The Universim: Into the Modern Age

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[Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you [Music] [Music] please ignore what your thumbnail is telling you this is actually a universe in the stream it's not letting me change the thumbnail but it's fine it's it's an okay some nail anyway so I guess we'll just say it then we're talking me alright so uh let's play some universe in pop this on over here hello everybody there we go yes the thumbnail did lie I apologize I apologize it's it's all kinds of broken I had to go in through some strange way to go in and set up the name and the game that game that we're playing yeah it's kind of broken hey Birds how's it going Sly Fox yes it's reasonable stream time here on Monday my miniature is king Sheamus where that means but I think I know what to talk about so uh last time it's been what two weeks since we played this last time we we had some trouble last time we're gonna see if we can power through the troubles and have modern age we do this is a third stream with with with University I mean five of best five why not number one reasonable treat yeah reasonable Monday's what this is man it's good thing but reasonable around here it's it's uh I think at the moment it's like 19 degrees outside it was like 11 honey this morning windchill was like negative six or something it actually closed school because it's so cold outside one of those kind of days so I will not go outside today I'm stay inside all day all right so let's load up a game here this one right yeah we're doing terrible with wait it's right 79 people it must be okay yeah universal mister peres weather right here is always crazy the ECOSOC has gone oh ok ok good answer ghost man I like the cold too but it's always super windy around here in the winds what is bad like I don't mind being now 15 degrees that's like no problem I can handle it I can put a coat on but the wind is like 30 miles an hour 40 miles an hour or whatever so it's like ridiculously cold there is no amount of clothing you can put on to be warm whenever it's like that it's just not pleasant helped Fahrenheit right so what will that in Celsius negative negative something no it's framedrops for me too it's yeah going slow okay um let's go over this way so do we have okay yeah we got 47 people okay that's not terrible you see so many nothing it's just at 79 we got 47 people we had a bit of a crisis before we got to do a bit of a recap it's been two weeks I got a recap myself let's go look and see our town our giant town yeah we've made it into the medieval era you can see we've got medieval era houses a little bit of a flyby I like the way the camera is it's very it's very nice this doesn't work in there because we're out of people chopped up chubby chubby windmills still working good we got fishermen out there on their canoes we've got fancy houses we got grandma playing or grandpa playing with a ball elections are starting who we gonna go well boat for today students require solid studies that seems good what's that one do oh it looks to be the last time in school but injury rates increase okay contraception ban no wait Oh contraception ban that's good reproduction rate increases yeah we want that guy yes vote for him at you move everybody vote for you move why don't we voting for him we need babies yes many babies everyone vote for him if you don't vote for him I'm gonna owe you what I can do I can't I I could just murder one of them and make him win but I I hopefully they will pick him Nathan you doing it though he's like SIA the worst so let's go look around here take a look at our town we have a diseased person walking by don't mind that my career is the faints time we got some sort of shop over here the hair saloon we have lizard candy Oh cows medics over there this way we have this is Town Center in central we've got other bright the prison is no the prison the prison's back here here's Town Hall with uh not yo Hattie is now our governor over here sigh we at our police station who is being policed by human sake and then we're building University and there's our prison I really want to kill that guy off but we don't have enough people you know it would it would be a work if mmm weird what time around I'm as long as we didn't have how's he doing Oh what happened did he die alright he died okay so we only have this guy left or the right to arms now if we kill him off youmu is a guaranteed winner and we have a contraception band which means reproduction rate goes up by 25% have it is minus one where's happy it's go down keep happy with lots of kids so we got 10 votes left oh he's gonna win anyway okay you need to murder anybody I don't think we need babies and I don't have a lot of God power I can force people to mate which I'll probably have to start doing thank you going for a body dead people that cemetery you're an okay you're a girl look I got to find a boy you're a boy you have a kid already or you already married I find single people yes yes oh yes oh yeah I'm sorry I'm sorry about the thumbnail I'll check it again later but it's the site I can't go into that site the site that I used to edit my live streams on YouTube is broken and so I can't edit anything in there uh hey you know how many kids why not what's my god power here which one is it is this one twenty points I don't have enough for that you need I need two more for that yeahjust that's a lot so we're gonna put all of our yeah we're gonna hope for you move here to make a change making people in here so then we got to go look at fancy animals over here whole herd of them we gotta go look at food looking good right total amount of food seems okay plenty of water we got power we have limited resources what to deal with hatch look a tree are our tech we are working on what we are working on we have Tudor architecture we working on stockpiling or give some simple things first and then we start working in into this area with curriers Hut a blacksmith which we can't get yet but we get all the other stuff behind it like the hunting lodge we already have fishing nets we can get flint daggers eventually we'll start looking our way into where we don't overweight hunger I got all this stuff already we gotta get up to here acoustics which then leads us into industrialization which doesn't do anything yet but it will and then we get to the glass factory which is in the game and a steel factory nope cement yes modern chemistry is around gene-splicing and what's cloning Center and coming soon so we're pretty close we're pretty close we're see if we can make this through a mystery of water pump output might be gonna have engineering in ministry gunpowder can I have that yet out coming soon so across gunpowder at Waltons you know create a new form of medicine sacrifice their eyebrows to bring this volatile substance to life don't research it could prove useful in a variety of fields purge the heretics that's right so after we get the basic stuff done let's go look at we'll see great guards what do we need for this any funeral practice way back there Oh keep your civilization free from disease and unnecessary death members will organize and build new hospitals and cemeteries oh all on their own okay I'll get that next and hydrology that's a big pretty place for everything there okay okay crank it up new family excellent any more of those hey Sal we're Bo house Leone kind of I do I miss the note that no where is he there we go yes yes he's gonna win okay excellent various euro is now in charge youmu says I shall be no reception allowed my pause what are you you are a guy you are a guy as well you defined I have enough points for it where's a lady you a lady your four kids already you're already married not married you and who are you you are a lady you have no kids no spouse excellent okay this one I want to connect what is it control with her and I'll do it no no no don't do it no the wrong way okay there's Babies what are you running for you doing mutation okay I'm not sure I want you around arresting people because we need all people we can get hey you're fired we're being a cop because we need people around here whether you murder people or whatever as long as you make babies that's all you require what real city my Basin is on there yeah yeah a believer on my side oh yeah mm-hmm the only way those two could have ever gotten together as if God was involved that's what I'm thinking I wish the UM what if it'll happen in modern age if these brown spots will turn into like a rose or something that'd be oh that would be a cool addition let's go Ricci okay so we've got where's our um our this thing we gotta get this thing thing further into the love meat category because further love me means more points this way so if we can do things that make people happy like healing like em you you mr. Coston we're healing ex person as soon as we can which make people love us which means we'll get points faster of the 44 people only 17 believe in us hey cars know already why you were so young why do you die every time to get a leader they immediately die why boy so that means is his whole thing's gone now what no don't work there they were just too short for electric chair other letting him go okay yeah you better I don't make you not work there stop taking that job I'm gonna tell you to shut down many people making like resources and things not not not arresting people hey Otto that's the way I see it - burns you hear the music alright it's it's changed it's very peppy now the university is almost done excellent after muscles electricity does it I get a double shift this one again you make some power so we can get power oh hey hey you would be healed slow down what did it work maybe I didn't I only made it something different that mean what's this little thing me doing nothing no I mean he's doing nothing I mean sick prison guard wait no no no if I don't have we don't eat me no one working here either I'm gonna shut this place down execution cell oh my yeah okay so prison is closed the sheriff's is out everybody get back to work presents you're broken not anymore you welcome to our rate of creative points is slow Oh get 20 per nugget we sacrifice got you all right now as far as resources go we are really slow down here I gotta make sure we get people walking these things I'm thinking not look like we have a lot of people around here though we have what two extra people everyone else is working what's a Oh tower guards we'll need those so if you are one of where are they all one of these closed open up when we need to but for now just close it down [Music] you are you are nope right I sleep you you you what are you you that's the cemetery it's not the tower realtor I just one over here somewhere here you are closed um hey brick how's it going and you are closed okay so that'll give us lots of free people to work [Music] all right around my forecast tower is not working warehouse excellent planting happening good but that that's my lumber mill which needs trees all right I need my god power to make some trees people will like that right there you go have some trees okay you know gets excellence you are stone which we have none in your some refinery we need to get stone still grab me they just crap on their own so I'm thinking we probably just need make this one probably need one person working here and it's still rough around the edges but it's coming along stone in mind that's what we want so we need people workin here you old man and you get some rocks in this place yes vampire day that's right Oh our prisons done president done yeah yeah yeah I'm sorry but some do we don't know this one it's not sorry prison University is done Hey look we got people worth are you here yay so yeah gets more people go get to work wait professor loading the game excellent question excellent question I don't know how make it any better I'm thinking maybe this might have something to do with it maybe they love me more maybe they'll make more babies I don't know I don't know how to make him like I know how to make him have babies I don't have enough points for it so uh just sort of sit back and let the game do its thing I think we had we had a problem with they had a big burst of population at one point I think they all kind of died off at the same point as well so we're down having troubles no one's making any babies though it's certainly a problem you're very old how old are you 27 20 yeah we have we have stone building in a giant University with glass losing power why get to work extreme moment you may kill them no we will do that injury at work well let me help you out this way hey you where'd you go there you go all better well when you're God you can tell them whatever you like Arthur where is my my tower my forecast tower is this not working here this it yeah why are you not telling you the weather no shifts weatherman is gonna be you get in here and tell me what's going on what that means okay well we'll just sit back and wait for uh people make babies I guess there we go oh oh all kinds of of baby make it happen in excellent excellent I do a short you know yeah option you just saying things just saying things okay ooh we had four kids now excellent okay very very good more kids mm-hmm yeah we'll get something off with him Amir good point so Amir comes out on the 15th and I'm gonna be out of town on the 15 so we got to come up with a live stream probably in the next in the next week we'll do an Amir thing we may try to find some sort of like we did last time which is may look like a year ago where we we did a we had raising cane rents server and so we all were able to jump in and do a real-time a real-time game all together we try something like that if for those of us that owns a game and try to do a in a mere real-time multiplayer thing I really won't have to sit yeah I want to have a single multiplayer as well I'm not gonna do any more Let's Plays of a mirror until it gets single-player in there because it has it but it's just you versus barbarian so the fingerless Lee really to it nice if I can fix that the minute maybe it broke okay so I think can't you tell knows what's gonna have to stay [Music] somebody's broken hey let me fix you up where you at you're hungry you have what that means you would remember what that this mean like no job like you're a laborer maybe maybe we have tons of rocks now okay so that worked but tons of rocks which means we got to get another person doing this again you come to this so we have more stones in we got to get another what's coming in now so we'll go ahead and get a second shift here to get some place hey Jen's Oh let's take for electricity 25 we made you start just fry this battery here do the second battery let's do that build our first thing today but it's very difficult Express the volume of minutes with which I predicted this war-cry through writing I think you get the idea your village and your supposed God artists and staying upon this planet and we intend to do some serious cleaning it's a lot it's actually going to be a lot of mess our Spears are sharp and our aim is getting better however seeing as we've coexisted this long maybe we can strike a deal for our lives for your lives give us what we want we will stay our hand people are voting to accept this no don't do that where are they which one are they I want to see him let me let me look at him where are they 31 people live there that's all we gotta do we gotta go impress them where are they I can't see it - Kylie I can't see anything so rainy I can't see things I once I want phlogiston theory Oh fire station acoustics entertainment movie theater and we're on the hunt for this town so we can burn them where I is it you saying was it saying something San Diego no not you before this vote goes dragon Aparna where are they no idea zoom way out go is that them no that's slipping day with 55 people live their eyes are so many were wire you're not living with me [Music] there it is 31 people right here okay so if we come down here and we say oh I don't know bar in the place we just the demands of sand them people you have living here now 17 now a we got new followers welcome to my town who else wants some soon in the ink we make me an evil God though so if they're gonna help us out too much where's my uh my bail tell me how I'm doing with the people we're still in the lobby I'm still lovely okay good and they're gonna tack we're gonna have to make sure we open up our watchtowers again I can't see anything you're gonna be a single shift again place I got up here washed my watch turn there is this one need to be open right yeah and we'll the other one over this way somewhere nowhere single shift one over here somewhere [Music] see little things that says people's no one's working I don't Oh what is that no one's working the school what eating there okay so assuming they're gonna come and attack us very soon if they do we will pardon them yeah it's good point we need to go to school when you yeah we don't do educational jobs we just hack things knows we're gonna hear right nope that's close right close yeah and then Town Hall I don't know what he really does I think he helps assign jobs universities don't yeah I want the kids there okay we got fire fire section coming in soon which we have what do we have for fire the wells I guess I look forward to their our long honeymoon before getting back to work excellent what's this over here something with a you're working there yeah you excellence speaking of iron how we doing with iron glass what do you eat glass buff as iron I'm going to save my points because once we get 25 we can fry these guys attacking us in a little bit we really need to get some up Tristan either why are you doing but you're fixing guys get to work okay stream mode I'm sorry I had to do it but you weren't working more babies being made good we can't get above that like 45 marks with kids with people and what else do it is the fire station yeah I'll pick one of those don't make a fire will make a fire station Oh a Terran do I have a tavern habit area when they come from tavern this place over here by the main offices where makes is sort of yeah is that gonna fit look to Titan like it'll be like out like a roll one guys do no way this way well we can get it there it's like kind of crammed in there that'll do maybe not alright come on come on we're with it sure they're no fire season you're fitting right here - I'm a bit bit we're moving this one over this tower you go away how do we burn it down remove why don't you that now we put in our fire station yes look we have Main Street yeah we got a Main Street now okay walk downtown you go to town hall you can go to the sheriff's office you can go to the tavern or the fire station that's right nobody works here at the Town Hall for some reason look always look at charge this place ready to watchtower around here somewhere let's make let's remake our watch out we just demolished which is somewhere right here this is all covered though by no thought there's a hole right here [Music] okay there we go more baby to be made I got 35 points new believer excellent we can go make some more believers by wreaking havoc on our enemies where were they they were over here somewhere with that giant town where are they there's a little in there no that's me see you now down there maybe kind of dizzy here hey that's big 159 people here 59 um can make a tornado 120 points 180 for 2001 24 Flintstone we just fry him in the weekend we just gotta fry him again that one there okay will you be no more believers I just fried them why only 20 people live here not that I kill people what happens one of the people they all die I don't know it's clearly no one here there's one hey you why don't you worship me and you were at you and your color church they didn't seem to have Cynthia the effect I was going for I did Windell her numbers I suppose raise I'm competing was this you have no food we have ulcer often Oh No cooked food that's your job let's make cooked food upgrade you all right what else we need to do here we got planks we get resources we eat a little bit more wood I can help with that over here there you go have some trees oh I think I did oops oops sorry we have to work I won't do that again I need electricity though oops just so they'll make basically me oh you you think that's the problem just shifts just in general I removed a lot of the ships last time that could be the problem people are busy working late at night no time for baby-making I need you to be on shift though finally turn off all shifts we got you good courier yeah no shifts fisherman you're looking okay you know shift oh it's possible also they can't use their home because no electricity yeah it makes sense wait refine stone yeah okay let's see we got here scientific focus what do you do for me focus more research rather than on religion creative point production - 15 we don't want you medical aid gives us less diseases and you are right to arms which protect us from animals I'm gonna take the medicine one ran up push towards that one Josue's Deauville all right I want just realization yes glass factory gaseous locomotion hot-air balloons yes where's the one we can get graveyard stuff way down here power naps stable look at might group meals foodies reduced look into episode Oh all right you can sit back and let it go with more very laid-back kind of sit back kinda game didn't research the text you think i'ma turn this off that would gain faster things like a science versus religion kind of thing movie theater go yeah moving pictures where's our downtown what kind of fit downtown's do big getting a fit smash it back here that and get pumped go away let's play over here is that little watchtower let's go so we didn't over here somewhere over can back here yeah we're back here gonna watchtower oh it is okay cool it's a fancy watchtower I need so gonna have a road here good on here you go to university watchtower down this way I'm hoping people actually walk it so we get a road going in now this is really in the way this is the archive I can move this anyways so you go away I'll move you in a minute I only work in there anyways we'll make it before we quit don't know shifts and I have to have shifts let me turn it off for now okay yeah go run there we go Electra C's coming back I need to probably get a couple batteries in here let's go build up all you gonna do that's it powers gone immediately yeah Oh a big kinetic generator that's a small we need a big one we're gonna throw it over here behind the jail right over here and then next to it we're putting some batteries [Music] medical aid okay good that's if we put it in the gas mine was just appeared that's mine uh now and then you may require special tools gas mine is fully equipped break through the surface does it give me power or is it just a different resource sorry yeah I'm not painting just yet sorry hey mean how's everyone two batteries okay so soon as I said we're gonna burn that place this one down and put that over there so we can rearrange and make our you are downtown fancier [Music] yes we need to hire some hamsters how do we get that you don't need to hire some we should go enslave the other folks out there and make them work our wheels why is that on the game yet eerie hey work they're still only forty four people five dead corpses dead corpses as opposed to Latvia live ones we have a cemetery person here sue bull look is out picking them up and she'll grab them toss them into the eventually so grab them and burn them actually getting kind of filled up here just realization excuse us nothing but you probably need somebody working here have anybody work I'm gonna hold off on it where is a sick person I'm gonna heal you oh you're right a mite I was hoping to wait for the new ones to come in but yeah you probably right that's pretty good idea battery's full make babies we got five kids now oh we're gonna hit the 50 finally there's the iron my net it's over right here it's already off how's the house of love for me that's on the wrong side no no no I'm kind okay you are the father Hagen as a matter of fact um here you go talon i do i have tog ins in here already i remember if i do or not but there you go there's no talc in there you see who we have here women Kouzes there's a lot of them Kouzes we got to change this if Matt Burrell yet is there I do another okay that's sorry oh you're in the university whoo nope I'm cozy your honors want to see you can't fine I just care for lots of notes that's all we want I'm cozy you are now I just saw who was in here I do have an end here dude we're gonna Andy your clan we will get a Dodger they're all nukes Dodger Klan lot Snooks Koza again which our girl [Music] that guy's face yeah Horton you'd have a clan who's the sleeping guy oh you're dead okay I won't name you then are you dead inside the eatery someone pick that guy up here I'll get it I'll get it I got it what is it this one oops okay don't mind the blood to the cemetery here you go one deposit deposit they go down because they're everywhere I saw do I have a break already si ohms that's hot air balloons I want those for sure yeah okay what's giant we're gonna throw it back over here to find the behind the university put it squeeze it in not here yeah right there I thought I had a brig around here somewhere the officer Moses C Horton look there's a Hattie tagging a cosa there's Dodger the new guy more Hattie's and lots of nooks they're all nooks nook seems to be the one that actually survived this I got handy are in there now okay so we don't have a brig you're very old I won't name you you however beep yes where are you are you here you hide out in there get to work you what I say was any breeze or Bri you know I'm the burns don't you all died out there's a whole herd of them there we had a people again yeah we had the birds we had the head break a long time ago - they all died out so we nukes everyone's a look except for you oh you're a girl so I'm gonna name will stick around nanny we're gonna call someone be in honor of yesterday or geez go hey doctor how's it going yep everyone the Nook might be time to start branching out the nukes to a second grouping getting built yet yeah it's gonna take a long time for all this stuff but we just hit fifty people okay things are looking up maybe power is the problem so we're every time we get low power where's yuna's Abbott again how we doing here we're sold we're a little bit feared you see something that's sick or whatever we can healed them you should go to the doctor and where is it where's the hospital ass over here business as a school hospital okay some of the broken building there hey there you go all better I'm cozy no no no no you are a dark thug fancy hat buddy well what if I do something good it's a good question if it isn't good for them open a little bit there is a village [Music] so hey you guys kind of like me you still kind of aggressive what can I do here to help you out there's a giant one eyes did they rebuild those Town Center we're pretty close well yeah that is the one we broke they're a town center but its back they don't like us I mean you're here 20 okay can I use them for you and say hey can I do to make you happy you over there I'm giddy staff Thompson I'm sure that I'm gonna be able to do much fires too much make them a tree there you go okay we got a believer have some trees [Music] I'm almost out yeah what about the fry them well we have points to do no we don't all right all right I'll resist here is I want to get very large farm it's not being made I want to get these batteries done prior times fifty-five people we're finally getting population you know what else we can do here we just sort of sit back get tech in we got what we get that was new here Oh Glass Works is done uh-huh okay that's a giant requires the desert okay so the desert is over here that worker yes makes a glass all right yeah it's pretty good attacks I never did okay let's get some more of these basic ones time cutting water capacity Oh clean oil practices more on pencil oh no ya know get lifespan Oh twin possibility increased by 50% why did I ever have this one water refill right yeah whatever okay get these old ones that I skipped past a long time ago so maybe a good idea let me see how many three people do we have we go look here we have one free person so there's all our watchtowers at we're not easy to find I think they'd be a little bit easier that one back there so yeah we don't need two people here for sure dibala can handle that one that wasn't built yet you're a fly right why I'm but I'm not seeing them no one's there are anyways you know what forget the weather but alive no there's one I'm gonna leave that one there one chip though there that way because that's kind of a nice outskirts one probably I had that one full in this one as well so we'll leave those I'm curious we get let's see here look at Tudor architecture alright as we just got long ago where is it this way where do we get newer houses with cement I want to see like modern houses we get those architecture they're coming soon something that will lead to newer houses can I build a wall our leader is actually alive this time whatever I did someone believes in me good that'll give us more storage at here so many things be made too much where's all my stone winners no shift just more people okay hey Bruno yeah no much else to do we just sit back and let folks do the thing let folks do that thing more people 56 all right 20 nuggets believing me yay I think maybe yes I guess electricity is the key make sense I suppose Robin you do we preparing for a date okay perfect I'm you're gonna be a rabbit I'll rename a note for one this time cars and planes in monera that's cool and find a young one youngling you you're a Hattie I'm wondering is there I didn't think about this before but if I was on the unstable branch for this game that has new stuff I should look this many farmers make me with that Oh 40 deadly seed okay yeah oh that is a new farm look at that's it yeah look at that it's a fancy farm Oh windmill very cool know if I am or not actually particular I think about it in my own beta no is there a bait there's not a betta it's not a beta branching on this ceiling I give up what's what's it all about [Music] yeah yeah this guy's kind of things there's unless have some sort of codex put in there's no we try something let's try something so I'm gonna savor quick oh we can't say we're gonna have to add one let's go build an archiver quick I don't watch my archive I know where it is where's the dang archive at cram it over here somewhere or they throw it out of the way somewhere just yeah where's my hip right by this I may have actually doesn't work for this one pets and slave creatures let me go help him build this right there there's no onion stone look at the rocks same game is I've been playing the whole time I'm gonna save and get out I didn't see if we can just that cuz I should be able to in here shown yeah it should be a drop-down menu right there isn't one is there a code we can type in to get a beta branch not see one I'm looking at the patch notes here and I'm not seeing point three what's are we on oh we're on it we're on point three okay we're good yeah we're good point zero zero three zero is the pageant that just came out that's what we're on yeah we're good all right 60 people in this village now Baltic was a little bit of power and lots of building materials how's that stone mine working you working still yep you're still working mining stone very slowly you're working as well you're doing all that I need more wood double shift no just do two people here and I'm gonna make some trees there you go I partially cut them inside here okay I think they only mined well I don't know I mean mostly just my inside this is our biggest our biggest bottleneck here is resources if we can get I can help them out with this I'm a god there you go a nice time for a lag wait autosave it's my my archive is done where do you go in the log one which is this one hey go have some logs my archive is done it's gonna auto-saving be really annoying so I'm gonna turn it I'm gonna shut it down wherever I put it through this you get out close this place [Music] yeah there's no motor there's no motor houses yet and they're not all coming soon just some of them it is really interesting and that's kind of that's like that's been the name of this game but the story of this game is is how cool it may become every time I look at it they come up with the new new patch notes and things and saying about what the plans are I think in all it's gonna be amazing it's just very very slow going you know it's it's much it's come a long ways since I first played it I played it on a it's been like two years I think the first time I played this it's my second most viewed video ever is actually that first time I played this like fun right that wasn't viewing something and back then it was only a primitive stuff we didn't we didn't have anything medieval nothing like that I think it ended right before you got to the tooter architecture or electricity or something and yeah it every time I come back and play it it's it's it's like man I it's really cool I want more so I've a stick with it I don't be very happy I suppose I'm just impatient four minutes until then we have plenty of power we have I can't get any new power things because when our tech tree I picked up I should get two different up but I picked up this one kinetic energy because I got kinetic energy and has to be nugget power powering our buildings I could've gotten wind energy just build a bunch of wind power wind turbines we've been fine last time I did this one which got us a power plant I think so they made and so you just make a power plant done so there was many things a lot of mines are free to have multiple sources of power I mean good main things a lot nicer a lot nicer so we've got the assessment celebrations we don't do that the celebrations around here we got the divine punishment so I start having twins more often police I'm sure them get all these backwards carry capacity cut the fish out faster but if double this law speeds up your research progress this law huh that means oh the mayor is doing everything Wireless what easy dance the mayor was a message wasn't medicine one now you're here a medical one you're not a research so annoying nothing physical and oh what did that coming soon like phones it and they believe you are real well he's right no no no no only one of you how do I make you wear only one person ever works here you know what closed get out buildings closed it out to deal with it later no I'm at power I don't have any ability to make more power I might have I'm out of God points run faster buddy run where is my how we doin here with the with the people still on me on the fear side why I'm good no crab nothing but good things to you people the farms cool-looking I like the new farm putting food still tons of water little Dodger you know why I click on the Town Hall and it says prison looky nook cuñado nuke somebody keep running we got five more points before I can zap that we could do they can always sacrifice people please grab someone toss them in the in the hell well under attack ma where where where where you walk into why you moving so slow I don't see anybody what just jump to where they're at me dead Tonto what go they are here where are they without it just the one person okay we got them I guess okay that's quite an attack but now what where's my alert I don't know where they're at to the hole are you you are one I don't think so come here good where's my yeah yeah already dead so I didn't really count good job [Music] we mean watchtowers we got it it's hard to make my electricity production I can't control that well I guess we got all two of them there's more of them out here somewhere well this one right there let's go for a little trip buddy right there there we go there's some points excellent okay we need power let's go make it so they were over back this way is it more Hey I'm guessing the watchtower guy here took around paddy I know whatever yeah it's very loud the electricity is super loud I'm leaving it that way 227 nuggets believe in me we got 70 nuggets here now very good I'm gonna spend some points maybe some more trees I keep them all inside here who's that yeah yes Craig Thank You Craig thank you very much like I said something I would have never known ever known if you hadn't said tell me all right yeah make that thing what do you need oh you need you need gas if it is gas and cement I can't make that we don't have the ability to make any of that come on just move for me okay so why is it giving the ability to make a glass factory whenever I can't even know I don't even know what cement is yet I need cement to make the glass factory things a little backwards I'll take it's what is there another one around here somewhere oh well it's like town it's all a nice and big and built up over here and everything over here is still stone age land at these old reservoirs I guess I can upgrade we're gonna hold off look as we have any resources for it make some fancy water towers come on where's uh what couriers where's my courier Hut any more of those to help haul things around Oh gram of this science food for all school creator point reproduction is going down I don't want that one happiness +2 you know what sure yeah that's what it is good they're in and all the poverty would upgrade this one I'm gonna see it looks like my smoke and gate upgrade as well we don't give you the hospital University confuse for some reason ten babies oh look at that trees are gone already there you go have a couple more well all the people now we can say hey someone come work here again look at all the people we have who's this guy I'm cosa how about we we had them where they never had a st. Clair us we have but let's do a maverick then the first name I see right there whatever paddy Tower at the river this one I'm holding off no we're upgrading until we get some things made what's our complete so we was injured like these Weiser days I'm never gonna get made no that stuff is everything it made until we get some resources in you know we could do with people now we can make a whole nother set of lumber mill and all that universe don't mind maybe Regis we put Watchtower over there looking made farm getting upgraded slowly you know we could do now that we have people we can go in here into these people working here just one checked into Town Hall start setting up the Ministry of Education no defense that's for watchtowers and make random watchtowers entertainment can do in defence our power is for power wheels and these like that food will give us farms and medicine will make hospitals in these I want a minister of entertainment was architecture do I want that [Applause] sneering does what much worth it is Terry buildings constant instruction work probably makes engineers okay any Belinda nears touch sure I deal with that ministery of entertainment yes forget to fish forget the well I want the other one we had education gives me schools handles concession of schools and universities but I have those I don't need any more of those Cameron still not built yet hmm let's do it we've got people now okay we're set up a whole new production zone we're gonna go build a little um wood refinery note a wood a lumber mill why isn't a lumber mill in the Woodruff inland wood refinery in the same place resources lumber mill another one of these is gonna go back here behind the prison this way like that and then we're gonna prioritize it I guess next to it we can put it in a sawmill we'll get that done first and they're also gonna need to get a stone mine another stone mine I think which has to go in the mountain zone there's a stone right there but we can put a stone men over here I think I see there's a resources resource management is what's over there I get it but right over here Wells yeah you'll need Wells wherever they are they are - it right over here that well at least get the basic reason right that's more wood that's more stone so hopefully that'll help keep the other resources going well Nyna hall are carrying things but you're talkin yeah we know we know I mean how do you know how to make wheatgrass whoo yeah looked at there's so many people working here now we need an herb we have deadly seed coming right we need paying a brain plum cuz you're making deadly scene right yeah you're doing deadly see which is a herb for our doctors you're making this food hey buddy you fix that broken bone for you oh he believes me are we looking still on the feed side whatever a little bit of food we can probably use a little more I think well it's winter so I should come in for too long look we got but 86 all right open space long time ago get getting it updated did it I think did it did it release it when it was pretty early our long honeymoon I think how long ago it wasn't that long ago I looked I guess it was back in about six months or so ago when I played a video of it so were you I gotta find my courier problem is I'm reading is here you're a house you're engineers where is a courier no idea I think it'd look like a little house I'm not sure we just make another one I guess where was it gonna be in adaption resource management maybe careers hot ok throw it in here with everything else all right there all right it's very immediately spring no babies right now think more of those I know some people still have huts I don't surprise I still have these but we have we have a few things not a lot haven't actually made recently these these uh these houses need more them see how good-looking are you doing over here tons of people work here wait too many people work there prior to prioritize again I guess I prioritize I'm gonna actually wouldn't stone can I pick those up no there's none why aren't you working faster work harder I think I think I'm making it fast it's just as soon as it gets made it's getting hauled around by someone like this guy he didn't actively over there trees are getting piped I guess in here I think I can really do about the size of the spread of the town because the placement boxes of everything this is really big so I packed everything in pretty much as tight as I could this is done all right okay so what is shifty for us let me read this I don't suppose make like I think it makes the Nuggets happy where it is though shifts tends to start nuggets at an appropriate moment in opportune moments don't watch nugget dozing off right before Wolfpack waltzes into town ensure your workers have enough time to safely fulfill the daily needs even then fresh and happy so quarter that seems like we should have shifts they'll make more babies but I don't know that'll give us would at least and we'll get stone in there I'm gonna we're not making oh we're not making we made that because the only uses basic resources this one however these need a fancy stuff yeah I need shift for baking so we do I can't wait for downtown come on hurry up downtown I want to see you 35 or fine stones never gonna happen this is he may think it made soon what do you need I can help you with the wood there you go one more [Music] Morse's upgrade you know you iron minds about the fall apart but we can't have that all right too far away for the engineers to get to I can fix that no I can't have enough points YouTube channel working co-star you and YouTube are you on Twitch yes I'm made it may be more than just there may be a lot of broken things with YouTube livestream today kind of guessing judging by my experience this morning with it alright one points who had we have our our brackets for next next time whenever someone asked him to tell me mystery of Education no that was me know those Ministry of that was one we want to come out I'll take that one and I'll take edge graveyard sure medieval cemetery yeah and modern chemistry ok so now that we have we have where's my main town hall here it is you I need Minister of entertainment that's gonna be a phrase job defense and builds watchtowers I don't you think being built right now I just want you just to you can build a few entertainment building that's fine medicine builds doctors offices and things architecture will get next well and we need it food builds farms hey brick thanks sorry you hon we have 13 available it'll sign I don't know how that works I can't read I don't have to read that Oh number that should not be Auto so we're gonna have five free nuggets see if that works I want to assign somebody to work well siphon about power I guess no go take care of that food sure Hattie you got it medicine whatever look okay defense I'm not gonna do Matt whatever okay so now what's gonna happen is they should auto make things start from the start we won't have any faints town Main streets here but people will start making automatically entertaining buildings in schools and whatever else that they need so it should be very hands-off but even more hands-off than it already is we got a broken bone over here we can fix oh I got it I got to fix the iron mine there you go hey butter has gone oh no heat some sort of mass transit system right it's getting from this farm over here this lumber mill over to town hall is like a three-day walk yes like a large yes that's perfect for University I'm a large scanners Pop's him over dad yeah yeah is that there's a game that is it baldies is that the one that had that where you could shoot people your your people together side anyone remember baldies it's an oldie [Music] what's this watchtowers never gonna be made engineers needs power what you doing get back on their own in shifts struggles by electricity yeah 89 people that were about to hit 100 we're getting there yes we got Stone Age medieval modern our town is a mix of everything you want the modern you come over here this paints a university you want the medieval you got this tower right next door you want Stone Age you got this the cemetery we we look at work out here all within sight very nice I got to believers we're not having electricity apparently all right we got to figure out what to do about electricity we could oh I know what to do I know what to do don't you have a ton of kids just now oh if tons of kids what's happening I know what to do I got it figured out under the key of this where is sacrifice who are you oh yeah you'll make a nice sacrifice so we need power there go there's plenty now with you going fry this thing parmesan I'm gonna hold off there's a little bit power and I'm gonna hold off until it's gone the YouTube chat isn't showing up over there is there alright I'll just turn off then I think yeah it's something very broken so turned out for me I wish we could yeah slavery meet that in the game I should be an option to get four people we could send our armies out to go collect them you get him to work no can't explain it that's what I want to do smell of burning writing flesh twin hire a cop again we're gonna let let Hattie handle that and then we're gonna get a prison open and Dodger can handle the prison I mean we need more names butter you want a name eat you walking together never Somoza Barnes oh can you turn on the buildings no what buildings sends on which ones off oh these are off oh yeah I just want one building mate that's all I ask for maybe the balloon Hut just one of these is that is that too much to ask took the stone hut is done anyone work in there yeah let's be working there 67 stones to refine stone so let's make a nope my Nikes going to prison production stone refinery right here and this needs wood and stone okay I got it I got it there you go look at me being helpful what stone there you go keep it unlocked okay that's not enough stuff but it's a little bit okay oh I think we got a hundred and eight people in this side what happened why is that one all decided decided to all of a sudden just make babies what happened power electricity an amazing thing extra believers got thirty-five believers of those 109 people things are looking up I wonder if we were to like say built a second town is that possible probably not because you have a town hall a town center and I can I make one of those right it'd be in underwear would be epicenter I can't make a second epicenter I'm gonna make one of those I don't leave I think people would just walk forever we tried that before never make a fire station is still being built let's grab another Rando up here finally where's our village is that here we go you guys feel about me for a little ride back to what I'm right wherever my home is miss Wayne and sacrifice time who would they fear me now oh not really what I want hey the terrans gonna complete it no way really where is it yeah there it is oh right we have a tavern unbelievable it's finally been made I can't believe it has no food but it'll get there two minutes we have a tavern apparently they sell pizzas excellent bout time four people work here three P of work here but nobody drinks here so we fell off a ladder I have tons of stone no refined stone now she's done yet it is okay good work there Horton Dodger whoever I just put in make me some of those 38 people believe us 109 folks here still salads who goes to a tavern for a salad for snow not fire for station fire interviews here creator I have a great survival tip for you hmm where did I put it I don't get back to you hurry are you in a long time I'm out of power again where's it all going we need more I know now what I mean those trees math I supposed to put you in here a long time ago how do I forget your name I need another one where are you come out come out it's sacrifice time that's like I fight an animal no yes there's one no not that one [Music] okay right there 34 time for power then we got a little bit now just get made if this but you made I can I think maybe I can fry both of these are one look purple one bolt will do both I'm hoping so we can just get double the power take a pee break work week though so I'm going to go five minutes here and I'm gonna let this thing play seems to be tornado free lately take a minute to go back bathroom in and then we'll let this hopefully is empower all right John so you're back everybody's fine so I've been thinking I use my pee time as a time to think about things and today I was thinking that I have spent this entire game we're near the end of the game here so the entire game trying to get people to love me no matter what they'll never love me they're always in a fear me so I think [Music] we should become what the people think that we are and that is a vengeful God that murders everyone so we're gonna go do that I need points because I want to do things like where is it where is it when storm see and change where's the fancy ones there's fire it's no fun like like tornadoes throwing tornadoes on the people yes wind storms is there like a meteor one was it's not we're gonna go and start causing some problems but hey you want to be hit I fix I'm not gonna fix you a man store even there we're gonna sacrifice not ourselves though other people Haley had a house going we're gonna go fries and boast you who are you come here come here it's time your whole civilization learns we're all right over here mmm like that you know what if I do this what if I come over here and I say what if we try something this bill yet oh one of them's built I'll warn you one of these times more powered we got it thanks Matt Matt's I got a name somebody after you I've been termine to do this for forever Matt Farrell what where'd you go Burrell Zhu mu mo it's your name that's right we working on here contraception man yeah we went that guy that guy he's losing who's left we got some votes left science food no babies how do 19 babies here so here's my experiment know what to try or their village at there's another one right there where's their village or there's a village be close to us I think we're right here they are over are you planning on doing anything about the water situation or do you awesomely enjoy watching our civilization suffered water not judging just curious I've never run out of water well not today anyway 40 points to get water okay hang on we're getting it I'm working on it I saw somebody who you are you know off the tree I'm William I need water buddy and you're my air my answer I missed there's 40 all right it worked all right I need a rain fill these things up sweetie more pumps in really upgrade isn't there a minister of water we get we get Risa uh we get electricity before we even get uh that's the first thing we get mr. of power yeah I want bridge you got that in the control well we got Emir coming out real soon Soviet republic comes out in between I and on the fifteenth I'm always big Tropico fan so in tropical comes up pretty soon we've played a little bit at one Horry and I looking forward to for you know somebody so experiment time let's see we our house is there where is the nearby village I know this one real close to us remember where it is though there's Minh right there right there you guys like us do you hate us okay well we hate you too we're gonna go and we're gonna make a watch tower right here I haven't seen it uh oxygen fluid in a long time you need lots of things where's that steel you iron let's get some some inch modern chemistry ready got that one no he's all coming soon I want those [Applause] gunpowder yes water water for purification it was a pump one down here wasn't though that we skipped no he's got it root meals how do we get chemical factory lost now where am I at beeps blend me around there we go so we're gonna go work on that build a tower murder those guys so I played me boo I didn't like it so no I keep eating comments about playing me boo what's so great about it it's I don't know maybe I should check it again but I played it for just a little bit and it seemed like it's in my cup it seems like a poorly made are I really mean so I won't say it but it just yeah and then like the thing that got okay so I want to be like petty but the thing that got me not liking I started the game up in in the the village it's like it's like it's like Age of Empires was good haven't seen the game and the villagers start doing this stupid the dance and I couldn't handle it so I showed off but it didn't seem like it was anything new I thought I play games that are all doing original but it's in ibu oh this broker person I'll get you once I get some points I will anyway I mean if you okay so those of you to play the game I guess you may know but I was gonna do a video and I was sorry I was thinking bout doing video anyways because people keep asking me to play the game but like if I try to appeal to nerds that play age of empire style games you're not gonna have some stupid fortnight dance no we're complaining I need sacrifices were you all at where's your kids I'm for a sacrifice I'm out no this one oh it's red shirt guy we saw him before no he'll on the one pick him up get back here yeah the trees I can't pick you up then do I so cheap on quartiles all right and you go oh is this this is our fire department yeah it is hooray that's a modern building so little food over here why so how about carrying food in here in cemetary you are nearly our balloon thing which never get made oh you need cement and gas which oh and glass why is it why is it make me why can I get that where is it where is it I want to complain did it go out of order [Applause] where's the balloons at so here's the gas okay so there's a hot-air balloons and then okay no my fault not the game why you got hot air balloon I should I guess I should have gone this way and then gone up to that one okay [Music] I'm surprised everyone so alive everyone's so happy the 117 of us we got 39 people believe in me food the little on the short side if I get a Ministry of food however that should solve that problem hanging one food and that's that's what you jet what your name Hadiya Teddy's job so we built a new house so they should auto upgrade how many said it up though just to make sure see I was mighty our day when it's back this way right worth that village [Music] yeah again some materials in there good I guess good thing built these and following other roads going okay still in mines working so we have stone coming in so thanks again about 162 stone now finally we have our three resources I guess we probably need to get a what you call it Oh cement factories here so we need cement any glass right do make the glass one yet it's here it needs cement so we gave that cement factory now in this moment [Music] maybe not so big we will stash it right over here what's blocking the way right there [Music] what why why is it ruined awfully sad to see panda brain get villain to waste why demands resources do you do ya humble village of magicians painters freestyle dance hobbyists fighting isn't in our blood lost all of our winter reserves no we decline we don't do this what do you want you have zero food you're wanting me to give you food are you wanting an artsy village slip and Dale that's the one that we're trying to go kill right now isn't it got a path going back here this is it sniffing Dale no you're the sane one so I met back up with a swimmer and the way it is though especially a darker can't see on the way they are we go fry him Christie shortage that you are you the ones that's I'm back I'm back on all the way around I need to pick someone up real quick while we're over here might as well know one off the tree got you and we go okay now we need power is my second battery done yet they're just the one by the way it's loud all right thanks Steve need more power more refined stone I mean would you like a warehouse right back here resource management back over here where all the resources are happening look at look at Main Street mm-hmm how's this uh goes our thing working here tower this oh you're clearing a path for the road know what you're doing that's what they did they clear a path for the roads okay who wants to be a sacrifice there's one goal the road Torrio you're welcome freeway oh you're not feeling too good buddy well let me fix you up there you go what a good guy I am remember that whenever you fear me really a 30-point there's no me doubles my name we get 30 points everyone's slowly gaining faith I said basically I have to gain it by sacrifices yes I'm getting this infused with Himalayan I think there was also it was a comet tornado people though eventually it isn't that funny of the sounds cause it is the wheels done alright that'll help power out it'll help a lot of two wheels going kids had a cold day today actually it's underrated right now but it's super cold outside its twenty three right now Fahrenheit the wind chill my phone doesn't get wind chill Oh feels like 10 yeah it's cold there's like negative like six below this morning I don't know I'm not sure that is in Celsius it's way down there you know you know what I want to be one of those old men that complain about kids and school but whenever I was in school we had cold days I remember ever missing a day of school because it was cold like they didn't care like yeah get your butter there and fries at the bus stop we don't care get to school no excuses but nowadays back when I was young - twenty-one Celsius that's cold yeah we get me ice we had a lot of ice days and even then they wouldn't cancel now they'll cancel before like the night before they'll think it might be an ice storm schools canceled and now they we've had two days now just this year just the last couple weeks where it was forecasted to have snow and ice the night before so when a hidden cancer at school because they thought it might be icy and then it wasn't I see so that was fine but so they kids had no school nice day I don't mind saves me from getting up early yeah like eat Akira I'm not no intention of going outside today however I think my kids still have this we'll have Scouts so I do have to drive them to scouts so I'll see if I can I'll see if I can push through it start my car early so I get the heater going girl on the look out isn't it so we could switch this over how where's my medicine meter medicines do I have I have 300 medicines okay I don't need that anymore so you changing over to panda brain plum I no longer need that much herbs how they build oh the automaker man is making a hospital over here warehouses are coming in because reason we didn't every building houses for a long time so didn't how many people living here school daily sure because it was already minus ten plus whatever Oh with my sin plus the windchill that's mighty cold yeah normally went up normally whenever school is canceled Scouts is canceled but they are having it today for some reason I think because they're something big happening tonight on tour what it is so I guess they said even the school canceled it we still have to get so you know what the stream will be over as soon as we get a balloon ride that's all we need we need cement and glass right wait why did he glass what what you need cement for it's a hot air balloon you need balloon that's it oh my cop did howdy howdy you're dead um yeah I love - I love cemetery get you my I feel kind of bad for my my kids they so we have this one campout in January every year they go to Kansas and it's it's stupidly cold and they went this year and it was stupidly cold and so they're camping in tents and it was like I think it was like the low was 15 I think and which is what- there's something in celcius and the next the next month they had another campout for another one not in Kansas but in Oklahoma and my oldest was like now I don't wanna do another campout it's too cold I want to stay home I want to freeze anymore I was like I don't worry about it's gonna be fine it won't be cold like the last one and it was exactly the same temperature as as the one in Kansas like it was up nice all it wasn't is in February it was nice first half of the year nice and warm all February and then all of sudden we had a weekend where I just froze and that was the weekend they went to go camp so uh poor guy but he doesn't care he's fine he's got a blanket what else what is this we paid their demands why'd you do that you people are dumb all right I think that demands the sacrifice I think was it your fault no I like you you make people make babies 115 people a that's pretty good I guess the most we've ever had we had around that points I'm gonna do my let's play of this 810 episodes or whatever yeah I figure you know what those are the ones that you remember the most someone's when you're like sitting in the snow camping and yeah those are good times so he hates it now but I'm sure he'll love it when he got back he was fine he didn't he wasn't even cold at night yes you can't sacrifice the leader you don't like them are you working faster it's my warehouse right yeah prioritize that that way when they get this these materials that put them here so they can get stuff made over at this side of town cleaver hey battery's done yeah so anyway normally I'm leaving right now to go get the kids from school pathetic how it is cool so we'll finish this up I want it I want to get at least to the end here though all limbs still intact [Music] there's my power button on my mark maybe I some trees here nevermind you got palm trees notice Shamu zahir Somoza but Kira we got a Matt Burrell already finally we got who wants to be a tamed Markin if we had a mark and yet we do now there's maverick never look Potti of power foods a little low but I think it's sustainable do you have food yet yes you do have food excellent ensure food yeah weapon to that guy Horton get in there some people have already a head in here entertainment back in there we all die y'all dying Tomo care about medicine so much water I do want water Oh mark one I've been saying wrong the whole time let's go see about getting some creator points here Gotha nearby town here terrorize them a little bit rebuilding it build it already all right there's one nothing treat it zero kid at the moment my my dictator is not doing his job Hey tell me Simoes I can't irritation Moses who do we not have here we don't nor do we who's in here and dear doing the the town service yeah the note names the sort took over and what he's our note dodger another Somoza here but he's old by age we should all the young ones are named endear Horton there's another Somoza HR manager are you you're in in here now if I catch you all change your name these things never get made worth a shot I guess now is the this working no we're fine Stowe and there should be tons of it right here just go pick it up here put it in there so we had some well problems but we I set up some upgrades oh one of you oh hey look there's yep wait are you upgraded your the upgrade of one right hold yeah you you sound a little more smoother granny stuff alright what we not have yet we have everything we have everything that one that's it that's the end Oh muscles okay at the end I want you to upgrade again because I want to see what you like in your final state my HR my agent and my manager of water should be doing this on his own water the only three available Nuggets right now any more babies if power we got food we have not a lot of calories and when I try this see if it works where I try to zap both of these see if it works there we go okay perfect if I can squeeze another battery in here can't sweet no it's too big I probably may not work if I put like this why not put this thing right here [Music] battery's going right there oh I oh whoops whoops I didn't mean with a shift like I control click yeah that one okay that was a waste all right so we get for those I mean next lighting strike will get us lots of power what's wrong with you are you uh are you a prisoner no nope belongs in prison hey bus has gone [Music] and that was what I just remove my cement factory right Jin like expansion we're in our movie theater focus I could remove my talent hall and sort of a new one I was just about to compliment you on your fantastic new ice sculptures thanks a bit then I realized those were just frozen nuggets cement factory hey Bella please giant this what the thing [Music] not too bad but I'm enjoying it class works Hospital Oh election time let's see religious focus focus more on religion rather than research crater point production up research free yeah want that guy because we we don't have any more research to get food for all or disease vaccinations or that one feeling I mean my Sam I still feared I want you I want to look at the place yes yeah terrifying me I wouldn't have any other way I think it's I'm gonna have to go that way because we we have to keep doing the lightning thing I think that scares people I don't know why slippin Dale here that's what I was before before I want which is a fire cost 50 come here into where is the okay there's our 50 let's try something it is before I think we did a fire last time didn't we let's burn we're gonna burn this one cuz it's always next anything else yeah there we go [Music] [Music] sorry walking so close to fires any won't happen mm-hmm mm-hmm okay Oh a melted snow - of course it does anyone else wanna check out this fire drill scary now religious okay it's fine it's burning pretty good and yeah bring in that water we need a lot of it so we're using 356 narrating 600 burn in the whole village down we got when you get the Town Hall cops like its slowly make its way or that way I think it is as all people in this town hello whale that'll teach you to get distracted my house is going up there it goes yes the Town Hall is gone how many of them are left heretics that's the problem not anymore no one around here though I meant people there's one who are you something down yeah burned your house and burn you to play good mountain I need points let's go get some points you all build town I'm gonna get points forget this man [Music] this woman was over here where'd he go I saw him [Music] this way the chopping block has everything looking anything get built yet oh good this is done so I kind of like this to only hold stone in planks out of matters holdover soon as that first hot air balloon goes up at the end of the stream [Music] it's our goal doing what you guys doing out here where's everyone going are you going the chameau Zoey no more she Moses Craig I completely agree Nord Oh burn down they're building it back up now yeah me too I need to come and get this food on the ground who are you well women Koza eh I've seen your kind before up to 93 [Music] here monkeys [Music] these muscles is that the last one that is isn't it you're all done and no move here I think I did get commit yet over here we have missed it's all done we got all of it no guns yet sadly yeah that's it we're done all the tech is done okay thanks library check didn't just that one was that out over here pop they're just upgrades our archive I thought I'd get into viewers I put I just from now on that's my new trick I'm gonna put kimchi thumbnails on everything I play you'll never know you all be somewhat disappointed every time you like you come in there build another one of these things because apparently they think any more power anybody oh we do have people in jail who's in jail who are you can I see you in there no you mean one of those I guess oh I couldn't see I can see and I'd look Somoza would you ever have a name like Somoza not allowed who's this look No set him free that was good let's go oh there's the electric chair oh my okay can I get it inside yeah just that one day can I got another buildings that's kind of neat can I look inside the University I know some of the houses we can look inside what is it is this a house oh that movie theater okay yeah of course it is what's playing nobody knows always even visiting the booth movie theater which guys know what good is I watch a movie somewhere this is my courier good and I upgrade you know [Music] how durable in one of these days watch no cemetery we can okay the cemetery yeah I'll go to a medieval cemetery I think so what that guys [Music] um I don't care about healing you not gonna like me anyway so what's the point this needs to be prioritized it's never gonna happen we need iron I don't care about watching these anymore we're good we're good on food I need to look at the iron iron and glass and cement will get it eventually cement okay sure all right research is all done let's get iron factory back online we're now open for business a breeze and a Shimoda all right 130 nuggets did my new water thing get done I want to see you go to the next level working on it we need one thing of iron ready warehouse is sure who can I ought Oh upgrade things I thought I could go ahead and fill these I mean extra notice we got so we got 13 extra nuggets so we'll do we have one of we have those we're just missing medicine defense and education I don't care about those medicine defense education nobody wants that stuff anyway sneaking fried we just fried somebody man this place is brutal and it called me the evil one you know you're gonna be you're in jail anyway so come here guess what you're free there we go so you've got the only things we can evil do is win storm no big deal gentle caress of a soothing breeze on a hot day a tornado a terrifying tree no to ravage the land 180 that's all we can do so let's do it where is that village at over here where are some people walking around there's one right there let's go this way do you believe in me now that what happened okay we need to get what was it 184 tornado [Music] never to find that town again bit ramp there's plenty of times I hear we finished final they're all aggressive to me what are you making now you had a tower what's that you're trying to make a minute I'm gonna sacrifice are going to do we're gonna water crops don't go away well without water Charles no electricity the light seemed to have gone out I do hope nuggets have gotten over their fear of the dark yeah okay everyone cover your ears here it is look out one of them I'm not gonna be able get all four we got a free sacrifice right here where is he that guy who's this yeah that look guy he's 58 years old anyway he's gonna die anyway so um he should be thankful he's helping out his community and his final days you go buddy you're welcome and now moving that Big Town where is it there it is okay how many people live here 21 is it well that's fine uh tornado time it's gonna go right there no go this way now you go the wrong way there's nuggets here no what are you doing I spent a lot of money on you get back oh well now I'm angry picking you up it's gonna heal my town isn't it all I'm gonna be around where's my townhall still out there yeah there it is who's that guy and ear what are you doing hey why are you here why are you here what's going on who this maverick mad for a little stroll in the park okay we saved it right right - all right don't mind so we got a house how's it being made is it a house it's get me way over here it's two pads now you got the the watchtower which never get maybe wait for iron Oh an engineer's hot way out here I have a terrible idea was a way we could do something to them other than just harass them like attack them or I don't know make demands of them or enslave them you know all the reasonable things let's see waiting for this needs iron prioritized iron mine a you irony [Music] yes you are full iron yeah but enjoy because to get it in range big house is going over there my water target operating yet it's similar I think black-and-white is kind of there it's kind of their big what's the word inspiration for this one all right so as soon as that's done then we can start getting glass then we can start getting a hot air balloon it's all we're waiting for okay we had 140 people in this town I'm actually hit 200 pinpoint that'd be incredible we have plenty of food we got we got all the stuff we need powers coming in just fine we got all these wheels going now oh I didn't think that's might be a good idea grab a watchman who works the watchtower yeah what are you doing this guy right here so hang on let me pause bird pick you up buddy okay come here let's try something a little bit of a ride am I going the wrong way [Music] okay with you right here in center town do your worst but you went you're here under what wait a minute you can't he's gone he's dead you into the earth um that's not how supposed to happen I gained a believer out of that apparently who are you wearing for a date buddy in there yeah who are you horton 63 year old man what are you in for escorting criminal okay well you served your town well you go out in a blaze of glory you go robot dinos evolved path what I want to see that interesting stories is there I just look at it wet um Anna for it's okay I'll just wait yeah we'll get more to a fortress for long anyone seen any updates on any updates report for a while [Music] um what about checking out some mods for it too we've seen a lot of like master working all that but there's all kinds of mods for fortress it's not a few of I guess in the past hey there's a fireman and dear you get him he's gonna mustache and everything a beard actually if you haven't been building reservoirs nuggets we'll have to drink leftover bath water this winter we're not a hundred fifty thousand units of water would be wine about tons of water just something I guess they say for a winter all right um I got five more iron coming in and we'll get this thing done we're out of buildings to make right so we got you everything right here warehouse battery local businesses are supposed to make them on their own if we have enough chemical factory anything uses those there's a cemetery who looks cool once it gets done that's what's happening to it right now fifty believers there's all our parks we didn't unlock the bountiful Bastion please guys quest food discovery we have the other ones I think do we have this one I've not bleep went you cemetery excited to see that dead juice over there these are big babies houses are people live here Wow okay giant houses oh hey how's it going I've seen you in a long time sweat sweat sweat cemetery Metiria it's over here somewhere here it is we're gonna print it again Oh Oh it's got more stuff oh it's getting done okay good Wow this is what this is a third day playing this so we're on what's probably about our number eight nine pretty much hit although we've seen almost all the content we have not seen a hot-air-balloon knows we're not ending it until we see a dang hot air balloon so all I ask all I want very very soon we'll have a cement coming in and we'll have glass and we'll have a cement and glass hot-air balloon that's right city builder its city builder got game my house has lots of those gee the park is done there is a fountain there very nice [Music] oh there it is oh yeah that fits in that fits in quite nicely yeah that fits the town aesthetic okay what what do we do here what do you do don't tell me you take oil or find wood and refine stone to make cement is that what happens you need oil to make to make this I think I have something don't I got lots of oil buildings are grinding to a halt without water and I'm out of water he'll do the same there's more water pumps before it's too late how are my water laying over here all right so we do right there well we have more stories as soon as we get 480 things eventually they'll walk great with you get some iron yeah I'm not sure I think they're mostly dumped the Stone Age where I remember last time from a long time ago actually they said they made the Stone Age and they're moving on to the medieval age but it took him a long time to deal with Stone Age stuff but it shouldn't be as much longer to get the rest of stuff because they have the groundwork done for for everything so and I'm assuming there's gonna be things in between that were that aren't quite in here yet hey Morgan has gone okay so that's done we got to get this factory down out now which require cement prioritize that I have an acute Forex page no the one that means I got one maybe up maybe 150 Nuggets reservoir is up which one one of those keep upgrading all these things that iron mine looking problem is way over here working collections electricity um we got to go make a deposit or a quick who would like to be the next deposit how about this guy okay bunch of over here now oops I meant to click the home thing no sorry sorry [Music] [Music] now you power always power I remember before when I did the whatever other one I did we mill power plan whatever it was I didn't need like power was never a problem you getting built your civilization is a constant source of entertainment gas I don't have a gas thing that's never an end I'm never gonna ever gas gas mine what do you need to make plastic oops off the screen fine I'll throw you over here somewhere when you want demand resources yeah well I demand you be quiet where are you which one of you better not accept this you points it's been I'm gonna put some points in that ya better not give them anything in fact I know where you are where are ya I want this one all right okay who's next where are you I know I saw more of you here where'd you go there's one yep launch them in the space we done it a couple times dump them into the lake if you want it's also a thing houses over here what's with this area over here being house land how's that where's that gas format yes whatever is elderly assisted living new laws of where's elders can mate excellent excellent yes that's what we want prioritize that you'd be some iron there everything's prioritized well it's for these next month I um I got a key from them a couple months ago and I started playing it but it seemed the same as what I had played before something I was waiting for for he's day before I looked at it again exactly movement more babies drop below 150 which is outrageous and we're also below 50 believers which is outrageous as well I have some food yeah cars iron which is my short thing now I should have I should have been leaving that running for a long time before I got to this point [Music] we still have planks we still have fine stone a little bit I mean that's gas cause I guess it's glass that cats either that nugget is in excruciating pain or they just discovered a crazy new dance have a look for yourself creator okay arch what happened to you you uh you uh okay broken leg no that means you go sorry nothing we can do fifty again exit yeah he didn't say hit for a long time oil wait why isn't it will over here plenty of oil a ton of oil I just not been hold I guess I can turn it back on no need for training just send them right in yes mine almost done it's getting built gasps mine was for the glass factory right glass needs gas whole ieave the village and I could goodbye I will I'll burn it that's what we'll do all right gasps minds up and running everyone get to work get some gas and let's go let's go have a party good idea [Music] yeah how many we got here we got 19 living here they're all pretty close in and also there's a lot of trees around it seems like a good place for this I'm gonna slide up there well okay there we go see you Nord Barnett's place down then the treat catch fire they better so there's 20 people yeah we're ridiculous demands point 17 of them there now you want to fight now that's what I thought all right don't worry a tower around a dozen right here don't cover it okay gasket made and going to here need cement to get made and you need oil which wise are no oil can I pick up oil some right I see it cuz I can't pick up boiled hold over there shining force I didn't whoa look at that oh yeah that's a good one we burn the whole town down six people live here now at least they're leather drying rack that's still around oh man oh and just in time for the tower to myself who's this guy is this one of mine no electricity again very carefully okay so I really think right here we got gas being made right and over this way you require there's no okay we got one gas pulled in but you require oil why is it no oil the minds working again the Regan so should go over there let me haul that oil sorry 9 cents that's cheap doesn't work soon we may have to just call it here but I really want to see my balloon wait I want my balloon you think nope [Music] it was oil at [Applause] where I know where oil was little Jack no yeah that's pretty early it's not new soon if I can oil here can i grab it somehow now interesting idea poor execution thanks as a career have a range this doesn't show as if it has a range no it can't I guess oh it's got some okay okay they finally made it they should start making it all right start doing it you don't to be all fooled to you the gas is looking good slowly very slowly so here in about an hour we'll have Oh hot air balloon morning they make it to have it full don't have to be full please we have our oil though so it's once it gets hauled it'll be over there I'm making a couriers hat it seems like an idea I wasn't Cheers it's always electricity shortage now he's a lot electricity you guys are running on your home oh there we go all right a cement our first piece of cement had been made okay so the cement has to go has to go both to here because you need two pieces of cement it also needs to go here to make the glass factory you need five pieces of cement okay just sit back and wait I think I know this game doesn't really have is lights no torch lights nothing the occasional building hasn't that parks house see from go to waste why is the harvest really why do you keep art why do you keep ruining the harvest farmers on the site keep saying that you're all fired do you lady Hedy oh yeah how did it look I didn't get one for myself so I don't know how it looks all I know is from what picture did it actually come out decent looking it is a big so use it the wire and murdery so cool excellent it was a it was a bag like a what like a backpack kind of what do you call him some sort of bag noth-nothing pillow another pill if my face on it boy we got the gas over there we need to cement anything ever gonna happen yeah so I grabbed a human and threw them into my sacrifice my temple we sacrifice them for God points so I can do things like casts electric bolts and start fires it's getting a bit chilly in here winter is coming creator it's creepy vana rabbit oh is this one almost done yeah yeah good I want to see the new 165 people so there's two ways we can do this I tried the whole game to be nice my people because if you're nice to them then they go towards the love bar and if they love you your points climb fast so they sort of over time slowly grow but no matter what I did it seems like they are always fearful of me I don't know why so I decided to go though for fear the man walking through our town I don't know I'm tempted just to like jump into the sandbox mode and then just make the thing no don't we can sacrifice the means we want so we said we need 250k I think it'll go up once this gets made it's a big construction I guess [Music] we are downtown done looks nice you know they make more than just the one much cement I have no cement do you know how holy water is made creator you boil the hell out of it unfortunately it's so cold out here even the pumps of frozen all right I don't anything else to do here so or gonna sit watch I guess I don't know what I don't wear out of things to make we're out of research we're just gonna wait for this again still yeah okay it's working again good five cement for that sweet seven cementation be that long I wouldn't think well what am I even put in here toejam and Earl I don't a two nuts house golem can turn all these on education sir defense sure I mean L says job medicine you know it in there all right governor yeah we got no treatment [Music] that's my uh that's my trick low quality camera everything she be get made on their own they they're building houses and whatever else they make giant houses are rocking big as this must look can peek inside go I only looked at one room though but once I can expand on this I bet they will because it's kind of a cool a cool idea but it's just a very simple idea what if they're gonna add there's me what a movie theater why hey that too a 521 mance will get another one I don't so um you are you villagers are you murdering like you should be people over here I will only five people live in this town now creator I'm hearing reports of Nuggets narrowly avoided death by falling debris maybe it's a good idea to avoid watching some more in nine years bugs no no no my farms where's my job muffled okay back away where'd it go what happened to it that was done that was it just ran through my farm but didn't do any damage okay um okay oh one more cement and we'll have it yeah I went through my this thing too and it didn't damage it the battery in let's go ahead and everyone cover your ears do you Dodger wake up there's some cement going through excellent when you just one more over there hot air balloon do you have all of yours yes you have all your cement need two pieces of glass alright so this better be immaculate if if I'm disappointed in this hot air balloon I quit quitting anyways but it better be good what's with you whining about the water being pumped oh we had a water again cool very cool look at the water pump in the mikans a we get bigger no it's as big as it gets still very cool again we're gonna fit another one in here water tower No but we cannot parade eventually I guess we need yeah we need another you remove over here get in here anywhere No whoa it's all something in there a little bit there it is never live with that hospital so I'll let them build it okay it's all there build the thing [Music] you need two pieces of glass when we need four glass who know it's probably something we don't have I think you just gonna come out it's saying though I think it just comes out oh I'll be the Wells yeah oops now we'll help out they can probably upgrade a couple times someone back here there it is okay so look read that well which does what which brings out it pumps 47 how much do these terrible ones do they bring out 44 so if I make a video mm-hmm I can fancy I kind of agree vana but that's one thing about this game that I I wish would have I wish it was more godly see you Tom I wish it was more like say the actions that I do I guess it kind of does that that way but we never saw this we never we never saw Crimea problem how people are always happy and crime was never an issue I wish it would be more like say I'm sacrificing all the people maybe you know people get cranky about that maybe people start sacrificing on their own more black and white style I suppose it would be kind of a cool addition to this I think how thirty-five nuggets okay make me some glass you take gas and make glass I have gas where is it that's not it that's glass okay so you make the gas throw it over there Jana detecting your followers building on their own yeah so kind of I like the way that foundation doesn't where you can sort of set up like where people build houses maybe setting up like an industry land and in a housing land and a resource collection line so they kind of building create just out of curiosity how good are you at Foot rugs who's near building way over here is done good place for a team let's go and likewise [Music] so we have people to haul that gas over hey there's an org is that which they have here 199 nine or is it only pump is there like a maximum to it oh yeah it only bring it up it has a limit you have a limit you do it's done a lot of limit though [Music] I want to try it let's see if we can do it everyone cover your ears I'm gonna write the Middle where you get all of them you don't up and running to ten [Music] okay gasps is there now some should be getting made all I want is you buddy you know Cemetery here [Music] the food at the tavern who's in here some thirsty guy 25 years old and you're in jail already you know it buddy you have plenty of people you let him go what if I let you go what happens you go you're free you thirsty one you've old you've lived a full life I don't have enough bags I don't have anything I have only a mug I'm working on it all right it was a test I wanted to see how it turned out if you want to look back you gotta win the death match at the end of the month working working glass there's one what's glass do we have lookup zero we have one now held it over here through the fields by the statues downtown I'm assuming this guy couldn't seize a supporter is hauling something there yes here he comes he's got a big bag of gas oh he had Alba get both of them together all right he's a hero here it comes 1% 2% we're gonna watch it I've been waiting for an hour for this there's Motown let's do a quick look at the town before we finish it up yeah whatever safety guidelines sure look at the town we've got some aging infrastructure around here but some things are looking nice nice a movie theater my second house is over here what's going on over this way these are all houses you're building Wow I do like that they build houses on their own I think it's a cool idea I like that they can build everything on their own to the ministry thing we 7% electricity shortage is there well let's fix that so as we get the lag done right you be asleep 89 people I'm actually kind of surprised our farms were a little hold up for all this I guess they were getting updated though so they can make more food so guess what that's what did it for us we never a guy I never made in new farms since we had 40 people what you know we had to be the street it's kind of cool old neighborhoods going over here though and a watchtower that's my old one I think better yes we are certainly the modern age you can tell by the axes there using hammers ninety percent oh there it is house has been built myself that sounded mmm fully operational here right it was so tiny why did it take so much okay I want to see somebody go up in it get in there get get in there hey I quit I'm in to pick up my okay I quit whoops oh okay yeah I cannot believe I just did that let's make let's make one real quick oh man we have resources now though it should be easy to make no problem well oh man I cannot believe I did it I tried to pick something I wanted to pick something up and throw them on the building that's all let's - mmm I quit anyway in here no you gotta go get another person to help us along here hey you I have a point to pick him up now I can't believe I did that you come here let's go it's got this money where's my town out here it is and at least I didn't break the glass factory take me years and make that thing this is coming along just fine when you see a little bit of glass no problem glasses you can see the smoke tech set go on each of those glass rolling in the cemetery getting rebuilt yeah all that glass in he's got it here he comes where is he is it you oh you're going to get resources okay go get a Nuke walk faster [Music] he's going home no he's going okay he's going and he's going a long way around to cement factory the glass factory got his cement or his glass he's charging over that out okay go this way go halt glass make us this thing again avoid electricity and I'm going to go pick someone else up because I'm gonna go we're gonna end this and style the styles we can get here you come here what was it to other people oh right good pigma yeah help them out I'm not gonna touch it though I'm gonna let him just do his thing I'm scared to pick him up I'll drop a meal die okay it's already there oh we don't have any iron boy there's all the iron at I think was happening as the iron is getting used by all these houses that people are making you make an iron you don't have any any storage I need a an auto build button fix buildings can I do this and no well it's prioritized so as soon as we get iron it should get hauled into there yeah all these people are building houses and these all require iron so anytime I get any bit of iron he gets thrown into a house somewhere or a medieval looking cemetery cool-looking are you neat Oh 200 we did it 200 knots so many shy Moses 19 pages of nuggets [Music] 59 you guys making that iron I do village does go would you make in here Oh engineers Hut well anything you guys want to do before we all be waiting here we got one getting hauled over here you you're gonna get the iron okay meanwhile we waiting waiting cuz somebody broke for a perfectly good balloon building is it they're not change thumbnail oh man I'm so silly I should let these be a faster speed as fast this game goes it's an eternity just walk over here to the iron mine also if they walk straight that would probably up to everyone in town is drunk yeah girl tech oh let's try it see this works nope who's irons right there on the ground why is it cheeping around like that sorry buddy sorry speaker Oh keep you gonna be there get your a hey hey without electricity your civilization might as well return to the Stone Age anymore we lost a lot of people there all right everybody ready crank it up look at all of those colors [Music] time is what it's late we gotta we gotta end this make the thing already how much can I make you working faster I got second iron mine next to you by the time I get second one in to be done we've been trying to make this just this one building Friday probably about I think about an hour and a half just one building nothing else to do in the game other than torment my people me you're right okay pathetically I guess it was finished where the cats your but I think he wants out the doors doors shutting to what's that even see you think it's been too long do we hit 200 again let's go Oh Eddie's foot forgot so I the way that's right so the way I have it I could never get my chromakey to work my green skein of green to work with my chair my chair was always like particles and all that so I put a green cloth over my chair and that's what that's that fixed it but now it's made the whole hour and a half worth it so you can see that where is this thing at where's my right where my ID I'm turn around this is a giant look how I this town is it's massive you know all the roads going around yeah looking really nice it's not over here we got the main the main beginnings over this way in center we have our town Main Street over here soon to be o3 people are coming in means three pieces of iron are coming in they'll be made again excellent make sure our ma not on electrical what nuggets were unable to find a coat big enough to fit the water pumps as a result they've frozen solid I hope you have water stored somewhere creator did you see him at that tell me that because I don't have enough water in these pumps these reservoirs guessing that's the problem this has never been made I don't think I don't think YouTube has a clip no I don't think so just YouTube has the largest which has the clip yeah you can't when you clip things on twitch how does that work the effect you have to be quick and click it immediately cuz you can't go back I guess you can you can even watch the bots how do I don't ever look I don't ever do cliffside networks I don't which I'll never pay attention to it how we doing here one more coming in wait we have three people who work in a minute ago we lost somebody they died on the way here Oh within 30 seconds okay oh he carried - oh look at this guy oh yeah Somoza no no no you got a better name you're and I'm going to be just stir 45 extra nuggets oh yeah where are you are you gonna fight me I have to hurry that you yeah so I'm gonna burn my village but I think maybe we just you know what let's just do this hey buzz want some hey you come here you but you're a nuke your name is knuck that's it no we no nukes running off out of my town get back here if I just put you in the middle town what happens somebody get her hey you get a club get her anybody care she's here can i arrest you you're gonna walk around alright let's go grab one more person wherever they are I'm so turned around here having this game back home Hunter blooms out now um I can see it I can see it oh there it is oh it's different looking what it wasn't like that before it was it was it was red and white or red and yellow got that looks different see it's a good thing we did that okay now somebody go do this electricity shortage yeah of course threes now what does he someone go up we got a customer where is she I here she comes you [Music] really put a tornado on top of her washes in the air get in there people should be run out on the wheels so we should be electricity you have got a hundred and three oh let's usage we should be getting some there she goes there she goes yeah alright there's like 15 of those now let's get a good look at it with a Sun and everything very cool all right that's it call it a day in just a minute first we have to see come here whoops I missed you in there get back here [Applause] oh man this this the screams and the cries okay now it's better be a good tornado I really wanted like a comet but we don't have that so this all right let me put it right on top of you balloon man there are buildings in awful convention around the civilization being destroyed this used to be a nice neighborhood now it doesn't damage there goes the beloved hold in place now you're stuck oh yeah one becomes a bit so they goes into town with tornado you clear right there there's no comment I wish there was no comment option Mike it's a god game why can't I have a comment alright you I guess was that you right there will happen was that her well this I wouldn't know that wasn't me I don't know who it was I don't know where she went she's gone now okay we're gonna call it a day here thanks for watching I guess I couldn't save it before I did all that but now none of that okay so thanks for watching it's been a long stream but we finally did it we're at the end there's no more universe sim will come back and uh we'll come back in a year when they've added some more stuff to it and we'll see all the new stuff but until then I don't know why it I don't know why it everyone doesn't believe in me right now I just fried your whole town all that like downtown's gone but okay I had enough thanks for watching everybody next dream will be on Friday will do I don't know what we do we may have some extra streams in here oh and I can't still there we may have some extra streams in here because I have I'm gonna make a in a couple weeks I gotta do slaughter recording so I may be some streaming to get some extra videos in there too anyway thanks for watching everybody and I will see you next time
Channel: Nookrium
Views: 27,543
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: the universim, universim modern
Id: rBMn13Bb6Gs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 238min 57sec (14337 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 04 2019
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