Parents Of Killers, What's Your Story? (r/AskReddit)

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parind off killers what's your story most of my family is 99% certain that my cousin murdered his best friend when they were about 12 he's always been a very strange kid prone to fits of violence he once tried to beat my other cousin with a canoe or for splashing him and his dad has done time for child polystation the two of them were alone by a river my cousin came back and very calmly told his parents that his friend had drowned the kid had evidence of blunt-force trauma to the head but my cousin said that he had slipped and fell to the durand medical experts attested that it was not a wound that would have been caused merely by a slip and fall but my cousin had a great lawyer and got off I don't hang around that side of the family anymore for several reasons scary to think that he is a free man my great aunt was dating this guy and this guy really wanted to have physical relations with her it was nineteen thirties Italy in a remote town physical intimacy before marriage even to a film say basically made you an instant Taunus anyway he promised to marry her if they did and she said yes well a few days later she sees him flirting with another woman so she goes home grabs her father's gun and kills him in the streets after luring him in she only got a few years in prison and moved to Toronto a year later happily married with five kids my son killed a family friend when he was 17 the family friend had been polishing him from 7-12 before finding other boys when he was 17 he ran across this man who propositioned him for physical intimacy and my son lost it he stabbed him in the heart with a knife and he had a heart attack and died he did eight years for manslaughter his life is a wreck he got out and wanted to go to college and get a job College was too much for him because he was around kids his age who were more concerned about what to do on Saturday night whereas he was worried about his parole officer showing up with eight armed cops at our house he completed his degree in psychology and still couldn't find a job he couldn't even find a job at organizations that helped ex-convicts because he couldn't pass a background check he started to be unhinged and committed suicide and he died believing that he did something wrong into deserved the life that he got that is probably one of the most heartbreaking things I have ever read I know it doesn't mean much but I am so sorry for your loss I was three my grandparents had full custody of me my dad was a heavy greedy user and alcoholic from my understanding my mom was to an extent but my dad was way worse my mom also had a lot of health issues I'm not sure all the details of her health she was bipolar for sure and was on several heavy meds which she often let my dad use she had a disability with one of her hands but she was a very beautiful and kind woman she was the kind of person if she had $10 and went to the store everyone was gonna get something when she got home my dad killed her one night not sure the story of that all I know is that he chopped her up partly couldn't fully dismember her but he tried I think he got her head partly off and an arm and made a big gash from hip to hip he hid her in our trailer closet for three days my grandpa eventually suspected that it happened and called the cops according to neighbors the next day he came over and drank beer and watched football and didn't even seem to be a changed person at all I'm now 21 my dad is gonna be serving at least another 8 - 10 years in prison he had the chance for parole after 15 years and was denied but he could serve his whole life up until I was 18 I couldn't did visit him I didn't really like to but I did it to make my family happy I didn't know how to feel about him and still don't tbh I had my visitation rights taken away at 18 since I was a victim of his crimes I could have it overturned but not really wanting to honestly he only calls when he wants money gets well over $1,000 a year from my grandma I was lied and told it was basically an accidental death until I googled my dad's name when I was 11 I didn't speak to him for over a year and it was right before Christmas - my first memory is seeing my mom's gray-blue closed casket obligatory not my kid but my stepdads kid which we will call Jay he went on a murder spree he wanted to kill all his family members he successfully killed both his maternal and fraternal grandfather's he got caught midway through the murder spree cause he left his gray barn to live and tied up she got free after he left and called the police and his mom who was next on the list Jay stole his great-aunts phone so he could pretend to be her and meet up with his mom he ended up meeting the police instead he had tried going to other relatives homes but it was in the middle of the workday and people weren't home otherwise he would have killed more before getting caught he got 100 years with zero chances of parole the judge said the sentence was symbolic because by the time it's over there won't be anyone left alive to remember his heinous acts not me but my mother was in a relationship with a serial killer Pia file in the early to mid 80s my mom started dating this guy she already had my elder sister with another man new boyfriend was a doting stepdad they lived in Las Vegas my mom ran keno and he was the card counter she'd helped disguise him because he was blacklisted from most casinos for the aforementioned card counting I came along they continued to be the happy little super dysfunctional family until the FBI grabs my mom from work and interrogate sir for hours about him he's a stack the off I'll murder my mom didn't know she dabbled in low-level criminality but not that stuff splits town with us kids gets back with older sisters dad I grow up not knowing this until I'm 14 and my parents divorce and dad asks for a DNA test for me and I'm floored your dad isn't your dad it's actually this evil man who's on death row my mom's a huge drunk and Grieg addict she can't even speak to me about this without a full-fledged mental breakdown so everything I know is spotty she passed away four years ago I'm going through her stuff and find some letters from The History Channel contacting her to participate in a documentary about him one thing that chills me to my core he used to call her his first victim's name during physical intimacy she swore she never knew until after the fact and I believe her my uncle violated and murdered his disabled daughter and tried to frame someone else so he could collect insurance money he got away with it for almost twenty years one day I get a phone call from my dad saying that we should expect the family mein in the news and why ex-fiancee of one seven years together he started doing him without me knowing five years and two kids in tried to get him help when I found out left him because he refused it they caught him in his victims car he confessed 12 days until his trial got life and 10 said he wanted to know how it felt to kill someone I'm raising our two kids they don't know yet don't plan on telling them until they are old enough kills me that they will have to live with a burden like that it's massively unfair they certainly don't deserve it and neither did the victim or his family off the M he was the type of person that would help the homeless generous outgoing excessively intelligent and ambitious how heavy drugs can change people into monsters that's horrible I hope it doesn't affect your kids too much when they find out good thing you left before he got too crazy my adopted sister got into a car wreck this weekend well off her medication this weekend she takes it so that her epilepsy is well managed we don't know why she didn't take the meds did she seized a grand mal and struck a mother and her two kids on a sidewalk or crosswalk the two kids were crushed to death and the mother is still in the I cou my sister is also in the hospital and we don't know if she will go to prison for the accident Oh Frick what if the mom survives and realizes her kids are dead when I was 10 or 11 my younger brother and I were visiting our grandparents hanging out in the hotel we were told that our mother had passed and our dad was going to jail it took a while to realize what happened I got the full story when I was 15 dad was sleeping mom tried to suffocate him with a pillow he ended up switching it around on to her resulting in her death according to newspaper articles he had her body in the woods and according to the police they would not have found the body unless my dad told them he was sentenced to like 15 years in prison he got out of prison five years ago or so get caught up in the pharmaceutical drugs which led to harder things and ends up getting some H with fentanyl laced in it and Odie's I turned out okay I have a hard time expressing feelings in my relationship but my films say laughs me and works with me my great-aunt killed her husband years and years ago short him and burned the house down after years of being abused by him from what I know she was convicted but didn't get jail time instead she came in and worked in the prison kitchen so she could go home and take care of their kids every day most of her kids ended up involved in drugs and the like so my part of the family has never interacted with them and we don't really talk about it my stepson killed one of his bullies in high school he has a cleft palate and it's a pretty bad one all his life he's been bullied for it his mother and I have done everything we could to stop the bullying that had never ceased we contacted administrators moved switched schools tried everything eventually we decided on an online homeschooling program unfortunately one of his bullies from his last school knew where we lived he'd come by and taunt my stepson regularly my wife and I were never around because the kid would come while we were working one day after my son tried ignoring his previous taunting the bully figured it must have been a good idea to break in and find him he threw a brick through our back window which was in the guest bedroom and proceeded to attempt to enter now I partially blame myself for what happened next my son never knew his real father and so since I've come in I've done everything in my power to fill in and we grew pretty close I ended up trusting him enough to tell him where I kept my gun seeing as how his mother and I worked so often I wanted him to be able to protect himself if anything were to happen if we were gone so he grabs my gun opens the door to where the bully was and shot him in the chest twice he died before the ambulance reached the scene my son was never charged for anything as there was obvious evidence of a forced entry and the neighbors claimed that the bully repeatedly said he is gonna kill my son when he got inside this happened almost 10 years ago when my son was 15 he's been to so many different psychologists and therapists since then something in him changed that day like he blamed himself for years he tried to isolate himself from the world he became a heavy alcoholic and even attempted suicide he blames himself for taking another human's life even though he knows his was in danger seeing what happened to my boy it's heartbreaking I sold the gun never got another one to this day he still has that look of grief and guilts in his eyes I'm starting to believe no amount of tears will ever wash it away my brother killed his girlfriend shortly after their son was born he still won't tell us why he did it but he did confess and has never once denied doing it he's in prison until 2046 last I checked we always knew growing up that he'd end up in legal trouble eventually but not as early and it did not a parent but I was briefly neighbors with a family who had a son that ended up killing them because he got addicted to H and the parents wouldn't give him any money for his habit not a parent but one of my cousins is a killer dude was a teenager when for some unknown reason he decided to kill his parents and siblings I can't say his name so let's call him John it was early morning around 3:00 and the father was out working the graveyard shift at the one gas station in town John had sat awake all night to make sure everyone was sound asleep he took a shotgun that he got for his birthday and crept down the hall to his little brother and sisters room to make sure they were asleep satisfied he ventured into his mother's room put the gun against her temple and shot her the blasts woke up his siblings and turning around he shot his brother as he ran out of his room after making sure he was dead he found his sister hiding in the closet and killed her too to complete his mad fantasy John dragged the bodies one by one into the living room and left them in an answer ammonius pile he then called his dad crying on the phone saying the house had been robbed his dad left work and drove as fast as he could to get home and see if his family was safe as he burst through the front door John shot him almost point-blank in the chest and he died soon after around 7:30 that same morning he called the police to report the murders according to family legend the cops found him sitting on the couch watching cartoons and eating a bowl of cereal still bloody from moving the bodies it's been a few years not and the only reason he's given for doing it was that it just felt like the right thing to do estranged cousin of mine killed his girlfriend's four-year-old strange to think that same guy treated me like a friend he knew his whole life when we were introduced in a reunion years before there was a guy from around where I grew up who beat his girlfriend's four-year-old to death for spilling juice on his xbox my wife's grandma had three sons one died and one's been in prison for 30 years for murder she is still leaving everything to him in the will BC he is a better person than the other surviving brother I work at a restaurant and the father of a killer is one of our regulars it's a fancy restaurant dude is super rich he and his wife live separate lives and he goes through a lot of girlfriends always 20 plus years younger than him he pays for their condos and plastic surgery he got one of them a gold necklace that read gold digger and had her wear it in public not a lot of our respect for women that guy loud smarmy old a businessman type anyway his son is the guy who killed his girlfriend in-law and drained all her blood I don't know how the dad feels about it inside but like outwardly no change zero change in lifestyle or persona mannerisms I'm just an outsider obviously but he wouldn't even know it happened when it happened you're talking about lon libel and his son Blake they were just ordered to pay 41 em to the family not a parent but my coworker and her son were killed by her other son almost two years ago now so killer son spent of his adult life in and out of jail small petty crimes breaking and entering burglary etc nothing violent well his last stint was for credit card fraud my coworker didn't want him living with her when he got out but he ended up stairs with her and her other son now my coworker was an older lady 70s and she was super reliable rarely missed work or at least called when she did well she didn't show up for a shift on a Friday and it wasn't like her we tried calling her no cell phone cause she was in her 70s and it was one more useless piece of junk no answer so we figured oh no maybe she forgot or she was in the hospital and she couldn't call NBD but something in my and my boss's chest didn't feel right but trying not to let our years of Forensic Files get the best of us we brushed it off a come Monday still no call no show now I'm freaking out so we had the police go over and do a wellness check four hours later we saw on the news they had found two bodies in her neighborhood I had given her rides home from work a million times that she didn't drive the car was gone credit cards were gone they found her killer son in New York State picked him up on a parole violation I still feel sick about it she was such a nice lady she didn't deserve that throw away because the investigation is still ongoing I'm not the parent in this case just the siblings I have a half-sister along with one full sister and one half brother my relationship with my mom was strained and I didn't know my half siblings much I knew my half sister had troubles talking growing up and my half brother is autistic my mom died recently and I got a bunch of info from room mates family members etc my half-sister abuse our mom in every way possible she also threatened to kill my mom when she didn't have things going away a few months before my mom died my half-sister killed my mom's run mates dog in a fit of rage after being told no for something she didn't get in trouble because a dogs aren't considered property so there wouldn't be heavy jail time and be my maternal grandma paid the roommate to not press charges and to cover the dog I didn't ask how my half-sister killed the dog because the fact that she could even bring harm to a pet made me sick to my stomach they had also been several domestic abuse call ins to the local police department because my half sister was violently abusing my mom they have several records of having to come out and check on things not long after was the dog incident my mom died from what the roommate said my mom and half-sister were fighting because my half-sister didn't want to go to school my mom was already sick and weak at this time all of the sudden it got quiet in the other room and then my half-sister started screaming for help roommate runs in to find half sister hunched over my mom's body it took four months to get the autopsy results they declared her death as undetermined because they couldn't be quite sure if it was a fact that my mom was already sick or something else the police we spoke to was honest with me and we both felt like my half sister had something to do with a give then literal I will kill you claims and physical abuse my half sister put on my mom both my half siblings are with CPS now and was supposed to be medically evaluated for mental illness but never were we had four caseworkers in six months and it took two months to send my half siblings one letter when we mentioned the entire situation CPS was shocked apparently the latest caseworker hadn't read the file and had no idea and is now half a year later trying to get a psych evaluation on my half sister I'll never know for sure but given what I know and the records I've seen I believe my half sister killed my mom I am so sorry I can't imagine what you're going through I wish of the best you have been visited by the chunk of good fortune like this post to enable good for tune for 26 minutes if you are new to the channel you can subscribe I publish new videos every day until then check out another video or don't either way have a great day you magnificent people [Music]
Channel: Updoot Everything
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Keywords: #updootst, updoot, reddit, r/askreddit, askreddit, ask reddit, r/, \r, r\, best of reddit, reddit stories, reddit story, top posts, funniest posts, funny, funny posts, funny reddit stories, funny askreddit, reddit funny, askreddit funny, askreddit stories, reddit stories 2019, people of reddit, sub, reddit cringe, memes, toadfilms, updoot everything, updoot reddit, story, stories, rslash, comedy, fresh, reddit parent stories, reddit parents, askreddit parents, askreddit parents secrets
Id: YImB43Ja8bM
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Length: 19min 22sec (1162 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 09 2019
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