Going Medieval - (Fortress Building Colony Sim)

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[Music] so john [Music] [Music] [Music] every time i start up our our death match with with this map uh it makes me want to place play another word i want me to must be to dabble with some more wonder draft uh that was good times uh we should do it again sometime maybe um certainly at some point uh i think we're not gonna have a winner this time because i i selected a new option that i shouldn't have and some of these continents don't connect up so this is going to be a a 20 person win and uh and maverick he still didn't win even with 20 people in there hey ralph how's everyone doing and hey frisk how are you carrying its prize for the uh the best comments maybe ever sorry sorry merrick hey ralph hey tom how's it going okay so um we're gonna play a bit of uh of going medieval today that's the plan uh it's the wee hours of the morning and um it's uh it's it's time for some games that's when i play my games so that's what we're going to play so yeah you can see uh looks like adam and perpetual have had a never-ending fight this one's all connected there's no there's no connecting things i don't know what i did i set something up wrong and nothing's connected but um anyway congrats to uh i mean mr wolf kind of lucky because they're on the big continent but congrats to everyone except for maverick and merrick you guys lost but um i um i did a video on this let's pull up the steam page so we can see what what i'm yammering about here uh this is coming out this is not coming out uh it's not yet it's out here in a couple days here on june 1st and um this is a a medieval uh colony builder going medieval the name of the game i played a video on it a few days back and i was going to do more videos and i thought uh this would be a great live stream thing so here we are live stream time going medieval that's the idea so we're gonna play around with this thing uh it's kind of like um uh it's it's less like room world and more like um stonehearth sort of a stonehearthy kind of a thing and uh what's the there's another one that i cannot think of that's very similar um i don't know i got i don't know there's another one out there that's very similar to this um well i guess sort of something like this uh not not banished um where it's where it's very crafty right rather than just like plop down lumber mill plop down house that's banish style this one we actually build the walls and we place the stock piles we place the we chop which individual trees that kind of a thing um and uh castle store yeah i guess a little bit cast a story um someone's gonna mention it and then i'll and then you win a prize but uh uh i cannot okay let's look it up because i cannot remember the name of it um um there's so many i don't even know where to begin looking um somewhere in here it came out a couple years ago um it's not a new release not timber and stone no no no uh it might be a top seller it's a it's kind of it's it was kind of a big one um seven days no no no no no uh what else we got here i don't want all no i don't want all of them i want um i don't know um relevance austria of note not that one we'll find it find it um where is it where is it where is it i know we'll find it no it's not no i already said stonehearth not that one um no not those man i have a lot i just every single one of these i own don't i man i play it hey that's it founders fortune founders fortune that's the one that's the one anyone say founder's fortune i didn't see it in there founders fortune that's the one i knew i find it um i own every single one of these okay okay i didn't like kingdom two crowns i never had that one oh all right i missed there's a couple of these i missed in here i have to have to go back and make sure i pick some of these things up more spore what is that what is more spore interesting uh it's very quiet in here isn't it uh anyway anyway um what are they saying um uh founder's fortune that's the one that reminds me of most where um you're actually drawing out the walls and you're actually building the house it's sort of sims style uh but you're playing a room world style of thing so um that's that's the uh that that's what's going on and look i own every single one of these and i have played every single one of these for quite a while these aren't all good but it's vr only um hey there's a mirror i should play amir again uh don't worry we'll get back to the we'll get to the stream in a minute uh give me a minute here desktop farm oh that was weird i remember playing that one um oh yeah oh we're getting down to the the the less known stuff okay okay anyway back to the game now you're trying so hard to build a guard tower and having trouble with the stairs yeah yeah yeah my new 30s yeah someone commented a while back about my messages what do i have 34 messages someone commented because every every live stream uh there would be more and more this is you know if you're going to talk to me if you would like to talk to me if i am for some reason a friend of you is on steam just find me on discord i ignore steam stuff um okay so let's play a game hey let's do that so uh going medieval uh yeah it's colony sim uh sort of like founders fortune we we we build ourselves a base uh maybe something like that back there uh it's it's it's very easy to kind of lose yourself in this and um and just make things pretty um and you can make some pretty nice things like the walls with the spikes on it and uh improper like stone towers and things um it's it's it it certainly gets me lost in it i played this thing back i think it was a year ago whenever they had the demo that came out um and now we have the early look at this thing it comes out on june 1st uh something i should say i get asked this all the time you know or mention this like hey i wish i could you get like a credit for the games i buy on steam there is a site that i am affiliate with which is nexus.d gg i'll put a link somewhere around here so if you buy and this game's on there and if you buy it from there you get a steam key and you can you know you can use it just like a steam key would be and then i get part of it so that's that's your thing if you want to do then you can um i'll make sure that that i don't i do a poor job of promoting that but if there's a nexus dot gg slash no cream link out there uh i'll try to remember to put it in there and so that that's your thing anyway anyway going medieval let's try it hey let's do it uh i did that video a while back and i thought let's livestream this thing uh i kind of want to go survival mode i did that on that video just to see what the raids are all about i want to see that and so let's do it uh we're going to go with a new life we've got a new life we've got a lone wolf which is one guy we can make up our own thing but no we're gonna go a new life with three uh meeples what do they call themselves welsh pool uh each map we have we can randomize this thing because if you missed that video before i'll try to kind of sum up this stuff here but um each map has three locations and there's other things out there that um other cities will pop up and raiders and things like that uh um and i don't know if choosing this matters at all or if it's just the look of the land maybe in time it'll it'll mean things is early access by the way um we're gonna go with a i gotta go mountain map just because you know we're not gonna be welsh pool though that's for sure we're gonna be we're gonna be uh nook mounts uh uh what's it nooktop that's what we're gonna call our mountain and we're gonna let's randomize our heraldry for something nooktop-like that's kind of nice um that's kind of nice too what's even is that a cat oh yes it's a cat with a red cross on its butt i like it made by satorax good job sadarax let's do it okay so we got beatrice canel and marjorie these are our workers each of them have things they're passionate about if you've played a city builder or a colonism you know what this is all about each of them are passionate about certain things each of them are also good at certain things i don't know how far this goes but she is 25 and smithing that's high that's really high okay she likes the smith uh she also is ruthless um and vigorous ruthless vigorous smith i like it she is she leans to the uh left to the oak brethren there's a thing in here about with religion i haven't messed with religion at all i don't know uh really what it does but we'll we'll see she's she's uh a tempered armor yeah i like it uh beatrice here is is all in on the oak brethren oak brethren zealot she's wise she's a she's an elf shot i'll show you elf shot uh and then she's wicca highly attuned to natural world she listens closely to the feral whispers of plants and animals oh okay okay i know we got margaery who uh is also a little bit on the oak brethren side yeah oh brethren i like it i like it better than those filthy restitutionists she's a yorkist engineer what's it mean i mean she's ruthless as well i wouldn't have it in a way she's churl mean and surly barely even civil margery is hard to work with and harder still to to befriend i like it and she's vigorous yeah okay this is my kind of colony excellent you ladies take your cat and uh and we're gonna go we're gonna go charge in there i'm gonna leave the we'll leave the tutorial stuff off because i think i know i play this video a bit so i think i know what's going on here um only like two and five each person yeah i didn't know we could go that high on the skills my favorite colony builder dwarf fortress all right plague has ravaged the british isles uh there's a thing here there's a story here this is what it's trying to tell us is this is 1353 it's post plague but post like worse than bubonic plague where like the world fell apart and now we're starting to come out of our fallout hovels and and resettle things so we 1353 beatrice cannell and marjorie have you know they've gone through some things and uh they've decided to build themselves a new place after walking for an eternity they're gonna call this place nook top i like it okay so uh let's take a look at the land here looks pretty nice uh we've got all the our junk that we brought with us they're carrying this stuff dump it on the grounds we have to choose where we want to build our new place and actually um well that's quite a cliff wow um i don't know uh we've got trees around we've got some some wheat or something right what is this this is some tall grass which we can use for uh straw or something it's a fat or something like that we'll use that in a bit uh all our houses will be built out of like us um uh straw or stone or anything like that you know this little spot right here actually isn't too bad we've got a nice nice moat type thing here i don't know if we can make moats but if we can we will um i do kind of like the idea of being butted up against this mountain here though um that's kind of nice we could like jam it in the side here and have like we can dig into the mountain you'd be quiet maverick you're just grumpy because you didn't win the death match all right so if you give everyone a job we'll make sure we tell them to start getting some things done get some trees chopped uh let's get some some things harvested there's anything in the harvest go grab it uh get all that stuff i need a stockpile let's make that thing here we'll do all the all the usual things we'll just throw it out in the yard oops something like that uh this is just a default stockpile it carries everything perfect uh we can also come in here and change our variants are in each thing so we can say i want a don't think stockpile or a warfare stockpile that's all in there we can also select things separately um building is all done this way we got wooden walls or stone walls as we do research we'll find new things so we can build like a little house um i think oh i can't build the edge here um i could be like a tower up here you know what we could do what's it called the um the mott in bailey is that the kind of castle where you've got like you go inside in a tower that that'd be kind of cool if we could do that i could build a little thing here and then a tower and then go up to have a big tower up top i think we try it i don't know how well it'll work but we're gonna try it we may die before then because we're on survival mode so we probably need to build it kind of quickly um but let's just see what we can do so we're gonna start out with a uh with a nice wooden wall and i'm just gonna i'm just gonna jam it in i think like right here yeah like that and uh and that's i'm gonna come over here and we'll go like like that and we'll throw a door in there of course we can give them a window there we go that's very classy a nice tree outside there excellent and then we're going to dig into this thing we'll uh we'll figure that out hey hello dear we got some sticks up there uh oh yeah this stuff is forbidden to start with let me get rid of this unforbid all the stuff there and uh and that's okay and they'll grab all this stuff toss it over there we can adjust all of our jobs you know all this is here we got we got schedules for everybody we can manage what they do as far as their gear can i just tell you to pick up um whatever you want grab grab whatever you want i don't care what you get if and what do you actually what if he's good at ranged uh melee is an eight marksman's five eight eight but passionate okay so i want you to have ranged no no no i just say melee melee one melee one no shield you can have you can have shields okay they'll figure it out give them headgear if we want sure grab a hat everyone needs a good hat apparel yeah it's all fine so they'll kind of grab the stuff as they as they go those things lay in our stockpile that we came with and they'll grab that and we get some you know hunting down all that i'm gonna build ourselves a little house here and uh our ladies are gonna have a nice home we'll put a roof on it we'll build inside that i think we may dig into the mountain a bit it may go up a bit i don't know mountain bailey was saying which is he's defend bailey's the highest point not being the channel okay yeah yeah that's the one so we build like a little bit of a castle down here and we have a big tower on top just because it's cool to have a tower you know double the door make the window symmetric uh it's a little crooked isn't it yeah yeah it happens uh foods are piled low i've got a little bit oh it just isn't in the stockpile i think yeah uh that's healing kit do i have food yeah lots of cabbages here it's just not in the food pile so we'll get it moved over we may set up like a granary or something else down here to get that working we gotta get a farm going and all that kind of stuff um we need to build a couple things so we gotta get uh we gotta butcher out we get a basic research table as well which is going to help us learn things so we'll stash this thing here actually what i want to do i won't take up too much time here we're going we're going to chip away at this like that so i'm gonna go do that oh there is a roof but i haven't got yet um yeah it is crooked isn't it and it's it's a little bit i apologize i'm gonna set this thing out just just for now i'm going to just dash it i think i'm going to just put it over here for now just to get it here and we get some research going the way research works is they sort of sit over there and they read but they write books and then we can go in the research tree and see some things we need a cat we do need a cat don't we one of the first pets in the game there's got to be it has to be pets see it out of hose takes too long to mine to go in the mountain well here's what i'm thinking i'm thinking we'll dig this thing out just a little bit because it does take a while to mine this stuff especially if it's something solid this is all dirt though so it's okay um we'll clean this thing out we'll put a roof on top and then later on we can dig in there but for now we'll just have we'll have our starter building um and it'll be good uh i guess i can play and put the roof in which we'll do now we can do fast we can do wood we can do stick roof we'll do a fast roof um i think i want like this and we go like that is that does that work yeah that works we can maybe cut away this a little bit so we can get this i think it's safe that spot there what we could do is go like a half roof just do that that's kind of weird isn't it it's fine it's fine instead of roof you could have a floor right i could put floor and i can have uh you know that's actually not a bad idea we could do um yeah i like the idea of that so we're gonna we'll put a little bit of roof in here but we're gonna have a bit of a stairs up and and platform as well research panel is unlocked okay let's go put down a floor just a wooden floor here we'll throw that like right there so we'll have a you know like a place to eat or something up top there we go um okay we got our book here so this is actually kind of neat looking so you know we got our medieval texts or whatever we come over here we'll work on this thing and it creates uh creates uh chronicles 25 chronicles we have right now as we do things we'll get more available we can learn some architecture for 15 we unlock the ability to do wooden beams perfect uh and then as we spin this currency of that we can unlock things like farms and stuff and you know whatever let me deal with the jobs here for a minute so canal here with a short sword is passionate about research so i'm gonna let her do some research and i think i'm gonna let her just say you know what that's your job go research and then um let's see we should have one person who does a lot of building you're a 12 builder that's pretty good so marjorie if there's something to build you go do it um other than that i don't really care about anything you're 12 intellectual also and then beatrice we'll get some cooking going we should deal with all this stuff uh soon enough uh i'm gonna put cooking as a two and then everything else whatever you wanna do i should make sure we got food so let's go ahead and set that up is a new thing yeah a new fancy wooden beam we can put in uh let's grab the campfire and we'll set it down like right outside here is that too well let's like set it over here like that we'll kind of use this as our as our place i'm not sure how how nasty survival mode is i played for a little bit maybe an hour or so before and i never really got attacked um i did play previously on the demo and i got attacked on the demo so i i hope things come charging at us and we have to defend it beatrice is unhappy but you know what you can get over it canelo's going to work on that he's how do you spell that how do you say that okay and we'll get that thing done there we'll put in our stairs right here a nice nice wooden stair we can we can like stash this thing like right over uh it's kind of big isn't it um now we can stash over here so we can walk our way up yeah it's kind of in the way of everything isn't it so let's just yeah let's stick it over here like that we can have a way and access up to here because inside there will have beds and things but up top we can put in you know like the dining table nice little small table we can put a nice no this little guy up here can go just right over here on the edge i guess or maybe like right there let's do let's just do it on the edge here throw in some chairs again we have stone or we can have wood i haven't mined any stone so we'll stick with wood put some stools in there so they can have a place to eat look over their um their um their bailey right quinnell quinnell is that how you say it is that a um is that a common name that anyone has heard of before i i'm not okay with that one it's not one of those medieval names that uh that no one uses uh what's anyone remember the button to remove roofs i don't remember it um hide rooves c there we go and then we can hold i think we hold control yep and it cuts down our z levels there we go so we can kind of see in here a little better they're digging away at this thing so we got a nice little uh a nice dirty house here uh let's throw in a couple beds because i'm gonna get cranky about that real soon so let's get in a nice hay sleeping spot and throw in a couple of these guys there to get them a spot to sleep we'll put a torch in here because we're not monsters and we'll stick it up against all right about right above their head drop the ashes all over the face be nice um they don't need a stool down here we can have it um oh here's what we need our oaken wood oak brethren shrine so i haven't messed with with the religion much at all but um somewhere in here i don't remember where it was let's go take a look at here one of you so my yorkist engineer the bone setter of axminster marjorie is first practice on animals but soon moved on to human subjects the way she hovered her hands over the damaged limb before giving a sudden brisk wrench was almost mystical margie can explain how she did it okay i like it she's the less she's just practicing but what does it mean they require an oak brethren shrine or temple for their religious observances okay i i i like i really like that they have they have gone into the religion with a medieval game you know it's kind of a big deal um medieval times and uh so yeah let's go in let's see let's go in on that and see what we can figure out with it trying to be in separate rooms i can't can i just throw can i just throw the shrine out just out in the world and and you know call it a day or do they need something like you know proper they gather here to pray can i just throw this up top here i mean that's kind of nice it feels like it should be it's an oak shrine maybe it should be around some trees like over this way like you want to go probably hear some trees for you to go hang out at that's kind of nice we got a bat gaming table in there as well food reserves are low um let's go with uh so we have that little spot there let's put in a um like a little food house it's all rocky over here so we can't really do any farming here we can do farming down here though maybe our food house comes in like right here oh i have an idea i have an idea um should be plenty of wood around here so let's keep doing this it's like a little just like a little spot here i did it again i did it again where it's going to be uneven uh we'll double door this one what's a wooden beam do for us does it like connect up what's it trying to do oh oh okay interesting interesting uh anyway let's put in our door to double door here can i make them go put a door in with the handles yeah handles facing like it should be so this would be like our tiny granary um all food can be stocked into here we can have a floor up top here so we can like walk out on top of the granary if we want there's a tooltip in the game where you can check room requirements okay i remember i do actually remember seeing that because this is marked i think as a bedroom now right hey sleeping spots okay is this table structure true one percent cover effectiveness sounds good flooring is important for food not to want to spoil okay okay uh let's put a floor down here also so they can have a place to rest their heads like that so i'm going over here as well there we go and i think what i'll do on on top of here rather than have a uh like a thatched roof i'm gonna have a flat place so they can just sort of walk out on top of here if they want to how's the box with eye on it i don't know okay percentage of incoming projectiles will be stopped oh so if you send oh okay okay um where's our um there's all that stuff yeah we got that decorations okay required skills my housing to make the thing i got that i'll figure it out with elements rooms detected ah okay so it protects the text room what does it say though oh in the left no no blueprint phase yeah yeah sure sure detects a room it doesn't know what kind of room it is type slip ah okay not a library what does it think it is kind of a yellowish color isn't it must have two hail uh uh wooden hay veils cannot have any other workstation shrines or beds okay i think this will be good once maybe the roof is done what's it missing this should count as a as a bedroom right and we've got one that says what's this one spare room great hall bedroom oak brethren temple let's have a shrine and at least two wall decorations cannot have any other the the filthy restitutionists in there when they spend their time there they're like okay okay i got it uh there's a church right workshop and the kitchen has a stove pottery shelf butchering table oh maybe we should do that with this we can always cut into here a little bit now that's been built out a bit what's it need for the kitchen a stove a wall a wall pottery shelf i say poetry wall pottery shelf and a butchering table okay i can't do a lot of this stuff uh because i don't have the research for it um are you working on myself yet i would like research hero1 why are you doing that um oh oh right right right okay so we go in here and we're gonna tell her to make until we have uh just give me like not a hundred um like 30 of these things when you have 30 then you go back to whatever job you want i forgot about the button uh cook i want uh until we have 15 meals is good sure sure we'll throw that down here and we'll see about this roof thing uh in a second i should have a roof because now it's hard to see in here wooden floor yeah a shared bedroom no rooms of this fountain found like this what's what's the problem with it is it because they still have this construction to get done perhaps we'll find out maybe because the roof isn't done yet okay pick up this pace here just a little bit canelo is sad about her uh her shrine i get it i get it we'll build a little building around that and you can be happy about it uh right now i want to get some food brought in here um yeah let's do a let's do this and then i want you to be only food we'll do the whole kitchen thing somewhere else just make sure we get our food brought in okay so there's that we do have a cook so beatrice is on it she's gonna grab some bits and get that going we've got berries we can get picked we can harvest uh there's still some out here there's some bunnies over here we can go chew on let's go chew on a bunny hunter needs a ranged weapon yeah yeah who is my hunter uh it probably should be marjory right margery's the uh the the the what's called marksman yeah marjorie you hunt that's your job no one else hunts okay uh go get yourself a bow margery where'd our bow go there it is go get that you don't have a level 10. all right all right where's the short bow isn't that short bow around here ah ah it's been okay they picked it up and put it down okay equip that uh let's go ahead and mark all these things to be grabbed again that's what's going on there uh you know beatrice if you want to uh if if you'd like to have a spear you go right ahead she's a confident chef she better be uh go ahead and have the two-handed thing oh you got okay whatever i like it get yourself a shield one shield one once once one sword i like it okay look at that we'll get this roof down hopefully eventually once this wall is taken care of bunnies are running away but she's get him marjorie go get him terrible shot don't argue no marger that was horrible did you get it it's a little bloody she's giving up all right take a look at our map and see if there's anything of interest around here so there's a wolf up there another cool looking mountain thing going on over here it could be a good spot for a fort okay nice and peaceful around here nice and quiet as well i turn this up just a bit let's go it's very quiet okay everyone's very unhappy about things what's wrong with you not enough food okay yeah we got it uh let's get some harvesting started up here grab whatever we can mountain's a little lacking grab that any more bushes around here if you need harvest to go grab that stuff get that mine done please i may have to take that off hey village okay so she's working on that which actually might give us enough we've got 14 available i need what for this i need 15 for agriculture which is probably an important thing so probably work on that first one more point we got it she ran off oh they're all snoozing right now okay uh we're fine we're fine people just like to whine about food you know what happens [Music] anymore bunnies around here they want to get chewed on there's a deer up here i'll see that guy any berries up here flowers over there we can pick might be a bit of a walk to get up there uh beaches what's wrong you're not hungry excellent um what's what's the matter with your mood attributes uh here we go oh she's great i needed a table the bed's uncomfortable outside still technically outside yeah until we get that fixed it's gonna be outside cancel that we gotta move this as i was going on why is there a pile right there let me move that thing and put this roof back on here okay that will hopefully give us the uh the enclosed space thing are we good oh there's a beam of light coming from this thing okay as soon as we get some farming we can get a nice farm set up over this way and maybe we won't starve so quickly um i suppose we could get like a little structure set up around this thing to make them a proper shrine i think it's probably we probably have more priorities oh it didn't mark those things didn't it is that's the best thing for your time beatrice you're my cook yeah it is the best thing for your time okay first thing i want you cooking priority one and then um whatever else you do whatever else get some new folks in here sometime i need someone to come shoot this deer please hey never never consider uh yeah yeah we'll be digging in soon we're on the edge we'll eventually get dug in there take some bits research is available let's get that farming started okay let's go plants farms so into the farm menu we have different fields we can cabbage fields we can do flax fields we get all this stuff um i think i have yeah a certain amount of seeds so let's start with some carrots and we'll throw them in i think this is good i think it tells me some around here you can see the it just says grass how um how fertile it is but we're going to like line it up over let me go right over this way just get a bit of a field going right in here throw those carrots in we'll just put them right up against this guy seems like a nice a nice sunny spot there we'll get some some cabbage in there and we'll put in a bit of carrots some beets nasty uh maybe get some some herbs sure sure what else we got in here we've got some red currants grass and birch trees uh like a bush sure put those in there let's get some more carrots we've got a few of those right we got five planted we got nine left so let's do four more carrots okay hopefully that's enough for us um i guess in case it's not we can do a few more i could get my flax field going but i think there's enough of that out there beets we got more of those let's do a bit of that okay there's our farm beatrice get to work um in the interest of looking making things look cool oh nice level 10. let's throw down a fence i want like this and i want one of these and then um like that there we go okay very nice almost once it gets done it'll be very nice these are sticks i'm digging it so far i i haven't put a lot of time into it but so far it's pretty good so these uh these wooden merlins um they may look kind of funny but if you stick them on top of a wall you know it looks proper and so actually oh check that out it goes on like did i did i see that right it goes on the side of the wall maybe not yeah ah check it out [Music] you can put it like on oh neat so you can actually make like a wall and put those things oh that's cool okay yeah we can have a wall that comes out this way maybe we'll mine some of this stuff mine up there a bit and have a wall that comes out and defends us and a tower of course we'll get the tower roof of storage all right all right roof that storage like uh like that's uh we're gonna go to this tree here um well you know what i like that tree that one stays chop these guys down though uh oakwood's face won't mind uh i'm gonna put in like a little shrine thing here so i'm gonna walk in here maybe move this thing i can't you guys like putting candles around it um so we can go with um this guy would not like a stone shrine so we gotta do something you know proper for him do we keep the tree in yes we do i don't know if it counts as being a um a building with a tree inside but we're gonna do it [Music] okay like that's it's gonna get double doors like that um it probably won't work they'll probably chop it down but for now it'll be okay this is a holy tree yeah yeah this is this is oak's what's his face is tree that one off that's for those zones i kind of like that actually uh what do we got here ah there we go okay well sticks um and then we've got rooms detected but it's not giving me anything here okay so what we need to do to get this thing working what do you do to make you a room maybe maybe because i i don't know maybe i need walls around it i think maybe this stuff just needs to get mined first before anything else once that gets done we'll be there uh we're gonna need like a kitchen and all that right now we got just what we have is a campfire so we gotta work on that who chopped my tree down i said no don't no chopping the tree down what happened to it it just fell oh there's no stockpile in here is there not in here um is it just that that's calling a room she's that little square right there there's a door there that door's there huh i'm gonna mine stuff on the floors okay uh let's get a bit of a stockpile over here um dumping throw our junk over there i can use a person here oh canel's over there praying oh yeah you use my new yeah yeah excellent oh what a nice shrine that's kind of nice would it be nice to have it enclosed like this no it feels like it'd be easier to move it inside it's just two beds only i think must have at least two wooden hay beds or hay sleeping spots can i have any other workstation shrines or beds i think it's just because it's not it's not done they're not building this this for some reason i think it's i don't know i think it's because they have to clear out the bottom first someone has to mine that first so i'm gonna tell someone to do that like that's their main job just mine stuff um you're cooking things you're researching here just mind things for me real quick get that out of the way clean that out and once it's cleaned out then we'll go and see if that fixes it i've got five left i think next up is going to be fancy beds clay bricks or a stone mason bench uh hey grub fist and grab this and friends welcome to the stream thanks for the raid woodwork bench that might be nice to have boyer's table yeah that's probably good stuff some clothing over there preserving food oh we get to fill a fancy smoke house yeah yeah i like it some smoked meat some brewing in there okay yeah we'll work on all this stuff margery isn't hard at work pick up the pace a bit i'm the last one in the category now what's that mean i'm a little nervous about you know the shrine doesn't need to be defended i'm the only one streaming going medieval oh wow look at that fancy skill of one great um i think maybe we could put like our walls out this way about this about this food situation though we got seven meals is this stuff all been done yeah i guess they're in there farm farm farm grow uh yeah i think you're gonna cook and you're gonna grow you're gonna do both of them you're gonna cook first if you can't cook then you go grow that's what your job is [Music] thanks grumpfist [Music] all right um so what i was kind of thinking about this like if we do get attacked it'd be kind of cool to put like a little railing thing around this um just for the cool factor this has a negative boost if it's outside okay i was gonna put it in here in this room i didn't want that to be the bedroom i suppose what we could do that would fix the problem if i move this inside make this workshop lane and be able to build them a second house for for sleeping actually put that on top of here it'd be small but it would do the job of housing people yeah not enough wood out there we have to go chop them things down but something like that and then it's going to be off again i'm going to do one door and a window like that and then we'll put a um then we can put we'll put a roof on it sure um and then we'll chop and treat them but not those trees those are our favorite trees that one that we can go through i don't like that one especially not the one inside the shrine because that one's especially special what's up what's uh so much stone and iron on this map oh it's rare in the on the plains oh huh also workstations have to be inside uh outside is roughly 80 efficiency okay oh the bedroom is done oh look at it hey that's kind of nice from creative they finally got that thing done oh okay i can they can come outside here we'll turn that off they can come outside here and they can walk up and have their have their their t or whatever um i almost feel like i need to go one more level up so that we have like a bridge going across okay scratch the uh the roof we're gonna we're gonna go one more up we'll have a bridge going across yeah this is how i got lost in the game before it's just it's so it's so easy to make things my years of dwarf fortress haunt me for building outdoor things it's so easy to make things and when you make things it all looks good look at the rain coming down yeah i like it um i need a chopper i'm gonna cut plants you know what you're writing right now you're doing some research um i really need someone to come get me some plants you're hunting and constructing and uh cook up some plants for me i guess i don't really care about this stuff so much though i thought that's what you're doing okay yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah cancel it don't worry about that uh i will actually worry about the bushes though you can harvest those questions there you go dining area veranda yeah yeah so what's gonna happen so they'll have this they have a little bridge that goes across here and then we can hop inside maybe the kitchen goes goes on that third floor the second floor will be i don't know more storage we do need a place to put a research bench stuff that somewhere um that feels like an indoors kind of a thing i don't have people to start a mining job so we're gonna hold off on that look at the holes in the clouds middle ages for a rainy time [Music] it sticks over there there really is a lack of food here we've got some cabbages hanging around there's one there though uh there's someone's uh who wants a gambeson anyone not wearing a gambeson so what you have apparel armor oh yeah grab whatever and uh you can eat all your food stimulants i'm going to switch you to no shield take your two hand in and you get the shield and if you drop things they they they go forbidden where'd you put that which you put i'm gonna unforget all this stuff oh there's a deer in a stockpile someone cut oh wait wait i don't have a butchering table oh i forgot okay um this needs to go i'm gonna yeah i'm gonna put this up here uh it doesn't fit it's only two spaces okay we're gonna it's not gonna fit it there let's just stash it here for now we'll we'll adjust this let's put it here for now can i prioritize this i think there's a button for it um i don't remember where it is though if there is i don't know yeah when you get that done so we can get let's get that working please don't rot mr deer decomposes in six days ah we're fine rots in two days okay build it faster beatrice okay well i like your enthusiasm that's pretty good get to work on those walls that's fine uh chop these trees down we got more trees i need a good batch of trees to chop down maybe i should do a tree farm i've got a couple over here we can take down as well that bunny lives take these guys out and that one um what are you limestone we'll get you hauled over here okay as soon as my stuff gets chopped to get it it'll get done i wonder if i should cancel these can i like disallow i'm gonna cancel it i gotta redraw it all that's fine what's the name of my village ah nooktop is named my village coming out tuesday yep hope it has workshop access i don't know does it does it have a mod support is that a is that a big plan of of theirs they have remind me before i end this time to go and check out uh the um of the devlog top top uh all right so here's me we've got an enemy settlement nearby it's friendly someone over here i don't know how to do any of this stuff i have not messed with trading at all or whatever this happens with all this so we'll find out i suppose historical records we have an almanac we have bugs and we have a screenshot mode okay let me know what that is okay yeah i don't know how to deal with any of this i'm assuming the more um uh what's the more influence we have on the region i'm assuming the more likely they will get attacked i canceled the butcher table i cancelled the butcher's table how did i do that i know how i did it i won't say anything i know what happens maybe i should set it up with like with plans of it being placed somewhere um hang on well let's take this opportunity to plan something so if i were to like this is you know it actually would work out well if it was something like right here we could build this out a bit more and have kitchen and yeah things would work right there build a wall around around here somewhere we'll have a kitchen right here we can have the stockpile inside there for the food oops you go upstairs um i don't know what that's tiny maybe a more stockpile i see the room bonuses is our room bonus that's the door shared bedroom okay seven degrees in there it's all the stuff that's in there what does it do for us needle room doesn't say what what the bonuses take your word for it though [Music] we'll get as we get some research we can get some real beds she's a little busy right now though uh people are hungry yeah how's our farming coming along is it coming really grow faster four days okay we gotta get this uh yeah we gotta get this done get the deer chopped up is there a bunny there too we got a day for these things okay we're fine we got bunnies we got deer what was that defenses merlins and traps if we were to get attacked right now we're basically done for why don't you stop you gotta go pray well pray to build faster thank you hey joe bird joe bird i fixed your name today i apologize for oh beatrice uh sorry for have for being joe breed for a while i i fixed it i realized that as i was doing this as the death match was going this morning right this morning uh today uh i caught it so sorry took me a bit okay that's all rocks down there beatrice please don't fail thank you okay so we gotta make just forever just if you've got something that needs chopped up you hack it up beatrice get it who's my who's my uh my chef cooking beatrice just go and get a drink can you can i tell you to go do this prioritize ah there is a priority button yeah grab that deer people are hungry the perks of uh perks of youtube matthew people just throw games at me whether they're out or not and i happily play them okay hack it up before it goes bad that's a bloody job okay good job now go do it again you're gonna get a drink uh that's fine flies around i don't know that's just a boom pile um so you're also the cook though i think right yeah where you going you're going to have a drink do you really need a drink you're very thirsty all right whatever deprived of entertainment okay well what's not entertaining about this place beatrice all right well my backgammon table they can have it outside here and leisure land we'll set it up um over here for now and i'm going to work on getting this set up right now put a wooden floor can i get this to go across am i gonna need oh oh of course uh mabel didn't stop looking over her shoulder but it was the bleeding wheels around mabel's ankles i gave her away as a prisoner on the run would you conceal her they may have been followed do we leave mabel outside or do we help her how's mabel mabel mabel is an oak god loving uh armorer she's very good at smithing she's uh i can't tell what these mean i can't click it and keep it up there but mabel looks like mabel's dumb and fast or something i mean we gotta go with it we may get attacked make attacks in a couple days with four two force bandits i'm not scared of forest banded mabel did you bring a weapon enemies are coming in two days she's wounded well you didn't tell me you're wounded other than your ankles you'll be all right um so yeah i i had an epiphany here as i haven't we can build the this thing the wooden beam which then stretches across not there here come on come on like this right no i thought that was it was because the window's in the way no oh yeah yeah um my window is in the way i can do it there and then we can set a platform up that goes over it yeah and then on top here we'll put a roof uh a floor on top and then we'll put in our um this is going to be what was it going to be i don't remember kitchen i think what i'm thinking i don't know what i'm thinking um we'll put down our defenses our merlins which are going to go up here like this yeah because it's kind of cool looking it takes 10 wood for these things uh can we do like other kinds of merlins we've got these are made out of that's a corner piece clay ones i can't do clay new limestone maybe oops yeah where's that 10 limestone so i have [Music] hey shane morris thank you very much um let's chop more trees down there's a war coming thanks shane um i was just looking at i've got man the last um last couple months a lot of folks been been joining in i'm i'm sort of nearing that 100 um 100 people mark on the uh youtube sponsor so thank you very much clifton welders yeah we could do like a thing sticking up here it'd be kind of neat well we'll throw that we'll do that we'll get our things stuck up here hopefully we got a day to do this uh i don't know how to fix you you're hurt but what do i do about you i can attack you i can banish you uh can i get a bruised chest and a bruised arm well just just go go i don't know oh it's getting better okay they're fine enough beds right right mabel wants a place convalescing convalesce somewhere else okay throw that right there give your rock piles out of here can we do that uh mabel your job well you're really good at smithing i don't either yet i just need you to haul things what's steward do taking care of basic tacks like lost locking doors closing windows yeah yeah yeah got your job mabel you do that we'll hack these trees down we'll get this floor in here done in a day and we can put some merlins up there and hopefully we have a place to defend and i don't have a bow or anything we got one i need 20 for this so i'm only short five you get brewing or furniture that's probably less important than weaponry though why is this red because it's a weapon yeah we got we got to do that i'm gonna have to set up i guess there's still enough trees around we can still do some chopping but it is kind of our way on this side the wrong side of the of the place now you get to highlight someone's name in chaps i'm not sure uh if you do the the um you're talking about the um uh what's it called uh the the [Music] tip thing oh at right okay chop these guys down as we can um i gotta get another animal hunted we're gonna run out of food because this this is not growing fast enough [Music] i think i'm gonna need a bigger farm also once that is done we'll make it bigger we may need to build a second farm over here somewhere hey bunny i see you i'll hunt you and uh and all your friends yep keep them hunted is there a deer around here somewhere i don't see any more deer more bunnies lots of bunnies okay there's that wolf i'm guessing we stay away from that guy oh this is this is coming along okay good um what do we do with the bones can i make something cool with bones like a bone stool no bone fence we have a banner we can put out uh stick track might be nice to have skewers some unfortunate victims uh if they're gonna come at me they're gonna come probably this way so can i do it there i can do it there there and there because they're going to come at me they're going to come up unless they come from this side they're going to come up this ramp here so let's deal with that we've got 20 hours until they show up we do have healing kits um i guess it's okay we're a little low on food not enough beds so let me make that thing defenses food reserves low stockpile oh red current pile there so that's that's all right uh let me get my let's see this is supposed to be food right can i bump the priority of this up um all the foods i don't care what quality is i just want it i want it prioritized i guess we could say don't put food over here make sure it's all over there okay this thing is done let's get a let's get some some defenses here let's get these merlins i guess we'll do it out of wood just because we have some wood um i really like we could throw it up here i really like the look of it on the edge i'm not gonna work with this let's do the single ones like that come in that and then put the corner in yeah there we go i like it we'll go across as soon as we can put enough wood for it so as soon as we do that we'll put the wood across uh and then we can stand our archer up here and shoot down on people you can eat the raiders once you win excellent oh yeah i did see that before we can change uh this and we can say prepare we can have raw meat human smoked meat human that's not you i mean sure you know i mean we just had a plague uh the world's kind of falling apart and so i'm talking about the game by the way um you know lead some people i'm gonna leave that one tree inside there we'll chop this one down now back here we can take out as well a bit of wood there these are gonna start growing back i'm tempted to put down some some trees to grow but it looks like they are growing a little bit on their own there's certainly a lack of farmland around here though okay some trees up here we can always grab if we need to peter's working on that nice i like it um is that trap done oh it is okay so they come that way they're gonna step on the traps and then they're gonna come walking up here and try to get to me they'll come up this way we can stand our fighters up front here while the archers shoot them but we can try to shoot them like if they have a bow we'll be in trouble weaponry let's do it yep okay um i need a workshop it's gonna go inside eventually so let's throw but i need it now so the bowyer is going to go over here to the bookman i think he kind of yeah he kind of fits in there perfectly so we're going to stash it in there for now yeah it doesn't take the building space it looks cool sure is rainy around here food reserves are low um oh um actually marjorie do you know how to shoot that bow any better where's your stats you need a 10 marksman oh you're an eight anyone at ten six so you can't use the longbow let's look at it all right this is like just a call on of ladies um if we can't get her trained any better no one's going to be able to use that we can build this thing and we're going to be stuck with three people defending um maybe mabel will be a a nice uh uh distraction okay chop that down uh what happened yeah he's growing in there how you guys doing over here spoiled excuse me spoiled spoiled these are ripening oh okay okay so we could we could cut it now for two um if it were ripe it said i think somewhere else it popped up we could get six out of it if it's if it's good these are all ripening okay we're getting there five days we get this off that's a lot yeah we gotta get some more farmland we're gonna have to do a bunch over here do i have what do i have a lot of i got ten of those we still have oh that's just cabbage we have oh let's just do some carrots carrots are great carrots grow fast i think grow with 19 days 21 days for beets 20 days for flax um so at peak you get nine oh i get a peak you get six cabbages seven days in five days you get six but if you go two more days you get nine of them let's just do carrots let's just carrot carrot farm okay so we'll just carrot farm that place and hopefully i'll keep us alive violent extortionists as the sworthy jailers wanted your village your mabel and they wanted them now they had to pay for their crimes your whole village would pay it was up to you i defied defy them we're gonna have three more coming at us or we surrender mabel back to those who are hunting her no no no i stood my ground ready for battle i got three coming in we got daniel walt and uh f atherick the the men are coming for these ladies well we ain't gonna have it where am i at i'm over here okay of course they're gonna come from that way all right trying to figure out how to fight i guess so um brian good good good good plan i would like to draft how do i draft everybody okay draft everyone trying to figure out combat i suppose how do i get uh my drafted people can grab everybody [Music] so i need beatrice i need you up up here yep keno up there marjorie you're going to be right there mabel you got to be here they want you mabel we gotta get get up here just before harvest is spoiled okay they're standing around looks like we got no one with it with any bows so um [Music] we got em we got him uh canelo do you have a shield you don't where's your shield we never found that shield dude we was laying around the ground somewhere we never know where we don't know where it is where's everybody else here you come okay mabel you just stand there and and uh put your fists up where's my archer can i get that dog to be on my side i'm just standing around what are you doing hang on no no no no no bad go uh go back uh this way [Music] i like you yeah your enthusiasm maybe you tried to distract him maybe we can she can lead them over the traps how do we get down this place where's our ramp that's what she's confused about there's no ramp down here maybe running by the wolf okay keep running there's no ramps over here how do you get up here this way you better waltz walt looks angry is he wearing a mask hey wolf come help me out here yeah she's gonna die if we don't get her uh back quick i'm catching up on her okay everyone else let's meet them out here oh they're confused they don't know what's happening excellent no no no no no walk what are you doing oh she's stuck she can't go there oh no okay back up here back up here to the wolf to the wolf are you walking okay we're like we're nature people right wolves love us what are you doing walk the other guys where you at made their way down here okay chief you can come up here where'd you go why'd you do that oh i see come to the wolf no don't run away wolf i need your help look at these mean mean people okay now we're gonna be insane how did you get up here okay i don't know how you're gonna do it but get get over here over this way and down okay we're this way okay okay perfect get up here uh everyone else get where'd you go up here hey run okay mabel's going to be our our bodyguard well she goes and stabs uh i would what i'd like you to do actually is uh is go down here and walk and buy these traps see if they enjoy that mabel don't worry about this everyone hang out right here they're not here for you mabel apparently okay oh yeah we got him nice go get him go get him oh what a shot oh oh oh move okay you uh you get back beatrice what are you doing oh man the beleaguered settlers came on attack in the spring of 1353 the ordeal continued for six hours mercifully all settlers survived the raid two sworn enemies died during the fight marjorie was the bravest of the settlers and mabel took the most damage mabel did thinking only defending rooney what mabel oh mabel dude sorry mabel oh go get him don't let him get away [Music] get him mabel go get him okay yeah we got him we got him oh wait you stay right here marshall looks a little hurt she's wobbling around like she's like she's there's blood squirting out of her arm okay go get him oh hey look at that we got free food there too uh marjorie you're done go get fixed up marger how you doing um you look a little funny just a minor flank laceration no problem happens all the time you guys are free go do whatever you want to do i don't run away though okay whatever uh you're free as well we did it your arm's a little lacerated no no reason to walk funny okay all good all good what are you going to do you're going to go get some get some food excellent we did it that guy's still running uh away gotta hear my music goes back there he goes who who was this that attacked us this is either don of who does it say who attacked me this wild silk bee uh else was it elsmere it must have been mansfield a bunch of men came out i don't know who it was [Music] whoever it was well they'll think twice before they come mess with these ladies okay let's eat [Music] um we're not gonna enemy corpse or human carcass uh yes we're not gonna little little thing like cannibal isn't getting our way what do we have here a flimsy iron short sword which is 3.56 dps versus 1.78 what do they have here a wooden mask [Music] and some winter clothes uh yeah this stuff is like yeah you guys grab it i don't know what's good but i think they'll i think they were kind of figured out on their own because we can manage this yeah beatrice has her mask [Music] um grab whatever [Music] cat ladies unite okay are we chopping them up my clothes are still there mabel's just bleeding all over but doesn't stop her from working ash over there for some reason okay [Music] there he is one fresh forest bandit [Music] are we like mad about that where are you going marjorie not hungry she's a little tired her religious needs are fulfilled yeah because she has a fancy little shrine here does this count as a shrine i'm feeling it probably doesn't uh i went to a oak brethren temple no because it needs we're going to roof it somehow we can put walls and like enclose this tree if we can we'll try for the temple we need two oak brethren wall decorations what does that mean [Music] brethren wall decoration i don't think i can do that yet i think we have to find [Music] we have to we think we have to learn that before we can we can do it okay um a little gap here let's put in our workshop over here we got some wood coming in now i'm feeling better because the uh the fighting's done i'm gonna get rid of the fence and make more space here but this will work whoops control z [Music] okay how much limestone do i have next that's not textile where's my 18. okay let's do this um we could probably fit a few workshops in here i think we'll stick a we'll stick a roof on it let's do a stick roof actually i'm gonna do this one we'll just cover like half of it we'll do the rest somehow else okay we've reset the traps your level 9 marksmanship once you hit level 10 we're in good shape um there is some bones over here which may or may not belong to a person are you cutting up that oh you are saw a dead body butchered that's bad but she's not too upset about it a lot of minuses though okay we'll uh we'll try to resist that next time but it'll be all right we're kind of hungry so it's okay it's all right uh preserving food we get a smokehouse going i'm gonna get clay i think next maybe or maybe stone is best because we are around all this rock here stone is probably the best thing still mason and the limestone one thing i didn't mention it was getting was drinking but i don't know where was there a well there is a well isn't there maybe not frasier i don't think it's something different where do we get water from do we no river here decorative for shrine items is that in where's that decorative banners structures ah okay okay yeah oak brother and wall decoration that's it metal traps cool what do we have here reinforced doors we got wooden traps axes steel there's cookie what's that gonna give us oh you make some uh like hearths lavish meals some hats nice robin hood hat i guess if they're thirsty they can just open their mouth and look up [Music] this doesn't seem like it's that difficult actually to get up here it's a lot more difficult to get over here than anything else i i'm wondering if i should put in a ramp or maybe we should work about worry about defense put my walls up around here somewhere oh hey there's a tree it's growing right now we should probably get the full grown ones that one's dead take it immature yeah take the big guys yeah we should we should focus on um keeping our our environment here somewhat uh replenishable i want to get tailoring before winter okay i mean we got a while only day eight i think of the whole thing aren't we like this guy's ready to go are you harvested you are ripe okay i'll harvest you this stuff should start coming in pretty soon of course with carrots for the nice nice back um uh extra i'm gonna get a wall that comes out this way to enclose this i'm gonna move this fence i actually might get rid of the fence it's really cool looking though but our kitchen needed let's look at our rooms so we could get someone a room we do have the one shared bedroom a temple church yeah workshop workshop needs one thing and at least two wall tool shelves okay and then the kitchen needs a stove wall pottery shelves yeah we can't do any most of this stuff yet um stoves are probably i think the stoves are pretty big aren't they was that yeah they were in that's not it cooking yeah these are the i'm guessing those before we can even get to that i need to worry about that just too much just yet master for ryan that was the the very first thing i ever did on youtube um almost seven years ago master of orion i've played it since then that used to be i didn't do it last year actually but i did uh the last several years that was sort of my my anniversary tradition um end of august is my is my uh youtube anniversary and i play some master brian all right good question how many days days make a month four seasons 12 days each okay condition will not grow in low temperatures so make sure you sew and harvest as much as you can before winter starts all right i'll keep an eye on that this is actually looking let's just check it out it's just a uh you know i'm just messing around here but it looks it looks pretty good um oh maybe i think it looks dumb but i think it looks pretty good can i just for the interest of of cool things can i can i stick this on the side of this wall here just so we can have like a oh i can yeah so we can have a railing around this come on come on you can do it come on come on you did it before come on yep and that's the corner one are the corner ones ah i want not corner ones there we go it might have to be a corner one though oh no it doesn't okay just you know in the interest of of of you know these ladies want a place that looks nice there we go yeah we can make it go all the way around just for cool factor um what we can do is put our wall outside wall somewhere on this way so then even if they stand here they still can shoot down um maybe this will be our outside wall here we got the cornfield out there now or whatever it is carrot workshop will be out this will bottle bits this is going to be a workshop as well once we get trees done um if i get stone cutting done we'll be we'll just know all this wood stuff will probably change over to stone as soon as we can how far short are we short by by uh eight yeah i get to work on that mabel just gonna keep hauling things around i think i like that uh how's everyone feeling everyone still in a good mood yeah yeah i mean you're eating people but wait raw people oh you're not ma oh you're the one who's really actually only one offended by the people eating and butchering it can't get that image out of my head oh these are not hungry and people had a nice snack up there do they mind i think in religious activities why look i got this for you that over there okay those are coming along let's pick up the speed here uh how we doing influence what 7.5 percent i wish i knew how to um how to mess with this or if there was a way to mess with it there may not be a way yet it helps me over there we get a forest bandit so all around maybe they'll maybe at some point they'll just we'll get traders that come in uh i use obs uh for streaming i use uh streamlabs obs but for recording i use um what's it called obstudio that was wrong over here oh no meat okay that's fine but i think we're here's pretty good hauling around sock pile we got riding going on what was that a little bling for research available okay um so i was gonna do the stone but we could get some brewing going i suppose because becoming annoyed is that what they're drinking is do we have to have brewing before we can there was a thing out here maybe it's in here now you know i don't know where they're getting drinks from if that's a thing i should be worrying about yeah you do that that roof will get done oh who's becoming annoyed it's sure it's you yeah it's you you're very mad um what can i do to make you happy what do you what do you like you like cooking you like your spear she's unhappy now uh she's wise she has back pain she also likes animals animal handling it sounds like surely there must be some way of in here of having some sort of far more um ranching thing i don't see it though there's table there hmm anyway it's got to be something animal handling that way she would deal with the forge i don't know where that would come in though interesting yeah i want to tame the wolf i would love to take a wolf you're just going to go pray good good because she's the unhappy one that'll pick you up a little bit this is actually ticking down a bit so it's okay in 10 hours it'll all be gone and should be fine she fulfilled her religious needs so it's moving back up she'll be all right animals aren't it yet okay all right uh this is gonna be my workshop so we're gonna i'm gonna go ahead and mark this thing and start getting them built so i've got a woodworking bench to get put down here so that one in um i'm gonna move my research bench in here also the bowyer table will go in also which i put there i wish i could move it but i can't i'm just going to move it this way like that and then stone cutter will go in here also once it gets done hopefully hopefully it's not too big so mason yeah perfect uh in fact can you squeeze in there i don't think so but you can go here so we got wood cutter stone cutter there we can always put like a door and have more back here there's plenty of space um what does wood man do i guess we'll find out when he gets done she gets done with it so you make clubs you can make spears and you can dismantle items for what let's make a spear and let's make a club just to have them around anthony cook you just gotta just start doing them just start just start recording things that's that's the secret to youtube just you just gotta do it um once once you get into a groove you'll be good and don't worry about like don't worry about if the videos are garbage because they're because no one's going to watch it that was that was the that was the best advice i ever heard because no one's no one's going to see your first 100 videos anyway so don't worry about it uh what do you do mabel you oh you're right you're my hauler person to go back and watch like some of the the big time folks if they still have their first videos up that'll boost your confidence as well 24 chronicles oh the chronicles that's right i forgot that was a thing the knowledge like it stays i think can we lose [Music] can we we can lose these things right is that what's going on here [Music] because they're not they're not gone they're just allocated to something okay well they'll sleep in there i'll give them a nice bed we'll work on getting some furniture or whatever she loves in archery did you excellent um i would like you to come pick that up that and then mabel who's sleeping mabel wake up you're gonna get this new one that one there you go ate some raw meat why aren't you cooking things why is everyone so hungry why aren't people eating you want to eat people what's happening here cook cook over one cook do that something missing here everything cook everything might add us he doesn't get decomposed what there she goes now she's at it okay those are both growing we got trees up top getting done chop that guy chop that guy um there we go plenty of wood around here we should just set up because i could set up just like a stockpile of wood this is what carcasses and waste here let's put in like limestone bricks can go in there just limestone by itself can go in there and the iron i'm sure throw all this stuff in here sticks wood coal clay yeah throw all that stuff in there let me build in the side of the hill yeah so i've i've that's kind of the original plan was to dig into here check out the veins though this is like the an iron vein in here can you kind of see check that out hey thanks agent mor thank you very much hey uh maybe some defended ramps there it is thanks that's mine so like we could we can mine this thing out and dig a little bit further in here and that was the original plan um it's a dig like a hallway back here let's do like um good iron main there lion's deposit let's just do that and then we'll dig our way back if i can figure out how to do it chop down here and do something like you know like a big hallway and then we can open it up or something i think what i'm actually going to do is we'll turn this into eventually it'll not be a bedroom it'll be a i don't know something you make basic refrigeration in with underground storage ah interesting interesting so if i were to go ah that's kind of that's kind of cool exhausting well then go to sleep is this too noisy for you that's really thirsty a little tired what am i supposed to do about thirst maybe we have to get brewing done it's pretty it's pretty quick on the list is that possible that we can't drink anything unless we get hey what about the like just dig a pond somewhere there's no water on this map huh becoming a bit concerned embark embark that's the other one i knew there was another one i couldn't remember and bark that's the one that's sort of similar to this one yeah embark was sort of like the um it's sort of like minecraft colony sim but they kind of caught that minecraft look to it yeah so we'll take that thing out uh hopefully food's coming in here eventually how's everyone feeling ugly apparel will get you desperately thirsty what do i do about that i kill for a pint or three produce some alcoholic beverages for your settlers why can't they just drink water well this is like some sort of uh um surely surely we can drink water these are all ripe ready for picking do i have to tell them to pick it okay oh she's got it she's got it okay every five blocks you need a support beam okay medieval times water is death don't give me that nonsense that's like that's i don't understand where that that it's like that's like the big medieval times myth right that's people didn't drink water they they drank beer because it wasn't safe to drink water give me a break whatever water was garbage back then beer was safe to drink don't don't don't spread that around dayback that's that's nonsense it's all nonsense you open a history book or something that's why all the animals only drink beer yeah thanks to village i don't know where that came from i hear all the time by the way i went to school for uh medieval history and i used to hear that all the time i used to used to used to get me riled up like why why why would they not drink water like you can go to a creek and drink it you're not gonna die even now yeah you can't boil water this boiling water was something we just discovered like 50 years ago you can get me riled up stop it how we doing here um all right so that's that's their our workshop we'll take a look at our workshop over here oh look at that okay okay um i'll take what do i talk about yeah i'll take a short bow i'll take one of those and then you do this uh yeah i need to sit here and just just make these things i think just forever limestone blocks maybe we should put a limit on it um like a hundred limestone blocks that's a good number [Music] now there is there's a a small bit of truth to it where if you're a soldier if you're soldier you're away from home you don't know what water is safe and what isn't safe and so you would have some sort of alcohol however the alcohol then is going to be nothing like an alcoholic drink today it's very light on the alcohol [Music] [Music] over there oh i gotta hear this one uh i never even set it up uh summers appear like a warm blessing coaxing the settlers to shed their warm clothing now it's time to build underground storage keep food fresh in the sunny days to come okay uh i'm gonna remove this you go away um i need to get this inside the research man inside and i think what i might do is is what if we like put this up we can put a wall here kind of block this off so if someone wants to attack me they have to go around i suppose the chronicle has decomposed on the stockpile so we're not getting dumb are we oh yeah okay that's bad that's bad that's bad um maybe what we'll do is in here this is gonna be our chronicle place there we go um i have to put the bed somewhere again i gotta move this somewhere we gotta we gotta we're gonna we're gonna all lose our stuff here let's just do this let's put in our wooden wall like that i'll have to move the campfire um oh actually i don't i can just do this that goes away that goes away we'll put in a door there uh that's not gonna work because there's something cancel those they're wrong um i might put a wall there just so that it it will do my roof right yeah or or hang on i can put in uh a beam right yeah beam and then both excellent okay because this was a hard copy of rimroll i mean there's so many there's so many uh games that do that i don't know if it was rimroll the first to do it um i mean lazy new pack uh the um dwarf therapist was around before roomworld's version of it and i'm sure that wasn't the first this is now a spare room okay uh we're going to do some mining and get a place to stash our books i mean i guess we can stash them right there can't we that's there's a room there's a stockpile there i guess not dumping one but a that's there and we just say this is oops um this is only where is it only chronicles books only books go there i'm not sure how big of a spot we need for those [Music] yeah it's funny whenever we always hear about i get comments all the time about how like it's a copy of room world but then whenever rimworld was was out i said it before whenever room world was was was starting out everyone was always angry because it was a copy of dwarf fortress roast meat has rotted on the stockpile like inside the building here this is where meat is right let's do pile cabbage pile rotten meat pile over there uh yeah things are falling apart uh what if we do this [Music] if i dig this out it's gonna be this square here we can dig it out i'm going to put i'm going to try that that cellar thing oh there's my shield i'm looking for that what um let's see so we're gonna put i wanna put some stairs in here stairs are three spots so if we come in here should we figure this out i wanna mine get one of these done first [Music] let's mine that one and the one below it and i want to get this one also see if that works and we'll put a stair down and put ourselves some cellar thing and i don't know how far down needs to go for seller but we'll figure that out uh let's put a roof on top so we have a floor that we can walk on uh no not seems i don't know what these guys have done um foxy vauxhall is the devs um i don't know what their other games are what else they have they have made looking pretty neat up here i'm ready for another fight i'm ready for another villager to come in is everyone still super thirsty desperately thirsty yeah let's look at that i'm not gonna get anywhere until we get this thing caught back up i guess and then we have to go look at brewing now that it's stuck in here though i hope it will not rot there's six books there decomposing because of ground type alright so you want a roof or a floor oops weather's decomposing um i gotta figure this out here so this room here we don't have a use for it yet parking up the wrong tree he was found faint and bleeding by a citizen of nooktop from the axe and shattered lumber william had clearly experienced a wood cutting mishap how would you let him stay and heal that depends buddy uh you do like um i i got a feeling this might be a uh a phony woodcutting accident he walks by he sees a colony full of ladies four ladies to be exact uh i uh i uh hurt my leg can i stay with you for a while [Laughter] no boys allowed i mean but he likes he likes the old guy he's 48 years old he's got he's pretty good with the speech crafts um is he is he is he gonna stay here forever intellectual 21 yeah he's he's he's smart yeah i mean he's he's crafty we love him we'll stay hey william what you doing up there really are you dying um williams waiting what's doing i like a hat um william is beatrice coming to get you oh he's really playing it up he's so injured he can't even walk come help me beatrice he says look there's blood squirting all over hmm craft crafty fella you gotta give him credit all right um let's stash him in here man things are falling apart i gotta get i think it's floors flooring is what i think is uh is an issue here the hay spot in here for him uh you can hang out over here buddy no he's gonna be over there okay it's fine um see that's there i i've got flooring on this right they built the flooring here wooden floor yeah that's there this one's done now we need a stockpile here too stockpile there it's going to be food hopefully save us from losing more stuff okay so my my um my smooth talker needs a job um oh we got an axe okay that's nice um yeah you want a shield oh you can't it's two-handed axe he's got a fine straw hat he's got some winter clothes already uh if you want some armor buddy you can have it okay it's convalescing at the moment um i would like you william she's pretty good well she's she's an 18 she started like an eight or something she's very passionate about research so they're actually gonna leave her at that job um he has an axe i suppose he can he can hunt with an axe no what's his job going to be he could be backup researcher but from for the most part i think i'm going to have him doing a bit of carpentry i don't know got some plants down that might be a good job for them trees need chopped mining for us to move these guys back down if there's mining or tree topping to be done you can do that you're not really passionate about it or whatever but yeah all our meat is rotting away we can also give them we had um mabel doing these things i suppose yeah if there's nothing else to do then just help out mabel there these are sawing away on that thing i need to put a roof on this but it's no point really yet until we get that uh things in the walls who's losing a lot of blood are you still bleeding buddy once you get patched up i don't know how to fix you but whatever uh get better becoming annoyed who's annoyed mabel's annoyed sleeping on the ground you're losing consciousness why because you're exhausted look i gave you a did he come in and take care oh she's sleeping now okay and desperately thirsty that's research looking no we got six available now okay uh uh what we could do actually is we could set up him as um a level two researcher so then if we get a lot of job he's always everything now but if uh if she's done with it like for now william's gonna go over there and do it it's kind of neat yeah they come over here and write some things down that was it yeah it's three for me you gonna go play some backgammon or whatever that uh is the carrots looking oh actually looking pretty good a lot of those coming in okay um i need to get can we smoke carrots and make them last a little longer i wonder we gotta get brewing first but that would be maybe a good step in the right way station ale beer look at all that some dead trees over here go ahead and chop these what's the button h oh i see sure chop those those guys out uh any of the dead ones might as well get rid of those they're not going to do any good this is all i think all iron is what's yeah it's red stuff we got a lot of iron around is he still i don't know how to tend to him though can we um okay i wish i hadn't done this floor now because it's kinda it's cool but it's kind of teased to deal with mabel can you like um yeah tend to his wounds do you know how to do medic stuff you're kind of grumpy aren't you uh you do it tend to his wounds happy to do what she says amazon's gonna start striking if you don't turn your worthless male into a [Laughter] servant why am i streaming in the middle of the night why would i not be streaming in the middle of the night you've been here long enough you know my stream times all right is he good now is he uh fixed yeah he's all good okay perfect beatrice is over there in the new bed um all right uh i wonder do you guys care about how big your bedrooms are where's that at let's be room one there yeah we got a shared bedroom we've got a regular bedroom just needs it just needs a bed and that's it a rare private space it says yeah like we could we could i wonder if we could do like dwarf fortress bedrooms here and just like i turn this into a a little uh matchstick bedroom thing i wonder hey burns how's it going what is what is marked here oh that um there's a little wall there oops i just ruined it okay um i could put in so we got a door here we could put in a wall like that way and then you know and probably squeeze them in here i think yeah can't you continue eventually yeah just every every few weeks or so we'll i'll come back to it okay let's get some brewing in all right all right now uh our brewer i was gonna put well we'll find a place for it i guess we could put it like we'll see how big it is um if i do that how can we fit this thing the kitchen needs a brewing station i think and so if i squeeze it in here somehow i had this idea and know it's not working um i don't really know where to put it though it's gonna have like a room here that jutted out but now this is kind of in the way now that i do this i can always move this thing easy enough um clicking rowing use different rooms do it if i had it as kitchen needs oh you're right butchery table okay so then the what's it under some station new [Music] okay it doesn't seem to happen [Music] okay [Music] [Music] okay we got a spot to stash our book so they'll rot away we have who what william just deal with it buddy even good at uh at medicine convalesce is like rest right tent you're a seven you're no good eight so marjorie can you go help out poor william where is he oh deal with the poor guy idol who's idol maybe has no job okay mabel i think you can probably it's constructed is there brewing is it is that a job or is it cooking well let's do it so we can make a rough wine with red currants or ale with some barley or beer with them barley i don't have any of those things anyway enough of that stuff uh wait a minute i wasn't prepared for this all right let's make a little bit of rough wine uh just make my i don't know uh two of them and we'll pick some red currants and we got some more coming in the out of the ground here in a second i didn't ever make any of the uh other stuff where is food here it is i got a ton of raw food now i've got a ton of carrots let me change all these things all these to change over can i do that no okay uh these are going to be barley right i'm going to barley right here then okay let's barley make some drinks okay that'll be good that'll get them uh busy working on that um coming eventually we got that going over there we got books happening we've got uh the beginnings of a bedroom maybe maybe maybe that's what that can be over there it looks kind of nice check this out we got our shrine to our our oak god over there with tree intact is there two trees in there there is excellent there's a new tree the group grew in what was in there here let's put down uh a floor in here i think they like floors so let's do that stone cutter is working also we need to get a stone stock pile set up let's just like put a spot a spot right here um here stockpile let's do that and say this is just limestone bricks and limestone and then he's ignoring he's gonna make he's making those things and hopefully tosses them where he's put him okay i never built my tower but all these bunnies let's eat them which is available what we got preserving food that's probably what we want smokehouse yeah some smoking yeah yeah yeah we gotta get that we need tailoring what is it it's summertime uh we'll get it soon enough let's preserve our food first and then we'll start tailoring some things okay so now we can make a smokehouse i'm assuming it has to be outside but i don't know um i'm going that way let's put it i think i'm going to do this here let's get our wall and jet out just a little bit put my door there [Music] okay so you want to go to the garden you have to go like through this area but it's fine um smokehouse you walk through here and you go to the smokehouse it's my house uh yeah it's just everything if you got some meat smoke it um i don't care what kind of meat it is human meat yeah delicious okay and then uh up on top here we'll put our our roof in i'm gonna put a uh limestone roof in someone see it can i do that no what's in the way oh that thing's oh cause there's another door there my door in okay research available let's get uh i want tailoring first wait for that we don't have good beds [Music] but it's okay that's going to go up and then we'll put in our limestone roof nope uh can i put it the other way no hmm how do we do this we could put it like sloped i could put like a door in here and then have enough a second shelf of fighty stuff you know like this but down here i want to do this okay so we're going to try it doesn't work [Music] i know how to make this work other than putting the floor down [Music] do it like uh this no i can't unless we put in one of those uh those oh you know if we put in one of those those things that goes across that might work like that i guess that does work we could just squeeze that in there i think i don't know [Music] let's see what it does everyone's sleeping uh if i tell you guys do anything whenever will you just do anything whenever if you get is it like room roll if you get tired you go sleep if you're hungry you go eat tailoring this gives us winter clothes and hats and a sewing station so now can i go i can go there this little part was blocked off i could do um so yeah we could do that and then do i guess we could just do this and then another one like that and that works look at that limestone wall roof things are getting fancy around here check it out nice we need some stone walls here okay looking good smoker's working um we've got a new table we can put in which was the selling station can you fit back there you cannot okay then we will expand this how much limestone do i have i have 100 lamps and bricks okay limestone it is our new uh new materials limestone lost property apparently and deranged their first adam was this was simply overcome with terror a pitiful stumbling corpse with wheels from binding and harsh beatings by a cruel master adam begged to hide me if i die i will die if i'm caught so we can say no adam or we can look at adam adam adam apparently it's big we're gonna get attacked by five folks if we take adam in is adam worth it i don't know uh do we want another another man around here i don't know smokehouse indoors is it supposed to go outside i mean it would make sense but doesn't it um he's pretty good at stuff all right adam i'll take you i'm i'm i'm ready to fight some things come on in adam people coming in in a day well how you feeling buddy you bruised your arm a little bit oh way can you come in here and eat my food did you have a weapon on you where was it managed you have no weapon um go get did i make a bow go get a bow there's a hat to grab you can have whatever you want because armor you can get it go get a bow and learn to shoot some things where you go to that bose marksman eight yeah okay perfect i don't really have a weapons stockpile or anything here um if they're gonna come here i think what i want to do is i'm gonna i'm gonna build a wall so let's set up let's do this uh now let's get this limestone wall there's no block wall i like the wall blocks are cool i want to go here i think because we can make our own way up there can we let's do it here no there and they can always come up up here you know and down um which would be a problem but we'll deal with that in a minute um if they want to step right there we'll put a trap down you don't want to go there put them there okay there's our fancy walls we've got going up we'll put some over on this side as well um is this as far out as i want to go or should i go a little further let's go to here and then out here i think we go all the way to the edge here and then around this little valley i'm kind of thinking about maybe we dig out this stuff i'm going to get rid of this i'm going to i'm going to clear this stockpile and make a new one i need to get i need to get a big barn i got this little bar in here i just need a big warehouse basically that might be what comes on the edge here so let's worry about getting i'm out of limestone i guess let's get a stockpile i'm just set it up here let's put it in [Music] there hopefully that stuff will fit over there okay so this stuff's coming in get a day for the before they show up looking pretty neat how to put a gate in has something i gotta learn gates decorative defensive decorative decorative defensive fancy walls or doors i mean i want a gate yeah i don't see one okay right is going on over there um i don't know i don't care i care about clay brick making yet do i it gives me a kiln i guess i need to yeah i gotta get pottery and stuff and coal yeah we gotta get that let's get that away and we'll set that somewhere i guess not outside some people seem to think that's silly so the kiln will go right here as if it's a new thing so kiln we're gonna make it out of limestone let's set up here right over here in the corner oh right over there there we'll get a ladder going up to that limestone stair oh i see what's happening the other limestone is limestone period this is limestone brick i should target the train archers if there is i don't know how everything's run away um get better bows there flails flails i don't see one cool i gotta get furniture a lot of cool ideas here a lot of like um a lot of times you see these kind of things and you think you know this could just be a like a mod for room world or whatever and and this is different enough though i think that i think i think it's uh i'm into it i'm i'm i'm i'm on board uh adam i forgot about you buddy what do you do what do you do well you like to research you're kind of dumb but you like to research uh you like you love cutting plants well i got a job for you buddy william can relax on that one then uh marjorie you're busy doing the hunting that's all you do you're gonna tailor now marjorie adam wants to grow grow and harvest yes please okay yeah beatrice gets you they get you back to the cooking job which i think i need you doing what's crafting brick work okay so maybe if you have anything else then go make some breaks uh i don't know if you dig too deep do you find things in there i don't know um yeah i don't i don't know okay good stuff's getting hot out of there we get rid of that stockpile in a second once it gets brought in here we'll get these walls to come around here we'll probably put a building into that that area their warehouse uh walls will come back around and maybe meet up over here this way once we get the walls once we get the bricks for them [Music] so somebody wants to come from here we're gonna have trouble so let's um don't want to block myself from being able to go with the mountain i think it's probably okay put one there and 23 cornell is a smart one that i think is okay i think people can just walk down here do i need to do that [Music] something like a keep only it goes more than four levels deep oh let's see so there's our level on now level am i on here hey rakuth rack thank you very much man rockets thanks rachet okay so we can go uh so here we go we're at there's base level one two yeah okay so we can see how far that is three four so we're at four okay yeah you're right man thanks rakis rocket you're too kind uh sunstorm says stupid question where are you getting your water from nook don't right a sunstorm don't don't don't do it don't do it rock uh sunstorm we already already got a loss in this though you're going to get me riled up again thanksgiving racket raccoons you're too kind get rid of that we got a sword over here that no one's taking we'll take the sword somebody uh i probably should build like an army or some kind let's get our warehouse done now let's do it out of regular limestone this is limestone brick this is limestone red that i suppose uh do i have any limestone laying around not really anymore we had a bunch oh yeah i do i've done i have 100 580 iron nuggets i was clay actually happening oh yeah yeah okay so let's do this that's gonna look funny though if it's not brick okay okay let's go uh like that's enough beds oh yeah we have a new guy taking my beds okay okay new guy wants a bed well he is he in for a treat when he sees what kind of bed he's gonna get here's your pile of hay buddy three hours people are exhausted research is available okay i would like furniture let's go to bed um a wooden hay bed that's fancy uh cancel that let me get this fancy do it what can i make out of it it's still gonna be hay i think i can do this and make things work maybe [Music] what's going on here people are exhausted who's exhausted quinnell go to sleep uh do you just make stuff okay yeah give me some coal uh i need uh just give me i don't know 20 coal and i'd also like some clay here violent extortionists oh adam what have you done were you picking mushrooms adam look at those guys i know we know we we do not bow to this there's someone else came along there's there's six two of them are fierce we can say fine you can have adam back i know we fight okay pause look at all those guys we've got like a look at his hat his name's audrey i got war masks they got armor okay this might be a little bit more tricky okay of course they start over there hopefully they can't come around here they may come over and just start shooting us uh let's get everybody can i grab everyone easily did i get everyone yeah everyone come to here okay there's going to linger around for a little bit that's fine uh william i want you to come over here why are you green where's william and adam green [Music] you hang out over here i need mabel with the bow bow you hang out there and then uh i don't stop getting so close to the ladies okay i gotta lure him in here somehow marjorie can you um you can shoot one of them people in the way [Music] come over here take a shot okay starter attack okay okay here they come yeah they start like leaping down okay here they come from above we blast them oh yeah the ladies are at it there you go oh cameron oh bad big mistake cameron maybe the ai needs a little bit of help take that boyd guy out no boys allowed around here that guy's stumbling where's that ball what about audrey yeah there you go oh they're gonna come down to this level arms aren't they no where are you going you know i love early access games it makes me feel like i know what i'm doing take that audrey i'm taking your hat alright uh oh hang on let's get marjorie you get the point mabel you're right beside her and then uh in an atom you can stand over here i'm guessing you guys are green because you're good at it oh you're joyful oh adam loves this he says cinnamon i love cinnamon on my toast take him down he's walking funny he's gotta go to the bathroom real bad take that buddy oh yeah we got these guys i'm gonna come walk around here but william's gonna come say hello there you go hack him up take that stab stab no problem stab step destroyed them beleaguered i don't know about that for three hours five of them died marjorie was the bravest uh huh william took the most damage get him get him take him down oh oh trap misfired what excellence excellent okay this game ain't so tough start playing the happy music we got a little beat down there but he'll be all right he's joyful uh we got some cool hats and things i should probably tell them to stop cooking people uh let's not do people anymore just because people get real mad about it uh in the butcher also which is in here can you uh stop cooking up people like enemy corpse though do we do we all right fine we got food i think else elsewhere so we don't need to be hooking up people okay william's back at work uh we've got bodies laying all over the place we put these things up we got axes we've got a flimsy savage wood mask where'd that cool hat go here it is check this thing out it's a savage plate [Music] helmet okay um marjorie i know you got a cool hat already but i want you to wear this thing you're my uh you're my mvp here [Music] yeah go get that that's cool [Music] i kind of put like a door up here so we can climb this mountain a little faster but i'm worried that it'll just create a weak spot for them to attack me have a good one renee [Music] okay how's my uh my iron we got tin we'll crank some more of that limestone out and then we can get that done uh do i make anything new here just thought that the chair that's it nothing there was me tending to oh look at marjorie does that hurt your eyesight or anything i hope not how do we know [Music] star invokes the terror of the horned god lord of the forest and he's swept up and he's swept up by hernia's hunt will be harried to the ends of time okay i don't like it that's a good sold me on it [Music] okay now you need your your faith in the uh in the oak brethren to be a little higher marjorie you get these bodies out of here though can we burn them we can build a pyre somewhere we do the other ones oh we cut them we cut them up uh let's get the pyre going and we'll set it up oh yeah we said it like right up here this is my defensive spot um let's just stash it over here okay we got some wood going with that so we'll chop these trees down are you done yeah drop you down and it's kind of a pain oh you know what you do here's what we'll do let's put a ladder over here uh just not a wood one we don't have any wood we do have limestone so we'll throw one in let's see come out we'll put one like right there there there now we can get up here and get these trees there's a lot of trees up here to grab nothing now we can get to chopping anything that's mature i need a is there a chop mature plants that one's growing still there we go okay then we'll get this wall to come around here we'll have our gate like over here by these by these plants um and probably um i don't know what we'll do actually about this ledge here maybe we go up and maybe do like two story and then have it go just follow the edge i don't think it really matters because things can't climb down the mountain yet anyway i hope they fix that it's pretty easy to game it as it is that the bricks laying around thursday night connected huh oh whoops okay let's pass that on let's let's look into getting them a bedroom i mean i'll be a big bedroom but we got six people here now um hmm so i think we're gonna have one like there too i can't get them all in here i get like five in here so we have to go expands a bit more how i expanded that let's get some flooring down first some build a wall uh well it's not gonna work we could do like that and get one squeezed in there [Music] hmm i think maybe we're gonna we're gonna have separate bedrooms just starting now let's go in here yeah from from here we'll put like a um um what might not be quite enough let's do a two-way path dubious meal it's gonna take a long time to get this stuff done three by three is big enough let's do that there's enough four gold veins there we go fortress time then we put doors there and then they can have their own their own little room i'll make them happy i'm a good botanist yeah batman i don't like the body i think right uh only 30 of those limestone things i'm going to mark these out to get this uh this this wall set up let's do uh the block one let's go like over here just follow oh there's a ramp right there isn't there it's okay and then over this way and then we'll just follow this around i think we'll put in like our gate we'll cut some of this this away we'll have like a bit of a path in here we'll cut in we'll put a gate here maybe double doors and then out this way and then from there we could either go i think we could go up and around with this thing i know it's time consuming and wasting a lot of limestone but all i care about is how cool we will mostly follow the wall like that i think we gotta go under the cam but we gotta go too tall here like that okay so there is our we'll get there eventually slave driver what do you mean no no no they love working uh banners hey that's cool oh yes we need this we need this okay let's go and make this uh a real temple here so inside here with our trees we gotta go and make a uh i need um a decoration to our god oak brethren wall decoration yeah yeah this thing oh yeah nice right there can i have another one is there a different kind tool shelf prostitution i hate those guys uh a deer head oh yes please can i stick this like i said we'll we'll flank the sides of it with deer heads and i want to put the other brethren guy over here there we go uh marjorie's gonna yeah it's good i'm probably gonna get rid of these trees i really don't want to if i can build this thing up i'm gonna try somebody's hurt and he's tended to i keep ignoring him hoping it'll go away but he probably won't what's wrong with you is it william again man william i don't know thor's hammer unexpected thunder roar crashing through a bruised sky a violent presence intruding like a bad omen held echoes of a heart a heathen god fork lightning flickered and blazed toward the ground splitting a mighty oak loki oh okay who's my was it marjorie was a good medic but it's an eight yeah of course it's margin because margin wow hero you know william just want to fix william no i don't think he needs healing it's lion it's quite a storm wow you know what i've been doing here is uh torches let's get some nice wall torches in here just go in there um over here somewhere yeah we're there and on this side okay warehouse we get a couple torches let's come over here whenever we can oh this is our gate we've put a couple of torches on this side and on the outside too for a cool factor uh and then let's uh let's put some doors in here i can wait for that reinforced door that we're gonna get here before too long uh oh oh uh yeah uh i would like a an iron ironing it for that like our our oak guy does he go here okay now on top of this stuff we could put in some um like whoops real defensive structures like this stuff which will really give it a much more castley look if i can get it to go right away like that either or just sticking out or along the top here um i don't want to finish this one off though so let's go ahead and finish that guy there we go do i need a deer head to do the deer banner no just bones perfect uh it can just sit up there like that that seems strange can i put it like up here not really what i want i want it like i want a prominent deer head i know i need to go to bed i'm uh i'm a little uh lost in here you little sleepy there canel okay i need an armory also so i think what we'll do is this warehouse is actually full um i started doing a downstairs thing didn't i i need to do that i think i need to do a warehouse also downstairs maybe the maybe the first floor will be my my armory all these weapons can go in there and that's a good idea um pull this thing out a bit a bit let's try here let's do something okay that's gonna go like that there's decorative banners it might be nice to get ourselves a hearth or um what's melting give us is that ingots oh yeah we need that oh it's 30. i think what's going to happen is so this is my defensive spot but i think i'm going to turn this warehouse into a tower the first couple levels maybe three or four levels we'll have a big tower here you remember the tower we're gonna have up on top here yeah forget about that i never said anything about it tower will go here towering over the walls uh we probably get some doors set up in here um i can switch them out eventually with the uh cool doors like that uh i guess i need to top can i put a beam there is that cool is that weird all right it's weird like that okay we are the 11th day of summer we got one more day uh the iron shorts are decomposed in two months okay man the sun's a vicious one you know um i wonder if the uh if the the water thing is because the the part of the story is like um big plague right and we sort of emerged from our fallout shelters basically and and built this came to this place maybe the water's all toxic um because uh you know story maybe that's our excuse i'll take it i accept that excuse what are you uh hey pal i'll take those sticks oh we got a bunch of this if we need some hay um actually i might need somebody for our beds there's some currents what's uh grab some of those guys that'll help us get our wine going that's our brewery oh yeah the pyre um yeah please do light them up uh and then my where'd my brewer go i'm just working on that but we're we'll get barley in here in a minute do i want ale or do i want beer beer takes a 10 culinaries anyone have that am i cook cook was beatrice colonel 22 yes we can make beer just have a ten seems like a lot i don't know it's like it's like barrels of beer not single drinks make five barrels of beer i can't replant dries yeah i can i can't um but they grow on their own so as long as i as long as i i've i've sort of found because i was trees over here and i got rid of them um as long as i don't over like aggressively hack them all down we'll be good and let them grow because little shoots will pop up around here and they'll start growing some more it's melting oh fletching that's what uh that's the longbow that one okay so we're burning them uh let's get the smelter set up it's gonna be big uh oh i have a perfect spot for you oh no you're you're too wide perfect spot there we go the exhaust and settlers don't know what to do about this how's um how's my room's looking now we're getting there okay yeah one of the things i can grow is here i can go to uh the fields and i can grow a birch tree instead of like a birch tree farm i suppose we could do is just like try that um we'll have like a row of trees here and it'd be really cool it's not like one every square is it oh it is okay i hope i like birch trees uh can i get a good road i want a uh a dirt road can we do that wicker floor limestone floor how much longer i got i got 845 limestone yeah we got enough of that let the limestone floor this place i want a road and i want um it's gonna carve through our farm it's okay gonna go this way and then we're gonna go like this and then i have a little shoot going off over there go that way and into there okay we're gonna make our way up here we've got traps and all that so we'll deal with that hopefully if it works we'll try it all right and then we'll we'll floor this up here one wood floor that's cool um yeah we can have a little shoot going right there okay um yeah that's good i like it oh yeah look at that nice okay looking good our floor is done here so i'm gonna put another level in that as soon as we get it done uh where'd i put my where did that is down here right the downstairs yeah uh they never did because they can't really get to it and there's stuff in the way how do i move this move those beats please i guess if i shrink the zone and they'll move it then they can start chopping that up check that out yeah that's a birch tree okay why is uh mr stonecutter not doing stone not doing their job who's supposed to be doing this waiting for worker we'll get to work what job is this where is the this is the zone break i think it's just the normal like the craft like bricks yeah um i think it's mabel's job mabel's busy doing the hauling and stewarding but i think that's going to be her thing you can make me some make me these let's see if that does it i think it's all just wood no matter what tree yeah there's a good people no matter what tree of grab it seems to be just wooden wow lifestyle is back okay all right i really wanna get these uh these these things on the walls but uh i gotta get the bed make some armor over here we can get to where's the reinforced door i was gonna make maybe a good idea actually hoping for some more attacks here this is the supposed to be the hard mode autumn is blistering blustering in okay uh the taylor oh i never made my taylor shop did i um i got sidetracked um i was gonna put in a door here and build this thing out and i forgot okay um i will do it out of line soon because i got a ton of it i'll continue this this out this way and we'll just go just fill this all in and then we're going to cut this away put a door there and then this will be a new little house here and we're going to go and put in a roof like this which does not want to connect up it will though if i uh yes right yeah here we go now yeah we can expect mods uh i'm gonna um did you catch that that was my look that was my look of are my mods modding thanks to village and maverick good to have you here uh that's a little weird uh it's i didn't really i didn't realize i had that big one like it's fine um what was i gonna say i got sidetracked um oh four put a floor in okay floor goes there what is all this no no don't do all this okay there we go there's that uh put the door in i think and then we'll put in our new thing our tailor's shop our sewing station yep and we'll put in a i guess that's near it bowyer we've got everything else but we'll get more things we can throw back there yes steven that's dubious meals why don't you make some good meals let me make it over here oh is that all you have it's the only option just make normal meal uh yeah we gotta get that cooking job maybe start making stuff on some actual like like a hearth oh let's do it we can make some lavish meals that's all you go from dubious to lavish okay now that i really want to put that in here with the butcher is but i don't think it really matters where's the kitchen go i guess we could squeeze it back here our limestone hearth which will just sit back here you need to be in a building [Music] um i can put something over here and then build that out and put like uh some sort of a kitchen on that i got the big room i might as well use it right in the middle there we go it might confuse the game about what room it is i think we get bonuses i know we get bonuses for having brews that that makes sense there goes there okay i've got a nice stone floor but i start with that wood spot which is cool people here are concerned about my uh lac or my lack of perhaps structural integrity it'll be fine look i'm i'm used to being a dwarf i know all about structural integrity zones for your pawns like room world uh it kind of works like it kind of auto does it this is what you're asking um so like this is my my shared bedroom it's right over here this is all one big shared bedroom and because it's a shared bedroom uh this was sort of some sort of boost i don't know what the boost is but apparently there's some sort of boost for for having a shared bedroom or maybe it tells me here um as long as small positive mood modifiers gained by sleeping in there uh so as long as there's beds in there and as long as there's no work stations or shrines it's fine we've got regular bedrooms we've got the temple which i should have oh no i don't have a roof yeah that's a big tree uh i'm going to try this if it doesn't work bummer a nice thatched roof for our temple i think seems appropriate oh the oh no it's not the tree it's actually in the way it's um so if i give uh if i give you a support you'll be happy it's red red because i know wood um and then a thatched roof yeah it would work i want to go the uh the other way though yeah yeah okay no topping that tree down you hear me birch tree 50 wood it doesn't even matter what kind of tree it is either because the birch 50 wood the oak 50 wood yeah that matter these all look pretty mature i said there's more trees growing in maybe they only come in in the spring because there is i don't see any little ones well there's one uh florencia was simply overcome with terror hide me let's see what you're all about you uh oh you you know about the oak uh god okay well yeah come on in we got some fierce bandits coming in yeah come on in you got some nice orange clothes we've got a we've got a wall mostly we don't have a wall in a very important spot right over here i'm guessing this is because of a lack of thatch is that your problem can't be reached oh that makes sense um how do i fix that i don't know what to do about that um hmm how much reach do you need to have to get there if i i could give you a ladder like we could do just a quick stare my guess up here and we can remove it later on some scaffolding i'll see what that does if we need to we can put we can put a floor on the edge i think they can reach that obviously they can reach that far so we just stick a floor that goes like that maybe they can reach it all okay 16 hours are gonna be here this is our this is our high note we're gonna go out on this is uh this is our ending cause i gotta go to bed and let's play something else tomorrow night but we may have come back for more of this tell them to do the specific jobs beatrice can you come over here and do this yeah that's right i forgot that was the thing it's not failing and this wall over here [Music] i guess we may need a brazier inside also if it's getting cold i don't really pay any attention to the temperature because it's been nice ish there we go those are getting done now thanks florencia leave this door done oh yeah check that out no torches because we can't reach them and they can't get to here so i'm not really concerned about this we are we are sealed in now the question is what do they do how do they try to get me we'll find out here in um in nine hours uh flourishing looktop grows more influential in the region with each day as passes attracting more settlers and perhaps garner unwanted attention okay we're at 20 oh i have a region i have a yellow huh it is gross it's growing what does that mean i don't know but i'm intrigued can you come build this adam with a face mask we're gonna come to this door and try to break it down that's what's gonna happen there's this thing and we've got this guy here so we can put our floor which is in the next up here like that that'll give us another floor of um for our room need a beam for this okay they want florencia but they ain't getting her i refuse okay we've got a lot of guys coming in this time okay where you at you are way over there bro here we are okay um let's get everyone oh everybody did i get everyone i didn't get adam let's get to our spot here adam where you at get in here i'm curious about what's going to happen here because we've kind of blocked ourselves off they can't attack me [Music] we'll see sure what's gonna happen i'm guessing they're gonna go for the door if they all have swords we'll cut bert here has a fancy hat let's see range folks scratching his head with a sword okay here he goes he comes in yeah i'm sure they're gonna come through that and try to break that door down and we'll stand up here we'll just shoot mabel's got some fancy clothes on what is that mabel i can't quite see him is that the um oh i can't click the mail where's your gear it's a flim oh that's oh she has sturdy wood armor oh yeah it does look like it's like yeah it's like twigs and things okay so you go there the uh the whole 3d you know effect is it's kind of neat but it's it's kind of tricky to deal with uh florencia you're new come get a boat i make another one i don't know that i did so come grab that spear all right now where are they going come on up here make our stand over here i need to get a yeah this tower would be a good spot for it to get the tower in here and so maybe three stories up and then shoot down on them they're definitely gonna come through here so we'll just shoot them as they come in i'm gonna break the door down it's fine they do all they want you know what i don't like that door anyway you need a fancy one in there you come over here what oh i got a bigger man i don't want that the bullet area i don't think they did expand i think just yeah it's all the same sorry influence whatever that means are they breaking it down can i open it open it there it goes it's down okay okay okay archer's doing the thing um florencia you go here i'm gonna stand right over here and and uh in guillaume don't let him get the archers as long as they're here to steal stuff we're good gets two in two injured we're going to run them off beatrice watch your back deal with signal here there's a lot of them poor william that guy just gets beat down all the time got him five of them dead beatrice was the bravest beatrice took the most damage quinnell blocked the most hits which should be recorded somebody's uh my door was broken finished finish off a walt here let me go get him get him okay done you guys are good archers finish them off no one walks into my base and breaks my doors mabel unconscious maybe what happened you sleepy she's just really sleepy i guess okay peter's gotta be a bit beat up uh you guys are done maybe you don't be uh yeah you don't be drafted anymore um you are you are you got a neck laceration okay marjorie containing some wounds good florencia can you go take care of her go get her to a bed okay any room is done yet no room's done yet all right well uh this is a good place to call it a day go out on a high note we've uh destroyed more men trying to take our lands our shower nice yeah this would be great we could put in here we could even like be really good if it was here like a gate you know proper gate would be pretty good too but this will work um maybe what we could do is put in a um like a stair and have a oh you know a gatehouse and have a couple ways of shooting out from here so they come to the gate we can shoot at them yeah anyway uh let's go in medieval we may continue this tomorrow night um who's this guy though he's trying to run away and he's going uh where is where's where's mark marjorie where are you i need you hang on who's this guy i think he is get him you missed get him again come on oh you missed all right get out of here get out of my base anyway we may continue this uh uh tomorrow nights um we'll have to uh uh uh maybe i'll do a a poll uh let me save [Music] oh my old ones are in here that's no this is my recent one this is nook top get iron gated doors people with long weapons can stab through the gates by the way oh nice yeah i could like it yeah airlock double gate or like you know a gatehouse would have zoo gates in the front in the back yeah that would be kind of that'd be the thing uh let me take a look at did it have a devlog thing here i'm curious what they plan on doing things right there we go to be developing uh applying things prisoner system like the sound of that map function factions vassal system rating of the settlements okay mounted siege weaponry i hope they a religious influence i hope they do more of that that's cool organic dirt paths oh yeah everyone does that now natural caves that that's going to be playing in their ruins okay i like it i'm curious to see where the ticket put a hole in top of the gatehouse so we are choosing the second floor shooting down oh nice okay um anyway let's call it a day here thanks for hanging out for the night uh i'm gonna go to bed and uh tomorrow we'll play something else and uh maybe some of this well i'll say something else maybe something else maybe more of this we shall see travis shows a catapult yeah he does he does um anyway thanks for watching um we'll uh we'll play tomorrow night same time we hours of the morning and i'll see you all next time [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Nookrium
Views: 55,535
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: going medieval, colony sim, sandbox game, city builder, foxy voxel, the irregular corporation, going medieval gameplay
Id: Potkdjjx_IE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 191min 30sec (11490 seconds)
Published: Sun May 30 2021
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