Buoyancy - (Waterworld Colony Builder)

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you you [Music] [Music] [Music] you [Music] you [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] hello hello welcome to the livestream thing we do thing we do every weekend so uh how's everyone doing were playing some buoyancy today which is a game that's I've had on my list for a very long time but I just never played it for some reason don't know why I thought it was time to do that hey space how's it going my camera off a little bit right my screen let's take a look here okay okay okay okay whatever works all right so how's everyone doing hey mr. vlogger hey maverick and Fox Adam how's it going when do the early birds uh-oh what what what do you mean unprofessional what do you mean yeah what was it Fox asking about but wait if sit here and wait to get the live room started a lot of it also is because I'm never prepared so I Tony's games what would like to see more of in these colonies sim games or if you prefer what would you your ideal game being here's here's what I'm I I have I have I have an answer for this I play a lot of these and it kind of bugs me sometimes that a lot of them a lot of them are basically identical the the thing I like most about these calling builder games is the ones that that pick that pick a theme or pick a like a they picked their gimmick right maybe it's a town of maybe it's a B let me give you an example maybe it's a B game they go all in on the bees sure it's a bass builder but it's it's all bees with the ones that annoy me are ones where I play when rinse instantly or one recently which was where a ton of beavers it's no different than the other game though like if you're gonna make a game about beavers then make a game about beavers what you're building dams or you're making beaver lodges you know go all in on it so that's that's what I like about yes my bees that can't make honey we got honey going now you just simmer down there hey Jeff how's it going it just took us a little while so yeah if you're gonna make a game where you're lost in the water then go all in the loss in the water you know you're you're fishing in your and you know you're sorry it's not just a random random making a lumber of huts and a miner's Hut they're all the same you know me so yeah so I I had I this is what winter my mind was playing that beaver game beavers which need to step into the river yeah okay okay so before we begin the stream we get this off off my my chest so hey hey Colby guy but beaver game it was a fun game I enjoyed it I don't only play games on the channel that I enjoy so it was a good game but if you're a bunch of beavers why are we going around building houses in lumber mills and why can't we go into the water why can't we build like a like you know knock a tree or make a dam which allows you to build your your house your community your lodge and then maybe in one more space you knock another tree down to make more space that's that's that's my thinking sorry I'm I walked off tractor you got me all riled up already we just started surd yeah Chris was great sure sure Alana are very very similar yes yes yes semantics cellent excellent excellent point you want to game it with answer you go all out on the ants yeah what was it called I just played it I mean it's it's still really early days it's a fun game it looks good too it's good looking game timber timber borns what it was it's uh it's still like super early days days but anyways you're very smart because most debits are work with what is known rather than work yeah that's that's the thing there's another one the one I usually use as my example is the name of it but it's a game or you're making it's a it's a colony builder and you're a bunch of cats there's actually two of those that I've played there's one where okay one's called mutant base where you're on them you're on them well you're on a planet and you're a little cat sorry I should feeler my camera I guess you're like a little catch in you're in space and you're building a colony but just building me a regular colony like you're a cat you should be making I don't know like cat houses and living and shoot like built rather than building a house you build a big shoebox or something that you can sleep in one that's way too small for your cat or maybe you built a big bed and you sleep rather than sleeping on the bed they sleep like in just the very small corner of the bed your enemy of course is is dogs and in Angry Birds importing yarn excellent there was one I did a while back where you're on like a name I remember names of Evie's games but you're on like a table like you're literally like I'm like a little gnomes my lives during that one and so you're you're you're making a workshop basically on a table like tiny sized and you shouldn't be building chairs and in construction materials you should be making like thumbtacks and and I don't know tiny things you know me you're only a tiny thing you have on a desk pins whatever I see you're seeing skylines mention I see a maxi crossroads in um I'll play more crosswords in once it gets yeah racers erasers perfect example I was looking to my desk to see what I have on my desk soon just uh would have a dwarf fortress pin oh it felt off where my pin go oh my son moved it I had a pin I just lost it though I got like 15 of these little dwarf fortress pins it seems like every time he sends me a one of the little drawings I get another falling off paper clips paper is perfect perfect example I I like cats does that count I see you Fox alright alright I'm done I'm done you got me all riled up we're already 11 minutes in the stream we haven't done anything yet I'm just I'm just riled up now you know what we should do we should go live out in the ocean so well today we're play this and there has been an update to AI dungeon I want to play some more of it so if if if I remember before the end of the stream we may come back and do a bit of that if it's working and we'll try it out no there's no music in this game apparently alright so what's going on here is we're going to be well let me show it to steam page right this is how we do things around here state base this is buoyancy so this one came out back in August I don't know why I didn't play it it came out like almost the exact same time as another one called flotsam which is which is very similar to this where you need building yourself like a big barge oh yeah barge is sort of a a collection of pieces to a raft mecha space station really on the water and reven bouncing around from place to place picking up survivors hunting whales and picking ups salvaged or flotsam and in building our base even further this one seems to be pretty good I I've I don't know how I never mess with it but it seems pretty deal it's early access and innocence the August 30th then some updates along the ways as well and seems pretty good um that's pretty good for little indie game that's that's a lot of reviews actually sometimes I play my play when juicy other day it was like for reviews after a couple months so you know but anyway let's try this thing out and see I did a bit of tutorial so I kind of have an idea what's going on so gonna go play look look look some is the name of this for this one pirate invasions of course yes yes obviously so yeah so this is um my pricing deposit No alright so we've got a bunch kind of pause it can't pause it okay so we got a few folks hang around you're on our barge we've got just people hanging around waiting for things to do this way we can move our barge around if we want we can sail around and out in the in the ocean you can see those things there's resources out this way there's uh those schools of fish and destroyed ships we go around we pick these things up and sort of gives us supplies that we can use to build onto our boat or raft and and make a bigger raft we can come over here we can build two new things we've got look at that trapper we can put in like a Fisher for instance a scavenger would be nice to have so we can scavenge some things that's really hard to build in here whenever the things moving we're going to that and we can get a a forager as well which will pick up like kelp them things weeks to live let me know right clicky okay thank you Sarah honey cells we got two people rowing the boat so the bigger you can see him see there he is right there there he is right there there's one of them so as you as you get bigger you need more people to row the boat we got ten people right now nothing's happening right now because we're waiting for this thing to get built but once our scavenger and our forager get built we can start scavenging up some supplies oh we got some junk and some wood and pick up by that go ahead over here and see if we get some fish and all kinds of other things so you basically just constantly moving around bouncing around trying to find things this is it powerful arms yeah you know what I mean we didn't miss arm day they got released this one in flossing about got released very close together because I remember I played flotsam I was gonna play this one also and I was like I wanna play the same game on the same day so I didn't and I figured well I'll just come back to this one you know a few days and then I'll play it and I just I never did let's throw a fisherman over here like that there we go so we get some fish going in here we can write anything it looked like we hit that let me actually do hit that it just looks like it so we can we can rotate the thing around if you want there's like for instance a school of fish here we went to our fishermen in the in the circle here so we can get some fishing done no is it not multiplayer can you move your main base in flotsam no flotsam you stuck in one spot and you send out little folks and then at one point you move the whole thing to the next zone so it's more FTL like I guess then then this one is was I trying to do this one you listening around stay here I need you to rotate all right come on buddy rotate a fisherman in there this is our town center with old things I seems like we're hitting things but I'm pretty sure enough is exha getting hit over here alright so there's no like jobs to do I think it's pretty much just don't know on its own I don't see any yeah yeah they're making things people work it as it needs to be worked there's a few things you can do in here there's technology which is not in the game yet Stan's not in the game yet we can set up some policies corpse handling you know sick villages what do you do with them what do you do with six build SiC villagers give a prompt each time their sickness aside I'll handle it or automatically banish any six Villiers so banishment you know when you get banished in a game like this it seems it seems a little rough I would think cuz that's its kind of horse okay we got survivors rafter this we go check that out now think about this also is right now we're you know we're being friendly out building out a boat or whatever if we want to be like pirates we can we Mont faithfully need to these numbers up here we got ten people in the boat we got 97% happiness 96% nourishment and 1% hunger which is fine no pollution and we got five folks in around doing nothing specialists laborers guards Rangers who have pirates also coming out to get us as well so we'll have to make sure we keep an eye on that can we make here harpoon towers some stuffs different I I was watching Raptor play this earlier today just kind of sure anyway I was doing and he wasn't an earlier version there's a lot of new things here since since he played which is like three or four months ago I think that first thing I thought of when I saw this is I want a Space Station game like this there is like that what's that one called space colony I don't know what it's called there's got a meat ball station that are all kind of kind of similar I want to I want to build a space station and add on things and travel round picking up derelict ships and things see my fishermen out doing fishing things there they are good job get us some fish we're bringing fish in here's my food over here we seaweed we eat we got fish we can eat we could eventually make bakeries and mills and meat we can actually get some some bringing houses going eventually which will we have to build a Deep Diver who goes down to the ocean floor picks up dirt and then we can build greenhouses out of it we have an evaporator that we can make which will give us fresh water do we have any fresh water we have plastic where's my fresh water there is we have zero we have zero water we probably want some of that there's many want to keep it that number up pretty much I probably need water actually okay if ever there going I think we have to take it takes some wood and all that let's set this one over on this side this will be food grabbing land this will be whatever else space colony is that the net space Haven that's name it I've named it oh yeah storm answers I mean anything on starman sir I haven't played or seen anything on in a long time that one was one I was looking forward to [Music] it's our sector is supposed to be getting a big update here in a couple few weeks we're just going to allow like ship-to-ship combat and so I'll be streaming that one pretty soon let's go fast be here so we're still working on getting fish and and collecting the scavengers grabbing wood and what have supplies from from this and I think it'll keep going until it stops showing yellow things so I guess we're still fishing here they'll bring it in as long as we bring them in we're gonna hang out here and keep grabbing them if we knew more people you go grab those those folks over here stinks everywhere this place is just wrecked there's a trading post over there gol roast bull roost there's some drifting resources over here we can come scoop up driftwood lots of wood over there we can use that hermits landing over there space umpires for that's an opening hey Dom how's it going I suppose while we're sitting here doing nothing we should do something Galia is a gathering place for villagers to eat food builders remain we gain more nourishment here and the building provides unlimited storage it's a lot of wood to make that we can't do that right now drops crab crab crab crab pots on to the sea floor first in a time any nearby crustaceans traps me pulled prematurely whereas fish as bait know that butchers we can cut up whales bakery for we need flour for that recycler sorts through junk and finds plastic we get some junk coming in here scrap metal and junk to make some plastic out of it it's melter I think will melt down scrap metal into metal alloy dubbed crapped a neom mm-hmm we need a deep diver don't we do that first let's get our recycler first maybe we need some plastics we could do is we can be fancy and like a bridge nope we won't do that we're set up a I went I went the Seahawks that crap building another tribe leagues amazing where's fish is bait though that seems it seems is it better taste better and provide a lot more benefits when cooked at a galley gathered by trapper okay everything's good anything's good that is done so I suppose we should move on to let's go grab this stuff over here real quick takes four rowers now because I boats a little bigger Oh grab whatever's over there and it will scoot it will scoot wherever Oh someone things sorry sorry Fox welcome back Fox what about pirates I got four of us out there what do we see him yeah there they are right there but you can hear them oh it's ruff what's that guy doing see dancin do you think that we run over here we just sort of just scooped him up drifting resources just sort of get scooped up 5-wood we got more wood over here nothin else over that way we can come scoop this stuff up and get some things probably get more people get 0 idlers right now cuz we're sailin crude oil we don't care about theirs what is that school of fish I like fish what those scavengers go let's go get some fish we could probably use a second fisherman cuz they just sort of fish just all on their own make sure we have a nice supply of food speaking of engines on the raft we can get those they are motor once we get the point we start making steel and and an oil we can start powering this thing all by ourselves 81 that was it why is it so far gained from food quality food keep the villagers nourished longer malnourished died from starvation so I guess we need to get it might be just a lack of water people are just like drinking of spit mm-hmm water cannon whoa junk can harpoon tower what was that recycle have been built perfect that will take our junk and make plastic which I'm not sure what use plastic for yet but I'm sure we'll find a reason for it there I know there are there's whales out there like you can just find dead whales out there and let me nice to have a butcher for my vehicle you will get those survivors though smelter may be nice to have it take scrap metal which we have a bunch of it to make metal going at that started up here let's go over here it's fine do that right hey we had a baby can we see the baby can I see you individually no I'll just hang out over here I'm the in the know music and watch the town get built hey 20 pajamas that's good that was aren't barnacles those are bottles bar old bottles a garbage how we make our our raft how floats it doesn't hurt to get sick we've got a storehouse for carrying things how we doing in here with our storage we're fine galley to eat brewery is flammable apparently seems like everything would be flammable perhaps beer from the grains and grains and water drink beer here for happiness boosts we are percent it's been going down I think I can think of is it's a lack of supplies some kind vaporators needs 85 metal okay so that smelters would be needed before that happens I need more wood so let's go ahead an get moving destroyed ship with that a couple of supplies would just random things up there let's go over there seven people now - no five people now - to move us around drift little drift will paint it this way it's a long sail let's go over there and get you know I was gonna ask how that was cuz I cranked up - huh - pretty tough top quality here those waves are I was worried about these waves being a little bit a little funny on the stream pick up some junk we got driftwood driftwood yeah there we go we get some wood excellent woods very important let's go get it not that the one day the blue barrel you left behind your garden for ages would save your life yeah you know what new villagers been born after number 13 what's his name we don't know okay so these scavengers should get to work here grabbing the wood and this will mostly go in our stockpile but anything we need to buy out build which requires wood for instance a galley or or the trapper which I'm I'm I'm liking if we had more fish maybe near the bakery which takes makes bread from water and flour but to me get flour what was that efficiency one of your galleries has low efficiency having buildings produces mmm too many buildings not enough people things with the problem is yeah there's only there's eight of 11 laborers any more people that's fine Oh greenhouse grows grains so we need to get the Deep Diver first and then smelters working now okay that I would get this thing built looking more people here pretty soon and then we cannot work on getting our own greenhouses up here what's keen to play the skin as I play the most this year let me talk about this yet not yet um what can I play the most this year I know I'm not sure what the most played one was it wasn't any better on Twitch who knows seems like seems like one day the next its it rotates which one is actually the better looking I may have to go get some separate music to play here because it's these moments of quiet too quiet there we go we're taking some of this scrap metal making some some metal bits out of it which is just making oh if everything's working working now excellent so you are taking things to make water we finally get some water we'll see if this adjusts our nourishment it shouldn't take some wood for it but we'll see why our steam is captured and just produced into yet fresh water ok ok ok I always play loud to a fortress yeah that's probably one door four dozen trim world are the two that I always plan so if if I if if I had a big even one of those two what kept you coming back all 2019 I'm not sure what you mean by that what kept me coming back maverick obviously maverick we're you a maverick that's why Oh dope no forget tom-toms here - oh and Jeff alright grab that driftwood excellent excellent oh yeah boy we got some plastics over there we got some more junk and where's those survivors at Oh whale oh wait a living whale a living whale living whale so if we were to get a what is it harpooner yeah we need this meet a harpoon oh we're gonna get that whale let's toss it in all my supplies are over on this side stick em over here if rim rolls the game that I always say that if if everyone asked me what games should they buy me if you don't know in-room world that's that's the game you should be used by I think it's fantastic I love the game and the replayability makes it worth the 30 bucks you'll never find it on sale the only time I've ever seen on sale is they did some sort of bundle with iceberg well back it bubbled it was something okay we can't do this thing yet we gotta get our printer built but it's almost there and then I'll watch this let's get him we're here for your whale look let's get him I want to see you throw those yeah there it goes get him oh yeah nice a nice timing on those throws that's that's efficiency let me get him oh man oh he's white it's Moby Dick did you Kim risa oh we kill he's dead he said carcass can be revived beautiful amounts of meat and fat yeah I can excellent that's bringing us in meat should be I'm assuming if we are in range so people are scavenging it up and meat should be coming into here where's fat blubber there it is oh we have oh ok so we're bringing in just whale we have to process it at a butcher first okay well then let's go get ourselves a butcher where is it edge over here we can stash him next to this guy I guess there we go a kind of a Zeke III uh I was kind of disappointed whenever they they announced that if full release was was hitting for rimworld and talking about because it's just so much coming from dwarf fortress there's so much that could have been done with with the world and all the other em like the other nations and factions out in the world feel because there's so much just left there I mean it's complete game clearly and it's a fantastic game but let's left me want more after playing something like tour fortress okay butchers done grabbed some whale we're gonna eat some whale we're gonna have so much food nice yeah I figured Dwarf Fortress have been being developed for like ten years now eleven years I think now actually and so nothing's gonna compete with that but even even a fraction of that on like the world map would have been amazing hey Horace just stay here for a while I guess and you keep grabbing whale and this is this is the place to be we've got 16 percent of whale left we should keep on eating next time we find otherway although we can keep going at it we really need more people though we're making babies but bulimic buoys face over there what else is out there there's like towns and things out here also is supposed to be worse with pirates there's our survivor rafters and resources okay Oh in plastic in the stomach of the whale well that said let's stop by the trade post they maybe they want to buy some of my plastics take something from them I have played Cataclysm deep dark days ahead every Halloween deaths yeah that's that's the thing about rim world like and any kind of base builder is what Zeke saying here about spending six plus years on game like like room world is you gotta know when when to when to call it cuz you could you could be like Dwarf Fortress and people building the game for 11 years in the main resource I can take them prisoner imprison them for future future trading opportunities I can eat them let's just rate let's be nice so they want water I I have water it means they'll be pay a high dollar for water right they have water of their own what do I need crabs fuel all those dirt blubber see you eat metal unless you need anything from them I just want to see what they would do I'm actually a pretty good shape here I think I'll um these are three bucks a pop these are two I mean I'll give you a ten water if you give me some of that dirt that'll save me from him to build the diver assuming that he doesn't cost much something like that gonna buy for six me something that's cost six about a cracker has expensive and you're expensive yeah you only get eighteen waters I'll take six dirt please how much dirt didn't greenhouse to take twenty dirt well where's those survivors at they're right here somewhere where they go I lost him they died today there hey there there's a boat over there let's go grab the trash pile what kind of mountain bounce our way over there song sounds familiar let's bring that stuff in hey dimmer has gone it scavenger and forger of both working on these uh this scrap pile this trash pile here why everybody need to be going down even though we have butcher bill yet yeah you people want your fish you have seaweed you have meat you have beer why is it going down do you want bread I can't do bread it's no reason if we filled with people the hungry here we're get next kind of fool we might need to build a trading ship is in spot on the horizon oh yeah sure well here he comes hey buddy come on trade I think maybe I should build a harpoon tower real quick me would change Raiders they excel it's shooting enemy ground troops Rangers our port mailing and destroying buildings I should build something to defend myself you want things you'll give me I'll maybe buy some bread how much this bread cost 16 per loaf no man you're expensive you have beer you've whale you have everything yeah what do you need to trade for you got all the kinds of stuff um I think I want your stuff no no go away I can also go to guardhouse training guards will defend against invading forces can be used offensively when invading another city this is going at a guardhouse in here I'm gonna set this one over make military role like over on this side I guess look at some guards going trash pile it's done meet some survivors I was heading towards them but keep losing them right there you go it's all a maverick I want to see a picture post a picture of your town and the discord I was just looking at when I saw your comment on the Discworld I was just looking at I had a video pop up on YouTube recommended somebody that made a like a giant banished city game looks real pretty whenever you make big towns mister survivors over there head over this way what's that smoking thing Oh another way another way okay okay we're gonna go get that guy I don't know why this is going down [Music] I think I can figure it is is like maybe the dark clouds in the horizon that's not good okay we got survivors and a school of fish it's going it's a fish going here what what much what do we what do we do about this what did I just I'm to the survivors did I ran into him whoops I didn't know I didn't know he could do that uh sorry then we take him in they do they die Oh trapper so he needs to go he's gonna go this is food row over here so let's take him over here by the fisherman it's all thing mentioned here on the fisherman says building shouldn't be crowded to operate efficient to it so it doesn't neat we don't want like things built around it I guess so stick the crab man over here trying to say here we come we're gonna come save you bring those fish in the fish will get turned into here we need more wood and metal all right well we got men from this fish and cup there's wood there's wood excellent any more survivors you know we seem to like not really need survivors here we are at 21 people things looking okay let's go don't want to forget that I'm gonna miss that whale you need wood I need wood almost full here and I build a storehouse needs wood storehouse I can't build it our ability is a slow supply of resources learn more what's most zero that one okay avoid building 20 buildings attached to your gatherer buildings too many buildings attached to your gather abilities pollution walls reduce your gallery buildings efficiency oh oh I should use these more often bridges also provided walks me to blue steel just so it's a quick expansion for other bills that need to need space like my fishermen this might be what's whining maybe my fish man needs to come out maybe we put a thing out here and put the fish man just sort of out on their own I see so any way of fighting pirates I'm not seeing him in the game I've just heard about them so hey Kara let's go Rose eats the thing around backlog with jobs let's say yeah that was the other one graft came out not too long not too long mehran same time as this one as well I won't you just like stop here so I can get both those can you stop here see fish yeah just like that are we going at both both both things cup for school of fish now that we can hold it pretty much maxed out here that needs steel which we need to find some supplies for that we need some junk we need we have dirt we need 20 dirt though have you launched the spaceship in room world um I think I've only done it once and I had to cheat to get there I finally made it to this I made it to the spot to get let's go over here to the ship and then I didn't then I realized this is when the ship was with a ship thing which is out of the game and then I quickly realized that you had to like survive waves and waves of terrible things coming at you so I think I cheated my way through and eventually got a lift off but I wasn't gonna make it without cheating and you know me I never cheating games we'd like get away from that storm or as the storm hacked whoa what's over there there it is okay supposed to be missing us though tiny storm all this woods gonna go into storage it's gonna go straight into here should be the crab man in the storehouse as that scavenger does this thing let's go I'm gonna make my way there's a storm just passed by that whale when we that whale I don't we need any more food here but people seem to be oh it's going up its up 85 percent nice what changed no no we are maxed out so waiting for wood and here though here we go coming in still we're gonna stay here wait for that coming c-squared let me uh let's have a talk about time zones [Music] we still grab them yeah yeah more wood wait why isn't it going into here would he's working you're working know that you are working maybe does have to go to this into the piyo if that's the case what we gonna do throw things overboard but go to the tool of the Trading Post and sell some things didn't come back we said some of this plastic we have we don't need all that I was like I should just go straight into there didn't though let's go sell some things he burns that way can be pretty with all the all the bubbles so I'm gonna go here I'm gonna I wish I could sell I wish was money I'll get rid of things and then uh will uh do what you do policies oh yeah yeah that's right probably they corpse behavior allow growth outlaw any villages to reproduce mm-hmm extreme population control no no so not alone boat stocked with resources and villagers to find distant traders results may vary signal flare ride the storm metal rod is placed at up your town center catching lightning bolts from a storm deflecting lightning may cause fires to surrounding buildings huh launch a balloon will displace of surrounding resources work overtime celebrate life I like trade and I would like to give my garbage he go I'm gonna buy from you but I'm gonna buy something from ya shift yeah take along the plastic like that and I will take and what's 51 worried 1 that's expensive something that I need um I'll take I guess I'm trying to get rid of things I'll do that ok Prison prison prisoners alright let's go back to that driftwood triggered happy but the train will spread the word of your city's generosity oh yeah alright yeah we're pretty good no stats [Music] that's good to hear Jeff where the thing around get some scavenging who wants this stuff there is okay stop okay grab the wood it'll go in here correct yes and then into here there we go okay steal we got to find some scrap before we do much I don't know how to even really need game we have so much food here no this is my stuff right there guard house is built excellent which is there do we have people that just go we have four guards okay hey there if names Elias Emily Kevin Michael okay defending is trading guarding of invading forces we can invade other towns those other ones out here somewhere she be grabbing some wood we still grabbing it that was a small pile all right well it comes from plastic look for more driftwood out here there's some things that I really want that I really want that whale but I don't need him there's some junk washing up on there more driftwood we'll take it school efficient ship driftwood village have been born with that let's look in brewery oh you know with breweries we can come in here and we can say where is it the brewery craft beer from the grains and water Nona doesn't we want can we what we do with that I don't know bakery butcher I don't know grab that would see we can filter surrounding polluted waters capture the pollution into a concentrated form what makes grass immediately make soil let's set up a are you would good things made here and then we'll we'll hold off before building anything else and they don't think we start working on the diver and greenhouse not that we need food though maybe the mill know was next firing makes gasoline we can make a motor Oh a galley might be nice because peaceful built place to eat and medicine could be nice also processes seaweed and plastic into medicine okay somebody get six it gets sick Michaels already came in the raft oh is it crabs I just see a crab pop up no I didn't oh maybe I did are you doing crab things have things food break don't get back here and work I see you over there he's working this you know buddy somebody drift waves depleted okay let's go brewery trash fish fish kelp we have it hunt we have a ton of kelp driftwood we need more wood destroyed ship give us let's go here on our way there some villagers have become sick make sure you have enough medicine to heal him and make sure you have enough medicine Hut some villagers look green okay inch over this way and stop running into things know what I want this okay we're gonna miss and hunt real quick and throw it in we could do with the game I think wants us to do which is bridges much that take six thirty wood for this that's outrageous that's too much hmmm that's too much no takes five okay do that and we'll do one like there and then we can put things over here like the medicine Hut we will stash in there for now it takes plastics and metals we don't have any of me a scratchy place which is can be sent right here I am owner my state stay where you're at go back you that would okay that's our house is done isn't by the storehouse done yet scavenger scavenger where is it when I put that's our house I aren't there be the metal [Music] okay more wood over there if we need it we do cycler is turning things into plastic which we have no need for over this way you're not so concerned about the fish but I am we got 18 crabs now boom what what grabs this my probably my scavenger goalie game is is surviving yes hey Randall okay let's grab the even range okay oh the Fisher right right there's a school of fish here I thought I need it but we'll take it because we need those for crabs and long gallon keep on going ouch ouch I'm not doing anything what do I do with this thing you do it as just trade ship there it is there we go kelp over that way trader we don't need anything from there driftwood let's build a make anything right now let's make a harpoon tower fires large harpoons and excels at shooting enemy ground units whereas Amitha is produced from metal junk cannon we have the water can as well which uses water we have a ton of water yeah you know what I'll do that water Keenan right over here that's my guardhouse it's over on that side maybe we stick it over here No they're missing metals yeah but this should be bringing in things we're gonna in junk bring in some Chris grads grab my loss all you want Fitz playin with tons of fish all right and we're gonna go for after this where was that yeah there it is the driftwood more wood somebody get some scraps interns in the meadow we use immediately you're using it I go to the boat so let's go here nice and how the place is moving we got people rowers there they are right there you hear em grunt tough work I know yeah 34 Celsius I take that summertime anytime wait sometimes I hate someone time here alright let's grab some some some wouldna 25 population array we haven't saved any survivors we we murdered a few but that's all just man we are how many we start with 8 it's a lot of uh that's one big family underwater underwater peak what we do is like a mountain peak what we do with that Larkin's been built excellent excellent uses water fills it up yeah think that thing up we really have to use fresh water that seems kind of silly if you use fresh water for our water cannon I mean you've got water here there's even lines in the water we just just grab water from there why do you use our fresh water to hit people or would yes more would but we have left that's uh Oh storehouse is done nice we've got what else we build anything else over here no that's it oh yeah medicine hunt needs metal there's a ship over there with my have some metal but I go see what the speak is next to Morrie's respite sit over here sunken brewery we can take a look at that and see what that's all about there we go it's bringing in what are you bringing in kelp well there's a kelp forests what's the peak giving us everybody in the in that circle a little closer oh the trapper is grabbing from there oh you're getting crabs oh of course crabs ah yes of course more crabs so much food around here a lot of meat our whale is finally he has finally been depleted for the most part we talked of all his blubber which we can turn in the fuel and make ourselves about a motor and then people stop asking the question about who's know who's moving this boat we need metal for that so we're gonna have to get a where is it refinery refines crude oil or blubber into delicious gasoline yeah we need that first let's make more crabs more crabs tastes better and provide a lot more bread a bit of it's been cooked out a galley oh yeah Kelly hey racket how's going oh yeah a galley um yes 70 would why is it gonna take so much wooden we got to find some metals let me look buy some what's with the unhappy faces what's wrong with you are you mad where's Michael leveling up less what are you all mad what's wrong with you where's delivery eating food drinking beer I don't have any beer I'm done anything with beer yet there's a brewery here we can go see what that's all about we can stop by and see if we can buy some beer we'll stop and see if we can just pick up some beer real quick first this is a happy song yeah they want boobs seem to have gone down to nine we had didn't have more crabs in that we're like picking crabs up what's going down more crabs fishings going on what are you doing you're forging not doing anything Chauncey is yeah that's the limp you told me because I think it's because I are you there are meant to me buildings Korra Oh so the forwarder is doing bad because he is stuck in the middle there kind of break you and put you somewhere else you're surrounded - shadow technics is free today no something different Roma crabs go okay there are 14 crabs oh he just did a haul okay good keep grabbing them I'll go chat with this guy while we are doing that go chat hey um friendly and tree with anyone I'll trade you got bread do you 51 for bread what do I have I have water what do you want you want plastics I have some of those six a piece was that junk junk for you meat bread and metals well I'll sell you 51 for a piece of bread grains run from priceless preciously save seeds hmm that seems like expensive that seems like a lot expensive for a piece of bread no thanks I mean right what probably would be a pretty valuable resource around times like this oh did I hit 79 I can I missed it Tom thanks man you gonna get those crabs when these days can count tired waiting on you buddy I'm gonna hit over here and grab this brewery Oh quick I'll have to come back to that a lot of crabs take a brewery what can we do here second brewery surrounding waters are mixed with a high proof alcohol any idle villages can try to reap the bounty gather its so you got a sea water extract beer from it to use later drink straight out of the water and gain happiness yeah drink away drink away that sounds like a bad idea they're gonna work you guys like this stuff it's working drink six villagers using a brewery for various reasons but what reasons would you be using it for oh there they are okay drink up okay oh he's my oh my god my my Armour my soldier okay you guys feeling better yeah mmm yum yum like seawater mmm that's why they're moaning so much we just we just Park here for as long as we want oh it didn't deplete it some villagers are becoming sick and Rinca too much seawater some builders look green all right well it happens something to the doctor let me go get dr. right didn't he build it yeah doctors out get in there does that people go back to owns the ship over there what else is out here resources resources trash pile I would like all survivors raft do any more people I don't think so enough we have ten of our 11 rowers so we're actually probably okay we could however like gold roost is that one that we you like the very beginning of the game or just go around in circles here we could go to the survivors and like I think you can you can eat them if that's what we want to do you can like I think you can enslave them as well I don't know ones leaving him does but it's appealing hey Jeff walk over to the stream give the notification without screw fish got a little more wood was a survivor craft plus one for enslavement yes those were the if I saw one where was it ash pile resource peak thought I saw one good night let's go this way it's gold roost again didn't I see one so turn around there's like no landmarks huh hence the term yeah well buoyancy game hey how's it going hey Jeff Jeff knows all about with stream times no food oh we are well we got kelp we can eat kelp he's going down isn't it though we're slowly we still slowly bring in crabs and fish along the way but maybe this time we started doing greenhouse things pick up some of these scraps here that we've got hanging out in the water look driftwood which we do need wood grab all those straight ship over there driftwood let's go here let's hang out let's grab this well hang out here at the driftwood pile while we are I like how it just build upon them walk sit on the edge where everybody goes okay so while we pick up this driftwood let's build some things I feel like we could maybe use we need so in order to get the greenhouse thing it's a big process but I think we may you start doing it a Deep Diver we need to give us some dirt so let's set him up where we would be this bottle be over here put the diver over there and then once the diver comes in we build a greenhouse because it needs dirt which will make from the diver and this guy can go attach it to him I guess like that but one of these these platforms out here and then across the street we will have to put in a mill which will take the grains from the greenhouse and turn them into flour which then will go to the bakery to make bread which then can go to the brewer to make beer so it's a very complicated process we read a lot more people if we gotta do this what is that fish a peak is again as well we need more people can make more babies Hey makes maybe oh you know what we can do policy right I can come in here and I can say celebrate life all your villages drink beer for massive fun fest creases the birth rates for that's two days we don't have any beer so that may not actually work I'm actually curious about the tray carrying those trays trade caravan oh look at that so I can send out in the trade carrion let's give them water we're going out Oh - we're gonna go out into the ocean into the ocean with with with water to try to send will send two villages away I would like I like metals that me has to have or what do we want what's whale how about just get some beer oh there he goes there he goes eight farewell yeah okay selling ice to Eskimos right that's the yeah that's the same so it's easy he's out picking up dirt out of the out of the ground and then the greenhouse will come in as soon as we get some I'm yeah I'm out of plastics what on my plastics go oh I just gave away tonight whoops it's go over East again which I think I'm I've been hanging up for the whole time let's go pick up some fish we need some food [Music] it meets people I got two people rowing this boats going slow where are they they're really even now we need to get get he-man in there there they are he's in the crack the streamys about how difficult notifications is at such a scale I guess I can see that I guess I mean maybe you can't really use that excuse though because no other platform where is the storm that has problems with notifications let's get away let's go ladies let's move puppies let's move the boat please please please please let's move let's move the boat please come on he-man we're gonna get on that rower Oh No that was it it hurts no what it blew it up ah Oh No that wasn't good oh man what'd I lose smelter and what else smelter and scavenger well one three build those anyways I know I feel - I'm gonna grunt about things - we picked everyone up though so it's okay man something um I suppose we can rebuild this and put it how we want to do it this seems like a waste having a big space there though let's see this is grabbing things so let's go I want a platform that I think I just want to have things here so we got forager trapper and it was scavenger here then we lost the smelter as well which is here I'm gonna put him over on stage him over here like crackin avoiding Krakens more plastics we need more of things what we grab in here we're grabbing fish oh and the peak we're getting some crabs crabs from there multiplayer a colony builder speaking of multiplayer so this isn't an answer your question but I just got an email about AI dungeon let's talk about earlier about adding they're planning on adding multiplayer into it which seems strange all right well that's right that's everything we need when is that what do you need would need would and you would also in scraps well it's a co sale around here never mind let's get these fish first trade caravan spot on the horizon is returning to your oh they're coming back we're right didn't find anyone to trade during its trade mission original resources will be sent back to storage okay good we need is plastics oh yeah right right rim rolled multiplayer yeah I haven't I I've been meaning to play that long time ago I forgot about it yeah all right what's out here we have wood which we need and just some free resources we can go do like a big circle here and come back to the wood I think we probably should hang out here by the by the kelp we're at we're grabbing some kelp here at the peak yeah I did say that while ago I'm a multiplayer enroll thing street offers necessity was a multiplayer attempt a gas but not really it was as multiplayer as like phone games are [Music] we'll get there let's let's see I think it's worthwhile to sit here and wait for this chopper to do his thing maybe he's poor he's brought his haul in those 20 crabs yeah that's worth it people are just not happy around here they have what they whine about they got food you know how many beer yes what you're gonna whine about let's go look it's like a it's an Uzi yeah yeah oh gee is is rough I came you rough yeah we do I did what two videos with Katherine uh I'm uh I'm too shy to talk to people it's not to wait for other people to set it up for me it's my opinion on Amir I am played it in a long time and wait for it to improve a bit I really like the idea of it drifting drifting more fish and we come back to the would just pick up all these little scraps though before we hit all the way out of here we are you running pretty low on food nutrition is actually pretty good though the old old impressions the Cleopatra and Caesar and yeah as your fantastic games there's some wood you can see what it is clear that's plastic we'll go grab that we'll come around this way we'll grab some of those come back and grab some fish moon it's pretty slow Kazan the people around here over this way the city builder I mentioned this in my video see above that I really looking forward to for eise is soviet republic workers resources soviet republic it's more of a i guess it's more about a country builder rather than just a city builder resources they're got some more things over here hayes or phix scavenge has been built perfect it's it it's early access wood fish so let's go here we need need plastics there we go that should do it so we'll go stand over here while we wait for this guy to come in we'll need to get yeah he should be done in just minutes I think the grains by themselves aren't much use I think we probably need rather than we need food but maybe we need to get beer first hungers gonna slowly slowly throughout the day my villager delivers a resource the amount of hunger decides how much nourishment is lost eating food reduce under okay so the forager and the fish are gonna do their things grab this stuff while we're waiting for greenhouse to get built it's Mulder as well look ed we're plastics out of that we have one more piece of junk not enough no no no compass and I think I've been going in circles yeah manager Turner to your gigs and drink IKEA tea until it's time to reform yeah you want stop maverick pay is exactly what what mods get Saint a greenhouse has been built excellent producing grains which is which is there we can't eat grains but we can turn it into beer which is a brewery which needs wood and metals we don't have you of those things we're gonna go and get it set up because we want that stash it right here next to the yeah right there we go there's a lot of wood a lot of wood will get there eventually people will get happy people are mad cuz I can't drink does they're after it does room my closet for a manager friends list what how did you find me I thought I was hidden fish had been depleted and oh I get friends let's all a friend requests on steam all the time oh I'll get there eventually I just I know he's a pain into my steam stuff so don't talk to me talk to me on this Gordon second closet yeah for the manager that's what it is neither a manager the closet happiness is getting pretty bad yeah we could do a I can't really do a party because the celebrate life requires beer experiment all infected in your city no no no hot-air balloon goes see some things no I don't know handi prisoners yet what if it's in the game city needs more be here Elias starve to death what what lies is an idiot I guess we do have the lack of lido me hmm where's fish fish fish fish they sit over there and fish fish resource peak as a brewery over there let's go to the fish have you done what do you leave picking up here Oh keV we can eat kelp so keep picking that up your villages is six into the doctor [Music] [Music] let's go to the school well I keep saying that but I can't we can't leave this I guess maybe maybe we need a second a second forager now that that thing got burned away though we don't have that complaint about efficiency 80 percent there there comes a bunch coming in would you give us some help go force it deplete let's go we got a row over here to the fish and stop by this resource fit first our way there hey fern how's it going that's right peppa pig no no no the was at IKEA day it might have been I don't know Peppa Pig world and then actually I think last time we were there wasn't Peppa Pig world it was it was Peppa Pig live show my daughter still talks about it epic a live show she wants to go again and then yeah she was Peppa Pig a live show and I went to well I went to game stores and then we all went to Ikea Sydney hallucinated over the lack of food and fell overboard well Sydney whose fault is that let me see here we pick her up it was a whale on top of the harpooner weed a whale that's what we need wait on swing by over here people are dying because the I need food but oh they're dying okay okay we're going we're going we're going smells has been built now go just cruise on in here where's my stuff at any other side we're gonna run into it match just good over this way any more beer and even food first one can I come in come in rotate this thing pick up some wood scoot over there so we can start scrapping this thing I'm not a swimmer either scene let's go yeah there we go scavenger Olevia started to starve to death okay there's and the fisherman's doing a thing people are falling overboard losing any weight on the 18 people stop dying everybody fish is coming in don't you worry grains coming in will you wait for this what do we need for the Baker bakery sixty would again I don't have wouldn't place it wasn't the shape of a cake any more laborers Elliot's oh no we're gonna die survivors raft we want to go over there we're gonna have to about dying though I can't move the boat you troll the rowers Scituate on the barge why don't we have four guards we don't we go do we want to stay here you'll get more survivors first we want to get hmm it's more important may we need food first yeah he came out just a couple days ago I think what's oh I know we need to do let's do a worst policies work over time I think and I want what was it at trade caravan so let's sail some of our blubber take blubber and take some grains take some water and I'm in sins I'll send one of you bring me food bread's expensive it's my bad okay please please having fish corrected scavenger is the fisherman not doing anything where's the fisherman all right you know Oh is it getting fish why isn't he moving [Music] zero rowers we're dying tasks task number one bro the city can I turn off that's working that's working you need to be butcher did hey you not the bridge no not the bridge the medicine Hut no doctor laverne's wasting away you did let's go supposed to be real quick you get out of there pause alright let's meet the stories no guards fishermen you guys keep doing your thing yeah you stay stay out stay out we're gonna run over here real quick we're gonna pick up some people and then we're gonna oh no people are dying I can't do it we're dying pause it's just just go a little just come on come on you can do it posit scavenger we're gonna make it we're gonna make it we're gonna make it we'll be all right we're gonna pick up these survivors they will love to join us they'll think what a great place trapper need to keep go Pete stay there Fisher maybe stop the trapper pull trap now you do it [Music] you can't you random as much maker kitronik has gone we stop we stopped we stopped why checker closed storehouse closed keep movin trapper here closed what does put those crabs in there row row row the boat man that fell apart quick yeah come on buddy well we're all relying on you I don't know where anyone else is seen it was worn out oh no more no we're right there Dean what are you doing about come on he's gotta go a little faster Trey Cameron's coming back please have food what are you doing don't build things I need I need bro the boat no Andy I just want a paw you don't need constructors just don't do it Bucky we're almost there where's the boat at here comes here comes here comes here comes my saviors come on grab Gigi fishes bit yeah we closed out a while back survivors raft hey there have been floating a while a while and they're waiting for help manage to find traders and received a good trade oh we got food hooray okay rescue em demand resources take them prisoner or eat them we can eat them we're gonna run or rescue them eight new folks have joined us here they come or fine or fine everything's fine fishermen open backup gun trapper I guess don't go back up yet you guys show up unhappy don't do that I don't want deconstruct I just want you to stop working on this to stop building somebody's sick they're fine they're they'll be all right just cough into your sleeve where I need a forger he's already working for Drew and the fishermen of it to that we need and the butcher who's taken the whale meat and making it into meat the way we find a way off think we did the right we have food now so that should go up steadily people aren't happy still why it is eating a villagers corpse we have food where you going what's going wise people just jumping off what wait a minute what are you doing get back here they're eating people's corpses stop that don't do that to a greenhouse uses fertilizer whoa watery grave no no processing to meet yes no we don't eat anymore we're gonna put it in the out and do that I have to wait okay it's more fish okay 13 people they're not happy and they have food though people just jumping off the ship get on the ship what are you gonna go it's nothing out there actually there's a lot out there come on come on use it on in there there's some fish mmm tasty fish hmm he's move eaten all the food we already brought in okay stop the ship he's scavenger where's the fisherman I need you to come in the fishermen in there my own fisherman there we go okay fish are coming in kelp kelp is coming in trappers closed I don't think I'm cottage pull the trap just get theirs those are crabs right there yeah someone just go go back and do that job and then bring those crabs in and I'll stop you okay people need more beer people need to get over it like Frank's over there eatin Julie and then they'll let you know what I could use a beer yeah the coppers using my fish up yes I turn them on just so II think he will carry this stuff in I want to pull the trap but he's not doing it are you people just stand around doing nothing six people are idle that's working oh is that stopped resumed the scavenger the fisherman or is there no more fish fishermen fish I can't quite get it don't stop running into things I can't get the fishermen over here I can't do it backing up spin around Hayden spin it around all my games always end up in cannibalism okay this way ease it on in there we go there we go ease it on in there we go okay okay we win stop I said stop all right crab man hey is there a hold 20 maybe you need more fish until you can maybe there oh maybe maybe there's zero because it says progress is zero cause you guess scavenger working for forgers not working before it's here fisherman is fishing our poner we don't need him there right now Deep Diver go ahead and keep bringing we need two more of those so go ahead get two more dirts so our greenhouse actually don't need that yeah we do ship what's what's out there trade post you can i buy some food now if you didn't if we can't move cursors we are moving [Music] those boat needs is a motor [Music] a second fisherman I think maybe that maybe good idea was it take 2:20 would because they do they do they just sort of make my try and say here they sort of just fish on their own drop your stuff we get my stuff back hope some doing buddy sad there that wood over here gives like a fisherman in here hey we're in the market for some food survivors rafter there's another one over there wait all right where's it at oh it's coming right this way oh no sale you push the sticks villagers are unhappy city needs more beer city needs to not die um I mean I'm gonna don't know keep going go this way no I need the butcher oh no my forger oh he said I'm sad to make you put those fires that please if I tell you to stop will you put them out so just drop my voice to crack okay stop put the fires out please hey what you got um I'd like to sell you some dirt one in dirt a little more valuable than that how about some dozen what do you want you want beer and water I have water I have a lot of water yeah get a lot of water you're gettin most my water I would like to buy how much fish t-shirt oh it's seven I'll take all your fish I will take all your kelp and I will take crabs that's a lot beer it's too much but I have to have a few just a few beers and then two bunch of plastics [Music] go ahead and take there we go okay but does that please fisher is back in business well mostly building fires extinguish fishermen built harpooners clothes we don't need them right now we need a whale but the fire uh please are you doing over here yeah yeah throw your arms around there you go there you go throw it yeah yeah get that out hey new village was born oh man what a terrible life is a little kids gonna have um children's house you know that's a motor the right superior thrust when your city is on the move needs a constant supply of gasoline while running you have to gas it might be a thing to make we go get some some more survivors though right now we've got a little bit of food so ever a fright over here let's go there let's not ruin let's not kill him I know so much clothes and things let's pause that move in here let's mean that we need the forager those can be pause Deep Diver I'm pausing you and I'm pausing that's counselor you butcher your pause for a moment yeah they're in sale you just get your big stick all right to the raft very very slowly people are just people are well-fed they're just mad about life because I can't have a beer day 53 that seems pretty good though easy here 20 250th what's going on and things turn dark okay okay I wanna see some pirates nope I'll not yet though not right now no pirates right now do we stop moving okay here they go get a bite to eat okay okay slowly ease and a long Fisher coming in when you have a supply of fish I think it actually gone up since we've been doing this people are just doing strange things over here I'm sure what's going on I don't know what's going on over here but safe pause and then you guys fix yourselves nope are you confused we need to get this greenhouse up and running we have the we have the dirt only we have 56 of these of these grains so we need to get our okay are we going 50 would that I don't have you keep pushing the boat don't build yeah just push the boat survivors are moving faster than we are [Music] I think I'm gonna do I'm gonna turn off fishermen so that he can go out and rat and row [Music] we got like maybe like it doesn't it didn't be great man you know what people need to just relax and just enjoy the enjoy life sit outside including a resource delivery what does it resource to oh I couldn't doing their job and eating food 20 percent seems pretty low for not having beer I guess people are going to go by go get you by teens and we're stopping I think when you build this okay well look we'll get my man through that because I'll be inside okay back to Rowan the survivors also know it is okay we've got two rafts perfect closer hey slow down over there work mm-hmm we're trying to get to you come this way I miss that oh god it's right there might as well get it I mean we're not really alone I mean we were not we're filing food right now we just gotta get people pick that up real quick okay cuz I really needed it but let's go get these me runnin away quicker than we're getting to us let's go to these guys there we go get a bite to eat and uh okay keep sailing we are eating our fish pretty quickly but if we get this raft saved some folks let's speed it up trout one on max beating I hope they aren't broken over here yeah we have plenty of human bodies to eat to kind of linger over here and just stop 13 people didn't actually have 13 people working though nine laborers two specialists which I think they're they would be the forger and the fisherman hey there you guys I want to be saved look like looks like life's pretty bad here we come stop eating row the boat what if we should send out another let's do this again this need to work out pretty well trade caravan let's do well you know what let's let's wait till we get this rafts we can send someone out and not miss them I think they are stuck over here I wonder if we come in we can put in maybe a platform for him to walk right hello look at him look they're terrified I think and you it nothing could be worse than this not even a rat full of cannibals I'm coming on in hey there you uh you want to live here for I'm gonna give me anywhere all right well whatever okay so we got another one out where they go where they go [Music] we will move a little faster because when I have two rowers why does our idle people get to Rouen there we go ooh now we're moving okay fish and the kelp came in I can use my fishermen again I think oops fishermen open you up [Music] everyone's unhappy I got them there they're so thankful that we saved their lives all they can think about is beer 12% I mean you guys have food she's quick quit your whining we need to get wood to get this buried yeah but your whatever that is is I would hate survivors Oh a always a respite let's get a brewery that's what driftwood there's woods we can go there says we can you guys wanna go get that driftwood and we can well we'll stop by here and see we can find and then we'll go see if we can bring in a little bit get our brewery done what's that done I think would be fine whereas policies in other trade caving some one guy outs with more Glover and [Music] I need I think it's a trade of some this not worth much but it's something we want things prez expensive maybe we should do something cheaper just to keep stuff go get him Frank hey you coming back oh this is there for people again we'll see if that's actually how it works there's the trader right there three rowers where's everyone else curious about this you know I may break that and read to it don't get you kind of spin this thing around run into you okay good four more okay hello trade man oh that's straight I would like home Geo for that seven bucks for that 17 for that you uh you want blubber I have blubber how much you pay for it six yeah I'll give it all up I don't have useful right now and oh you want this stuff too it's worth a nine sure I would like 26 for the fish that seems pretty cheap I'll take much of that I'll take your fish take all your fish what could take the wood and get that done well we got a drift wood pile pretty close so no problem there I think cheap beer there we go okay there's a little bit about 5% happiness all right I'm going to let's go this way that driftwood pile where was it where was it that was trash or what I'll turn around driftwood knows okay metals also we need to get the I need to get it's the where is he the smelt are open its metals so nothing made great some wood thanks black/black worth coffee we just gotta you know I'm going to I don't know if this is a problem over here looks like it is I'm going to destroy this I'm going to DQ jerk Donny okay get back to yeah it was buggy okay clear that was the whole problem the whole time put a new fishing we guys we won't put it there we'll stick it like over on just sign no I didn't find any trade all right boo to drift wood piles hey that's good [Music] okay that's good that's good [Music] back up a little bit there we go turn water on we had a water we have water you need water for the for the brewery when it starts but we've got a little bit greenhouse is fine for right now maybe whale need to find a whale bait for wood which should be coming in right now I'll get you built that's contacted most of the wood though and then metal man chuckwei takes makes plastics I think open you up Camilla he'll listen to the lack of food share about that we are starving again man we really went downhill quick Kent what cannibal town in my people are you food out here brewery sunken brewery I need the wood I need I need the wood stay on that wood who's supposed to be grabbing it there's anybody grabbing crabs a wood scavenger a they grab the wood and it will go out that brewery oh no no resume that guardhouse guardhouse nuts or house get to work everybody will you come Liz Rai is the name of the ship I guess you in here water more water evaporator work start shooting shoot hey there they go here comes a them oh this is like this is Waterworld there's not very many of us oh they're weak though oh there's more now work in not working he must take my stuff why it was cut to bite-sized pieces by a Kraken nobody we killed all 14 oh my guess we lost one guy we lost all four Gardens hey we gained some happiness out of that hey yeah numerous dead bodies on there Tassimo for water we eat them yum-yum-yum free food I've got six viable pirate corpses in the into processing excellent excellent ok ok thanks good please read some wood in quickly what staying around doing nothing I don't need a butcher yet you know whale just what I need a whale so I have a raft ships out there as a cannibal town are hungry and they want booze I see any fish I heard the brewery just gonna make our way over there actually get this wood brought in are you bringing it in you just stand around doing nothing that'll answer that question okay forget some would go there in the Delilah's that was scrap metal you bring that in for [Music] until that stuff up I'm gonna turn you back off again not abridge water can keep people working smelters doing his thing which is which is good which should be working he would also [Music] médecins fine I think guard tower right right right right I gotta get more food this thing need to be made first how do I tell this to go first priority no you made first priority o resource priority oh look at that fish priority one fish yeah fish top this first and then and then then kelp those two first all I care about input priority Oh Fisher's built we got two fishes coming in now how's that done now let's go get do we want to go do this fit that fisherman's wasn't done oh no we don't want that what do you want to go get some brewery yes it's beer maybe hopefully we'll find some some fish around deities have a good one ten water I don't know that water has actually figured into a food he can start a Kenton starve to death no I had it I tried on I didn't have it on for a while but I found I finally got it we've got that ones that one is done which is how we got our fisherman okay drink up mmm YUM everybody everybody have a drink eating out here trash hey fish and kelp a double whammy okay we want to go yeah there that's our next stop everybody drink up and have a have a good time we're gonna hopefully get this we need more wood because we kind of gets metal made so we can make our own beer and then we'll be in good shape Luke Oh waste away to nothing well like I want to eat something this is it going up any yeah we done using it yet not quite well hang here for a minute until it gets made or filled up who is going up 20 percent hey Arthur loss how are you breweries been built Oh excellent you take that and you take water I need to get the evaporator up and run it it is on the running and we're gonna have beer coming in okay let's go let's go gets or with it us where is it at where is it at where is it at where'd it go there is by way of the drifting resource we're going that way okay I think we done people are a little bit sick they can go to the doctor who is uh in okay says six there what I mean I mean is it o means we have six beers excellent it's uh it so it's water world basically we're making our own little raft scary pirates with tires around the next come come and trying to kid trying to kill us pick up whatever that is on our way to the fish spot it won't stop to go get a bite to eat people are hungry there we go go away for five minutes and I'm alive well it's just uh pro-gamer is what is the term you're looking for I'm a bird she's how things are around here hey let's grab some some kelp we'll grab some fish stock up on that we got beer coming in things looking good he bought 28% nourishment that they'll get over that up this way sorry control this guy there we go stop right there okay we got double fish we got dealt we got thick Ford's coming in all right let's eat oh man it's so exciting food for the first time we eat some would be nice to have which would be close it's fine recyclers open is everybody open that we need to be open guardhouse we don't need him deep divers close but we don't need that either let's resume the greenhouse so we can have grains that the oh we actually use all those grains already give you all those grains already bunch of them over there Jacquet Jacquet i just starve to death look at the happiness people got beer and that's all they care about this isn't in range oh I don't even move this just a little bit further doing Fisher gone you can't scavenge them it's all efficient it so I have a raft over there driftwood more small more fishing there we have metals coming in beers are still happening this is up and running now we're gonna need we'll need this going eventually wear it wear it and here comes this that's scoot scoot everyone get on the roads you're not scooting fast enough and grab the way this time though what goes scoop up some trash that was close no I thought I thought we were on the way where my fisherman I don't know what was that a bar house ah I thought we ran away okay stop everyone put the fires out five villagers went overboard family we got him though we just gained which people let me have 16 a minute ago that's what's fire that please please that one too okay fires done okay one more we'll put this one out before we move because we need people to man this game people I thought I just looked at it ahead like 16 I shouldn't have more now okay well hit the trash we still need food though wasn't there a fish spot over here somewhere I can't want to go we should go find that cannibal town see what we can do about that Oh whale Oh whale okay okay um forget the trash there's a whale oh man never been so excited crank up speed there it is that's where we're going grab whatever trash can because we're going that way I don't care what you get out of that we're gonna get that way all right now I'm keep my cursor on it don't you go anywhere whale I'm watching you the Bills have been born all right yeah we ready to get food first we can come back to this Oh where's my age of Wonders yeah kingdom two crowns did ice did I mention yeah I play that's like his whole series on a lot of series I did do one on that one I think I played I played till I died I never played what was the kingdom what was the other one the there was another Kingdom it came out after two crowns the multiplayer one is that it no I played no I didn't play two crowns I played Kingdom new lands that's the one two cards I didn't play ladle here and gold roost should work together this must be just multiple names that's it space you know sometimes sometimes it's okay when the notifications don't go out space is my example for that now look at all that beer okay all right we gotta get the the harpooners gonna be open open for business butcher man open for business look we got we got a whale there he is right there is he dead oh he's dead he's already dead let's cook them up let's get him there we go yeah throw those harpoons right okay I got a P so I'm going to set this on normal speed I'm still letting click that whale for a moment hopefully nothing terrible happens if pirates come I'm gonna be worried I'm gonna go pee Berkley film all we scoop this whale up and eat it up so though he should grab the whale bits and should go with a butcher which will make meat for us and blubber it'll be great so I'll be right back you mean [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] nobody died oops we still grabbing that whale do we survive ways better yeah space with this anymore villagers are sick I go to the doctor buddy when I fast me all right speed up look at that so much look that we got 35 well bits which we're making into nothing at the moment Marco wasted where nothing Marco you coulda wasted just waited like a minute and you would have had so much food gathers no well you're producing resources do it faster hey Kourt is the BART I'm not which partnered because I don't want any twitch partner switch partnership means you are exclusively on twitch and as you can see I have more focus on YouTube than twitch so I don't do that much more whale is there can we see it always I can clip them on top of it still working whatever it is there's a line there well we'll just see here waiting is the other thing seems working good could turn the crabs no will leave the crabs off because we still have enough fish even with two fishermen there's a severe lack of fish around here the war cannon I'm gonna leave it off until we get more water in here in the evaporates working we would for that whales been depleted we got some plastic in the whales belly I want to go find there's help right there what time is it okay see when my stream time will end here was survivors that way that is that cannibal talent yeah okay so I'm gonna stay around here because I'm going to get that cannibal town we're going get there's survivors over here fish fish wars that Kelvin's me rainy let's stay around that cannibal town cuz we're gonna give we got some drift without you nice to have actually pollution cities in too much pollution does that mean it can build interest levels our city stays in same area too long okay okay um demand resources take them prisoner I don't have a guard thing me more so let's talk I don't want this stuff anymore so how much is it worth five take it off and it's a hundred worth take some plastics and yeah I will take I can give him a bluffer too much 5 mm I will take how much bread too much much fish keen for well bits 21 finds Jerry fish fish I think I wanna do this no thanks KRV boss thank very much I appreciate that let's go that was quick that was mommy takes a while for it to show up from YouTube depth on this on the did it up on the the street that was quick YouTube is on the ball today alright so grab some driftwood we're gonna go make our way which I kind of skirt around this place there's some survivors are missing surviving maybe they are cannibals let's go grab some of this wood [Music] and scoot over here and grab this platter quick for trips away 24 people which I think are max before was 25 so we're getting there [Music] what's the blue blob and resources fish or blubber this not again oh no I don't have oh no oh no oh no I know I do I don't have a oh no panic mmm dart house people this thing like immediately that this needs to be on get some survivors many people are they that's you oh and it goes right at me no we're out of metal I do have enough metal I don't know if would make that thing what am I gonna do are you gonna work work you need up leave plenty of water you gonna work you're gonna work please all right now this killari have boarded my ship what do I do all it was killed by a Kraken what does that mean we don't know how to fight we don't we don't know what what to do with this I'm just gonna comes take all my stuff oh do that bizarre give board sees me up your burner mister melter oh no oh that's what it does I thought you shot people wait why don't you shoot the people I think my whale see all my stuff okay that's kind Andy it was like a water came like a you know like a riot like police water cannon not what I thought can i board their ship I don't think we can know we can't meeting with him man killed six of my people and and those this is why the survivors we're trying to go get just flies over him all right well let's go this fish over there okay everyone get all yourself I know it was rough bad day bad day we'll get this thing made eventually we'll get some driftwood and get it built and hopefully we can defend ourselves maybe a couple of those we want people nice if we could have a scavenger a survivor a raft but there's an easy break it's a fish over there wonder how many you're living there Oh many people 34 prisoners are living their parents they are warlike holding a large amount of prisoners they can be rescued if you invade and win stocks simply interact with city and collide with it kreso city of people eaters led by the infamous cannibal sub outs it's about is leading them it's about this a youtuber by the way that's fantastic no the tower it's a water tower it's a it's it's a water cannon like to put out fires its unrivaled extinguishing fires also a slowing effect against hostels I didn't do that I didn't do that at all we can build junk cans explosive balls of junk which we use as metal and dirt to fire we also have a harpoon tower which is uses metal our proven shoots enemy ground units this one shoes anything in the area I'll do this one we can do this kind of let's do this this tower and dock up over here by where our new building is going to be right there and then prison Ranger bags can arrange your bags need people for this hey hey Darfur boss I appreciate that again thank you very much okay we need uh we need things for this we got possibly have classics we have these lots of things you didn't grabbing all this stuff is it done more laborers wish we could just find like by people I need a survivorship let's go [Music] did I grab all the driftwood whatever that to go over here eat more laborers yeah [Music] we'll get there tell me I just watched mandalorian man that's a really good show I like that show I don't know what the lore of the game is actually that's a good question no maybe I won't alt-tab so if anyone can want to look at the steam page and see if you can fare out what the floor is you know yeah man Mandalorian so I watched last night The Drifter he's still here the end of season 1 it's really good like second favorite show what's going on the expanse is my favorite that's going on right now it spots it's on TV we need these scavenger tweet how many people we need to say her away for babies come in shoot this driftwood because we needed to make our building so we need just a few more wood there was important for everything scavenger grabs that stuff the expanse is great and uh Picard is only next month right that's when it comes back January I think so we'll have hopefully a proper Star Trek show expanses is um took me a bit to get into firsts first season is a little slow and you like to confuse what's going on there's so much going on but once it's once I hit season 2 season 3 now we're in season 4 it's fantastic you guys begin would write more would need more labor as it says well I don't need you and no more wale so I don't need you I guess there's whale in there isn't there you're not doing anything so just leave that we have fish and seaweed our house is built all right ok so let's close it we'll get the Ranger bags also these smelters working yeah bringing wood in right yeah here he goes what'd I miss were pay to say Joe Sam cool with it nope nope looking for some survivors we have another whale another whale that could be good way out there where's the cannibals we got to get those cannibals you think all right there's what 23 of them I think are eight of us plus our tower could take him down the other guys went down they died pretty quick pretty easily the ones that attacked me anyway Jimmy suppress the trash pile let's go over here resource resource yes yes yes Bill Nye cinnamon there we go because the trash which will give us metal which we deem him needs a like a ludicrous speed for the next setting [Music] Brewery we don't need that though because we got booze now look at our numbers things are looking good well other than the people um holy villages attack where it just ran back I don't know there's other villages out there I'm not sure how that works blood by sub outs doesn't really sing it says zero military we can take this place easy let's do it let's grab some trash go take them down we've got people standing around we can go load up our as soon as well do it as soon as we get our other this place built well maybe not ladies in vaulted metal at least the tower the cannon there we go need more laborers okay pick up a trash which is I think trash is scrap metal and junk maybe just junk but it turns into metal and plastic I think it's about it's about one hour our dominions game that we did so yeah it's about the yeah what's our doing they're just lingering back there just trying to be quiet the turn to quiet cannibals and it'll jump on us whenever we we aren't looking it's a lot of plastic that we don't need see some of that I want that's got to be top priority I think it already is yeah apparently it is cuz all the medals are going there soon as we get medals in here we're gonna throw them into there hopefully cash pile is gone mmm where's a nap there it is here we go we got a kelp forest and a resource over there scoot over there source some survivors bish thank you to village right babies more babies it's 20 to 50 medal for that but how much for this for more medal I have need to write about sure those right whatever that is it was like that metal wood a little bit of both wouldn't right there and stop okay pick up some kelp you don't really need um what you do it what you think I don't care about the cannon well try to see if Canada does anything when we go into here what do you ads for idols are you working on this no you it's too quiet in here without music here we go oh we got it okay so we'll have a junk cannon and we'll have a guard house it's gonna be enough let me see how much we get out of you need dirt oh you need metals also maybe we should move somewhere and grab a bit more stuff what's over there Oh school efficient ship okay lots of things over here take a look at them if we free these prisoners I think they're gonna join us we're gonna have like a million people we take them people getting sick the doctor does e cannon have I'm what you keep working bring in some metals and do what you're doing you're getting made with all the other metals Gail sighs metal will that salient to nothing over here slow moving on the open ocean [Music] exciting day in chat today resource resource piles lot stuff oh into the whale look all the food we have though with 38 fish how do we get all that just because we have two fishermen things are looking good you just wait use wait maverick we're gonna go cruising to that cannibal town and teach them a lesson we're gonna eat them and won't even see it coming we know all this fish we should turn the crap man back on okay driftwood time there we go grab some wood no just hang out here for a moment all right that what we're going that fish over there I am so lost over here any other I need a compass we only say people from now on if I have a compass just one compass it's all we need more laborers we're gonna get him real soon yes we could build like a second scavenger we could scoop this stuff up pretty quick you fishing you're a lot of wood how much well it's our uh 401 lots of stuff here oh yeah how are the cookies nothing good so I took so long you uh you don't live close enough to for Amazon UK I guess different piles done all right mm-hmm make the food gal you oh yeah oh yeah let's take mmm 70 oh we have 70 would we have it now I need um mmm let's we're gonna make a food yeah that'll be our celebration for for murdering the cannibals and eating them is going to be I don't need the kelp I need the maybe the resource luxury treats fine see I was gonna send you guys a like just some nook March stuff I thought that seemed kind of lame so I thought to get you something good a little saucy mean like a little suspicious I know that means now I know I speak I speak to talk I know that means I wouldn't play a game that says something like that be completely confused well junk you could catch some kelp but we don't need it how's the metals looking we don't have enough to man our junk can we have to get some metals there's some over here trash pile there we go that's all we need I was a little worried do village know the address thing I told you about I got an email about something about that too I'm glad to keep in all right we need a lot more metal we should get a bunch of scrap though turn the stuff I think pause for right now oh yeah I miss dream it's a back hang on we're all good now we don't drop some frames there I think everything is everything back everything back okay okay oh good good it so says it's all read on the on YouTube side that's strange I haven't had a stutter like that in a long time well see that happens every once a while not like every week though like it used to be all right way to go here we're going step by this trash pile and take out some cannibals he's on in there this way I got some more wood top by the trash pile we can go just go this way I think maybe I'm I think I probably retire my Phoenix point playthrough for now anyway XCOM won't go back the XCOM it may be a while but we'll go back there eventually YouTube doesn't like PP mmm how are you doing here and for the smell oh smelter smell things can cause fires avoid building this close to family level buildings okey turn off grab why Oh Fisher back down again man that way quick that was real quick go and pull the trap up I'm going to turn you off that minute when I'm in the mood to catch a commander without the Avenger and no skilled soldiers exactly exactly we still have I think we still have a Avenger that don't we no no event we don't have the Avenger we have sky rangers - right I remember been a while like the Kingdom games yeah I did [Music] okay are you working pull in the trap up pause you hopefully grab the supplies and bring them in there we go 22 crabs okay I think um metals put them in here let's go pick up some more scrap here I'm ready I'm ready to kill some camels the complaint can chicken and yeah one firestorm yeah yeah I built a fire stone yeah I gotta finish I can't I can't play through XCOM but not complete it I did terrible actually wasn't that bad I think what's what's holding back is just the one base in Australia is really hard because you can't it's hard to catch UFOs and you get a lot of commanders just from grabbing very larges favorites of I only played I only played Kingdom new lands oh let's go camera scoop just go up some stuff my ball in his cannibal town's gonna be gotta be frightened I'm constantly just I've been just circle in their town this that's all time how's the metal looking are we getting anywhere with the metal it's so much metal it's a lot of beat we have 93 beer seems like a lot can I tell you to slow down pick up the stuff hey free metal spin this thing around that should be all our metal we need there's more junk just turns into plastic we have too much of and you're building I think it just makes ranged people ranged fighters scrap metal okay that's it we'll have him now we got him now we're gonna hang out by this peak pick up some kelp just stare them down just give him the stink eye what's an insult to cannibals to our fingernails and then we'll go get him a school of fish right next to him as well okay scoop up some kelp sure because we're out of it no give that maybe we should get that fish let's go over here and sin see his face there'll be no dying today president you're waiting for king king stop hey they are there's the prisoners I'm assuming stop signs on top this is where they know it's a smelter if I could like take over the town how does this work I want to eat them but take them over yeah is e naught this really fun I'm really looking forward to you know it's - for sure hey hey there it is okay there it is I got charlie Imogen Jase and Loreen I'm gonna put people in here so they can work learn to fight Ralphie and Shaun you hopefully will get some medals hauled in there to make some cannon balls all right pretty quick yeah okay just done is it full it hauled in yeah all right ready for this put this thing around we wanna make sure the their barracks hits them spin it around spin around real slow just slow like I don't wanna see is coming spin around spin around and you're slow here we go it's killing time okay moving on in your loaded up right hang on he gave him some metals while the mill ago we had metals ready to go whose use my metals are you making him know you're stopped where my metals go hmm going in without that without the King I want to see the can though in action there's some resources over there let's go see if it's just I want to see that Oh is he in action okay scoot over here we need like two more medals and we'll have a full stash launce is explosive balls of junk that's what we want yeah so you guys awaiting for three hours for this excitement it's gonna be I'm gonna be thrilling I promise I promise no I don't know I don't have any idea close survivors probably use you guys can we go spin around here good we're going fast believe it or not three people are rowing the boat right now you have 37 of those you know I'm gonna shut you off on three more I don't need you anymore get to rowing bring your medicines folk it's just drifting did we get ya just wooden not all we want more resources just hanging out here let's go give you people them Deep Diver yeah I just I need you because I need the dirt for this maybe they'll bring some metal in [Music] well we built him a motor if we wanted to we never got to that point though we've been spending the last hour trying these can't fault we have no food where all my food go oh see any patients and that hey you guys got food rescue him we got eight people join us excellent forget the gun we're taking them out or anyone I put brother what the gun but it's okay oh wait we have it now we have it now there it goes the cans ready to go it's loading up okay okay here we go here we go hey Eric are you going in going in we have no food or eating blubber right now what's he's whining about don't nobody got he's got a boat let's just talk over here yes I need some cannibals anything turns faster than sales 32 people on board 32 murderers on board attack get them Oh Billy thank you very much I'll look at in a second hang on I got a marker some folks military tech get him everybody get them just happened princess or why yeah come on in we got that 66 people on board look at all this stuff out here do it thank you very great yearís dreams an indie game showcases I wish you and your family all the best for 2020 and hopefully a lot of channel growth noms on a cookie yes thank you very much Billy's seat yet oh right we did it we got cannibals living with us we got prisoners I'm sorry I clicked away that screen I wanted to see what it said apparently we won do we lose anybody I don't know always gained a bunch of people all kinds of boxes coming in look at that I have zero food probably two walks we got a lot of food for them from here there comes some more scrap metal all right well look at that what time is it early but we can we can um but time to get our our deathmatch in here about time to call it a day let me I'm you know I'm gonna do I'm just gonna sail out or just start Salem and of peeps for a pirate stronghold are they in the game is our pirate strongholds in the game holding the cannon did anything I didn't see it if cannonballs in there but it didn't see me doing anything oh you know what let's build this um this galley right I almost forgot as a as a thanks for being amazing I can't I can't but it's a Oh what do you say about pufferfish so much just die how about pufferfish a ton of food a minute ago you know what we've got a million people here we can't keep up it's fish some more I'm stick them right in here and another one here make sure we fish everyone's starving we got all these people we can't feed them well oh there's fish REO is wasted away to nothing sorry are ya I hope you're happy about being saved we did what we could we have a lot of grains though we can make a but we can make a bill a mill first let's put that boy over here where's where is it at you're gonna ruin my day come on right at me as always keep on scooting okay okay we're good [Music] it's good we're gonna go grab some some fish we got the fish all kinds of fish people over here we get the things scooped up in no time we have two schools of fish retinas you know those that's killed builders are hungry yeah yeah that's fine they knew they're getting into whenever they join the ship you're not getting from this one thoughts that's okay there we go you're being built still yeah hey Stanhope Stanhope's elrond alive it's exciting right a would again anything is because fast how's that galley doing he had the wrong metal school fish is gone Nevaeh douve drastically deep and didn't ever didn't dive ever again whoops people are wasting away to nothing we're all gonna die I gotta go find another town I guess otherwise we're done backlogged with too many jobs is it really buuck bully face town way were we selling we were selling this way right nothing out there Kelvin is eating at villagers corpse Kelvin stop I can't support this size of a town maybe we should end it here so I look like I'm going out on a high note and we're really going out on a terrible note we made this well you know what this does actually a fix fix efficiency so if we get food we can put it in there and eat it better the gallery looks fancy every was dinner I didn't hungry this need to be open let's get a bakery no way the mill where's the mill at oh it's not gonna make it we're bringing in kelp there where's my my grabber we've lost eight of the raid it's been this thing around slowly when your food school fish just go this is forget it this is about fish give me fish 20 rowers we moved for you quick now though on a bright note what jobs are there I was cause everyone's working we're fine we got 14 people idle Oh No Matthew had one too minion died Emily fell overboard everyone's dying well what a place to call it a day I mean the whole things being rode yeah it is where are they yeah they are right there they're all hungry but they're all ruined you can hear them we can we can build a motor but who needs a motor when you get people [Music] there we go stop bring some face that may save a few lives more fish out there I wanna keep stop playing I want to see if we can we have to just sort of bounce from fish to fish because we can't support anything but [Music] I've seen more towns out there bringing whatever fish we can here and the kelp you get attacked by pirates as artists I don't think you get to have other colonies [Music] blue blob and I this ones water this one's plastic comes blubber that's right we have a whole colony full of cannibals that's who our people are I think it's at this where was that policies laws corpse handling eat them Oh firmly hey let's you better trade but disables your towers for 30 seconds if you invade another city you just found feces while foraging through junk they lose happiness Oh what is this fire if there can be good trade of kills and casualties won't fire if there's any friendly instant sorry no no you you fire away reproducing is fine corpse handling yeah yeah keep eating fish are gone I'm gonna keep on sailing I always do what you find [Music] we're just we're just going off into the sunset you would to make this thing we need wood and steel which we don't have oh there's a butcher work with I think it just works with he just takes whales he's only good he's only use four four whales woodpile little fish over there hey babies go this way or find out of town charlie find a sea urchin in the seaweed and ate it for extra nourishment that's safe I began stuff up people are still somewhat happy school a fish in the ship stop around a little more gobble those fish up for quick don't you ruff Gleason all right it was crushed by metal at the stone house they died what I think collisions worth I mean I guess I do they were a thing but I hope they weren't improperly prepared puffer fish they died Fisher gone already we grabbed this who grabs this the scavenger right so let's pick it up a little bit stop there you go grab the metals and whatever we can get from this people are dying we could send someone out to we can let's try a couple other things we don't have any prisoners we can send out mass quarantine send dead people are particularly waters celebrate life drink some beer for happiness drink up work overtime hot air balloon yeah 50 plastic in one lucky villager what should your report I want you to see I don't care by any of this I want whales and cities oh there he goes there he goes that's cool you see a whale over there okay anything else that all you see I can go that way picking up these this stuff first it will move you know we're starving I'm actually bringing things in nowhere I City is not just a whale [Music] let's do it well let's do it again 50 Polotsk we have plenty of plastic oh we can't we gotta wait till this goes 1% Imogen lost the fight during a brought a local brewery whose health and happiness we're out we're out of beer [Music] you're grabbing things yet there's some scrap it faster sure are ringing at VIN race very very slowly me that metal oops oh sorry to her with that collegian oops hey the can is working stop running into things just want to hit the right the resource there we go all right I think the the balloon man is gonna be doing anything good other than the whales over there so I guess we're doing some whales that might actually save us whales are big take a long time though okay ships done let's go this way let's go ahead towards that whale he found I think was this way I will call a day here in a minute but I was he we can find town real quick another one while they build that up wheels wheels probably use some some wood here yeah that were quick there's a destroyed ship out there brewery brewery nine new villagers have been born Wow I'm gonna keep them fed no way first would keep my brain that would and we can use that can use that to make a get that mill done get a mill done and then we gotta get a bakery they'll give some bread and then that's pretty much I think that's pretty much a free thing cuz right we can get the Deep Diver brings in the dirt there it goes to the greenhouse with water and we make grain which goes in the mill which makes flour with anything goes to the bakery but it's all just sort of done on its own we don't have to worry about finding things so that might be really good for us keep this thing stable I want to end this dream here but I'll go a couple minutes Miette bakery 13 new villagers there is no way I can feed all the people we could also put in another as a forager 30 would we don't have that I can just let it grab seaweed 30 more food celebration of day of contentment has begun I was up my beer a day okay pufferfish is prepared poorly stop eating that stuff there's some kelp or there's a whale there's the whale okay that's what we're going what do you need you need wood and steel okay I'm going to no I think I'll leave you cuz we're gonna go we'll need you before too long here are some survivors oh hey you know what let's go let's go mess with the survivors 14 new village we got 83 it's scar it's it's out of control how are people still alive grab that's a lot you help we can bring in we got survivors over there I'll spin this thing around survivors it's a word I'll try and say the thing I would see if we can mess with the survivors I'm gonna go mess with them storehouses keep grabbing the fish in the help lots of kelp here like that and we probably should stay here and grab the kelp because we're kind of dying but there he is a whale out there just keep us alive cuz we're at 50% here we're gonna die real soon 90 people on this boat this song anyone ever play to the moon this is this song reminds me of hello survivors I can rescue you I can let you be i can demand resources I can take him prisoner imprison them for future trading opportunities yes no prisons available to oh I can't because there's no prisons I will them ok ok we're just tossing straight into the end of the kitchen was like looks like meats back on the menu box alright alright eating good tonight um see if that whales ready not a whale the UH yeah hot air balloon ok we're looking for only a city to the moon was any other game in the game well in the inky mouth go back this is well dead rattle dead so we will eat it everything turned up I will turn you on I think you turn on the heart prune as well on the light heart we are putting since dead already but turn it on hope it will get a message about a city nearby ok let's eat Hunter became shark bait see mention of any I'm looking for a town where's my where my guy no towns around there's another one another whale oh right on the 88 people but this whale should should do the trick because it's gonna bring in all his meat and it will be in good shape take a long time to do the thing but these are the butcher for cannibal meat does it I don't think it does three villagers nibbled the wrong part of the rotting whale and became sick mmm throw them overboard where do they all sleep that's a good question there's no there's no there's no beds on board this thing yeah we just sleep wherever much more this way left Zowie tooked on a bone Zoey come on now so we did people more way are sick again some overboard I'll save our food problems we just you just eat them I don't like me anymore there's no more cities around you I don't think our hot air baloon didn't say anything so I think we'll end it here we hit almost 100 people who had probably had if I didn't keep saying people overboard but we hit we were in the 90s somewhere I think maybe we hit 90 now that whales coming in that'll turn into food we have flour now for our bakery we didn't make Sheen you've been a medal for that don't build me make breads I think we actually had something could go in here Chantel drank too much beer and passed out celebration has ended you know beer back up and we got that whistle there yep yeah there's a new population limits you can do is if you think you can do you can go with you can do publishing sir always means no more no more babies we can throw with it no more growth so no well I any builders reproduce will cause steady happiness drop one per day and then you can set up by a number maximum growth oh it's strange how my team turn it off can't be undone and be eventually you'll need to performance oh okay that's just like for the game thing villagers we can say because automatically toss them overboard pirates incoming here we go here we go here's our grand finale okay alright pirates we're yet yeah they are let's turn the boat so they hit my hit here first all right come at me I'm ready for you turn the boat around so we can get them hit and get in here that's a big boat bigger than little bars it only comes at us day 82 of of year 2250 babe 59 they're not sure what we missed you missed your shot there you go there you go yeah there you go okay okay don't blow them up or whatever you're doing but the fire is out oh oh he's flying all over the place oh man did we do it Oh and more coming in turn the boat around we can't turn the boat there comes some more here they come launch those cannons there you go take that guy with sword this bunch of Rangers are in there shooting them harpoon guns there we go killed 35 of them we only lost three people villagers are happy with this outcome we lost nothing there we go that's how you go out in style all right what is this then we shed bodies on us oh we're gonna eat them oh yeah all right let's call it a day 23 viable pirate corpses oh yeah we'll be fine chop them all up yeah they go there goes the bodies getting hauled away little rigor mortis as I show already started popping in on it can all the meat coming in is that one meat per body having steak tonight well maybe some loin let's get away from our per hour pollution problems we got over here all right well I think we call it a day here I play a lot more than I thought I would actually for a night so let's yeah I go in it's fun game it's still pretty early I think it came out in August originally and last update was just on yeah the 27th so just two days ago there was an update pirates spawn pick up crates if they stole something then die nothing big yeah there we go okay so there we go let's uh in this stream the way we do it that's with the death match so toss into bats there's some rimworld here and go out you know usual style and so the next live stream those of you they're here for for uh for buoyancy thanks for watching this is our murder and supporters time the next live stream will be Monday doesn't me lots of times to be Monday so Monday is is I'll have my my usual using the times on Twitch or in YouTube wherever the usual livestream time Monday afternoon after my time central time control us time and then at 7:30 p.m. I'll have a link to upload like a poster somewhere somewhere a few friends and I are doing our livestream of our D&D game that's number that's number two it's wedding at 7:30 from 7:30 to 11:00 and then the new year's stream that's right Gregorius is at 12:30 a.m. that night on Monday twelve odium a.m. my time which is like 6:30 a.m. is that what starts in GMT I guess five five hours off I think early morning early morning Monday or early morning Tuesday sorry Europe time is the this time right now Tuesday morning is the New Year's Eve stream we play until it's New Year's somewhere which is like Christmas Island or in New Zealand somewhere in there and it's more of the laid-back talking about channel things playing some games playing some some some jackbox games that kind of stuff so 10:30 there now Jean people squats with 9 so yeah it's oh it's K so it's six hours so that's gonna be it's whatever I said before plus six okay New Year's somewhere as long as there's New Year's somewhere that's when we end it well somewhere I'm in alright so let's play some Jeff let's play some rim world what do what I did before we just battle it out Leah how it's going how it is so that's Monday someone now basically basically Monday you're gonna be so tired of me that you'll I don't know I had some sort of funny thing to say there but I ran out so let's go kill each other all right wheel it sorry wheel it didn't spin last too long I mean - I know it they bounce it around with Newt with daylight savings I can write a lot a lot of died in some everybody Nate Nate's gone to Nate's are gone Tony pajama guy goes out science train sorry science train you're already gone Chris and and here does that fight it out the bottom I'll do like a I'll be like a YouTube posts on I'll do one on patreon I'll do it tomorrow and just a generic you to post they get to all the time for the license look I already anyone else out knowledge coming in Velvets hanging out up north there let the monks he'll never yeah he'll knock over there oh there's nope it's gonna be gun triple want rocket launcher he know how to bullets see you it burns frig norick dimitri man who's up here hanging out still you did how does int car down there we gotta get a spot over there Vincent's hideout by dead bodies still I already don't see you burns and Brig Oh bars on fire Partners burns the quack it's burning Daniel are you burnin know just the thing that she's burning Julia and a Peter are past each other did Mark tell you I put the fire out Santa Cruz has gone well if we got big a coup burns play em all on Oh burns and Alexi just now Hubert's put out the fires and I still was gonna win it all rounds I even hurts what do you been doing the whole time Shep kills yeah I know what skills do Steve Genzo priests unit oh it's rally we have four left haiku Hubert's eater rao yeah I think I think where I was got a good spot doesn't have very good gun but this time to me those guns are better than these other ones that's not good of a shot at who is they all the minimum of the five all right Peter oh you survived it as well Peter that scale oh hey dress Peter's decided you know what we charge into the middle of this yeah she's real life Robinson hit that's where he gets hit liver stomach and spine are both are all fractured blood all over Peter what are you doing it's looks like a good place to stand going from melee yeah bash each other okay hey Peter killed nook take down Peter and get him no one kills look its way with it who's blind Peters blah always blind oh that's his problem why it's still why he's blinding me what how's he blind I see it why is he blind Oh was it not Peters I had no real wins okay was it Peter that was blind Oh temper okay I kicked up saying gotcha gotcha okay morale is the winner we uh we didn't see that coming no this is well rowl with your your your multiple kills Steve Genzo and and antique Otto and beer alright welcome relations Rao I seen route RAL is uh so in my D&D campaign that I do on Friday nights I took a lot of names just Mike discordant things and RAL is in my DNA campaign so it seems strange to be shouting out Rao's name over over again alright thanks for watching everybody we're gonna do a live stream again I'll put a post on a few devices for the Monday one which is the big the big New Year's Eve thing thanks for watching and I'll see you all I'll see you all next time
Channel: Nookrium
Views: 32,408
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Buoyancy, Buoyancy game, Buoyancy gameplay, Buoyancy 2020, Buoyancy tutorial, colony builder, flotsam game, nookrium, gameplay, base builder, city building game
Id: 5cBLrhPc77g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 207min 0sec (12420 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 31 2019
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