The Universim - (Modern & Space Era)

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do so so so good evening are we are we ready to throw bombs at my town again or or perhaps be a little kinder today and and give me some research so we can get through this thing and send some airplanes into the sky and maybe some spaceships into the sky that's the plan let's see if we can uh make it through the day shall we uh so today's episode is just continuation from last live stream i feel like i was just here and i certainly was so uh let's play some more universe sim here as soon as this is over with we have to uh we have to break the heart we've got what seven folks left eight folks left that's right dude guy that's right caveman says they won't attack today i don't believe you caveman but i like your enthusiasm one second i had to move my cat okay all better all right so um my cat has a spot right here uh like right on my keyboard as usual i promise thanks c-lamp that's uh that's mighty kind of yeah so let's we got what six folks down let's let's let it go i think what i did is i turned on an option here which was trade ships i think maybe turning that on is is uh maybe this one's supplemental effects oh that's a little neat okay we don't need that though let's do that maybe that'll speed things up a little bit you know why zooms in so far hey tom how's it going um let's uh let's finish this thing out and and uh jump back into universe 7 and and continue what we did last night which was um uh we are in the the modern era hey james how's it going and all we have to do is just send the rocket into space and then we're done and then we call it a day we go home i go to bed all done yesterday was just revenge for the aliens incident oh right right i don't know talking about i didn't see you get on the alien ship i think you're just making it all up i think prospective games is about to be the uh the champion unless unciviled or uncivil ed whichever hey tony pajamas how's it going hey alex alex the nerd gamer i like it hey martin thanks tony oh pajamas big bomb went off there in space i think uh i'm actually kind of uh kind of even there we'll let it finish out this is important we've got the happy universe implanted in music yeah you know some music in the background i like it i had an idea for a second game tonight which we might do if i get on with this quick but i kind of doubt that so we'll probably just do the one game tonight this used to be my um it may be one of these days my multi-game day stream day thing uh but um there's just not a lot of stuff going on right now so we will uh uh you know uh we'll wait until there's things coming out before you do that hey salt bagel thanks happy new year to you and hey allison how are you again uh it's backwards so uh cuidbo is is in last place i rearranged it so then you can like those on the top are dying first so you can you can watch yourself die if that's what you want to do that's your thing another big bomb went off over there and i think the prospective games has taken over with their 112 ships i think is i think we got a champ they just have to get the uh the point of the heart and they may have this one let me zoom out a little bit no i guess it's still over there do a retro game hey vader retro game um there's one that's actually a couple of them that i've been looking at that uh i may do there's one called hexia which is sort of like a little castle builder thing um which i may try and there's also a new sock pop one called uh i don't know what it's called but it's like some sort of tetris things like tetris but you're building a world with tetris that was kind of neat we also have the calico game which i've been talking about playing forever question that i have not i think we're seeing some prospective games because i'm tired of waiting you know um something's changing has certainly slowed this down quite a bit maybe it's because i'm playing universal in the background so it's playing slower that might be it anyway prospective games we're giving you the championship congratulations you are the hero uh quiz an uncivil ed oh hang on who needs new games when you have room world retro we can play castles you know what i thought i had played castles on my channel before i never have uh not not not um like the old castles when that one come out take a look here this is old timey castles was that who made that impressions this is like the the uh oh interplay yeah yeah i've never done a video on it uh i guess there's a one and two they're one they're on gog it's it's this one remember that one this is like old old timey old timey hmm yeah what do you think i play that thing i haven't played it since well i don't know 91 so not since i was eight a long time ago um anyway perspective games does come back and and win this one congratulations perspective games well done okay so um let's go and rewrite so i um i i have um blocks there this inside blocks i um i have my my restream bro bot is turned off and this is a twitch integrated game so if you want if those of you on youtube and you want to be over there on twitch if you want to be a part of this and you know do things like whatever um you can be over there on twitch and you can join and do that over there but um not a big deal but if you want to have like your name in the game that's mostly what it does and you can send bombs but you don't have to do that if you don't want to so uh anyway so chat yeah i'm not probably not gonna be paying much attention to twitch chat if any so you wanna talk to me you talk to me on youtube chat uh sorry twitch folks good i just can't keep up with that and youtube chat without having my restroom bot on so anyway anyway uh let's go and continue i guess we need to continue right the one we've got going here those are the lords of the realm or heroes of might magic too uh no it's it's it's like it's almost all castle building part of the game i remember was just building a castle i remember the the animations for whenever you put the first walls down uh in castles i played a bit of it even even though it was i was super young when i played it but i certainly remember i don't remember like the point of the game but i remember building castles i used to do a thing um a uh i think we're waiting on here come on again um like once a week i used to do the old timey games day and i haven't done that in a while i had i had a lot of things to play for a while now i don't yeah yeah yeah all those all those old 90 games have a have that sort of same you know it's funny because that that graphics of those old 90s games um is exactly what all indie games are now like you go in you could play the only difference is really is ui seems like you could go in and play civ one came out what 91 i think 90. and it could easily be a game that came out this year the only difference is are the ui which is it's a little the ui nowadays is a little more cleaner and and and and better um a little more mouse inputs in there but other than that it's very similar okay so let's give a grand tour of our uh our planet here welcome welcome back there's the moon um got a big hole in it let's go jump down here to our our home i don't remember this is this mine no this is a eamon's eamon's feel is this big oh we gotta bomb these guys okay this is not me these are the bad guys we've sent some bombs at them before they've since bombed us as well and away we go over to my fancy town look at this place look at this place it's fancy i like it we got some sick people let me go deal with that real quick there you go buddy all better and you all better i think we had some infection problems around here um you're working right yeah yeah everyone's all good oh i can upgrade you yeah i'll go ahead and set these things up we got all things to get made let me do the grand tour before we mess with with game things yet so let's come over here nice nighttime tour of the place uh we have these like two mountains here this is our start and we had a bit of a farmland here in the middle and oh there used to be a lake over here but we we blooded dry uh we are now grabbing water from this lake over here and there's another one on either side as well but we can get a tour of our this is our um our main town hall i think is what that is uh we've got oh that's a town hall right there what is that one called i don't know but this is where our leader hangs out i guess and rings bells but they died um speaking of dead people let me clean him up real quick we toss you oh electronic is done natasha oh i think it's my full right you're gonna live over there okay or live's a weird weird word oh hey never mind i thought i was playing it's just bugs so we can go uh most things are houses with ads on them lots of houses we got a 99 nuggets living in the town and there's a whole bunch of people that live over in this one here we just at the modern era so we've got all these fancy fancy houses and this is our yeah yeah the evil corporation temple that we we do some nefarious things with but mostly it gives us creative points we like that it will help you guys out everyone's all sick because of of diseases can i heal you because you want to get healed fine twitch support it should be on is it on um [Music] it was on it was on a minute ago i just checked it why did it stop something fishy about this this thing i thought i kept it i kept it right before i started the stream and it was fine maybe the stream connecting messed it up um okay let's go let's go save this one and then come back out and fix it so it goes so it works again okay we'll come back we'll do it we'll do the grand tour as soon as we come back um something's up with with that look plays doom yeah i played duke nukem i think do i did i do doom before i i might have i don't remember maybe not i played duke nukem 3d i start the modern era no i started getting yeah stone h all modern buildings enter town hall still in the stone age well you know we're getting there i think um what's it do for it we'll we'll find out here in seconds i've played prince of persia i have a video on it somewhere i think i just did one but it's out there all right let's make sure this is working now connect hey there it is okay let's everyone cross your fingers and hopefully it'll work now why you streaming so late why you awake so late ryan oh the spikes all right we'll go back we'll get a grand i promise we'll get a grand tour here and we'll see where we're at now and yeah we began with stoneage we've worked our way up to this uh a bit of help from chat because you guys can like save up points and you can give me some text so it's moved a little faster than it normally does um but we have meet reach the modern era and we are going to be getting to the space age tonight that's the plan [Music] which lets you blow up looks twin i don't know what that means but i'm offended this one we learned last um last night this is coming out in june full release and it has been in development for like 35 years uh it's finally hitting release day unbelievable i'll believe it when i see it it's kind of um those games that you i never expected to ever come out of full release it'd be like it'd be like if dwarf forces ever got a full release not gonna happen looks like your it guy has a million points okay i don't think we're here tonight so luckily there's so there's our enemy over there we're gonna bomb them as soon as we can and we're gonna look at my town over this way let's get a grand tour uh proper this way so we were working on some buildings we got a big fancy building right here the desert rose right there hey thanks rule yeah i'm on i'm on new zealand time that's right there's a steel mill working on we've got a glass factory over there somewhere there's more lots of really really cool houses around an old tiny police station some stuff is still stone age like this guy's what is that like the eatery you know it's for the atmosphere uh let's take a run down the road here though look at that place that's cool this one looked extra cool until somebody blew it up and i don't appreciate that uh let me go and get you get you healed up buddy i see sick people there you go and there's the alien shop we can buy and sell things from there what is this one what are you oh is that a house too it's all brick okay that's cool and there's another house over this way can we see inside there nope i mean we can see inside actually we can come in here and take a look it's also neat still oh yeah i can't wait for it to fortress steam day uh we need to get some working up here on did i tell you to upgrade yet i did i did so go ahead and keep that upgraded town hall we got a sick person over there let's go ahead and make sure we take care of him we got what uh we work 102 people in town this is the town hall governor this is hacker we need a minister of food let's go put in it's whatever water yeah you you're a tesla you can have that and can you upgrade you yeah let's do it we need glass iron and bricks we may or may not have some of that stuff hey hank how's it going uh and then we've got over this away so there's the big fancy building going in there our watch tower is is in hideous shape we have a meteorite shower coming in in 30 minutes by the way um and we've got a stone mine which is still a little old uh some refinery over here making us some bricks which we can upgrade which i might do but too many things to make right now i think i got another eatery over here oh warehouse and just just the occasional bear walking through town and a bunch of bunch of buildings a bunch of bunch of building we got prison cemetery cement factory i mean uh what are you you're the glass factory okay you're working you take what is that oh you take gas oh i don't have a gas refiner yet okay so we'll get that going there's an iron mine over there like dark thug is there working on that one i do need to get these guys upgraded because these reservoirs are uh needed i got two of them set up there oh here there's a new one though hey check that one out it's got bricks or stone or something and a big hole in it doesn't seem very helpful i guess it's glass okay and we've got an old timey water pump over there and we're mostly just getting uh getting things cranked along here i think i think we're looking all right i um i was looking at some screenshots today of universe 7 and they're like they zoom out it takes up the whole planet i want that that's what i want hey timber how's it going uh you get you get five points per minute is that how that works okay uh well i'll bump it up here and we'll move some things along and some folks have died we're back down below a hundred but uh let's see if we can keep it up there um water things it's like looking okay we're producing more water than we're using so that's good but we gotta make sure where we can get through the um uh the the winter so i'll keep an eye on that food seems to be okay uh i don't really have a graph of food but i think it's okay we have we have herbs keeping people from getting sick there's bricks blank stone we have zero wood at the moment uh where are you at wood person what's doing over here besides you're making planks oh you're taking all the wood making into planks good good job good job no glass at the moment because we need to get that factory in here so let's set that up first first build order let's make a glass factory which is going to be probably in the factory land and right there i don't think i have one of these scheduled in here i might no no glass i'm not a flashlight no no uh a gas mine is what i mean gas mileage i know i don't have one of those because because i didn't think i needed one but apparently i do looks like there's a lot of gas in the middle of town here not very much over there there's a bunch over here though so i can squeeze this guy in it's 2500 over there 26 27 right there yeah yeah let's pop it in right there water pumps in the brink of collapse are you oh let me fix it buddy there you go take care of that uh fisherman why don't you go ahead and wait for winter time and then we'll upgrade him i think hey jeff how's it going it's the occasional bear walking through town that's what happens cement factory can be a cemetery if you're creative nice nice wear mask to reduce air pollution look at the chimney color excellent digital administration that sounds exciting oh we have all new texts okay uh well let's zoom on over here and see what we can get uh i'm kind of skipping along things because i wanted to see all the new stuff i will take some fish cutting reduced unlocks lumber mill let's do that one and ministry of education gives us well that a coral arch try to find our way across water since the dawn of existence there's got to be a better way than stacking plants across water right it unlocks medieval bridges what do we need a bridge for what we have is lakes we have rivers let's get some industrialization oh do we have that already we do i'm way over here modern chemistry i like it motorized motorization okay and hydroponics perfect then we get the plastics and we get into this into this space age okay okay if i got one for me nice excellent so you can't keep it i guess you can keep an eye on your points over here and whatever you've got you can use um on things uh where is it at right there okay let's pick this guy up and toss him away our cemetery is full so we need to and it makes it may not be full flowing while we would check check it out where is it turned around this way toss this guy in oh good there we go i can ghost hang around the cemetery you know typical day um if we need to we can always toss someone in the chopper and uh and get some more points but i think we'll um we'll be all right i think for now also maybe losing some people here if a meteor shower hits us i'll share education for you then cave got the next one oh nice okay is there someone else oh that's that's that guy okay let me fix you uh you stick people up there you go you know what points on you but i want to keep you alive a lot of things that you get made so we're basically just sitting back waiting for stuff to get cranked out it's not what we can really do other than just have people and have people working i guess i could put out how many planks we have 83 planks we have 40 bricks we've got enough stuff we have a lack of glass but that's because the gas factory isn't done i would like to prioritize that where is that is it where is it here yeah let's prioritize that and get it cranked out so we can get gas running so we get the glass in here then and then i guess what i could do is go in and like start doubling things up we have plenty of iron we have a ton of stone i don't know maybe we do maybe we don't we have a ton of these resources we don't need cement stop walking through that too many people here yeah i gotta get some attention inside of town i think there we go logging is complete which gives me the fancy new building and i'm going to use it which is going to be this guy lumber camp quarterback nuggets specialized assassinating high value trees uh so ideally it's gonna be near trees which this is getting kind of over developed i haven't really done much over here though i can't fit it in here though i could throw it is that feeling back up i think it might be i could stash it over here somewhere i guess there's a good size uh there's a little bit of a forest over here we could use not much though we need a good a good bunch of trees like that's a long way out there um i'll do it okay hilty's infected oh somebody's affected zones okay not over there anymore though all right uh new cemetery let's get one i think it's gonna be in here there it is nice stone age cemetery which is going to cover that side of the world is covered just fine we went over here for folks dying on this side of the place i'm going to fit it in without ruining my roads um ideally over here though not really the best spot what was that trees have bested us we're retreating for now but we could have used some help divine help in the battlefield lumber cancel the room they can fight back destroy some trees for burns flipper okay okay let me build this thing and then and then destroy some trees for you sure sure let me help you out because you don't want it um i'm not sure how you measure this where's the where's the thing that tells me what i'm what i'm doing here not that one uh where's the quest thing it's up here well there's two three done i think you're right as it rains it fills up that that water spot i said lumber mill though that's what i'm building over here right this is the lumber mill remember camp unless it means somewhere over here anyway so let's take a look at our candidates here so we've got um your iit guy who promote who's promoting um proposing vaccination laws less diseases i like the sound of that one we've got right to arms for more injuries more happiness less animals and agus wants less schooling more injuries okay so vote away take a look over here can we see how much is actually in there because that was yeah that was bone dry before and it's starting to fill back up good excellent what's going on over here all right arms is a hot topic in our elections again i hope his policies will stay protected dark thug seems to think the best candidate to help support growing gun collection can you give them a leg up make sure he wins it or else excuse me i don't think so no one bosses me around excuse me dark come here come here buddy dark flag is out of contention no one talks to me that way hey okay menudo rosa roroski peacefully packed away passed away after many years of supporting gun rights in his will he supportedly donated over 50 pounds of gun powder with local police who were more than a little confused in the end they started a small fireworks selling business on his secondary income make sure who oh because oh because dark though got murdered so it changed over that guy i got it i got it my school time is op well everyone seems to think that the vaccination guys gotta go with you stick there buddy let me fix you up i get you okay i think i missed you i got the building instead i think i got the building instead ah get out there and i'll fix you sick people everywhere any rain's coming back in we have we do have a meteor shower coming in soon i do have a dome i can put down i'm not sure how big it is we'll find out um the bridge just there so how does this thing work have i built a bridge before in this game i don't think so do i want to build a bridge there's no um i don't use any reason to i want to but what's the point we could like build one over here and like connect up this side but i mean it's not like uh it's not like there's a bunch of rivers running through here what's going on over here what'd you guys do just just burning things all right uh he's not turned off i'm not sure why he's not doctor has wait dark won but he's dead oh wait how did he win did wasn't the votes like skewed the other way let me see what happened there ready guys good question audrey's a little wonky in this game it seems to bounce around have you read the instructions properly okay very quiet lately so we don't have a leader now right because didn't that just kill dark thug was it a different one that i like kill the wrong guy i'm very confused it's tough being a a deity keeping these people sorted is that an animal you just shot yeah yeah good good good uh that's a that's a dead guy right there i mean a quicker there might be a quicker way to switch over to telekinesis this one's getting built nice because it takes too long this is full yeah so you can go live up here on this mountain there you go all right it's broken out let's zoom over here to it yeah uh i'm gonna need you guys to calm down i'm gonna jolt a joy there anyone throw stones and get they get into the shredder anybody huh you with you with a mask i didn't mean to pick you up but you work into this shredder how many people we got we got 116 people we got plenty to spare in you go here we go 50 points the more the more angry we are the more points we get every time we do that so we'll keep it up there's a lot of workers in the temple people are believing we got 91 believers out of our 115 which is a little outrageous we should have a little more than that i think all these places are getting built up even bigger than they were before i guess because we got electronics they unlock anything else that we've that we can do nothing in i there we have everything or at least the beginnings of everything electronics factory i don't have that okay this thing is massive i have to start building things over here i think i want to get it let's get an engineering hut over there make sure we cover this side of the world this is where that new building was but we have a lot of things coming in here i think blue is upon us i've never seen a blizzard this is new [Music] this is a this is a new disaster oh oh it's cold um hey let me give you a um where is it where is it uh protective dome well that's that's pitiful i thought it was like like big like city-wide dome not not that okay wow look at that go hide under there it'll be safe this was where i think this was supposed to be the meteor there's a meteor shower okay this might get ugly soon oop one just landed there i think there's another one yeah stop walking through there well that ah someone uh someone's threw that in there there's no room in there uh just get out of here we have blizzards going all over the place we got people throwing bombs i'm gonna make it rain over here now in the middle of this storm okay fix that okay it's mighty cold around here i'm sure that sound is is that just freezing things it's not freezing people is it nope okay i guess we're good i have a lot of infected nuggets let's go and what is that oh meteor in one minute can we see it motorization uh yeah give me some plastics next i will take fuel factory i need all this stuff uh i guess let's choose nuclear power plant or solar panels um let's go nuclear yeah hot air balloons that one here comes that thing what's a new thing we got we have um a chemical plant which i'll throw down here which none of these things are getting made yet but we'll get there eventually go back there and then what was the other one uh parks movie theater we never made that one oh a lighthouse wonderful addition to the citizen to the civilization guiding ships safely back home i don't know what lighthouses do what they do for the game though let's throw one of these right here right there yeah yeah twitch integration so if you want to be if you want to uh do all the twitch stuff that's here there's uh there's a link to the switch page those of you on youtube thanks caveman more infected zones need to prioritize that uh that cemetery okay let's pick you up and take you back home it's dangerous over here because there's so many people walking around open her up oh he gets we killed somebody uh whoops we got what was that i missed it it's too busy wait watching people dying pick you up and away you go to our full cemetery hey there we go we gotta unlock more spaces here how do we do this i mean i'll play this thing somehow what's something is frozen what happened or why were you why why were you frozen there oh it's starting to get built we got glass there anyways we still need steel beams and cement anything else getting done over here you have our big buildings movie theater still not happening uh what is going on what is happening over here wait wait oh the whole forest is burning who did it who burned it all down which one are you chat hey average joe there's the riots i think at the cemetery of all places let me give you uh let me give you a jolt of joy there there you go stop it stop it uh you with the mask i said no not you oh well [Music] okay give a little paint job there how much did i get for that it gives me points i was hoping for you back oh yeah come here no one throws rocks in my town how many points i get for that a lot okay and anyone else that guy you're criminal okay lots of points uh i know there's one in here for reforestation plenty much new trees should i throw that in over here where my my mill is or either where the new one is going to be or back where the oh ah what's happening i didn't get it i'll either i can quite get it on there we go stop stop burning my stuff down my steel mill you know the worst hey dog thug duck speaking of you you died i just i just tossed all people into the grinder just so i could get rid of a forest fire industrial boom is up next and then we go to um gaseous locomotion for hot air balloons and then we go to aerospace engineering aerial commerce yeah and all that stuff quiet tony is married see them in the right through the building side window huh like down here how old are you young give me a oh there's a sick one down here oh what what is that does it produce food it produces food [Laughter] is that same one yeah it's just slowly burning there's something else to burn over here we'll be fine as long as it doesn't reach onto there maybe i should put a trickle effect on it trickle effect just in case uh that one 40 creator points for that i'm a little low on water let me go and put one on here as well make sure we fill those guys up and i want to make sure that you how much do you hold you hold 90 versus the 45 you're way better so upgrade you also okay and i think how much water's in here left a lot of water so let's put another one of these guys in another pump just make sure we have plenty of that oh there's a nuclear plant it's gonna take some water so yeah yeah let's get a water pump there strange things game okay that'll fill those guys up we have plenty of water around which you can see tons of it now mm-hmm while we need scratch skyscrapers we have so much left so we can have our our our rooftop rooftop car rooftop gardens and rooftop pools check that out pretty swanky up here nice speaking of we're up to 120 i would like to grow more so let's put a oh yeah i don't know what i would build i want to build one of these oh there's a hot air balloon right yeah hotter balloon guy where's he gonna go i don't know we'll set him like i'm trying to get where it doesn't remove a road there we go right there and i want to set one of those local business guys up which i think was there's an eatery we probably used eatery on this side too this we got what two we could probably set one up over here somewhere let's put one over here at the corner there and we'll also put a local business over here maybe a couple of those just try to encourage some housing coming in over here like that we'll throw one over here also next to the cemetery so you can go in you can have a bite to eat take a look at cemetery on a fun day here we go okay aerospace engineering is done that means i can make very cool things right where is it where is it am i right it gives me modern engineering hut upgrade okay okay so i need arrow space to get the space in we can also get surface to air missiles which we're going to use because we're going to bomb our neighbors business rebate i want that one too okay all right you guys mating nice perfect that's what we want though we want we want more of that more babies all right well how we went over here we got plenty of wood now planks are fine stone's fine bricks are a little low but but they're keeping up with it we don't have any oil uh we do have gas now so the glass factory will make that wherever that glass factory was is it over what was that at there's a cement factory where's my glass after me i don't remember i thought it was over here did it get no it get destroyed no there it is there it is so it's taking the we're taking those making glass but they're all getting used which is why it's not what we have none no more infected nuggets another riot look you guys just got to calm down you saw what happened last time you with the broken bones what do you what did the courier ever do to you thanks ian appreciate you discovering so many games in your channel keep it going very late for me i have to go good well thanks ian it's very late for me too this guy with the eyebrows he's gonna go you're criminal and you as well with the barking bones let me break a few more there we go okay okay caveman has been kind to us today so we're gonna give caveman a nice rejuvenate there you go buddy oh better aerial commerce is complete which means we can make airports now which is here there it is an airport a modern age airport oh we've got some more graphics things again let's set this guy up i'm out of space speaking of space we should go there like i guess we'll set it up over on this side it's way out of the way though what's going on over there space is broken um we could build a bridge i guess and put it over here give us an excuse to make a bridge which is so far away i guess not from that uh yeah we'll uh we'll do this right there perfect and then we'll build a bridge over the poor whale and and um yes fisheye lens um i'm gonna build that bridge which is gonna go from from here to uh yeah like right over there where that road is sure maybe we can go like on this side because this is kind of i don't know any roads over there though something like right there yeah what's that annika chagath's sense of fashion is catching on catching on all my friends are throwing out their clothes use the season change god power to chill her out all right 150 points for this let's have it be it says chill so you want to winter time again all right that was neat uh we need some more electricity i probably need to get more i know one of these wheels would probably do because this guy's out of power where's my other wheel at over there not being used what happened oh you're being rebuilt uh let's go to the power wheel in here let me throw down a bolt of lightning to give them some some juice there let's juice up the battery a couple times and let's put in a building a power builder which is all going to be there batteries um yeah let me do another oh we have nuclear power plants let's do that did i ever make this guy i didn't so many things are coming in so quick i want to go there we can go over there where the uh where the airport is going is that my opponent oh they're big over here by the water it seems reasonable like that sure tekken cue so we've got aerospace um we want to get where was the one i wanted um this is done it is done okay yeah yeah let's go work on some of we need pesticides fertilizer let's get some gene splicing oh oh no fuel factory oil jacks there we go water pump needs some fixing my engineers are slacking that guy looks a little sick here you go buddy and more infected people i don't know where it's at we could we could do the search uh well i see it now where is i'm get so tired like my my place has changed so much and it's white i don't know where anything is now completely lost it's white and it's just like every time i turn around turn around there's another a different building yeah i'll upgrade you sure the town hall's getting even cooler well not really it looks the same isn't it aliens [Music] i hear that i see that where are you where are you here heal your friends and then you get to go somewhere oh hang on hang on i gotta go zap uh um this where is it there he is no not my buildings did you break something oh you did right on top of whatever that is all right back to uh where was he where is he caveman there he is caveman i don't think so buddy i read my thing today yeah here we go okay where is the other playset it's across the water right that's mine it was over it should be hard to find right over here look at this place right on where that thing is there oh i didn't you didn't break it oh yeah you did excellent take that edmonds feel that's what i think about your base hmm ryan's broken out again crime is out of control i think we need more more police around here we got just the one station with one guy oh hasuki is doing all the uh the crime is is where is very high yeah i guess we need another one of these so let's put another police station cosmodome oh look at that okay okay forget the police station we're going to space okay what do you need to get to make you need steel beams electronics and plastic all right well that should be too difficult we've got the cement factory steel beams cement factory yeah it's still being cement and right so it means electronics and plastic do i have the plastic one yet electronics there chemical plants steel mill i don't remember what i have um do i have firing plastic no plastic yet okay i see him i see him i see him okay we got that one we also have another one over here somewhere that crashed we can pick his stuff up there it is nope that's not it should he left his belongings behind but i don't know where that was oh you broke my you broke my lumber camp there it is okay pick this guy up see kid man okay let's toss it down right in here open her up as soon as everyone gets away sorry oh good i got too many people i idea hey a blue guy a couple blue folks nice these are first blue people fix you up and carry a dog thug over there up to 500 points oh i should do something cool here what can we do um joy we took all the facts we could do a bunch of joy make people happy trees um there's not much we can really need get back to work yeah that's really we can do i suppose we go around heal heal people that need it is any there's there's surface-to-air missiles i like it these skyscrapers are getting even bigger very quickly okay we got dark again that guy every election he's in so we got right to arms we got safety guidelines knuckles will become less prone to injury and we have contraception ban more people i want that one that's what i'm voting for can i do something like i'm influencing this one fluffy cucumbers oh more people i got plenty of water i have a little lack of food so let's go put in a couple farms while i'm thinking about it maybe another fishing place well there's bridge archive airport where left where's the food at fishing dock let's throw one on here it's probably a bit concerning that no one inspects the boats but i guess they'll have to cross that bridge when it sinks that time you show up buddy where you been there's another farm in here we'll probably put a couple of these down one there and uh yeah right there okay this thing needs to be built because that's what i want to see affected zone where it's not there anymore i'll fix you guys up whenever you come out but i can't till then it's going [Music] there you go take care of you guys infected zone over here right yep just aren't working fast enough or there's no space where's the other one oh we got new roads oh look at the fancy roads where's that new graveyard i mean that puts down is that it right there no there it is look at our roads neat oh we have cars about people are driving around are they actually people in these oh yeah yeah wait you're from the bad guys why are you in my town get them all right celebrate what are you why'd you just die whenever i clicked on you i just clicked on you you died buddy why'd that happen sorry buddy watch out for that car okay martech um well let's i guess we can right here and start grabbing all the old stuff we don't have yet i think i've got everything down here that i need right we're not coming soon at all those um let's go back over here and just start grabbing all the oldies there's a lot of stuff that i don't have food capacity for instance funeral practices you know some of the important stuff okay we now have a fuel refinery is gonna don't mind the sky it's kind of weird uh we need to keep that one there because we need those oh no they grow the trees in that area i think that's why that works actually i don't want to ruin that road i don't like it being there i feel refinery and that's weird there we go i won't like remove that road will it it's on top of it so i'm guessing it will let's put it back here then okay okay bring it back up electricity yeah yeah yeah i know we're working on it we got uh 136 nuggets and endless construction jobs nothing's going to get done until we can get man nothing's gonna get done you guys want electricity yeah i do too uh let me get you a couple couple batteries built here i'll just throw in like a row of these guys back over here one there okay good it doesn't really doesn't ruin the road good oh never mind it does it completely ruined everything if i remove you will it fix it no just broke everything uh neighbor falconstein falkenstein have a new town eh over this way there they are hey you guys friendly no because no one's ever friendly masterleth what are you guys doing over here this is this you used to live in my town and now you live over here that's what i think of that no one lives on this planet but me okay we got roads to endless construction it's like my hometown there's not much we can do other than just sit back and let it let it do a thing i don't know tom i'm not sure why there's no roundabouts in this town excellent question and why is our road there what's the point of that one [Laughter] the roads are they're kind of neat but they're also kind of silly this one seemed to connect up though that didn't have a road there before there was one sort of nearby but the whole tourney thingy is new so i guess maybe it adjusts luffy cubicumbers is dead what's that one do for me nothing new there okay you're waiting for cement and i have a cement factory there which is which is oh you need oil i don't have an oil refinery i didn't see that one okay okay oil jack maybe a bunch over there 1200 over there there's no oil around here there's a patch of it over this way though ah here we go right over here in the coast seems safe okay let's do that so we can get some cement made because we need that for a lot of things like a lot of this new stuff needs cement so maybe need to get more oil i have zero chemicals and this problem is probably an oil thing too maybe a couple of those wanna prioritize you you're gonna take steel beams cement and planks wait how many now how am i supposed to make some i need cement to make the wait a minute but i don't have any any oil how am i supposed to get oil is there a uh what if it was an easier or like a like a pre-medieval oil grabber what's there i guess there's a couple ways to do this we can come over here to the aliens and buy from them uh hey guys i need oil what you got that's gas blueprint for some points oh yeah let's buy these things here what is that that's water there's electronics there for 10 what ecology i hear that i hear that i hear that sounds like so buddy i don't think so nice try dude guy not today how do you feel about burning my neighbors wherever they are whoa what's up my town okay hang on hang on is this them over here yeah drop another airport there you go nice shot did it stop burning did it burn to the ground the hospital is pathetic this is my hospital here i guess i gotta put out or something we do have a fire brigade these cars are just driving all over i don't know what's going on over there but uh whatever dead people okay into the graveyard weird truck you guys are looking a little sick let me fix you up [Music] there you go uh back up back over here so i need i need oil uh i want to make an order i would like order me some oil okay i'm not sure how this works but yeah we'll order it that's all i want so when we get a re-rolled it should give us oil we hope um i'm putting on everything else though food's fine that's fuel which i do need for so that's a lot of creative points with my reroll here in just a minute there we go i know this stuff is oil you're worthless um water and electronics i uh i guess i'll take this i don't have any fuel i'm assuming i'll need it it's worth 200 points for it one blizzard for some food 10 ecology yeah sure what's what's a little ecology oxygen levels are starting to fall natural disasters are uncommon plant trees build oxygen producing buildings and disable oxygen-reducing buildings or increase oxygen levels okay air quality has has decreased a bit because of that i guess what do i see that number locusts are coming in i don't know oh now world is suffocating the trees are almost gone and we i fear we are to blame for it don't get me wrong i love industry but it's difficult to enjoy modern delights while everyone's wheezing uncontrollably slow and uncomfortable death ruins the mood somewhat but it's not too late if we put more trees we can fix this it won't be too 15 believers if i use the forestation creator power and plant enough trees to increase the levels okay i'm on it let's put some trees down there and can i just put like a bunch of them oh here we go bunch of trees there yeah that's nice sure 100 trees maybe some desert trees there we go do we need uh to do it some more like we could go over here to like this place and just do like a big one 200 trees done hooray okay no more infected zones let's grab that guy and throw him into the graveyard okay this one's got all the glass it's still got nothing that it needs air balloon again needs cement and iron um i gotta get oil so [Music] but i just unlock nothing apparently there's my eatery can i upgrade you it's not uh hey you guys have any oil for me yet i would like some oil i'm gonna give me some gas which i don't need that i need what is that oil so you want four ecology for uh for that yeah yeah yeah there's 19 four that's i could do both of those these are all spending my ecology for it um you are friendly so i will trade with you common astro bugs i'm gonna get spend four ecology for 19 oil i'll do it how much oil do i need though so i'm gonna make sure we prioritize the right ones because i need i need to get this which requires cement and making cement requires oil so i have to prioritize you i believe to make some cement so the cement can get thrown over there and make this guy so he is prioritized of course uh we still need the uh the other stuff well she get hauled over here we hope advertise prioritize how do we do this i'm gonna text you i want you working now you need power a lot more power hmm uh text let's go back to beginning here and just get all these done while we're waiting for everything else to come in hey there we go okay are you making anything now you need to get some oil and then you can handle it during resources which means you're delivering the oil here on this means what that means okay sounds good do your thing and i don't know where we see oh here we go we're at 65 percent of of 100. there's a lack of trees and there's a lot of buildings what's hurting us okay i got it uh let me film up some points here and zap some batteries what batteries we have make sure we're powered up there's some cool looking street lights coming in that's been taken care of okay oh you want some water do you you look pretty old no you're fine oh it's me that's a red building the oil from the whales that's a good question i don't know what to wait till summer time spring yeah everything just needs cement okay it's working it's working good good um if i can get oil any other way i'll do it because he needs cement what was the other thing he needed he needs steel beams which i can't do that either and you don't have a s do i have a steel factory yet theater hot air balloon steel mill is there it needs cement also i think the problem is i think i went in i think i got kind of a hell of myself a little bit because somewhere in here we got a we could do oil there's the old jack but i think there was a thing before that for oil i think maybe not well maybe not maybe i think it's something else and there was some sort of like a like a um a pre-oiled version of getting oil then how you supposed to get how are you supposed to do that then how are you supposed to make cement which is where way over here okay so you supposed to have an oil jack first but you can't make an oil jack until you have cement yeah yeah the uh the roads are completely messed up oh big billboard over there nice now we're fancy can i look at planets yet not yet all right everything's under construction because everything needs cement or electronics or we're one of one of the ones that we that we need so we have to make sure we prioritize these things right so where your cement is going but i need to doing it i'm tempted actually to go ahead and make a second one of those it might be needed because i'm assuming these guys all need cement also to get built a second cement factory wooden heart all righty cement factory i'll set one so we'll have one over there we can have one we can we can have one over by the oil guy oh oh oh i hear that i hear that i hear that no no no no no my cement what's it marking get out of here you're banned from chat someone's ban marking get them out uh you're the worst you're the worst did it take all my oil with it with it i think it did [Music] where is martin he's not welcome here anymore who's that sleeping guy wake up oh i didn't do that i meant to do the rejuven um this one wake up get to work i tell you what of all the buildings you could have hit would i get new oh bunker another one okay fancy car but you're gonna go say hello to my neighbors wherever they may be yeah this was let's actually hit him this time right on right on the airport did do it there it goes yeah uh my mommy's going to stay away from the light that turned green it was my favorite swimming spot my mommy said that water cleans everything so maybe you can use a lot of water to clean the water clean the toxic lake with a trickle effect god power i'm on it which one which one this i'm assuming we'll have a lake that is noticeably dirty it's pretty i hear it again i don't see it over here there they are there they are i want them click on him okay right on this big tall building here oh get this one timber yeah there he goes okay five nuggets have died up to 151 nuggets in town and oh somebody hit this i didn't even see him uh town hall my engineers oh my my house there man somebody here is good that looks different doesn't it it was all red before wasn't it like plants growing up on it what do you need any glass i'm gonna prioritize you for batteries get that glass done okay and how are we looking over here we've got two of our five cements we still need to steal beams though that's gonna happen i could buy them from the aliens it's richard matt your message uh maverick okay so i would like uh there's oil for yeah i'll take it who cares about the economy anyway um but i also need if you have steel beams i would take those as well so let me order some steel beams and electronics i'm gonna order all this stuff we can we can i'll just order some mint when they come in we'll buy what we what we need i got some stuff to spend here tear up the environment just a little bit we're gonna put trees down though we can do it now uh i'm gonna wait until we see how much we gotta spend on this thing uh yeah i gotta clean up the lake i don't know which one it is this doesn't look bad can i see my in this thing toxic lakes a little bit something going on there there's no toxic lakes around here oh oh found it what's this one toxic for what happened there's nothing over here whatever okay wash away the toxic lake clean it up what's that road doing just a road going over here for no reason okay nice and clean give us a believer take him now aliens i need your help again i need well none of that stuff who's a little low just keep an eye on that tech let's go grab some uh some endurance antiseptics ecology oh yeah yeah barks oh i got that one i got all those let's move up into lenses energy okay come in quick and now we're waiting on planks for this thing i know there's a dead person there marking you ruined everything let me build another one of these things um i'm going to put it over here i guess it's a little ways away but it's kind of close to the the oil well apparently we need a lot of that stuff so we'll we'll focus on that this car is driving into my places nice hey you guys want to be happy let me help you out there you go be happy and uh and um hey once you go uh you and and uh and you there you go make some babies or something oh that'll cheer you up i don't think i've ever seen a rainbow shine so brightly [Laughter] once when he's a girl you i need i need girls stop throwing rocks that's it that's it my kindness is run out you with the beard tattoos for the elderly i wonder if it's green and like all that it's red because i was maybe evil and i i bet that's what's going on now it's kind of like green and and happy because i've been kind recently i bet it's what's going on there's a little billion bumps oil out of the ground well yeah it's an old rig this is something different um yeah it's got to be that one are we unlocked will we uh just unlock oh university takes all the things we don't have space for we don't have all things we don't have so we're gonna wait so waiting on that guy and this this guy who is ready we're just waiting to get built hey uh there's another dead guy there hey what's with that spot right there are you guys working to death good let me help you out buddy you're working uh give let me give you a a a little boost which one's a boost uh looks like a boot right oh it's not anyway okay yeah it'll all sign assign them all and get to work we need more oil now because we're out of oil no we got it back okay good good that'll give us some cement you are top priority okay no one's allowed to die get in there and work somebody oh order just arrived what do we get um that's electronics first too much of that just barely more electronics there's more electronics for a little less i'll do that one i think oh there we go steel beams and yeah i want that one okay i can't afford anything else i'm just barely making enough water we'll have to keep an eye on that anything else worth grabbing i don't think so arsonist great oh merrick's back i'm watching you merrick i'm keeping an eye on you don't you get any ideas cause i'm watching you okay buddy make me some cement you got two of them there excellent oh i don't have any more university-trained angus of mangus fantastic name uh we've got a school but we don't have any we don't have a university yet i just want to get one of those soon i just hurt somebody yeah i heard that i heard that okay here he's in good shape barely i was in power again okay ecology's done which gives us another park which i haven't made any parks maybe we should make a park maybe we should put a park in there's a here's a nice spot for a park right there what are you voting for here we got will ham domine and adkus so will wants religion uh dominate one's contraception ban and accuse wants scientific focus i think i want i think i want the yeah i want this one let's focus on this guy over here the uh the religious guy yeah you all just need to believe me a little more a little bit harder i hear that where are they dude guy no you don't okay nice try i got you this time rebuild that building huh you got your airport back too put you on top here oh there's so many of them i got you uh no no no just get him out of here another one um [Music] locus is approaching is our tornado approaching also okay that guy oh there's no stone left in the mountain oh okay we should get rid of that yes stone mine which is like old timey stuff back in here just don't mind uh there's a good stash of it over here a thousand there's not much of it there thousands i think it's pretty good though oh 2420 yeah yeah interesting place for rhodes i like it makes no sense okay let's celebrate yeah use those points okay so we need 15 there which i just bought them right 15 steel beams aren't they over there yet being prioritized for something else my alien's at look a swarm caught a whiff of our food i can't let them have it i'm gonna do about that oh i see him uh what do i do about that do i zap him that doesn't seem doesn't sound like a good idea do i burn them oh apparently i burn okay electricity is a problem again i wonder if i can go i had that that collection of batteries being built which is here there's only one done so far though i can get them if i could maybe get a couple of them in one blast that would be uh should be nice a lot of points let's go uh well you know i'm a good guy now right uh well mostly i only get like 50 which is pretty good though if i if i toss somebody into the into the grinder it might be worth doing check you got oil you still have oil you're still making cements okay just gotta get it over there hey whale you're just worth a lot of food autumn is here um i'll be nice and we'll let this thing climb on its own it shouldn't we should go pretty quick if we're if we're peaceful not much we can do until we uh until we get this thing up and running which is happening there it goes i see that got him probably there's more than one other time where are you at that's my town again okay oh great i miss another one space ghost is that spacecraft still have a bomb oh oh gotcha can i just throw you in the grinder i'm afraid it's gonna blow up here let's go into the lake or something okay um assign some nuggets to the uh the cement factory okay you don't have to get oil but hopefully we'll get that thing done and right i got beams right i still have zero steel beams i have 113 needed for construction can i buy some more beams steal beams for 300 points i don't know i can throw much people into the grinder and then we can get it i don't have the points to do it anyone in the way i'm gonna it's either you or the or me it's gonna get you i'm gonna pick you up and toss you in the grinder before you get caught by this thing can i make it go away go away go go away cp spring sanctuary oh man what is that is that a business oh it's my little farm nothing yeah things are still getting researched i want to do good today it says america we'll see about that oh not the not the lsd hotel no there it goes oh man that was a cool one all right you're holding up okay need some you need some fixing let me uh to carry ya i really have a lot of points um try to calmly uh continue here without throwing people in the grinder i mean all right um i desperately need well there's a bunch of oil for 22 people i'll give you 22 people you give me much you give me 12 oil that's a lot of people [Music] i think i want to do that i do want this one i don't have 300 points i can get it i can get it pretty quickly i need all the beams we can get uh yeah we can get it pretty quickly let's let's get it pretty quickly all right you and you wolves there oh sick one sorry this is just nothing personal are you somebody important you got a big fancy crown i'll leave you alone yeah are you okay are you all right okay okay uh i need what 300 is what i said you with a cool bike [Music] new with a sack okay hi aliens look what you made me do i want that one and i think it's all i want yeah that's all i want i could buy a bit more oil 22 people i don't think it's worth it i'm not doing that one poor guy was so frustrated he turned into a fire truck uh yeah let's see what else we can get here the libraries round cogs archimedes screw water tech do all that stuff your products suck oh our products oh look at all this broken stuff oh it's not my cement factory no good that's my cement factory bad why why at the cement factory of all the buildings you can hit i got 500 buildings around here you hit this amend factory why that one's working it doesn't have any oil or bricks though just waiting on this thing to get made i can't do much until it's done we're just stuck here which is kind of annoying like it seems like it doesn't makes a lot of sense i can i can get into this sort of uh chicken in the egg conundrum you know it's possible at streetcars i don't know wait for this thing to go it'll um wait a minute we'll come back and check on it so we have a meteorite uh event coming in soon all right how's that one mark's trying to burn down city hall oh yeah well i'm looking for some ah fresh uh um that [Music] okay part of my gas mine huh there's a rose oh let me de-prioritize that we don't need oh 25 of those beams went into this oh okay okay i see whoops fixed you know check and pick what building they try and bomb right oh i didn't know that i did not know that that means you all are jerks every one of you interview energy uh that's at the town hall right nope not that one oh this one no i gotta build a first i went to rain and then let's fix it and that guy engineers think are overworked oh what do you want you want a cook have a cook chaluba chaluba one more cement is all it needs okay then we're set and then someone's gonna bomb it and we'll be in trouble but but until then we'll be set uh let me go and hit a little more electricity here in can i hit probably not no okay take care of that let's go back to here uh i don't want to give me anything like uh scent do you like dog's creator well there's a pack of furry friends on their way right now except they're not very fun and they're planning on eating one tornado for all that stuff i'll take it i'll take a tornado what's chance it hits me slim i heard someone throw another molotov around here somewhere engineers yeah get in there work there's building there's burning over here should be going yeah the snow's taken away oh the farm burned okay i hear it i hear it think so gotcha other things are burning that's hacker is that it like a lot of folks just died 20 25 nuggets just died wait a minute no more oh a tornado came through right through my middle of my town no it was dying [Laughter] man that's a lot wow man that's a lot of people that just died whoa that's rough what was this residential uh yeah rebuild we're taking all of our blocks let's wait to rebuild these things until we desperately need like a hospital that we need okay is that what this one we need okay it's working out already man man that was rough okay easy bricks which are probably never gonna happen uh more burning going on over here okay you're a little broken but you're not completely out let me fix you up there buddy you go and you're working right you need oil oil and bricks it's not doing anything because you don't have either things and you can take it right over there to that guy for his one piece of schmidt that's on me oh yeah yeah come over here and lumber some things man that was bad oh okay i need some cement can i have some of that i like to order some cement give me cement i will take some more beams electronics some plastics probably uh if you got it i'll take some bricks as well if it's nice and cheap clouds darken somewhere around the time that masterluth was born we have less buildings than we had 10 minutes ago nuclear plant needs more things that we electronics that's where they're going this place is still looking all right there's all the clicking oh electricity um yeah i kind of regret going this way now because i'm only i'm still only getting that much let me do some some happy things let's let's go around and jolt of joy some folks you guys want some joy there you go and uh how about um how about you there let me fix you up also if i can that takes ten there you go okay now we're getting about 10 per minute isn't too great but oh 20 nuggets are infected yeah i'm sure there's a lot of dead bodies around okay it needs to get built up immediately and then are you still around oh both my cemeteries are broke man it came all the way through here and ruined all this man oh attack okay well uh let's grab powerapps the whole cement block thing would be advancing too quickly yeah because i think there's there's like an old timey um like 1800s oil thing that you can build uh and i um i i didn't build an old oil mine then i should have are you still there yeah let me pick you up are you there no i think no you've been picked up oh no you are there okay hey uh let me give you over let's you know we can do this couple different ways there's a cloud of green over here hey um you guys like bodies there you go go medieval on these guys oh man look at them all okay cemeteries back up hello pick it up pick him up come on come on oh there's nothing there oh i guess there okay man this is nasty around here everyone's infected the whole town's infected and the hospital is uh is bad space ghost you don't get it because you bombed me so a nurse who can have it food guy uh we're out of people what was that oh black market hospital needs to get a need to get an upgrade probably prioritized you know let me do that stuff need electricity let's do a quick jolt go and i'll be looking over here it's just one piece of cement is all it needs i don't know what to do about that where's the aliens at one piece of cement it's all i ask for where is it 26 cement for 200. i don't have that um i could yeah you're the only offer so i'm going to do it 237 i don't want to man i don't think i want to go and and more people is it worth it i think i'm gonna have to because i don't have to we could be a kind god i guess today well i wasn't building too many things at the same time uh before but i lost 50 people in my town and we don't know how to make cement we're getting it it's coming it's just slow going look at all these guys i think that a lot of it is going into like like the any cement like some of these things are taken by cement maybe no i guess not i don't use these plastics we got both these guys up and running so we just need the oil for that and uh oil is hurts the economy give me creative points hey thanks chat well that's awfully nice of you i don't forgive you if i could get a little more oil though we don't have options in here today we will in 16 seconds maybe i wonder if this is just a stream of a pre-recorded video hey how's it going i don't know how to say your name but um hello only positive options that's the kind of options i like anybody give me some oil oil have did i have oil on the list things to get i look at that one that's just plastics we get a ufo here if we do this one oh swap once ufo arrives got it there's bricks for a tornado i'm not doing it no more no more than that hey there's a cement for 100 yeah yeah i'll do it okay okay that's i'm feeling good feeling good a bit more cement water's looking good still water's looking perfectly fine uh power is a bit bad which it won't be is there a dead guy on the no what is that what's like a generator thing oh horribly okay come on over here and build it can i just pick it up and put it over there oh my god right let me just pick it up deliver those supplies for me please you have to wait till to get to the end i would like one cement please let's go uh give this thing a couple jolts be real nice if i can get both two of these guys but i cannot there should be enough power for a little while is my workout or my electricity wheel gone oh yeah it's not even there anymore penicillin that seems important where are they marking marking problems they all seem to come at the same time everyone seems to get their points about the same time so i'm just going to fling them out of here and go back yep there's another one okay okay oh looking cool over there come on just give me the one cement all things would be able to be upgraded i'm holding off until we get this thing set up how much it's going to do there's bricks four yeah that's tomato one i don't know doing that one back up oh there's 87 people now everyone's dying that one's infected and dying and we have a problem with our hospital not being here we need that desperately that's our problem now is everyone died we had the tornado came through and they never got infected and look there's just there's just bodies just everywhere i don't have any points to do anything um get better please i'll get you a hospital if you uh if you you stay calm buddy i guess what i could do is just i don't want to kill anyone else because then i get oh yeah i'll do it getting everyone infected i know 86 people the lake's infected uh because i think that's where i dropped the body it's getting rained on anyway okay oh i never do this one uh get some some big traps sure oh right oh yeah um well we got plenty of food so it's okay because any affected zones we can find we should pick those up and get him into a graveyard somewhere i guess another one on the way there oh yeah this place is a disaster remember the good old days when i had like 500 points i do before the dark times before the tornado anything else in here there's some planks but i've got oh i'm actually a little on plank so for 14 people not doing it water and food should be fine for a while now since we we were a half population stone invasive 200 plenty of herbs for our hospitals whenever we get them built eventually infected zone rights over here somewhere i guess these farms did get made i made over here they're doing their thing man bro fruit that one never got made is that what i want you to do yeah we don't know anything else so that's fine not that it's important because we don't have people i look at that i don't know why they didn't put it over why it's not getting over there oh great the world is burning not my cement factory i need this one hey drizzit twitch plugin thing won't work oh great i can't do anything about this until all right hang on um somebody's gonna die preferably a sick one are you sick in here you're dead i gotta pick one person up a box there we should open up uh you you're sick playing with balls not my town okay and let's go let's go make a rain save uh this side of town submit factory all right well number cam's about to fall apart which is that guy there yeah i know i know i know i think i need to keep more of these though because this is going to keep on burning so much fire please oh you're sick what that means you're sick too everyone's sick you guys are sick and you're just falling on the ground and dying and then you're just making everyone else sick and then uh and then you're just ruining the day 15 kids though so things are looking up what does that mean you're sick come here i wish i knew if i took someone that was about to blow and toss them in here if it would work but i don't know i'm afraid he's gonna blow up and ruin everything else make sure that green smoke is fine fix that one fix that one give you resources to work i have some points i can probably buy something here now like a bunch of logs no okay i would like to order some cement and oil and steel beams sure electronics too and bricks but not bricks for a tornado the are you the hospital yeah i don't need the nuggets i know so go do that like i have one in this entire town which is probably a little short is it under safety yeah yeah we have one hospital in this whole place why is it so green up there where's all that is it raining something bad um i find a place for you without ruining the roads but i don't think it's going to happen so i'm going to put you there what's going on over here what is all this it's irradiated radiation from what i don't i don't have anything built does radiation yet and that fire is just never ending it's not gonna stop yeah i don't want to waste my time on my my resources on this but i'm going to have to all right finally gone now everything the water said to do while back yeah a long time ago i didn't this one looks a little green though doesn't it fire over there but is that that's the one i had before it's just on the edge i think okay other farm is about done uh anything good in here not yet okay infected zone keeps pointing here as if there's something there but there's not anything there nothing there you're all fixed i'm gonna go ahead and healing people cool i know we don't have a governor um your i.t guy your governor now so who are we voting for here we've got water filtration water vehicle rates go faster we have contraceptive ban uh who i'm going to vote for a religious man oh which one do i want more people or more more i think i need more creator points that's my vote greater points make everything better at least for now trying to fix control click go okay how are we looking over here is the time yet not yet hey wayne uh how long have you been going for what time is it oh it's man i've been going for two hours already i had no idea been this long i thought maybe 30 minutes i'm lost in this game all i want is one piece of concrete why is it so hard one piece of concrete that's all i ask and no more bombs one piece she huh going straight to prison no she's not oh yeah you're sick and yeah yeah i got a place for you buddy that's where you're going right there we're actually leaning on the good side i don't know if i should ease up on that um it is a nice quick easy way to deal with the infections though assuming we get the infections picked up like all these people that are sick in here we can heal them or we can toss them in the grinder this will be nice today kill you we'll heal you we see any affected folks will take care of that broken bone man over here there you go uh i thought i thought i thought for a second i looked over there i thought i saw it i keep seeing this this tower and thinking it's an oil rig we're going to build a second one as soon as it's done all right what you got for me i want concrete concrete i don't want that i asked for concrete this is not what i want you guys are bad are worthless you dang aliens i don't want this when i order it cost me points right oh it's on the way it says i guess i was too slow to it all right peter showers coming in we got an infected zone apparently over here there we go let's deal with that and put him in the cemetery right that one's full and turn around dizzy and that one it's a meter shell right that's it sounds like the tornado siren but i think it's meteors but i don't know where they are my opponent is getting big and they're polluting everything oh that sounds hey religious guy excellent this is clearly the old part of town we're on the side of town over here if i get some points i'll throw some meteors at those other guys again stop dying why is everyone dying here people are gonna die in that spot that's full now over there okay how are we looking here we're right in the middle that sounds good stone mine's gonna break your collapse let's take care of it you're way over here is it gonna work here so there is some shaking going on okay another infected zone no that was cleaned up now uh black market okay yeah yeah yeah yeah i'm here for your concrete get away building what you got for me um you have concrete for what for one meteor strike is it gonna be in my town that's the big question that's the big question there's 22 oil and seven fuel for 14 people that's worth it 39 for the meteor strike i could do two of these things he's friendly he's furious this guy will give me 22 oil 14 people um i'll take it it'll be fine everything will be fine for 14 people for 22 oil oh let's hold off what is all that howling creator let me see i speak a bit of wolf hmm they're apparently hungry ah and they've picked a suitable target and this last part's a little tricky though they're saying something about how delicious nougat is oh no they mean nuggets meter strike right there of course it's gonna be right there why is it gonna be right there right on my batteries oh we can fix this we have a protective dome we can do which lasts for how long we don't know but we're going to wait until we're at like time and then we throw it all down and then we save the day i have no cops he's been captured okay whatever oh supplies right they're gonna get hauled out there and make that oil right i'm not looking over there though we are on um oh we've been candled by cannibalizing a long time ago because whenever i'll show you when we throw them in here it's it's a bit grizzly we got to block what are what most saved most residential probably the batteries throw it on here we can probably put a few of these guys down in time they'll last a while not the batteries do me any good but it saves me construction i'm assuming that can't get destroyed so let's do one there and there and there oh you don't last very long at all do you i thought i put you out there you lasted forever what oh that one's destroyed still um i'm gonna i'm not gonna rebuild these things just yet because i want to save my uh concrete for this guy over here who is still not being built why where's it going it's gotta be going somewhere from a warehouse at hey marmello thank you very much creator points hey thanks chad you're still not forgiven warehouse okay reservoir yep yeah last time i put a dome out it lasted forever i'm a little disappointed hey i'll pick you up though as long as you give me something good like i don't know concrete a lot of infected folks over here look at everyone's what is this infection disease going on around here was that bricks hey i'll take bricks man everyone right here is dying okay pick you up throw you into wherever that is turn around again that's full just get out of here everybody in town here is sick is that what that means what does that symbol mean it means i mean you're hungry we got food i'm not sure what does that mean who threw that [Music] anyone know that means oh happy birthday adam that's exciting anyone have any ideas what that means the cold maybe ooh that's my steel mill that's fancy so concrete went there but it didn't go down here why not why is that getting made there's got to be something wrong with this maybe they can't get there i'll put another one i'm sitting here for way too long just waiting for one building to get made the problem is there's no oil i guess there's some right here i guess that'll do if i fit it in here somewhere okay prioritize that thing i don't know what else do it's not getting made i'm guessing maybe they can't get over there i don't know oh wait hey hey oh oh it's getting done unbelievable waiting four hours for that 500 people have died in that time like great great grandkids are waiting working on that that thing look at this thing though takes iron gas makes steel beams that's fancy things are actually moving along now it's like lego bricks okay rebuild that guy sure um rebuild those residential places i'm good with that how's my hospital looking is it is it it's almost done excellent things are back back in order you have no water that seems kind of silly why don't you have any water plenty of water in this town hospital yep yep uh assign a nurseo and i'm gonna need two people doing this so the hunter he's gonna go over here we need a hospital badly and look at that desert rose is getting done everything all at once oh it's so happy times farm is in shambles well game you're in shambles okay penicillin is done farm is fixed desert rose getting built over there but more importantly this guy is finally going to do his job good thing we got a couple of these things anyway we're gonna need a couple of them those prone to explosive accidents that's kind of why i was thinking maybe it may i guess can you not bomb things that don't have anyone working at it that might be what the problem is there we go look at that that's a very fancy looking one you'll be able to build walls around these things for you you dirty chat okay i'm gonna come on i want a healing spree let's go let's go fix these diseases hey buddy you look sick let me take care of you where are you at they are what are you in the rock what's going on over here nevermind i won't fix you what is this this is a cosmetics go and upgrade it and look what's going on over here with some chatting break it up cemetery is broken again how are we doing oh yeah we're because we're a good guy we're a good guy it's been so long we've forgotten about all the times all the people i've thrown in there it was just you know just just something i do every once in a while you gotta keep uh gotta keep god happy otherwise he throws you in there you know don't go walking around sneezing or anything just mama's walking around town oh hey look at that okay back over here let's open this guy up give me something good eiffel tower that's number three do i have enough for that i do i would like to wow i would like to build that can i put it up here i want to put it somewhere dumb like um i want to put it up here i guess okay can't be that dumb um we can put over there by the water or this is kind of like new part of the town it'll ruin some roads but it um it's kind of cool there we go okay look you guys broke this broke the sky again okay okay oh gotta fix more things let's be the engineers hud over here let me make one engineers um yeah there's no one over here okay so then we'll get wow those are getting big we will get space place in a moment with some plastics uh we'll get a plastic factory somewhere around here where was that at i don't remember what that was i'm guessing it needs oil which everything is oil apparently electronics i know i have i know i put one down because i remember looking for it but i don't remember where i put it that's the airports anybody remember where i put that thing fuel refinery farm chemical plant eiffel tower nuclear plants there's there's a big guy going in i need a what was it refinery plastic all right i made one right right am i losing my mind i thought for sure i put a plus one in i thought for sure great res medieval cemetery hey that would be pretty handy i think cement unlocks modern cement factory oh maybe it prevents bombing attacks all right so we need a plastics factory i remember going here i probably got sidetracked by somebody bombing me or something so we're gonna put him over here and all these pretty trees right over there electricity shortage there always is sin city just started their first construction oh we got no neighbor we bomb them uh yeah i guess i got hit by a bomb or a meteor shower or something um i suppose we could let him let him be they are aggressive everyone's aggressive oh i think i have it i turned out aggressive didn't i because there's an option to turn them on whether they be happy or not i do have mod aggressive all aggressive it's power and the power plant is waiting for plastic for five plastics it's prioritized so when we get those may we can we can get that going desert rose is almost done now it's looking very cool we need power uh hey can you give me some plastic here's a nice nice plastic section that's nine there for 20 people back up over 100 people now there's those steel beams i want to give away my people though there's some glass which probably could come in handy for only 78 points i'll take that one and there's plastics yeah 20 people i don't think that's worth it okay and we need power so let me use these these uh points here to charge us up you know what i um did i just send a media strike okay good i had an electrified right right it like sort of i don't know that i don't like the way that like there's like a bit of a like a bit of a delay it's like scroll stop scrolling you know what it does that but if you say i'm gonna go to that one but it keeps going and i don't realize it and then i i nearly ruined everything i tried real hard okay put you there we need a power i keep saying i need power we're gonna have a power plant real soon a nuclear power plant i don't need a mouse wheel if we've got a power plant coming in i wouldn't think uh poor air quality i don't spend my points making trees like some hippie all right let's go do that um there you go 140 trees yeah you dang hippies okay let's go into and review that one okay okay i'm quite happy with how things are going for now doesn't mean anything chance good night mark that's a fine point we do have neighbors over here which oh you know what we should be doing with the neighbors i forgot that this is a very capable thing we can just grab these guys and toss them in in our our thing we gotta find them wherever they are where are you there's one it takes a while to get to do this it's worth every every bit of it though go back over here and just toss them in there [Music] there you go problem solved there's a dead guy right there you can't go in there dead people can't go in there only living people uh something's throw some really who did it that what was that desert rose i don't know how you guys sleep at night how are we looking over here okay looking good looking good this is making some steel gas iron beams perfect we have gas we have iron we don't have much oil but as you can use we don't have any glass we do have plenty of gas we have plenty of iron i think we're looking good cement factory reduce the dust what did somebody hit it with a with a bomb cube text okay oh a cable cable bridge don't i have this on auto isn't there an auto tech button auto research yeah it's on why don't you do it oh well okay i feel a little less like a like a god of some sort of society and more like a babysitter over here dealing with everything here what do you want you want a couple logs all right i'll give you a hand there you go we're on the good side we should probably stay kind because if we throw people in their costs we'll only get 20 points out of it but we're getting 18 per minute by being the good guy so we'll leave it be for a little while uh power is still running a little bit low but maybe plastics come in and we can get it built that's prison i don't care much about the prison um what's that that's a hospital over there what's getting built farms are running fine we got a ton of well we have a decent amount of food plenty of water 112 people in town and need for a few plastics blueprint for what what is that sure that's a lot of environmental impact though for that one nothing here that i need i don't think these planks nothing in there though so we won't take anything okay i think he's going to be rebuilt because i got bomb man i think he hit my bomb removes the whole thing that's rough dress like a goose stole some of my oh yeah is that how you do things you steal my stuff huh you're lucky i'm a nice guy today okay [Music] okay um so sit back i'm gonna let it play and i just want to get a rocket ship all i want to do is build this five plastics let me go talk with the aliens and ask them what they think about plastics what do you think about plastics aliens that's what i want i like some of those and if you happen to have some a little on herbs i'll take some planks real cheap and uh let's do that i'll take some herbs because we i think we've been like healing everybody so we're out of that someone's stealing stuff stop stealing stuff who did it no it's before right did you do it again okay you just sit back here is there a way maybe i can maybe i can do this this seems like a bad idea can you clean up radiation with with rain it seems like that would have a the adverse effect of what i'm trying to do here um well it didn't seem to work though okay okay just don't drink the water that can be real bad here we go locust coming in soon um we're about to hit um is that when we're about to hit it's a blue one obviously it's very snowy so um i don't have quite enough points to do any sort of season change but once these guys are ready for a trade i'll buy some plastics which is going to be in one second and now no um i don't like that stuff i would call it a winter wonderland but we both know it's quite far from it yep so mine collapsed yeah because you're not really getting a lot of of um i have an engineer's hat that i put over here somewhere there's a wolf pack knocking on the front door creator shall i tell them that now isn't a good time where i don't see any wolves there's some nice green stuff over here though probably just making me sick ryan's broken out oh you need people oh it's prison right we have a prison hospital about to break uh we want that let me fix you up okay no one working here oh no no power yeah um okay keep having to deal with this fire retardant materials that seems good police radio gene splicing one minute we'll check this guy out see if he's got some plastics for us thanks dutch master roads are all auto generated kind of strangely fair very strangely seems extra strange because there's plenty of games out there that have like um ways of doing roads like foundation or even like the old settlers right didn't that that one had oh boy oh no it's about to break okay all fixed locus swarm invasion where anyone see any locusts the horns sounding but i don't see them they're gonna come eat all my food wherever they may be i don't know how how to jump to them i don't see them though i don't see any locusts they're here you say so all right plastics there we go 40 plastics for 34. oh that's a that's a bad one or 40 yeah 40 35 this guy's friendly he observes uh anything cheaper yeah i'll do it well the environment ever do for me anyway okay oh when he when are you i forgot that was a thing in the game i can like run into things where are you okay notice let's pro less prone to injury excellent you're in the building how am i supposed to am i supposed to get you there you are hey so yeah we can go we can go fast and we can run to a building like nope maybe maybe maybe nope natural zest was happening constantly look it's starting to suffocate is it that bad oh it's 31 what happened it got real bad it got extra bad all right um let's plant some trees over there and over here i'm using my point on that thanks masolith i thought you're about to blow me up lake is polluted which i don't really care too much about because it's not my lake but i'll do that i might help it out a little bit this planet is is trashed man it's bad bad bad shape road set the way automatically because the way the planet was modeled actually they really had a tough time finding a way that worked with a sphere um okay mentioned that i think last time too about that oh hey is it ready we're going to space we're going to space okay let's go to space i've been trying this trying to do this for a long time that's all i want to do get off this planet it's the worst people bomb me all the time it's terrible is that the last tech as well i think we did it i say we did it um a little help from chat also a little not help from chad there it is no you don't no you don't i hear you oh i just oh there goes the big one wow why am i down to seven nuggets uh what happened are they dying because of the app because of the because the planet did we just get to the very end of the game and then everyone didn't everyone died at the very end is that what just happened i think that's what just happened i have five nuggets left because the planet fell apart wait a minute no i'm so close but but i'm so close upper left this is this is number people that believe in me this is number nuggets i have five adults zero kids two people are still constructing it so they're still working on it it's just not gonna happen because everyone is dying planets toast yeah trying to help out by blowing up the polluting buildings sure sure sure hopefully let's get this thing done because i want to i want to see it 66 where are you at are you working hey buddy let me give you uh well first off let me give you a little uh a little rejuvenation there you go all good uh won't you give me a little um a little jolt of joy because you just love life right yeah he does uh and then how about uh how about a nice nice nice kickstart here you go get to work buddy no no dying okay is it 83 percent no it's not there's a bunch of dead people over here don't don't look at them don't worry about them i'm trying to pick them up i can't pick them up come out here before they get all diseased uh i just get here and you i don't want to pick up the guy four people yeah here okay it's going can't die on me buddy i'll clean this up for you don't you worry get out of here okay he's he's good he's fine he uh he he likes it this is where it ends but our hopes and dreams all lies in what's his face they had a family children a job following the heavy object to reassign what how'd that happen you died why what do you mean falling object there's nothing over nothing no what do you mean falling object you're worth let's get out of here okay we got some babies being born i guess the planet's looking better anybody work come on just build the thing 90 percent there's no jobs um man there's just dead folks everywhere no still no electricity we got two people in town i'm attempting to go back to a uh i know if we all die we'll go to an office even see if i can just save it before we get i want to get that building built surely the other folks are all dead right all the other um like what i know i took a big hit with that buying the plastics is that what did it must be so you guys are all dead too right no pull that way there's one guy there hey um sir can i use your can you use it for a second that's my building right that's it yeah i'm gonna throw you in the wherever it is into oh no one's working so i can't put you in there well that's the problem let's get out of here then in the nasty water and then we have the final thing it's not going to happen it's just not we're not going to die uh no keep him away from the lake it's dirty we got one guy left where are they who's my one guy i have no idea because we can find him over here shamazou the hr manager now i got a new job for you buddy how do i go to you um pick you up new job you work here now you work right over here let me click on you oh it goes and we're dead we all died ten percent away from i hope i don't know if i actually have auto saves do i i don't because i don't i never built the archive so i don't i can't believe it i don't believe it i just want to see this building i want to see what it does uh hey kat um well um that's a little depressing that's not fair listen it's been auto saving hasn't it where's my auto saves i know it has um i thought of hand what time is it yeah yeah it was this was what i did at the beginning of the stream hmm yeah i'm very distraught can't i can't believe what ten percent to see the space thing and then it's so depressing all right well um that's what else i'm gonna do we're done the planet is is bright green not a good kind of green but a bad kind of green um there's anything else we can do they've all died over here yeah we killed the planet i just want to buy some plastic and i ruined the planet oh there's somebody hey buddy can i like get you to come join i can build something for me all right let's go take a look i want to see what's it called um i'm gonna we'll just do a search i want to see what it looks like and so we're all gonna look together and see what this thing looks like let me pull up um the old youtubes here i'm sure there's a trailer or something that we can't try to type um space uh where's a trailer i need a trailer awesome two years ago um this is by cretivo right you know cat you make this difficult two years ago uh surely there's one on i can be the steam page can we see over um this way maybe thanks wildcat i do my best i want to see oh see i want to see that i don't think this is in the game yet i guess it might be cat um like we we yeah that that's all i wanted to see and now i it's ridiculous i think can we could we have loaded could we have gone with our planet i'm not playing another three hours of this game we'll play it in june it comes out in june we'll play it then what about this one what what's what are you special about yeah yeah look at that we saw tomatoes we saw plenty of those it's not there yet okay there's a spaceship which is what we wanted i guess i guess this leaves us the perfect cliffhanger and a perfect reason to come back to it in june because we get to see this i never even built an airport i didn't build an airport so i couldn't build a plane i couldn't build oh man noisy hey be quiet there it goes that's what we're building very depressing yeah release in june this year supposedly when this first come out it's been years and years i did get all the research that's right that's a that's a perk that's right master luth thank you thanks for thanks for looking on the bright side i appreciate it but i guess we're gonna call it a day i guess that's it that's all there is to it um what a way to end it what a proper way what a terrible way to edit is it 2018 no it's before then um i can't type with you here ken universe um isn't kickstarter right it goes to kickstarter when i um i don't know i'm not sure how you see this i don't use kickstarter enough to see when it was but uh they're keep they're keeping it updated so i i don't know 2015 is whatever their expected delivery date was so maybe 2014 whenever the thing came up let me start for a year or so before kim's team okay all right all right well um i guess we call it a day here and uh and we hang our head low but we think you know what it's an opportunity that's that's what everything's an opportunity uh it's an excuse for us to come back in june and thanks marmelo you're making me feel a little better it's the little koala bears that's what makes me feel a little better uh we'll come back in in june and we'll play some more and we will uh we'll go to space i guess and we'll be more cautious about spending the uh the ecology points target just just a rewind time about three hours and you'll find it all right so thanks for watching everybody um and i guess i'll uh i'll i'll see you next time we'll come back with another live stream i'll do kinshi i think next week we'll place a kinchi stream and i've been thinking actually with with kinshi thanks masterless um i'm thinking with uh kenji i think what i might need to do is do a bit of a bounty hunting bounty hunting mission with my guys first and then we go build a base but we'll figure it out when we get to there um so anyway thanks for watching thanks again master lift try again in june in june six months we'll be back and we'll play some more of it thanks for watching and i will see you all next time those of you on twitch i guess we can try to find we'll see if i can hunt someone down for a uh for a raid if you want to hang out i'll hang out for a minute um oh i'm ready for my maverick can we get the base building parts i'm ready for it let me see if i can find a good hive base thing space-based startopia i have i played a video on the early early demo of it so all right thanks for watching everybody and i'll see you next time we'll try to see if i can find us a a good rate right good night you
Channel: Nookrium
Views: 150,494
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: nookrium, games & demos, nookrium livestream, colony sim, strategy games, indie games
Id: euF8iEISh4c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 177min 42sec (10662 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 14 2021
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