"I Thought Helicopter Parents Couldn't Get Worse.."

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what is the most extreme example of helicopter parenting that you have ever witnessed in my first college course there was a 16 year old in my class and their parents sat through the entire lecture next to them the professor expressed his concern about her taking up a seat for a student and the mom immediately snapped at him about how she was paying his salary by enrolling her kid there and she deserved respect poor kid made no friends in that class the mom immediately snapped at him about how she was paying his salary by enrolling her kid there and she deserved respect except she's disruptive for the other 20 to 60 students who also paid for the course my brother had it pretty bad he ended up being locked in his room for the summer because he went to his high school grad party without permission he could leave for food or to use the bathroom he decided frick it and went to college far away he's doing extremely well for himself now he's in a fraternity and interning as an actuary when i was a kid i wasn't allowed to talk on the phone without my mom or grandmother listening in from another phone in the house if i wanted to send a personal letter they had to read it before it went in the mail and of course they opened anything that came addressed to me i also had to write in a diary daily which they were allowed to read schoolwork i had to let one of them read before i turned it in and then when it was graded show them the comments the teacher had made my mom would even go through my trash and if she found something a note from a friend a phone number jotted down on an autocad etc she would run out the paper and make me explain it for a while i wasn't allowed any toys that weren't educational when i was five my grandpa bought me a transformer and before i was allowed to play with it he had to make a two-hour defense to my grandma that the transformer was not only a pretty accurate model of a real military jet but also a puzzle and having it would foster patriotism and an interest in technology and otherwise improve my mind in the end i got to keep it she didn't know it was from a tv show or it would have gone right in the trash going to see movies wasn't a matter of hey mom can i have money for a movie i had to cut an ad for it and a review out of the paper highlight the parts of the ad and review that made me interested in the film and present these to an adult at dinner the adults in the house would then debate the pros and cons of me seeing the movie and sometimes i would be allowed to go supervised of course jesus christ that sounds horrific till i was 18 years old i wasn't allowed to listen to anything other than classical or country music i wasn't allowed to wear baggy clothes think 1997 when baggy jeans were the thing to wear and i wasn't allowed to wear any style of skater shoes or any brand name shirts or any band merch my mother would go through all my stuff when i was at work snap cds cut up shirts and jeans into a load of pieces and throw them away and replace them with her approved items five days before i turned 18 my girlfriend at the time took me to do my driving test and my mom cut it up when she heard me on the phone telling my friend that i had passed it flash forward to today i'm 36 moved to england got married quite a severe case of misanthropy no interest in having kids i'm covered in tattoos got a great job and most importantly an amazing wife who had a completely opposite upbringing but the same out view on everything as i do also an awesome job we told the family to mind their own business and got married in vega six years ago and will live happily ever after with our cats my best friend in high school and i kind of helped her dodge her father the best she could so like i became the crazy satanist lesbian even even though i was like none of those things she wasn't allowed to talk to people not of their religion she did anyway she wasn't allowed to own fiction books i hid them for her they didn't want her drawing or writing because her imagination was dangerous we had art parties god forbid she go to college or get a job because where would they be without her i smuggled her to a community college to put in an application unfortunately she now lives with her parents still despite the fact she's bordering 28 never finished her degree has never had a job and spends most of her time babysitting we've fallen out of touch because well i couldn't keep fighting for her forever i still worry about her a lot though i'd contact her if there was a reliable way to do so friend of my sisters sister has kids i don't mother flew a drone to follow her kids to their neighborhood park the first time they went alone the real drone parenting there was a mom who would come to middle school every day at lunch to touch up her daughter's ponytail like she'd tighten it or smooth down fly aways she'd come back if the girl had anything after school she also punched a boy at the full fling because his pumpkin won the pumpkin carving contest his wasn't the greatest but he was the most popular kid in school and it was voted on by students so obviously the girl cried like huge heaving sobs and the mom flipped out running onto the dance floor and found the boy who won and just started pummeling him for stealing the votes parents of a girl i went to school with got arrested because they parked in front her dorm and slept in their van then they would walk with her to classes and sit in the back of the room some other students reported that there were people living in the van on campus like in the middle of campus not on some public street and when security investigated the dad tried to throw a george foreman grill at him it was weird please tell me the woman in the first story got arrested my parents tracked my phone this even continued in college read my texts emails and social media searched my room weekly and sometimes my body but feed take my door often i was a straight a student that never did anything wrong before they started that started acting out some and developed really bad anorexia because it was the only thing i had control over in my life my dad was also abusive but this was their helicopter side now i can't wait to move across the country next summer and be far away from them to clarify i am not sick anymore my anorexia went away when i left the house and went to college back when i was in boy scouts we had this really weird family in our troop let's call the kid joe for reference we held game movie nights once a year in the winter for everyone to come to joe's parents were homeschooling him and apparently didn't want him watching and movies rated above pg minus 13 even though everyone including joe was 14 or older and disallowed him from playing any games rated above ea everyone we ignored the parent because he was a real crap nugget and brought team rated games and pg minus 13 movies because we wanted it to be fun the parents flipped crap and yelled at the parents who hosted it saying that it was inappropriate he eventually threatened to take us to court and requested that we never spoke to him again i checked up on joe last year and apparently his parents never let him use the internet this whole fiasco happened in 2008 they also prohibited him from getting his driver's license because they feared him getting into trouble he was a decent kid though too bad his parents were batshit crazy i hope they will be happy never having a grandchild or the fact that the kid will never be able to hold a real job ever even if they keep him in a tight shell his whole life eventually they will die and he will be unable to cope in the real world i had this friend in middle school whose mom never let her do anything sometimes on friday our school had this fundraiser where you paid two dollars to be allowed to wear a t-shirt instead of the usual polo shirt on one of those days my friend had woken up early to straighten her hair so she could look cute while wearing her t-shirt but then her mom told her she could either have straight hair or wear a t-shirt the fight that ensured led to her mom spraying her hair with water and not giving her money for the fundraiser this other time my friend arrived at school wearing her band polo and some orange sneakers and told me that she got in a fight with her mom that day over the shoes her mom told her to change them but my friend was about to miss the bus so she logically said she had no time her mom then told her she was going to wear that same shirt every day as punishment for being disobedient and true to her word every afternoon my friend would get home her mom would wash the band polo and my friend would show up the next day wearing it again she started wearing colorful jackets every day to hide it that's more abuse than helicopter parenting a job applicant came to interview for an open position during the normal discussion and vetting it started to look like this person wasn't very driven proactive or maybe even really qualified this point was driven home when he asked how much longer the interview was going to last we asked why his response my dad drove me here and is waiting outside to take me home this was for a professional position requiring a four-year degree that takes on average five plus years to acquire and some years experience working in the field we dismiss the candidate afterward it became clear that dad had likely authored the resume also a friend of mine's parents were so obsessed with the fact that their kid should be saving money that they routinely confiscated every penny on his banking account onto a savings account the poor guy worked every wednesday and saturday to get some money to do fun things with his friends but when he went to pay his card would get rejected and it would turn out his parents had moved every penny he'd worked hard for to a separate account he couldn't access when he turned 18 he spoke with the bank and revoked his parents their access to any and all banking related to him i have actually been sitting on this story until i found an ass credit for it so i worked as a lifeguard for four years and during my final year lifeguarding i saw her the helicopter mom of the year her kids was like four and actually a very good swimmer for his age the mom wouldn't get in their pool but she made very sure to stand at the edge giving him orders and micromanaging his actions as he played with other kids she has been making the poor kid check in with her almost minutely even though he was never really more than ten feet from her as she followed him around well after a while of this kid getting harassed by his mother he's had it this four-year-old boy swims that ten get back to his mother because she wanted to make sure he was alright and tells her mum shut up you make me want to not be alive anymore this was the funniest crap he's ever heard a child say and it very well might never get topped the mom started crying and put him on time out so she could helicopter him more but that little kid was g what's sad is he felt that way because of her craziness girlfriend's father was terrible in addition to being emotionally abusive he demanded to know every detail of where she was going who with and when she would get there he badically said she was a child who couldn't do anything on her own and needed him to whip her into shape because that's what his parents did to him he was also a bible thumper when it benefited him and his strict rules my girlfriend got kicked out on her 18th birthday without so much as i call your mother to pick you up she had five minutes to pack as much as she could in a trash bag and get out i got a call at 12 30 at night from her and had to go pick her up years of abuse had taken a major toll on her she had major self-esteem issues and body issues and some health issues that the doctor said were stress-related she had major trust issues with men because of her father-approved who would fake love until they slept with her then leave her i was the first guy she ever really trusted and the first she told any of this too she lives with her mom now and is doing much better she's even going to college now for social services because she doesn't want anyone else to suffer like she did we're currently looking for a place together and i'll be proposing next september on our anniversary if everything keeps going like it has been i'm excited i know helicopter parenting is funny from afar but my mom was a helicopter parent she controlled who my friends were what sports i played and even the classes i took in high school for anyone dealing with a helicopter pair and that requires absolute control that praises you for your successes much more than warranted it punishes you for shortcomings also more than warranted please cut them out of your life a personality disorder develops because of this it is most prevalent in males but can also be in females when you're a child and your primary caregiver causes your emotions to constantly go from love warmth and trust to guilt hate and worthlessness which are all constantly present emotions with a helicopter parent you don't develop emotional trust which in my mind is the most important human aspect when this happens to a child a quite clever thought process take place if i can't feel i can't get hurt a child suppresses their emotions and chooses not to experience them as someone who took this route it doesn't give you happiness it gives you nothing i constantly experience emotions but on the inside i despise people for showing theirs but i'm truly jealous instead i can't hold relationships or friendships i'm 21. it took me four years of my life to get to the root of my problem and it's going to take me even longer to get better if you're someone who has experienced the unfortunate psychological abuse of helicopter parenting remember everything you learn you can unlearn it just takes more effort start reinforcing your behavior that you enjoy about yourself and stop focusing on the bad your parent focused on the bad and only what they considered to be good it is your turn to live can confirm dead on the inside not exactly helicopter parenting but would guilt trip me over the slightest of problems and take away toys video games time with friends whatever i was into at the time if i don't have an emotional attachment to something they can't take it away from me my college roommate i lived with him junior and senior year so from when he was 21 23 it was his first time living away from home but not really since he was from the same town that campus was in every week at least once up to three times per week he'd go home for dinner because his mom made him during this time she would grill him about homework and grades as if he was still in high school or something and asked why he wasn't going on any dates or bringing home any nice girls she is why he wasn't bringing home any nice girls we went on a baseball road trip once and even though my car was much younger and had no issues and like his troublesome car she insisted that he couldn't go if it wasn't in his car so since he was doing the driving he couldn't text obviously so he decided to give my number to his mother to give updates we were driving back from detroit to buffalo so we drove through canada so we had to turn off our phones and when i turned my phone back on i had a ton of messages asking me if her son was alright doing all the driving especially in a foreign country and she wanted to know why it took so long to cross the canadian section of or drive she wasn't even my mother but she helicopter parented me i was homeschooled from the second grade to the 10th grade due to difficulties with crappy teachers wasn't allowed to wear tight-fitting clothes everything had to be a size or two too big because mom didn't want me profiling i couldn't be at friends houses or parties without my mother being there couldn't listen to anything other than gospel music and disney songs yes even well into my teens mum explicitly banned non-gospel music on sundays not even allowing me to have my ipad on the way to church no physical ed mum bought some christian girl talk book but grounded me for a month when she caught me flipping through it without her consent if i were going to hang out with a friend mom had to know who would be there where we were going and what we were doing even to the point of asking for people's numbers she only really ever let me hang out alone with one person ironically the one person was the one who helped me sneak around to hang out with other people wasn't allowed to watch movies above pg read watch anything with magic or witchcraft aside from disney movies because frick if i know or play video games outside of like legend of zelda i also wasn't allowed to be on the internet half the time since we had dial up no freaking i came home from college and mom about chat herself when she found my depo shot reminder that had fallen out of my purse no pills or therapists my parents let me see a therapist and start taking prozac since i was 23 and they were legally unable to stop me but they let me know just about every week how much they're not okay with it i'm supposed to be praying the depression away damn it inviting themselves to my therapy appointments as in calling me at 8 pm the night before long after the office has closed to tell me they're coming with me to my appointment which also freaks up my therapist's schedule constantly berating me about my spending habits i know i have a crappy handle on spending i'm currently attempting to budget and i do not need to drive down to the house 45 minutes out of my way to be lectured about it whenever they have some kind of beef with me they won't tell me what it is all i get is you need to come to the house tomorrow i'm not in the mood to talk about it right now if i even ask for so much as a preview of what's going on after spamming the heck out of my phone with calls i'm not allowed to be angry with them or anything if i express any kind of objection it's talking back or being a smart aleck i speak in a very monotone voice when i'm around them because i don't feel like being snapped to watch my mouth if i offer any kind of inflection basically my life i'm still moved out but they still tend to act as if i'm still living with them my sister is an ra dorm supervisor at a university and was called by the parent of one of her residents because their room was too cold i assume the resident was just complaining to her mom i'm always cold or something but get it together people i was a senior last year i enjoyed dealing with parents your son daughter can talk to me but i can't talk to you have a nice day she wouldn't let her kid turn on street puss on his 3ds because apparently that's how child predators catch kids despite the fact that the online interaction is limited to receiving a bad 3d model and single censored sentence also she told my parents that they were idiots for letting me pursue a degree in language which was pretty awkward considering my dad got his phd in french my ex-girlfriend when we first started dating her mom would call and text her every 15 minutes to see what we were doing if she didn't answer immediately she text me to see what we were doing we went swimming once and she had to leave the pool every 10 minutes to text her mom her parents were almost inconsolably crying the week leading up to her 18th birthday her mom had told me she didn't plan on letting her move out until her late 20s and when she did move out she'd have to call every day and visit her five times a week my gf had been bullied severely in high school and her parents were more than happy to let her drop out so she could be at home more when i encouraged her to get her get and helped her study her parents were upset because getting her get meant she might be able to go to college and move out she did pass her dead her parents cleaned up after her made all her meals and religiously tracked her money even after she turned 18. they made sure she couldn't do basic household tasks like laundry so that she couldn't move out once at my house we were watching a movie and neither had our phone on us her mom showed up at my house to check on us they even monitored her food she'd get her steak well done and i once had her try it medium rare to see if she liked it but she did but her parents scolded her for it i ended things with her because although i loved her i couldn't handle her parents and just couldn't ever see myself married to her in the future with parents like that parents coming to do their kids laundry at college the kid will be sitting in the lounge area and mommy will be hard at work in the laundry room you are 19. learn to wash your own socks my university subreddit had a future student's parent posting questions about the college campus and dorms etc the real student coming to school next year made a post calling the parent out for being a helicopter those usernames row if you are new to the channel you can subscribe i publish new videos every day until then check another video so bye for now
Channel: Updoot Everything
Views: 85,841
Rating: 4.9334164 out of 5
Keywords: helicopter parents, helicopter parents reddit, helicopter parents funny, parenting, parents, #updootst, updoot, reddit, r/askreddit, askreddit, ask reddit, r/, \r, r\, best of reddit, reddit stories, reddit story, top posts, funniest posts, funny, funny posts, funny reddit stories, funny askreddit, reddit funny, askreddit funny, askreddit stories, people of reddit, sub, reddit cringe, memes, toadfilms, updoot everything, updoot reddit, story, stories, rslash, comedy, fresh, reddit stories 2020
Id: AdRdK8lpMYs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 51sec (1311 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 22 2020
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