuating the white and milky pastiness of my skin in real life thank you game uh this looks like progress can't spell progress without poggers [ __ ] stop right there altera you're out of bounds i'm not with altera then your position is doubly precarious what do you mean if you're telling the truth you're out of your mind if you're lying there'll be hell to pay wait who are you stay off my land most of it is an ocean stupid also now i remember that that actually did happen before and it still got me the woman in the exosuit has been traced as far as my technology will allow it would appear i'm far less alone on this planet than i had anticipated signal location uploaded to pda pilot last known position cool cool cool cool cool what's in you sir new blueprint synthesizer bioreactor oh baby we're kicking it off big style almost immediately this isn't even a rocket ship anymore it was so cool that i could put stuff in the rocket ship and then it took off and i could see it off in the distance and i even remarked i'm gonna die of the cold i remarked at the time that i really loved that that more games needed to do that kind of [ __ ] i said more games needed to have stuff like big in the distance and have like big events happen and stuff go up into the sky box and [ __ ] like that i know you took that away man logs and communications gone fishing tower maintenance log okay this time the birds have really done it i don't know what they've been eating but it's corrosive when it comes out the other end i'm gonna need to rewire i'm short an element to fabricate the right cable i remember seeing some when i did that dive to the old ship i'm gonna go out there and see if i can get some more that should fix it maintenance status in progress in pogers so this is the big ship that's crashed to like the rear of me all right let's listen to another sam message 4546b to robin come in robin remember when we used to play old-timey space explorer this is kind of like that but it's even harder to communicate well let's see i got your last message altera is not as you put it all terrorizing me things are going well my project has a new name say goodbye to the mechanical avian amphibian and hello to spy panglings we're training the bots to mimic the creatures that's a much better name honestly and i think i'm kind of seeing someone i know it's not like me to just find a date let alone a mostly uninhabited water planet but actually you know what forget i said anything yeah it's it's probably not even a real are you seeing a penguin anyway um i'm sorry to hear xeno works might be strapped in the revenue department sounds like they still have you busy xeno working though i know there's no way to guarantee an alien intelligence startup will succeed but you put so much into it i hope they find a way to keep going i know how much it means to you getting to work in a small place where you have control over your research all right i gotta go later baby sis love you oh cute i think i'm kind of seeing something no no no no no no we've already heard that you're seeing someone look it got [ __ ] nighttime by the time you finished your conversation all right what is this gonna help me do stash report sector zero region scan two active human life forms detected unauthorized habitat construction and vehicular activity detected recommendation observe and prepare for possible intervention okay so is that the building that you're doing over there that's it but it's a giant beacon you shouldn't help me do something oh i'm so far away from my thing i'm actually closer to this now than i am to that [ __ ] i can't get into the building over here right wait i actually didn't try i can't it just looked like it was all covered in snow oh it is all covered in snow a jukebox gotta have it i'm awful to deal with without my tunes the lockers are really handy uh a bar table for when all my friends come over new blueprint synthesized no it's acquired let's get that right now coffee water oh hell yeah on a single wall shelf dude i'm gonna start up my own like screw the xeno thingy bobby ulterior facilities map no way you actually give me a map in subnautica what is this i remember back in the day us obnoxious veterans we had to go out there we had to search we had to be like okay where's the aurora all right you go right there that's where the island is and where's my where's henry all right you go behind him and then that's where the other mountain is and then you just have to figure it out no this map was made for all you dum-dums out there a map will come in handy it's me i should be able to find my way to phi robotics where sam works yeah i'm dum-dums it's me i the map is very helpful it's going to help me know exactly where to go and where to poggers um okay dude i'm just getting everything here modification station these are all huge framed picture a shaving kit fred's shaving kit who's fred jenny you wouldn't believe the adventure i'm having it's just like when we were kids and we used to play underwater city only sea monsters aren't pretend and i don't need to hide behind you when one swims by because i'm safe in my sea truck safe and very very brave please tell dad for me thanks so much for the mustache kit by the way to be honest i wasn't sure if it was a gag gift at first personal grooming is something of a challenge here and as you know i'm a pretty low maintenance guy to begin with but you'd be surprised how handy mustache wax is in an emergency there have been some close scrapes for a while there someone was sabotaging my truck and i thought i was seeing things but my friend sam helped me sort it out although she's had some troubles of her own lately to be honest i get a little worried out here sometimes but i guess that's normal under the circumstances gotta expect a little risk right i should be happy i have great friends and a good paycheck anyway love you jenny and dad please find a way to tell him that he won't find embarrassing and don't worry i'm looking for the perfect fish to bring back as a gift your favorite all right that was fred um why did why are fred's beds and jeremiah's beds completely different why did i have to scan both of them tower maintenance log another day another slight by the winged furies hi the furries as usual i got an interference alert as usual went out to see what the problem was as usual it was frozen stalagmites a feathered bird excrement i fear the career impact of saying this officially if you can even call what i have a career but i could swear they're targeting me personally the week i was out with the flu i came back to find the tower spotless parvan laughed at me when i asked him how he cleaned it silly me as if parvin would ever clean anything there's nothing left for me to do but quit but i know that's what the birds want me to do oh and i got the tower up and running maintenance complete ow my ankles oh [ __ ] ow oh i couldn't see oh now i can't walk oh [ __ ] ow ah [ __ ] oh [ __ ] stop stupid penguin ow anyway off i go oh wait i gotta avoid the disastrous monsters down here maybe maybe maybe i should yeah do that first get some stuff over here so i never have to go back ever ever ever again geothermal activity detected caution advice i don't care well that's actually very helpful thank you oh cetric fragment yes oh i forgot how scary some nautica is i'm not used to it anymore i'm i feel like the older i get the more scared i'm getting of things it's like the fear of mortality is closer now than it's ever been so now games feel like actual death is creeping i don't like it i don't want to die okay if i can get one more fragment of a sea truck i will be golden wonder potatoes yes where where and why hello how are they how are they hidden they're like the size of a school bus new technology acquired that's great that's great linda i marvelous wonderful to the world [ __ ] [ __ ] yeah you just chomp chomp chomp and your fishies over there they're much better for you much higher in protein oh that sounds like a distress call the transmission of unknown origin source of transmission depth calculated at approximately 200 meters that's not that deep dude that was a fire beat it was also just simple morse code i don't think i think you would be able to just was that just sos couldn't you just decode that you're a super computer robot lady and that was just simple morse code i don't [ __ ] know morse code i don't even know sos and morse code why would that ever help me i'm a millennial i'll just text for help oh stranded on an island my phone stopped working please help me you know like that we got c-truck we got a modification table um other things multi-purpose room oh i didn't get another piece for that habitat builder did i distress call picked up what sounds like a distress call who or what is out here calling for help didn't sound human maybe it's from a remnant of architect technology in her message sam's colleague did say there's something important here even if it's just a mimic from one of the more intelligent aquatic specimens that could be a major find or if it's from altera it could have bearing on what happened to sam i should definitely check it out i should definitely check it out for sure um okay i need to build one of these a wiring kit and a computer chip get a habitat going sick of living in the [ __ ] water woods that's basically what this is you know you're out in the boonies you're out in the woods you're out in the middle of nowhere that's basically the water equivalent of that this is where i'm living right now where was that thing what be happening here the damn ugly thing followed me into the shallows i didn't think something that big would follow me up here had a jettison the sea truck again i guess i could try to go back for the parts when it leaves if it leaves i really don't want to sit in another meeting with emmanuel manu as he likes to be called i just want to drive around and deliver cargo in peace amen bro oh i thought you would be back up right now oh f [ __ ] don't worry guys i'm the king of subnautica i know what i'm doing well let's listen to this [ __ ] [ __ ] fred great to see you come on in you don't mind if i record this do you uh am i in trouble no you know me just a fanatic for details and my memory is not what it used to be i know what that's like yes is that why you've been running so many personal errands for your colleagues we asked you to limit them uh so i am in trouble that's not how i want you to look at it here's what i see you're a team player you want to get the job done i think i have a pretty good record there you want people to like you has anyone complained fred the trouble is not everyone is as reliable as you are sometimes people need help being where they need to be and concentrating on their work all the trips were work related it appears you transported tech for lil rather far out from her base needed to go deep i got my stuff back i needed a sea truck her work is currently on surface installations she shouldn't be anywhere near the water hey uh well i no more favors the friends agreed yes sir i keep telling you call me manu he's like i'm not [ __ ] calling you then okay tensions are high but that's just any work environment right like you don't always get along with everybody in your work field lord knows there's a lot of youtubers i don't get along with that's fine you just gotta do your own thing and let them do their own thing and every now and then you start some drama and call them out um okay computer chip let's go [Music] and habitat builder nice i need a emergency shelter blueprints to your data bank thank you i need to get builder tool no storage no place to put a fabricator module no fun okay um i'd like to for you to not give me sass thank you spiral plant chipping that's new um or at least i can't remember seeing it before so i also need a mobile vehicle bay which i don't have yet do i no do i no i want to start building a habitat i want to put down like a multi-purpose room i don't have any means to power it yet though there we go i couldn't hit button five on my keyboard wow a whole world of possibilities now um unless the mobile vehicle bay is something i make here i can't remember this whole series i can't remember i can't wait for everyone to repeat that in the comments i can't remember uh we'll build a multi-purpose room first while we put a foundation first you need lead for a foundation now god subnautious inflation huh i remember when you didn't need anything uh wasn't it just titanium originally i know i can't remember you settle down now okay you sound like my stomach after a long night of not eating doraemi far where does it look best here because then it fills up the space of the foundation that i put down that you're not directly in the middle of warning emergency power only oxygen production offline am i the wrong button was it f 3 f 4 f 5 f 2 what gets rid of my stuff there am i having an oral migraine right now what is happening is that the aurora boring alice it's probably just a lens artifact from my brain dying from being underwater for so long you know it's a lot of pressure down deep in the ocean so it's just crushing my skull uh and now i need to build some solar panels copper ore and quartz oxygen gotta love it oh god you gotta love it actually i love me some oxygen o2 and the brain make thoughts go i heard it heard a cart said are you hiding all the carts huh there's a piece right there a [ __ ] paper come here with my hands all right cool that should give us sufficient power and then i've already upgraded i've been here for five minutes and my house already looks better i'm just a master at adaptability and surviving what are you looking at with your big peeper huh now you're gonna die how does that feel you're gonna die you're gonna be in my stomach but it's okay because you're gonna be part of the greater empire starting to sound a little like a tyrant that's my planet i can do whatever i want [ __ ] you okay i've had a good meal before but never have i gone that's a lie well some sandwiches i've had that i would definitely have sex with welcome aboard captain there's the voice welcome aboard captain that's some familiarity i like to hear um okay so now i need copper cores and titanium again large i just need those all the time huh well there you go on the wall i build you as much as i can i don't have a fabricator next door but i like consolidating everything into one space and really isn't that what this game is all about space underwater space supply cash nearby emergency supply cache don't mind if i yes hold on i'm going back home now look at that beautiful house stinky little apartment that i grew up in that was too small for me big giga chad house that i bought myself with no mortgage though it does come at the price of my own sanity but i had bad credit on that already all right what else are we building a battery charger [ __ ] yeah we are that's gonna go on this wall and you can't even stop me you know why because i recorded this in advance this is already done and everything you're telling me in the comments to do right now i can't do until next time not weird to think about i'm having a conversation with you from the past technically every conversation you have is in the past nothing happens now everything's happening in the past copper copper copper copper copper copper copper copper copper copper [ __ ] copper copper copper copper copper copper [ __ ] who's giving me bad luck out there why are you guys thinking titanium and not copper why would you want more titanium that's just stupid copper copper copper copper yes copper cup of copper [ __ ] here we are here we are everything's all done nice lovely jubbly beautiful immaculate a testament to humanity oh i'mma fill you up for sure oh yeah we're gonna put a modification table in you i need a diamond that's very hard to come by did you know the diamonds are actually pretty common in life we've just added an artificial value to them kind of like nfts and bitcoins cryptocurrencies it's kind of the same thing oh can i put it there that would be perfect it would look so nice wow so i can feel like i'm in space and i'm actually in the ocean which all i actually want to be is on the beach with sunshine eating burgers sea truck x12 wow god get me one of those um a little picture shh beautiful creature keep cam and truck on oh my little house is coming together can i paint the walls can i remove a wall and build actually what i want or is that a load-bearing wall i know let's head out gang emergency spy cash here i come hope i don't run out of battery probably won't it'll be fine but that's okay because i've got a charging station back home oh deep down jack deep down what are you why did i just pick up a creature egg ew it looked like it had penises on it gross don't touch things in the ocean shit's scary what are you mineral detector fragment mineral detector nice a flare blueprint synthesized thank you thank you i got some water h2 oh yeah baby 30 seconds of oxygen remaining i know i'm telling you sammy you see some weird things when you spend half your day in a sea truck more vandalism was it the sea monkeys again i don't think so i can't take the feeling this planet is cursed there's no such thing as a curse yeah you're probably right that's nothing you wouldn't want to hear about it anyway just a huge creature frozen in ice what where in a cave not far from your lab and here's the extra weird part as soon as i called it in they closed off the area i don't want anyone going in there but why sammy i'm no biologist but i think there was something wrong with it its skin just seemed off alien an alien on planet 4546b no i'm serious sam something ain't right i wish i could show you but i can't get back in there you can't but i might know how to whatever you're thinking we never had this conversation sam no that's why you died an alien got you i was gonna say too like an alien oh [ __ ] planet's an alien but then they called it out themselves so it makes makes perfect sense uh you go in there now uh what am i doing i'm putting a lot of shite in here salt titanium nice nice uh creature egg that's probably gonna hatch stick to my face kill me hopefully not yet though i have a lot of stuff that i want to do so that giant creature encased in ice was one that we saw before uh we actually saw it in the version that i played before but i'm curious to see what to do with that because that's the real beauty of subnautica if you haven't played the original or seen the original series or anything like that and the story i highly suggest you go watch those or play it for yourself because there's a really interesting story to these games and for me the more interesting aspect of it was when you start finding all of the alien technology and finding out what actually happened and seeing the big creatures and how they all fit into this world and the ecological side of this world um so i'm and playing the original like early access of this of below zero you met alan the alien and then you gave him a body in that and i hope that that stuff's still in it because i really liked that that was such a cool aspect of that one that i want to be able to do that again i want to find alan i want to give him a body because i love when stuff gets real sci-fi thank you um i don't want it to just be a case of like going against altera and finding stuff out about your sister that's fine and i i want to do that anyway but i want to have it be embroiled in this bigger like cthulhu sort of monster verse aspect to it um all right well where to go next i know we can go to where the captain was or the pilot was last seen but i don't know if we're ready for that yet um are there any other things that i can build um i can build a bioreactor but that's not really helpful to me right now either a single solar panel is just as fine um oh we could listen to one more of sammy's things sam message three hey robin i got your auggie photo thanks so much for taking care of him even though he's the cranky but hey the nickname actually fits that way cranky potato i know he could be a handful but i really appreciate it i'm a bit worried about my other baby the mission one of my panglings found something something big but altera is just like nothing to see here honestly kind of glad you can't answer so you can't you know rub it in my face go ahead bask in the fact that you were a little bit right about them my project is all aligned my job my safety um i heard about xenoworks getting bought i'm sorry but at least you still have your job guess you're one of us now like it or not welcome to the altera family i should probably go before i say something i regret love you keep your chin up eye on the alien prize hmm hey robin i'm sorry my last message was so awful i've been under a lot of stress i'm not sure what's going on with anything i can't really talk about it either oh and i'm definitely not dating anyone on this water planet don't know what i was thinking there have i told you how cold it is here get this i can't even get my wash and go dry before the wind freezes the moisturizer in my hair wild right well anyway i'm sure you're mad at me after what i said but uh i could really use a friend you're my sister i love you i'm sorry it was fred the guy that she said she was dating maybe it's not a guy but that's kind of where i thought was connecting but maybe they're just friends hey rob last one i really need someone to know i'm afraid something terrible is gonna happen you were completely right about altera okay you were right i was wrong the cat should be called potato i admit it sorry bad attempt at a joke i i just i don't know what to do i guess i should just come out and say it at this point i've said this much already we found a frozen leviathan that's infected with coral altera thinks they can use it for something weapons experimental treatments a whole range of things but one end of the range is ugly dangerous but but profitable of course what if it gets out while we're messing around with it or worse what if it ends up a bio weapon in the wrong hands i i hope i'm overreacting but i don't think i am anyway message me back please i could really use a friend hmm you're my sister i love you interesting so it seems like most of the story is going to revolve around this thing being frozen in ice and it's over in that direction um maps so where am i is this where i found oh it tells me oh i don't know what these symbols are omega biological research classified oh all these green bubbles i think i'm here now here ish i don't know um because this looks like the island i just went to where i found the the beacon thing engineering robotics xenobiological research material excavation mission hq communications and logistics okay well we're going to explore them all eventually so that's good all right well i think that's a good place to leave it then for right now um this stuff with the pilot i feel like i'm going to need a sea truck or at least i want to have a sea truck maybe to go do it and definitely to get out to the other area with the leviathan because i think you need a sea truck to get through that remember that cave we had to go down through i don't think you can get through that unless they've changed it um without a sea truck so i'm gonna need that for next time we made a good little bit of progress we read all the we listened to a lot and kind of got the premise of how the story is set up and got our little base here and everything some aspects of it i i'm kind of bummed about because i really liked the premise the first time around but that's also having i haven't played the original like intention for what below zero was going to be and now i can't help but compare it to this when really i should just be appreciating this for what it is on its own and what it is on its own is fine it's just i feel like the characters have a little less personality maybe it's just because i they the voices just kind of sound like every other voice that i hear in every other game all the time like having british characters with british accents added this sort of lively vibrant different sort of characteristic to them um and i like that a lot and i really liked having the sister alive before and when she was up she used to be up in the spaceship and i don't even think he can see the spaceship anymore now can you no at least not right now i can't see it there used to be a spaceship in the sky that you could see at all times and i really liked that there was something about surviving down here while everybody else up there couldn't really come help because it was just too treacherous or something like that and i feel like they could have married those ideas together a little bit but we'll see where it goes maybe the meat of this story will actually be a lot better than what the other one was i hope alan is still in it i hope that alien artifact kind of bringing uh what are they called precursors bringing a precursor basically back to life and this was really cool and i'm curious to see if that's still in it but i want to see that leviathan break out of ice i hope that happens as well that would be such a cool thing to see but we'll see what it is if anything i'm just really glad to be back playing subnautica again i'm but i'm glad to be back in this world i'm glad that we can finally like play through a full version of this because i've been waiting for it for so long and now it's finally here so i hope you guys are excited to watch it as well smash like in the video if you're excited for the rest of this series to come out i'll try and keep them coming fairly regularly so subscribe to be up to date for those as well and hit bells and all that so you know exactly when they're coming out um on your notifications and let's see what happens in the story excited to see what you guys think about it let me know down in the comments below but for now i'm going to leave it here thank you guys so much for watching you
Channel: jacksepticeye
Views: 6,369,011
Rating: 4.9723482 out of 5
Keywords: jacksepticeye, subnautica, subnautica below zero, subnautica below zero full game, full release
Id: L4ZjQ_AWnv0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 56min 30sec (3390 seconds)
Published: Sun May 16 2021
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