We Role-played in an Isekai ft. @DEMONDICEKAREN | Trash Taste Stream #25

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i go up to one of them uh and i give them a hard slap on the face time for a fight he manages to dodge what he don't hit wow you could have uh i thought someone could have freed me that term will allow you to try and escape if you'd like [Laughter] oh no look at like rope burn or something yeah you fall off the wagon and you hit your head on the ground and your head starts bleeding let's give you 10 hp damage and you can't move next turn [Music] welcome gamers fellow travelers come [Music] on i just had to ruin it guys hello and welcome to this latest episode of trash taste after dark or trash taste in the morning more like for us right now uh it's not after dark uh but hello welcome we are doing a trpg stream for the first time rpg rpg rpg stream is that is that correct is that correct guys i don't know i've never played one before i've never played one before so i'm a complete virgin when it comes to this genre of games but you may notice we are not alone today we have a guest who's sitting next to me who could it be introduce yourself hello howdy my name is demon dice i am a musician and alternative rapper living in tokyo um and yeah i'm really happy to be here i've played a couple ttrpgs in my time um i've dm'd a couple mostly primarily working in um not necessarily d but i i do primarily uh world of darkness which is like an edgy like modern day supernatural horror ttrpg right pretty much um so yeah i have experience so i'm happy that i can give some kind of help today to dm today exactly she is going to be basically solo carrying the stream because us three monkeys have no idea what i don't know we're doing i did do i did do my homework though i studied quite a bit because we're using a new system today yep right that i'll do my best to explain to you in layman's terms because i know not everybody is really familiar with um like trpgs in general and that kind of thing um i know the boys aren't and some of the viewers probably aren't so leave it to me i got you guys i'll try to be as simple as possible because there are a lot of rules in this thing like a lot of you yeah right um so we're gonna try and keep it simple and explain in like a clear fashion but um yeah as long as i you know keep jugging uh jugging jugging jugging jugglers i wondered why they're saying two carons oh yeah i was like can i hear you twice or you might need to move your mic closer as well i'm also karen yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah and then i realized it's because joey's karen oh is it like your haircut yeah no no no no no it's a lot of the general energy it's the general energy i can't remember when that started i don't know i don't remember either i guess it's stuck though yeah i think people will said move your mic a little closer just uh just because i think i also took off my mask but uh welcome to karen cam right here yes double karen so very excited thank you very much for inviting me today yeah i mean we kind of begged you because we were just like we're going to need someone to feel like we only know one person yeah yeah we're just like we don't know what we're doing we can't dm we hardly even know the rules of the game as ourselves as it is but uh so thank you very much for coming on and helping us through dm sounds like fun but then i heard there's so much homework and i was like that doesn't sound like fun yeah i mean you're basically writing a jail but but everything else about it sounds so funny yeah yeah they accept their part but that's like the entire point of being a dna yeah exactly i love the part about like making stories yeah yeah mario's like npcs and characters and like creating funny situations and like having a good time but when it gets down to the nitty-gritty of things like battles and whatnot those can be fun and there are a lot of gm's who are like really gung-ho about like sticking 100 percent to the rules and if you mess up we gotta go back we gotta fix it yeah and like you kind of lose focus from the story i've been in those kind of campaigns where like it's really heavily focused on just like the technical aspects and they kind of feel like a slog um so for the most part i would prefer to be like on a more story heavy like role-playing kind of thing if you guys are down with that yeah yeah that's that's what we're here for so like i mean what's your experience with like trpgs how did you get into it so basically um when i was kind of more into like the art industry um me and all of my internet friends who like to draw we had our own characters and that kind of thing and we had a friend of ours who said well we like making characters why don't we try doing like a trpg of course all of us lived like all over the world so um we decided to do something on the internet together this was back in the day of skype by the way [Music] he can do it perfectly every time someone mentions skype connor makes me do every time he's so good at it like joey do the thing it's like it's at the first he starts doing the first part you like all right and then he's like i don't know you're lucky i'm a good friend nostalgic so we would use skype back in the day to like you know call we had session every like friday night usually our sessions would go on for like eight hours until the sun came up yeah oh [ __ ] and we'd use a site uh called like roll 20 or something like an online site where you you know roll dice and stuff like that and like um you can make maps and tokens and that kind of thing yeah and my gm basically ran eight people eight people in a group uh in the world of darkness campaign um as hunters which is like people who hunt supernatural werewolves vampires that kind of stuff yeah um and uh it was nutty like we got into it and like we would draw comics for it and like like after every session we'd all be drawing comics and like sharing them with each other and like you know fan art of the npcs and it ran for a long time yeah exactly so like the gm's npcs we would draw like his characters and stuff like that interacting with our own and you know i made like animated music videos with our characters it was wild wow yeah but you know we were like a group of artists so that was like our jam that was amazing but yeah like i saw somebody in chat just say five people is the optimal vibe because once you get to like eight nine people too much it's too much yeah right i feel like eight people everyone will feel like kind of like left out at times right yeah yeah i'm hoping i'm healing i'll do one damage yeah okay it's like hard to like give everyone yeah yeah you know that's true well i find what i've always found like impressive about trpgs is just the commitments that you guys are able to do because i can't even get like five people to go to like a two-hour commitment to the cinema like that's that's hard enough as it is again like eight people like every week to commit to like [ __ ] four or five hours yeah sitting down on the table that's that's that's just impressive you know right i mean mostly it's because we were all hikikomori just like drawing comics that was helpful but yeah we also had a lot of people like kind of come and go as well because you know trpgs are really kind of not for everyone you either vibe with it or you don't maybe your gm just isn't gming in a style that you like that kind of thing so you know there are all kinds of possibilities if if your first time in a trpg isn't very fun i wouldn't like write off trpgs immediately yeah maybe just try a different gm and then you know see if it's for you or not but um so for our viewers watching who may have never played a trpg before how would you explain a trpg to a newbie to so to somebody that has absolutely no clue what this is basically there's something some sort of rule book and world that is set up pre-made with rules different like classes of characters that you can create um character sheets and essentially you can create your own character and insert them into this world um however if for example i wasn't here and it was just garn connor and uh joey just making three characters and like being like let's do whatever let's just like role play like it kind of turns into like larping without all the movement you know like i mean you can do it you can do it but like who's gonna come up with like enemies that you guys have yeah yeah who's gonna drive the story i mean plenty of people just like a role play on like tumblr or like [Music] yeah once upon a time so like i get it um but like when you have a gm involved basically um think role-playing with your friends but you have somebody there to direct the story and you have a book that's got rules on how you can battle because otherwise it's utter chaos you know how do you decide how much uh damage your attacks do how she turns into jojo in that case then it's just like just making [ __ ] up as you go along right now it really makes a lot of sense but it's cool you know so um so basically it's like um controlled role play and um and you can have a bunch of different scenarios and just like chill with your friends and have fun um and it's it's very much um also determined by check it out dice the roll of the dice yeah we have a bunch of diced collar coordinators yeah yeah i have green ones we have red ones right here and then dm has white and black ones white and black like the edge lord i am perfect demonic dice you could say a good one that's like the most obvious one you can go for but of course the reason we're doing this is because it's uh sponsored by uh book walker and the end press oh my lord and uh today with a bit of a special sponsor shout out since we have not one but two sponsors my lord that are co-sponsoring today's stream and allowing us to make this collaboration happen first of all allow us to introduce one of the most popular ebook stores for english manga and light novels with an assortment of over 24 000 books available to read in their platform if you're new to book walker you can use the coupon code trash taste to get off to get around five dollars off your first purchase and you can get a whopping 50 coin bag on the total amount you spend on your initial purchase to use on other awesome series such as connoisseur and you guys are familiar with connor super right of course you know me [Music] and want to share the news of its latest releases with all of you as of today connor super now has an official trpg release available in digital format on the bookwalker website alongside a limited time 20 coinback on all ebooks from the consumer series uh special bundle sets and exclusive bonus items to celebrate the occasion yes so you can check out their special promotion by typing exclamation mark digital on stream chat right now or by clicking the link in the description if you're watching this on youtube um yeah but of course for those of you who may prefer reading the physical print copy of this book which we are doing today uh then let us introduce you our second sponsor yen press uh yam press for over a decade has been home to many of your favorite english manga light novels such as black butler soul leader 86 and psalm spider so what among many others recently they have also begun to publish gaming books from japan such as the very book today's stream is centered around show it off karen sure show it off it's these notes it's it's the connoisseur god's blessing on this wonderful world trpg this concept of trpg game is based on the original series created by natsume akatsuki and is developed by fear one of the most respected names in the japanese tabletop gaming scene additionally in celebration of today's stream the empress will be giving away yet there's three signed copies by not only all three trash taste members but also the dm for today so make sure to go follow the uh follow us on twitter participate or follow sorry yen press to participate in the giveaway and type out exclamation print if you're on stream right now uh or you can check out the link in the description below as well if you're watching this on youtube and thank you so much to both book walking and press for co-sponsoring today's stream yeah thank you very much that's well done you so much there guys i was just like i was just waiting for you to stop and you just you just kept going i just love it i just love reading i love chilling dude i love the ads you've got that like what a deal voice you know yeah monday monday monday so if you don't have much experience with trpgs uh if you do have experience with uh isakai anime manga or light novels you'd have a much easier time following along because we're basically everything we're about to do is going to be taking place in the world of so basically just another isekai world right it's um it's just another you know another sky world that you should be familiar with if you've seen any easter guy right another one um so yeah i mean like how do we jump into what's something really cool that i actually noticed about this is that if you guys really like the characters of konosuba they're actually in the book yeah like as npcs that you can bring in yeah yeah we're not going to be playing as the chord of super characters yeah yeah to explain we're not going to be playing as the main characters yeah we have original characters that we'll take this is this this is literally going to be a okay we've used the sample characters from from the uh book template that they've given us the artwork example but the love yes the character we've been beautiful yeah that comes from here you can't you can't right there so does this count as a colosseum fan fiction kind of yeah or a spin-off is it a spin-off we're going to call it a spin-off let's let's just say it's canon to the cards let's call it canon let's just say it's all right so there is a chance we will be running into the connoisseur characters or you know maybe not i don't know we don't know who can say because it's all up to god aka karen to decide that would be me yes i am technically the goddess as well yeah basically my i mean i could basically just be aqua pretty much no you're like a higher you've got you're you're a higher tier than aqua even higher up yeah yeah i'm a boss for sure 100 at least in this world in this world so we get to make a fun little konosuba fan fiction together guys a lovely afternoon good stuff so i guess um how shall we jump into this would you guys like to talk about your characters do we want to introduce ourselves sure is that how that starts sure okay the first person or the third person yeah how do we do this so we roll the dots let me let me just get into character yeah here's the thing usually about like when we start off this kind of thing is that usually when i dm i like to just ask everyone to introduce their character you don't have to be in character like introducing yourself as your character that's like a little uncomfortable you know because we haven't gotten into the world yes yes we want to let the viewers know like what kind of uh characters you guys have in store for us today kind of a little bit about their personalities what their strong points are and that kind of thing anything that you want to introduce um about them before we get started so sure yeah we've already got the sheets made so do i want to go first yeah okay go for it well uh my name is uh dz newts and i'm a 15 year old crimson magic clan wizard as you can see from my wizard hat nice purple hat my nice purple hat yeah what a lovely shade of crimson and hopefully you can see uh joey's character on screen right now what's your background all right so so i'm a hero right and uh one uh you know both my parents are well known great magicians you know raised as being you know legendary heroes of the magic world but uh for some reason uh people always laugh when they hear my name i don't know why i think uh you know the new family is very well respected um i can't stop the news clan is uh you know very well respected but people just keep laughing for some reason i don't know why they keep they keep saying ligma for some reason i don't know um but yeah but uh basically uh something of great importance was stolen from me you know it's like a little healthy you know just a little you ever heard of beaufort no my god i feel like i'm missing something is that a magic item that was yeah you know beaufort beaufort yeah both of these nuts i'm so sorry i'm so sorry i'm so sorry karen the legendary bofo was stolen uh so you know i have to i have to get it back basically because uh you know you're actually is that actually yeah yeah yeah i have to oh my god i have to get the magical beaufort back dude what does the magical beaufort do what is this it [Music] the best storyline in existence for my character and you just turned how [ __ ] dare you i thought long and hard jesus christ but yeah basically um i want to train my body and mind in order to reach the great height so that i can finally achieve and capture back beaufort crimson magic clan wizard oh wow yeah crimson you know don't don't mind the color of the hat uh looks crimson to me the nudes family is also colorblind so yeah there's probably another reason why another reason why they're laughing yeah yeah i see nice well solid very solid motivation that you've got for your adventures thank you very good and you've got those like explosive powers i got those explosive powers they're exploiting these i'm just not going to say anything else any further than that thank you for telling us anything else or are you good for your intro oh we're good we're good good stuff who's next i'll go next all right connor my name is mira kai that's a welshwood just kiss by the five i'm 40 years of age and i come from a royal background yes but i've been finding myself quite bored as of late and i've been wanting more in my life and i've been wanting to explore more and travel more and adventure what's uh what gender are you i i'm a woman so you are you are a mature woman yes in this world i see a 40 year old woman yeah you are dare i say a mommy i received an excellent education obviously from a royal background i obviously receive all the clerks but you know of course you know getting in my age i found that i didn't really explore and i didn't really push myself and so i thought i want to get an adventure and it's something i really really want to i really want to get right i want to get i want to get a like a potion of youth a potion that allows me to stay at the age of 40 forever right right yeah the golden age the best age so i've become a traveling priest and so i'm hoping to you know kind of find other adventurers who are strong and who i can help heal them and hopefully we can find beaufort and also a potion to keep me ever young yeah maybe even the fountain of youth yeah fountain of youth golden ticket but luckily as well i exp my expertise are in healing and restoration magic the healer yeah so i'll be uh i'll be a healing today and be healing the easy nudes i will be healing these news today every time these news explores i need a little bit of healing you don't feel me and i guess i'm the last character which is of course i am the reincarnated adventurer guys i've been i've been training my entire life my entire life for this one moment uh because my name is taro yamada uh it's like john smith yeah look guys look guys uh i'm an east kai character so of course i've got to be you got to blend in i've got to blend in i've got to you know i i don't you know before this i didn't have such an exciting life of course you know uh my background was that i am a failed twitch streamer because every sky character needs to be a gamer so i was uh you're supposed to be role playing come on we'll get to that so um you know i was an aspiring twitch streamer and i was doing pretty well um except for one fatal mistake where i enraged the one group of people i really shouldn't have enraged um shonen fans oh no and uh after calling a popular shonen uh shown in anime mid i unfortunately got cancelled and the shonen fans never let that go um and i lost all my audience so one day while playing truck simulator um i unfortunately got swatted by the sherman fans and uh during the incident i unfortunately uh you know i i unfortunately perished during that incident damn um and so my circumstances is that i'm fallen so i have fallen from grace i am uh and because of that uh my goal is after being reborn into this new world i want to regain that clout you know i don't want to i want to do this i wanna become a legend i wanna defeat the demon lords not because it's to save the world i just want the clout i want the fame i want the glory i want the money that comes with it all right you wanna you wanna have number one subs on twitch again yeah i respect the hustle man okay wow what a good assortment of uh people we have here yeah quite a cast of characters very nice great what do you what do you specialize in in terms of like fighting oh when you what do you do yeah i guess i am a warrior it seems like uh it seems like i am a warrior i woke up i woke up in the middle of a field and i had a sword and yeah i could slice people up so yeah i have a sword and i can do some like very basic fire magic as well so that's my specialty kind of like a jack of all trades okay okay okay okay very nice without quite the good spread of characters yeah luckily none of you will be made in this now because i'm here yeah we're going to make it in the party baby and we have two maidens now you tell me you're an aspiring maiden right joe yeah i'm soon to be made all right now you've introduced yourself what's next dungeon master what's next well i guess we better just jump right into it i have about a gazillion things here i've got my handy dandy notepad my book a gazillion maps some other special notes a calculator some dice a whiteboard oh man oh boy i'm ready to go though so don't don't what is house rules what is house rules oh house rules are important so let me explain to you house rules first and foremost um sometimes things don't exactly go to plan in the book yeah now it's fine to be a real stickler for the rules however i think that makes it a little bit less fun okay so sometimes we have house rules which basically means um can i say the f word here yeah of course you can cool um okay which basically means um i'm the god of this world so shut the [ __ ] up okay all right it's basically what it is oh but demon dice this rule says i'm god shut the [ __ ] up thank you shut the [ __ ] up i'm god so basically [Laughter] i mean the rules are there for a reason to have fun but um we do have like exceptions and um if i decide to like regcon something or like look let's just move away from this and keep going yeah that's how it is for the sake of everybody's enjoyment of the game that's brilliant essentially okay all right we're just our goal here is to have fun and uh right it's it's it's not about the adventure it's it's about the friends we've made along the way right i'm trying to get that post shout out about you guys that's what i'm both doing i'm motivated i know exactly what i want all of you guys have something that you want which is a sign of a good solid character that like can make progress in this world so that's good if you're just there like cool i'm i've got east kai now what and that's kind of lame and um won't make for a very good motivation for you to go on quests sure yeah this is konosuba you know because we gotta we ought to focus on the quests and the adventurers guild and picking the quests off the board and that kind of stuff if you like don't have a reason to want to make make that money right what's the point true right let's do it all right i'm excited i'm excited yeah great all right so then let me set the scene for you okay okay imagine imagine imagination that's what it's all about okay so we ought to start off with um our friend garn here taro yamada yes mr yamada oh man the last thing that you can remember before getting knocked out was actually interestingly enough when you got swatted and they tackled you to the ground it wasn't the swat team that got you no no no your head hit the shelf and then an anime figure of the goddess aqua from konosuba and there you go you woke up in the middle of a field and suddenly you're thinking to yourself am i in heaven but no no no this is not heaven it just kind of looks like a random inaccurate like countryside okay so that's where you start off you've woken up in the middle of the field with nothing but the clothes on your back you look kind of like a regular adventurer and you've got just a standard sword to fight with not much else but all is pretty quiet until you see walking down the pathway we have a map graphics graphics rtx on all right so you wake up at about let's see let's put you right here okay you wake up right about here and coming down the pathway the first thing that you see aside from your new surroundings is that there appears to be four people walking towards you there are two they seem to be something like um you can't quite make out what type of adventure they are but they seem to be a little sketchy and they're carrying a wagon they're toting a wagon along with them right and on top of that wagon is a lovely lady the most beautiful maiden you've ever seen wow what a lovely goddess okay you hope she's not in trouble right i mean what what do you think about this i mean you just woke up i i just woke up uh i mean my first thought is where where am i right now how how did i how did i get here is this is this is this is this real easter car i'm in right now or am i just in heaven like is this just like my favorite anime which light novel am i which light novel am i in right now but i i look over and i'm just like wait is this a real fantasy world is this a is this a natural isocar what i'm in right now i kind of like i kind of want to go over and ask where the hell am i right now well as you're kind of musing to yourself you hear a voice from behind you kind of say well hello there you seem to be the new sword you saw what does that mean you sword a new adventurer a new adventurer oh my god i am in an easter guy it's my dreams is this heaven or hell right now i don't know i don't know but uh it's up to you mate welcome to the world of konosuba welcome to this wonderful world probably in english that's a little cringe and who could it be but a super annoying sounding animal animal mascot of course of course looks like this oh no why hello there hello what on earth are you i immediately hate him allow me to introduce myself my name is pogo mistorgamus half cat have froggamus doombring a destroyer of wales but you can just call me weed spaghen wheat how does that's what me master calls me okay yes you have a master i do what the great swordsman ringo ringo dan mingo x-maximus faximas slam jam cablaminus julius vesuvius pogamist george iii but most people just call him ringo i've already forgotten your first name your master is ringo and your name is weed spaghen weeds my name is nice to meet you nice to meet you you seem to be in a bit of a predicament can i help you out yes i kind of don't know where i am right now can you uh i literally just said that was she adopted [ __ ] yeah you've you've kind of just bombarded me with a lot of information weeds bagging i did i'm sorry about that look well what is this world of connoisseur can you uh can you can you explain i'm gonna take a little bit of explain but you know if you've seen anything like i don't know maybe if where you're from there's some sort of uh um fantastical media that shows you a separate world that you've never been to before i don't know it's not like i'm all knowing anything i immediately understand what you're talking about yes okay okay that that completely completely brings me back up to speed if you run into any suspicious characters you want to be careful and use that sword of yours oh i definitely will do do you know where the nearest town is do is there an adventurous guild where do i check in what do i do well they should be uh probably a little bit back that way but oh wow it seems that we're being approached who's approaching us at that moment you realize that the caravan has made its way towards you go ahead and roll a perception check for me this is our first dice roll let us begin so with perception checks basically in this game the way that we roll dice is that usually usually you'll roll only two d6s okay so first go ahead and roll those bad boys for your perspective all good no no you're fine you're fine first i want you to check your character sheet and look for a perception and see what your dice check is the character sheets are nice and organized uh so my perception base is nine uh with an ability score or most important is your check okay under the check uh my check is uh four four dice okay great so that means you can roll four dice initially you've got some good perception very good perception i've got i've only got three dices here oh thank you very much there you go all right so can you do math yes uh so i got a total of 17. all right a total of 17. wow that is pretty good and let's see what your what is your mod can you see what your oh my perception what's your mod for perception uh my mod is four four yes twenty one i can do math too with all right good stuff so here's what you perceive you see that these two characters walking at the front of the wagon they're a little bit sketchy there's there's some kind of shady vibe about them right and you figured they just might be bandits okay that's the feeling that you get and the lovely lady that they're carting in the wagon she seems so beautiful from afar now she's gotten a bit closer she's still beautiful but you see it just a slight little bit of age showing just to believe she's still lovely looks like she comes from wealth [Laughter] looks like she comes from some sort of wealthy background and she has been tied up her hands are tied behind her and she's in the wagon and accompanying these two bandits appear to be a mage of some sort who looks like she kind of doesn't really want to be there okay perhaps just doing it for the money or maybe there's some other explanation but to be honest actually these ds d's the only reason that you took this job is because you heard that these two bandits were talking about the legendary bofa okay you heard them talking about it but they refused to give you any more information unless you helped them out with a little quest of sorts which was to capture this lovely lady here who was just walking around minding her own business you are traveling but you know you're incompetent right because you've never been outside your house and you got captured right right you know it probably wasn't a good idea to wear all your fancy jewelry just like walking around in the forest yeah so that's kind of what happened to you so this is the scene that we have set up here now the bandits approach you and they kind of give you a once-over and they're like what the [ __ ] they take a look at your animal companion weed spaghen wheats weeds right beside you um and kind of say oh you you new around these parts why yes i am excuse me sirs but uh what is it that you seem to be doing right now they kind of look at each other and smirk none of your bloody business like it kind of seems like that girl's not in the best of situations right now it doesn't uh well it doesn't seem like it seems like a little bit of a sketchy situation going on right here they're really concern you sir says bandit a to bandit c oy you mage what are you doing what's going on what's going on just kind of hanging out anna just kind of chillin chillin just hanging with these boys you know how it is uh weeds wagon oh yes can i help you do the police exist in this world is that some is there 91199 i can call right now oh wait i don't have my i don't have a phone on me um is there anyone i can call right now because i don't trust the look of these gentlemen right here why don't you just kill him you can you can do that yeah what do you mean kill them you know with a sword isn't that against the law do we not have a law here what's that oh my god okay oh they look a bit sketchy don't they you know you just want to give them a little poke with the sword don't you should i not ask them questions just just to make sure that there isn't something a misunderstanding going on or should i just want a net that's true maybe i should just kill them hey yo i didn't sign up for this [ __ ] i guess you couldn't you could interrogate them i'll just think you to take it it'd take a bit of time you know you got yourself a sword can i just stab and then ask questions later how about how about i don't kill them but uh instead i just beat them up first and then we'll speed the bloody hell all right well uh it seems like the two guys at the front they're the they're the ones running running this ring so i'll i'll go ask them a very very firm question sure okay so i guess uh i go up to one of them and i give them a hard slap on the face i walk up to him very firmly i approach him and i give bandit c a hard slap on the face says oh new guy just slapped the [ __ ] out of me this is the greatest night of television okay all right i go hey that ain't how you treat a maiden you keep that maiden out of your wagon you hear me oh okay i will i will and then he draws his dagger okay oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] and i guess i guess i draw my sword as well it's time for a fight i'm loving this tutorial stage can't copyright music anyway this is the situation here and i'm gonna go put this away so we can focus on the whiteboard now okay all right there will be staff and health oh consider so first and foremost who will be participating in this engagement uh probably just me right you will be participating and until you can get mara freed if you do happen to free her she can join the friends yeah i mean is deezy newts not gonna have like a moral like turn of uh surely right i mean you know i i don't want any i want any trouble i'm just trying to find both of them you know all right is that a magical item in the corner super well break them all right so here we've got bandit a bandit c mira and then we've got well taro kun you just slapped the [ __ ] out of banda a which is not great but let's just see what happens and then we've got d all right this is the current situation so anyone who wishes to join the battle raise your hand easy these deezy newts you can choose not enter this round if you well well what what is what is the benefit why should i join you taro uh because i want to stick with these bandits because they they know information about beaufort beaufort well i don't even know what beaufort is [ __ ] [Music] [Laughter] although although uh it seems like uh i'm using my head and uh the two bandits seems like it would be enough for me to take on i'm not sure about this uh this random mage wizard mage wizard whatever whatever she is talking about bofa no dz newts how old is she 15 15. oh [ __ ] okay let's take her on i'll smack the [ __ ] out of her somebody's like a [ __ ] batman right now oh man i'll tell you what i'll tell you what let's let's consider all right i will help you fight these bandits off if you can help me find bofo uh i'll be great i'll be great aid trade offer trade offer trade offer i will help you in this fight if you help me fight both of them and and i'll even give you the maiden i agree to the terms of this deal all right how about this then i take on the bandits yeah and you while i'm while they are distracted you go free the maiden and then we'll all team up and it'll be 3v2 good idea all right let's do that brilliant all right that's the plan wow looks like our main characters are really getting along well says weed swaggin will they be able to take on the bandits a wonder hey what the [ __ ] this what is this he's sweet bro he has to tell you everything that's going on don't ask me i just i just got here man i just got here all right so let's go ahead and let's see what the bandits have got in store for us meanwhile i want you to check out something called your initiative uh rolling initiative so what you'll need to look at i believe while we're setting things up uh getting ready for battle i believe it's time for an ad break great so we'll see you back in just a moment welcome back welcome back everyone thank you for waiting where were we where were we [Laughter] entering round one so the way that combat works in this game is that they're a series of rounds essentially now everyone gets to have three actions you get a movement action which is something like cautiously moving about the field or like speedily running up to an enemy then you get a minor action which is something like maybe buffing up your attack um talking to another character or like trying to persuade someone of something and then you have a major action which is usually your attack so once you complete all three of them you can use all of them up you can choose to pass some of them it goes to the next person and then once everybody has gone from have basically been spent spent means that you've used all of your actions or you've chosen to like pass or like you've used all of your actions pretty much that means that you are done and we go on to the next character on the list of who's the fastest basically so who it's basically like a turn-based combat system precisely okay i'm sorry i'm sorry connor all right so interestingly enough all the boys here have the same uh initiative mod they're all six which means you guys are gonna have to roll off against each other we're just gonna make it simple with one d6 whoever gets the highest roll is first second third that kind of thing so go ahead and roll i have a two all right five two five two five three five three three okay so first okay it goes like this then awesome taro mira d every time i'm gonna laugh and the bandits the bandits also gets a move okay so let's take a look at what they have right their action's also six one and a four so it looks like we've got taro bandit a uh then after that mira [Music] really struggling here we'll get you free and then we've got d and bandit c so this is the turn order for this battle okay nice and simple all right so here we go taro you have initiated your attack you gave him a little slap didn't really take any damage it wasn't really that wasn't an attack that was more like i was sending a message precisely so now what would you like to do for your actions um i guess i would like to i do i have to move into the vicinity to attack him or am i already you're right in front of him am i in front of him so great i'll just take uh i'll just take the advice that was given to me earlier and just start stabbing you start swinging my sword yeah all right for you to swing just just start a stabbing away i'm gonna have you use i'm gonna have you do a strength check okay okay so the way that we do checks has actually been like re-explained um to us just two dice okay okay and then you add uh your mod and then he's gonna turn this is a check by the way this is not for damage this is to see if you hit him okay um so i have uh eight eight and what's your strength strength three three eight basis a [Music] no that's that's the check yeah this is checkers three plus eight plus the oh no no no no oh oh oh oh whatever the check is just the show yeah yeah it doesn't in terms of the check ah okay okay yeah oh okay okay sorry no problem yeah it's it's a bit confusing but we'll figure it out all right so your total with the dice is uh eight eight all right plus the mod which is three yes all right nine ten eleven i can do math eleven great so now my dude is gonna roll to try and dodge with agility so dodge is two d six plus three 13 so he manages to dodge unfortunately what he don't hit wow he could have uh i thought someone could have freed me that turn that would have been really helpful i'm taking my time right now dude that was that wasn't that wasn't my role i i specified with the roles that we all did you're somehow faster than me even though you're tired incredible i'm literally taking my time today all right now next up we're gonna go ahead and have bandit a make a move because banda a is next so let's see right here bandit a is gonna choose to use a little short sword weapon attack on you um so first the check for me is 2d6 plus 7 jeez thank you thank you 11. so now you roll to dodge all right i can do this right this is easy this is easy dodging is your agility by the way all right so my agility so you'll roll two dice 2d6 and then you'll add your agility mod uh so i got nine plus agility mod is three so that is twelve twelve so you managed just barely god that that was close man this is this is a lot harder than it makes then they make it seem an anime i'll tell you that bandit's getting a little riled up he's like how could you do this to me man we were just walking down the street i thought i was the easter egg protagonist i thought i was meant to be overpowered but this is pretty close so far yeah you gotta be gotta be realistic you're exactly like an instagram protagonist right now what do you mean all right mira what do you choose to do you can't do any major attack but i will allow you to try and escape if you'd like yeah all right let's see next we're going to talk about setting the difficulty of an action so if you want to do something like say um you know tie your shoes difficulty is going to be like one maybe two and you roll your dice and if you're able to get to that number then you're able to pull off the action but the level of difficulty is obviously decided by me so for you to somehow untie your hands from these ropes you're going to only roll a 2d6 no modifier or anything like that 2d6 and i need you to roll at least a 10. let's give it a shot okay okay [Laughter] oh no that's that's bad actually yeah a fumble like rope burn or something yeah isn't that a fumble that is a fumble so the main so mira in your attempt to untie yourself she breaks her wrist you fall off the wagon and you hit your head on the ground and your head starts bleeding oh jesus now i need you to go ahead and take let's give you 10 hp damage and you can't move next turn meanwhile i'm watching this all happen i was like holy [ __ ] yeah i'm just like is it worth saving this maiden is it like yo she did yo maybe uh maybe are you seeing this [ __ ] though no no maybe not every maiden is worth it oh no this is no maybe maidenless is okay maybe i want to be maidenless all right so what do you choose to do d it's not your turn uh well jesus i guess maybe i should i either have to untie her or i should maybe try and heal her so she stops bleeding um what do you think i should do tara uh either one at this point i've got my hands full yeah you got to make you got to make this choice on the floor uh you know what i might uh let's see come on d hurry up jesus christ [ __ ] i'm like dodging the [ __ ] out of these attacks right now man i'll untie her i'll untie her all right great so if you want to untie her i'm gonna need you to go ahead and make a dexterity check and um let's see i'm going to set the difficulty level wait hold on a minute yeah i'll let you use your dexterity for this i'll let i'll set the difficulty at let's make it 12. 12. i guess pretty good not 10 and my check is two oh right you just barely managed to untie mira's ropes and she is now free let's go thank you now she's just arriving on the ground bleeding from her head right she's just she's just got a concussion now all right it's all you mirror i've done my job what's your ability concussion yeah that's what i thought right and now we've got ben who seems to have realized that there's been a betrayal here oh wow oh no seems like we're in a bit of a pickle now boys it looks like bandit c has turned his attention on to d oh [ __ ] what are we gonna do shut the [ __ ] up i hate animal mascot characters i hate them they're so annoying exactly i mean that's yeah all right so now bandit c is going to try and launch an attack at you i'm just a child d please spam me please spam me i am bought a child oh yeah he's got he's got the look on his face that says uh kankenai he's coming after you all right all right so let's see um this time my man is also going to go ahead and just use the the short sword again give you a little stabby stab oh god you know these bandits they really only got like their little swords and like you know they're quick but he's gonna go ahead and do his 2d6 plus seven and you may roll to dodge roll to dodge yes which is your agility yes agility check basically all right all right seven plus seven is fourteen uh agility right mm-hmm uh eleven plus three is fourteen ah so in this case because you are the reactionary participant you're safe yeah boys to dodge i got that sonic shot yeah he's got so lucky yeah all right so next up it's time for round two let's go all right taro it is your turn what do you choose to do um let me see unfortunately i don't have any healing magic so i can't help heal the material don't hear me now don't try and fix this problem now get all right this time i'm i'm gonna do it i'm gonna do i'm gonna go for bandit a all right all right uh we're deep in battle and i'm gonna assert dominance all right it is my skill now that is that is my special attack absurd dominance uh i'm gonna go for another sword attack all right sounds good go ahead and roll for that which is gonna be a strength check get it get him get him he got it come on all right so i got eight plus a modifier of three so that's eleven awesome all right and right eleven and so he's gonna dodge with two d six plus three i'm kind of new at this stuff okay oh man he's laughing at you dancing around with his little bro i can only i can only stop the bleeding so much like i'm trying to get the fountain of youth here no not wait to turn an old age for you to hit someone she's gonna die dude come on i'm holding the head man with that being said banda a is going to try and strike it strike back at you all right here we go so let's see banda a's attack once again with the short sword is another two i feel like we're gonna be repeating this seven okay so five twelve twelve yeah [Music] agility so it's first nine nine plus a modifier of three again so it's 12. all right so you just barely managed to dodge oh my god this is crazy you guys are very everyone's very fleet of foot incredible all right well what do you choose to do i'm the only one that's done anything attacking's hard yeah i'm still in a lot of pain i don't think i can move this turn if i remember that's right but i can certainly complain i'm appalled as someone overall background this is no way to treat a lady and also why are you all so bad at sword fighting none of the royal nights wherever i've never seen a mix you'd do that [ __ ] to yourself dog i don't know where i am i don't know where i am either but i've been trying to stop the bleeding i untied you and i was like i appreciate next time can you uh just like stay still maybe you would be more useful uh if you stayed still and did nothing uh that's what i'm doing right now you're creating problems now you're not helping alleviate them you're choking to me we're all academy we never we never learned to choke like this i don't know who taught you this anyway my turn's over all right what do you choose to do dee well i guess since bandit c is getting on my ass i'll uh i'll attack with some magic i'll get them get them off my back all right sounds good you want to do like a certain spell um let's see what we got uh i can do either a wind breath create water or fireball all right so let's see whatever you would like to do i'm feeling quite cold i wouldn't mind a fireball a fireball would be dark fireball fireball firearm fireball let's see oh i see i see the fireball great but from a magic attack against a target it does two d6 plus 10 fire magic damage wait no way he's touching that dude but it does cost you six mana well he has it i got quite a all right so first uh first you gotta uh check to make sure it hits is this okay all right so in order to do that you use intelligence to cast magic okay so you'll roll two d6 plus your intelligence modifier all right uh i have nine plus my check is six so that's 15. excellent all right now let me get them i'm intelligent as [ __ ] all righty so the plus ten as well it gets added on or is that i think so uh that will come when you attack yeah [Applause] i'm sorry that knot was really tight six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve yeah i hit so you hit excellent now it's time to figure out how much damage oh thank god all right finally so let's get that fireball popping off 2d6 plus 10. all right is this attack uh 9 10 is 19. all right that's 19 damage and let's take a look at the bandits magic defense all right let's see we got defense how does it feel that a 15 year old is carrying right now we're doing this kid he's untied me he's hitting fireballs yeah dude meanwhile these nuts i don't know sorry about this taro is over here with his like floppy sword lightsaber wow listen to your little [ __ ] all right so because the bandit's magic defense is four yeah then that means that you do 15 damage to bandit a correct c that's right he was the one that was coming at you yeah all right getting up and you're up in your space in my business up in your business all right when do we find the hp out of these dudes i mean i know but you guys oh okay okay okay does anyone have a skill where you can look at the enemies something like that a perception fortunately i don't so he didn't die at 15 which means that uh he has more than 15. correct high iq joey summoned the fireball did 15. i hit my head on the floor 10. you must have really hit you i must have been that was that was a long one how big was this wagon well you know fumbles are extremely rare so that's uh that's like a big rock it's like that one like an eight feet all right nice hit d now ben really didn't like that though so let's see how bandit c comes back at you just really simple once again trying to flail that stupid short sword around my man does not know how to attack but he's gonna try his best all right ten plus seven i'll go i'm in trouble so let's dodge all right what uh what is the dodge you get dexterity right agility oh agility it's an agility check yeah oh [ __ ] what was it what did you get 17. uh yes oh i'm [ __ ] by the way oh i was close 11 plus three is four uh fourteen fourteen so the bandits uh move connects with you no no oh my god let me roll again for the damage oh my gosh let's see i guess i'll die you literally couldn't don't die all right another i don't think it was i don't think it was possible for me to dodge that all right we've got 17 and what's your defense my defense what the [ __ ] defense my physical defense is three great so you take 14 damage from this short sword oh my god did he like stab an artery are you right over there you're right uh yeah i'm literally half health right now okay are you good are you good thank god my hp's 13. i need yeah it would have been nice if i don't know a maiden came to heal me that'd be kind of nice right now she's like she looks pretty incapacitated right now unfortunately um well thankfully you do get to move the next i just reincarnated into this world okay i just realized that uh if if i press somewhere in front of me then all my skills pop up and i realized i have skills that i could use oh my god that i didn't know before no way i've just discovered this i'm like great brilliant i am an east coast protagonist i'm like i do have skills um so i guess um since since uh d attacked bandit c yep i feel like it would be easier if uh we concentrated all of our firepower on one band that would be good yeah so i target band at sea all right so that's your move your movement okay over here yep yes gotcha yeah i need backup too yes give this boy some milk um why do we have another permanent marker oh what was part of the marker no no no it's fine it's fine it's fine get rid of it you can you can rub it out you can rub it out sorry i swear every single time we throw away this permanent marker it comes back this is like some kind of it's a curse okay why does this keep happening how do we keep doing this all right wow what a genius move dude you know how high my intelligence is wow should we get karen another whiteboard yeah let's get another whiteboard yeah let's get a new one down here yeah i can copy paste this real quick thank you this says this is probably fine yeah and then this red one should be also okay is that the battery that's white was it this one actually put it like upstairs because somehow it keeps coming back yeah i know just like throw it out all right so we got a c and now taro has moved to b in front of bandit c and then we've also got d who's over here this is the wagon should we put the health things on it so indeed all right let me get the turn order all right thank you real sorry about that joe do you want to work on that yeah yeah yeah i'll rub that out righty thank you a mira all right all right and i'll quickly get the health on there as well so boundaries minus 15. yes and this is minus 15 i am minus 14 and mirrors minus 10. that's right not bad not bad okay you know at least i haven't taken any damage guys i haven't done anything [Laughter] i've initiated this encounter [Laughter] well we're making some progress this time okay this time i'm definitely gonna hit because i have an ability it is a self passive uh one-handed sword so when using a one-handed sword plus d6 to the hit check all right my passive is [ __ ] when using a sword so you have to activate your passive uh you have to activate your passive i didn't realize i had it before so i've just activated it now because i've just i didn't realize i haven't i i've just realized that i have an ability a skill tree and i'm just like why why wound it up yeah i opened it up and i was like why am i not using this i'm an idiot i'm not sure idiot that's all right at least you know now so now that you know excellent you get an exercise to your your hit check great all right this time this time what the [ __ ] all is sorry maiden what have you done [Laughter] after three uh i got ten plus three is thirteen all right thirteen is your hit check great now the bandit's gonna try and dodge with 2d six plus three seven eight nine nine you hit he don't miss you don't for once once you don't miss that's how we do things here all right very nice now go ahead and do a hit check with your strength oh hit trick with my strength i'm not a hit check uh do the damage yeah that's right that's a lot that's a lot of damage uh six plus my strength modifier is three so that is nine nine great and the bandits uh defense is five so you do four damage four damage four damage the [ __ ] that's it what should have 20 hp did you hit him with like the hilt of your sword like what the [ __ ] was that like i'm trying guys i thought a sword should do more damage than this oh damn it you're doing your best doing your best made out of paper this is a really blunt sword this is a really blunt short end of the stick here with this isakai situation whoever brought you here really did just give you a cheap ass i think he's just swinging around an actual stick like actually it's not even a sword four damage this guy's a warrior all right well worry of what the ball pit yeah the ball pit jump in the pit oh vanda a doesn't like the fact that you haven't taken any damage so he's gonna go after y'all come here buddy i'm gonna watch you with my sword he runs at you and let's see if he can hit you let's see if he can hit you with two d6 plus seven oh my god the plus seven is seven right six i almost fumbled i almost fumbled there oh big yikeys uh well guys you guys are taking enough damage i guess it's my turn yeah i guess it's i guess it's my turn all right six seven eight nine ten eleven plus seven is eighteen what's your defense garn my physical defense is on the on the top right oh my god you're going to die uh physical defense is four yes all right so you take 14 damage what ow ow that really hurts all right i thought the starter level was meant to be easy yeah right what it's just two bandits it's just uh so how do i mark so i'm guessing you can write wherever you'd like but i'm also taking a memo okay okay okay oh that's helpful thank you very much i also just wrote it in pencil on my thing all right uh mirror made and it's your turn i guess can i speak to the monster thing what's it called again oh uh oh uh weed we spaghetti are after what's the nearest town are we able to hit rest up there well the nearest town is axel is just a bit that way it's about a five minute walk you guys are real unlucky here you got so close to the town damn this maiden's got some bass in his voice this is this is not the angelic voice i thought i would hear yeah i was like oh my god that was like a voice box how tanky is is that is bandit c i wonder that's what i'm wondering i mean you know mira it'd really be appreciated if you healed either me or terror yeah i think we could heal we could kind of in a pinch but bandit sees turns coming up if i can kill bandit c with a clean swing yeah but you did fumble i won't fumble again maiden made him what what he wants what what i want to show this clown up i would like to hit bandit c all right let's do it excellent what are you using i have a mace you have a mace excellent all right and why'd you have a mace i'm always carrying a machine where where did that where the [ __ ] did you bring that from i always carry a maze just in case where are we hiding it only when i get angry do i use my mace well now i'm angry where was this amazing little damage where was this mace when you got kidnapped i don't fight people who i think aren't worth my time wow oh now there was your time i need to show this this clown up i don't know where he's from he looks awful he looks like he's dressed in some clown attire that's not noble attire that's for sure i'd like to try and show this bandit who's what who's full all right i'd like to try and attack bandit c excellent now does this mace that you're carrying have like a modifier on it [Music] one thing that i did not check was whether your mace had like a modifier attack power plus five she's as [ __ ] okay that's a very strong preset character um we need what what oh yeah mine's plus two you're an idiot uh i thought you were just walking around with a stick uh i guess uh i didn't equip the right item either yeah that's all right um i had my left hand yeah i knew there was nothing because he's just not hitting correctly so i would like to yeah i'd like to hit it with my mace i knew there was a reason these bandits were so difficult yeah right okay let's remember to account for that um we'll go ahead and add that into the attack the attack not the hit check it also the hit modifier is minus you know what go ahead and make your role to attack and i'm going to have you use a strength check mirror strength i swear to god i swear to god i have uh three plus two dice right okay all right mirror i swear to god uh seven plus three ten all right ten plus your base 15. oh wait no no that's that's not that's this is a hitchhike yeah the brain's going so we're doing uh the normal hit check now yeah yeah yeah just the hitch okay so it was uh seven plus four so eleven eleven yeah great now gonna dodge six plus three yeah six seven eight so you manage a hit now go ahead and attack let's go nine plus three so twelve plus five seventeen 17 damage with the bandit's defense being five you do 11 damage is he dead he's dead yeah he's on minus 30. hopefully he's dead now find out at minus 30. oh god please please it's minus 30. please have 30 health 17 i can't oh yeah it's 31 health sorry it's 12 damage not 11 sorry okay so he's at 31 damage yeah yes i can write 30. yep no [Laughter] you know what all the way all good right right like an e yeah or what i can do is just turn the video yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah is what i can do all right you see that bandit c is bleeding profusely but not quite down 35. down yet i am going to give him a bit of a bit of a penalty because he's kind of limping now that you guys have you know really kind of whacked the [ __ ] out of him can i just walk up to him and smack him in the face or no no finish him off with a good attack slap yeah give him a little slap on the face his little slap put him on his put him on his ass um uh silence let me look at my passives actually yeah yeah see if you've got any special uh okay so i have magical talent which is plus one on total check scores for magic checks post calculation all right i have chanting skill which is plus one d6 on magic checks okay and i have magical enchantment skill which is plus two d6 to the damage of magic attacks oh [ __ ] that could have probably killed that probably i probably could have man if if only we had equipped all of our skills and equipment our only level one adventure is you're learning your skills along the way it's accurate you know i thought this was uh gonna be easy mode but we spawned in the world of elden ring yeah i know i have armor i just realized that now as well all right well that's fine at least you know for now once we get to like the big battles right because you know it's just two bandits right it's just two yeah it's just stupid freaking bandits oh good bandit c is going to try and make another little swipe another little swipe at um oh did you already oh i thought yeah i have an attacker that was mira uh yeah i'll use a wind breath i guess all right it's too magic but this 15 year old got lungs yeah i know yeah the effect creates wind i'm going to blow them away breathing technique all right let's see there's so many skills there's so many all right found it wind breath all right excellent a major action magic check it's going to cost you two mana um and let's see if your magic check is successful you produce enough wind to blow away a piece of paper in a desired location a piece of paper one piece one single piece of paper a piece of paper yeah i can fart harder than that little mage is that the window don't you two i did more damage than you exactly i don't want to hear it i don't want to hear it from you look look i have someone then talk to me i just i just born here right now i don't know what i'm doing i just i didn't even equip the right swear hands i didn't even equip the right equipment or use the right skills you know tyler you can blow on these nuts that's my name all right all right uh magic checks all right magic check check box the monastery is ashamed of both of you plus what was it agility right mm-hmm uh seven sorry your magic it's a magic check so intelligence oh intelligence plus six so it's nine all right you've made uh let's see for magic this out do my passives come into play or oh oh yeah it's time we can't even do that you can you can bring your passives in sure oh wait no it needs to hit doesn't it yes well let's find out if it hits yes you gotta hit it that's the hard part because all my passives are magic checks which means it needs to hit first yeah eight nine ten [ __ ] what a shame you missed again i missed no that was my first miss what do you mean again the words of my mouth shots alrighty well then um that's hey look no problem it happens bandit c is gonna stab the [ __ ] out of you though so here we go here's bandit c who's aiming for for d right over here guess i'll die another little steady stab of two yeah it's agility right yes agility i can't dodge this critical oh [ __ ] all right all right all right so he manages to get a hit on you let's see how much all right you know would it be great if mira healed me no no oh that's 11 plus 7 is 18 what's your defense you have armor as well uh my armor is no i don't have armor what i have a robe which is physical defense plus two uh so five is my this is this is why you don't let kids wander out by themselves 13 damage how are you all this incompetent you know you could have [ __ ] healed me i'm sorry i'm trying to double i'm trying to double uh team here i'm trying to kill and heal this is hard all right so we've got to do a death check you guys really think we're going to do this um well that's what someone's wait joe's dead well he uh joey zero hp he's knocked out all right he's knocked out knocked out fainted fainted at the end of every round so don't worry at the end of the round we can talk about your death check all right oh it's the end of the round thanks for the hard carry guys all right let's see death check is an action check with the luck stat its difficulty level is determined by your current hp if they pass the death check they're no longer knocked out and their hp becomes one if they fail the character dies the gm male so inside the character can only recover from being knocked out via skiller items nah i won't do that to you guys okay i'm literally getting killed by level 1 this man this man took two hits and and dad the other bandit took like 500 hits i'm a 15 year old girl of course what are you doing out in the world as a 15 year old girl those were your parents i just wanted both for dude what i wanted i should have [ __ ] stuck with the band this guy kidnapped me so honestly i'm not i don't really care that much if i knew the banners were like level 100 mafia boss then i probably should have just stuck with the [ __ ] bandits i think these bandits are level one though level one mafia boss oh right well let's see then um first all right what is your um let's see all right dl difficulty level and hp yeah it's uh so my hp is 20. check with the luck stat great so all right what's your hp again 27 27 because your hp is 27. oh my god um i'm just it's the tutorial stage well surely he doesn't die because he had armor on the previous turn usually yeah so surely yeah yeah exactly so you know what i'm gonna make the difficulty level eight here's what you do you're gonna roll a luck check for me all right all right which is 2d six plus your luck stat just get it to be eight or more and you're safe come on gotcha gods be on my side all right all right you survive you're at one hp thank god [ __ ] heal me unless i don't know someone heals me you're no longer knocked out you're awake now your hp has it kind of been uh you know coming from a royal background i i you know we're taught to value people who provide something i provided you know we have we have we have that miss saying goes [ __ ] them kids um and i'm i'm just i'm just going to put that out right now you know well in the monastery the peasants don't get to eat unless they do work [Music] and unfortunately it seems like none of you are doing any work excuse you excuse me you didn't like it for that i will we'll see what happens yeah okay i i i will see what happens i will put the finishing blow on banned at sea all right i'll do it i beg of you let's go for it all right okay i'm i'm gonna i'm going to finish him off all right um use my he's going to miss he's going to [ __ ] mess up he's going to miss i've got my attack modifier on with my one-handed sword i've got my right hand but today is not one of those days i've got the right equipment equipped now i've got my proper long sword equipped and not the [ __ ] blunt stick i was using before got my squirrels equipped all right i'm going to do a hitch i'm going to do a hit check all right that is that i have a hit check of 16 overall so 16. 13 here or the modifier i just got a picture of bandit c it's uh it's uh it's it's i think that's bandit c no wonder we need oh my god jesus christ great all right so let's see if he dodges praise please eight nine ten eleven all right so now let's go so let's go finish them off all right so that's 10 there plus a modifier of 313 plus my equipment thirteen plus seven uh so twenty twenty attack all right twenty attack and let's see with the bandits where was this on the first round fifteen that's what you get for not equipping the right equipment on the first round you have effectively eliminated bandit c as he falls let's go he falls down he makes sense [ __ ] you he makes a noise like that can i get a pogba can i get a pog you guys know what pog is you guys you guys know what pog is i'm here in this world yeah what is paul don't explain pog i'm sorry these nudes do you really need to know what pog is here i'm not from your world pogba i know which pog is oh you do yes in my name my first name is pogamus oh my god please please stop talking weed swagging please please please i just want to help out a narrative you can you can explain it to them you can explain it to them weed swag and what what is a pog what's the point well it's a bit complicated you make a special face kind of face maybe the chats can show us the chat never mind don't forget to set anything forget yourself it doesn't matter anyway congratulations beating the band if they did it i knew they could be strong together what a strong attack you actually did something tara thank you wow at this point bandit a says [ __ ] this and leaves oh thank you thank god thank god oh my god he sees how strong you guys could actually be if you put your heads together i literally suffered teamwork what is your name by the way now now that we've got the bandits out the way uh can we uh can we can we introduce ourselves properly hello my name is mira [Music] and i wasn't actually going to heal you next time what the [ __ ] because i wasn't impressed by your showing i literally saved your life while you were bleeding on the ground i'm sure one of the nights would have saved me if it was what nights what are the nights we're in we're in the middle of nowhere dude um they would have saved me i'm sure the divine blessing of the the gods would have saved me you know taro i i maybe recommend no maidens let's uh i can provide my healing but you'll have to prove that you're worth it i think i proved my worth we'll see i literally thought my life flashed before my eyes to save your ass okay well first of all what's your name my name is introduce yourself on talking to your role yes your highness my name is dz newts um of the newtz family and i'm on a quest to find the legendary bofor do you know beaufort uh i'm aware of it you're aware of it i'm aware of it oh well i mean it'd be amazing if i could aid you on your quest to find both of these nuts both of these nuts got you couldn't resist well i will remember your name once you prove your worth in battle of course it's pretty unforgettable my name is taro nice to meet you what was it again mirror mirror monastery how'd you pronounce that second name again clythe slice cliff what does that mean is is that is that it's an ancient language does that mean anything does that mean anything in your ancient language it does i think in your language it might mean milk mirror milk nice nice to meet you well i can see why how rude this is this is a place of god please what's a beautiful friendship anyway should we go to the next town restaurant it seems that you guys are in need of some healing yeah i i mean i think the child uh is a needful healing i've developed ligma i need some help dude oh you know my master runs a special adventurer's guild if you'd like to go over there we can get you all healed up that would be great let's let's jack the wagon dude hell yeah by the way i noticed something something odd it why wasn't there a bandit bee oh yeah oh we had a band a day in abandoned sea but there wasn't abandoned b was there i did wonder about that yeah oh i didn't think about that allez one moment can you check your pockets for me oh he's stolen our stuff well i'm already with you i was tied up oh he looks as though you're all broke oh no my money i had zero money anyway so that doesn't change yeah i had a lot of money yeah you were royal as [ __ ] dude i had over one million uh one millionaires you're not so royal anymore are you miss milk oh no oh boy what will happen next i wonder you'll find out in the next episode of dragon ball z i'm just going to do an ad break and we'll be back and we'll continue on we get to go on an actual adventure we're going on an adventure are we on a little adventure it's amazing no money no maidens somebody should have asked about bandit b it was pretty obvious i did think about it and i just thought i'm sure it's not important whatever i'm just like god doesn't know the alphabet or something huh oh boy oh okay i didn't know what kind of sword he was using if he's using like a heavy sword i kind of thought that like strength would be better but if he if he's using a sword that's like supposed to use decks then let's go with that okay cool cool cool yeah i guess it depends on the weapon huh yeah yeah i guess if it was lighter like stars would make more sense yeah i guess the dex user i personally am a dexter user when i play games i don't really use big heavy swords so i'm i'm so annoyed i spilt this on my shirt i thought you were like salivating from there no so i took a [ __ ] and then i think you know when like the coffee gets like in the little lid can you order more coffee please i would love more coffee um considering how that first encounter went this is going to be a long stream i can't believe i'm broke yeah i'm broke how long have we been streaming i literally died you just gotta you know take on a quest to get some money you know okay you guys got some options too i have i have some good skills i have a negotiation skill yeah that could be useful we've got 20 000 people oh nice heal you 24-hour stream part two i mean we honestly could oh god yeah we you know we all got yeah we all got showing we got [ __ ] to do that is a first for me all right gotcha no worries i'm yours again i'm used to the world of darkness system and usually you use either like use decks for like look it it was uh it was useful uh because uh we all acted like clowns that would be yeah that was basically just the first encounter in conoco right now now yeah yeah now i know it was literally the [ __ ] frog moment in concealer where akka goes up and just like gets [ __ ] eaten by that that's literally just what happened with level one bandits oh yeah we can take out these two idiot bandits this is the tutorial okay it's the intelligence of knowledge i'll order it later okay welcome back welcome back uh what a con of super start today yeah we're that was we've been streaming for about an hour and a half and uh we have just gotten through the introduction of this campaign this is the tutorial that was literally the tutorial i like did we have our automaton like this is like our polygon moment where we just like couldn't [ __ ] jump over that thing i'd like to seven seven out of ten can't beat the tutorial i'd like to say a prayer for the fallen yeah tomorrow that we slain yeah all right of course the other guy stole all my money shed my recipes yup back off to the rest of the bands literally actually honestly no before we head to the adventurous girl can we loot the body we don't loop i'm leaning looting is for such as i don't know right now one time when i was in you know when i was growing up as a child i didn't have any money so i did a few chores and i had uh about one one million heiress and i was able to buy anything i wanted what is eris someone explain to me what that is the currency money oh that's the currency used in this world yeah what did you what did you use back in your world uh well it would uh depend on the which uh which country you were in unfortunately i had all of mine in uh this currency called dogecoin and uh unfortunately that didn't really get me far in life so i hope that eris would be a funny sounding coin mother always taught me that if you want to get rich you just have to do this save half of your money and spend the other half but if you really want to make a lot of money save 75 do you by any chance have a currency here that would encourage uh with something like a token that you can't fund oh my god oh what did the body have on it well would you like to find out let's find out all righty so uh who's going to loot you got there's one box uh what what ability do we use for looting well for looting um it looks as though you use a simple check of 2d6 and it depends on how high you're wrote oh i see we got to see who has the highest out of last you know what i'm going to go ahead and house rule this you're going to do a luck check check all right 3d6 plus your lug who's who's who's got high luck i got i got a 2 on my lock um i got a 9. i think you should lose i have a 9 as well the modifier and the modifier yeah oh my my luck is nine bass modifier four one five four yeah yeah yours is modified three so i think tara you should look okay i only have i only have a modifier two all right so go ahead and roll two d six plus four all right two two d six yep i have a six so plus four that is ten ten all right uh that's not six oh that's fine five plus two is seven oh that's seven sorry what 11. it's early in the morning all right 11. great so first of all you gain 30 kilo errors which is about thirty thousand let's see thirty thousand yen ish good yeah and then valuables uh my dude was carrying like some silverware some like fancy forks and stuff like that so okay some like minor jewelry yeah five five different valuables and each of them is worth 10 kilos so if you can manage to sell so that's about down it's about 80 000 kilograms so what can you can you 80 000 kilos 80 kilowatts yeah so 80 kilos kilo eris in total yeah so so 30 kilo errors in cash and 50 kilo errors worth of valuables yeah so if you can manage to sell them you can get your money back on those any any uh any non-funding ladies ladies we've uh hit the jackpot i think is that a lot is that a lot 30 kilo errors where i'm from now i mean i might i have i started with 30 kilo errors and got taken so uh you know be nice if i could have that back i'm sorry what i mean i suggested the looting so you know i think i should deserve a higher cut right so where was this week because dogs always squabble i'm sorry are we uh what kind of a political system are we in here uh i believe i procured the money and the equipment so tara i don't know if in your world you have a thing called child services but we certainly do in this world uh it's it's every man for himself [Music] both of you are failures in the eyes of god it doesn't matter who has the money god will determine your fate i mean we can leave god's saying did your dumbest [ __ ] okay why did you let him loot the body because he had a higher luck because he's better at touching dead bodies than he's such a dead body what are you gonna do he's older than you like as as the adult here i will hold on to your money and i will give you an allowance should you so need it this is why i left the news family dude that's exactly what my mom said and she never gave me the money stop bickering and go to the village all right yeah i can get you guys some money if we pick up a quest let's do that yeah can we sell them can we sell weed as well please listen let me explain but the reason for my name is that my master my master ringo demingo he's a great swordsman except well he's actually he's actually not he's a swordsman but he can't wheel the sword for [ __ ] you'll see when you meet him he's got a little garden and i eat all the weeds that are there on the garden that's the only reason for my name nothing strange is suspicious okay that's the only reason and it's definitely not a reference to another character from some other animated video or video show television whatever it is that you may be thinking and he leads you so how far is this village right now five minutes okay so do no worries you guys eventually make it to what appears to be the adventurer's guild there's something kind of sketchy about this place it seems like a like a budget walmart version of an adventurer's guild something's off about it you feel like the people that are walking in and out of this adventures guild are like kind of sketchy folk kind of like more lower like shady level uh folks and then there's a bigger adventures guild which looks really nice and all kinds of you know well-meaning and and bright-faced and excited adventurers are walking in and out of that one however there's a sign on it you read the sign and it says you must be level two to enter here so you gotta start off at the shady shack of an adventurers guild run by ringo damingo oh it's my man ringo yeah what's up ringo hey ringo what is this this isn't the adventure guild i was promised this isn't like my anime sorry but you're only level one so you've got to take on the shitty quests first got to prove yourself i thought we just did a quest did we do it what that was that was the tutorial that was that was to save this woman right here i mean i i did all that and i didn't get anything out of that listen yeah we got some money out of it you guys you keep coming in with this wii you keep coming in with this week where is that coming from look in front of the people they're going to think that we don't know what we're doing let me do the talking i have high negotiation i can talk with them okay we can get this we can get a question let's go in the guild all right sounds good so you enter the guild which do you are you gonna try to enter the level two adventurers guild are you gonna go to the level one adventurers guild i don't know is there somebody watching god of the level two guild that i can see somebody watching garnet [Music] of too tough i don't think we should let's go in the normal guild and we'll just go dude i've got one hp i don't want to fight anything let's go to the level one sounds good shady sketchy shack it's just a shack but it's got a quest board so you know what's all you need ringo's sitting there yeah a ring ringo is sitting in um like a little chair by the quest board and he's kind of like arranging things and looking over [ __ ] he looks back at you guys oh hey you brought me some adventurers weedswag and i knew i could count on you come on lads come over here come one and all oh pretty ladies too you guys look tough hi there my name is ringo denmingo and wait a minute he looks at you me are you yamatotaro how did you know how did you know that i come from the same place as you man i'm a big fan but hold on you can't let other people hear us talking this is kind of a bit of a secret no way dude dude i gave you like 500 bucks one time no way no joke are you are you also from earth yeah how did you get here that's a bit of a long story but basically i was on my way to a job interview and then i accidentally dropped the business card of the person i was supposed to meet and then a little kid in like a plastic toy car like just came like down the road and i went to reach for the business card and he ran over my hand and then my hand got cut off this kid was you know very big um and my hand got cut off and i bled to death so can you tell me is this heaven or hell because i feel like i feel like i'm in hell right now oh it's kind of fun though man once you get used to it yeah you'll get used to it you'll be fine i've died like five times now man you've died five times you sure have it's death is death a concept here is it i don't know i don't know man i feel like it's just a me thing but there might be somebody else who has the same problem as me i don't know but i mean it's fine my problem is i'm kind of not good at anything i decided to be a swords master but i have this weird dream i recall that before i came here there were a bunch of random boxes in front of me and i just put random numbers in them so yeah i don't really know what i'm supposed to be good at so how do you survive in this world give me give me all the tips that you have don't just let it happen just don't worry i'm doing a pretty good job with that so far dude okay brilliant i've got the perfect party for that whilst you've been here ah pretty much just trying to do quests and uh usually completing them by running the running away and uh cheesing enemies off the cliff is that is that completing the quest i mean technically it works they die right just just die run away this isn't the glorious life i thought i would get in this world well i'm not gonna i'm not gonna lie here because unfortunately ringo i lost a lot of my possessions when i was kidnapped ah i don't suppose you could have anything you could lend me well that really sucks i'm broke too oh right but i got lots of quests for you guys if you're interested this is him by the way it looks a little bit like space dandy like some glasses oh my god six sideburns yeah he's a he's the idiot swordsman because uh i believe his sword attack uh is like sword mod is one i gotta say that is a sick hairstyle you got there ringo yeah how do you make it how do you maintain that sell it myself clean clean dude let's get right down to business sure yes i have procured around uh 50 kilos of heiress that i can sell to you what the [ __ ] um am i able to sell equipment here or where can i sell equipment well we do have a merchant actually uh some shady kid his name is uh his name is yannick uh yeah he's he's real young so be nice to him he's like 12 but he he deals in heavy artillery finally older than someone in this room he sells all kinds of crazy stuff but you know he's a he's a little hard to get along with you may need to persuade him a little bit but you know he's a he's a nice kid you'll be fine okay okay i'll i'll go i'll go give yannick a uh a quick hello then questions oh we do have a bunch of quests if you want to hear them would you like to hear a quest first or would you like to go buy some [ __ ] quests first right i will i think we should all heal as well like we will we will yeah what's the quickest way to get famous here i want to know do you do you have a concept called clout here i would like all the misses that you have been swinging your sword you'll be infamous and noticing yeah i i i am here for fame and glory guys i don't know why i don't know i don't know what you guys want to do you can do your own thing like beaufort i i don't know have you heard of bofo by the way do you know do you know about beaufort what's that both of these nuts do you happen to have a daycare as well that's we can leave this child in what the hell i don't get it but you seem nice so i'll try to help if i can we should figure out what we want to do we should do the we should hear the questions let's see the question okay let's see if we can just say that then we can do motion then we can rush up sure yeah i mean it should be really easy to get famous here i mean i got real famous by being an idiot so yeah you know yeah you'll be fine yeah you'll be fine all right so let's see what kind of quests we got here so we got three quests that are available to you guys and if you know what the quests are you might be able to better choose what items you take with you because that in itself is gonna take a minute so first of all we got some basic goblin extermination you're gonna have to eliminate some goblins how many we don't know we just know that they were spotted outside of the forest and uh the reward for this one is 100 kilo errors that's a lot of money between us or each off for each person so wait you repeat that we have to eliminate goblins yeah goblins what what what you know like really great do we know what level these goblins are uh if i knew that then we might have done something about him but it's a quest for a reason you know i need i need i are you are you much of a goblin slave yourself um i i have some experience reading about goblin slaying and i'm not and i'm going to keep that to myself because i'm not sure you ladies would want to know the details of this goblin slayer that i've read about um okay but we should proceed cautiously yeah let's let's hear about the other quest i'm scared to ask yeah sure well if you are so inclined there is that option the next we've got purifying the lake's water we have a special lake actually a special fountain so to speak it's been years perk up it's been poisoned however for whatever reason well we don't really know we feel like um at least from the intel that we've been able to collect um this is a very important fountain and somebody went and poisoned it so the reward for this one is pretty big 300 kilo errors for each person but it's very dangerous we need a priest who knows purification magic do you know purification magic mirror i don't i know purification magic oh no god says weird swaggin i can do it if you want me to i'll go with you narrate your whole adventure for you if you want are you sure mirror you you got anything you please please i'm begging i'm begging i'm begging you i think there's no way for me to learn this purification magic teach me i suppose i could teach you but you're gonna have to do a couple chicks for it i mean uh it's gonna take a bit to train in i don't think we have time we just i think we didn't we don't have time to go through a training arc dude i need to find beaufort how long would the training take well let's see probably about um i'd probably have your role 1d6 and uh if you're able to get above three three times in a row you learn it what is [Music] nothing you just wasted everyone's time all right let's try them all right let's learn this is a house rule by the way i'm making this up all right okay okay by the way this entire time i've been bleeding bleeding out seriously i'm like ready blood loss severe blood pressure five or six three times in a row okay oh nice job all right i'll give that to you for the sake of that quest you're flying to lakes water now you know what if you guys choose not to do this quest like what the [ __ ] but you know what you haven't i know what we're doing oh we're doing today lads so basically what you have to do is you have to pure purify the lake ten times however you need to be careful because there are brutal alligators in the lake so probably what you'll want to do ringo tells you uh is have mira in this case uh work to purify the lake ten times while the other two focus on taking on the brutal alligators who will beat the [ __ ] out of you and well that went really well last time uh i believe now that you guys have had some experience in battle yeah yes i is the maiden we'll clean the leg should we should we hear the last request just in case there is no cereal let's see here just in case let's hear it just in case slay the strange mysterious monsters this is the biggest one this is the biggest reward everyone gets 500 kilo heirs all right there are two strange beings that have taken up residence in a nearby cave and appear to have created their own little cruise it's kind of like a gang war going on inside this cave there are two warring factions and uh we're pretty sure that uh something terrible is going to happen if they end up beating each other up so you gotta eliminate both of them oh god i think i mean the second quarter you want to do the second question but do you not want the fame and glory and more importantly the money what's more that comes giving people a clean water supply that comes with uh slaying monsters i'm also intrigued about this fountain he wants to be gone forever i mean she wants to be on forever unfortunately uh you know wrestling with alligators doesn't sound like something i want to do there's a place called in my world called florida and i've been there once and unfortunately got uh much of the same experience and uh well now you have magic and i think i can heal you in between as well um i think we can do that be nice we need to heal up and then we need to take on this quest i believe all right i'm also selfish i couldn't tell that so once i have my immortality then we can worry about what you want are you sure my clocks are ticking you've got plenty of time left dee do you want to make a decision on this oh god i mean all of them sound horrible but i do need some money to to buy some weapons and you know maybe once mira you know becomes [ __ ] immortal or whatever then she might actually care about the rest of us so i reckon we should just like get that out of the way i mean the you know the fountain i might be able to get some information on both as well who knows can you can you repeat the quest again the second one certainly all right oh what's what's this we're getting we're getting a tutorial hint right in front of us right now that says d might own something that would uh okay okay i own stuff can we hear the quest again please all right sure so here's the quest purifying the lake's water everybody gets 300 kilo aeros a piece um and you need a priest who knows purification magic which would be you um the water quality of the lake one of the town's water sources has been poisoned it also used to be a special fountain apparently with unknown properties but brutal alligators have appeared to move in purify the lake's water and the monsters should leave so the good news is the good news about this quest is if you do manage to purify the lake's water the alligators will just leave even if you haven't beaten them so you just need to survive for ten turns okay okay why does everyone keep spelling cage what is that i don't understand am i missing something i feel like i'm dumb see like i don't have exactly the best magic to fight off alligators in the water i think like if i had maybe like a light like a lightning magic that would help a lot so is it i don't know is there any place i can like learn some magic because that that would be nice i can teach you some magic oh my god oh [ __ ] do you want to learn well i need to learn some kind of like lightning magic to i think you know as like an aoe attack i think would be pretty good if we're fighting in a lake because i don't know how well fireballs are going to work in the water i'll see you oh that's a good point did you made there let me see what you knew page 149. thank you because this is a big book there's a lot of good stuff in here all right let's see uh lightning spell we got uh how about just a regular lightning spell regular lightning spell is fine all right perform a magic attack against a target that magic attack does 2d six plus five lightning magic damage uh if the target loses at least one hp from this damage apply stunned to them that's pretty nice that's gonna be good that's gonna be gonna fight off the horde of allies yeah right and uh when using this you may decide not to do any damage i don't know why you would all right gotcha this is a really nice lightning spill attack because we're only doing a one shot today i'll go ahead and do the same thing for learning spells so pretty much the exact same thing that meera had to do for learning come on it was a very low percentage it's a lot like temperatures you got pretty lucky yeah this is the more useful thing as well what do you mean we can't do the mission without me oh well i don't trust what smeagle [Music] [Laughter] unfortunately like you're not really like we could have just used weeds wagon i don't i don't trust weeds and would do it i think weed spaghetti is up to no good so wait wait wait a minute spells are healthy so where you have to be the one to purify the lake while we put ourselves in grave danger maybe weed spaghett in between turns from healing will purify him we can see if we'd expect more cooperate maybe if we feel like it i feel like there's going to be a difference i feel like i feel like we would be dumb not to take weeds we're taking weeds back in with us but i don't trust weed spaghetti to do the job can i use the lighting spell on weed spaghetti no stun him why would you stun weaves so that he's helping us so he doesn't escape so you stay in your [ __ ] place and you purify this you're making me feel like a baby two purifications in one turn depends on if weeds [ __ ] feeling like it okay okay okay roll the dice so what do i need to do over three three three times and you gotta get over three three times yeah god please well let's see what other spells are new this is uh this is why you never trust children to do to do an adult's job let's see what other spells do i know that's a rough one that's all right we can see what else what else is there you know why it's because i've been bleeding profusely you know like i'm not i'm not quite right in the head to learn a spell right now to be honest i don't think that's got anything to do with your dice throwing the [Music] the skill affects all magic damage of that element three or over oh yeah um it is a i have quite got that right but you know what i'm gonna go ahead and house rule this one too there is something else called elemental enhancement skill okay um which i'm gonna let you use you can try and learn this one one time and with this one you can change whatever magic spells element you're using to eat an element of your choice an electric would stun right yes yes yes yes one shot okay please forgot section come on come on coughing on board come on come on come on all right three okay okay all right you use a blessing you want to use a blessing i would say the blessing i would say that we only have so many i can only use two yeah let's save it all right well gamer we got we got to do it we've got to do it we got to do it the gamer thing to do i really i think we really need this ability otherwise we need the thunder one more yeah yeah yeah well you want to redo it with a blessing is he allowed to retry or surely that's not fair if you use a blessing i'll let you do it yeah all right yeah i feel like what else can you use a blessing for that's more important i'm going to use a blessing to try and relearn the lighting magic then all right go for it but does he get like more die snacks it's a blessing or just a retraction just retry just a retry i'd say probably just a retraction all right i've given you two the gods give me your blessing that's right oh there's a love check damn it how do we forget [ __ ] sake come on god okay all right then you know what i'm not gonna make you use a blessing this time this is just a re-roll okay fine yeah right i was so lucky that i was just like oh [ __ ] hey one more time hold on no this is not a luck check this is not a luck checker okay that's for looting never mind yeah use a blessing okay i'll use a blessing okay okay blessing time here we don't choke don't choke don't choke okay five yup that's rough buddy that's rough how did you get so lucky connor the blessings of the gods all right it was for a good cause all right well here here's the deal then here's the deal then dee you'll get another chance to learn it when we get to the lake okay all right that's a new scene so i'll give you another chance to try and learn it okay is there any any skills that uh taro can learn any skills that would be useful well tara you actually mentioned that you had the ability to like uh change an elem the element of i i can use a ruby to change my attacks to fire which would be entirely useless uh against alligators no but they're in the lake when they come out of the lake well they're not going to come out of the lake though are they not how are they going how are we going to lure them out of the lake to lure the alligators over oh by the way just a little tip from ringo who is an idiot he says hey you know guys um brutal alligators don't have an element oh they don't no but we want we wanted the stun yeah i wanted to start more than anything okay they don't have an element so the element is better and then then it was then this entire debug we went through was useless no no no no no because i wanted that i wanted the stun yeah more than anything well we used the blessing for that i thought we were gonna get an advantage you're the one that was like hey i think well the good news is the good news is is that they don't they don't have a weakness but they also don't have a particular strength i guess you see you can use fire and it's still the same amount of damage do you know we should rest up for the evening we're not familiar with it yeah yeah i guess we should let d stop bleeding i believe i've lost about forty percent of my restaurant yeah so uh before we take on this quest tomorrow mm-hmm riga morta's not feeling good right now that's right understandable all right so you said that you have healing powers i do yes okay let's go look right now waste them though well you're gonna [ __ ] you're gonna [ __ ] heal up anyway just a is there a fire or something a fire bonfire that you can go near the rest of the box does the end not replenish uh health points it does it does i'll give you about fifty percent of your health back for one night oh okay so i have to use my healing magic either way yeah if you want if you want to get back up to full health okay i'm on one all right now i will i will heal dee and uh and then 50 percent yeah yeah that'll put me back up okay so let's try and get half of your health yeah yeah yeah please please sorry foreign why are you prioritizing him no no i'm not sure you're both healthy i'm trying to heal you both okay i'm doing all the work i did all the damage i'm doing all the healing purifying everything you also uh did damage to yourself as well so yeah let's not forget that it was an accident all right let me so how do i how do i heal then how are you doing all right let's go around your healing heal me out baby i believe i have uh just the heel now oh just before two okay gotcha one more time thanks for the 20 all right let's see healing spell yes i would love some coffee french uh single tar i don't know i like some golf i like some water actually um carry some water yeah wait oh did we get a raid we got a raid hello hello from lootcast it seems hello welcome to this very scuffed trpg wait doesn't uh like does tara have a healing thing i don't i have a revive oh you have a revive we don't have a any way to heal i only can heal myself would you like to stay i don't have any healing potions on me yeah i got my i got healing potion right now is zero only one only one okay what did you suggest about rolling i said um if you guys wanted to spend another night at the guild to replenish your health up to full that would be fine but the quest only has it has a two-day limit so that means that you need to go so we'd have to heal one day and then go to the quest the next day exactly yeah okay that only restores fifty percent of his health right yeah he said no way i can learn another a spell that might be i i okay i do have a healing potion i feel that we should save this we should save that for the battle life well you guys haven't visited the merchant yet have you no we should go visit the merchants we should buy something all right yeah good stuff then let's go hit up the merchants all right let's let's go blessing at the next scene to um yeah yeah yeah yeah maybe i could use a blessing at the next scene to hopefully try and roll hopefully hopefully let's try that yeah yeah okay okay let's go over to the item shop then all right heading on over to the merchants there he is scruffy little kid definitely 12 years old what are you buying boys why is why is everyone here underage what what is this accent that everyone has is this is this i know something something about this world is my turn to slap the [ __ ] out of someone i i think so or maybe you can be friends you you got you guys are both commenting on his age what are you selling boy i got a bunch of different things i got a couple uh mid weapons you got a couple potions you guys like bombs i got a couple of those we got bombs yeah little shooty slurry things how much are the potions and how much will they heal well let's see let's see what i've got here where's there's the item list i know we have it here uh item list oh is it the big one yeah the big one the big one yes here it is the magic item list of which there are many things oh boy so we got weapons you got weapons you got more weapons you got any uh any actual anything to heal up more shields got some armor these are old tools oh hi potion heel yeah baby how much is a potion and how much does he got a heel potion level one weight one value is 30. does that mean it heals 30 hp let's see one moment minor or major action restores 2d6 hp to the user i'm gonna write that down restores 2d6 i'm guessing there's a miscalculator there's some inflation going on this kid's never heard about inflation [ __ ] let's take these we'll take your entire stock oh boy oh oh okay i do have healing stuff then man mana tight exercise manatite is a healing thing apparently oh oh it heals yeah restores two d six oh no no that's mp never mind mp yeah second time the kid's done this that's mp that's mp yeah yeah they'd behead you where i'm from for that action consumable a potion that heals wounds it's 30 kilo arrows per heal potion and you can get a high heel potion for 200 which is good for dhs are you interested in perhaps silverware nico [ __ ] yes we have a bunch of silverware all right yeah negotiation negotiation a friend of ours has procured some silverware that you might be interested in i imagine that you could sell it to the people of this village you would like to eat food am i supposed to do eat with it eat with it yes but also i think that that price sounds a little too high i think if we're buying more than one perhaps we could knock the price down a little bit are you devaluing my products here sir madden i'm i'm just saying if we buy more i think it could be worth more to you we're gonna buy more in the long we're gonna give you more money what do you think about this trade trade offer trade off you get money i get potions you get money in silverware you think he can be persuaded but you're gonna have to roll of course of course you're gonna have to roll for it so let's go all right i have a check plus one uh d6 spirit checks for negotiations and persuasion okay if we're in social situations i believe that that's using mind it's not a mind thing i'd like it to be mine that would be good because i have a lot of yeah let's say i feel like that's a mind thing my base for mind is my highest okay so i get a plus two bonus ability and then plus six on the base okay so a total of and then an additional dice on the persuasion i don't know what the base is i don't know what i have to get though what is that what i have to roll i should have told you you have to roll 2d six as per the usual which is the usual check and then you add on afterwards uh your bonus what's my what am i trying to hit here do i know or not are you gonna decide all right so i actually rolled three dice because i have a plus one d6 yeah okay so let's give it a come on mira you got this oh that is a fumble oh no because you got you fumbled it you got two you got two once you fumbled it how does that even happen how did you brought two you know what you make a good point i actually have been wrong about my price it's higher instead of 30 i'm gonna make it 40. mira all right thank you for teaching me to value myself i really appreciate it we only have 80 000 so we can still only buy two should we just buy two then let's just buy but we can't where we're gonna sleep tonight group group yeah how are we gonna sleep if we buy two people i don't know how much wait do we know how much the inn is yeah i do i do know it's not that much yeah yeah yeah we've done that we've done that yeah that's what we did you know i only just thought about it now yeah probably should have checked the uh wagon we probably should have checked the wagon shouldn't we totally forgot what we have there was nothing in there i'm you sure yeah all right i'll show you the we got the worst here's the thing we [Music] there is one around here um it's only 10 thousand and we gained we gained thirty health and magic but that doesn't sound right that sounds too rp i mean that's still like a a quarter of a potion though if we do gain 30 hp permanently oh okay permanently add 30 to your max hp and max mp that sounds so that sounds that sounds weird oh it's kilo oh ten thousand kilos it's a hundred thousand no it's not it's ten million wait well why would it not just say ten million is ten thousand here it doesn't say that i'm not making that up everything is a kilo error no i think everything is in kilowatt errors yeah yeah ten thousand kilo errors will be ten ten million hundred million yeah yeah which uh you guys are not even close yeah ten million yeah billionaires yeah so uh that's a that's a negative chief yeah but here's the good news is that yannick will buy your silver from you it's just not the the miners let's let's let's sell our let's sell our silver let's sell ourselves and have mira stop talking to anyone yeah shut up uh before i'm gonna negotiate in the hotel that's for sure okay i don't know if i try so let's uh let's let's sell let's sell all right let's sell our so you sell all your silverware there were five valuables each of them were 10 kilo errors yes yes in value so that means you get 50 kilo errors okay so yen it gives you 50. a heel potion is now 40. yeah i guess we'll take one heel position one heel potion yeah who doesn't have a heel potion you need one i need one so we're gonna i guess i guess we're gonna are you feeling generous to the kids three you have 300 kilo paris you want to be generous because you looted it off the bandit he doesn't have 300. no i have 30. oh 30 30. yeah so for a total of 80 now kilo heiress yeah so we can buy two technically but we wouldn't be able to stay stay in the end i think the inn is more important oh you can stay at the guild for free oh yeah i'm giving that to you guys as a like a tutorial all right wait well let's let's let's buy the potion first okay one yeah the time being and i'll give it to you so you can stop leading on me like it's really it's really bothering me just a kid just bleeding by my side just please please use it now then give him buy one that he uses d6 right yes that is correct 2d6 consumable please be more than two [Music] oh boy five five not bad i'm six hp now six hp that's all that's so we spent forty for six hp that's actually like no point oh no what okay i mean it's not very okay okay good meeting groom meeting all all right three or three three of you come here come here all right we we we go we go away from the shopkeep right now so we have 40 okay girls girls that kid's like 12. it's a scrawny ass kid all right true what's stopping us from taking oh yo d what was that what was that what was that deal dude what's stopping us from taking we know what he has first how many questions does he have uh well i i didn't want to ask him i mean we should and we should i mean mira mira committed a crime you're the one who needs to heal yeah what if uh mira distracts the shopkeep by talking and then you you i go in and nick though you go grab some potions whatever you can how about that just one no no murder no murder needed surely uh how many potions do you have on you right now potions hey just a moment let me check hey i got five on me right now why you want to buy all of them give me your money okay hold on girl meet and greet me all right let's do it so the kids got five yeah i don't condone stealing i'm not fond of it but if i'm not the one stealing it's okay as long as i don't die i condone it so uh so mira i think you should use your negotiation skills to try and distract the kid yes and then i'll go in and try and steal i guess what would what check would i be using for steel let's see i wonder if i can buy some candy with all this money you know what this is this is a doggy dog world guys from a lot from what i can gather you guys are real nice i like you yeah yeah thanks for giving me business yeah no worries dude wow you rarely meet a bunch of friendly strangers have you heard about the teachings of friendly strangers the monastery child what the the mona the monster monstery there are many books that we have that could educate you to teach you all right god all right fair prices next time all right all right so while while mira is distracting what do i need to roll to steal how many potions i can first we need to roll to make sure that he doesn't notice you okay now here's the way that i'm going to play this this is also a bit of a home brew ruling i i i figured this wouldn't be in the rulebook so this is how we're going to handle this situation um so mira we need to check how distracting you can be okay all right so let's go ahead and roll do a mind check again for you okay all right and however much you score is going to affect the role that i do to perceive what is going on behind the scenes okay so go ahead and do a mind check out full of boys [Laughter] plus six so we have 16. 16. great so now he's going to try to roll to perceive his perception what did i put down for you nick is three okay seven eight nine ten okay she doesn't perceive it so he doesn't perceive him anything okay okay nice well done well done now we're gonna do some sneakiness okay sneaky don't [ __ ] this up please come on you're the star so what am i rolling for you're gonna do a dexterity check and i'm gonna set the difficulty for you yes okay so the difficulty for the situation thankfully because of mira being able to distract this kid yeah it's less difficult than it would usually be but you're still going to need to score a 10 or more your base six this should be easy just down the [ __ ] off please okay yeah you've basically you need at least four so you have six start you need at least four if you roll a four or higher we get it all right this is easy oh thank god yeah okay all right nothing i can't see from here all right i got eights all right you got eight great you've managed to steal one potion nothing personal you're ready to steal another one yeah all right we gotta keep going yeah what happens if i fail the next one do i lose all the potions i've stolen no i guess we just won't be able to go back to this motion okay okay you'll get it you'll get it all right all right okay i'm gonna keep doing this as [ __ ] keep going oh oh you got another four all right we did it okay oh i got four there okay four four okay if this was world of darkness this is the world of darkness this is kind of super this is very much yeah on brand on brand uh we got seven let's go baby we're just you're just cleaning house right now all right [ __ ] them kids all right i'm kidding let's get all food come on get them all oh we got six that's just 12. yeah it just makes it [Music] gonna have to stop you right there actually yannick turns around in a moment and you've kind of escaped by then you've grabbed everything oh i'm sorry lads it turns out i'm actually out of potions oh what a [ __ ] i had i have five of them just a minute ago what a shame i can't get candy anymore oh what am i gonna do with this this is nothing this is pocket chase you know what what's god gonna do i'm already in hell um i might as well just i will ask him no what's that what does god say what he said get it uh all right well thanks kian thanks for the potion uh can i ask god for forgiveness no you need to study that's all right no way in hell god's name is robbie you're a kid merchant blind like no way all right you know the punishment at least we can go questing your hands get chopped off so what so what happens with you then since you use your i said i didn't get your friendly conversations should they get the milkers get the milk chopped off okay so what's joey's current uh hp six i'm on eight six all right well well we i think we should stay we should hold on to those because when we stay at the guild because we still have enough money for the guild right yeah so we can heal back half so it's free the guild's free yeah yeah it's a little tutorial gift so let's stay at the guild get half the hp back and then if it's half half of 27 is what 13. yeah i'll be i'll be at night i'll be at 19 or 20 hp so i think yeah i think that's plenty all right let's go let's let's go to the guild then good stuff okay all right we rest up i guess yeah for the night and um do i kill 13 or 14 um i'm going to make you heal 13. that's what we're getting you uh who should hold on to the potions by the way uh i mean it's all mine now well we can we can hold what what are you why don't you hold on someone hard to steal from one one how many no i don't need them just take two each okay i can hear five uh i have six actually in total because i have i started off with the healing potion then why don't you just have three two one sorry wait what three so six total yeah one and then here's three total okay so i got three healing potions all right do we want to write that down all right good stuff excellent all right are you guys all ready uh yes yes go questing have you guys healed your hp what's your hp at right now i'm full dude you're full i'm full how are you full okay let's go excellent you're on 20. do you want to consume a potion before we go on our quest what do you think are you on 19. i'm on i have to i have to heal eight he should yeah he should consume one we are we are rich in terms of potions right now consume one should i consume one yeah give the other potion him so now then he'll have two after using this potion what if i don't want to give him the damn potion you can heal yourself you don't need potions care i don't try the kid's a liability yeah exactly that's what we need to just keep saving him give him another potion come on i'm doing that i'll figure it out please what did what did the kid do in terms of getting these potions the kid just stood there i was the one that took the risk blow the allergy this cute kusogaki energy come on give him a potion final give him a potion roll it roll it all right so i have three now and i will use one all right all right so i need a roll at least eight and then i'll be back all right let's see what you got nine times excellent full of health for you now we're ready to go adventuring lads all right excellent for the um all right all right great all right so now we're ready to just go on our merry way i suppose okay and i guess before then we're gonna take an ad break uh and uh reset everything and uh i need some uh i need some coffee and water yeah all right time i need to try and learn desperately how to heal you guys otherwise i'm kind of useless yeah yeah i i don't think i can use the saints shield which i forgot to use well i mean you'll have an opportunity to use it again in the upcoming battles surely so true this is true yeah it should be i guess i'm more of a damaged negator as opposed to a healer yeah yeah can livestream so that's good yeah that's helpful so i kind of want to go first then really so that if no last so if because if one of them gets like downed then i can res them by the end of the turn yeah [Music] yeah you'll need to do it like during like your move like that would be your main thing that's what yeah yeah i thought i understood that cool cool cool i figured i couldn't just stop casting spells if i wanted to yeah let me see what maps i'm gonna go sub gang what's up heyo how long have we been going for uh two and a half hours okay okay not bad i'd say you guys are a little more than like halfway through probably okay okay so well you say that but i don't underestimate our ability to not complete the questions we've gone on a lot of tangents just uh just trying to get the most basic things done here yeah that's cool sorry it's a real hate crime towards children in this stream right now i really i don't appreciate it i'm i'm proud i'm proud i'm i'm going i'm going the cosmo route here no one no one gets preferential treatment god damn it always the nudes family man always the news shortened the stick always family i didn't choose this name all right blame blame my [ __ ] mom for that joey you 100 chose that name what who is joey emily [Laughter] someone in chat said i was the prime on on the floor yeah joey's the prime one of the story not [ __ ] weed i like how you became the fireman of the story and not even like weed swagger this is the dumb animal oh damn it 30 seconds so mean i'm good yeah how how are you doing karen oh no worries this is normal okay okay i've uh i've run some five hour sessions without getting up for my seat before okay okay it's all good no weed is definitely the emergency food not me you don't want to eat me i don't know what he's made welcome back uh our priestess has decided to [ __ ] off somewhere uh we don't quite know where she is right now she was like oh it's sunday i have to go to the church she's praying for god right now for all the sins that she's just committed gotta wait for her morning mass to be over oh there she have is how's sunday mass it was amazing i praise you guys they are they love me all right where were we to the lake going on our merry way all right so as you guys are on your way to the lake weedsparing looks at you guys and says so does anyone know where we're going oh my god we dragon i thought you knew where we were going well well would i know i didn't accept the quest i'm just commenting to him i would i would hold on with him i'd like to ask god oh where to go or could i have a luck check for sure i will ask god where to go i mean i guess i can help you out okay you're british he's british absolutely the gods could guide me as i've been studying and praying delusionally you know what i'll go ahead and let you do it i'll let you do a lot i mean pray to god right go for it what do i need the difficulty level is gonna be 18. what you're trying to talk to god mate i don't know what else to tell you page praise praise in the chat all right all right fine 17. i don't think that's possible is it not what's your luck at ain't she lucky three i'm sorry ain't you look okay i only get to roll two dice though right do you know what i have but you can add your look modifier uh that's just adding three yeah it's not possible i do it's just three so the max i can get is 15 if i get double six all right let's make a deal then all right you can use a blessing if you use a blessing i'll make it 14. that's still terrible odds okay i won't ask as somebody who prays diligently i thought i was close to god he still got some work did you imagine okay everybody all right where are we going sweet all right let's walk all right let's walk then does anybody have direction since oh good do you actually what does that mean why why are you thinking i'm sure god can help me out why are you putting your hand up hold on i'm intelligent as [ __ ] i think i might not you're 15. i have [Music] yeah silence child you ran away from home from 15 you're obviously not very smart here i think i have a large mind 12 points to be exact i think that you know we can figure this out and you know i think that maybe one of us has a compass in our adventurous set probably oh do we have a compass in the adventure set i don't know what's in there i would imagine an adventurous set there's a compass wow everybody's got themselves a little adventurous we do yeah what comes in it is it just a compass we're praying to god now that the adventurous set has something that's what i'm telling you well your intelligence is in 12 your intelligence is eight no mind is twelve i said oh mind is twelve well mine is also twelve a camping tool camping tools rope lantern oh i just checked there's a compass in it wow flint slash striker holy [ __ ] um god give you that yeah great um i'm going to take the rope and i'm going to reset guys i'm going to i'm going to issac in the new world incredible firehead i've already done it once like i can do it again i mean what do you suggest we do i suggest that somebody uh make a perception check and see if we can get some idea of where we all right i've got nine i've got nine i got seven but i have a plus two ability bonus social modifier uh four okay mine's nine plus four modifier perception what about you also nine plus four what's your what do you mean nine plus four yeah the basis yeah the basis oh the base doesn't matter okay my modifier is four then that's three well mine is four or plus two ability bonus well then you should have yeah um let's see where are we right now we are lost uh trying to figure out where to go where is the lake we're trying to find the lake we're trying to find the lake let's see well the difficulty of this one is gonna be let's go ahead and set it to be 50 50 at about eight eight yeah eight nine so as long as i don't fumble i'm good yeah we're good oh wow exactly eight exactly double fours that's pretty good all right with that you hear faintly somewhere to the south the sound of dripping water okay well i guess that's the only direction echoey though that's the only direction we can go that sounds like a cave that's definitely a cave but what we could do is a lake normally has a river or something that flows into it so so it's definitely not from the dripping direction but dripping dripping implies water right now but the [ __ ] no no god literally said there's it's dripping but with some echo that just sounds like a cave to me so i mean that means there's water there i mean do you enjoy i'm sorry are we trying to be not thirsty or are we trying to get to the late guys i'm i'm sorry do you have any better ideas just don't go in the direction of the [ __ ] cave clearly could we do another perception check sure someone else do a check all right i'll do a reception check all right so i'd be like there's grass all right so this is the same eight all right so i got ten ten plus four okay all right so here's what you perceive you can see off in the distance there is a river flowing into what looks to be the mountain but how how is that possible you see the river flowing and then it gets to the mountain and stops but why you can't really see perhaps that's where the sound of the dripping is coming from well i think uh i think let's let's approach it all right let's uh yeah we'll make our approach unless you guys or girls have any better ideas no we're good things are we getting excited i heard the cave and i was like no i'm a good fan okay let's go towards the drip you do approach what appears to be okay okay and there's a river running towards the side of it into the cave oh so it's going into the cave yeah you're not really sure if if there is like a lake in there or not you don't know okay tell for sure but there is a river going into the mountain and there is the entrance to what seems to be a dungeon here that just sounds like the first quest doesn't it wasn't the first quest to go into a cave to defeat some goblins or whatever it was no that was a foreign you're thinking of another question we should roll perception on this cave or something i think we should we shouldn't it's a little sauce all right sure go for it do another perception check should i should i please since you guys already did and there's not much more to perceive the difficulty is going to be nine this time nine okay easy cloud okay let's go six six uh six six plus six is twelve all right great so you can tell the dripping is definitely coming from inside of this cave and it's actually pretty close it's like a decently close dripping noise and if you squint really hard you can see something like a reflection all right let's go inside then all right let's uh let's go inside but wait you get a strange feeling especially you okay taro you detects it why would that be fair to explain wait a minute it looks like taro is saying something have you seen taro could it be a trap oh okay yes i have my uh detection trap detection so i can detect traps indeed you have detected a trap okay specifically it looks to be something of a pitfall oh oh okay right in front of the cave can i disarm the trap as well let's see disarmed so we can get around it target performs agility checks yeah comes the hole in the target falls and takes damage the trap does not affect the flying okay great so yes you can disarm it yes now let's see how to do the trap so it says check two and then total dice two yep so the difficulty for disarming the strap is going to be ten is there is there any way we can get past this trap without having to disarm it a great agenda be a very good trap then wouldn't it oh we just walk around the street just jump well we we've perceived it so maybe maybe maybe i mean maybe they're a bad trap maker a bad trap i don't know what did this 12 year old kid make the trap he knew like you never know the whole time well if you rolled uh a dexter not a an agility check yeah the difficulty level of 13 okay then you could theoretically cross it just fine hold on what's what's everyone's dexterity why do we notice and then we don't all have to roll oh it's an agility check okay uh let's let's disarm them okay i have a special check of the psalm trap yes uh the check is five uh for dexterity okay okay great then let's roll it all right how do you disarm a hole in the ground great question oh my god what did you did you found that i wrote a three um plus uh plus dexterity of five so yeah it was an eight so yeah i guess i disarm it right uh the disarm value is ten so oh i should have done it why i have i have better stats you can try yeah i'd like to try it you didn't fumble so you you didn't succeed i'd like to try disarming okay go for it all right [Music] all right i decided there we go all right nice oh you've successfully disarmed the picture useless man perhaps you'd make a good coaster bull boy all righty so you guys successfully enter the dungeon and realize that you have found yourselves into this beautiful it's the lake now if that ain't a lake it's purifying am i right this needs some purify that looks poisonous as [ __ ] it's kind of smelly kind of it has like a stinky little like sulfur smell to it it's very beautiful and you're like wow oh god oh yucky it's tainted stinky [Laughter] so we've got here it is you guys so you can clearly see it's the lake this is where we are hell yeah and um everything seems nice and quiet for now it's very tranquil this right here is the river that was leading in from the outside into the lake and you guys entered from this way okay so it looks like there's something of um a sacred looking pedestal up here and it looks almost like a fountain of sorts but it stopped running unfortunate but you guys definitely need to try and find a way to purify the lake so what do you choose to do in this situation it doesn't seem as though there's enemies about right now um do perception check before we do anything let's do a perception check that's going on just going into the fountain maybe yeah or go for it yeah just just to see if there's any danger about what do i need all right so for this perception check it's a new scene there's lots to discover so i'll let you do seven okay so it should be okay so it's literally impossible for me to not perceive it i did it okay great so what you perceive around you in this moment is um yeah this place is this is really left up like there's a reason that this water needs to be purified 10 times like straight up yucky the towns people have been drinking this you guys have been drinking this oh oh yeah not good um the fountain itself though looks like super ancient you've never seen anything quite like it before and you get the feeling that this fountain itself hasn't flown for many many many years i mean it would be kind of weird if this was some kind of sacred fountain of youth and it was flowing in the towns people were drinking it they'd be young forever right so it hasn't been flowing for a long time but other than that pretty much a simple lake you don't know if there's anything you could do to activate it it kind of seems a bit irrelevant right now but it is there for your consideration at least when things aren't dangerous speaking of danger speaking of danger you do see a couple things moving in the darkness maybe some breathing you're not sure though whatever is in the darkness it seems to slither away before you can actually get a good look at it oh my god this is florida oh man could i ask you the question sure anything for you madam now that we're in a new scene we just many spells that i can try learning maybe just one time i'll let you try i'd love to try weeds thank you okay well what do you want to learn is there any spells i can learn that involve healing my my friends here well let's look shall we let me just open that would be nice let's see let me find those spells what if they're just like giant yeah shoes like croc shoes they're not actual shoes yeah it's like giant crosstalk from the ps1 game what's more terrifying giant croc shoes or actual crocodiles there's so many so many skills let's see any that might come useful do you think i just want some normal leg sweep that might be for the crocs yeah it's not very a useful healer if you can only heal yourself yeah what the [ __ ] who decided that yeah let's see god really picking favorites well i bet i can find under the priest all right there's wizards what's your removes debuffs bless 142. i see i bet yup that looks like must be i'd like target recovers okay so the target recovers so it's a single use yeah so you can why does it say conor can use that why is it different to that one so you can use it already but oh but we checked in is it a mistake yeah oh so i can use it so you can use it can i learn the debuff one actually that sounds quite useful we're in a swampy place yeah that could be debuff go for debuff then all right that's gonna be um uh cure removes all debuffs from the target okay so let's try to learn let's let's see if you get lucky again oh no i'm gonna do that again yes you do i mean you were successful if i use a blessing or something do i get a little bonus a little bonus bonus you're gonna use the blessing now i need to learn this how many more blessings can you use three oh you're three okay you're good then can i is there any anywhere yeah you um if you fail the first time i'll let you do it again all right well let's just see if i fail then all right here we go okay okay good side good start not bad good start really good oh triple six oh okay oh baby that deserves something i think that's something oh that's a critical role come on let's go that deserves something very special all right the number of the beast two spells of the beast all right the priest wrote 666 the irony oh my god it's are we sure are we sure you're talking to god right now you learned the spell cure which means it removes all debuffs from the target um and let's see the usual the usual cost for this is five mana i'm gonna reduce it to two mana for you yeah pogarooni yup pog yes on anybody hell yeah yup you bring people back to it uh would i be able to learn a skill as well uh i've i've been i've been around in this world for a while now and i've just uh and i would also like to try learning a skill possible uh flash of reincarnation what does that mean so so the the name of the skill is flash reincarnation and so it's a skill uh where i can break out of a bad situation using knowledge or common sense from modern earth and uh since i have since we're going to take on alligators skill for that since i take on alligators it's a skill apparently it's a skill bear grills improvise your skill is literally common sense this man look flash of reincarnation yeah once per scenario okay so you only get one shot do not miss your chance to blow the opportunity comes once in a while of course mom's spaghetti you got to make the mom's face use right after making a check and you add three to that chex result a skill used to break out of bad situations using knowledge and common sense for modern earth okay gotcha all right great excellent so um let's go ahead and do the same thing we just did all right brian all of you guys can only use sweet spaghett's power one time per person yes i guess this is gonna be the last time all right wow immediately would you like to use a blessing should i use a blessing i got i got a bunch of blessings you're four i got four it's a really weird i [ __ ] try it let's do it let's do it let's do it fail again dude you're failing give me your blessings i need all my memories from fighting alligators before oh my god you want to reroll it real quick yeah that's a that's a bad sign dude what should have been like a six oh gosh guess we'll never know five okay five okay let's go six six okay okay let's go oh old baby oh my god [Music] damn it all right can i try and learn that lightning style yeah all right i'll let you try to learn that lighting spell i can't use any blessings because i literally have one left okay so this is my last chance do not miss your chance to blow up you do not miss a chance to below what no we're only allowed uh he says we have a number of uses too yeah i have five blessings but it says number of uses too yeah all right i need i need to use okay here we go i got it don't worry let's go six six okay all right okay okay what a shame would you like to use your last blessing no you sure you don't want to give up all right i guess i guess we just gotta do this uh the old-fashioned i'm absolutely like i'm i'm i'm pets you're crying you're cracking this you're packing right now you took all of the luck well now i have to make a special little roll because it seems that the creatures are stirring they are us stirring boys so let's see what we got here for the the alligators you guys are very lucky why because the alligators are still in hiding they're not going to come out for a little while six small interactions for six rounds oh let's start purifying all right let's get on this right now let's get on it all right let's start purifying oh my god so are we starting like a combat situation now now that we're purifying indeed you guys are the only people in the scene right now so yeah exactly so let's go ahead and get your initiatives you guys please everybody roll initiative okay which is your agility oh i'm lost okay five three three one so we have this cute area right i guess there's some benefit to us being spread out maybe well maybe while i'm purifying you guys could take the opportunity to maybe go spread out a bit yeah yeah yeah yeah i think have some distance yeah i think we should do that yeah all right so let's see how would you like to arrange yourself you guys want to be distant from each other yes i think uh yeah well so see like i have i have two i have i have two skills here and uh they both have a range so they don't have to be close combat at all i can be kind of far away from them yeah what is the difference from here to here uh i'd say about i'm so bad with meters um okay let me think maybe about don't ever shoot it uh 10 meters okay so i guess i'll stay here okay if i move it takes a turn all right or it's an action and then maybe jerry sorry uh so my fireball yeah my fireball has a range of 20 meters yeah so all my spells are 20 meters too yeah yeah yeah um i i got i got a suggestion guys go on so we've got to purify the lake right where's uh weeds bagging in all of this i want weed sparking to help out maybe i don't feel not healthy all right maybe uh maybe speedwagon uh sorry weedswagon maybe okay okay maybe weed splagan doesn't feel like helping out but what if we yeah you want from the side what if we force them to help i want to narrate that in the house in the house of nudes uh we have a special technique uh called waterboarding and there's a lot of water here all right i'm just i'm just saying okay we got to stay we got to stay here until that lake is purified there's alligators in that lake all right sure um what if we put weedswag in in a situation where they have to i don't know whether they're forced to purify it will defend themselves we should persuade weed because weed is also giving us skills directing us we should we should we should be on our good side would you consider helping us out a maiden a lonely maiden who's just searching for a good cause does everyone want to give me a blessing everyone everyone i want your blessings i have one left what are you going to use it for mirror no sorry uh sorry d uh probably well i mean i don't want to [ __ ] try and relearn the lightning thing because it's probably not going to help me persuade you to maybe knock it down one blessing off of him roll a persuasion check all right yes what's the number i have to get um difficulty is 12. that checks out that's fair difficulty because it's persuasion okay and we have um it's in mind right so i have eight bass i need to get 12. okay that should be easy i pog you're persuaded all right get persuaded i guess i can take two blessings me and me and uh uh tara will give a blessing yeah no think about it maybe every once in a while i'll help you god damn i love me some tasty blessings i have a i have a i have a skill where i can create a cup of water so you know just pour that we might kill weed with the poison water i have some pure water you know i was like stop the breathing for a little bit oh boy all right so just for clarification the purification spell you do need to successfully do a magic check okay okay if your magic chick is successful you purify the water you're touching can purify dirty water water with poison in it etc the gm may set a difficulty level for the check depending on the state or amount of water okay okay oh boy so and is weed gonna help us how many times has we so we have six attempts at this before the crocs come out exactly and so i need to we need to do 10 successful roles correct is going to help every once in a while when he feels like it so hey he wasn't going to help you at all so best case scenario we can at least do half okay what am i using here uh it's magic right yeah it's going to be an intelligence check okay how intelligent are you uh four plus i got six bass [Music] 12. magic out for the boys so we should get at least three purifications off yeah we're going to be doing this a lot yeah because then the crocs are coming as well yeah all right let's go better you better purify while they're not here are you kidding me are you kidding me are you kidding you fought how do you get three fumbles l plus ratio plus you stumbled how do you hold on now we have more turns we have more turns so so so oh my god okay all right that's fine it's fine it's fine silence i need to roll i need to focus one purification down excellent seven oh my god slow start but we got it dude thank you so much thank you thank you what would it be for weed weeds intelligence is too oh thank god now we're halfway there i'll tell you i'll put the cup of water away great and just like that you see out of the darkness here come the crocs where is my green marker i swear i had it that doesn't matter i'll go with red suddenly you see out of nowhere slithering from the darkness the foulest beasts you've ever seen before yes even in florida oh god oh god not as bad as this oh no these are brutal alligators for a reason big disgusting ugly beastly creatures oh come on their feelings yeah yeah maybe you can feel them too when you're inside of them because they're hungry okay and we got one here oh no big alligator number one big alligator number two [ __ ] and big alligator number three so one for each of us one for each yeah very hungry for each and every one of you so thankfully they're pretty slow so we just put them at the end of the list okay all right let's see we got crocodile a crocodile b and crocodile d oh no what where's c where is seaweed good question i don't know well don't know it seems like there's only three crocs here i wouldn't know anything about that what you think i am god please all right the question is okay are they tanky do we kill them i guess you'll have to find out they look mighty hungry and funny you guys have potions right uh i have yeah three okay and we we have your heel crocodiles aren't fast i assume no no they're they seem to be pretty slow but there's a movement wise so there's movement in this what if you moved away how long would it take the croc to get to you um you can do a perception in your turn yeah why not my turn [Music] no i mean i consider perception checks to be minor yeah okay well then uh taro is first your perception isn't terrible okay so i can do one minor turn um one minor action and and a major action yeah okay okay great i'll i'll do a perception then check on the cross right let's persuade the clock so we can persuade them i think yeah let's have a look let's have a look where they are you know what you're trying you're trying to look how fast they are they look slow six plus my perception of four so that's uh ten okay great so typically because this area is about like eight or so you managed to perceive about these crocodiles is um yeah they're they're quick they're like so fast like florida okay but um the reason that they're at the end here is just because they came in later into the battle okay because the skinny legends exactly their agility is actually quite high maybe around the same as u6 okay great so moving away from them and fighting is not going to do anything yeah i think you i will that might mean that the hp is not that high could be what if you came to the croc that's near me and started attacking it the d one getting its aggro or something i've already done a minor action yeah by perceiving right so he can only so tara can only attack now yeah unless i you have to do any range attacks i do not okay what if you just moved and give them a free move well you're gonna have to move at some point oh i guess you could do it next time i think you can smack the [ __ ] out of crocodiles [Music] all right i will slap i will give croc b uh i'll give crock b a little stabby stabby will stabby stabby right yeah let's make that roll then all right do you have any elements no but i don't have elements exactly yeah but if you had electric you might stand no i don't have anything the only element i got is the power this is the hit check yeah the hit check okay yeah what's the what's the hit check on these boys so and uh these guys will dodge with 2d six plus four the bandits were quicker wow well that makes sense yeah danny let's ban this with crack dude uh 11 plus what what what is hit check again is that dexterity or strength um we're using dexterity because we realize that we're you're using what your weapon right yeah subby dexterity okay so i got plus four with that so that makes fifteen all right eight nine ten eleven twelve you hit okay brilliant all right he don't miss we've gone through the tutorial stage all right let's see how much damage you do go for it all right so i do five plus five plus three for my uh strength wow h is a plus seven dexterity sorry you're using dexterity i'm using attack power now okay should be yeah okay seven plus three so i don't know like no we don't put strength in the attack pattern yeah strength is for like fighting with your fists and moving boulders we just figured out okay okay so you'll add your dexterity so no i got uh i think dexterity is just for hit check no oh yes i said just attack power yeah just attack power yeah yeah so d6 so you did uh oh well let's see what the let's see what the defense is with the defense being seven oh my god just throw lube demons at it [Music] he's gonna chomp you for like a hundred health i'm just warming up guys i'm just warming up just warming up man yeah match just a warm-up match all right who's next mira do you want to purify or do you wanna purify all right let's go uh it's uh 12 is it 12. yes and um and i have the what was the base again uh it's a magic check i believe yeah magic check intelligence intelligence server based six that's right so i did roll six yes pog oh double six why is it that like mirror either gets like double six or [ __ ] double one yeah yeah if i use fireball i can definitely reach you because my range is 20 meters but i want you to aggro this croc you want me to aggro the croc try to i don't know if it will aggravate but you should definitely try so you reckon i should attack d instead of a yeah okay all right all right i'll attack i'll attack croc d from where i am all right go for it and i'll roll a dodge i will use fireball i guess all right fireball are you attacking from there i'm gonna take it from there because the fireball is a range of 20 meters okay okay uh okay so it is dexterity right yes oh then you'll need to use intelligence intelligence okay yeah it's an intelligence uh i have a six base six plus two so i have eight okay great okay to add one bonus uh attack power plus two no but that that's for damage isn't it okay yeah yeah okay go 11. that was really all right so let's see the magic defense must be nothing right yeah five oh there's no way this dude dodges that forget it all right cora let's go oh wait that wasn't the [ __ ] that was just a hitchhiker yeah that that would have been nice to have an attack power no it's just attack power it's possible watch them roll double one now uh you'll use intelligence against a okay so 20. all right 20 damage and the alligators magic defense is three oh he's nothing oh my god oh nice hit all right 17 damage let's go explosion to a to d to d all right minus 17 hog good [ __ ] all right next up we've got oh crocodile number eight oh god feisty mood today and is gonna be chomping down on you lads with a bite all right so let's see um oh lord okay biting deez nuts right yeah yeah yeah yeah biting these just asking the question you know all right i just realized it's probably not a great strat to keep these newts by herself because she has she has like no i have 27 hp she has no defense no defense that sounds like your problem you're the one who said i should aggro the crop yeah so i live so i'm going to do anyone who needs to live oh wow they're becoming fast friends this is so if i purify the water that's all we need to do yes well i mean we have to also survive the crocs you can reincarnate i'm sure you're back there well i mean you're gonna have to reincarnate me i will you better [ __ ] reincarnate i swear to god that would be the gentleman the the maiden child labor oh boy literal child label i'm i'm all for that one what the [ __ ] all right let's see i got oh wow that's all good three you have three yup 3d6 plus eight for a bite what for hit yup well you have to hit first okay good five six seven eight nine ten eleven uh plus eight nineteen nineteen [ __ ] [ __ ] god that's dodge all right uh it's agility right to dodge yes okay dude it's [ __ ] impossible good luck seven plus three is ten all right so i definitely didn't die i'm gonna get a little bite on you great all right it'll be great you'll be just probably should have ganged up on maybe b yeah yeah but you know it is what it is here we go five six seven eight nine plus eight is seventeen what's your defense god she's [Music] against five six seven eight nine plus eight seventeen so twelve damage to you okay that's awesome could be worse the bander hit me harder than that yeah but i feel like that was a low roll as well for the yeah you're really 15 hp yeah you guys are gonna want to purify this lake man i'm working on it yeah good luck um that was one crocodile that was one wait is uh did you aggro d as well i agree well we don't know if it agrees okay okay remember if you purify the lake they all go away yeah all right all right focus on the purifying all right okay so now it's croc b time we're just fighting taro all right crocodile bee is uh aiming for you my friend all right oh lordy oh lord jesus hello james six oh they fumbled oh they fumbled hey i didn't even need to do anything all right excellent and now it's time for crocodile d who's aiming for you unfortunately honestly probably for the best kind of sees what you're doing you know they they like their poisoned water nice and comfy they're not going to aggro with a ranged attack yeah exactly i'm too far away i'm grabbing that for me thank you all right here we go oh i could have sorry i could have helped you sorry oh fumble remind me that i have a skill that can make you reduce damage by the way can you remind me next time i totally forget yeah that would be nice do you have that yeah i do have that thanks thank you both times thanks dude that's all right that's all right you can hear yourself the potion people you just gotta get used to your character fantastic awesome all right great for the love of god all right okay move i will move to crocodile i will move to croc d can i do that sure thing yes that's your movement all right that's my movement going this way oh thank goodness it's not a permanent focus 5d right that's the plan yeah yeah yeah yeah i think it has a lot of health but maybe we can at least get rid of one all right i will get some experience for that at least i will use a skill i'm going for the big boys now please use please hit it for more than five yeah i'm gonna use heavy attack right nice uh which costs four mana okay i don't know what max xl means okay what is what does max excel means actually i have to do a hit check first yeah [ __ ] all right let me make sure i can hit the croc first five six seven eight nine plus dexterity which is uh four okay so that is 13. to dodge oh uh dodges i think one second okay roll to dodge the dodge is just 2d6 plus 4. 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11. so you hit it you get a hit yes so i do get a hit okay i use heavy attack all right uh which minus four mana i guess and i add an extra dice to the weapon attack damage okay nice let's go smack it for more than five all right here we go charging up boys i hope you do all right it's my time to shine yes it's i got eight i should so that's eight plus seven attack power okay fifteen has seven defense yeah it has high physical defense so you did eight damage which is not terrible it's not the worst but you know oh no um it's cause yeah yeah he has a minus one dexterity yeah all right yup so minus 25 health for croc d i did more damage in my one tone than you did too i use a special attack for that actually sucks yeah like why do we have this guy around i mean it's not bad he looks like you did some good damage to him he is kind of feeling the heat so you get the feeling that they don't have terrible high health okay okay okay all right do you want to purify here yeah so on your next turn i think you should move and potion yes i'm gonna move in potion well to be fair like these these trucks have high defense wait is potion a major or miner but you maybe you can just potion attack let me see it did say i think it said major but i'm not sure let me just double check okay yeah well i i don't think there's much point in moving away from croquet because it's fast as [ __ ] it's fast as [ __ ] but we're just gonna group them up in a single single area or major action okay oh okay okay then i can then i can potion and then hit crop d okay we need to kill croc d yeah yeah so you potion so uh okay i'll do mine first we need the [ __ ] glass cannon i'm trying to purify the lake again i need to roll a six yes so i have 50 chance let's go boys let's go no five oh what a shame oh i can help you oh yes yes yes okay so i can get i can give you a little bit of help right girl please please four weed six seven eight nine i'm sorry nine i'm sorry i can't be very helpful oh next time you never touch him in the lake in the lake in the lake in the lakes [Music] how many potions does joey have i have two potions we should have given them more okay as long as i heal 12 which is double six [Applause] so now my major i guess i'll just smack the [ __ ] out of it again strongest attack that's my strongest attack do you have enough mp i have 32 mp okay yeah thank you sorry sorry guys i always had like decent man okay so uh it's intelligence wasn't it for magic yeah intelligence are you kidding me for both hidden checks okay i am so seven plus uh seven plus eight is fifteen all right fifteen right now uh oh so that's how much all right you're gonna do a hit as well yes that's my hit okay excellent now i will roll to dodge 26 plus four i need to remember one second six seven eight nine ten eleven so i hit you hit all right all right let's go come on take them out take them out take them out so i have attack power plus two as well which means it's plus ten for whatever i roll yeesh here we go put them in the grave put them in the grave put them in there eight eight minus 40. he's on his last leg oh my god okay okay so he's he's close though he's close he's close he's close maybe maybe sorry uh tara can finally do an attack that will actually do damage oh these [ __ ] must be from mega chad this is this is the mega chad lane so it's dexterity to dodge yeah yep okay i'm gonna they're gonna go for another bite 3d6 [ __ ] 11 12 13 14 plus 8 8 9 10 11 12 [Music] what's your defense i'll use saint shield to help reduce the damage yeah it's not your turn yeah it's it's a it's an after damage roll oh okay okay okay it's single and it's not south so i can i can reduce your damage by two uh d6s and so on what's the current damage going to be affected on you my current defense right now okay and this attack does 13 damage to you so 13 minus uh for seven seven can you only use that once no you can't it's only cost three mana oh okay okay that's pretty nice yeah okay i can like spam this and you've never used i what the [ __ ] and you never used that before damn okay nice so you negated the damage yeah let's go wow let's go so you should take down three mana yes yes you're on 33 mana now yep can you can you keep track of this because i only have pencils here's the pencil all right you have 33 mana all right paul which kind of attack is that is that a major minor passing after damage that's the damage wow that's so op well then i but if the battle drags on long i can't do other shots you're going to run out of mp you should prioritize d uh well yeah i know i can do it for both of you i have 35 glass cannon okay all right all right so next we've got b the power of nobility that's what money gets you boys in the monastery they always were selling the best spells he moves okay moves over the top you didn't that's wrong you didn't do it this is like this is like difficulty 100 mercy hold on there you go okay just just to make it nice and sweet after this yeah all righty now crocodile b is gonna roll another biting attack oh thank you gonna roll another fighting attack on taro oh okay i'm ready i'm ready good defense so i can take it [Applause] i'm still kind of afraid of that crocs either i wanna i wanna know where that is the boss bar just comes on the screen phase two can't believe i killed a guy cringe oh man all right and then croc d decides to seize his friend going down saw that no he was aiming for taro i guess i'll carry out my friend's last wish all right foreign finally got something all right finally finally these crocs are not having good luck at all oh my god another fumbled in a row what will happen in the next round i wonder this is this is the plot armor kicking in lads this is it it's not an ability we're gonna go to a quick ad break before we continue this battle we'll be right back what a crazy turn of events and the crocs really choked that's four that's four chokes they've done three ones yeah the three ones and they didn't double one twice i'll be right back all right i'll be right back hey guys how are you chad hey sub chat how are you guys doing hi is everything okay great i'm chugging along and doing good hi i didn't sorry later later maybe we get maybe we get a twitch someday but hello hi ms dice hello hi yeah everybody's peeing right now i really just kind of don't have to i got like bladder of steel really you know how you doing i'm great i'm just i've never played like um this much of a combat heavy uh huh i know i wanted to ask if i could mention that can i talk about it well everybody's it's like sub only mode so maybe i'll like tell everybody once we're back and i can just be like hey guys guess what um it was just announced well you guys probably know then if you've checked out twitter um your music is neato dog with a wg it's not sub only oh is the ad over no oh some people some people are bad boy i see i i see i see i get you i can get you i get you hello hello hey hey hey what tt rpgs have i played mostly world of darkness oh yeah yeah oh yeah i guess i should probably do that hold on a second it's definitely my phone is around here somewhere i completely have lost it um wait dang there's so much going on yeah i know hold on a sec all right yeah i completely you did it somewhere hold on guys oh there's the green marker it would have been nice to have that it's right here pretty oh there it is come come back check okay oh thanks okay damn we still got nineteen thousand people able top yeah mostly world of darkness stuff but i've played like various world of darkness games like um geiss the senator um hunted the vigil and then i played a one shot of werewolf one time so mostly the world of darkness which they actually use d10s um so like i haven't actually played um a game with like d6s before so or d20s for that matter i have no d d experience um i think in college there was like um like a d d club and we just made characters but then the campaign never continued on just kind of sucked that happens a lot welcome back gamers up these crocs all right i'm ready i'm ready hey bt dubs i have a little announcement for everybody um so it was just announced like literally a second ago um but uh i will be going as a special guest and doing a live show at kawaiicon in hawaii yay let's go congratulations congratulations i am so jealous that you get to go to hawaii yeah yeah very exciting hawaii many times many times when i was younger i went along where's where's the trash chase invites come on come on come on guys we're gonna do a live show i'll be like oh you're gonna come away oh my god i have to go why i mean all right what a price to pay oh man so yeah um if you guys are interested uh yeah come come hang out uh in honolulu honolulu is where uh kawaikon is going on yeah right i'm gonna be doing a show um i'll be doing like q a panel like a bunch of other great stuff so come say hi to me um and yeah it'll be really fun uh i will be tweeting more details about it after uh this this adventure has been completed but for now this is my focus awesome let you guys know hell yeah yeah let's do it let's do it let's let's let's [ __ ] up these crocs dude let's get these crocs bro let's make them into a nice pair of crocs not that i know what those are they don't exist in this world let's make some i know what frogs are but uh i don't believe i've taken that knowledge to you they're very practical what do you mean you're twitching you used to be twitch streamers you should be very well familiar with that are you really a streamer if you don't wear crops yeah exactly all right so that's why i'm a failed twitch streamer come on come on all right taro your turn all right um so uh finish off croc d i will okay should i go for a heavy attack or just i mean it's about to die heavy i don't know i don't know because because you your your normal attacks do you want wait that's true i gotta ask so i have an ability to use an item to make my attacks elemental is that the same as making my attacks magic or is it still physical i'd say so yeah that would be bad but i think this one's on like uh the weed nearly said it's not dead maybe we should just do a normal heavy attack i think um i believe that my item lasts until the scene yeah it lasts for the rest of the scene what's the item though uh the item is ruby so i can save it though you want to save it i think so i think we've got this under control now that one the crocs died then i think i think i can get away with just a normal attack i'm gonna i'm gonna i'm a gamer and no you're not as a jrpg gamer you you you know no you need to like save all the resources you possibly can you can't you have 30 mp you can do this for the next 50 turns what if i need the mp what if i need the mp what if i need the item what if begging you please use a heavy attack use your persuasion skills all right this is this is taro playing right now antaro tara's played plenty of jrpgs and he loves to hoard his items and horde's resources so taro so um i like tara's like look i got this guys i got this don't worry don't worry we just it just needs a little bit of a time look it's on its last legs it can barely walk you can barely walk the last the last alligator died of cringe just from my aura so you probably imagine imagine what this crocodile is going to it's probably at least 45 to 50 health right you need to you've been rolling like consistent fives you're not going to kill it guy's the kind of dude who like finishes a jrpg with like 80 potions at his back he's like all right i'm gone i'm going for that i'm going for the hit check i'm going i'm going for the hitch we're done all right so the hit check is uh uh nine plus four we're doing so the hit check is 13. 13. okay 9 10 11 12. all right [ __ ] smack the [ __ ] out of this all right all right he's gonna he's gonna do one damage all right he's gonna do one down he's watching me smack the [ __ ] out of this critical critical critical seven plus seven uh so that's 14. yeah and the crux defense is seven so you do seven damage yeah 40 down oh thank god i told you i told you we got this he's saved on some precious mp i i saved on my pressure you're fine you got plenty of mp don't worry about it but you still got one full healthy crock over here you go yeah all right mirror time time to purify all right let's do it yeah where's your box i don't want to use the box it's constricting yeah you want to be free all right let's go purification let's go all right let's go another point of purification all right so so far you've got one two three four oh okay yeah nice yeah i've been keeping track i feel i feel like we're at a point where we could just take one do you want to try rolling perhaps have we give you two blessings aren't you busy narrating your life right now oh my god god damn it obvious thing is this two boys we have two blessings for this man yeah they're very tasty thank blessings my turn uh should i move away no but the [ __ ] gonna catch up no no but i should move towards you guys so maybe move behind us yeah i could res you if you die but only if you're close to me no yeah i should move towards you guys so yeah tara can do yeah right now it's too far away so i will do a minor movement get on over here hold up why do you want to bring the croc closer to me no i want to bring you closer to tower which is closer to me yeah you're fine you're fine i feel like we're at a point where we can just kill the croc i think so if we all if we want to i'm going to keep rolling i'm i'm out of this like don't oh but like okay okay come on okay so like the croc has about like what 45-ish hp i reckon we can take it down with one good combined attack attack all-out attack you're thinking yeah we go like four percent i'm not gonna attack it great idea because i need to purify do you not have any attacks if you kill it then you will have all the [ __ ] time to purify it in the world unless unless crocs see you no tara we just need to purify the lake and then we're done all the crops go we i don't need to attack it this is this is what like monkey brain stuff but we that we are still relying on your shitty luck and you that you're like you're not gonna fumble for the 50 million crimes won't stop until we purify well the crocs have been fumbling though that's the thing we how do we know there's not croc after d uh it's gonna be f g there's probably loads of thumb it's gonna take a while to get here come on there's only three crocs we can finish it off and then we can just relax no no no no no no this is done this is actually done oh my god looks like our friends are getting along very well i'm i'm with mirror on this one i think mirror should just focus on yeah i should purify once we're done and then you and me taro should smack the [ __ ] out of croquet all right so the only reason there's not more crocs is because it would be a joke but now that they're all dead and we have a feeling more crocs will suddenly start okay but the good thing is because right now i can still hit crockett even though i'm all over here yeah because my range is 20 minutes yeah give this stuff yes i'll give it a snack with the fireball again are you fully healed by the way i'm on 22. perhaps you might want to use a potion no no no no he's already moved he's already moved he'll he'll be fine we can both resume if anything what i should do is i should move behind i i have of res as well yeah so you don't even need to use your res for your time you know what with them with the minor move can i move behind tara and mirror problems are those that taro's in front is kind of adjacent to me right now where someone needs to block for me well no they need a ball for me no you're not important i'm doing the damage yeah if you're your cannon fodder here yeah the moment we kill with the moment i purify it we're done yeah but what if i don't survive until then that's fine no that's not fine i'm i'm gonna move behind tara and mira oh okay i love you guys so move move behind move me behind her if i get hit now this is really bad no you won't because tower is there no now it's an opening now that now i'm now they can hit me you got plenty of hp don't worry about it you want to go over here yeah i'll i'll be behind them no yes you do all right that's your move like okay so that's my move and i that's my minor uh-huh so now i can still attack you're the cannon fodder don't you want to send this yeah because i'm the only one that matters i'm the cannon fodder but i can still attack from behind right yeah i've arranged attack doesn't have any ranged attacks yeah i mean like i would say that yeah we should probably protect you yeah of course you should yeah so yeah so you can because you're you're the thank you but also i kind of just don't wanna like that's fine i haven't become very friendly it's over if you die the quest continues maybe by episode three i mean we could have just all like ganged up on the uh alligator and attack yeah so you know what the [ __ ] do you think i'm about to do now he's doing the right thing i'm doing the right thing and you're doing the right thing so let's not change it let's just do what we're doing stop trying to make the plan worse all right so i'm gonna i'm gonna use uh fireball again so let's see if i can hit it first yeah okay 11 plus 11 plus 8 is 19. great this is a magic attack okay gotcha and now roll to dodge all right we got seven so the attack kicks all right please why couldn't you get that roll just now [Laughter] please get double six for [ __ ] so it's plus 10 to whatever the dice roll is all right [ __ ] 13. all right 13 minus the magic soap 10 damage to crocodiles that's better than guns oh yeah that is actually higher than every single attack has done this time all of god's attacks have been one digit because for some reason this guy thinks that his mana is just you have to conserve yeah exactly like like it's water well it's not my it's not my fault the alligators are like really [ __ ] immune to physical attacks i'm sorry that you just refused to use your mana joey is spamming his mind spamming the [ __ ] out of my mouth oh you i'll use my man of the night son okay i'll use my friend in the next i killed the croc i killed the crocodile with the attack i ever played with a jrpg player no i'm a jrpg player who's a bad jrpg he's a conservative player i'm an aggressive jrpg player got it we got it we've got it [Music] real quick at you guys i wonder who rock a is going to go for hopefully taro mural oh boy -10 yep yep well i think croc a is a little smart and kind of knows you know who's the main piece here exactly so of course so let's see you got [Laughter] dexterity mm-hmm uh to dodge this right mm-hmm agility right agility agility just saw a comment that said adc gone all right so i'm gonna do a bite attack wait but you can you can do a damage on myself yeah you can do it on yourself okay so we've got six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve plus eight is twenty damage uh so first of all my defense is four okay uh the saint shields okay you're an idiot what what now i'm [ __ ] why are you [ __ ] just refused to stand in front of me like an idiot you you got this man you got this you got high defense was it wrong oh let's do a reroll call me rule 10 10 16 all right six damage so six damage two you can take it you can take it six damage no problem you're on 25 not only does god not do any damage he also just doesn't do anything right he just sits there oh you're getting attacked i should help i think taro is doing his best ah tara is being i'm not doing my best but it's just very funny to uh i i just think mira you know like like god like i i feel like mira is just you know getting a bit bossy you know she she she has not been in the line of fire at all this entire campaign so this mc is literally throwing dude he's literally literally throwing do you want to watch your intelligence stairs is zero because you're really acting like all right so i like you i do a heavy attack okay uh actually i gotta roll got a raw all right a hit check first let me do that check that hit he's definitely a toxic gamer okay oh it's uh eight plus four 12 12. i'm reactionary so oh my god how the [ __ ] did i miss you are you so how did i miss this is there anything you can do how the [ __ ] did i miss that can you move in front of me can we get some love all right all right i'll i will move in front of mirror wait he's everyone's punching bag okay he he doesn't mind a move where he i will move in front of mirror mirror is taking some damage so so he's gonna tank for mirror i will try to tank for mirror unless the croc is smart and he can move around me so uh that's my minor move all right since i've missed so you're going to go where right in front of here right from the mirror wasn't content with doing negative five damage he was like let's make it zero let's make it let's see what you can do all right let's see so taro is right here and mira was the one with negative six i can do this i already i all right just purify it please all right you need 12 to purify no wait no wait no that is good no that's good yes seven yes twelve oh my god oh [ __ ] oh thank god oh is it six mp every time what but we did oh wait no it was the debuff that you got like the really special magic cost for so yeah that is true well no no like oh yeah one two three four five six seven eight nine well one one of them is weeds that's right one of them is only so i have no manner now okay how much does the mana knight uh restore my mana let's find out shall we is it a dice roll oh yeah you're outside i think so now i'm out of breath you were out of mana before this 260. yeah one one of them is a crit as well mennonite minor a major reaction restore 2d6 mp to the user consumable [ __ ] off this body actor so yeah with your mennonite okay uh okay so i'll also consume it for my minor move yeah okay you've spent 42 mana so far well so we won't count there yeah we already needed 36. let's call it a nice zero no one no one noticed it therefore we cheesed it right no it's in like for the next two and i have six yeah yeah all right so i mean we're down to one two three four five six seven eight nine so can you can you restore mana to someone as well uh i can i i also have two so that i can save you i'll let you do that on your next move if you want to make it your minor action isn't it a major smell though i don't have a spot i think we should do the spell for that what you said you did if it's an item you can give it can you use it on me can i use the mana nylon yeah that's probably probably fine but i would count it as i'd count it as a major move yeah yeah we kind of need heard i think tara should wait do you have any nope you don't okay well i've only stolen health potions okay he doesn't have any so you have to give it to me i have to give it to you i don't think again the crocs disappear if we purify the lake sure sure this is what i'm saying like we could like you're out of mana let's just all gang up on the croc that's not it's not how it's going to happen you don't have any mana anywhere no i haven't come out i have enough to do a purify spell okay so give me the use your turn to purify me okay so i will use i will use one of my mana knights on me on okay on mirror okay as i mentioned six you need to roll six well i need it yeah i need six at least six yeah you know for some reason if i don't get it i can do it again by doing another night on myself and then i need to get two matters it's fine i'm not gonna save you though if you get tanked i have 10 mana all right all right now it's croc's turn all right croc a is going to target taro all right thank finally he's been put to use okay all right as a meat shield you're the punching bag all right i got this easy easy nine nine plus one two three okay let's see four dodges four okay nine plus four thirteen dodge um eleven plus what is it three oh my god i don't know barely dodged oh my god nice let's go misses everything including the enemy's attacks incredible taro the mvp all right tara's turn all right let's go all right i will do a hit check first okay yeah please um and tickle it just take a load again just take a look uh plus four so that's seventeen all right gotcha so you're doing you're gonna hit the crocodile yeah dodge nine plus four thirteen thirteen all right i will use another heavy attack good good please for the love of god hit him gone hit him please all right hit him hard come on man come on let's go come on baby come on preach i fumbled it no [ __ ] what are you kidding me oh no are you actually kidding me two ones eh bro triple it's not triples not triple it's not triple but uh yikes uh you swing your sword and you hit mira for two damage there's only two thank god it's only two why would you hit me i mean it's still annoying do you know what's really annoying about that i lost four mana because of that that like me that's all right you can have one of mine i've been using the white ones so all righty or something break break a rake might help in this situation don't use my dice it's under there somewhere what a group of guys it's absolutely godly where is it oh yeah now you got i got it purify it well hp on your one or what what mp are you on 10. which is enough to purify that's enough to purify just please need one more [Applause] just like that you have managed to purify the lake oh and the alligator good teamwork teamwork because of that yeah well i was hungry done your friends we're done right now i mean technically i mean look at the lake does it look nice does it look clean beautiful do a perception check can i do the protection i actually found out i have plus one okay brilliant go for it i have a base plus one to my perception um so my perception is i think equal to you also get four plus uh two dice all right man all right let's see who we get seven so eleven okay eleven perception that's really good yeah mira you notice that the the lake is completely clear it has been entirely cleared out feels the boss crystal clean lake and then you hear somebody clapping somebody clapping well done you guys you did it it's joaquin phoenix you guys did it i'm so proud of you i knew you guys were good-looking adventurers you hear a voice coming out from behind where the fountain is and you recognize the idiot swordsman ringo oh ringo the guy that oh shitty guild yeah yeah of course well look it's sparkling clean i can finally pay you guys you did great what is he doing here ringo what are you doing here chilling out you know i was kind of interested in in something you know finding the uh they say legend has it there's a fountain of youth here and i'm the one who discovered it i've always wanted to be famous and rich what what what yeah it's my discovery i purified the label let's do a check now because of you guys i get all the fame and glory for purifying the lake and i get all the money and reap the rewards but you did nothing you did that's the fun part when do we get paid that's the fun thing you don't get paid let's do a hit track hey check it out just like that out of nowhere you see that beneath ringo the idiot swordsman a gigantic crocodile rises from water oh my gosh [Applause] [Music] that was crocodile c this entire time crocodile c is out he stood for god he stood for god damn it how did we not know and ringo the idiot swordsman oh my god oh my god i knew it was sauce now they did enter the battle later so they will be going after you guys well guys appreciate it we would kill both of them individually are you now or oh my kind of one said god who do you remember yeah ringo is riding on top of the the alligators stop if we kill ringo good question that's a good question how can't be sure can we do a perception check to check if there are any weaknesses first sure if you'd like to do a little perception check all right i'll go for a perception it's like a jutsu thing where like if you kill the jutsu we all know then the thing yeah that's what i was thinking right oh eleven eleven okay your bass lost my bass so um that's enough plus my modifier of four which is 13. that's really good actually yeah so here's the info that i'm going to give you from that perception right okay uh from what it seems it looks almost as though ringo has trained this alligator to be his pet his his other self they are connected at the heart but if one of them were to die that doesn't mean the other would also fall rather they might go into a state of being berserk so you want to try and knock them out this is literally like an smoke situation and just like that you see something interesting happen weed spaghett flies over to ringo's side and says here master got the blessings for you he gives uh ringo your blessings ah thanks a lot weed spaghetti i knew he was soft i knew it should have [ __ ] waterboarded him when i said we should have we sh you guys didn't listen to me we tried to play nice but no no we gave him our blessings and now he's just you guys gave him the voice [Music] to not be a [ __ ] would you like to roll persuasion before we get this uh popping off let's roll first all right go for it what's the score i need difficulty is 13. all right well luckily for for me i'm very persuasive i don't see that personally extremely persuasive my persuasion is uh mine right so i have a base of eight tit [Music] and i have three dives persuade them so this should be easy if i don't [ __ ] up so hey i need to roll fast why did you say that now you're gonna fall we are three strong adventurers i can't really see that well we just destroyed the three cops that's true and i have a noble lineage royalty we have so many goods and stuff that we can offer point is we just cleared the lake ringo he couldn't do it alone exactly i think if you teamed up with us and you take our blessings you could go to ringo and he trusts you so you could get close to him maybe inflict some damage or debuff on him that might give us some time to beat him and we'll reward you handsomely and allow you to be by our side i have but one request would you go on a date with me milady [Music] is well i guess we'll see where the night takes us here go have a little bit i'll very fancy restaurant booking only all right you have to pre-pay for the course it's very wow okay we'll charge table charge as well we get to go to hotel afterwards economy not made of money not very convinced all right fine maybe what's the deluxe is it delicious you're making a deal with a very powerful gorge right now right all right all right i'm very trustworthy have a deal okay what will you do to ringo uh in return for this day i'll give him i'll give him some some fake blessings for you but that's all i can do and then i'm about to go all right i'm out this [ __ ] okay all right hey that's better than nothing to save the russians we take those we take those oh to me maybe maybe i'll stun him for you from the feeling okay okay okay okay now that we've done some some good or we need to figure out our plan are we going for ringo or the alligator because ringo might be useless without the alligator but also the alligator might be way tankier than ringo yeah i feel like ringo can't really do much um otherwise he wouldn't be in charge of a level one adventurous guild right that's true that is surely sure just because they said they go berserk it doesn't necessarily you that makes you think the crocodile is going to go berserk right right not though why this is a ringer because what if he literally has like a second form i've played enough games where you know well what if the alligator god has a second form it's god probably does yeah but yeah what if ringo is the one that has the even better second form ah is it like a zenith situation where you're like awake yeah i feel like ringo is the obvious bait here and i feel like we should go for the alligator or are you thinking too deep i might be thinking about it i just think the alligator is a bigger target let's just go for the alley what do you think weed you're on our side now oh well let's see you know i can't be too suspicious considering you know they're looking at us right now as we talking so like church hey ringo hey weed what's up you ready come over here give me their blessings okay yeah just a minute you see what you mean twice if it's a [ __ ] once in this ring [Music] this is too much talking i'm going to attack the alligators oh my god oh this is this is i i'm getting bored guys like tara give us weed like [ __ ] it i am getting bored right now i am attacking the alligator all right okay what is this man literally throwing well boy then gentlemen i literally spent like 15 minutes like negotiating god comes in with a [ __ ] wrecking ball what's going on guys all right that's a hit check of 11 plus uh that's gonna do anything oh my god this one this croc is a god it probably is higher okay the regular crop uh 15 15 15. all six right eight nine ten eleven all right so i manage a hit so all right oh man i'll use another heavy attack no damage again you can learn more by just by just attacking no no i'm seeing how it goes it's not an enemy with a health bomb we don't know it's health but usually ruby or something this is a man who game overs in a jrpg like okay i understand is using my ruby a minor or a major i'll let it be a minor attack use it now please the love of god what uh to enchant my sword with fire okay okay all right [ __ ] okay that's four four five and three decent one all right so bad not bad not bad plus plus seven seven attack power so it's a total of 12 19 19 19. so this crocodile has five magic defense so that's okay 14 damage two oh it changes crocodiles [Music] thank you i can't remember anything anyway all righty next up we've got mira what do you choose to do uh i'm low uh i supposed to heal myself right what what hp you want 31 we don't know how much this does it could hit me for like no you're minus eight yeah yeah so what i'm saying i'm on uh 22. yeah that's also 23. i think it's very capable of doing 23 damage to me it's a big problem i'm just going to heal yeah okay i think that's i think that's fine all right go for it uh oh my god that's absolutely broken oh wait i've got a mana this restores an absurd amount of health okay it's four different sixes plus three so i'm just going to save this oh that's probably good wait wait what's what's what's the uh four it does four d6 so you roll four dice and then of of cure of health okay it could be up to like 25. uh i'm gonna pop a mennonite all right [Music] [Applause] otherwise right so it just doesn't work there's well oh he fumbled no he far more fumbled please let it be no manner and that be the punishment oh it looks like eh what was that something odd just happened i think god decided to take all your mana away connor oh my god and now we're at zero no matter no matter okay well at least i get to attack all right well if the spells don't work let's do the good old-fashioned way what's he's your mates use your mates give it a big fat mates attack god came down and said you have no manner all right so uh my hit check is four who are you attacking the croc all right so this gun has decided we're we're doing the croc all right we're doing him we're doing them um i have what is it dexterity eleven all right that's good sixteen all right all right gotcha and oh i have to roll dodge for all yeah all right twelve yeah all right the [ __ ] out of them [Music] and uh what status is using this is just not nothing uh attack power it's a physical that's a physical attack okay okay so all right no way are you kidding me are you [ __ ] kidding me oh my god i hit tarot at least just fumble the game you swing the mace around with a mighty swing and you smack taro in the face for five damage how is it possible that one person can throw this much how many fumbles you've had oh that's a lot a lot both [ __ ] throwing right now jerry please get like a crit on this yeah all right i'm gonna fireball with six man i still have enough how much do you have okay can you also oh no all right so i am going to go on an awful turn for me fireball everything went wrong did you fumble twice everything oh my god oh my god you didn't get you've lost your manner and then you you damaged your teammate what the hell this is very kind of super to be honest all right fine here we go dz nuts with the carry oh thank god all right eight is 12. all right and you're doing a magic hit yes all right plus six is no 14 14 so it does not hit what is this why is this group what is this group what swift croc all right the alligator decides to aim for taro because you're right there so why not thank god you can't charge for you can't chant protection on me can you mirror another she's not a ma she has no mana do you have any spells that give me mana gone um she's got no no have we got any potions left from mana i have one potion but it's not my turn so i can't do anything you know we've we've gone from doing little damage to zero damage to damaging our like friends and opponent and to damaging our teammates what useless useless character we're like negative useless now we've gone beyond useless this is beyond connoisseur characters all right all right here we go this crocs attack oh my god this crosstalk attack's gonna [ __ ] no no they're gonna nerf that a little bit all right hold on god's like god's like like are we changing it is it too much what's the normal one 46 14. oh great we just uh um i think we'll do 3d6 this is an elden ring boston 46. now we're these four dice 4 d6s all right so it's time for um a little hit great give you a little [Music] five six seven eight nine ten eleven plus ten twenty one what's your defense oh my god you're dead dude uh my defense is uh did the blessing really the purifying of the lake really have to cost that much mana what a shame that kind of completely makes me useless now my physical defense should be five because i got four for the uh body armor all right uh oh no that's weight sorry yeah it's okay so my defense is four all right so you take 15 damage wait 15. so that's how is minus 20. minus 20. 31 minus 5 so it was 26. minus 15. well do you guys like math it's minus 20 powers minus 20 minus 20. yeah and get rid of that yeah thank you um well that's that's fantastic i got 11 hp because i took five damage from my teammate maybe i could have tanked that a bit better yeah you're not much of a tanker right now dude all right what's next well ringo the swordsman looks at you guys and says i will now show you why they call me ringo the swordsman and he decides to use a sword the best way he knows how which is by throwing it okay oh my god seven against taro all right this should be easy tank guitar no i'll dodge it i'll dodge it it's only seven dodge it all right there we go well the sword misses you oh boy wow i felt i thought i was more powerful than that guys all right brilliant so we can just aggro the uh alligator that's that's the real threat here the the real threat all right is uh ringo's sword of any value to us uh it's just like a shitty standard sword like the thing about ringo is that he's got like a backpack full of them and he just throws them that's how he uses swords and he's not going to be able to throw cuts and he uses like archers like absolutely like cracked all right i am going to use a healing potion how does this work again i just roll two dice yep all right don't roll level one all right eight all right so back to 19. all right so that's 12 minus 12. yeah boy okay good [ __ ] okay how about mira i feel that mira is trying to get in touch the healing potion is also considered a minor action yeah that's mine what does do you can i use a blessing to add an extra dice is that how blessings work how do blessings work whatever the dna whatever whatever the dm says okay yeah why don't you maybe ask for like double damage instead of one day yeah can i can i use a blessing for some multiplier for this damage i guess multiplier are we talking let me do it let me do a hit check first okay just yeah let me let me do this see if you hit i mean you should you have three dice all right so that's eight how do you consistently keep rolling ones you all want to talk you won't want to talk six or one with me all right uh plus plus uh four so that is 12. all right nice yeah you got it all right so what's up what would happen if i use a heavy attack and a blessing to charge this attack up i'll give you one extra dice i'll do it i'll do it guys come on i'm i'm gonna be gamer i'm gonna be getting go ahead and be a gamer been gamers so far so heavy attack and one blessing come on baby come on did you fumble you got double one but but it's just four dice so i mean yeah but as long as you have two ones at least two wants it's a fumble uh tara you swing your sword and you hit me in the face what a game of damage what an absolute gamer i used everything for that attack i used every i used every multiplier i could think of guess the dice weren't in his favor i would like to my turn right i feel like mira you know obviously i'm i'm from uh religious backgrounds i've studied all the prayers could i perhaps maybe use a uh a blessing to contact the gods and restore my matter please i'll give you a little dice challenge if you want yes all right so this is going to be like the pray segment yeah i'm going to pray literally i i'm in touch with my i'm from a religious background i'm royalty i know i've been studying the way of the bible uh [Music] any way i can restore my manner and make me useful otherwise i'm [ __ ] all right let's go ahead and do something first i'll go ahead and totally homebrew this this is the type of scene where you see the the priestess get down on her clasps their hands together i'm on my knees praying for divine intervention please you need to roll a four or five or six to contact literally god and have a conversation with you you have 50 50 chance yeah come on easy easy you're good you you better have been a good one better hi my name is so what the [ __ ] do you want man uh can i have all my mana back i lost it all um yeah that doesn't sound like uh my fault actually it is kind of my fault i didn't totally mention it to you but i also wasn't keeping track listen i kind of see where you're coming from here please please god please please please oh look why harder pray oh is like all right you've growled enough all right well i'll give you half your mana back all right all right i got 18 i got 18 man thank god that's enough thank you thank you for my blessing oh thank you god oh my god oh my god congratulations i can do [ __ ] now right boys there's some safety now all right all right however sorry that is a major actions all right i guess i'll [ __ ] it's all on you d it's all on you come on please do something downtown do some damage you have a blessing right use it to empower your attack i still have my cheat as well what's your cheat destructive magic power oh what this do ask if you can use the perfect time let me see if we'll hit first okay so i will use 6mp to do fireball again okay all right come on intelligence critical role critical role i'm not even gonna try that it just it hits and uh and you do the maximum amount of damage oh maximum damage yeah you can do with six plus six yeah okay so that would mean that my damage is 22 yes 12 but i am going to use my cheat my cheat is destructive magic power use right before a damage roll all right add 10 d6 to the damage of a magic attack you perform if your cl wanna know what cl is huh character level is at least 10 which it isn't uh so you can use this once per scenario uh but it says my demerit is uh all spells you use to magic make magic attacks cost twice the mp which i still have okay so instead of does he get to use it it's 10. that's 10 dice it's 12. are you doing it then i'm doing it oh my god okay holy [ __ ] megamin in the house ladies and gentlemen this is the big night mega man in the house go for it so currently my damage is uh because i i got maxed because my my mp is 12 or 12 yeah i was 12. yeah now it's 12. now it's 12. and from this point onwards spells cost twice as much yeah got it yeah no just just this attacker okay no wait yeah that's all of them right because i can only use this once all all spells you better run yeah sorry please after this please all of our hopes okay okay yeah all of our hopes are in this role 26 plus 5 31 plus 9 uh 40 let's go let's go 51 and 7 58. damage 58 damage wait wait don't you do you get to you have armor and stuff though right uh the alligator has magic defense which i mean doesn't really it's still ciao it's something what's your magic defense was it against six six so 52 52 damage to god alligator um suffice it to say the god alligator is [ __ ] dead yeah yes let's go i prayed for nothing maybe i don't know we'll ring a bike now we have ringo who says oh man my alligator's dead why'd you guys do that that was rude what the [ __ ] because of ligma what does that even mean oh my god all right you know what fine i can take on all of you guys no problem just myself in fact i just figured out what my special skill is oh great i knew it i knew it you're an idiot i've tried everything i've tried magic i've tried i've tried swords i've tried maces i've tried everything and now i know what it is it's archery oh god oh no yeah so i just but here's the here's the catch i gotta hit you with my bow okay like a bunk you know okay oh oh okay okay okay get ready it's gonna be fun i thought this is gonna be like some legolas all right infinite arrows so we're on uh we're on phase two of the boss battle uh we will continue right after this ad break stay tuned oh my gosh came through with the hard carry there that was pretty nutty that was nuts i forgot that we had that i do admit hell yeah 999 damage boat that would be pretty crazy i hope that we don't regret it let's hope yeah it might what if that bow is crap oh thank god yeah i'm tired after that yeah well this this looks like the this looks as though this is the boss this might be the end this might be the end might be i actually have no it's okay i have enough mp for one more fireball after this yeah typically ringo's gig actually ringo is an old character of mine that i've had since high school actually um his main gig is that um he uses a ton of different he's a weapons expert but he uses weapons the way they're not supposed to be used so like yeah exactly so like oh he no he he doesn't know like he doesn't get it what a good weapon from another dimension that doesn't use the same weapons as human beings yeah so he like doesn't get it so he'll hit people with bows and then he'll try to like shoot like he has like a gun sword like like it's a gun so he like shoots the swords like their guns it's wild yeah yeah oh yeah he's just a weirdo how long have we been streaming streaming four and a half hours four and a half hours sorry we'll smack the [ __ ] out of ringo next time yeah we'll get him [ __ ] ringer yeah [ __ ] that guy he sucks [ __ ] that guy he's a big dummy get him my least favorite beatles man yeah that ringo did mingo he's a good name yeah ringo that means yeah let me read it again ringo domingo mac demarco what's his name is something i don't [ __ ] hold on a second where was it ringo i had to write it down let's see ringo den mingo x maximus factsimus slam jam cablaminus julius vesuvius castrophica pagamus junior the third george pogamus julia the third pogba george the third yeah and weed spaghetti doom bringer destroyer of worlds but we just call him weeds bagging thank you cheesy tea for the ten gift subs thanks i pride myself in them thanks man how many uh seconds do it back all right 30 seconds oh all right i'm getting pretty hot i don't know about you guys mm-hmm getting pretty hot yeah it is warm it's all that choking it's a warm one it's all about drinking who's choked more you you've definitely no more than me no my god the amount of fumbles you've done like i could fumble every single turn and somehow still choke less than me dude my spine is killing me from this carry i gotta say i protected all of you i single-handedly did the lake man all right here we go welcome back to the boss battle welcome back we are just about to take on ringo yeah we're fighting a so just some dumb dude with the space dandy haircut and club master glasses should be a problem a bow like a sword it's ringo's turn right yeah it sure is and he's gonna go after taro probably all right okay so he pulls out just his like shitty looking bow let's see one second so let's see we got one dice all right that's a four add 20 on to that four so that's 24. would you like to try and dodge i don't think i physically don't don't dodge if you roll a double one it's worse yeah yeah yeah you're right you're right i'll just take it i'll i'll accept my fate yeah you accept ringo's power yeah all right 22 damage what's your defense 22 damage yeah what's your defense roll please uh my man's got like 11 hp dude [Laughter] 19. four you live you live with one house one hp let's go no freaking way the dream dude if i die who's gonna tank for you if i die oh that's okay i can i can i won't i'm gonna have to [ __ ] you i don't know i'd rather save the mana for uh for um kind of like a healer has like one job to heal people to protect people like he saved his mana earlier right right i have to save my mana exactly it's so valuable oh how to feel how did look look i saved my mana earlier and it and it worked out it worked out it worked out for what i still killed the alligator i still killed the alligator it was perfect the baby one the little like fisher price one yeah oh my god i heal six i guess that that doesn't have eight seven hp dude you can't even you just wasted a potion you can't do anything well you can cure me right you can heal me you can heal me not that much not enough to allow you to tank a hit seven hp not bad and you still got a major major move you can do okay oh do some damage dude i'll have to do a heavy attack right now but your strongest attack that is great you'll tickle it yeah all right just let's do a hit check first uh that is eight uh that is eleven okay no no wait wait plus seven minutes so that is 15. 15. great three all right great he can't die you don't miss okay you don't miss and uh but he get hit all right come on heavy attack three dice oh triple six oh let's go let's go let's taro with all of the power vested in you you've been thrown around this whole time fumbling every step of the way and you're sick and you take that sword and you swing it upward and ringo goes flying out the cave and out into the clouds never to be seen again let's go let's go you know what i didn't need your protection i could survive on one hp i'll solo the boss myself and then the fountain starts flowing oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] yeah we still hit it wow we did it yeah because we're definitely by hitting ringo out of the cave he activated a secret switch that made the fountain begin to flow again and it's clean it's clean it's close you know what's really weird mira yes you feel so young when you're sleeping oh yes you think this just might be it this isn't fair what is that like i just get the biggest straw i have one of those starbucks ones the wide ones for the frappuccinos this off in the corner a chest what's in the chest i don't know is it locked it looks like there's a broken lock on it okay how convenient smash that open all right smash it open what do we got better not be a mimic let it go oh dee you look inside and you found it it's the beaufort oh my god it looks so beautiful we don't know what it looks like but it's beautiful so beautiful what does it look like joey what does it look like can you describe what you are what you're carrying right now what is it what is it what are you howling in your hands there's like two of them right spherical circular what's what's the circle with the sheen on it what's the what's the texture like textured texture it's like kind of soft fleshy veiny a little bit of hair on it but that's okay i'm good i'm fine it's kind of warm hashtag want you guys not like the other girls feels good you know we're awful we're never going to get hired again this is a sponsored stream it's kind of super look it's fine she's actually 18. yeah yeah japan omega law i found it dude i found the beaufort all right congratulations for finding the bofa congratulations i finally beat wagon flies back in it looks like everybody got what they wanted in the end hell yeah i didn't milfage yes wow like someone who's someone clip left something someone clips someone clipped my moment of triumph right there incredible but let's not forget you do owe me a date oh it's not the credit scenes all right this is uh this is all you this is all you mirror do you like jazz i i i partake in jazz yeah yeah you want to play me a little song sure a little on a little flu to something impress me your credits roll dude all right and yeah oh my god we did it we got what they were we did it oh my god we somehow good ending you did come close to death a couple times i will say i mean taro nearly dies tara nearly died i immediately died he died it was wild despite despite despite our despite our best efforts we somehow didn't fumble that i mean many fumbles were had but you made it out of them somehow we didn't choke despite our best efforts to completely choke that how was that uh how's all that mana maintenance happening this man literally got to the end credits with full manner incredible we are going to do we are going to sign these books yes so good one yeah the pretty ones so we we hope you guys enjoyed that stream that was mine and yours first uh trpg stream i think i'd love to next time do one where like we'll have characters with like voice actors yeah yeah yeah that'd be cool yeah like i i feel like i would pick a different class next time uh just so i can uh act someone that's not basically just another easter car protagonist because it was it was hard man it's hard bringing some unique characterizations that was really fun yeah that was awesome in the books it's a very good one shot i think yes so we're giving them away uh yeah so we are going to be yeah yeah we're not getting press yeah yeah yeah so we are going to be giving away three is that right three books four three four yeah so uh make sure to go follow them on twitter to participate uh yam press uh in the giveaway and type out exclamation mark print in the chat uh in the stream right now uh to start uh questing through the concealer world oh you can also buy it there but so go to their twitter it'll be announced on twitter either today or tomorrow right yes tomorrow or the day after yes uh so make sure to follow yen press on twitter and maybe tomorrow and book walker as well yeah uh if you what are the ways to enter it should we tweet it okay follow both and retweet and then you have a chance of getting the one of the sandboxes four so good chance three i think yeah three three and again a lot of people in chat room [ __ ] mdg no way get off get out get out of here get out of here guys oh thank you so much to all my fans i'm gonna eat you so much thank you over here maybe inside here it's probably best yeah yeah that's sweet and did you did nothing generally sweet mvp you guys know exactly what you're talking about just got a free day for taking our blessings that's uh that's that's he actually didn't even do anything he didn't actually do anything against the boss either it was all tara indeed god that was all right yeah you got it yeah and uh if you want to check out regular black pen if you want to check out the connoisseur oh it's me okay we'll sell them okay uh hold on i get like a felt one i don't know the my smear okay can i get the permanent thank you does it smear okay this is permanent marker right they get a live it's just a bunch of schmidts sweet i think it might be better with a ball am i better with the ball point yeah use the ball point you don't you won't i hope you guys have fun though did you guys enjoy that in the chat yeah yeah that was really fun i want to do this is mine [Music] yeah do you guys want to see more trpgs uh that was our first time um yeah i i gotta say um i think having like i think this was like the perfect ad integration because that was a very connor super type type adventure that we just went on right there i mean it just generates it no you can't yeah can you erase it then sorry i'll sign this one you got an eraser right there all right it's really good nice here you go thank you no problem it's my my new signature sure okay i can let you use it there you go um what should i do there we go all right which one do i need to sign still you could get one of these with all four of our signatures on it yeah so like i said go follow yen press and bookwalker for a chance to win on these signed copies and if you just want one of your own copies of this then press exclamation mark print is that correct yes yes for the digital or the uh okay yeah if you want the digital version of these books then you can uh then you can press exclamation mark digital as well so physical or digital version and honestly it was actually like that one yeah it was actually a lot of fun role-playing in an isakai world just because i'm so familiar with the sky world that was a lot of fun yeah this is like an extra one i think i think that's maybe joey's no way is this all right well uh i just thank you guys so much for joining who are we going to read though yeah but yeah thank you so much for being such an excellent dm you made it good so much that was amazing you killed it so much thank you please check out demondize karen uh do you have any socials you want to shout out karen sure you can find me on twitter at demon dice karen yes that's karen k-a-r-e-n um d-e-m-o-n-d-i-c-e-k-a-r-e-n demondize karen on twitter and you can find uh my music on spotify if you just look up demon dice you can find it on itunes i do alternative rap which is i just basically like mix rap with a bunch of random weird genres um um and uh you can find my videos on youtube i also do animated music videos uh you can check those out on my youtube channel in my playlist so just look up demon dice on youtube and you should find all my stuff stuff i've animated stuff that i've made music to my songs etc so and uh yeah look forward to seeing me at kawaiicon i will be doing a live show and uh yeah um thank you very much for inviting me this is the first time i've ever done like uh like a live trpg you explained everything perfectly and most importantly we had fun all right guys it was all about having fun it was all about having fun because taro definitely wasn't [ __ ] all my homies hate tara who should we raid ashley right now oh yeah okay so we really do hope that you guys enjoyed the stream because this is going to be our last after dark stream for a while we wanted to end it on a banger and we really hope that we did end on a banger which uh i mean we got a four hour stream out of it you know um so unfortunately i'm going to be going back to uh your england to get my wedding ready um and then these boys are going to be joining me soon as well um and uh then we're going to be going to conventions and going to be traveling around traveling around so it is going to be a few months unfortunately until uh we are doing our next after dark stream but uh if you're watching this on youtube and a lot of people have been asking uh we are going to be uploading the 24 hour stream in small chunks uh small two-hour chunks just so you guys have some content spread out that is drip fed to you so you don't miss us too much you don't miss us too much uh but unfortunately as in in terms of our twitch channel we don't have an official date that we're returning right now um but it is definitely going to be a few months follow us on twitter yes sorry the giveaway oh yeah we just we'll we need to sort that out still yeah yeah we'll figure it out we'll figure out now yeah unfortunately we don't know hey follow us on twitch if you're watching on youtube yes podcast yeah follow us on twitter as well if you want more uh updates yeah all right i guess uh bye guys do we rate anyone yeah sure yeah yeah yeah yeah all right uh in the meantime should we cut to the end screen maybe probably gonna should we shall we raid first okay [Music] you
Channel: Trash Taste After Dark
Views: 1,321,807
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Trash Taste, Trash, Taste, Streams, Twitch, The Anime Man, Gigguk, CDawgVA, trpg, dungeons and dragons, demondice, karen, konosuba, dnd, tabletop
Id: K3jybGGR7Kk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 273min 50sec (16430 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 31 2022
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