Foundation - (Grid-less Medieval City Builder) [2021 Update]

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okay so let's play some foundation this is a game that i've played a few times on the channel i like this one a lot uh it's a medieval city builder i play a lot of medieval city builders medieval colony builders whatever you want to call them uh this is one of my favorites and it has this sort of uh gridless it calls it there's you know you're like banished you're on you're on a grid or whatever um it's it's a gridless place down your town and it starts ending up looking like a pretty good-looking town i've played it for the past few years it's still in early access it just got a big update just uh here a few days ago which adds in 1.7 the new ui update and changes quite a bit of stuff the game has has changed a lot so um but the game itself is pretty much similar the ui has changed a bunch so uh yeah this one this one certainly stands out as uh as as one of the better ones of the past few years um i actually use external before dnd it's pretty cool oh nice nice brandon thanks um okay so that's what we're gonna do um i do have a couple mods in here i've thrown in there this game has a lot of mods which i've never really played around with i don't think i did a video on it a year ago i don't know i don't think i had mods in there at that time maybe just a map um there's a whole mess of mods that people have made that um look pretty neat i thought i'd throw a couple of them in here just to see what they do like we got like chickens and farms and things like that um we'll see how it goes we're gonna go to seaside a hilly c a do you think you think i could spell it since it's red yeah whatever it's seaside is the name of the map the reason we're picking it is because it has islands and it gives me a reason to build a bridge because you know what one thing about this youtube channel um i just i feel like i just don't build enough bridges i um you know you can never have enough bridges and and the bigger the bridge the better so uh i do have i guess i've i guess i'm a little overboard on my mods i thought i had like four or five i've got a bit more than that i guess some of these are sort of basic ones medieval names it just adds a new list of names common resources that's just something that fixes everything else uh so i got vegetable and poultry farms i got some orchards we got market carts which is just something just sort of like most a lot of this is just decoration stuff just to sort of make my town look a little nicer um window decorations you know fancy stone gates uh that's that's a different map i didn't like uh there's oh we got a furniture shop i think it's just a decoration though oh furniture is as a sellable item ah there you go street performers excellent medieval fare i think i've done that one before uh anyway let's begin and uh let's let's try this thing out did i enjoy going medieval um i like i like going medieval um it's very early i think i think it'll be good i guess if they stick with it i'd be happy with it right now it's it's fun to build uh i think was it i think brig was just asking me this brave who hangs out here all the time um it's um it's very simple right now it's really fun to build your your town and all that there's not much more than that though so if they add more stuff in there it'll be great um so here we go our map is is basically just three big actually really four islands let me zoom out here get a good look at the place um so we've got like we can only there's a few spots we can start and we can grow from there we got the spot over here which i think we're going to begin at we're going to get to the island over there around here there's another island over that way as well over there we can maybe get to in time um but uh i figure what we'll do is we'll start out one of these spots over here let's check out the water now has this been adjusted since the last time i played it looks pretty nice now it was pretty wonky looking uh one time for a long time any waves yet but we got fish hopping around uh anyway there's a spot over i think i i just kind of mosey around a bit see if i can find something good and i think i think i like the idea of like building over here and we can like build around this way maybe get a bridge going over here and then back over on this side and have like a town on both sides of a river which isn't really medieval like um towns really like rivers because it's it's a nice defensive spot but this is peaceful land so uh no no need for that uh that that that uh that nonsense so we're gonna build bridges so let's go ahead and put down a spot i think right about here we got bushes we got berries we got stone stone yeah excellent this is good so let me give a big uh uh uh rundown for those of you who are familiar with the game um the ui update is basically things so all this stuff you can see things a little different we can bop this stuff down and see a few drop-down things more will pop up in time we get like population our happiness our uh hey thanks gavin hawk um we've got our uh our villages that are unemployed missing resources whatever it's all over there uh more things will come up in time all of our building stuff is down this way anything we can make is over here which right now is only the uh village center we'll see more pop-up there i'm gonna toss this guy like right over right over here right there build that okay there we go so there's our people in the middle of our our village so now we have more things we can make as stuff unlocks we'll see more things we can get builders workshop uh here's a lot of stuff some of it is mods um but let's put down a builder's workshop which i'm going to set in like right over this way here right here right right there build that how long will the stream be going uh oh you know a couple hours two and a half hours uh okay yeah london is always is always the exception uh them and the mongols all right so we'll add in a couple builders here to make sure we've got some folks that are building we'll follow the uh the tutorial thing here for a minute i got gold up there i'm not gaining any gold at the moment i can paint my stuff this way so we want to do some extraction we're going to do this way like this so i'm keeping my hand on button uh so let's go and make sure we are grabbing we'll just extract from over here this will be extraction land and this will be like living lands seems like a reasonable idea residential yeah you guys want to build a house you do it over here okay here we go um another thing about foundation if you're not familiar with the game um it's one of those where we place down the worker buildings and when they get the resources they go and they build their own houses the your villagers will go do all that for you so as long as you provide them food and shelter and all that or not not shelter food uh and related religious food clothes then they will come and they will um they will uh uh what's what they would go build their own house uh let's go like um don't remember that um because it's fine right there right there okay so my builder will go grab some logs and go build up a lumber camp uh which i've got these marked here we can also go in here and like select individual people we added uh bel belchior belgior belkiore and enrique uh to go work on that we can add in uh iniso if we want as well there's an esso looking at that that that uh that wheat uh he's got yeah that's his free time he looked at wheat you can see his needs over here as well which we'll try to take care of eventually we're going to grab some boxes which we began with we came here with and go build up uh a fancy looking lumber yard churches yeah churches they need religion they need food they need clothes they need um just variety of things and um yeah we'll see how it goes let me crank up speed here though and let it do its thing uh let me read out your chat okay are the marion mellow brill adventures waiting uh light speed tech look my view screen is too miniaturized to view stat uh oh the glimmy later thing was yeah so i'm still working on that uh i got a bigger monitor and now i gotta adjust things for the stream to make it look uh readable so um i'll get there i'll get there i'll get there thank you marmalade all right over campus built let's go ahead and sign some people we can also click them individually like this strap and young lad oh we'll do it drew it go and uh go be a um um you would cut as well there you go go get yourself an axe and go chop some trees down okay the attraction stone done uh we'll make some berries is what you want now all right we'll get some bearings so they're all over on this side also so let's go ahead and put down a berry berry hut very camp just sort of stash this guy in you know i think yeah we'll put it over here i think uh i don't think there's a limit to how many berries i think it's still just like unlimited berries like that yeah so we'll get that in there we'll get some some berry pickers get that set up and we will get some uh some berries i finally upgraded for i have never had the monitor i had before was the biggest one i ever had and it was 25 4. there's one over here to my left 26 um 20 something um 1080p and i decided to splurge well it wasn't much it's it was on woot and it was a it was a um an open box one but i decided to uh to splurge and pick up an open box monitor 4k so i got a 4k um 32 inch it's nice it's nice it's big and it's a little bit um well it's big still getting used to it all right so add some foragers over here to get some berries picked and two's probably enough i can adjust this later on let's go through our stuff oh my village what's the name of this place [Music] um nook bridge yeah the bridge i like it the bridge there's gonna be more than one bridge but for now one bridge uh the name of my me lord or lady i am lord uh no you can call me okay of nook bridge okay so all of our people are also right here you can see our list of people we can see our builders are our workplaces over here also we've got a um supply of stash we know the little icons i i i'm pretty sure they've changed i know they've upgraded some of them they look really good they kind of have a little bit of a kind of a cartoony kind of a looking thing i like it uh neighboring cities we can see these guys over here they've also got a bit of i mean there's been a lot of things that went into this update uh these are trade routes we can chat with now we have income we've got the estates labor kingdom and clergy who gives us new things like fishing huts and uh and bigger churches that kind of stuff we got the army and we have the list of things no crossings um that sounds that sounds that sounds sounds animal crossing okay i like it is it is it just is it plural is it no crossing or no crossings look on tine wait does on what does on time mean here we go okay okay okay i'll do it all right man let's chop those trees down means on the river time okay okay i like it i like it uh it's gonna well put in here people need water for some reason so i'll throw that in like right over i'm gonna kind of build my houses this way i think and workshops over there we'll see if it works that way usually it doesn't um i mean i mean by that i mean my plans never work out so i took the well over here by these rocks these are the town rocks nobody messes with those uh and then we put in what else can we do here now lumber camp oh stone cutter i'm gonna throw him over here people don't like living next to this stuff so i think this will work mr stoneman like right over there look at that going there i'm missing missing stone for the whale yeah yeah yeah i got it um yeah i'll br all those british towns with with with too many uh words in the names okay so we'll get that made is that done yet uh yeah we have two forgers we gotta get the stone guy done and then we'll get that going and then we'll uh and it will be all right extraction set up um residential we've got marked over there reforestation we're not gonna worry about because we don't have a reforester yet so we're set uncommon voices be called unt on teams thames or whatever the river next they're built next to now so we're calling this is the this is the tine river i'm good with that i should see german towns i think english towns have many names really i don't know of any any long named german towns i don't know a lot of german towns i know the ones that um that are built in civilization in the game [Music] i'm familiar with that one are those ones uh this done yet oh yeah let's get some miners thrown in here um we'll put a couple in there and i'll need some more people here before too long uh we got eight people we've got zero zero happiness excellent um we'll have to get some things stocked up with our grain right here so let's go build that and i think i put the granary over by this way i don't like block my sea view with the greenery [Music] let's put it um i guess i could bump it back over this way and also is it granary or is it granary my whole life i've called it granary but i've noticed um other youtubers that i have been watching they call it granary which one is it now i'm no english expert but vowel consonant vowel means you the first one is long so it's not it's not g r a in in a y it's also um english so there is no rules now we got we got arguments already in chat emilyn and america fight it out yeah and you put your grain in it you put your grain in a grainery you don't put grain in there anyway they got water now it should be getting happy uh once this gets built which it needs some stone which we got our stone people working on once it gets built we'll be able to get uh uh the greenery built which we'll put our food into uh which then we can make a market i'm gonna go ahead and get that that started up here to put our berries so our people can buy that stuff and i'm gonna set it up like i stand in the boxes i'll put it right next to this well i think that's a cool place for it like right uh there and we'll just dash uh this guy like right right there so they can go get a drink they can get some berries what a day uh i can add in like a cool cart a cool tent but i don't have i do have cloth actually should i squander my cloth on this yeah i should there we go oh no okay move you up just a little bit there we go yeah yeah yeah uh and i want a food sign i'm just gonna go like right there this is a very peaceful game so there's no reason to like no reason to get carried away with like power game and things or whatever you know it's just sort of laid back make some things we need planks for the barrels we can't do that i don't have enough for the planks but we can build them in later so we'll get that done isn't the granary an old folks home you put your grandparents in there okay we'll get that set up and then we've got is it done yet what are you doing with a stone hey what are you doing over here get the stone worked on who are you madelina i'm working she says of course we're also discussing how things are spelled and how they sound we were just talking about the thames so you know whatever what's the fix we'll let them go uh we'll go let them uh whack away at that hopefully get that thing done this is our next step we can't do much until this is done the next step after that i think he's gonna be getting tray wraps set up once people are fed and watered then we can move on to that all right carrying boxes around excellent we'll get a forester which i think i can actually make already we'll throw them over here we'll have to get a um the next one's gonna be the plank maker the sawmill uh he's gonna be important because we need planks pretty soon we'll slash our berries in here and we need a worker to do this so i am pretty good on logs so i'm going to take one of you guys off of the uh the log mail the vlog machine uh not you um i don't know i only have two there but uh ol senthilde is going to be my my my transporter now so she's gonna run over here to the uh the berry hut grab some berries take them over here and then take them to a market to uh to feed the people that's where they get their food from philly needs my newcomers which is build a market build well build a market tender sell it so there we go uh and then well just sort of works people know how to use a well that tree mixed into the rocket can we not mess with that i like that that's kind of cool so nobody touched that okay let me touch that tree i like it it's all crooked and it's sticking in the middle of those rocks that's my tree i found a mod i'm gonna try to not use do many mods but i've got not at the beginning anyways once we get to the game then we can maybe do some adjusting um but i've got one stone gate where is it basic replaces for outposts or some hamlet i want there's the bridge um i might have to go and add it in later i found it may not i actually didn't check and see if this mod worked i checked the other ones i didn't check on this one um i found it's going to change it gives me stone which i roads is pretty important hey dude guy how's it going so we'll uh anyways that's all right so we gotta feed the needs oh market tender oh yeah someone has to work this thing um what are we doing here we've got kind of kind of low we're probably too many builders now we got two let's let's take uh bella cure off of that put them on the market they're already a level two in that but that's fine so go sell me some berries and then they should get hold over there they can sell them people come and buy berries and then uh and it will be good anything like move it mod for foundation like c skylines which one's that i've not played enough skylines to know that one there we go okay so there he is and done right sell the okay you wanna go sell the stuff in the markets i think that's that's my trailer right there carrying the berries and in they go where are you going no no over there do you have any yet where's that market tender we got 60 berries sitting in my warehouse in my greenery i mean they should get hauled over here as soon as she decides to work and then they get moved into the markets eventually and then they get sold get your job done baby you uh you know that stuff over there hey where where are you i locate you what are you doing okay grab your berries tell them to sell berries did i not do that do not tell them oh i forgot to do that okay okay there we go hey please sell berries who's that thank you evelyn emily you stick around a little while longer we need you around here okay there we go now they're selling berries okay excellent so these little things up here this is telling me there's a maintenance cost for everything it's also giving me a splendor a labor splendor which we will use in time uh for this stuff um once we get enough points we can unlock things down the tree we got two there because of that in labor and this goes a ways down we can get monk statues and and monasteries with with that so we make the church happy we get those points currency basically to spend on that i don't know that that fighting has changed any in this version i think it's still pretty basic some people out on missions that's about it uh there is i don't uh i think there's a little bit of animal husband here i've added a bit more with with mods so once people start eating and drinking they'll have happiness until 100 which we just did which gave me the encourage immigration which we're now at uh i think it'll pop in here in a second and we'll start getting some people to move in here and be more than just eight of us and then we'll be all sets you can also drop this down and we can adjust some things if you want immigration on or you know whatever but uh we'll get the food come in yeah they still they they have those uh they got the crazy eyes it however if you didn't see foundation previous previous previous patch um it changed a lot they uh they look they look a lot better than they used to look pretty good i think they could probably use maybe a little bit like a maybe a bit of an eyelid well maybe he's just surprised they look pretty good if they fit the they fit the theme they fit the the the look of like the icons for the food and all that i think it fits pretty well oh king hello the kingdom recognizes your efforts in establishing your settlements i am but your humble servant king all right so he wants me to promote some newcomers so right now we have newcomers we can promote them up to different ranks to make them basically promote them up to give us more things um and we'll unlock the warehouse uh in here oops unlock the warehouse i'll take the bailiff office as well so that's now done in order to promote my new you for my first newcomer to build a lord manor which is where i live and this is a very important spot uh i'll unlock a trader route which i need to do with uh some planks so let's go to the lord manor which is in administration yeah this is my house where do i live wherever i live people want to live next to me so i suppose i could put myself on the coast here i think i kind of want to be like right on the coast i think i want to be maybe like right here i'll put in my the core we can go like down to the water if we wanted to that that's a little out of control let's do let's do let's try something let's do that okay put the door over here on this side that works and then we'll throw in so if someone else come visit me they can they can stand right here and look at my door if i can turn it right right there uh and then we'll put in a nice idea tower you know there's works i think okay there's a nice looking house you guys can throw on this thing put a fountain outside we can put a chimney oh yeah i need a chimney over there yeah that's cool um maybe if you head it cost me a lot of cash i don't have a lot of cash to squander here but i'm going to take one hedge there we go i think i need i want to get a fence sort of block off my backyard here because i don't want any like peasants coming in looking at my fish so we'll leave that there that takes cloth which i'm not going to squander um we can put tensions in this is this is there's reasonable reasonables the reasons for this all as well because it adds extra buildings which we can use um so i'll add something later on but right now i just get thing built so let's just do that get that set up i need planks though so we have to get a uh plank man done which over here in in workland which is that guy sawmill guy which will be right i think right there let me try near the river chicago i went to chicago it's been like two three years now um vacation it's a very pretty town like all the the buildings i know this is like if you're not in america this is kind of a joke the buildings are very old and they all have that they all have a sort of a unique look to them i mean their old is in there like you know 100 years old you know old-timey all right my bill i think i brought only one builder right and they're all busy work oh i do have unemployed people let me get a second builder and i can probably use i'll need someone to make some plans as soon as this is done so i'll probably have to do that i think when i get my land my land upgrade i'm not sure which way i want to go left or right uh that's all it's marked for residential but there's not really a lot of space there is there i mean i guess if you want to live if you want to build a town over here right here all right oh yeah let's look someone said okay thanks i'm building a house over here by the water okay i won't stop you okay here we go uh this is not allowed you cannot live next to me you dang peasants okay let's do that a new church is 600 years old the old church dates from 900 that's crazy maybe we should start it in the hex away from the water and expand it out no you know i mean i saw those fish i was just i was just infatuated i couldn't i couldn't uh couldn't get away it's a joke hey guys this is the new church this where i live was barely a state 100 years ago no zero villagers like space excuse me you got plenty of space i need to get this one done before we can do much so we'll wait until this guy gets done sawmill is done we need a carpenter in there so let's get some some planks made because we have to go and do [Music] this unlocked tray about 20 planks for that yeah what's this all about path blocked you can tell me about it he said he's going to yell me path to what okay he's good oh maybe i've been stuck back there oh yeah where i live yeah every every two blocks tom i mean ever to every block that's what i mean tom everywhere we got a couple houses coming in so these guys will come in and they'll make the the maker houses they've got their basic ones they will build them actually my builders are actually will build them they take and they take the wood out of the stockpile to go do it um all i ask in return is they go and buy some berries and pay me for them later on as their needs are met and as they rank up in can i change the name of the house oh neat this is this is this is alpha house first one built yeah yeah and this is this is um uh house on time there we go whoops uh tine house uh with a c yes it's gonna be like that with a c someone's got a village or path blocked i think something's stuck over here someone's giving me some grief but it doesn't seem to be too much of an issue okay okay i think that we need more planks uh which we don't have and they're all um i should probably i should probably hold off on this let me pause this because i need to get i need to get that that trade done first before we do anything else you missing planks yeah oh we got another person coming in um i like you um i think i want to have you go and do wood yeah we need more wood cutters um you know what you would actually you can grab stuff over here i don't care if you grab the trees over here i don't need them all yours except for that one which is marked out can't have that one take those trees over there on the coast and i'm gonna have to buy some more land i think before too long we have to get stuff over here i think the problem is this guy which i can't move hmm there's some problems over here i think once this gets bought though they'll be fine someone some construction project had to be halted because they found a roman encampment under it fancy okay so we'll have this i guess will be sort of like a town square right here we can have some buildings around this way this course is work land uh my house is over here we'll have the roads will sort of make itself which is a very cool part of the game it'd be actually cool if they would be stone roads which i guess we get at some point with a mod and i think we're set we've got five berries in there how many berries you got in your your thing you got plenty of berries 45 berries you sold 14 this week for 14 bucks um and i don't know how we get mushrooms but i guess we'll get someone in here who's gonna go and do some mushroom and poultry farm dung heap these i think are mods uh wheat farm windmill bakery i don't know who does the the mushroom uh stuff is that gonna be someone in here edge fisher's hut and weirs it's what's weird there's the hunter cavern over there apiary herb wine i remember mushrooms being a thing the villagers come in uh i got two builders still i think that's that's fine uh wood looking all right i can use another carpenter probably make sure we get those planks done because no one's doing it oh you know what are they not working i don't think they're actually doing it i think this might be broken all right let's destroy it yeah i'm destroying do i get stuff back i don't know let's read let's rearrange this i think there's something wonky with that so let's put it we can just stash it like right here no houses other houses right there people don't want to live next to that they're going to get all whiny because they're living next to it i'll try that okay i'm going to whine a little bit about this desirability low it's all low anyway we have a thing we can look and see this here desirability there's that so no one's live next to the red stuff we can put some like plants and things that make a little better and this is where they want to live uh we can see for fertility also which is very fertile in is it low out this way oh oh that's a very fertile hit look at all that look at that over there very high over there very high with that maybe okay uh minerals are nearby somewhere yeah there's some rocks out here there's some over there as well we can we can mine um and then we've got sony here that's those um i can turn so i can buy this new lane so i go over here into this one territory we can buy stuff 500 bucks and five coins a week and we can expand our territory when i complete this trade route one i'll get a free one so i'll try and save up for that we can buy these hexes as we as we expand out that's how we get more more land uh that's not show i make that not sure there we go there we go so there we go that built up over there and i need those planks get made so we'll get that made there and it won't have planks which will then get trade routes done and then we'll be good okay more villagers coming we got three unemployed people we should probably put them to work uh i can use a another berryman a uh a stone person oh wednesday they haven't shown up yet where they coming from oh i see their path i'm walking from from over here i guess you can see their dirt path here i think maybe they come from different ways hmm well all right so we'll build let's get uh some people in here oh those are people already marked as carpenters because they weren't carpenters before okay good so whenever those new people come in we'll be good new resources to extract for what lumber mills out of trees oh um you know what why don't you not be a lumber mill anymore remember man oh oh tilge we'll do something else i'm going to have three of you on this crank out those planks real quick she's over there whacking away at him he's that's a funny way to do it what is it break time you didn't even get a third of the way through oh you're gonna make her do it huh see how it is there's three of them working on that and i think there's a lack of trees these little ones i guess they can't reach i'm gonna get more land because we're gonna be uh having some troubles here but as soon as we get 20 we can unlock trade routes and we'll get we'll get uh a free spot i um i'm thinking um so we can build over here just for the trees maybe over i like the idea of building over here but i know that's really useful go there just because we get all that tree in there we can put more buildy stuff on this side a lot i think i need more housing space though and i want i don't know if i want houses over here i like the idea of just being next to the coast it just seems cooler i'm gonna i'm gonna go over here i mean they can chop those trees down um we'll buy this one eventually but i think we're gonna grab this one next let's do that we'll just keep coming in we've got um i'm gonna go ahead and one of you new guys can go over there one's fine for that two builders is good we got a market guy and i got the planks so let's go get that done and get some trade setup with uh with northberry hello northberry so northberry wants to buy some things like planks and uh and stone polished stone let me go down and like rub it a little bit it's berries i could probably sell them planks well not right now i don't have wood but we can also buy things like honey tools most importantly from them that's unlocked which means we got the free did i get the three rounds did i get i did okay let's go ahead and buy that okay one of those please i'm gonna mark you for uh for extraction as well i'll take all of this you would people can go over there and grab all that uh and they should get marching that way and we have to go and set up a trade route so i need to build a warehouse let's get a warehouse setup so which is going to be in logistics warehouse it's going to be over here in in um this spot like right in the middle perfect people don't like this um they should move if they don't like this is just the perfect place for it yeah yeah they're just going to be upset yeah they're just gonna be mad they can move i should have i should have not allowed that but they were whining about not having a place to live so um everyone's happy though happiness employment residential space is all good they're fine they're fine i didn't mark up my residential space here let me go do that so we want some residential to go over here now desirability is low but it'll go up in time i can also put like a well i think a well and some berries or something or um a market i think it will expand that desirability they already want to be there because they're next to my house so well and a market and the the trick we learned last time i think is still a trick is um these berries decorative bushes everyone they go nuts for decorative bushes so get that going there's a monthly reports spend some cash right down to 200 bucks um i need let's see that's going in there we can get some planks sold what's that once this goes up we'll i guess we'll just sell some planks i'm out of wood um hey you guys uh you're great carpenter's great more get out of there let's go go chop some trees now instead please and let's go and get i suppose i can mark this as as being built now yeah go ahead and make this we got the planks for it might as well do it yeah now's the time now's the time to sell my um i've been wanting to move for for years and like now that this is the job there's no reason really holding me here it kind of is but not a big reason um but it's like the hassle of like putting the house up for sale and and then you have to go and find a new house and you gotta move everything and it's just like i don't know yeah it's it's fine it's fine the envoy's here hello envoy what do you want people are hungry sudden drought has caused a terrible shortage of food across the kingdom there is simply not enough food to feed everyone they need our help so this is a oh we're giving me money too so if i give 20 fish i can't do fish i don't have fish i don't know what fish are i'm keeping them long because i don't know what a fish is anyways if we do those things we get points that we can spend on uh these these things um which would give us like a fisher we need 20 surfs before you can do that though some i can't do anything man whenever i was in like college and just out getting married um pre getting married um i moved like i don't know like five times in in just a few years and i hated every moment of it and whenever i whenever we we bought this house it's like i'm not moving again this is it not moving again um i have made it so far 16 years and i have not moved um we we came very close to moving like 10 years ago very close we like put the house up for sale um and and sold things and we we came to the conclusion by we might meet my wife that's we don't want to move all this junk so um by junk i mean like you know important family thing we don't remove all this stuff and so we um we basically sold everything couches uh beds and um i think we sold all over beds no yeah we did talk about um like everything and so then we could just like pack the two cars and move and do that so if it fits in the car we keep it you know important stuff pictures that kind of stuff that fits in the car no big deal uh it's a big garage sale sold everything and we never we weren't able to weren't able to sell our house it was up for sale for like six months we weren't able to sell it and we're like fine we'll just stay here i guess we'll do it later on whenever we um you know markets better we'll do it later on this is this was like not too long after 2008 so you know things were a little bit down and so we figure i'll do it later uh we never did and so we're still here and every time we get to think about you know things are cheap here and um like as as nice as it would be as nice it would be to be somewhere else i don't know if it's worth it's worth the uh the annoyance of of being somewhere else of moving somewhere else um so lumberman's gonna go way over there and i get treats i wonder if i should build a second lumber man because we're kind of lagging behind here or it's because plank manages out of control like man once you um um oh tilgy won't you ease up on that job so we can keep up on these things they're chopping them down they're just going slow uh and i'm gonna have you you're full yeah still i guess we're full on stone also i don't need one of those we need the warehouse to get down what does it need wood there it goes okay yeah now that they stopped they're still gonna work it's gonna work slower that'll work how much is a gallon of milk uh i don't know i don't buy i don't like milk i i do like um cashew milk is delicious i've recently found oat milk oh milk is good uh my when i say delicious um i mean i mean my my my body and my stomach thinks it's delicious my stomach is not a fan of regular milk so i think it's like 350 i don't know how much it's it's not cheap far more than that vial stuff should be all right it's uh we do this one is it done yet my very own manner oh it is done okay i was supposed to yammer i didn't see this so we'd mark this guy as a we want a a a great hall i think no what do we want so this is why we build multiple parts i got the core which i made i've got the tower over there so these can each have different jobs um so i'm gonna put in a what do you want me to do great hall function so we'll put a great hall in the main place so people can go and this we can upgrade our people and the other one's going to be a maybe a treasury it gives us a treasury capacity or can i do this yeah i can do it or a bailiff office which boosts my splendor we'll do that so we got we can hold more cash now yeah that's the other thing is you have all this stuff i know we have so much stuff whenever we moved here my wife and i were living in this a little one-bedroom apartment like a tiny one-bedroom apartment it was like it was like 500 square feet and we moved into here which is triple the size and big kitchen and we i think i've told this before um we used up one cabinet in our kitchen and one cabinet with all of our stuff fit in one cabinet in the kitchen and now we have to like we buy stuff we have to remove with a get rid of stuff to make more room because the kitchen is packed full of like toasters we got like a hot dog toaster in there uh we have all this we got an insta pot and and a crock pot like what all will this stuff so now i don't want to think about moving that's that's the other reason i don't want to think about having to go in there and dig through all that stuff no it's going to go in there it's going to stay there for another 10 years before i think about it and i will happily not think about it forever 10 years or maybe we just leave and we just say you get the house and everything in it all yours i don't want to think about it you know the bill we have plenty of people standing around doing nothing let me get some jobs filled up not this guy though i think maybe i should do another another lumber guy we are using it oh this guy um right you with i need tools that's the that's the job over here and i want to make sure you take planks in because i'm going to sell those planks so tools are in there planks are going to be now i see one guy doing all this and then we're going to go into the uh over this way to trademan and we're going to go to here and we're going to say um i'm going to sell some planks should wait until we get forester i don't really need cash right now maybe um it wants me to buy tools i'm just gonna mark tools i will buy once we have you know at least we have at least 10 tools i'm set um i might sell some of those planks just to get a little bit of cash so we'll sell above so how do i there we go um like 40. i guess maybe 50 maybe 50 is a good number because that's like a stockpile maximum i think oh hold 800. nevermind so we'll do that so if we get extras we can sell this stuff our trader will go out and do all that and uh there we go but i have landed in a big ass for a long for a long time nothing more american than a toaster specifically for hot dogs my my son got that i think it was like a uh christmas present um we go to my uh my in-laws we do we call dirty santa you like buy a gift and then you take turns picking out the gift and then you can like steal it that kind of thing white elephant those are the names for it um i think it's white elephant um it's not dirty as in like the dirty santa they call it dirty santa it's like a white elephant um anyway we gotta he did a thing where and then they always buy like i don't know it's always like stuff you don't really need it's like the gimmicky stuff that's always there and so he found that so he had a hot dog toaster uh let's see who wants to be upgraded uh grundlock the builder there you go i'm gonna upgrade you how many do i need to upgrade for this thing do you care oh no you don't care uh i'm just gonna do a couple again like my uh my two builders and cilia and and that guy i think that's all we want to do let's see here so we've unlocked that we can get a wooden key and a wooden wall and a large stone wall that's cool um anything else maybe some new maybe some new building things we can make some unboxing um a new tier of unlockables i think it means we've unlocked some stuff in here um yeah 10 cents for a lot of i'm gonna use the two i don't want to go overboard we don't have really a money making system right now look like a sheep statue okay that's cool anything else new in here we have a stone mason hut a charcoal hut an iron oh this stuff is unlocked oh wow windmill bakery vegetable farm blacks all this stuff is unlocked right now rustic church that seems like a lot of stuff from a bridge um okay in spots great i don't use it very much uh the um the uh the air fryer however i'm i'm all i'm all for that how many do you want me to do oh you're just trying you're still warning me for a long time oh hey alpha church is growing up excellent it's now a tier two house for the longest time you know whenever air fryer like air fire craze was going around i remember thinking ah you know it's just it's just a convection oven you know nothing fancy what you know what's the big deal um and so i was i was i was against air fryers um i know it no longer i got an air fryer with again christmas the christmas a white elephant thing i think it's where we got it air fryer and uh it is fantastic i use it all the time um more it's it's the best the best way the best thing it does i'm getting excited that i can't talk is um is pizza reheating pizza like it's as good as new with the air fryer let's don't get it there we need i do need a stone what's the store i need this stone polisher i got to get expand this thing somehow um i need a forester i want to set him over here do i want to make force i really want him over here i'm just like all this tree land over this way yeah just oven with a fan it's basically what it is but good stuff in spot uh has airfryer no mine doesn't have the airfryer i've seen it before they have the they have the instapot and the airfryer combined into one i don't have that get a bridge in early and build it over that little lagoon in front of your manor oh like like from here to here like a little bridge going that way that's kind of neat it does give me um some ideas you you're teasing me with all these bridge ideas they're so expensive though something like over here like uh like from no no um i know it seems kind of silly like that or from from alpha hassle like just like that it's just like you know maybe things are getting a little out of control with pretty soon you build stuff like that you know we won't do that one um you know what we could do though we couldn't go over here and that would be good tree land bridge for tree land seems excessive i i um yeah skillets i have a cast iron skill i've had for years um older than the house um well not within the house but older than uh me being in this house uh what do you want monk where is he oh he's over here and um it's a good one i lose it everything needy times what do you want you want 50 blanks for for 10 of those coins what do you think i am 50 points for that what do i get out of this you give me 10 of those things i can get additional parts for my church which i do need to get a church in i want a wooden keep i do um i can't do that there's no no no get get out of here okay get out of here i think he's been added so we do need a church i think what do you want um where's one of my peasants my you so you are you're a newcomer where's my people that are not newcomers where's my can you tell them by looking at that right you're newcomer they wear different clothes newcomer oh those are my builders wherever my builders are moonluck so you are fancy though right you are a serf yeah you want church okay okay so we gotta get church in here somewhere that would also expand the uh the the want to be over here i think so let's build a church that's that's probably a good next step okay rustic church frontier church frontier church oh hey that's i think it's a mod um there is sort of a range on this thing most houses are here this will give him a reason so let's let's put it uh over here so the core nice little log cabin church that's kind of weird there we go um stick across on it okay that's all we get to do with it and extension that's it that's all there is 110 wood and hang on now what other kind of churches can we do there's the rustic church which is certainly more medieval isn't it it takes five tools it's expensive yeah i like okay we got a couple different doors let's do that one right there let's stick a nice uh nice tower here can i put oh you know we should do here tower goes in front and up door goes in front of that there we go that's that's church looking um i want my gargoyle where's my gargoyle at stick across up there okay and i think that'll too i can add in an extension but i think that's fine those are cost me a lot of stuff so i'm gonna leave it as it is this expensive 11 tool to make this thing which is which is a lot so all right that'll make people happy they'll make them move over here as well take his pants well the monks take the monks pants the door could totally be at the church out house he left off so he finally fell yep i got a problem with people walking through my backyard here we got to fix this right none of this nonsense if you want to go over here you got to go around you stand in the backyard what am i where's the fence can i make a fence yet yeah i want a fence i want uh we'll make it like a basic fence for right now we'll we'll grow in time for now i just want a fence get the riff raff out here down there this i'm not quite even is it over okay there we go there we go i feel better we check out some of these oh check this out look at those things there's some cool ones in here that's nice i'm like i'm looking over my walls [Music] there we go oh what's going on oh yeah the berries oh no okay let me um let me get another we have these things we do some of the new stuff we got a vegetable farm i've got a poultry farm it's fertile over here we could probably squeeze in a farm they're big i think it's real fertile over here right yeah this is this is some good stuff very high yeah we should do it over here i kind of want to move this around over here and just have this be farmland farms take up some space good vegetable farm oh is that territory my territory oh okay here's what i do barryman's gonna move over here like that they can walk through the berries i think i'm going to get rid of this one they're assigned to it prioritize that thing get it done um i can't remove this while we're out of food so so we want to put a farm over here do a wheat farm also they take up a lot of space we farm in a bunch of bread just fill this place up with some wheat berries will be in there which would be kind of weird this is all this is very high over here oh so we got that we have options here we can either do we need food so we need to do if we do the wheat we don't farm we've got to do a windmill and we've got to do bakery to get bread we can sell that bread so it's about perk poultry farm will give us eggs and meat we can sell that stuff they don't need fertile land they can be anywhere i'm going to leave just six of them in there right now because there's no limit to that um i want my farm over on this side why is it so bad over here um vegetable farm don't keep cooked dung from poultry farms to make compost i'm not sure where we use that for um the wheat farm looks really cool and it's a base game thing so we'll do that i think i'll throw it in like the farm over here maybe we put wheat around this way or do we just fill it in like i was gonna do like just on the edge of the town here i don't know i need a lot of space for the farm that's the problem hmm let's do this and then the farm is going to go over here i think it's safe to put that in the lower fertility because when you make this thing you'll put out the f you'll put the uh the wheat over there um oh it's it's the you're right it's the yeah the trees are lowering the fertility of of the land okay okay so we can do okay so we can do a um form over here keep that all okay that'll work so let's prioritize something let's say don't extract over here worry about that stuff back there right now so we get our farm in here we go okay just work about those trees right now we'll get our farm stashed in that corner over there it takes a lot but it's a lot more building to make food vegetable farms are pretty good yeah they're they're um they might be a little bit op because they're they're small like um i'll show you so you put up the vegetable farm and then you've got these little fields you have to put out oh you know it's not terrible put some other things in there it's it's not like it's not too bad i guess to put in here next to these berries so we can go there where's the door it's on this thing that's right there okay the door is there we have to put in the processing shed which will go right there and then we put in some fields so we can get broccoli field we've got a mixed garden which uh produces vegetables for water and compost all do the same thing it's big if the house wasn't here i could fit it in let's do one of the smaller ones let's just do the uh the bean field which i can kind of have going down the coast here we'll do one for now vegetable cart you know just for just for coolness right there okay that'd give us a little bit of veggies we'll need a dung heap so let's get that set up and uh they probably won't want that next to our house but they can get over it so it's gonna go right there so this is we need a core thing yeah they don't like that um i'm going to ask you to move yeah you're gonna have to move who's here get out okay here we go that's and some some of these guys which have to go there apparently let's move this man first thing you see when you go to town when you come to this town is a big pile of doan okay let me make sure i mark this off it's not residential anymore they don't live here anyway okay so don't live over there i'm kind of thinking about kicking you guys out i want you to move over here can you build your houses over there please that'd be really easy and real nice what do i have marked here okay so that will set up some farm or food over there does everyone have a job every building have a job done creator needs one transport is good sawmill is fine plenty there stone is looking okay it's not good okay we'll leave you guys eventually but we've got so many extra people that will uh we'll be good nobody wants to live here because there's low employment i know too many people are coming here okay that's fine though sorry i've been kind of ignoring ignoring chat but it's good to see that all i have missed out on is a chat about why you soak your fries before frying them okay there you go with that up there's a vessel form are you ready enrique is building bringing two planks thanks enrique so that'll be set up um and oh it does each one is a different thing okay okay it's a little bit on the edge there okay had to chop down an extra tree for that that stump there i don't have a feel a farm there i'll have to get a where's our bridge going to go across maybe from here across how's this this guy looking it's good it's all good there i need more wood i'm gonna have to buy what do we need for this this is billy keep i'm gonna have to buy this land a lot of berries over there lots of berries is there mushrooms out there i don't know where the mushrooms come in i don't remember mushrooms being a thing maybe they grow in the dung i don't see any mushrooms just stone up there this is a custom made map by the way there were empty jobs were there i mean the greenery i guess i can i mean i guess since they have no other job to do i guess we can put them in there they're just gonna like you know stand around now i'm out we'll take some people away from the miner and the transporter i guess whenever we need the other ones to get done we need to walk away over here to get these two guys and go across the way to get that one i like how they put one on here so it gives you a reason to build over there i like it church done not yet so the farm is done so we're going to build that fence and all that stuff we would all right hey nebuchadnezzar how's it going don't worry tom i'm just talking to myself i'm just just yammering on it's just you know i've done it so long now it's just become habits i just i come in here i've you know even when i'm not streaming i come in here and i just yammer on about things chatting about moving and air fryers and not wanting to move you know just another day in my closet what we need to do to get buy more free land because that's what i need i need i need some laminate because i i mean we just need to sell something i suppose once we get the farm going maybe we'll get enough veggies we can sell some veggies but we need to make some we need to make something i suppose we could go like in the berry biz and set up more berries over here that's my farm supposed to go but there's you know it's fine this guy can squeeze in over there more berry pickers over this way i've got like six of them on this side but i'm gonna get rid of this one i think put a farm over there and we'll go build over that way uh there is combat but it's pretty light life casting while game casting that's right hey glenn how's it going how long am i streaming for uh i will be here another hour or so depending on how uh how you know it depends on how how lively the um the discussions are you know um if it's a if it's a air fryer french fry kind of day you know maybe 15 minutes no no one attacks a village yet we send our we basically just build a keep and they send out and they go do the thing off screen it's really not a combat thing i think is this the game i was thinking of i read a devlog a while back about how that was really not they whenever they i think they i think i'm thinking of the right game i could be wrong where they were they they had they had planned in some some combat things like town defense stuff like that but it changed the game it was no longer um it was no longer a city building a casual city builder it became a um a tactical strategy you know uh gaming the system not gaming system but gaming game you know what i mean church has noticed your dedication to god and thus holds you in higher regard well thanks thanks church yeah we're all right around here okay that guy's here with our ipad people are hungry and you want some fish look buddy i don't know what fish are so he needed to get out hey ice how's it going yeah i think it's i think it's a good sign because i know a lot of folks were kind of complaining i'm broke i'm gonna complain about the uh the lack of combats and i think that i don't know maybe but maybe not i think it's but i think it's a good sign on the devs parts that that they they know what kind of game they're making actually i change my mind you can stay here you know what i mean they um they have an idea of what kind of game they want to make and they're sticking with it and i think that's that's a good thing rather than branching out all this other stuff okay i wouldn't keep here in a minute but we're trying to get some some business going we are broke uh this is working it's these logs um all right i'm gonna tell you to stop for a minute if we chop these trees down i think we have so let's go expand these back out yeah okay i got to grab those i've got to get i got to get um i don't know what's playing i need more space i need more space and i don't know do i need to go this way grab all those trees and just have forest land or we can build a bridge but there's no way enough wood to build a bridge access to food you know what i got your food right here those berries are picking away and this will get done eventually but i need wood i'd buy it but i got no no money hey burns how's it going how you been burns these little trees are kind of annoying these little coastal trees um hmm i think we're doing are we doing all right with this i think it's fine now we've got a second transporter i hope i hope we can keep up with that i think they're picking as fast as they can pick peter piper is picking as fast as this so there we go we got more vegetable farmers there assigned to that missing what missing dung um do i have any tongue do we need oh we can tell you what to make uh beets sure and what so how it works we'll push to put beets in there i need dunk i need chickens for done where's chicken's gonna live chickens are geese or pig oh they do pigeons poultry carts huh there's a chicken house right there yeah i want some chickens i don't need money for this i can't build it because i'm broke there we go chickens i need three gold i can't buy because i need three gold uh so supposed to be a retreat to the villa okay so we need these anyway so we need these two things so we need a cart oh sneak with this button um does it need to be here i guess i can come over here does anybody need to be up this way i don't know where does this need to go so it's poultry resource type to the villagers so it's a sales camera so it needs to be over here this way along with this guy that one there and the egg cart will be next to him we are running out of cash i gotta start selling some stuff okay so market man yeah we'll build that let's get some cash i need [Music] what are we going to sell what do they want they will buy berries polish stone planks and uh and wines we're not selling planks that's all we really have that we can down to like 10 just to get some money in here how much they sell them for five bucks a piece oh there we go um yeah build that okay they do something's working so um i'll take it the farmers on that once we get the veggies we can start selling those well we can't sell veggies they don't want veggies they won't they want berries but we can eat the veggies sell berries they're gonna oh good um i need more of these okay here we go go pick those berries all right so the attraction zone good that'll work logs are coming in uh we'll get more planks eventually as soon as we get more logs brought in and the farm is up and running we need to get this guy built who is going to take uh some time and that will be there these guys are my my carts from my eggs and that's not a chicken a goose very well uh building a keep gives us some soldiers and whatever but i don't need that hey army boy more houses more tax but do we get we don't get taxes from people they um i don't think we do it's all yeah it's all from the it's it's all from these guys when they buy food okay this guy's ready to go so let's go ahead and get my people zero people available uh oh yeah it is actually putting the beets out in the oh okay uh it's fine for now okay we need a poultry guy going so we get some chicken and eggs this is gonna have to make sure it starts holding veggies and then we need another market stall because this guy only holds berry so let's get a market man in here to go do that things got complicated all of a sudden we'll set him over here for a oh a berry cart poultry carts vegetable carts now a vegetable cart please i'd like it to be right there anything else we can put in here uh a bench i'm gonna squander my stuff but i'm the okay there we go uh we can build a oh yeah right right right right we can build um it's one we get later on down [Music] the bailiff it's the bailiff no somewhere in here we we build something tax office there it is it's way it's a ways away okay oh are you ready okay so we need to farm over here um he's gonna do much good until we you know get some money to work it but we're gonna go ahead and put some land back here this might be enough that should be enough i think for them to plant the wheat we gotta build a windmill we gotta build a baker a complicated process but the beach are coming in nicely so we got people working on this little spot over here and the the main field so you're bringing veggies in nothing's sold this week are you selling it over there i'm here to see what these things have the veggies work i'm not mess with that is missing i guess some dung but you should do that okay there's the one that goes in there we do have a high immigration rate so that's good that'll go that'll fix that chicken house i want you to do pick poultry or eggs uh let's just do eggs for now and then we'll we'll change things later on need a poultry farmer do i yeah of course and then the egg cart needs one the poltergeist does not need one right now so don't worry about that so one guy going there he'll uh he'll deal with the eggs or she will and they'll be set so now we can get some eggs which over here we'll mark and make sure we have eggs in there and then we've got the egg carts over this way who sells uh eggs okay are you working somebody here someone's working there selling our veggies which we will get eventually we got some dung in here now there's two eggs already here veggies are not coming in i'm guessing they kind of come in in time what's this guy want the um so that's about raids we will get messages and we'll send people away okay what do you want people are hungry you want berries to the kingdom i don't have berries i'll get 200 bucks if i do it though i want to do it i got like 10 days to do this can you people just like not eat for a little bit we got eggs you can eat those i got to do it 200 bucks i got to do it so they'll give me points like this way we could do this one to get wooden wall whatever i don't care about that i can't get the additional stuff for the rustic church now um i think next thing i'm going to want is the labor one which i've got points there huntress hut weaponsmith sculpture we're gonna go we're gonna go this way just because i know we'll we'll want it a bunch so we're gonna give it to the people okay 30 berries all right so we gotta do this so what we're gonna do is we come over here we got stockpile berries we're stockpiling berries please don't eat them and then when we're done we can mark that they are delivered i think we do it why are they going wet going down put those berries in the warehouse stop stop eating them i'm gonna pause you for a minute so they should go into the granary once they're there we can we can send them away new scavenger we just talked about the rocko just talking about it uh was that you who was asking me about it last night um it's cheap four bucks it's on sale right now four bucks dark cheap okay there's 30 there so how do we deliver this how do we do this it was only 17 in there how do i do the job i thought it was here last night okay i don't even know how i was anything here i need a stockpile um look at all those i'm not making any of this stuff yet so nope how do i accept this task i got 42 of them now slow down how do i do your mission let's pull your card whoops um okay how do i um ah click it okay okay 200 bucks excellent uh no longer stockpile these things it's fine you can eat them now the shop is open [Music] it's okay you guys are great yeah you did a good job where the chickens go you eat them okay we got 200 bucks now we're losing 10 from uh from our upkeep our market's not doing us uh any favors here we got to start making that happen so i think um those vegetables come in what are those vegetables doing besides not coming in ten so this week i guess it's working okay okay it's working we don't have anything in there and nothing in the in the warehouse okay that's working uh the wheat how are you doing you seem to have a no you're not doing the right thing you're not painting any fields for some reason please do that and then we'll mark um we'll get a windmill going i'm not trying to sure why no one's building a house or did i mark this residential just lowers our ability maybe they want the market is over here i probably get away with building your well over here it's the church right there uh and then we'll put them we'll put a market over here except a little food stand with like berries or something all right i do have cloth to squander but i'm gonna try to not squander my cloth build up manor house church yep i really like the the ui is great it's a it's a vast improvement okay so that's set up we're out of wood now because they're chopping the last few things over there i gotta expand i am making some cash thanks to quests that's it um if i get food we can start selling berries where's the other trade route what's the other one do for us these guys if i give you clothes you'll you'll trade with me you go you guys want bread i could do that and i could sell you fish maybe if i get to that point maybe that's our next step is getting this guys 20 surfs expensive i'm going to be the next step market built okay you're going to be a i probably need to put berries in there for now barry's there this should increase the desirability over here yeah it's high over here some people want a little over here good i'm thinking about getting rid of these two houses put them over there give me a little more farm room over this way plumber man is complaining there's no trees he says yeah i know i know buddy it's real difficult isn't it three new villagers are coming in and we are gonna have to go hands let's go down the list here make sure i'm not missing anything too important i think the force is gonna have to come in he's like set up here and just have like a small little um patch of trees it's a long walk for our lumber man but we can move it over man is it worth the 500 gold to get if i were to put it here or anywhere around here squeeze it in here somewhere um and buy this territory i have all kinds of food i have trees all kinds of stuff where's my lines hmm that's the question that's the question hey wheat's coming in we could do forestry stuff over here i suppose there's no one's there but they also move the lumber camp i want this to be houses though it's be house land but no one wants to live over here because there's no jobs over here [Music] and why is there only two houses maybe lack of wood 14 tools got that coming in here i bet you if i start putting in like the windmill over here and that kind of stuff then it'll start people start coming in so um what i could do is i can move one of these houses debating the uh the benefits of these veggies because we could treat this in pretty easily throw in mr forrester and put some trees over here hmm i don't really want this guy over here i got i i want him over i don't know i can't decide what i want to do it's all taken up too big of a walk for my lumber camp let's just do this so you're going to go right there on the edge another lumber camp in here on the road and then we'll have some trees can go in here so we'll put in some reforestation this way there you go maybe not no you're not too quite that close there we go and then they can lumber over there i'm gonna get rid of the lumber camp on that side and then we'll be set after we have to have a priest is that later on i think it is um i don't know 10 second delay six times yeah i'm not sure what that means but do it bring them uh weekly at uh uh yeah yeah do a weekly okay yeah this is all marked out uh residential here i really wanna live next to the church over here that out there i'm going to buy this square here this hex that might be the one to get but we gotta get something to sell first they don't want stones they want polished stone we could do that really easy let's don't make some huts we can toss this guy in here next to where the stone is and the chickens everything's kind of crammed in here right now but it's fine he'll go in there and then we start turning all this regular stone into process stone i got like with five miners here we don't need another five we could easily crank out quite a bit of polished stone sell that stuff i think that's what they're one right we're gonna trade trade yeah we could some salt yeah we can do that let's do that okay forester trees buddy i would like uh let's get some nice pine trees you doing everything all right you know do do a little bit i don't care what you make whatever whatever you want whatever you feel like doing buddy i'm not gonna stop you here we got 67 wheat now which could go into our windmill which we don't have and make some bread that'd be very good how much does that cost 35 bucks up front okay so let's set this one over here on the road this way over here i lost my i lost my money just amazing it's done good um i want workers over there so they'll make us some nice smooth polished stones we can sell let's go ahead and mark that um you have to hold it first and then we're going to sell it here at this guy sell above make five you go once you get five of them get rid of them okay yeah you guys hacked those they were just down to nothing because we had already so much stone but now if i were to put stone in here they would actually stockpile the stuff but i don't really care as soon as i take it do it make it into polish stone and then sell it make sense okay this guy needs what 35 we're almost there as people buy this stuff it might go up but we are spending a bit a bit there the envoy's here can you get something for some money buddy uh another drought oh you want bread i don't have bread i don't know what that is 200 bucks there i can't do it though don't you guys give me some options of things that i have that'd be real nice so the i know something changed in the game like a year or two ago whatever people people live next to their job so i think that's why this is happening what the house is over here but people are happy ten surfs in town wait doesn't that upgrade me to oh i need twenty so i need ten more to get these the fishing hunt that would solve some food problems [Music] okay there we go i think i i don't think i can oh i can't okay so as it grows we can we can chop it down okay our wheat which we got plenty of which i can't sell but we can uh we can make some bread eventually and the paul stone should be getting sold since our market man runs off we'll sell some of that i don't know how we only have i guess oh you know what it's it's because newcomers don't need houses i think it's just these folks what are you yeah everyone's a newcomer a surf an esso here he needs a job or he needs a house that's why we have so few houses so if we would spend some money and upgrade some folks then we could have more houses that's what's going on there okay is that lumber came done okay work over there i'm going to tell you guys um i mean it's just a job so we'll leave it to it if i run out of people that will take that lumber camp away okay four star is doing his plan good job buddy wheat's coming in how you selling are you doing all right yeah it's 15 this week not too bad uh i i could sell some more to uh to these guys but i think i need to keep a number up i'll go ahead and set up though to be like um let's keep let's keep 40 in if we get above 40 if we start getting making some progress here then we'll start dumping them yeah and you're you're doing it okay um i guess i i hear some people i should go do the the poultry thing which was poultry that guy and i also need to change this into a this is chicken house but i wanted to have poultry and eggs some people coming down the road coming to join us the next dumb he must be doing marvel's probably about yeah it's great everyone lives well loves living over here this is the place to be i got to get over to get that rock i can't end this stream we got a little weights before we can get that rock mined out though let's just add it up here oh poultry got added i do have the poultry cart it's running right yep they're all working um where is uh how's the market doing okay 13 bucks upkeep is still too high but trading we are getting trade going on with our with our polished stone i'm actually tempted because i'm always one person i'm tempted to have a second one of these crank this stuff out and sell it i wish i need for this 35 yeah why are you so quiet where's what ring why aren't you ringing here the ding dongs yeah oh i hear him i hear him okay so you're gonna go over there i suppose if i were to remove these houses they would just move them over there and i'll give you more space so if i do get to a point i need more space i'll just i'll just delete them they'll move them over there and redo things um okay so we've got that going that's happening we need to get some money i think i'm going to go i think i'm going to do this another stone mason huts i think that's what i want because um that's double the money it's in my bear my my beat fields but it's fine i need 10 bucks can we get 10 bucks please 10. here we go um people don't want to live don't want to work next to here i do have stoner somewhere i think do that and let's change this guy where you were you marked out at um i don't know i don't care what you make mix make some uh make some broccoli this time paint that field i guess yeah take up whatever you want there you go oh you're all yours can you can you plant some stuff over here too that's too much that's too much of walking wood's finally coming in that's finally working so we could get planks up and running again as well and that's another money maker make sure we have it quite enough to make a lot of cash but that will work with 60 bucks let's go ahead and get them started up let's get some flour we're getting there and then we'll get bread eventually with a baker which is uh right where is he food a bakery you go right over here next to the church that way pop into the pop in the bakery and you can pick up your donuts for church and and then everything's great actually i think i might move over a little bit because church can expand i want to smell that bread in the morning in my house people need wood to build houses it's uh it's because of the lack of surfs if i had more money i would upgrade some i can only do at the beginning of the month what month is it so we've got a couple more weeks to go and uh then we'll upgrade some people i got to save cash at first left for that thumb just made a big sale there four more villagers were we missing oh dung again is that what it is i'm thinking you vil you i think are kind of a waste of my time how do i know where's my stats i don't know how you've been doing oh never mind you're pretty good 124 bucks from that that's making almost as much from that name of the berries oh faith makes me money it's a vegetable 192 okay vegetables are good never mind okay forget i said anything i think maybe i should hear these houses let's do it um get out of here i'm sorry i'm sorry i know you're good you had a name and everything i'm sorry i'm sorry i know it hurts um i would like my broccoli to be more more broccoli i'm not really sure how that works but i'll take it access to comfort there we go so now they're not building houses but now the houses are coming in now we got three houses actually popping in here okay perfect that one's kind of close but there we go so that'll uh oh actually four houses come oh it's bakery right so that will um that's cool a bit of a forest over there this guy's real close but whatever that'll be more broccoli land for everyone everyone stand around here come on now guys no no loitering get to work let's see what what else is next there's a sheep statue cost 100 bucks we have the wooden key i need to make uh that's what the game keeps telling me to make and i'll do it i'll put it i mean that's a good spot right now but no we're gonna put it um right there people keep coming to town right over here this is sort of the edge of town right now i suppose we could squeeze it in here no more no more squeezing enough squeezing let's put it right here on the edge i want a core it's gonna go like that and we'll give it a nice little top and uh what uh i don't want to clock that this location will be on this side over here i guess can i put a door on that side somehow there that's all i want what's the uh how do i take it off of snap there we go i want the door to go like can i do this or is it going to be uh yelling at me here's what we'll do like that and then we'll put the door in right there come on snap snap there that work this one's kind of cool and that one it's kind of neat it's kind of wrong you know what we could do oh i got it i got it i got so it's gonna go like that move this guy over just a little bit like that there we go um yeah yeah like that and then uh that's all we need to do stick a gate in here okay extensions and all that we don't need that yet oh we can make them really oh we mix oh oh we can make some really cool keeps now might be mods hang on um we'll do this one well as it is right now 95 planks all right i'll do it but i don't want to so that that that's next time we can do a really cool one what's that on boy do you leave i think so okay access to food they say he's got food okay looking good wait for builders to do the thing we've got another uh a couple houses in here cool five houses now because they're tiny because they only hold two they'll grow up in time and then they'll be cool okay so we got 10 vacant folks we'll get some more oh baker's done that's good that's very good because then we have bread which will go to the granary which needs to hold chicken also now what if we need a grain over on this side for the berries and stuff this one holds four things i'll put bread in there for now what am i wheat at what are you do what do you do you hold wheat you do hold logs if we need stone if we need to hold more of that we're fine for now what's wrong with my uh place low employ oh employment well i guess we can adjust that need more oh any cloth more cloth goodbye from uh from my buddies you guys sell cloth i know who sells cloth well nobody sells cloth i guess we gotta deal with that later promotions available okay do we have cash i've got enough for i gotta do ten people i got enough for one all right why rick congrats buddy i need 10 more of these things for fish oh yeah some dummies that's right they can train outside but i gotta have cloth fat so we'll wait until that happens this guy's not gonna do anything until this this windmill is up and running which needs to go now a lot of my builders were tied up with all the houses we need 20 surfs and then we can get we can do it right now the baker okay we're getting there market's actually making me some money good can you like get rid of these roads and can you can you are these like they're not fixed there now are they gonna tear these things up in time and and plant there they they get overgrown that'd be nice okay we need we need a polish stone sail here and uh that'll be set another house coming in you know these houses coming in now we're operating people so we have a bunch of houses in here well um that's good i think we'll grow this way i think next more trees more house stuff i need to get across the way hey dude guy let's go don't look like a little uh seaside town now you are over burdened on your um i mean the greenery over here i don't have the money for this but i need another granary i might feel a good idea if it was wise of me to upgrade those people it's a great rant say 50 bucks 50 bucks a llama lot how are you it might have been a mistake to do that we get some cool houses though and uh i think they spend more money here i could be wrong because only one is water and food they will start wanting goods which i don't have but uh because what you want food you know you want comfort service so i guess we get some money out of the service needs where's my mom not this thing vegetables are still looking good faith's 47 which the same as was last time eggs we can sell poultry if i have another granary which we will and we'll need a um actually we can do it now because we it goes over i have to go to granary i think first and then it goes into there okay we're looking all right over there just donations you're doing all right i do have a little bit too much uh here i'll put some stone in here toss some stone in there you guys keep on whacking away things okay wait we missing for this guy nothing excellent a couple millers and there we go okay that's flour that makes bread and that makes food it also makes the ability to do more trade deals and more trade deals we can do with uh with middle over here i think right nope nope davenport and they want to buy fish i like to say some fish or clothing something we'll cross that that davenport bridge when we get to it speaking of bridges can i build a ridge if i don't own the land how much this is going to cost me not that way okay what happened what what happened okay bridge like that 780 planks for that thing why is it also weird you just gained some more planks somehow oh what's it doing down there is that going to work i guess that kind of works right in the middle of done i'll walk by the dung to get there here we go maybe we do it over here you you move forget about this like uh because we gotta go that way you gotta walk by the keep and when you walk by the keep you know that's where the that makes sense this bridge is complicated you know what i'm gonna cancel you cause you're complicated okay so we gotta just go to we have to place it where we want it and then you grab the thing and then put it why is it doing that i guess it works i don't know that's weird that would be what 900 planks needed for this guy okay it's a little too close to the house you stub it okay like that that'll do 870 planks and the price of planks is outrageous right now that will turn put up to 880 planks i got 48 bread okay what do i get stone bridge i'm just gonna sit there for now uh somebody over here selling bread right is it over who's selling bread anybody do i have a bread person yet i don't let's get a bread person i'm gonna send them over here you uh with the berries go pick up some bread okay go get some berries because uh yeah it goes about stuff i think i have it in here yeah so she's gonna grab some bread sell it make some money and we should get some cash okay you get some pretty neat bridges when you uh when you grow i don't remember where it is though stonewall where's my stone there's a stone tavern a lot of stuff we haven't got to yet you know i bet you i need more people can we get some cool bridges because this is no good i need the good stuff what is that trading post what this is i think this is a mod oh neat um make sense it would be like right over here right there okay and we put donkeys out there sure put some donkeys around um what do you ox cart materials inside a function okay and we'll throw in food donkey kart can you go inside oh i'll put you inside what else goes in there import food import goods import materials or some decorative things oh i see okay yeah we'll throw that there okay what's gonna cost me 90 bucks um okay nook's falling i don't know what you mean what are you missing no this guy wants his dung again listen here buddy chickens only poop as much as they only so much you know take it easy on them nothing sold this week are you even trying you dang chickens no they're back you want more chickens in here these boxes those let me give you more chickens these are a dollar piece let's put out a bunch of chickens there you go chickens okay villa chickens okay a lot of chickens maybe they'll give us more i don't know neat okay we'll see this we'll give you some details here we'll find out when we get there um nothing has been unlocked over here yet i'll need to expand in time and get the other thing extensions we can do throw one like this guy over here that's tiny like a like a real extension you know like that and uh yeah let's just do that another room there for that how do you build a chicken takes a squirrel and a lot of feathers okay bread how we doing look at all that bread we got we got so much bread okay okay mr trademan hey you i like to lock trade route i don't know why but i'd like to have one and honey can i have b oh yeah bees are with the monastery they're always anyway okay i'll build that guy we need him for sure bread man good job we'll fall a little far behind now though can i expand this a little bit further probably need a bit more wheat room so we'll do some of that okay oh are you done okay uh yeah i have a couple soldiers okay two soldiers in there there they go yeah there there they are lord manor is done which means we can put in here a next extension which is going to be what the only thing we got is the um the bailiff which just gives a splendor i don't care about that so much when do i unlock the it was a long ways down wouldn't it maybe we'll change it in time i'll put the bailiff in there and the bailiff is going to be lukina oh do we want job learning speed job loading speed or soldier training speed i'll take the job learning speed okay a mandate oh yeah i've heard about this stuff i should be able to prepare a list of maintenance which i can oversee the completion so what do you do influence with one estate i pick one of these guys to get prospect of mineral deposits oh yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah uh yeah do that one i think you'll ask me which one or did i miss that which one you go into prospecting let's find out where you're going oh i think i'm supposed to i'm supposed to click and tell you where to go but i think maybe she just goes where she wants she goes i got to go back that second greenery and i've gotta um i gotta tell what to carry okay she's taking a look at it checking it out she's got some fancy clothes tell me how that is let me go get some something out of it these jams or something in there uh other greenery oh it's not done yet okay so that's that guy uh trademan are you ready yeah i'll put a merchant in there and then donkey goods i want you to export polish stone put a driver on it so does he actually like hop into a cart and drive away what's that that's what that is box cart exports um we got a lot of stone expert from stone i don't know where you're going with it or if this is just like bypassing the towns that we're trading with export um bread no wheat i don't have enough wheat to export cheese i can't do that there's the import we can import some things okay so how does this work bad weather's coming where's our first storm screwdrivers assigned there's the importing of things with a nearby settlements does it just sort of i guess it's sort of i don't know we'll find out i think it sort of bypasses everything could we just use all do we just spend what has happened where my report i think yeah i just tried to wait i know i don't know but money's rolling in now so i'm happy we do have a lack of stone seems like hey you guys whacking on that stone whack faster i'm gonna cancel this for now okay i hope people in this town like bread cause that's what you get to eat uh and then you are gonna be um i want you to be think the bread man because it makes sense all the breads over here um you can hold wheat here also so we can have a stockpile that stuff i mean maybe flour as well i think it's gonna be a big business for us and then we'll save that for fish or something for the next thing and then over on this side i want you to not have bread you're going to have chickens where's the poultry at there it is remove those chickens over there all right sorry the flour and all that the bread over there there's a mission available um so oh is this easy easy is good stuff if it's not maybe things are boiling up between the realm and our neighbors are evil neighbors so i send you guys away there's i get uh i get a reward yeah i'll do that two of you can you two of you handle that let me hire a couple of you guys six soldiers far away uh let's do this one first so um give yourself two of swords some of us have swords there you go have those and how i tell you to go that one prepare troops okay extreme success probability i like it okay get out there and make me some money uh i'm gonna think about this in a little bit monk i need a monk uh you want 50 wood i can do that for 10 of that stuff do i need an ass now 20 surface i'll need i got i got some of that already i'll need more [Music] oh that's different okay with influence and we have the splendor interesting okay okay um i don't really want to squander i'm keeping it not right now berries on toast for the gourmet peasants that's right yeah fancy folk there goes my soldiers oh wait they go so someone was asking about military there you go there's that's how it works soldiers go away they they disappear for a little while they go on a bit of a mission and they walk into the ocean we go fight the merman of the sea back there and then uh and then we're done uh let's build up some walls here i need i need some real walls this town needs walls i want um yeah some of these guys some walls over here just just for looks but uh people are walking through my town back this way maybe a bit much like walling in the farms but we'll adjust some things later there we go it's something now secret portal that's what it is oh i can't do a gate yet we don't want to make those yet makes sense i guess to have the walls like just in certain part of it like maybe come through here instead maybe like cut through this way it would make more sense um ah it's fine there you go it adds a little bit of a cooler look to it i got 400 bucks now i'm actually making money yeah we put banners on something we do we get that splendor by putting on things i think it actually was in there before i just forgot about it by putting in things like banners that gives us seven splendor i know that's a cost oh wait maybe that was different it cost just two of um so this banner costs seven um splendor to make that i don't have any cloth yet how do i get cloth i'm not yet do you know that thing is over there yet what's the watermelon i'll build a cool water mill victorious butts my lord your troops have been very helpful regarding the matter of evil neighbors never seems far from being resolved yet when you still need your help yeah you can keep them okay i want a flower oh we can put a flower it will be assigned a function a flower mill okay okay it's a long way to walk but let's so let's maybe move around this side of town remove the wall over there and then um flour mill goes like there and then the the wheel i don't know what do i want that one i don't know sure that one i'm not sure which one's supposed to do there okay and what color is going to be it's going to be fast yeah fast at school uh yeah yeah okay left wheel bank all right go back i don't know okay build that move this wall over here we'll just cut it off to where it was yeah it works maybe a little more okay okay we're down to three rocks so those those i think we're selling our rocks i don't know what's happening to them uh do we have a report for this yet planks and polished stones all that pops all that shows up i think maybe we're just making that much money on polish stone 240 maybe maybe those workers are finally getting things done i'm going to turn off though here comes the bad weather there it comes about time we got a good storm i like the weather in this game the water oh it's done does it actually get to work i want to see it work so i want you have a job for you your job is a grind flower put a couple millers in there victoria's butts we go further yeah get in there no goofing around okay cool the wheat field is filling all that up oh there's a little bit of space over there i almost have actually have enough to start buying some more things we're finally starting to get some money i'll keep is expensive but now that we're selling some things i think things are looking up um that's working fine and that's and that's doing its job uh i want to take whoever was doing when i set that guy up on the the um was it you yeah you have 62 stone on you i might cancel that one why don't you not do that yeah i don't do that how do i change commands in stone i'm just going to pause that one just don't do that anymore it says a 62 stone in there i'm just going to delete you okay so we are exporting polish stone still maybe hope we're making i guess we're making good money out of it from the donkey produces commands and we use those commands i guess to do this so maybe once we get 35 stone and two commands we sell it for how much i don't know it was on the right track i think i just threw that stone away passing the manner that you spoke of earlier become overgrown um oh yeah it is check it out nice that's cool i like it so it is actually working that way that's cool yeah it's already painted in there so i guess next time they plant they should fill that back in okay that's cool and this one there was one over here too that got chopped away okay this also helps me see my boundaries here um 800 that's ridiculous that's never going to get done [Laughter] it's never even done never have you ever figured what this thing is over here what is it it's just a bunch of stone i mean something i guess all right we gotta do this though this is important get to work okay there we go let's make up speed now bailiff available for a mandate for 20 bucks for gaining influence with i don't know those guys and soldiers to help the king they've got it already i think yeah foundation stream with an unfinished bridge that's right just going to see you building the golden gate bridge i have a good one tiny these are still being used by people walking through that's why they're not growing there um i guess i think that's oh you know it's probably the boundaries right there i just didn't go all the way there's a little bit of room we could we could add in there were we missing here oh no i got done uh speaking of dung how are we doing on so yeah make a 92 bucks from just poultry 72 from eggs bread's the big money maker okay i'm i'm quite happy with this i think that polish stone i think it's a zero because i think it's all going into here i think it's how this works i don't know i'm guessing once that hits well it's a zero now my soldiers were defeated what but it said did they all die they all died everybody but but you said it was going to be easy you lied to me i don't have any swords anymore now well that wasn't very nice i thought i thought we knew the odds well now i don't know i'm sad like that's okay just a little bit of a wall there um i think i don't want people coming through here i think they can walk through here and then around this way be kind of a cool uh way of doing it hmm i'm kind of bummed about that it's only six paw stone is it is it working i don't know we'll find out i still was expecting to have more berries but i think people keep coming in so so we're having troubles um getting ahead of the food game monks coming in here when i get the chance at the next month i'll i'll promote some more people so we can finally get to the next stage of that you're coming from a long way away there you go something look like a this is such a nice this is a really well done medieval city builder every time i every time i come in and see this sort of like you know overview of the town and then when i go to make thumbnails for the game it's so easy to make to find good thumbnails because you just type in foundation game and just list loads and loads of just nice looking pictures that uh that are in here of of a foundation i'll take a picture it's kind of nice nice rainy kind of look and go on this side as well we can get that bridge in action hey monk what you want buddy 80 times you need some blanks to the king well nope get out of here i'm selling those stones finally back in order that's that's something to run in money's coming in i'm really tempted to buy another spot of land if i do that i can move my forestry guy over here we have our houses stay over here i think though i think i'm gonna need more bread room i think i want to buy maybe this one here we could put maybe a second wheat farm over here to get that to make sure we've got plenty of food um [Music] i've done anything with like charcoal or an iron smelter i don't have any iron so i don't worry about that yet the um i have all the food things there's a dairy farm i need a commoner for that cheese maker blacksmith but i need i need iron and coal another church i think everyone's happy with the church are you guys oh yeah attendance is okay it's all taken care of all good i could do a sheep statue what's that do for me just decorations tell me what else we have over here as far as this stone gates windows uh open there we go there we go there's there's our list of of some unlockables we just got so that puts me up here so now we can get the fisher's hut builders workshop and the hedge okay so let's build a fisher's shop fish pond fishing huts it's going to go over here right over there that works uh what is this a weir a what does this mean something in some other language that i don't know left bank weir right bank weir we're at on matt do that i guess basically nets okay maybe something in english it's possible yeah let's get some fishing down here we got weirs everywhere hopefully i can hire three people for that i don't think i need any more promotions i think we're good we got we have plenty of surfs the next step up is going to be commoners which i can't do yet which gives me that um i've got i need more points to get the hunter or the weaponsmith or the church wait for that it's a damn is it it's like a it's like a a a neddy damn air across the with every river that alters the flow characteristics of a river and usually results in change in the height of the river level no nets oh so it's like a sort of like funnels them in i get it i think how's this coming along not it's gonna be a long time for that i mean we've got to be in may but with all the stuff we've got getting built up it's going to be forever for that losing some money here just miscellaneous whatever that is damn with the waterfall okay i get it i think i get it my builder's hud at what was that that in like a fancy new fence we can add in look it's i've leveled up we have nice we have we've got a growing population we have unlocked broken fence thanks game i want a not that what would that just unlock there's a fish pond raised fish for food decorative wasn't it like i don't like bushes um what is this frontier essentials do we have here gorgeous cart builders table oh it's like a little small thing sells game resources to the villagers poachers oh preacher preachers tend not to understand uh cell service if i had some cloth i could do that okay sells berries oh okay it's like a little road size okay i see that's cool like still ramps going across the whole width of the river we'll find out here when the thing is built i was hoping to see this thing would get get spinning but it's not and now we're running out of bread because we don't have wheat but it is getting hacked up right now it's kind of worrisome i think uh i think my next purchase is going to be this square right here i really want to get across the river though [Music] who didn't have access to service it's right across the street what is wrong with you oh it's full okay so we needed a church um i always grow this one up let's just add in let's build on a an extension here like that's i think it'll work let me just bump it up beside it i guess that's kind of weird let's just do um let's just let's just do that i think that's a little bit smaller we need something decent size this is a size 20 this is a size 10. no um there's these 10 planks let's see that budding it's too close to the the baker though okay there we go that's 10 also much smaller do that and if i make you go higher no still 10 no matter what so just throw you in there okay like that and yeah there's room for a few more people there we can take another door on there the side i go yeah yes you can turn off snapping if you want oh it is where it is turning hooray the wall is low hey for a minute bailiff is black back i got uh five of that good uh i need some soldiers now because uh military mission bill bailey is available what we got here all right what do you want now make it an easy mission this time you hear me we don't have any weapons this time we use them all because we're your last mission battle history it said difficult it didn't tell me difficult though you said easy i thought impossible okay we don't have any swords now we're gonna put some swords i guess that's rough uh they can train though um eventually are these done oh yeah and we can do three fishermen okay good okay good that'll give us that'll bring in some fish um room i have room for fish way over here at this greenery it's fine you can hear him casting he can have a little snack on some broccoli there if he wants what do you want five bread for some money yeah i'll do that i get 10 of those things which i'm not gonna get comments anytime soon well that's the whole next step is commoners which gets me up to like the tavern which is cool there's the church over there yeah you know what okay i'll keep it with the green with the people you want five bread no problem i like jobs that i can do yeah do that do that uh i'm gonna just stockpile it in and then it should get stockpiled in here once we get five in here i think we can do it it's four and [Music] waiting for five there we go done quick 200 bucks trust me to get built so we can have some more service spots uh there's a bunch of houses getting upgraded that was going on i think so look i'm not doing this job i can't do it i don't have any swords i care about that how do we do the thing we just i just got a thing about like making um is it decorative what do we unlock builders workshop sculpture how do we do that oh wait wait wait whoa workshop can you build a sculpture sculpture workshop there we go okay i can't really fit you in here these are only good for is that okay do that like that probably these things is they're only really useful i think they they they go to these rocks and they build statues out of these rocks so we can make a stone quarry here whatever i i think that's how that works i think oh i'm out of i'm out of everything i got fish fish is the only thing we have oh hell i wasn't watching um let me build a market over here where's the market there's a market so i guess we could do like a fish spot too wasn't there in one of those um where was that in the mods this guy and we'll throw him down like there and is there a fish one berries berries game service so now all right nevermind just build a market there with a is there a fish stall in here vegetable fish cart there we go right there okay about that some real problems are you out of we don't have any flour you get this in here please yeah the king only ever won the fish and that's all i have uh some of those are mods the the wagons and things i think are a mod that i've got no access to comfort what do you mean just go to your house buddy build yourself a house i'll buy more land eventually and then we can expand some things but we got a we got a bit of fish problem uh i need this thing to build now there it is build it now there we go houses are getting crammed in there and we do have fish going on yeah he's gonna go out and grab that okay mark it done let's go ahead and make sure that it is holding um you and fish okay so someone should go haul that face over there [Music] and then we'll be set times oh it's late i gotta go to bed i didn't get my bridge done i can't believe it i got one section there i got that one beam done that that never working on thinking underwater that one beam i got done i think maybe this is not very cost effective look at all the fish there you go fish is going away how you guys you guys eating now yeah they got a little bit of food they'll be all right hey frisk perfect timing frisk perfect timing it's my bedtime so the wheat is getting hacked up which is getting turned so it's it's happening it's just too slow i gotta buy another one of these things is there a way to make more money like uh i couldn't figure this out a long time ago i guess but there's anything you wanna you wanna buy you want my fish i got fish but i don't really have um i guess maybe the way is to do this guy over here i have 126 stone can you you can you can sell that stone correct you were doing it before so just export regular stone i got the other guy doing students can you do it polish stone oh you can't i deleted that one guy let's let's build another one of those it i don't know if it worked but i'm gonna i'm gonna try to have it work again we just sort of sitting over here yeah that's fine just hang out over here buddy what a relief man i forgot it's rained for for three years fountain sculpture mastery skillful management of food during the bad weather inspired some of your villagers and they want to build a fountain sculpture masterpiece on the occasion uh maintenance is built uh it's reached by 50 okay that's my that's okay that's what that is that's what that is so i need one of these let's put in there make that now oh you cloth i gotta buy cloth we can do it here though can i import cloth is it a good cloth i don't want a ton of cloth but i'll take some cloth maybe we do that in here at 25 o'clock it did work [Music] let's buy a 90 950 stop buying it please that's no more cloth uh and then can we just sell is it working i think it is and then we sell stone let's mark it first 50 stone's a good number sell above that um i'm selling planks but we're using those things we're not gonna stop selling those we're using those for the for the bridge because that stone should go down i'm guessing and we'll make us some money now does that show up in my reports of my budgets that i bought i bought tools it doesn't show up in there so i think what's happening i could be wrong this is this is a mod i think yeah this is a mod storage full it's missing i'm missing that um so i think they're like slowly accumulating these things and then we're using these things to buy stuff i guess not money i don't know i'm not sure how that works i'm back down to 100 bucks which we have gold mines in this game we do have we do have gold mines in this game uh i just got i just have to find find gold and my bailiff is uh is slacking i don't know how to do can i get you to do other jobs why don't i get you to look the other rocks go look at the other rocks workshop is done okay let's go hire somebody you are there okay um i want you to do a project i want you yup i don't have a project for you but i don't know how to make how do i tell you to have a project is there a thing i do here masterpiece fountain masterpiece i went next to my house or like this is kind of the town square like right over here would be kind of neat like if we had it it takes marvel only marble i think oh all right i've done this okay do a big thing as a walk around i can't say that's not territory forget these rocks we don't need them anymore okay i need um things go on top of that like that guy and then little people remember our brave fighters from all those years ago i put a golden one up on top yeah okay 15 masterpiece parts that's what that means also needs five gold so it's not gonna get built what do you want uh five bread hey i like those kind of jobs i'll give you bread okay let's talk about that bread no eating bread for a minute king wants his bread i'm gonna start i'm not gonna start selling fish we're starting to get a bit of a collection of fish around here am i stockpiling it yeah oh we gotta fix your people yeah go work in there king i got your bread i think will you bring bread in here please that bread cooked up and brought over here he gets fresh bread what a lucky king well maybe lucky if we can get the bread in there somehow are you working here back here you bakers [Music] yeah what are you doing yeah yeah there you go get to work fifth bread come on now 20 bread somewhere around here 40 villagers i'm in the negatives because we're buying something probably there's 200 bucks okay um no longer stockpile that stuff you can do that okay i'm gonna start selling some fish those those casters are starting to get kind of uh kind of like these uh these guys not my mages oh speaking of mages there's supposed to be a sorcery tower in here that i picked up medieval fair capitalism oh i know i can't i need more land let me put my medieval fair in window sets fancy decorations what can we do what is this going to be why's it gonna be in my territory what kind of things can i make here statues cauldrons skulls on pikes boats the boat free can we like put it on the water please yeah i want one of those and i'd like uh siege weapons please uh gallows a guillotine a little too new for us i didn't see any galas i saw a guillotine and uh oh there we go some stocks yeah you know someone's alright it's on my house let me go too far from that too far from what oh over here from what fine i won't put you in there oh he has to be the bottom i'm going to be the bottom of the water then um any more water things we can put in here all this stuff this is all just just decorations you can just sort of throw in but i want a cat can you live over here let's do it let's do that again pumpkins wow that's a ton of stuff never ending gravestones doors animated gates oh okay build a boat check it out there's a boat in the water uh i need a gate this is cool mods are neat oh you may not be able to oh cause that's the territory right there um it's about my catapult across the street what covered a nice barge let's get um here we go okay yeah put that over there maybe maybe a ballista in front of my house and uh maybe a trebuchet that can like hang out around here somewhere a little bit in the way and a guillotine just random things you just throw in town okay put the cat on the boat i wonder if i can one cat please up on on the boat can i raise him up somehow he's gonna be in the water i think yeah he's in the water no no okay no don't put him in the water that's not nice cancel the green one there okay uh i'll put a cap oh here we'll just do it back here so fancy decorations back here i want to put in some pikes you know the occasional just so people know what they're dealing with here in case they weren't sure when they saw the guillotine some pikes over this way that's too far all right fine fine i'll put this they put them all over here and then we'll put in um um a sword and stone that's a little too much that's too far piles of coal i went my backyard i want i want a cat you can stay here between these two skulls it's a good spot for them no chickens though i'll take a little bunny though there we go okay [Laughter] just sitting in the in the swaying grass hey exaine how's it going check it out what a happy little town uh it's my bedtime how many cats could have one you could have as many cats as you want it could be cat island over there it will be if i could afford it it would be uh ugly bread's back that's that's something uh let me go into business selling some fish so we got plenty of that i will sell let's keep like 50 around just make sure we don't get out of control here but we'll sell above the 50. and no one wants to buy my bread so i'm not going to worry about that and then i have 70 cloth now stop stop buying cloth you who's doing it you cloth man stop it uh don't nothing don't don't do anything oh swords changing mine i'll take some swords okay i don't wanna stop playing but i got uh i gotta i gotta give it but look where it's it's it's not halfway but it looks like it's halfway if i could afford it i'd buy the 3 000 planks then get the thing done but i can't you get some pretty cool bridges in this game too and i've not unlocked i haven't unlocked half of the cool bridges out it's my territory i can't put it in there um i don't know when we start getting it but there's like hedge walls you get some really neat bridges stone bridges and you can like build onto them and you can like put i mean i've i'm rather proud of the bridges i've made in the past uh playthroughs of this i mean it takes the whole playthrough to get the bridge done as you can see but it's um it's it's pretty good stuff okay i didn't even get up next to the next level of of people um it says it's easy we'll see about that you want to have do we have any swords yet no i think we're no until we get a sword i think we're no good plus we're all a bunch of novices we have to train i do have cloth we can train actually over here where are they at nice guy i think they train with these things it says decorative though i think they actually train stick a banner in here too could be wrong i think they train all right i gotta go again let's recall it a day here so i'm not getting any more options to do more um to look at more of these things i thought every time he came back he was able to look at another one of these things i don't know why anyway i need to go to bed i'm gonna check out that other get that um that pen and paper thing tomorrow i'm looking forward to it so let's uh let's wrap it up what a town the bridge is almost there if i if i put the camera just right the bridge looks done like let's do something like like right look at the bridge is done picture time there you go there's not let's get those trees it's already um maybe a screenshot mode backspace ui control you yeah there we go and the bridge is the bridge is done don't say anything here we go yeah look at people people on the road makes it look even cooler okay so my mum's gonna marvel at my town for a little bit let's wrap it up uh save the game um sure and uh and uh i uh if i do stream tomorrow i might play a little bit of some like neil scavenger or something just because uh i feel like it but i think i don't know i don't play any things the game is closed but the music's still there goes look a little concerned there um anyway um so you're everyone has a um a task today um and everyone's job for the day um you don't need to buy it if if you may have bought if you have a bought and some bundles on inside i o you may have it for free so if you do then your job is to come in and check this out and tell me how what you thought of it um don't buy it that's not that's not part of the homework only if you own it already it was in i think it was in both the um there's a couple bundles that has come that's put out recently that's that this is part of um it's a it's a it's like a it's like a pen and paper city builder and so that's that's your homework that's my homework it's also yours it looks really really cool you build you sort of start out building so that's about the beginning of stream and um i'm very intrigued by it this is by the folks that made nowhere profit so anyway um i'm going to bed so thanks for watching thanks for hanging out everybody for some more foundation it's been a while since i've played out i might have to come back and play some more of it because i like foundation and um we're gonna call it a day so uh have a good one and um that's all i got to bye [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Nookrium
Views: 32,224
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: going medieval, city builder, colony builder, rimworld
Id: dgwBtA5xfpg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 176min 39sec (10599 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 29 2021
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