The Worst Helicopter Parent Moments (r/AskReddit)

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what is the worst example of helicopter parenting you've ever seen my first room mate in college had a helicopter mom whose helicopter imported on abuse he was born deaf she never allowed him to learn sign language because she would always be there to protect him and he needs to live a normal life not a deaf life her words not mine he was pretty good at lip-reading and could vocalize remarkably well given how profound his hearing loss was she pulled me aside and very seriously asked me to inform her anytime he talked to a girl she said he has problems with girls trying to take advantage of him insisted he say good night to her every night which meant he had to be on instant messenger death so he couldn't call without using a specialized typing phone with her for at least an hour every night or else she'd call our room phone in a panic looking for him this is the one that infuriates me the most to intentionally keep someone from being able to communicate effectively that is abuse I teach high school and occasionally college one IEP meeting for a high school student the mother mentioned her other kid was enrolled at a local university and that she the mother was also enrolling in the same classes to ensure her daughter did her work fathom kind of unrelated but I find it funny but by pure chance my mom and my brother were enrolled in the same class this turn on University and my mum was super adamant that my brother not embarrass her during the class I worked as an instructor at a karate school and there was one parent no one wanted to deal with her son was in our ten thirteen year old class the school had a little waiting area where parents could watch their kids mainly used for the four six-year-old class she would sit in the waiting area staring at her son one class we were doing very light contact drills no more than a poke and she came out onto the floor and started yelling at me for putting her son in danger I asked her to please leave the floor I changed the drill to no contact she ran onto the floor yelling at me for single in her kid out I stopped the class and told her to speak with the head instructor she left to talk to him and I look over at the kid and he was crying I quickly moved to her fun drill and he started to smile when the class ended a few other parents came up to me and said that long is nuts and she kept trying to come to school with the kid I was at college orientation and one parent came up to my friend them said that girl over there is my daughter you go up to her and introduce yourself to her and be her friend it wasn't done in a cute way it was semi threatening when my niece was 14 or so her mother my sister-in-law was so far up her butt that I'm not sure the kid ever actually spoke for herself one day my niece was in the bathroom and she took a little too long to finish so her mother stood outside the door and said Connor what's taking you so long are you wrapping the toilet paper around your hand like I showed you do you need me to come in there and show you again why is this door locked open this door it was Thanksgiving dinner and the whole family just stared at my sister-in-law in shock we could all hear my niece crying in the bathroom that woman is a freaking psychopath some dude I know wanted to move out from his control freak mom at age 23 or so his mom kept complaining about the places he was looking to rent eventually she decides that it's better if she buys an apartment and let him rent it from her just to make sure that everything is in order however she couldn't quite afford it so she involved the ex-husband even if the dude said explicitly that he wanted nothing to do with that setup I don't know all the details but that's how he ended up anyway she has a key to his place and yes she uses it to check on the place every time he's out of the apartment and she even leaves small presents for him to just let him know that she was there Commerce small presents for him for some reason I'm picturing a dead mouse like a cat would leave I played a lot of hockey as a kid I had a plate of nachos and a drink thrown at me by a mother and challenged to a fight by the father of one of the kids on the other team the reason being I scored twice that game he was the goalie and there were Scouts there there wasn't we weren't that good keep in mind I was about four hundred kilometers from home and staying with my team at a hotel and this was in the arena lobby after the game while watching the next game man hockey parents are the worst there was a guy on my team whose dad would routinely get kicked out of rinks which forced a penalty on our team there is no kid in any sport who thinks he had add you get him when their father is acting like a petulant four-year-old in the stands an old neighbor of mine was notorious for being clingy to her daughter really one of those moms who tries to live vicariously through her kid daughter is now a junior in high school mum bought them identical phones cases and set identical backgrounds so no one would know when one had the others phone mum would take daughter's phone and text daughter's boyfriend pretending to be her I love you I want to be together forever etc even some of daughter's friends have cost mum texting then pretending to be the daughter this is so creepy fear street levels are creepy parents going on job interviews with their kid happens all the time same with medical school interviews I teach Taekwondo as a part-time job I was running a class one afternoon and this one kid would not stop freaking around talking whilst I was trying to explain something ignoring what I was saying and just giving zero effort into everything I reached the end of my tether and told him to do push-ups not many about 15 any normal kid would have done them apologised and carried on out of nowhere his mum comes running out into the Dodger right through the middle of three separate classes and starts giving me crap about telling her darling little angel about making him doing push-ups regardless if he deserved them or not lately I'm here to make your son a stronger better person you want him to be a baby take him to a daycare centre my mom was a grade one teacher one year she had this trouble kid wouldn't be quiet during lessons rude to other kids and teachers and all-around little crap but his mother was far worse she wouldn't believe anyone but her son about anything and this kid knew how to play his mom while he was a hell spawn at school he acted all shy and victimized when his mum was around but they had meetings pretty much every other week my mum his mum and eventually the principal got involved as well the no matter what they told his mom oh no my son is perfect he's an angel he would never do any of that what he hit another kid in the face and made him bleed and there were 30 witnesses including three teachers and two parent volunteers he would never do something like that you all must have seen it wrong this kid caused so much stress to my mom that year I went to primary school with a kid whose parents were Italian immigrants his mum would come to the school gate every lunch and give him pasta and make him sit and eat it all there in front of her I knew a kid who wouldn't be allowed to take his lego sets apart even years later I don't think his mom understood the point of Legos I know a kid who only got to assemble his LEGO sets once and under tight supervision from his mom every piece had to be the same as in the instructions in the end they super glued them together freaking brutal my friend works for the US Department of State parents of newly minted Foreign Service officers our diplomatic corps have called to complain that their son daughter should not be assigned to country a because they are much better suited for country B if I found out my parents had done this I would be so furious I would ask if banishment was feasible friend of mine turns 19 in a month he can't hang out past about seven o'clock his parents won't let him get a phone even though they aren't in any financial troubles that we know of and worst of all won't let him get a job until he's 21 the kid is afraid to talk to people from how much they shelter him it's actually pretty sad I knew a guy with the same situation in school he filed for underage independence or whatever it's called and moved out my roommate in college would not do his laundry ever until his mom came to do it for him every couple of months he had tons of clothes and would just start piling them up in the closet as he wore them then his mom would come in and basically monopolize the dorm laundry facilities for three hours doing all his laundry well I didn't know her just said hi a couple times in passing one time I come back and all my laundry was done to an put away she folded my underwear fold it I was kind off creeped out but then hey clean laundry five Enon and worked at a university for the past ten years or so to me the worst examples and the incredibly hyper controlling parents around lower middle or high school age those parents can be absolutely ridiculous but when the kid is still living under their roof I can understand being involved for me the absurd ones are the ones that continue helicoptering once the kid gets to college a few things I've seen in my years here parents calling professors to complain about their kids grades or how their kid was graded I've seen this all the way up to gradual students parents demanding our registrar change their kids schedule at their request because they're paying tuition a parent demanding our registrar change their kids major at their request because again they are paying tuition this mother demanded that her son be a biomedical engineering major instead of a computer science major parents sitting in on their kids classes on the first day with their kids and going up to talk to the professor afterward I mean I can understand sitting of the back of one of your kids first really big classes just to get a feeling for what they are going to be doing but sitting with them and actually participating oh my god fortunately the law and our school are adamant about this administrators and professionals up to reply by law we cannot discuss this with anyone except the student to everything but half the time they're just Hicks the parent off even more because after all I'm paying tuition he'll take what I want him to take my parents were pretty bad crap crazy about parenting as I got older they got more and more crazy wouldn't let me move out to go to uni at 18 so I ended up living at home they wouldn't let me date with of crazy arguments and occasionally get physical with me if they discovered I had spoken to a boy limited my time on the Internet confiscated my phone even after I was an adult and paying for it myself last year I left home and they called the police reporting me missing and wasted a lot of police time then turned up at my BFS house four hours away where I was staying we had to call the police who has courted away somewhere safer they constantly hounded me with calls and texts I went to see them two months later and they locked me into my old bedroom and my bf had to call the police again so I could leave without them hurting me I went back in February to collect clothes and belongings and had to have police escort neither glad I did because they decided to have a huge family gathering and wanted to ambush me when I got there I saw them one since then and June when they came to see me didn't let them know where I lived and met them for half an hour in the park and crap got serious so I left again as a teacher so many especially when I was teaching pre-k one mom wanted to pay for us to have cameras in our centre so she could see what her kid was doing throughout the day I said no she decided that she would visit our school four times a day once for drop-off before nap after nap and pick up I remember my sister's preschool had a little room with a one-way mirror so that you couldn't watch your kid play without Ben knowing you were there but some were those shoots were little monsters to each other when the staff weren't watching kid on my youth hockey team wasn't allowed to get dressed in the locker room his parents made him dress and gear at home and then ride in the backseat only to the game more DS my parents were friendly with his parents so every once in a while I would have to catch a ride with them if my parents couldn't take me and I was not allowed to dress in the locker room either this was not a case of embarrassment or transgender stuff as I remembered him asking to be allowed in the locker room just a case off over protection from being the only child I guess this continued into middle school I worked at a dining hall in college in one parent called our manager to complain that her son was not getting big enough pieces of chicken in his general tso's sorry your little boy isn't getting enough protein to grow up big and strong like his father if I work for the help desk at a university and I get disgusted with some of the parents that call in most of the time they want me to give them juniors password so that they can see his homework grades classes etc we have a separate login system for financial aid related stuff but these parents want to have the full password some things that I have heard but I am paying for him to be there so I should have access I am his mother and I need to know what he is up to I just want to make sure he is taking the right classes unfortunately I am NOT allowed to tell these people to cut the umbilical cord but I can't give them the password either I've been yelled at a few times to be totally honest when I worked in IT these were my absolute favorite kinds off cause walk-ins ordinarily I spent my whole day bending over backwards for unbelievably entitled users but these were some of the few situations where I got to refuse a request there's nothing more satisfying than smiling and saying no to someone as they get progressively more angry at you over the phone my aunt gives my eight-year-old cousin a walkie-talkie when he goes a couple houses over to his friend's house to play but she then sits on her front porch and checks in every minute or two it's hilarious dang we also use those when my kid was that age but only four hey come home now one day some years ago I got the following email out of the blue hi Stephanie your parents sent me a package with your information and pictures and a letter saying they wanted to set us up as flattered as I am I am in a committed relationship right now I am also only 21 years old and I'm not looking to get married or have children anytime soon which your parents made clear was your intention I'm sorry but this isn't something I am interested in I wish you good luck in your endeavors yes there were serious not as bad as most of these but I once got a phone call from a parent screaming at me asking why her daughter wasn't allowed to swim in a competition coming up that weekend and she wouldn't let me get a word in to explain that I was not in fact her daughter's swim coach I am NOT a swim coach at all her coach had the same name as me and was even the same age that still lived with his parents so mine was the only phone number in the phone book with my name this was over 10 years ago if she went on for about five minutes explaining that she watches all the kids swimming and her door was definitely the strongest in her group I was so mad I simply agreed and told her that her daughter would definitely be swimming this weekend she congratulated me on making the right decision and hung up I really wish I could see what happened just a few months ago while I was working my custodian job at my school's student union a worried mom approached she told me she lost her daughter and that she was lost she tried calling her and she didn't answer I took it very serious and asked her where she was supposed to be she said at one of the dorms eventualities the daughter calls and says she is separated and the mom tells me she is scared and alone we leave the union building and search for her daughter and we arrive at the dorm I then begin to notice that it's full of group leaders and new students it clicks that her daughter is 18 years old in the mom was overreacting I just wasted 20 minutes helping away too worried mom find her college-age daughter I really thought a little kid was lost I blame working retail prior to this job my aunt hasn't let my cousin who is 11 gone to any birthday parties besides his own or go to any parks because she is afraid he will get sick from the other kids also he still sleeps with my aunt and uncle in their bed one of my friends has to call his parents every single day dutifully and describe how his day was one time he couldn't call the parents due to no network and next day his parents send him on a guilt trip saying how irresponsible he was in how his mom was worried sick he will turn 32 soon and oddly seems to be okay with all that every time he's troubled he expects daddy's help I call my dad every day on the way home from work built it's mostly to talk about our jobs very similar professions and talk about football he's my best friend the kids my mom used to nanny had the worst helicopter parents I've ever witnessed they had strict schedules for everything they did including eating sleeping and even crapping my mom had to collect crap samples from the children to show the parents she also had to make every meal exactly per the instructions they provided they didn't have any health problems as far as my mother was aware off by the time my mom left the job the kids were already pretty freaked up I can only imagine how they are now you have been visited by the magical duck you don't have to do anything he will simply give you a good day today if you are new to the channel you can subscribe 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Channel: Updoot Everything
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Keywords: #updootst, updoot, reddit, r/askreddit, askreddit, ask reddit, r/, \r, r\, best of reddit, reddit stories, reddit story, top posts, funniest posts, funny, funny posts, funny reddit stories, funny askreddit, reddit funny, askreddit funny, askreddit stories, reddit stories 2019, people of reddit, sub, reddit cringe, memes, toadfilms, updoot everything, updoot reddit, story, stories, rslash, comedy, fresh, parents, parent, helicopter parenting, Helicopter Parent, bad parenting, reddit parents
Id: NIX1ylbZ4yw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 5sec (1085 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 29 2019
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