What Was Your "Screw This, I QUIT!" Moment? (r/AskReddit)

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what's your Frick this I quit story started my first job at 15 as a dishwasher for a friend's family's new Korean restaurant they were my neighbors my typical work day was 4 p.m. to 9 p.m. on the clock afterwards I was expected to stay and help close shop and instead of getting paid for those extra 3 hours I was given a meal for compensation to be fair there are laws prohibiting minors from working too long or too late and honestly I didn't mind it as the food was incredible after about a year I'm now 16 and due to the minimal waitstaff I was expected to work as a waiter busboy in between dishes fair enough I was getting sick of the same old same old anyways so I came in during the week to start training and since they knew I was already familiar W the menu and whatnot I wasn't a shadow I was just on my own and winging it I made a mistake that is not remembering soup or salad so I went back upstairs to ask and when I returned with my answer I was insulted by my manager from not taking this seriously enough all right a couple months go by and I'm waiting tables and dishwashing all while being micromanaged by my manager well one weekend a Mardi Gras parade was being held downtown where the restaurant is located so it would easily be one of our busiest days that year I was scheduled for 4:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m. but they asked if I'd come in that morning around 8:00 or so about an hour or two into my new shift there was a mountain of dishes I was being expected to maintain while also waiting tables my manager walks into the back where I am in the dialog goes like this leaf what are you doing washing dishes go ask Table six if they need refills yes mom I walk out the back into the front of the store while she's tailgating me and pick up the pitcher on water as I pick it up she asks do you even know what you're doing at this point I'm pretty fed up and kindly respond with yet I know how to pour water she didn't like that and told me that I need to look at her with respect and that if I didn't like it here I should just leave so I left them with mountings of dishes and thirsty customers no you're worth working at a tech support call center I put in for a day off for my birthday a month in advance boss forgot to process my request and said I couldn't get it off when I asked about it closer to the date saying something about time off requests being locked due to the upcoming trainings those trainings were two weeks after my birthday I used to work at a bowling alley in the cafe kitchen when I was like 19 one particular night I was the only one in the kitchen during a slammed rush I get everything out somehow in a timely manner clean the kitchen then go it for a smoke the GM walks out a minute later and proceeds to ream me telling me I am a lazy no-good piece of crap etc etc I finish my smoke go back in pull off my uniform shirt and name tag set it on the cafe counter and walk out the front door without a word Frick you Paul find a viewed for a corporate accounting role because public accounting was much less pay and a lot more hours was told in the interview that it was show up between 8:00 9:00 leave between 4:00 5:00 thread be no more working late nights or having to work on weekends which was great I took the job and with him two months realized they were lying through their teeth first off there was absolutely no training on their processes I was given enough work for three people with no direction on how to do it my manager was so scatterbrained he could never give me any help when I asked no one talked for eight hours a day and it was just an unbelievably bad work culture I'd get to work usually at 8:30 and leave at 4:30 while eating lunch at my desk I came in one day and was told since you're leaving so early I can only hope you are working from home then the next week we're told we have to come and for a full day Saturday because we had New Year's Day Off that Monday my final straw was when our left at 2:30 one day for a doctor's appointment when I came in the next day my manager pulled me into a room and said that I didn't have enough accrued PTO to do that and he was going to dock my pay in a salaried position went in the next day tell him it wasn't working out and put my two weeks in my last day he told me I could leave at 11:30 so I did when I got my final paycheck he docked my pay for the remainder of that day luckily the recruiter who got me the job followed up to ask what happened and I was completely open and honest with her apparently that manager has a very high turnover rate for the position I was in and the recruiter told me that the CFO is looking into replacing him I'm sure the CFO looked into it then his wife said he couldn't fire her brother and so he got promoted instead I was in the same position for two years and was actively looking at other positions within the same company the bosses knew about it it was just time for a change into advance my career great opportunity came up and I was offered the position however my current leadership blocked me because I received a promotion six months prior but that promotion was literally an automatic email that said congrats you are now level 2 instead of level 1 because I had met my sales attainment and completed all my yearly trainings literally an automated email stopped me from getting promoted and bosses said I had to wait another 18 months left that company and went to a competitor doing the same thing for better pay and significantly more support I had a similar situation my then boss told me they were trying to work on it so that I could interview in the other department how I wanted to go in later I found out that they were doing nothing since they wanted to keep me decided that was the last straw with the other bs going on and put in my two weeks my boss had my crew and I cast corners on a job I was fairly new to the position and took what he said as the way was supposed to get done inspectors then came and checked the job because of an unrelated screw-up by another company and in turn found out what we had done boss then blamed the whole thing on me and denied he ever told me to do it he it was done spent the next two days replacing all previous work - the way it should have been boss then told me that he was not going to pay me for the days of work 14 hours each day because I was fixing my free cups all the while during the two days getting called a freakin idiot and a liar Frick you I quit short story Bors tried to cut corners got caught on me then refused to pay me to fix it to try and recoup some of the losses he took I quit in the u.s. wage theft not to pay you for hours works and is a criminal not a civil violation I think I was a new sous-chef at a country club chef wouldn't let anyone but himself do the ordering his ordering method was to go over a sheet of paper hanging on the line where people wrote down what we were out of not what we were nearly out of but what we were completely out of anytime I'd try to add items that we were close to now to Vaughn he'd lose his crap we were constantly out of things one day we had a huge Easter breakfast event dump head chef didn't ordinaire enough eggs and we were out of all sorts of other random items I was out front making omelets for members ran out of eggs and stood around for 15 minutes waiting for more while the members became increasingly frustrated then angry went to the back to see chef yucking it up with the four manager handed in my apron and told him to pounce and was at that job for less than two weeks but we are out of sand waitressing at a small cafe owner was also the manager cook one day we were in the weeds getting thrown around left and right and finally when it slows down the other line cook messed up so the owner who already had had several screaming meltdowns picks up a plate and throws it right at the server alley it broke on the wall near my head so I took off my apron and waddled my pregnant but on home freak that it closed a few weeks ago which wasn't surprising arrival at the bar to work my shift only to discover that the owners had sacked my manager because there was in their view too much wattage at the time he was recovering from major surgery on his arm he had three young children and an eight months pregnant wife they thought they were losing money because not every drop of beer poured went into somebody's drink which is just a fact of life in a bar and not because their Idol toerag son brother father son owner duo kept coming in with his mates in demanding we give them drinks they didn't have to pay for quit on the spot went to the manager's son's christening awhile later a year or two after that was the bailiffs had come to visit the bar and left with quite a lot of furniture couldn't have happened to bigger see let me guess the owners had never worked in a bar before and it was something they did on the side I proved to the CIO using mouth that the help desk could not lower its abandon rates to an acceptable point without hiring more people she responded by telling me that my team just didn't have enough discipline and then I got written up I quit the next day and told my team they will replace me with a manager whom the CIO will let hire more people I was right was volunteering at a local charity shop at the weekend as it turns out most of the non paid volunteers were conscripted from job seekers or community service or whatever they had to turn up to get their welfare payments etc anyway I'd been there about six months was hard graft at times moving sofas round the shop up and down three floors it was a nice sunny day and I was taking my lunch break out the back sitting on a sofa the loading bay doors in view of a public carpark eating a sandwich with my feet up on the railing all of a sudden some woman who I've never seen before starts wagging her finger at me like I'm a naughty kid then shouting at me and a disgusting tone get up young man how dare you if she kept ranting on I'm like who the heck is this she get conflict slowly I get up and move inside turns out she was the area manager she peed me off so bad I didn't really have an issue at what she was asking it possibly didn't give a good impression it was the way she was speaking to me I had a problem with I think she thought I was the typical conscript who could be abused without recourse as they had to stay there and take the abuse in order to get their payments some customers in the shop heard how she spoke to me and they backed me up so I knew I wasn't nuts told her she could stick my volunteering and I got the heck out of there never went back made me think why should I give up my free time to help this be on a fat salary hit her targets I doubt she had a charitable bone in her body I wrote a two-page letter of complaint to the head office but never did send it kind of regret that many many years ago I worked at a place called atomic burrito I only worked there for four days I was washing dishes and the manager walked by and started yelling at me for using soap he said soap cost money and we were just putting the same food back in the pans anyways I quit right there note the frick right out the door my wife has one her boss suddenly became obsessed with bringing in as many new people as possible oddly he seemed to forget about retaining his current workers mehnat like my wife were very experienced at this point you would think that they'd be considered the most valuable employees of the group my wife had settled into a nice MF shed you'll with good hours ten five suddenly her boss pulls her in for a meeting and says most of the new employees can't work nights all weekend due to personal conflicts I'll need you to switch to a 1/9 schedule and work Saturdays my wife was caught off guard and responded when you hired me I told you that I had conflicts in the evenings and weekends and that I would be able to work within that schedule the boss got all serious and said listen I think I've been more than generous and accommodating of your schedule needs I think it's time for you to show us some of that same flexibility my wife started crying immediately and stormed back to her desk she called me and said that she thought she needed to quit but wanted to make sure she wasn't crazy after listening to what happened I said that boss could go to heck and she should never look back she took her free water bottle and never returned I was at my dream job building high-performance Corvettes there were a lot of downsides not w2 no benefits long hours you break it you buy it then they introduced their efficiency measurement where if you were not fast enough you had to work Saturday to make up for it measuring efficiency in custom work leads to corner cutting and in general is impossible as its custom then I had to push the shop owners car in to fit some things it took me two hours to wrap up the car I was working on push it out move to other cars get the forklift started and get the car in it didn't have a motor yet all not chargeable all not my fault all supposed to be made up on Saturday I quit the next day I worked for a company for over a year that was contracted to make deliveries for Amazon the vans they equipped us with were terribly maintained and fully unequipped to handle winter weather I worked with the company through their first winter which meant sliding all over the road when it was icy and getting stuck constantly every time we had snow I never had a major accident though I did have two or three close calls where only minor damage was incurred to the van I decided to stick it out through the summer when the weather was obviously much better all summer long they promised us that new and better vans were coming September rolls around no vans October no vans November no vans that month we got our first real snow I got back from my route and immediately put in my notice my boss told me they would be getting new vans by the end of the year I told her that was nice and walked first job working at a little BBQ place with a drive-through my day off manager calls me at 8:30 a.m. 30 mins before we open saying she doesn't feel good and needs me to open I rush in and end up working all day 5:00 p.m. rolls around manager comes in with the owner of the business who she's dating they were at the fair all day and completely forgot they lied to me about her being sick I bite my tongue and ask if I can go home they say no one keep me until plus 9:00 p.m. and at 9:00 p.m. I took my shirt off handed them my keys and said today was my last day as I walked out the door shirtless best part when I got home my dad was pee that I quit my job I told him what they didn't said I wasn't making enough money he looked at my pay stubs and saw they hadn't been paying the overtime the entire time I worked there he made me go back and Adam and my overtime pay when I came in with the pay stubs the manager started crying and gave me cash out of the register to cover my overtime and then some they called me the next day making sure I wasn't going to report them to the BBB I didn't but my dad did the BBB is Yelp for old people should have gone to your state's labor board I was 20 and had been working in a call center for just over a year I was promoted to an assistant manager with a new compensation structure that was identical to the other assistant manager basically you got your wage a very small percent of the total office revenue and then ten percent of your own revenue from when you worked on the phone my immediate manager and office supervisor gave me this without confirming it with the regional manager who was on a two-month vacation in the doctor when I got my first check after being promoted there was no bonus I was told it would be corrected soon when I got my second check after being promoted there was no bonus I was told it would be corrected soon when I got my third check after being promoted there was no bonus and I was told we had to wait for the regional manager to come back and authorize it I was being paid weekly and worked another four weeks under the premise that I would get a lump sum when the regional manager returned the problem was that I sold significantly more than the other office manager the back pay had grown to such a large amount that when the regional manager did return he questioned why the office manager had given me this structure as he considered it to be too much money on my next check there was no lump sum and I was told that they were figuring out a new structure my following shift I stayed home and got a frantic call from the office manager asking me why I wasn't at work I told him I couldn't afford to go to work he said why can't you afford it because I have been getting ripped off for two months call me back when you have my money or don't call me at all never did get paid I had a manager who just didn't like me I don't know why it happens but she couldn't keep it professional and acted as if every mistake I made I had made on purpose just a Frick with her meanwhile everyone else told me that they were super happy with me and I was a great worker so she had worked that Saturday and when I turned on my PC that Monday morning I had about ten emails from her all with screenshots and rude remarks like why is it so hard for you to follow the rules and how did you not know this while she was the one that trained me freak that crap I'm worth way more than that and my annual review after finishing my first year at a retail store and I got a 13 cent per hour raise a co-worker of mine who drunkenly broken into the laundromat grocery store in town to steal beer a few weeks prior got a 14 cent per hour raise and new employees were making 12 cents more to start then I was one year in but Frick this I quit and Frick you underarmor I had a job that had mandatory raises every year the first time yearly raises came through new company I started with them prior to the first annual raise they gave everyone a 1 cent an hour raise that's it was that a job for 3 years consistently in the top 3 of my department in terms of performance asked my supervisor repeatedly if I could be recommended for advancement promotion and he always told me he was trying his best to get me new opportunities found out from a friend in a different department that I'd been considered a top candidate for four different promotions and each time my supervisor had blocked it when I confronted him with this information he told me it was true and he did it because I could never find someone who does what you do without paying them a lot more internally said Frick this I quit and found a new job within three months to call my PTO and on the day I came back I quit two hours into the day leaving them high and dry at a peak time freak that dude I could never find someone who does what you do without paying them a lot more lol that they actually said that what a dirtbag he's basically saying yah I'm screwing you ya freak that dude I worked for Dollar General for 94 days as a store manager it was explained to me that it was a 5-1 stroke two day workweek and if I was fully staffed I could end up making it a normal five day work week the only problem is I fixed my store processes were broken when I arrived then they asked me to help set up a store well wasn't really asked I helped with the new store setup and since they didn't have a store manager lined up I was told I had to run it on top of my normal store I was then tapped to do another store set up and a third store I was working 90 hours a week going between three stores would open one up go check on another and close the third because they were all understaffed four days off total in 94 days I was then sent out of state for a week for training while still having to run three stores from my phone all through this I ended up interviewing with a competitor got the job and when I got back from training I sent my DM a letter of resignation my new job is great I have a small store that is easy to manage get two days off a week being there three months and already have two weeks of vacation I ended up taking a small hit on salary but it was worth it moral of the story don't work for DG it sucks you have been spotted by the rare flying fluffa if you comment good boy below he don't steal your hot dogs anymore if you are new to the channel you can subscribe I publish new videos every day until then check another video or don't either way have a great day you magnificent people [Music]
Channel: Updoot Everything
Views: 244,500
Rating: 4.8964124 out of 5
Keywords: #updootst, updoot, reddit, r/askreddit, askreddit, ask reddit, r/, \r, r\, best of reddit, reddit stories, reddit story, top posts, funniest posts, funny, funny posts, funny reddit stories, funny askreddit, reddit funny, askreddit funny, askreddit stories, reddit stories 2019, people of reddit, sub, reddit cringe, memes, toadfilms, updoot everything, updoot reddit, story, stories, rslash, comedy, fresh, rage quit, askreddit comedy, i quit, quit job, quitting, reddit quit stories, resignation
Id: Z5WpTRd7G5s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 45sec (1245 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 29 2019
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